HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-74.-1-38PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York I 1971 Fax (516) 765-1823 August 7, 1992 CERTIFIED MAIL Herodotus Damianos 1212 Route 25A Stony Brook, New York 11790 RE: Proposed Minor and Major Subdivisions for Peconic Trails Peconic, New York SCTM# 1000-74-1-38 Dear Mr. Damianos: The Planning Board recently reviewed the above mentioned subdivision applications which were made by David Saland in 1987, for the property currently under your ownership. On August 14, 1989, the Planning Board granted sketch .approval to the proposed minor subdivision. Sketch plan approval was conditioned upon submission of final maps within six months of such approval. Since this condition was not met, the sketch approval expired. The proposed major subdivision was designed in conjunction with the minor subdivision, but was not pursued by Mr. Saland. The major subdivision file will be closed, without prejudice, at the Planning Board's September 14, 1992 public meeting. Accordingly, any future proposal to subdivide this property will require a new application and application fee. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. cC: David Saland Very truly yours, c . V a nOrlowsk , JUDITH T. TERRY SEP 2-t L ........... ~ ~Towll. ltall, 53095 Main Road ~a ~,-, : ~ FU.~OX lily ~ff~ ,~ ......... $o~;:~ew York 11971 ~ FAX (516) 76~-1823 ~LEPHO~ (516) 765-1801 TO~ OF THIS IT TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the reimbursement of $3,000.00 to David Saland, which sum represents the difference between the filing fee for major subdivision of Peconic Trails and minor subdivision of Peconic Trails; all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board. Southold Town Clerk September 27, 1989 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLEKK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTIC5 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-180! September 28, 1989 David Saland. P. O. Drawer A Jamesport, New York 119q7 t989 Dear Mr. Saland: In accordance with a resolution of the Southold Town Board on September 26, 1989 (copy enclosed), transmitted herewith is a check in the amount of $3,000 representing the difference between the major and minor subdivision filing fees for Peconic Trails. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Planning Board~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD September 15, 1989 Judith Terry Town Clerk Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Terry: RE: Peconic Trails SCT~ ~1000-70-1-38 The above mentioned subdivision application and fee came in as a major subdivision on October 15, 1987, however, since then the application has become a minor subdivision. The applicant, David Saland, would like to get reimbursed for the difference. The applicant paid $5,500.00 for the major subdivision and he owes $2,500.00 for the minor subdivision. Coul~the Town Board please consider reimbursing Mr. David Saland the difference, in the amount of $3,000.00? Thank you. very truly yours, ' ENNETT ORLowSKI, JR. ' ~'~ CHAIRMAN '- cc: David Saland Southold Town Planning Board Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Peconic Trail Associates major P, O. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 August 5, 1989 subdivision, ~NNI~.~G BOARD SCTM 1000-74-1-38 Dear Chairman and Planning Board Members: Peconic Trail Associates has been attempting to subdivide a 44 acre parcel on the North Road at Peconic, New York for almost two years now. To date, we have received no approvals from your Board. Our most recent submission, a sketch plan designed to the specifications and recommendations of your Board, was submitted on May 10, 1989. More than three months have passed without this new plan being placed on your Board's agenda for sketch approval. A recent phone conversation with Melissa Spiro indicated that only two members of the Board had attended the August 3, 1989 work session; a session at which this plan could have been reviewed and been placed on your August 14 agenda. As Peconic Trail Associates has done its job in submitting a plan drawn to your specifications, we ask that you fulfill your obligation as Planning Board members and review this plan at your August 10 work session so that it can be placed on your August 14 agenda. General Managing Partner Peconic Trail Associates LSA:ml CC: George R. Latham, Peters Neck Point, Orient, NY 11957 Kenneth Edwards, William Mullen, Bayberry Road, Nassau Point, NY 11935 Richard Ward, 4400 Old North Road, Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Main Road Southold, NY Planning Board 11971 P. O. Drawer A Jamesport, NY May 10, 1989 BY HAND 11947 I SOUTHOLD IOWN : L PLANNING BOA~_~) RE: Peconic Trail Associates 1000-74-1-38 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed twelve prints of the Minor Subdivision Sketch Plan and twelve prints of the Cluster Subdivision Sketch Plan for Peconic Trail Associates. As these plans were drawn to the Planning Board's recommendations, we would anticipate this proposed subdivision will be placed on the agenda for sketch plan approval immediately. Sincerel3! ~ ~av~d J.~aland Managing Partner Peconic Trail Associates DJS:ml Encs. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD David Saland Saland Real Estate, Inc. Main Road Jamesport, NY 11947 Dear Mr. Saland: February 22, 1989 RE: Peconic Trails SCTM#1000-94-1-38 The Planning Board reviewed the latest "sketch" map which combines a minor and a major subdivision. The Board had the following comments. 