HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-74.-1-5H_ ENRy J, ,_,R,'MITH ?_~_ o o h,,, / c ,~F- OTIC)I'V TWO · ~ITUAI'E AT P£CONIC TOWN OF .-~'OUTHOLD ,.~UFFOLIT COUNTY /%/ EI'B/ YORE E/rtSEI!4,,ENT ~. Southold Town Planning Board -3- November 21, 1967 Ail that certain plot , piece or parcel of land situated, lying and Deing at-Oregon North, in the Village of~Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County or, Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwest side ofDuck Poinh~Road where the easterly line of Map of Birch Hills at~Cutchogue, Map $ 4908 intersects the said Northwesterly.side of-Duck'Pond Road and from said point of beginning; r~nning thence North 39o 00" West727.0 feet to the o~dinary highwater mark of Long Island Sound; thence along the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, North 60° 42' 20" East 15.22 feet to land of'Vincent; thence along land of Vincent the following three courses and distances: 1. South 39° 000" East 255.0 feet; 2.North 60° 42' 20" East, 100.0 feet; 3. North 39© 00" West~255.0 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound on a tie line of NOrth 60© 42' 20" east 630.39 feet' to the westerly side of Duck~Pond Road; t~ence along the westerly and northerly side of Duck~Pond Road t~e following three courses and distances: 1. south 19© ~7' 30" East 430.0 feet; 2.- south 31° 27' 30" West 188.92 feet; 3. South 33° 04' 00" west 432.94 feet to the point or place of beginning. Vote of t~e Boar4: Ayes:- ALL Lefferts P. Edson, Esq., and William Wickham, Esq., appeared before the Planning Board in re~ard to Peconic Homes, Section II, and the right of way which runs through there. WILLIAM WICKHAM,ESQ.: We take no position as far as the map is concerned. Our only'point is to straighten the record. Mr.. Axien and several others have a right of way which runs throb the easterly portion of the map. Thereis however, a clause in an earlier deed which says this right of way shall terminate at the nOrtherly'point of the property at such time as public highway is used. There has been a little bit of mis-understanding on Mr. Axien's part, On the original map the road came up the entrance and went both sides, as a result of%hat the right of way was extinguished. LEFFERTS P. EDSON,ESQ.: My understanding was Miami. Avenue has never been made a public highway. WI~IAMWICKHAM, ESQ.: It was not a public road, and this was not extinguished. If this is dedicated as a public road, Planning Southold Town/Board -4- Nov~aber 21, 1967 out'right of way that comes down here does not touch this point. In order f~r this to be ext-inguished wewould have to have right of way running into this road. THE CHAIRMAN: Has the right of way been defined? WILLIAM.WICEHAM~ESQ.: As far as this property is concerned. THE CHAIRMAN: It doesn't define the right of-way in the nc~therly area. MR. VAN~TUY~: It hasn't been filed by metes and bounds descriDtion. ~R~.' AXIEN: It is described together with a right of way 25 feet in width over the existing road, and we miss touching that about 15 feet. It's very close. WII~/AMWI~,: ESQ.': As long as it is understood that if this Pad is dedicated our'right of way will be extinguished. THE CHAIRMAN: ~ointing to themap) Who owns this pr operty? WILLI~4WICEHAM, ESQ.: Mr. Smith's sister owns that,/ order to get this right of way here this will have to be ex~nguibt~ed. Tn THE CHAIRMAN:' SO, it is up to you. LEFFERTS P.' EDSON,ESQ.~ There is no problem. Thisis not a correction o~ the record, it is just a confirmation of the reo~rd. THE CHAIRMAN: I asked for the map back because we will have to resign it for two reasons. The 0~ginal map showed the ~ight of way, and we appreved it at 12½ feet, and the deed calls for 16½ feet. MRj VAN TUYL: I wasn't here when this came up, and a note was left to put on the map 12~ feet'right-ofway. We changed it to 16~ feet, but neither of the maps have been approved with the right of way on them. THE CHA~: We approved the map with the restriction the right of way would have to be put on it. The County-Clerk refused to accept the map because of the duplication of lot Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11g71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry M~isa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach M I N U,T'E S SOUTHOLD TOWN' PLANNING" BOARD October 3, 1967 A regular meeting of the Soutkid Town Planning Board was held at'7:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 3, 1967~ at-the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. There were present: Messrs: John. Wickham~ Chairman; Henry'Moisa, WilliamUnkelbach, Frank~Coyle~ Alfred Grebe. Also present: Otto W. Van Tuyl, Consultant; Lawrence TuthilI, Construction Engineer. Lefferts P. Edson,-Esq. appea=ed'~efore the Board in regard to the waiving Of ~the performan:ce bondfor Peconic Homes, Section II, since the-road has been-completed. The chairman advised ~hat this'would need'the ~aPPr°Val.of-the Town Board in ~iew of ~e fact the araO.9~t of"the bond 'had been set'and acceptedby ~the'Town Board; Mr, Edson was advised that-when the Planning Board has. the letters of approval of the roadsfro~'Lawr~mce TUthill,'ConstructiOn~Enginmer, and Raymond Dead, Highway-Superintendent~ and these are accepted the:~own Board, themaps could be siqned. $outhold Town P~anning Board -2- October 3, 1967 On motinn by'Mr. Coyle, seconded by'Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED the'Chairman of the Southold Town Planning Board be authorized to sign the final subdivision maps of Peconic Homes, Section II, located at Peconic, New York, owned and developed by Henry J. Smith, when the letters of approval of the roads from. Lawrence Tuthill, and Raymond Dean are in the files of the'Planning Board, and when said approvals are accepted by the Southold Town Board. Vote of the Board~- Ayes:- Mr. Wickham, Mr. Moisa, Mr. Unkelbach, Mr.