HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-74.-3-20 . ~ ~ 8J;f,~ ( v'f (V) (vi ( v') ( ) (0 (0 (~ ( ( ) (0 ( ) ( ) (0 ~ ( ) ( ) (/) (v) ( ( ( SITE PLAN ELEMENTS ~100-134 Town Code Lot, block, and section number, if any, or the property taken from tax records Name and address of the owner of record -' Name and address of the person preparing the map Date, North arrow and written and graphic scale Sufficient description or information to precisely define the boundaries of the property. All distances shall be in feet and tenths of a foot. All angles shall be given to the nearest ten seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in ten thousand. The locations, name, and existing width of adjacent streets and curb lines The location and owners of all adjoining lands, as shown on the latest tax records ) Location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations, and areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining property. A complete outline of existing deed restrictions or covenants applying to the property Existing zoning Existing contours at intervals of five or less, referred to a datum satisfactory to the Board ,opot ~Q-6 eYT\'S Approximate boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater overflov Location of existing watercourses, marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops isolated trees with a diameter of eight inches or measured three feet above the base of the trunk and other significant existing features. Location of uses and outlines of structures, drawn to scale on and within one hundred (100) feet of the lots. Paved areas, sidewalks, and wehicular access between the site and public streets Locations, dimensions, grades and flow direction of existing sewers, culverts and waterlines as well as other underground and above ground utilities within and adjacent to the property. Other existing development, including fences, landscaping and screening The location of proposed buildings or structural improvement The location and design cfall uses not requiring structures such as off street parking and loading areas. The location, direction, power and time of use of any proposed outdoor lighting or public address systems. The location of,and plans for, any outdoor signs The location and arrangement of proposed means of access and egress, including sidewalk"4 driveways or other paved areas; profiles indicating grading and cross sections showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalks and lcoation and size of water and sewer lines. ) ) ) OVER.. . / ! Site plan elements cont. (~IOO-134) ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Any proposed grading, screening and other landscaping including types and locations of proposed street trees. The location of all proposed waterlines, valves and hydrants and of all sewer lines or alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. ) ) ) ) An outline of any proposed deed retrictions and/or covenants. Any contemplted public improvements on or adjoining the property. If the site development plan indictes only a first stage, a supplementary plan shall indicate ultimate develoment. ) Any other information deemed by the Planning Board necessary conformity of the site plan with the intent and regulations to determine of this chapter. ~~ ~~ /' ~ L.~Hh.l!A'___ ATIORNi;:::;;:7--- 828 FRONT STREET. P_ 0_ BOX 803 GREENPORT, NY 11944 1516) 477-1016 'JAN 1 2 1987 January 9,1987 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Donald and Joann Ritter Site Plan Application Gentlemen: Please indefinitely adjourn the pre-submission conference scheduled in the above-referenced matter for January 12, 1987 at 8:00 P.M. We are in the process of revising our plans for this property and may not need site plan approval. Once our plans are definite I will notify you of the manner in which we wish to proceed. JKM/sk '- J ~ 'c.