1. The Board is in favor of the parcel being divided first as a minor of 3 lots (2 lots to the north and 1 larger parcel). The remaining portion will then be further subdivided as a major subdivision, Lots 1 and 2 will have to be covenanted with a restriction of no further subdivision. The 12 lots in the major subdivision must be clustered above the LILCO easement. Please see enclosed sketch of this concept. 2. The Board requests that the road be designed with some curves, a tap road to the property marked as Diller, and a connection to the existing ROW on the east side of the property. The Board also requests that an east/west easement at the northern end of the property be designated for future dedication to the Town. 3. Before final approval will be granted on the minor subdivision, a bond for the alternative road specifications will have to be posted. No building permit will be issued for Lots 1 and 2 until the road is built to the alternate specifications, or if the major is to be completed at the same time, to the major specifications. 4. A Homeowners association will have to be formed for the open space before final approval will be granted on the major subdivision, unless said open space is offered for dedication and accepted by the Town of Southold. Please contact the office if you have any further questions. very truly yours, ,~ /'~ ~ B~E~ ORLOWSKI, ~ C~I~ enc. $1 / / Saland Real Estate, Inc. £icensed Real Estate Brokers Main Road, Jamesport, lq"/11947 - (516) 722-4990 February 7, 1989 Pt.kNNING BOARD Bennett Orlowski,Jr., Chairman $outhold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sir: Peconic Trail Associates has been endeavoring for almost two years to come up with an acceptable sketch plan for the subdivision of 44.7 acres at North Road, Peconic, New York. We now insist that the Planning Board accept our latest proposal submitted, Monday, February 6, 1989 for 14 lots on the 44.7 acres or we will cluster 20 lots on the northern edge of the property which would increase the negative impact on the environment. As far as the economic feasibility of a five acre or ten acre subdivision, it is OUt of the question, regardless of major or minor road specifications. Please give our latest proposal the approval it deserves because it preserves the environment and makes the best possible planning for the greater area itself. Sincerely,. . . David ~. Sa~a General Partner Peconic Trail Associates DJS:ml Branch Offices: Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 - (516) 768-9805 176 Noflh Sea Road, Southampton, NY 11968 - (516) 287-2277 RICH/ffiD & SOPBIA GRERNFTRLD CABOT ~'S MOODS P.O. Box 188 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 January 23, 1989 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman, and Members of the Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11981 Dear Planning Board Members: We, the undersigned owners of four properties adjacent to, and potentially affected by the proposed subdivision of the land directly to our south (S.C. Tax #1000-74-1-38), wish to express our concern over the design of the subdivision, and to make the Planning Board aware of potential problems that are likely to arise should the major thrust of the development be pushed to the north end of the property. Of major concern to us is the potential drain on the supply of good, potable water. The further south one goes on the property, the greater the supply of water. However, as you get nearer to Long Island Sound, the aquifer gets thinner and thinner and the potential for salt water intrusion gets greater. This is not just theory. This past summer, on August 18th to be exact, on the waterfront parcel directly to the north, Sophia Greenfield inadvertently left a hose running overnight with the nozzle set on a misting position. The result: the next morning the water was brackish and completely undrinkable. It took three days, with no interim drawing of any water whatever, for the well to be drinkable again. Emil & Jenny Pupecki, caretakers for the parcels along the Sound immediate to the east of us report that for the last 20 years, those properties have had intermittent problems with salt water intrusion. It is our concern, that any radical increase in water demand near to the area where the aquifer has already shown itself to be fragile, will result in unpotable water for all. The further north development is pushed, the greater the chances of that happening. We therefore request that the Planning Board seriously consider the latest map proposed for the "Peconic Trails" subdivision, (dated September 1988) as the most acceptable design proposed. This proposal not only provides for 10 acres of unbroken meadow to act as a natural buffer and watershed on the north end, it also provides for an unbroken 8 acre scenic buffer off Route 48 as well, and clusters housing development to minimize negative environmental impact. Southold Planning Board 1/23/89 Pg. 2 And since the developer has indicated that he would consider covenanting the woodland against removal of trees, (except for construction purposes) it limits development of the woodland as well. Preserving this woodland provides for, as the East Hampton Town Board put it: "...stabilization and preservation of soil; maintenance of watershed areas; absorption of air pollution and production of oxygen; establishment of natural barriers to noise and habitats for wildlife; and creation of a desirable aesthetic quality which is a key factor in the town's existence as a rural resort community." We feel that this map provides the best compromise solution for the development of this parcel, and we urge the Planning Board to accept it. Sophia A. Greenfield, for: Richard & Sophia Greenfield Walter S. Ross Gary & Doreen Stanzoni Michael & Joanne McLean Jamesport, NY 11947 January 26, 1989 BY HAND JAN ."