~ Coyle, Mr. Grebe. Mr. George Barzac, Jr., appeared before the Planning Board with a sketch plan for~a subdivision located on the east side Boisseau Avenue, Southold, New York. The area involved' in this plan is approximately 12 acres. The map showed an area of the property.not included in the subdivision plan. Mr. Barzac felt this was not suitable for residence since it was adjoining Cassidy property~ however if the Planning Board'felt this should be included it could be done. The sketch plan showed 18 lots. The Planning Board does not like to see an oversize lot left over because at some future date someone might want to divide the property into two lots and there would be a problem of access to the second lot. It was suggested that'the park area be-enlarged so that an oversized lot is notleft. ~Mr. Van Tuyl showed-and overall plan of the adjoining properties, indicating aceess to Sawicki's property and Moffat's property. Mr. Barzac was advised that he should file a preliminary application for the iproperty under question. Mr. Barzac stated he w~uld like to,art building a~speculation house on one of the lots faclng, Boisseau Avenue. The~ Board advisedthat nothing shQuld'beconstructed until more definit lot lines are established. The Southold town Planning Board received from the Southold Town Board the original petition of Helmut Hass of North Road, Greenport, New York, relative to a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Peconic, New York, with the instructions to prepare and official report and define the conditions described therein. Southold Town Planning Board -5- November 21, 1967 WILLIAMWICEPIAM,E~Q.: It's important that the right of way will have to be shown, but it can't be extinguished until the road is dedicated. ~R.' VAN TUYL: Even then, this as lay-out, doesn't touch the right~ of way. You have to get right of way through that. MR.' UNKELBACH: You can extinguish that right of way by a quit claim deed. If you could it would take care of the · ~ur people on it. W~v~IAMWTa~HAM, ESQ.: When it is dedicated, if you want quit claim there will be no problem. THE CHAIRMAN: All we have to do is settle this difference of opinion. LEFFERTS Pj EDSON,ES~: There is no difference of opinion. WILLIAM WICKHAM', ESQj: Except that we have to have continuation of this right of way. MRj AXIEN: Has Mr. Smith arranged to get the property from his ~ster. LEFFERTSPo' EDSON~ESQ'.: He said there is no problem. MR. MOISA: You will draw up some legal instrument on that? LEFFERTS P: EDSON',ESQo': Yes. He~ry will have to get from the northerly end of the road to the right of way. MR. UNEELBACH: One more question Mr.~ Wickham, you talk ab°~tMr. Smith getting right of way fromhis sister. That won't be sufficient to the rest of the people. WI~.LIAMWICKHAM,ESQ.: Fir. Smith will get the right of way from his sister for all these people. MRj MOISA:'When this is drawn up may we have a copy for our records? LEFFERTS P. EDSON',ESQj: Yes, of course. THE CPL~IRMAN: Are you in a hurry for this map? LEFFERTS P. EDSON', ESQ.: Yes. Southold Town Planning Board '6- November 21, 1967 THE CH~: Get us a letter on this right of way. T~FFERTS P. El)SON',ESQ.: I don't think the agreement is a necessary requirement for you to vote on this map. We agree there is right, of way. We can take care of it this way but it doesn't have anything to do with the filing of the maP. THE CHAIRMAN: I agree with you. There is no problem about it. I move that the mappresented as corrected as requested by the C0untyClerk and others be approved for refiling. MR. UNKELBACH: This can't be approved if'the right of way encroaches. THE CHA~: The right of way is shown there. WILLIAM WICKHAM, ESQ.': It is a legal pro~m, but I don't know if it has any bearing on you approving it. I thi~k you can approve a map if the owner is on it. On motion by Mr. ~ickham, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that the map of Peconic Homes, Section II, located at Peconic, in. the Town of-Southold, County of'Suffolk, and State of New York, owned and developed by HenrY j.v Smith, be re-approved as corrected as requested by the Suffolk'County Clerk, as to the requirement for the renumbe~ing of'the lots and as to the width of the right of way. The words "Notused" appearing on the fight of way, shall be removed before the map is filed. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ALL WILLIAM WICKPL%M,' ESQ: I would like to make one more remark on that. There is some question on the right of way not ~ng used. It has been used. MR. VAN TUYL: We saw that it has not been used. We didn't mean that it has never been used. It is not'used at present. ~It was agreed by all that the words "not used" shall be moved from the ~ right of way , and this shall be made part 0f the requirement for refiling the map, and part of the resolution.) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE NORMAN E:. KLIPP, COUNTY CLERK Novenber 29, 1967 .r. H~nr; Claussen Southold Planning Bm rd Southold Board of Assessors C~,ners. Henry J. & .~te_la -~ Smith ..itness Date: 3/15/67, 11/9/67 To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: Was Filed, Pile Number,5001 Abstract Numher,592~ Township, Southold Book, 12 Page, 8 ,~, ~ ~TION T'fO 1~/2d/67 ll:O1A.M. Very truly yours, County Clerk Map ~partment pHONE: PARK 7-4700 Any person or persons desirous of dedicating land for to~n highway purposes shall be required to file three (3) ~rints of the proposed layout of such highway with the Planning Board of the To~n of Southold. The Planning Board shall exam/ne such prints and prepare a written report thereon, containing its recommendations concerning the proposed layout, and file the same with the SOuthold Town Board together with one print of the proposed layout. The Planning Board shall retain one print for its files and shall return one print to the applicant. Thereafter, the Town Board shall approve or disapprove such layout and so advise the Planning Board and the applicant. After such proposed layout has been approved by the Southold Town Board, the following s~ecifications shall be complied with:- 1. Any porson or persons desiring to dedicate real estate to the Town of Southold for highway purposes must execute and submit to the Town Board the follOWing:- a. A duly acknowledged dedication and release, together with the required County Clerk's recording fees. b. Proposed consent to the Town Board. c. Proposed order of the Superintendent. d. A survey map of the property. e. An Attorney~s certificate of title and an abstract of title certified to the Town Board by an Attorney or a ~2,000. title policy issued in the name of the Town of Southold. f. A bargain and sale deed with covenant against grantor~s acts in the proper form for recording in the County Clerk's Office, together with the recording fees. The foregoing six documents shall be fastened together in one folder and the ded~cation and release shell include the sign~tures of all fee owners, easement owners, mortgages and so forth, and the Attorney's certificate shall certify to such. 2. Ail highways accepted by the Town as Town Highways must be at least fifty (50) feet in width~ such width shall hereinafter be knOWn as the bounds of the highway. 3. All proposed highways shall be properly surveyed, monumented with concrete monuments on all points, curves and intersections, with maps showing a profile at an appropriate scale, cross-section of highway, name of highway, name of all -2- adjacent owners, if any, drainage rights of way or leaching areas, width and length of highway, scale of map shall not be more than 1" to 200'. An additional survey map of the property other than the one in the folder shall also be submitted. 4. Ail highways terminating at tidewater shall have a width of not less than 100' back from the mean high water mark. Ail highways on water front proper%y must have the same access to the water as above required° 5. Ail dead-end highways must have a width of not less than 100' for a distance of 100' back from the dead-end to provide for a turnaround all of which must be free from trees, bushes and stumps. 6. The name of such highways may be proposed by the owner or owners of property dedicating such highways but the name of such highways shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board. 7. A width of thirty-four (34) feet shall be hereinafter known as the highway area from which all trees, brush, rocks, stumps and other obstructions shall be thoroughly cleared and all such material shall be removed from the bounds of the highway. 8. The portion known_as the highway area shall be plowed, disc-harrowed, rolled and graded to a uniform surface to the longitudinal grade as shown on the final map. SB~TX~ 9, AMENDED FBBR%~RY 24, 1966 ~.~oe (3) inches of loire, free o£ all vegetable mat~er, [aixed wl~h ~h~ee (3) ~ o£ bank z~n e~all be applied ~o a depth o£ six (6) inches belov the £inished grade o~ the ~oa4 8IB:TT~ff Il, AOO0fD~D FB~KR¥ 4, 1966 When deemed nece~foA-~ b~ ~he superintendent o£ : otorm severe, loa~%lng beaino, leaching areas, curbs end / or i gutters shall be ABs~alXed ~u ao~or~anco wl~h aud tmd~ ~ vAsi~ of ~o S~r~n~t of H~qh~a~. ~ 1~ ~t ~m ~ fl~s of L%e ~let. All ~s w~ fAfly (~0) Z~t o~ ~ o~er ~11 b ~ed ~ ~ ~r wi~ e~tm (18) ~ ~a~d p~. b. ~ ~r~ ~d / C~ nd ~t~s ~1 ~ ~M at ~ ~e~t~ o~ all ~ (37) b~. -3- 14. Before any highway shall be accepted by the Town of Southold as a town highway by dedication, the assessed value of the buildings and structures on the land on both sides of such highway (as shown on the current tax roll of the Town of Southold) shall have an assessed value of not less than forty thousand ($40,000°00) dollars per mile or proportioned at that rate if more or less than a mile. SIICTXC~ 15, AHiglt~)ED FI~BRItARy 24, ~966 17. Whenever ~n the ~A.~,, ~. ..... ~--. Highways he feels that for the best interest of the Town, alterations or modifications should be made to the above specifications, rules,and regulations, such alterations or modifications may be made on the recommendation of the Superin- tendent of Highways ~o and with the approval of the Town Board° the These specifications shall be effective on and after /:~ day of O-a~u~.