--~ ~ Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAO. STATE ROAO 25 SOUTHOLO. L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 15161765.1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3584-SE Application Dated November 25, 1986 TO: J. Kevin McLaughlin, Esq. as Attorney for MR. AND MRS. 828 Front Street, Box 803 Greenport, NY 11944 [Appellant (s)] DONALD RITTER At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on ~~)9&7 1987, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated belQ~ was taken on your [] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [Xl Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 100-30(B)[lJ (100-31) [] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [] Request for Application of DONALD AND JOANNE RITTER for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Artlcle III, Section 100-30(B) (100-31) for per- mission to convert existing one-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling. Location of Property: 2585 Peconic Lane, Peconic, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-74-03-20. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on January 8, 1987 in the Matter of the Special Exception Application under No. 3584 for DONALD AND JOANNE RITTER; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question is located in the "A" Residential and Agricultural Zoning District, is situated along the west side of Peconic Lane, in the Hamlet of Peconic, Town of Southold, and is more particularly identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 74, Block 3, Lot 20. 2. The subject premises contains a total area of 11 ,000 sq. ft. and frontage (lot width) of 50 feet and is improved with the following structures as depicted by survey revised November 14, 1986, prepared by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C; (a) 2t-story, single-family dwelling structure set back 23 ft. from the front property line, and (b) accessory garage of a size 20' by 20' located in the rearyard area. 3. By this application, appellants request a Special Exception under Article III, Section 100-30(B), subsection (1) of the Zoning ~~(CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) ~ . ~ DATED: February 5, 1987. Form ZB4 (r8v. 12/81) CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Page 2 - Applit."No. 3584-SE Matter of DONALD AND JOANNE RITTER Decision Rendered February 5, 1987 Code for permission to establish a two-family dwelling use in the existing single-family dwelling. 4. Column A-180 of the Bulk and Parking Schedule, and Article III, Section 100-30(B)[1] permits a two-family dwelling by Special Exception, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board, and a minimum lot area of 160,000 sq. ft., minimum lot width of 270 feet, and minimum lot depth of 250 feet. It is the position of this board that this application as requested for Special Exception use must be denied since this proposal is not in accordance with all the requirements of the zoning code, particularly the lot area, width and depth requirements. Accordingly, this Board is without authority to grant this application. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED, that a Special Exception for two-family use in existing dwelling be and hereby is DENIED as applied under Application No. 3584 in the Matter of DONALD AND JOANNE RITTER. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly adopted. * * * 1 k r~ 'A + rt w 2/', o <(< ...JO ~ !1 U _! "7 \1l ~ --, o ~; IJ'~! W CL :'1> :;;r " - ---~""~'9.5 . [~()~ . 4..::'i.l ,,>0 !:'\.) ~tY. 0';' +-, 0-: ";-' "",'t- - 0 o n o ,(-t- " ~ Z3' " -= ~ :~ --~-. .:';\ .... \ ~'--.-L. ~ . o ."', '" ~I----- :z L::..:. - - . - ^ ",T '" MAP jF I-fe n t~'-! N. S"-4^'O'OV"", 82:.78 -~- - ...r=-~~'='-"- I r- '-- I 'peat ~ ';t~ )' -i~'"€.' ., , hou.St:J I I , z y~ ~ ST<,yU &r , ' f'8t+-i. ele',j- .~~. , -,. -' ""," ~'~-.'--'-~------:J _ '....f')od ~ t:9~~~___~__ -~~;;: ~ ~i~e.:~ ill ~ , ~ E ~ f~+-q :-l.Y":'.:ew~ - - _. ~ - ... 'i.s'"!7Zti '4,j-:'W.---::- .1 (1 ~ ;,,!] .-': PROPERTY SUR.'JE.'ir.-Q FOk:. (-"I .....-.. ~ ; f-~ -" t , t_." 5 ~,-:},r'.,1" )...- ....,- --"~- SITUf~TE !\T / ~ -> J'O '\, 11'- "-- c-.. '. Su F"FO'-i<. Scale PEcONtG CO.,N .'( 30'::1" .' I Stt1 '"th oJ~S(': '.'"SO" 10 . ,'"!?Z6 ':;011': '~~'Je" B " ft-Op~:-~f"~ (tI/~'..e t. p:-"\_::~~ :~,~"" . :..r \ -- ," ,. r " ") ~,.. . 2:1:0.00.--.... ft. k;'~:h /\ / \l / I / , -', ~ -', Ce'~i;:::'I':d (;50"- -z..~' ~ " , ----- '-I I I I I , , I i I I . I .i I i ^ ~ _;;01 -l~ Ill! " '0 -~~ +- f ''l i I i . i _;.-" I .':)1, . " . _J ,,,,., I ! """J"', ._..,..,~.~... '" .,..~~~:........ ..... ",,",' ~"'... "",';' '- !':.,....'...." i.... p vhr",'~,~ cf ; ... .,' ...,.- ~'-. -~t'~- ..,_., v ....'-1 " _. .:"'., "',.. . j....r. .~.. ,'~ .. r-' :~','::";l Lr...... ! .~_;_' -;-~'" f;' f~" !"-l~'~'i~ ~:; ~~~; ;:~.l*~_~ .__.," .~_ c.J,~-'" ..._~ ',,.., ........,..;..,.....l~ ,...... ,-- '....."'...-.....'.''''..f.' ~-,~ ~., .~. \':::V ~'~L:'" t'y;.,-!. - ...., :r r.-',!~-"r ~,:~..,- i,:'"'-;' ,-.--', h"":(li'l riY:ll ~m C'-::' it' ih~ r""(-:; f~; <:;\~n t!'iO~" It:' i~ i"".!"~'?'-" f"':' f':1 h:: ~"'\.j1totr- t,'"... ,-,._~..-...-.- "'n.-..,.~l'1m"nt..1 rl""~' r.n'" " ......... '., 1< '_ '.'., "0 -f- . ~ .~.-,:.:i"- j'\" --<",~;",;r. lic'_::::': h87000 ,:; ~~Y~:,,::; > :i,;;::_/;::;~; ~r;~: ~~;:~1JQ v """-,.-..,' ,~~.~:.-;.-.ti"'n~ or~nt !C~-.-...- --, . -....- "'....."<' -"'" . . "....>' . '-,' '.. I rd_*,_ ". . !-=3,?-j~ ) \ . :Utl<! :!. t~Qv \-'1] GU.:',U'ctll-te(: d --rO -ree- t."-sr:' Eq~J\ t-i1:2'~;-' + u.s. Life 1\-t 1 t:':: \r1.s~I'~il~C: 06 :5Jrv"'j';d .)",,(! 'I, r..'-~ c:>C)f.:t4~fCl&'_ YAt-J i'L.;..{t-. F--', ..-"" V/ /<::'~ ~ . .:,,,.J--r :"l.,-CJ!j.r. (':'/;1":"tq -r,1;.: L;.~'J'i; :->>i"i: l':'~'-- Glevo+;:.;',S r-={.e,- +0 meat. -se:t level. - (J "'.. ..- ~"j .. L.lcer1,ed i...CH1d .;) ~Q\J 2,lj 1986 ;~"e,,~ort, . ___'__'_'_'___~~'___"~"___"_____'.~_ _._.~,____..".~o_.,_ _.___.. .,.___._.,_.._. '-.. ~I-.j,: ;' '!'.l ,...",~'.j~.:r,..; N.Y- . . ,/ -=N~ NOV Z 5 1986 828 FRONT STREET. P. O. BOX 803 GREENPORT. NY 11944 (6161477-1018 November 24, 1986 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan for Conversion of 2585 peconic Lane, peconic, NY into two-family dwelling Gentlemen: I have enclosed six site plans and environmental assessment form for the reconversion of 2585 peconic Lane, peconic, into a two-family dwelling on behalf of my clients, Donald and Joann Ritter. I have also enclosed the filing fee in the sum of $100.00. Please have this matter scheduled for a pre-submission conference as soon as possible. Very truly yours, JKM:kk Enclosures -I' ~,~ r:!ffi \d-' ----...-- TtJ(l :I.Y.S. t:nVlronment,,' (!uJlity 1~1~'IIl!',i ,1ct rcqlJir{~', ~ul;- ",,;,0,"", miss10n .th1S fa 1'111 , Jnd an cn'J1~ol.ltal revfl.:~1 ~lilllJc,:;, ;lbY{!' , i~ll~ d, by t 'booed ,:::" ::,,::,:,,::.: ' ;',:",:,,:: :;'; ,'S:i~~l ;N~~;Y~'J.::.. ,;;,:(,;::;, , ' .:',:/.:.:'\t.n\:,~~ "; t"':"":I':,.~',:.',',.'i.,;~.~;:.\:'\', ::'.....~ :,......;,~.':~:.