/1989 SOIJTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sirs: RE: Peconic Trail Associates Please find enclosed test well results and location map for the proposed major subdivision of Peconic Trail Associates at Route 48, Peconic, New York, as per your request. Sincerelv, n David J.{~Saland Managing Z~artner Peconic Trail Associates DJS:ml Encs. [[~ LABS, INC. 706033. LAB. NO. Environmental Testing Laboratories 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York 11747-5076 · (516) 694-3040 FIELD NO. 24 Pilot Plant Studies and O~her Analytical Services TIME COL. s¥ CU,~T · HARRY 6{1L.]I)HAH HATER HA)'H RD HATTI:TUCK ~ NY 11922 PEC6NZC TRAZLS~ .CHF. PECONZC i<,l '"'"'"'"' ,'o-0'l' m.o =',,, ,.,, c.co,, II1 · Color (und)) (15) ChioriU~ ling/I) (250) 2 ~ 0 PhompM{e (mg/I P) (3) Alkalinity (mg/I as CaO03) ' Copper (rog/I) (1.0) 0 1 I Total Aci.ity 06I Total Iron (m~'t) (0.3) ~ [ 0 Solids (mg/r) (mg/I CaCO3) Nltritn {m~l N) ~ T~p. COPIES TO: REMARKS: REFt HELL ~3 SALA#D~ PECONZC' I TESTA HARKED I EXCEED N.Y*S, LZHZT8 FOR POTADt. E HATER SUH OF 7RON A#D HANBANESE EXCEE~ 0.3 SIG NAT U RE~~_..~ ~~IT~ L E ) - Maximum Containment Leve~ IMCL) N.Y. State Sanitary Code LABORATORY DIRECTOR rDATE REPORTED 4/27/87 -~ LABs, INc. Environmental Testing Laboratories 5?5 Broad Hollow Road, Melville. New York 11 ?47-50?6 · (516) 694-3040 LAB. NO. FIELD NO. TIME COL. BY 706032. 23 CUST, HA:IN RD PECON][C TRA'I'LS~ PECOHI'C, HATT][TUCKv NY ~.~.722 C#F TREATED OTHER (3) LAB. O3 Free CO~ (rng/I) Nomograph -- Titration 0~ Magnesium 0 6 (mgm Fr. N) l<loi -101 1 Ammonia (mg/I Chromium (mg/I Cr I JlJ 111 J $OPIES TO: Temp. (Field) "F REMARKS: REF, #ELL ~2 1 TESTS H~RKE~ * EXCE£9 N,Y,S, LZHZTS FOR POT~gLE #RTER SUH OF iRON RND NANGANESE EXCEED~ 0,3 HG/L* SIGNATUR~~~ t TITLE ) - Maximum Containment Level (MCL) N.Y, State Sanitary Code LABORATORY DIRECTOR DATE REPORTED 4/27/E~7 LABS, INC. Environmental Testing Laboratories 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York 11747-5076 · (516)69~-3040 Water/Waste Water Laboratory · Hazardous Waste Laboratory · Air Testing Laboratory Pilot Plant Studies and Other Analytical Services LAB. NO. FIELD NO. 22 TIME coL. ev CU~T. HARRY 60LDHAN MATER ANAk. YSZS __ HAIN RD PECONZC TRAILa~ PECONZC.. HATTZTUCK~ NY 11922 :RAW I1)I[]TREATEO (2)~ OTHER (3)llL.~).~03 (~I) N.rete$,mg/lN} .o.o, 1-.I. .1ol I11 O~r: Cole (3} Alkalinity (mg/I as CaCO=) . Copper (rog/r) (1.0) 1 !1111 1111 COPIES TO: REMARKS: REF, HELL ,1~ SAL~ND~ PECONZC I TESTS HARKED a EXCEED N,Y.S, LIMITS FOR POTADLE HATER SUM OF IRON AND MANGANESE EXCEEDS 0.3 Ng/Lo LABORATORY DIRECTOR ( ) - Maximum Containment Level (MCL) N.Y. State Sanitary Code - LABs, INC. Environmental Testing Laboratories 5?5 Broad Hollow Road. Melville, New York 11747-5076 · (516) 694-3040 LAB. NO. 70,~0~'~ * FIELD NO. 25~ TIME COL. BY' CUST · HAIH RD HA lTl:TUCK. I SALAND R, E, I PECONIC TRAILS; PECONZC NY 11922 ~ CMF RAW (1) L.~jTREATED (21 OTHER 13) Odor: Cold Odor: Chlorides (mg/I) Total Alkalinity (mg/I as CaCO~) Magnesium 1 51 ~L (mg/I) Nitrites (mg/I N) COPIES TO: REMARKS: REF, HELl. ~'4 SALAND~ PECON~[C 1 TESTS HARKED // EXCEED NoY,So LTH;TS FOR POTAI~L.E MATER SUH OF ]:ROH ANI~,3q~pNGANESE EXCEEDS 0,3 HG/L* ~i~ATURE ~ /,'[ [ ~ '~ [ TITLE DATE REPORTED 51 ). / P, 7 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (SI6) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 6, 1988 David J. Saland Peconic Trail Associates P.O. Drawer A, Main Road Jamesport, NY 11947 RE: Proposed Major subdivision for Peconic Trails SCTM# 1000-74-1-38 Dear Mr. Saland, The Planning Board reviewed the above mentioned subdivision at their last work session. The Board requests that the lots be clustered to the north of the property and that the road granting access to the lots run along the boundary of the Michael Adams property. Please call this office, if you have any questions pertaining to the above requests. Town Hall, 5.3095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (s~6) ?6.s-~ 938 PLANN~G BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 27, 1988 Michael Adamowitz 6 Red Maple Lane Dix Hills, NY 11746 RE: Proposed major'subdivision of Michael Adams - N/S County Rd 48; 3120' W/O Henry's Lane, Peconic SCTM #1000-74-1-40 Dear Mr. Adamowitz: The Planning Board, through your agent HenryRaynor, is aware that you are not agreeable to the proposed joint development of your property with that owned by Dave Saland and Louis San Andres. It would be helpful if you could set forth the reasons for your position. Would a shifting of the road erase your objections (25'on each property)? The Planning Board will not approve either subdivision as originally proposed. However, it can approve a cluster proposal similiar to the one prepared by Saland and San Andres. Your prompt response would be appreciated. CC: jt Henry Raynor i~y yours CHAIRMAN PECONIC TRAIL ASSOCIATES P. O. Drawer A, Main Road Jamesport, NY 11947 September 15, 1988 Ms. Yalerie Scopaz Southold Town Planner Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Valerie: Please find enclosed a copy of the tenative sketch plan for Peconic Trail Associates. Please excuse the rough line drawings, however, it should give you a clear indication of what we are looking for. This plan starting on the southern boundary would allow eight acres open space with 500 feet deep preserved for the watershed area, then there would be 18 one acre lots, each with 153' road frontage (width) leading to a cul-de-sac into two five acre parcels at the northern boundary. This plan would call for a 1955.45 road which allows for 588.45 feet of road through the open space plus 1377 feet of road for the lots and 30 feet of road f©r allowance on both sides of the high tension lines. This plan would also allow the users of the right-Of-way at the eastern boundary of the property to enter on the proposed road and then have a right of way from the cul-de-sac to the eastern boundary, up the eastern boundary to the Long Island Sound. This configuration would enable Peconic Trail Associates to break even on their investment. incer , David Ji. Sa an Managing Partner DJS:ml Enc. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: P. O. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 February 12, 1988 On October 13, 1987, Peconic Trail Associates submitted to your Board twelve prints of a major subdivision sketch plan proposing a cluster subdivision for 20 residential lots off Route 48, Peconic, New York, along with a legal description and Application for Approval of Plat. On October 23, 1987, Peconic Trail'Associates submitted to your Board the completed Environmental Assessment Form for this proposed subdivision. On November 10, 1987, we were advised by Diane Schultze, Planning Board Secretary, that this plan would not be reviewed by the members of the Planning Board until the filing fee had been received. At the time we submitted the sketch plan and application, it was our understanding that this fee was not required until a preliminary submission had been made; however, we complied with this request by forwarding this fee on December 2, 1987. To date, we have not heard anything from your Board regarding this proposed major subdivision leading us to believe that this plan has been set aside. Several conversations with the secretaries in your office indicated that the!pan was scheduled to be reviewed during Planning Board work sessions. As we still have not received any comments on this plan nor an appintment on the Planning Board agenda, we are at a loss to understand the camse of delay and the justifiable reasons for the delay. We are well aware that there have been changes in the staff of your Board with the appointment of Yalerie Scopaz as the Town Planner and the departure of Diane Schultze as Secretary, but we cannot accept these changes as the basis for your Board's four months of silence on this proposed plan.~ We urge that you take action on this proposed plan as soon as possible. cc: Murph Super ncere , va~erle ~copaz, Planner \ ~ \ . Planning Board Members: ~t_.,~/ George R. Latham, Jr. David J. ~aland ~ ~ General Partner, Peconic Trail Associat~ Richard Ward PECONIC TRAIL ASSOCIATES P. O. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 December 2, 1987 Southold Town Planning,Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed our check no. 113 in the amount of $5,500 which represents the filing fee for the proposed major subdivision of Peconic Trail Associates at Peconic,New York. It is our understanding that upon receipt of this fee, the Planning Board will review the application and sketch plan forwarded to the Board approximately one month ago. If any further information to contact me at (516)722-4990. is needed, please don't hesitate $incerel~ General Partner DJS:ml Enc. ~I~E~VED BY DATE PECONIC TRAIL ASSOCIATES P. O. Drawer A, Main Road Jamesport, NY 11947 October 23, 1987 Southold Town Main Road Southold, NY Planning Board 11971 Dear Sirs: As stated in our previous letter, please find enclosed the completed Environmental Assessment form for our proposed major subdivision at Peconic, New York. The filing fee will follow shortly. DJS:ml Eric. land Real F- tate, Inc. ~,~~ . _~,.~ £icensed Rea] Estate Brokers !rice: Main Road, Jamesport, NY 11947 - (516) 722-4990 October 13, REALTOR~ RECE[VED BY ~OffiOLD lb~,,, ,,,,,.,.,,.,, ~DARD - gOT 15 1987 1987 Southold Town Main Road Southold, NY Planning Board 11971 Dear Sirs: As the agent and general partner of Peconic Trail Associates, please find enclosed the following with regard to our proposed cluster subdivision. 1. Application for Approval of Plat 2. Legal description 3. Twelve prints of cluster sketch plan Part I of follow shortly. can be placed on to contact me at DJS:ml Encs. the Long Environmental Assessment for will If any other information is needed before the Board's agenda, please don't hesitate 722-4990. this Branch Offices: Main Road, Southold, NY 1 lgT1 - (516) 765-9805 Main Street, Southampton, NY 11968 - (516) 287-2277 ~ISTRICT 000 ;ECTION ]74.00 :LOCK ]1.00 ~OT ~38. 000 CONSULT YOUIr LAWYER IIEFOIIIE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD I~ USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS MORTC~C~,made Se 17th day of August , ~net~n hundred and Eighty-Seven PECONIC TRAIL ASSOCIATES, a Partnership, with principal place of business at c/o Saland Real Estate, Inc., (No t) Hain Road, Jamesport, New York 11947, ,themortg~or. .m~_ a/k/a Ararat Paul Gezurian ~'gPM~NIRM~T~ residing at 68-36 ll2th Street, Ja~tca, New YorKILLJ15, as ~o an undivided two-six~hs (2/6) in~erestl ~ pA~~[reaidinS at 1360 Anderson Avenue~ Fort Lee~ New Jersey 07024~ as to an undivided one-six~h (1/6) tnterestt J~~ ~1 residing at 65-30 108th Street, Forest Hills~ New York 11375, as to an undivided one-sixth (1/6) interest~ and ~l~I residinS at 215-02 86th Avenue, Hollis, Ney York 11127, as to anLundivided one-sixth (1/6) interestl and OSG~ residini at 31-03 76th Street, Jackson ~eight8, NOv York 11370, as to--ed one-sixth (1/6) interest, the mortgagee, ~l~t~tto~ the~ent of in indebt~hminthes~ ~H~R~ FIVE ~OUS~ ~ 00/100 ......... ($475,000.00) ....................... ~n, hwf~ m~eyd~U~t~S~tes, ~id with interest thereon t=c~hU~bc=~thxxxxXXxxx/m%~xxxxxxxxxxxxxR~xxxs~ql~l~qd~x nceordln[ to a certain bond, note or obligation bt~rinE even date herewith, the mortgagor hereby mortgages to the mortga~ce .