~ 19~ -3- 14. Before any highway shall be accepted by the Town of Southold as a town highway by dedication, the assessed value of the buildings and structures on the land on both sides of such highway (as shown on the current tax roll of the Town of Southold) shall have an assessed value of not less than forty thousand ($40,000°00) dollars per mile or proportioned at that rate if more or less than a mile. 15. Where it is necessary to have a drainage area beyond the fifty foot bounds of the highways, such area must be deeded to the Town, the same as the highway with all easements thereto. 16. Sidewalks ehall be a S~andard four foot in width, four inches thick except in driveways where they must be not less than s~x inuhes thick. Ail curbs and gutters to be built to standard forms as ~y be directed by the Superintendent of Highways~ On existing T~wn Highways the Town will furnish the necessary engineer~g, grading, fill and labor; the property owner o~ owners shall furnish the necessary ready mixed concrete and shall deliver such concrete to the site as directed by the Superintendent of Highways. The amount of sidewalk construction throughout the Town shall be determined by the Town Board° 17. Whenever in the opinion of the Superintendent of Highways he feels that for the best interest of the Town, alterations or modifications should be made to the above specifications, rules,and regulations, such alterations or modifications may be made on the recommendation of the Superin- tendent of Highways ~o and with the approval of the Town Board° the These specifications shall be effective on and after /~,~ day of ~u~ 19~ LEFFERTS PAINe EDSON December 14, 1967 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: Re: Peconic Homes, Sec. II Riqht-of-Wa¥ Thank you for your letter of December 13, 1967 in the above matter. I will prepare and submit to you for inclusion in your file a right-of-way agreement to become effective simultaneously with the dedication of the roads to the Town of Southold so that the existing easement will termi- nate simultaneously therewith. Please don't misunderstand my "make every effort" statement. The creation of a public road depends upon the approval of the Town Board, whose actions are beyond my control and there is nothing certain in this life except death and taxes. I think that it would be proper to ask Mr. Wickham to prepare a release of that part of the existing right-of- way running over the property of Frederick Hehn extending from the right-of-way I will furnish to the southeasterly corner of the Hehn property. Mr. Wickham stated at the hear- ing that this would come from his office. You can also under- stand that this will compensate the Hehns and clear their title as to that part of the existing right-of-way. Sincerer, Lefferts P. Edson LPE/mmb LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON December 27, 1967 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Map of Peconic Homes, Dear Mr. Wickham: Section 2 We enclose herein a copy of an easement grant by Hehn to Smith in the above matter, which is presently being recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office. With this, we are now assured of our ability to re-grant this easement to the persons who have the right to use the right of way through the Hehn property. When Mr. William Wickham's office has supplied us wi~h the release from the users of that part of the right of way which will be abandoned, we will have the identity of the parties to whom Henry J. Smith and wife will grant this new easement. LPE/mhk Encs. ely, cc: Mr. William Wickham LEFFERT$ PAINE F-.DSON ATTORNIE~ATLAW December 27, 1967 William Wickham, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Map of Peconic Hcaaes, Nelson Axieno et al Sec. 2 Dear aill~ I enclose herein a copy of the easement grant in the above matter, together with a copy of my letter to Mr. John Wickham. It might be a good idea for you to get the release of that portio~ of the easement to be running over the Hehn property which will be abandoned so that I will know the identity of the parties to whom the new easement should be given. After you get this release, conditione~ upon dedication of HenrY's Lane, we could record all the documents at this tame and get rid of the problem. Sincerely, Enos. Mr. John Wiokham CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD RE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 2- C* clay of ?/D ,e ~' , uineteen hundred and ',f-r ~. - BETWEEN FREDERICK L. HEHN, residing at 43 Highland Avenue, Port Washington, New York, and Julia F. Hehn, his wife, residing at 43 Highland Avenue Port Washington, New York, party of the first part, and HENRY J. SMITH and STELLA M. SMITH, his wife, both residing at Robinson Lane (no number), Peconic, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that thc pa~t) of thc that pair. bi con>ilh'rati.n ~f tcn d,,ilar~ and ,,Ihcl ~alnM~le consi,h'ratio. paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party ,,I thc second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, an easement for all purposes over ALL thatcertain plot, pieceorparcelofland,~~~R~~~situate, lyingandbeing~ld~ at Peconic in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, said easement being twenty (20) feet wide and extending southeasterly from the southeasterly line of the existing right of way which runs approximately parallel with the southeasterly line of the land of the grantor herein, a distance of about ten (10) feet and in any event to, and only to the north- westerly line of Henry's Lane as shown on Map of Peconic Homes, Section 2, filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suf- folk on 11/28/67 as Map ~5001. The southeasterly terminus of the center line of the said right of way is coincident with the center point of the northwesterly line of Henry's Lane as shown on said map. The said easement is over part of the land granted by Henry~~; to Frederick L. Hehn by deed dated the day of September, 1946 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 2644, cp 310 on November 4, 1946. The said map of P~conxc ttomes, Sect.