~~.: J'If!TPt'CT"C' Sf :":.::' ; .'. ,. .' il,:'.:'" (:~{I:'}~ .r: . ~ . hi., 4 .. " ;.,:':::.~. "!"->~!';'~:"'~~':~:;~;l~,i,;,t;,~:( "'~'.';.?'::'. :' ::. :,:'~'::\ '. . (al In order to answer the quc~t1on' in thls short EAr 13 is ass=ed thn tho . . ; ".:!:,.:' '. ": . ,j',. prer..rer wll! use c~rrentli' ava1lable 1nfor.-....t1cn concerninl\ tho Froj.ct an1 ~h. ';'-;'\".:~l:.' 'I:.,"(i,il:.:.... ". :;!'ll~.lY 1.:;>act. of the action. It 13 not e"Pected that oddltlo,..l nudlo" roc.lrch: '.:;.:7j~1:" :~.\i:.i:.::~:.~.:.~..or_ C;her. .1nv~:;t.16atlon:J will bo Wldortukon. ._, y,.' ,,'1' ..,I'!'i.:~:~'~I~.:t ~.'.~.\.!..Jf..:....~.;I~.,;.~.;.,.;.;..,;.;.,.;;,.. ".\ '.'.....'.':'.1.... .l;. "_. ..' ."'......,~,,...,.II;.~ .,~":i'\.;:~:::r:.::;::.~.,~..:~~-i'(.-:: (ll) It any question has bun an~wared Yos thn projoct ""'y L. .1gn1f1cant-a'nd s' .:: '. "'''r'' ..t.,...., , t'd -nv1rcnr.:- tal Au -.~ t form 1- ec -0'-/ . . . ,". .\ ...,...., ..f:~;:"''''' ~:-r';t"..!.),lcc~?..e e , to ....,n wJGv,",...fJn .. n c:J.... . ,. . ~.:':':'::.I~";f.;S,:'~'..-.r~~{y:'.. .' - \f ~;.. .... ,';j t:,'-J- ". ..j...; ."! .J ,'it' :,: ". . " '~'" . . ,; . _ . !:..',,.: \ )",':'..i:~;:':'i:;' ~.';:" '," . t,';, ':':'.::;1.'; ,.d.......:,.. :,' (elIr all qUestions tlOvo boen answorod /10 i~ b likely tr.llt this projoct 10 ".,;.:;, ,,::,/:i':::i\i..;..\::~:~t~~~:c~'\,~;~~f,~1.~~a,n~~. ,:. 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J. 101111 project. alter or h->ve a larg. effect on :i'''::, en oX~5t1ng body of water,? . . . . . . . . . . Yc~ X' 110 ....,__ "'. 4. Will project. hnve a potontially largo impact. On l' gr':)'...lr.~water quality? J .' . . . . . . . . . . . ....' S. WUl project. sis;n1!icar.tly'offect drsir.age nOM ',"':;. on adjACent sites? .a.......:.... 6.' Will proj.ct affect any threatened or endangered '(.,~1'.:it.:''''' plant or nn1:.11 :specics? . . . . . . . . . . . .tt.h;/. '..~j(. :;;.'[f': ':::' .' I ~ . '. ,I ".1:1. Yo, i 110 .' " ';/- Yo. x No YQ, X' :to 7. W111 project rosult in a ~ojor ad~orne effect on air q'Jal1t:r? . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Yo, x rio . , ,\~ .,....... . -;'.' '.' . , 8. Will project havo a ~~jor effoct On vl,unl CrAT- ac~er of the co~~un1tl or ncenlc v1cwu or V13toa known to bo 1cportant to'tho co~~unlty? ... ".' . ',;<'.\ ; -;:; ~~J. ' ~.., . ;'.:\'" .- '1'., "',,, ......';,';;.,;J.. X !lo";: -.!.,t':l";'.b: . ''''',. c..... . . . . ...t~:~;Ni X No ..,! ',' . .\;' 9. " Will project adver.ely ~pact any ,ita or str"c~ cre of hi.tor1c, prO-historic, or poloontOlogical i~portance or any s1ta daoigr.otod ne 0 cr1tlcnl er.v1ro~ental area by 4 local agoncy? ... 101111 proJoet heve a r..IIjor .ffoct en ex1cting'or future recreat10nal opportunit1o~7 . . . n. W1ll pro jee t rosul t in' rr.ll jar tra ff ic probl.",3 or e:tu:u a major effect to cX1:Jt11Il; tron:oportot.1c.n sYStcrr..::s? . . . . . . . . . . . . Ye, '.. 10. Ye, ')(. 110 :.. Yes '.X" ~,o ... " .". , "', . ";.-,' . .' '..:-, 12. '.-/111 project regul~rly cau~e ob.lcct1Qn~blo oeor:', nQlso, glare, vlhr'tlon, or olectrical dlocllrt-- anca: an .1 result of the projcct'~ operntlon? . Yc ~ --1S !Ie 1). Wl11 project have any ~"pact On public heAlth or S.1!ct,/" . . . , . , . . . . . f Yea X ,:~ I!.. Will PI'oJect Mr,.ct ~h. exlninl, COr:l.""101ty by d1ri!'ctl, cau:1n~ a ~rc;.rth In ;:L'r:--:l1ncnt pop11.1J- t~cn of ~orQ t~Jn 5 ~crccnt Over J One-your p~r1od ~ h~ve d ~~jor n~~Jtlve eff~ct On t~e ch.Jr.)C't~I' of t:ie cO~:'unl.'1 ':r r.~l~tl..:orhocd'). , Ye~ ~ r:o Y~9 --Z ~lo 'i:' 15. I~ there r!'n::?.t.~E2' j S:r:::.r: :- ~:-:.r: Attorney !Hr;:E:i:::;;I::~: OA:-~: November It ' 1986 "1118