&l_L that ,certain plot, Piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, sitmte, lying and being in the at Peonic, To~m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follow8: i~OIl~ll~ at a point marked by s monument on the northwesterly line of Hiddle Road, Couflty Road 27 (North Road), which point is the most easterly corner of the premises herein described and the southwesterly corner of land of SledJeski; running THENCE along the northwesterly line of Hiddle Road, County Road 27, South 69° 27' 00" Nest, a distance o£ 572.99 feet to a point marked by a post and land of Dill~r; THENCE along said land of Dtller, the following four (4) courses and distancea~ 1) ~orth &8Q 10' 00# ~ast, e distance of 1171.20 feet; 2) North 47° 35* 20*" i/est, a distance of 364.33 feet; 3) North a7e 39* I0' West, a distance of 70&.20 feet; North 47e 53* 30"" West, a distance of 1606.85 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Naud Norganl THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said last mentioned land, North ~9° 08' 00" East, a distance of 458.55 feet to a point marked by a monument and land of Reiclunan and land of Sledjeski the following six (6) courses and distsncese 1) South 49° 02" 50" East, a distance of 2~72.56 feet; 2) South 48° 31' 50" East, a distance of 677.01 feet; 3) South §2° 58* 00" East, a distance of 56.3 feetl South ~3° 01' 00' East, a distance of ~3.1 feet; 5) South 46° 29' 00' East, a distance of 106.5 feetl and 6) Soath ~7° 46* 00" East, a distance of 699.15 feet to the point or place of OCE1VED BY APPLICATION POll APPROVAL OF PLAT- OCT 1 .~ lq~7 To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) app,'oval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 o[ the Town Law and the llules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under applioation, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be ...... r0~.jOJ~, a~D. di.v.J.,s.J.~7't. ~ ................... · ?.e..a.o..n.i.c.. ~.r.a.i.k.b.a..a.o.g.i.a. ;~ .a ............................................................. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: BEING RECORDED AT THIS TIME Lib O · Liber Page On · Liber Page On · Liber Page On · Liber .................... Page On · as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ....................................... or as distributee ........................ 5. The area of the land is ...4..~:.6. ~.8..2 ...... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid II:~pl~x ............ 7. The land is encumbered by .... ~.~ {.I.... ~g...1'19.], ~..Ipy.. ~.t;gp.~p. . .M.i~0.a, lfLy.~p ........... mortgage (s) as follows: BEING RECO~RDED (a) l~{ortgage recorded in Liber .............. ra,~e .................. in original amount of $...4Z5~ el00., unpaid amount $ ·.·475.,.0.00 ......... held by . .............. address 6.8.-36 112 Street, Jamaica, Ne.w. York (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ......... Page ....................... in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ...................... address ' (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ...................... ...................... address ................................ . ......................... 8. There arc no other encumbrances or liens against the land l~:~{~g ........................ 9. The land lies in the follmving zoning use districts ....A..R.8.Q .............................. 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide xvater, stream, pond water or other~vise, ex- II. 12. NONE cept ................................................................................... The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. The land (ltqltg~k (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is .............................................................. 13. %Vater mains ,viii be laid by ...... N.~.A .................................................. and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by .... .L.: .I.:.L.:.C...O.: ....................... 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ..................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. Gas mains will be installed by ...... .N/..A .................................................. and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. If streets shoxvn on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highxvay system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold lIighway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensious of streets on adjoiulng sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions xvlth the proposed streets. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading, and required public improvements will be $ .......... as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at .............. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". DATE ...~..~..1 ~ ...... 19.~7. ..~...~..~..~.~.~....'~.?..(~..'~.1.-. ~~.~. ....... (N/~f .App/ca~i-' '/~'-' '/" t (Address) STATE OF NE'~V YORK, COUNTY OF . ..~.. ~ ..... ss: On.~.he .... .!...~...... day of ~ ~. ,19 ~. ~.,beforemeperso. nallycame · .~-~. ~.~~ .. to me k~'i~ ~e t~e i~dlvidual described in and who executed the foreg.oing' instrument, and ackno}vledg'ed that ............ executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ............................ ss: On the ................ day ............ of ............... 19 ....... before me personally came ........................ to me known, who being, bY me duly sworn did de- pose and say that ............ resides at No ..................................................... ................................. that .......................... is the .......... the corporation described in and which executed the foregolng~ instrument; that ............ knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that ............ signed .............. name thereto by like order. ~EC~JVED ,BY SOU'II LD TOWI4 FLAHHING BOARD ?o vN or SOUrHO .D rlP, T 2 1987" EAF ........ DAT~ ..... ENVIRO;IH£NTAL ASS£SSMENT ' 'PART ! HOTICE: This ~cu~en: ~, desk?ned to as$tst in detennlntng whether the action P~Dosed may have any additional ~n¢on~a~ton you believe vtll be needed ~o comoletn PARTS 2 and J. NA~ OF P~OJEOT: · m~jn~ ~,,haluiaion.of Pe6onic' AND N~ OF APPLICANT: Peconic Trail Associates (ha~) c/6"'David J. Salano, Main Road JamesDort, NY 11947 {P.~.) (sca:e) (zip) '(Name) ~P.o.) (State) ~en. ~ar~ner BUrN;SS PHONE: O£SE~IPTIO'I Or P~O~[CTt (Briefly describe'type of project or action) _of 44.6282 acres into cluster subdivision of majoF subdivision 20 lots (PLEASE CDHPL/T£ EACH qUESTIO?I - Indicate N.A. if not applicable} A. SITE DESCRIPTION ''. (Physical setting of overall project, both develoned end undeveloped areas). i. General character of the land: Generally unifor~ s!opeL Generally uneven and rollinq or trreoula Prosent land use: On)an , Industrial , Con~nerctal , . Agriculture ~ ,-Other, '~ Total acreage of project area:44+acres, Headow or Brushland _~., Suburban - ., Rural , Forest Presently After Con~letfofl Presently After Comple , O acres ],~.acres Hater Surface Area 0 R. R acres 5_t~--acr es Onvegetated (rock, 3~.8.acres 1~. ~acre5 earth or fill) 0 O Other (indicate ryes) 0 acres i.1.~_4 ac a. '~a: ,~ "-:~.m,an~ soi~ t;,~e(s) o, ,~;ect site: H_~A. Haven Loam-0%-2%slope 9;l.':i t. "-a: ~s dn~ta tc ~edreck? .... .N.~.A. ............. {', 'eec) 6. ApOroxir~te Percentaoe of PrePQsed oroject site with slooes: 0-10~100%'5,; 1~-1~! 0% %; 15: or greater .. ~ ~. ' 7. ;S P~3ect contig~us to, or contain a bu~d~nn or s~te ~sted on the Hat~ona~ Register of H~stortc Pt aces? Yes X~o ' 8. W~at ~s the dept~ to the water tabteT ~S feet 9. ~ hunting or ftshing Opportunities presently exist tn the pro~ect areaT Yes x No ~0. ~es P~ect S~te contain any species of p~ant or anima; t~Fe that ~s ~deflttf~ed as t~reatened or eflda~qered . ,Yes ~ :10, acco~ing to - Identify each species 11. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e. cliffs, dunes~-other geological fomattons . - Yes x Ho. (Describe area - Yes x No. 14. Streams vtthin or COntiguous tO P~ect area: i. Na~ of Stream and na~ 15. Lakes. Ponds, $Jet]and areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Idame , : b. Stze (in acres) . ~,/A 16. Vhat is the dominant land use and Zoning classification within a 1/4 mile radius of the project (e.g. stngle family residential, R-2) and the scale of development (e.g. 2 storT). AR80 8. PROJ[CT D[SCRZPT%ON I. Physical di~nstons and scale of pmject (fill in dimensions as a~ropr~ate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned by p~ject sponsor ~ acres. b. Project acreage developed: 3~.~cres initially; ~Scres ultimtely. ~- P~ject acreage to r~fl ~de~eloped d. Length of project, In ~tles: ~./~ (if appropriate) e. IF Pmject is in expa,sion of existing, Indicate p~rcent of expansion proposed: building square foot- age H/A ~ developed acreage ~. ~l,~er of off-strut parking spaces existin~ . 0 ; proposed g. Haximum vehicular trios generated per hour 1 ~ ,(u~on C~pletton of project) h. If residential: Nu~er and type of housin~ units: · Dna Family Two Family Initial 20 Ultimate 20 Multiple Family Estimated £moloyment Condominium -2- How ~uch natur~l material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be re~ved f~ the site - ,, 0 g. 10. 11. tons cubic yar~ How many acres of veqetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) ~tll be re~ved fr~ site - 3 acres. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important veaetation be remOved by t.ts Are there any plans for re-vegetation to reolace that removed during construction? ~ Yes ~o Jf single Dbase project: Anticioated period of construction ~6months, (including demolition). If multtophased oroject: a. Total number of phases anticipated NO. N/A b. Anttctoated date of cor~encement phase I month year (Includin9 demolition) do Is phase 1 financially dependent on subseouent ohases? Yes ~lll blasting occur du~ing construction? Yes N~ber of ~obs §chef&ted: during construction ~0 ~um~er of ~obs eliminated by this pro, eot ~ . WIll Pre, eot require relocation of any Dro~ects or facilities? . Yea X ~o. ~f yes. exolain: lZ. e. Is surface or subsurface ltqutd ~aste disposal in¥olved? ~ Yes ~o.' b. Zf yes. indicate type of ~aste (sewage, industrial, etc.) ~n~ ~ c. If surface disposal name of stream into which effluent wiS] be discharged 15. Vi11 surface area of existing lakes, .ponds, streams, bays or other surface wate~ays be increased or decreased by prooosal? Yes X No. 14. Is project or any ~ortion of project located in the 100 year flood plain? Yes X NO 15. a. Does ~ruject involve disoosal of solid waste? x Yes No b. If yes, will an existing sqltd waste disoosal facility be used? ¥ Yes ~.._No c. If yes, give name: ~ 8outhold : location Cutchoq~e d. tHll any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system ~r into a sanitary landfill? Yes -X 16. Will urn!eot use herbicides or pesticides? V Yes NO Lawo Care 17. Will project routinely produce odors (mere than one hour ocr day)? . Yes X NO 18. ~ill project produce ooerating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? Yes X No lg. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~ Yes domestic elqg~ic ~0. If water suooly is from wells indicate Oumein9 capacity 10 gals/minute. ~l. Total anticinated wa~er usage per day _6_000 dais/day. ~. Zoning: a. II,mt ~s doninant zoning classification of site? ARB0 b. Current soeci¢ic z~nin9 classification of site ~80 _ No. If yes. indicate type(s) e. ls any Federal permit required? Yes X NO b. ODes project involve State or Federal funding or financing? _~Yes c. Local and Regional eoprovals: _X No ADoroval Requi red Submittal Aporoval (Yes. No) (Type) (Date) (Date) City, Town. Village Board ~ cluster City, Town, Village Planning Board ~ .