~on 2, Is owned by Lhe grantees herein as shown by the abstract filed with said map. This grant shall become effective simultaneously with the dedication of Henry's Lane to the Town of Southold. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to ;,nv streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETItI:.R with the a3purtenances and all thc estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises fierein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or :,ucccssors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part coxenants that the part)' of thc fir~.t part ha= n,t done or suffercd anything whereby the said premises have been encumbert, d m an3 way ~hatevt, r, t.xeept :t> .fort. said. AND the party of the first part, in compliance witfi Section 13 of the Lien l.ax~, co~enants that the part)' of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and v. ill hold the right m receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the impro'~t, ment and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the satne for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" wheuever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: F. rederick L. Hehn LS LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON November 22, 1967 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Approval of MaD of Peconic Homes, Section 2 Dear Mr. Wickham: This is to notify you that in the event of the dedication of the roads shown on Map of Peconic Homes, Section 1 and Map of Peconic Homes, Section 2 to the Town of Southold, Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, will make every effort to obtain an easement extending northerly from the cul-de-sac shown at the northerly terminus of Henry's Road on said map, extending to the existing right-of-way, for the use of other property owners on the north in order to accomp- lish the automatic extinguishment of the existing one rod right-of-way of record extending along the easterly line of the properties shown on said maps. APPROVED: Stella Mo Smith Sincerely, Lefferts P. Edson Decez~er 13, 1967 Lefferts P. ~dson, Esq. Main Street Southold, ~ew York 11971 Re~ Peconlc Homes, Section II Rlght of way Dear Mr. gdson= We have your letter of November 22, 1967. AS far as the right of way is concerned you assured us at our last meeting you would have in o~r hands a statement that you would provide for the right of way for the property owners Immediately to the north. On the streng~i~ofyour s~atement we released your map for filing. As it turns out your letter states""Wtll make every effort to obtaln an easement", and this ls not satisfactory. we are expecting a letter from~u stating that you WILL obtain an easement. We would prefer to have a recordable instrument ~r our files. Zn fact, our minutes of November 22, 1967, show that you stated that you wtll supply us wlth a legal Instrument. Very sincerely, John Wtckham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board December 13, 1967 Lefferts p. Edson, Esq. Main Street Southold, ~ew York 11971 PeconicHomss, Section Right o£ way Dear Mr. Rclson: We have your letter of November 22, 1967. As far as the right of way is concerned you assured ua at our last meeting you would have in our hand~ a statement that you would provide for the right of way for the Property owners immediately to the north. On the strangler your s&atement we released your map for filing. As it turns out your letter statas'"Wlll make every effort to obtain an easement", and this is not satisfactory. we are expecting a letter fromlou stating that you Wi~J~ obtain an easement, we would prefer to have a recordable instrument f~ our files. In fact, our minutes of November 22, 1967, show that you stated that you will supply us with a legal instrument. Very sincerely, John Wlckham, Chairman southold Town Planning Board December 13, 1967 Lefferts P. Sdson, Esq. Maln Street Sou~hold, ~ York 11971 R1ght of way Section 3:I Dear Mr. Edson: we have your letter of Sovember 22, 1967. As far as the fAgOt of way As concerned you assured us at our last meatLn9 you would have ~n our hands a statement that you would provide for the rlght of way for the property owners ~umecttately to the north. On the strengldmof your s&atement we released M our map every effort to obtain an easement", and this ~s not sat&sfactory. We are expecting a letter fr°mlou statin~ that you wTT-T. o]~t~n an easement, we would prefer to have a recordable tnstr-m~nt fr our f£1es. In fact, our m~nutes of NOvember 22, X967, shc~ that you stated that you w~ll supply us -lth a legal instrument. Very s~ncerely, John Wlckham, Chalrman ~outhold Town Plannlng Board Nov~b~ XT, ].g67 Pecan:Lc, Ne~ York xxgs8 The noxt reguXar meetXng of ~ha 8ou~o~Xd Town PXannXng Board wXXX be heXd at 7t30 P.M., NOVE~r 2X, X967, at: 1:ha ~wn OffXea, SonthoXd, Brew Yoz~. PXenae be present at ~hat tame and brXng wi~h you any in£ormatXon ~hat 3~ou have eon~ernXng tJ~e right of way whX~h runs ~hrough PeoonXc Homea, 8ect4on XX. Ver~ sincerely, ;oh& w~ ChaXrman fJo~thoXd bn PXannXng Board Ow/bd November 16, l~7 Le££erts P. BdoO~, Bsq. Main S~reet Sou~hold, New York 11971 Dear This :La to advise Mou ~hat ~he next regula~ meeting of the 8outhold Town Planning BOard will be at ~.he bn O££1ce0 Main Road, 8ou~hold, on November 21, 1967, at ?,20 P.~ Please be here wl~h ~he maps of Peconlc House0 SectiOn IX, and any infOruatXon ~hat you have concerning ~he right of way ~hat run~ through Pecceic Homos, Section the re-numbering of the Very sincerely, .Tohn wAokhmm, Chairman Sov~hold Town Planning Board I NOTICE OF HEARING I NOTICE IS HEREI~Y GIVEN that. ipursuaut to Section 276 of the TownI Law public hearing will be held by the !Southold Town Planning Board at the I Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New, York, in said Town on the 18th i day of July, 1967, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day on the question of approval of the following plat: Plat of property owned by Henry J. and Stella M. Smith, entitled Peconic Home~, Section II, cor~isting of a parcel of land 9.48 acres, situated at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bound- ed and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west- erly line of a proposed highway ~o be known-as "Henry's Lane", 1~5.24 feet ,northerly along said westerly line 1rom Middle Road, said point of beginning i being the northesst,e, rly corner of loti } 12, ~s shown on Map of Peconic Home~", filed in the Suffolk County l I Clerk's Office a~ Map No. 4131; fromI ~id point of beginning running along I said lot 12 a~ show~ on said map, 44° 53' 30" w.--g09.98 feet to ladd oil C. P. F. Land Corp.; thence along said land of C. P. F. Land Corp.; N. 47° 59' 20" W.~67.35 feet; thence along land of Frederick Hehn, N 44° 83' 39" E.--518.4~ feet; thence along the west- erly end of a private road know.'~ as "Miami Avenue" and along laild Florence Gowan, S. 42° 09' 30" E.-- 289.60 feet; thence along land of Peter Sienk, three courses: (1) N. 49° 5~,' 30' E.--179.1 feet; thence (2) S. 37 46 30" E.--70.80 feet; thence (3) N. 02' 24' 30" E.~44.75 feet; thence along la,id of Henry J. Smith, three courses: (1) S. 24° 42' 50" E.--106.65 feet; thence~ (2) N. 65~ 17' 10" E.--150.0 feet; thence (3) S. 24° 42' 50" E.--135.0 feet ~o the. northerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Soundview Avenue"; thence along said northerly line, 65° 1' 10" W.--301.01 feet; thence across said "Soundview, Avenue" and along land of Long Island Lighting Company, S. 42° 09' 30'~ E--194~27 feet; thence of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard en plat of property should appear at the! BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER ~ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- // ) man once each week for ..... ~-'~,.~.tL-(.~.,..(.../..../... week~/ successively, commencing on the ................. ~.,......: ............. ....... ......... , Sworn to before me this ...... '.~... ............. doy o{ ADEL~ pAYH~ Notary Fublic. State of New Yo[J Residing m Suffolk County No. 52 3041000 r, mmiss~on Exp{res M~rch 30, LE GA~L NOTICE j Itl~at pu~s.uant ,to Section 270 of the Town L~w, pt~blic hearing will held ~ ~e Sau~o~d Town Pla~- ~ ~d, ~u~ld, New York, in ~d ~ on the 18~ ~y of ;J.uly, I~V; at 7:30 o'gl~k in the ~eveni~g of~s~d day on ~e q~- ]tion of approval of the foRow~g ~ p~at: Plat ~f pr~.rty o~ed by H~- W ~. am,d S~l~ M. Smith, entit~ ~Pe~nic Hom~ ,S~Mon II, e~- ~s~ting ~f a pjarcel of l,~ 9.~ 4e~ri~ ~ f~ilows: ~EG~G at ,a ~[mt on ~ ~esterly line ef ~ ~ropo~d ~ ~en~ 8~id we~rly line f~ ~- ,die Ro~, s~id point of begin~ ~ the not,beverly comer of C*u~y Clerk's Office as ~a~ No, 4181; from said point og begin- ning ru~n~ng along ~id lot 12 ~ ~.-667.35 feet; the,nce ~ong la~ o,f Freder~k H~n, N. ~ 53' 30" ~ 09' 30" ~.-289.60 feet; .the~e ~o~g 1~ ~ Peter Sienk, thr~ f~t; ~e~e (2) S. 37° 46' 30" ~.- ~0.80 fee,t; ~ence (3) N. 62~ 24' 1~ ~f He.~y J. ~nith, ~r~ courts (1) S. 24° 42' 50" E.- 106.65 ~500 feet; t~he.~e (3) S. 24~ 0" ~.-1~5.0 feet ot the norther~ ]in,e ~f a proposed high~ay to be IS. ~ 17' 10" W.-3~1.01 fee.t;~ [I~a~, L~ghting Oomp~y, S. ~' 30 E.-194.2~ f.~t; thence along] lot 25 ~ sho~ on aaid ~ap Pe~nic ~omes," S. 47° 50' 30" W-1~6.18 feet ~ the ~s~rly Mong said easterly line, N. 06' 30" W.-81.12 feet; the~e ~3' 39" W:-~.0 feet to the p~int~ ~f ~gi~ning. Any person desiring to be he~d on ~he question of appraval ~ ~e abave plat of property sh~d l~y7 COUNTY OF SUFFOLR, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J ../ ~-4-:~-.~.. :.~ ..... Being duly Sworn, s~s thct .. ~;~:5~.. is Printer ~nd Publisher ~ ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a news~per pub~ish~ ~l Greenport, in s~d county: and ~at the noti~, of which the a~e~d is ~ printed ~py, ~s been published in ~he ~id Suffolk Week~ Times c.nce in each w~k~ ~r ........ J~:/.~-~: ............. week~ successively commencing on the . ..~[ .~.~.~. ~ ~:~--~ ........ daf ,of ..... ~ ~,., ....... ......... S~n to Be~o me this . } ......... ......... ; ..... .... LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC~ OF HEARING NOTICE IS Id~c~E~y . ~l~at pu~s~t ~to Section 276 of the Town La~, public hearing will be held by the So~thold Town Plato :V~ain Ro~d, Soutiold,.