~_~bOivlslon IU/87 -- City, Town. Zoning Board no City. County Health Department Other local agencies ~ ~1¥~ sevage--dl~oaal. Other regional agencies SOPC ' .~ ..'SubG1V State Agencies no Federal Agencies no ¢. InFORmATIONAL O£TAIL$ Attach any additional lnfo~tton os r~y be n~eded to clarify your project. If there are or may be any edverse imoacts associated wi~,b~the propos,,lloJDlease ~is~s$ suc~ i~acts and the ~msures whtc~ can t~ken to mitigate or ~void t~ .'/ ~ / / / be TITLE: General ~ar tner REPRESENTING: Peconic Trai1 Associates DAT[: EAF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. * PART I! P~ro~ect Impacts and Their Ma~nitu~- General lnf~,'~stio~ (R~ Carefully) - In complecing tee form the reviewer should be guided bl the question: #ave my decisions ·nd determtn~ been reascn·ole~ The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. - Identifying that ·r effect wtll be Potentially large (column 2 does not ~·n t )tpnificant. Any l·~ effec* --.-o ~ ....... ) hat it is also necessar effect in column'Z si~]~ ~-~:'~[ ~ ~va?a?e in PART 3 to determine significance. By identifying - The £xa~les prOvided are to assist the reviewer b shawin of' magn~cuoe that w~-Ia )-~ ...... Y g types of effects and wherever Possible the ~- ~ ~-,weF a response lo colu~m Z. The examples are generally applicable through, State and for ~st situations. 8ut, for'any spectftc project or site other exa~les sod/or I~wer thee my be more approartate for · Potential Large Impact erring. - Each project. ~ each site, in each locality, will vary. Therefore. the examples have been offered They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to ·ns~r each nuestion. - The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. INSTRUCTIONS (Read Carefully) · . Answer each of the 18 questions-in PART Z. Anser Yes tf there will bean Y effect. b. ~aybe answers should be considered as YeJ·nswers. C. If answering Yes 'to a Question then check the appropriate b~x (~Jl~ 1 or 2) to Indic·tm the poten size of the imp·ct. If imp·ct threshold equal· or exceeds, eny eaampSe PrOvided, check column Z. ! impact w111 occur but threthold is lower than example, check col~m~ 1. d. If reviewer has doubt ·bout the size of the imp·ct ~ben cpostder the Im·C~ proceeq to PART 3. . e. If a potentially large impact or effect can be reduced by · change in the Project to · less than ia, magnitude, place · Yes in co!tarn 3, A No response indicates, that such a reduCtion is not possible. )~PACT ON LA~O ~I~L ThER~ g£ ~ £FF£CT ~S A RESULT OF A PHYSICAL CNA~G£ TO PROJECT SITE? ~xaeoles that goulq Aeely to Colune Z Any construction on Slopes of IS~ or greater, (IS foot rise ~er lOP foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10~.. Construction on Land where the doeth to the water table is less than 3 feet. ronstructtoe of moved ~arkina a~a fhe I.~ or are vehicles. Mnstr~ctien ~* 13n~ where bed~c~ ts exposed or qenerally ~ wit~)~J f~t of ex~stlng ground Surface. Conttruct,~n cna- will continue for ~re than I year or involve Const~actlo~ of any e~ sanfta~ 1amalfi1. '~,~;*'~ ~- r, . .~ ,. SPL~LL TO POTENTIAL ~ IMP~ MODERATE LARrz[ REOUCE~ IMPACT IHPACT PROdECT ) NO YES 2. ~ILL THERE RE Ag EFFECT TO ANY UhlXOUE OR UmlSUAL L~gO FnI~S tSe~s.FOU~O O~etc.)THE S~TE? (i.e. . ell ff~, dunes, a~o~tca], fo~- L~ ON ~ATER P~T[CT~D? (Under Articles iS, 24, 2S of t~ ~xamles Chit ~ld Aoply to COI~ Z ~ Omdg~flq ~re than 1~ c~¢c ya~s of mtertil 4. gILL P~ECT AF~CT ~y fl~-P~TECT~ EXZSTI~ ~R KDY OF ~TER? ............................................ Chit Vould Apply to Co1~ ~ S. ~XLL Pq~ECT AFFECT SURFACE OR ~ROUNO~ATER ~IALX~? ~ YES PILL PRO,,I£CT AFFECT AIR OU~TY? ............ .............. Fxi~)es thit ~uld App]~ P~Ject v111 Jnduce !,~ or ~f refuse ~r hour. L~?_rT 04 ~.i'rr$ s.~ a4tus~ ~ 8. WILL PROd£¢T AFFECT ANy THREATENED OR Examo?es that Wou)d Apply td Column or Federil HSC, using the stte, over or near site or fOUnd On ~e Stte. 66, CHAqACTER OF TIlE ;IFIGH~IR.~O.D fir CO~M,~IITy? ~zamqle$ that ~uld A~gly to Column 2 ~ An ~nco~atSble visual affect caused by t.~ intro~uctinn -- ~ oeoject easily ~isible, ~ot e~sJly sc~ened~that -- ~ject ~11 ~sult tn the elimination 11. VILL PRO~ECT lt~l' ANY $ITZ OR STRUCTURE OF HISTORIC, PP~-~I~T~ulc nR P~[~qT~Z~ [~PTAHC[? [xa~le5 that ~uld Anoly to Co1~ ~' · ~ ~y twct to ~ aKh~logtcal stte O~ foss11 b~d located w~Jn the p~jec~ st~. gILL THE PR~,IECT AFFECT THE OUAIITITY OR OUAI. ITy OF EXIITZ~iG NO OR FUTURE OPE~: SPACES OR RECREATIOrIAL OPPORTU~HTIE$?oo ~.o, .Ex~mr~es that gJ~d Aoply tO Colm~ Z "ILL T~ERE £E A'I EFFECT TO EXlSTI,C TRAHSPORTATION NO SYSTE**S? ............................................... ;HALL T~ ~(.~TE,'~TIAL CA:I Z;tPACT BE ~OOERATI LARGE RED~'e~O ~V TuPaCT ['+r~CT P~JECT CP~t;G~ YES IS. !~P~CT ON ~I[RGY 14. ~ILL PROJECT AFFECT THE CO~U~ITIES SOURCES OF FUEL OR gO ENERGY SUPPLY? ........................................... ©© ~amoles that Would Apply to Colcum 2 Project causing qreater ~afl SZ increase t~ any rom of ener~ used in ~nictpal¶ty. P~ect requiring the creation or extension of an enemy transmission or supply system to se~e mre than SO stnql'e or'two faQlly residences. -- Other t~icts: 16. [~qP~CT Oe~ HOT.~F ~LL THERE BE OBJECTioNABLE ODORS, ~ZSE, G~RE. V%B~T~qN Or ELECTR~ D~STUR~CE ~ A RESULT OF ~%S PROJ/CT~ 81astln9 wJ~n 1.5~ feet of a hospttalb school or o~ sees ttt ye fact ~ ~ tv. ~o~ w~11 occur ~uttnel~ (mre than oh~ hour per day).' P~ject vt11 n~duce °aerating notse exc~?nn the local t~ient notse levels for notse outstde of st~ctures. P~ject ~t11 remve natural barrters that ~ld act as a notse screen. ~ther t~acts: ~ZLL P~JECT AFFEET PUBLIC IIEALTX ~O ~F~? ............ ~ YF$ Examel~s that Nould ~pply to Column 2 Pro,eot will cause a risk of ex~lostoo or release of hazardous Substances (i.e. o11. pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc.) Pro,eot that vtll resu?~ Jfl the bur~a] of 'haza~dflus wastes' (~.ff. toxic. DGIson~s. h~ghly reactive, radioactive, Irritating. IJ~utd or conta*n gases.) Storaae facilities for one eJllJon or.re qallnns of lJouifJed qther l~OaCtS: SHALE T~ PP. TE~iTL.~L CJ~ It',PACT C ~,':OO E P~TE LA~GE R£DUC£D 8Y I~PACT I'IPACT PROJECT CH~N, YES ) O© I~PACT 0!! G~N i~O CHAUCT~R 17. ~ILL PROJECT AFFECT THE CHAPA~Eq ~F THE EXISTING C~ZTY? Exa~]e tha~ Vould Apol~ to Co1~ 2 ~ The ~pulltton of the Ctty, p~Ject ~ located Is Ttkely to g~ b~ ~re than 5~ oF -- ~e P~ject ~i1 ~P~lce or eliminate ex~st~flg facilities, Other tinGlErS: NO YES LARGE REDUCED 8Y lflPACT PROJECT CHANGE ~ NO YES 18.Is THE~ PUBLIC CONTReVrUT CONCERNING TR£ P~ECT? Eximoles that Mould Appl~ to Colum ~ ~ ~ Either 9oveP~t UP ctt~zefls of ad~iceqt Cof~l~uflttlEs hive expressed oo~ostt~ofl UP rejected the PrO~ect Or hive not been contacted. _~ Objections to the nroject fro~vtthtn the comunlty. IIF AHy ACTION IH PART 2 IS IDE~fTiFIED AS A ~ P')TEI,'TIAL LARGE IP~ACT OR IF YOU CANNOT DETERNIflEI THE ~ARNITUDE OF I/.~PACT., PROCEED TO PART 3. g D£TEI~INATJON ;KIRTZO~IS OF [AF CO~LETEO FOR THIS PROJECT: PART ! PART !! ,,,,,i,,* PART Upon reviev of the Information recorded off thta [AF (Parts I, 2 PREPARE A /aECATIVE DECLARATION 0 PREPARE A NE~,~TIVE I1[CLARATIOFI 0 PRtPARE PO$ITIVE DECLARATIO:I PROC[ED ~gencv ~or c~e n~e of res~nstoie offTctil Lead Ag~c v. EI'IVIROHHENTAL ASSE$SHENT - PART ,EVALUATId?I OF THE L".Pd~TANCE dF IHPACT'~ Part 3 15 prepared if one or more impact or effect is considered to be potentially larae. The amount of vrtttno necessary to answer Part 3 m~y be determined by answering the question: Zn brtefl~ completing the InstrUctions belov have ! placed in this record SUfficient in¢orm~tion to indicate the reasonableness of ~y decisions? I~ST~UCTIOII$ -- Co~'~lete the follo~inq for each impact or effect Identified in Column 2 oF Part Z: Briefly describe the impact. ~escribe (if apultcable) boy the impact might be mitigated or reduced to a less than large tmoact by a pro jecC c~ange. Based on the !flfo~m~tiofl Svailable, decide J~ It is re~soneble ~ conclude theC Chis tmec~ is Jmoort~nC t0 the minJcl~alJty (city. ~ 0r village) in ~hJch the P~ect is located. '" To ans~r the question of Jmpo~nce) consider: - ~e P~babtllc~ of t~ impact or effect occurring - The duration of ~e tmpact or effect ~ts Jr~versJbJlJty, tflcludJng pe~nentl~ lost ~souKes or vales ghet~r the t~acc or effect can be controlled - The regtonal consequeKe of the J~ect or effect ZtS ~tentJa] dive,once f~ local needs and goals - Vhecher k~n objections to the Project apply to this J~act or effect. ' OETE~."INATION OF SIG,'IIF~CANCE .. An ~ctlon is considered ~o be significant if: nne (or more) impact iS deter~.ined to both 1.~rne and its (their) conseouence, based on the revte~ above, iS important. ' PAPT ~! STATE.~£.NTS ~Cnntinue on Attachments, as needed) '9o~. / / / ~°°°o ~ ~.~ ~°Ooo~ '4~o 0 40.5 '1' 375 CLUSTER SUBDIVISION PREPARED PECONIC AT' PECONIC SKETCH PLAN FOR TRAIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW ASSOCIATES YORK YOUNG ~ YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVE~RIVERHEAD ALDEN W. YOUNG~ N.Y.G.P.E.~L.~. LIC. NO [2845 HOWARD W. YOUNG. N.Y.S.L.S. LIC. NO. 45895 SITE DATA I, TOTAL AREA = 44. 6282 ACRES 2. ZONING USE DISTRICT- 'A' RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL 3, TOTAL NO. OF LOTS = 14 4 TOTAL LENGTH OF ROAD= 3120 '* NOTE~ I SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DISTJO00 SECT. 074 BL. OI LOT 058 G, TOPOG~RAPHY SHOWN HEREON IS FROM"TOPOGRAPHIC MAP- 5 EASTERN TOWNS" PREPARED FOR THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPAR-fMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ~.3 · = MONUMENT 81008 ~9o~. ® MINOR SUBDIVISION PREPARED SKETCH FOR PECONIC AT PECONIC TOWN OF SUFFOLK TRAIL SOUTHOLD COUNTY, NEW ASSOCIATES YORK DATE~ APR 25, 1989 SCALE. 1% I00' NO. 87- 147S YOUNG ~ YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVE, RIVERHEAD N~. ALDEN W. YOUNG, NX.S. P E. ~ ES. LIC. NO. IE845 HOWARD W. YOUN~, N~.$. L.S. LIC. NO. 45893 4?,0 '~o~ Cooo~ / SITE DATA: I. TOTAL AREA = 44. 6282 ACRES 2. ZONING USE DISTRICT - 'A' RESIDENTIAL- AGRICULTURAL 3, TOTAL NO. OF LOTS = .'5 4 TOTAL LENGTH OF ROAD= NOTE ~ , I SUFF~OLK COUNTY TAX MAP OIB¥. I000 SECT. 074 BL.O~ LOT 0;58 E. TOPO~RAPHY SHOWN HEREON IS FROM "TOPOGRAPHIC MAP- 5 EASTERN TOWNS" p~PAREO FOR THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ · = MONUMENT GO' {95' o? ~OooQ ~. LOCATION MAP CLUSTER SUBDIVISION PREPARED PECONIC SKETCH PLAN FOR TRAIL AT' PECONIC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW ASSOCIATES YORK RECEIVED BY SOUTHOLB TOWH {~L~N~JNGBOARD OCT 15 1987 DATE 81008 YOUNG 8 400 OSTRANDER AVE, RIVERHEAD N.Y. ALDEN W. YOUNG, N.Y.S.P.E. 8 1.3. L'IC. NO. 12845 HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.G.L.S. LIC. NO. 45993 SITE DATA t. TOTAL AREA = 44.6282 ACRES 2. ZONING USE DISTRICT- ~ RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL $.TOTAL NO. OF LOTS = 20 4, TOTAL LENGTH OF ROAD=2500'± NOTE' I. SUFFOLK GOUNTY TAX MAP DIST. lO00 SECT. 074 GL~OI LOT 0:58 2. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON IS FROM "TOPOGRAPHIC MAP- 5 EASTERN TOWNS" PREPARED FOR THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 5 ·= MONUMENT · 111 ~IUOA ~3N 'AJ_NnO0 GqOH±flOS 96~0"£B 'ON N-lO_-I_-Ins HO N~OZ 9 S3~I(]NV NVS 31NOOqd ZV NOZS3~Id ANO/ Slfl-I '(3N~-I~S QIAV(] U04 A'qAUQS 4~0o VO O/ ~ ",z 4/.~b, - ~o ~oU ~Oe~D .I Ill 44652 ~, 699. Itd / / / /