~w York, in said Town on the ~:~ day of] J,ul¥, 1967, at 7:30 o'clock in the eyetlir~g of said day on the ques- tion of a~pro~al of the following plat: Plat of pr0toerty owned by Hen- ry J. an~i Ste~a M. ~nith, entitledl Peconic Homas, See~Lon II, con- sl~ting of a pjz. rcei of l~nd 9.48 ~cres, situated mt Peconlc, in the Town of Sot~thokl, Suffolk ky, New York, and boun~l~ ed ,described as follows: westerly line of a proposed high way 'to ,be known ~ "Henry's Lane," 1505.24 fee~ northerly al0~g~ said westerly line from MAd- die l~d, said point of beginrdng heing the nor~hee~t~rly corner of lot 12, a3 showri on "Mo~ of Pe- conic Homes," filed in the Suffolk Couxtty Clerk's Office as 1v~p No. 4181; from ~id point og ~egin- :~.ing run.rig along said lo~ 12 as ~hown on said map, S. 44° 53' 30" W.-20~98 feet ~o lan~l of C.P.F. Lar~d ,Corp; thence ~long said ,land ,of C~P.F. Land C~); N. 47~ .59' 20" W.-667.35 feet; the,nee alol~g lan,d of Frederick Hehn, N. 44° 53' 30" E.-518.49 fee~; Shenee along the westerly end of a private ro~d kno-~r~ as "M~ami Avenue" ~nd · _. ,:Gowan, S. 4~°. 09, 30" E.-~89:60 feet; ,ther~ce ~ ~ ~f 'Pe~r 81enk, three (xa~rses: (~) 1~:49° 5~' 30":E.- 179.1 ~cet;:~hence (:2) S. g~ 46' 30" E.- 7020 2eot; thence (3) N. 62° 24' 30" E.-44.75 feet; t~leltce along land of ~eia_ry J. Smith, three cour~e~ (1) S. 24° 42' 50" E.- 106.65 ~eet; thel~e (2 N. 65° 17' 10" E.- 150.0 fecq;; thexrce (3) S. 24° 42' 50" E.-135.0 fe~t ot the northerly ~ of a ~propoaed highway to be known a~s "Sotmdvlew Avenue," ~ah. ence alo~ng said northerly line IS. 65° 1 7 10 W.-3~l.01 feet; thence across ~id "Soundvlew Ave~te" and alojag la,ct of Long ~L~,and Lighting Company, S. 42°~ ~9 30" E.-194,~7 fee~; the ,n~e,~ ~long lot 25 a~ ,showix on said 5f~ap of Peooni~ Homes," S. 47° 50' 30" W.-I~6.18 feet to the easterly line of saki "~,t~lllry's Lane," J~aence along said easterly line, N. 45° 06' 30" W.-$L:2 feet; ~heace across ~aJA_ "HeaLry's Lane," IS. 44' 53' 30" Wt~SO.0 feeg to, lhe point ,of begin~,ng. Any person desiring to be heard on the questk~n of approval of ,the ~bove plat of property shuld: ,appe~ar ~t the time and place a,b~ve specified. I~A'i'21D Jl.Plq~ 20, I967, BY OcR- ~ OF THE SOUTHOLI~ TOWN PLANNING BOileD ~OHN WICKI-[A~I, CI{.t~N ltJy7 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, | ~ es: STATE OF NEW YORK, s~s that .. J~?~. is Printer an~ Publisher ~f the SUFFOLK ~EEKLY TI~ES, a news~per county; ~nd ~t the n'ot~, ,of which the anne~e~ is ~ ~int~ copy, has been published in the ~d Suffolk Week~ Times ance in each week, ~or ........ -~ f.~5 .............. week~ suc~ssively commencing on the .... ~;~.. ~ ~ [~: ......... Sworn to before me this . RAYMOND C. DEAN TEL, 765-3140 June 26, 1967 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: I have inspected the map and approve the lay-out of the proposed road(s) at Section 2, Peconic Homes, Peconic, New York. R. CD:a Very truly yours, Sup't. of Highways RAYMOND C. DEAN SU PE:RINTE:N DENT TEL. 76~-3140 Oct, obsr 4, 1967 The Pl~,,.~h.~ Board Town of $outhol~ Southold, New York Gentleme~: I have insl~cted the roads at Section 2. Peconic Ho~es. Peconic, New York, and find the construction of these, in co~lianee with the Hi,away Specif£cati~ns of the Town of .~outhold. RCD:a / RA3f~OND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways October 5, 1967 SOuthold Town Board 16 South Street Grean~ort, New York Gentlemen~ This is to certify ~hat the follo~ing action was taken by the $outhold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on O~tcber 1967: "It was P~S~VED that the Southold Town PlannSng Bmrd recommend to the Sou~hold Toga Board that ~he t~£orm~noe bond for the reads ~n the eubd~v~s~on to be known as Peconic Homes, Section IX, PeconXc, New Yo~k, owned and develo~ed by Henry J. SmXth, be waived." Attached hereto ere the letters of approval of thmee roads from ltaymond C. Dean, Super~nt~nt of H~ghwaysr and L&wrenoeM. Tuthlll, Construction Engineer for the Plam~ng Board. Baepectfully subm.%tted, JOhn W~ckham, Cha~zman Southold Town Plan~nq Board LAWF~E:NCE: M, TUTHILL October 3, 1967 Southold Town planning Board Southold, ~.Y. Gentlemen: l{e: Peconic H~mes Sec. II Z have inspected the roads of ?econic Homes Sec. and have found them to meet the so~cifdcations of the Planning Board. i{espect ~£ully submitted, Lawrence M. Tuthill TI LAWRENCE M, TUTHILL and ~ve :lannin6 Bouthold Town Board 16 South Street Gree~port, Ne~ York 11944 September 12, 1967 Gentlemen: Th~s is to advise you that ti%e foll~wing action was ~aken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on September 6, 1967, it was ILEBOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board that they accept a performance bond in the amount of $7,000.00 for the com- pletion of roads and other improvements in the subdivision to be known as Pecon&c Homes. Section II, lo~ated at Pe~onlc, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, owned and developed by Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith. Respectfully submitted, John Wl~kham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Re~or~ Southold ToWn. Board 16 South Street Gree~port0 Ne~, York 11944 september 12, 1967 Gentlemen= This is to adVise you that the fo/lowing action was &aken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on September 6, 1967. It was RESOLVED that the $outhold To~n Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board that they accept a performance bond in the amount of ~7,000.00 for the com- pletion of roads and other improvements in the subdivision to be known as Pecontc Homes, Section II, located at Peconic0 Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, owned and developed by Henry j. Smith and Stella M. Smith. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board LAWRENCE M, TUTHILL August 9, 1967 S mthold Town Planning Boazd Main Stre-~t Southold, ~'.Y . Re: Peconic Homes, Sec. Gentlemen: My estimate for the roads at Peconic Homes, Sec. ZI at Peconic , N.Y . is as follows: Land clearing-none Hough grading none Fine grading 500 if ® $ .30~ if Surfacing 1~00 If .~ $ 4.00 / If C~r~ing 200 if ~ $ 5.00 if Lucrease costs over 3 year period Administrative costs 15o.oo 4,400.00 ,000. O0 5 .oo 6oo.oo ~eco~mend a bond of $ 7,000.00 ~spectifully submitted, Lawrence M. 2~thill LAWRENCE: M. TUTHILL August 9~ l~6T ~ eothaate for t~e ~o at Peeealo Hmo, Sec. Il at Peeeaie , I1.! . is as folle~t ~ grd.t~ none sa~ae~ 1~o If ~ $ ~.oo / Xf ~ Zoo if · $ S.oo If ~cz~a~e ceet~ over .,1 year peried AdminAo%~m~tve k,bX~oCo 1,000.00 ~ a b~nd ef$ 7,0~,00 RAYMOND C. DEAN SUPERINTENDENT TEL. 765-3140 July 17, 1.O67 The Planning B~ard. Town of $outhold Southold, New York .,entle~en. I have d.spected the map and approve the lay-out of the proposed road at Section 2, Peconic Ho~es, ?econic, New York, road to be Soundvlew ~hvenue extension. RCD:a Sup't. of Highways Notice of Hearing IfOTXCE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law public hearing will be held by the 8outhoid Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southoldo Ifaw York, in said Town on the 18th day of July, 1967, st 7s30 o'clock in the evening of said day on the question of approml of the following plat8 Plat of l~operty owned by Henry Smith, entitled Poconic Homes, Section II, consisting of a parcel of land 9.48 acres, situated at Peconic, in the Town of 8outkLd, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as BBGXI~XNG at a point on the westerly line of a proposed ht~ way to be known as "Hlnx~/'s Lane", 1505.24 feet northerly along enid westerly line frou Middle Road, said poi/t of beginning being the northeasterly corner of lot 12, as shown on Suffolk County Clerk's Offlce as Map #4181; of beginning runnlng alongWeald lot 12 as shown on sald map, 8. 44° 53' 30" W.- 209.98 feet to land of C.P.F. Land Corpr thence along said land of C.P.F. Land Carp; If. 47° 59' 20" W.- 667.35 feat; thence along land of Frederick Hehn,i~ If. 44° $3' 30" B.- S18.49 feet; thence along the westerly end of a prtvaee road known as "Miami Avenue" and along land of Florence Gowan0 8. 42° 09' 30" E.- 289.60 filed in the fr~ said point (1) s. B.- 70.80 feat; thence thence along :Land of Peter 8Leak0 three coursel: 49° 56' 30" S.- 179.1 feet; thence (2) 8. 37° 46° (3) S. 62° 24' 30" E.~44.75 feet; 30" Legal Notice ~hence along land o£ Henry J. Smith0 ~hree courses, (1) 8. 24~ 42' 50" B.- 106.65 £eet; thence (2) N. 6S° 17' 10" lso. o feet; thence (3) s. 24v 42* 50" B.-135.0 feet to the northerly line of a proposed hlghwaytobeknown as "SOund- view Avenue.; thence along said northerly line, S. 6$° l?' 10" W.- 301.01 feetr thence across laid '8oundview Avenue" and along land of Long Zsland Lighting Coml~uny, S. 42~ 09' 30' B.- 194.27 feet; thanes along lot 2S as shown on said "Map o£ Peoonic House',, 8. 47° S0' 30" w.- 186,18 £eet to the easterly line o£ Said "aenry*s Lane", thence along said easterly line, e. 4$~ O6' 30- W.- 81.12 feet; thence Said 'Henry*s Lane", S. 44° 53* 30" W.- S0.0 £eet to the point of beginning. Any person ~esiring to be heard on the question o£ approval o£ the above plat o£ property should appear at the t~hae and place above specified. DATBD, J~NB 20° 1967, BY ORdeR 0~ SgK~HOLD~0W~ PLBASR IHFBLXSH OHCu, JULY 7, 1967, AND ~BRWARD TWO (2) AFFXDAVXTS OF P~BLZCATX~ TO THE SOUTHOLD~0WN PLANNXN~ BOARD, TGW~ O~PFXCB, MAXN ROAD,sO~LD, N~W YO~K. Copies mailed to the following on ~une 27, 1967. The Suffolk Weshly Times The Long Xsland T~aveler-~attituck watc!h~an Le£fert, p. Bdson, Esq. VAN TUYL & SON June 21, 1967 D~SCRIPTION: Peconie Homes - Section II Beginning at a point on the westerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Henry's Lane", 1505.24 feet northerly along said westerly line from i~iddle Road~ said point el' beginning being the northeasterly corner of lot 12, as shown on "lv~ap of Peconic Homes", filed in the Suffolk ~ou~ty Clerk's Office as ~4181,; from said point ~f beginning turn,lng along said lot 12 as shown on said map~ S. 44 53~ 30" W. - 209.98 feet to la~d of ©.P.F^ Land Corp; thence alo~g said land of O.P.F. L~nd C>ro~ N. 47~ 59' ~0" i$. - 667.35 feet; thence along land of Frederick Hehn, ~. 44~ 53~ 30" E. - 518.49 feet; thence along the westerly end of _a private roa~ known as "~iami 3~ven~e" and along land of Florence Gowan, S. 42 0 ~ " '.~ ' ~ ~ · - 9 30 ~. - 289.b0 zeet, taence along lend of Peter Sienk, three courses: (1) N. 49° 56' 30" E. - 179.1 feet; thence (2) S. 37° 46' 30" E. - 70.80 feet; thence (3) N. 62° 24' 30" E. - 44.75 feet; thence along land el' Henry J. Smith, three courses: (1) S. 24° 42' 50" E. - 106.65 feet; tfience (2) N. 65° 17' 10" E. - 150.0 feet; thence (3) S. 24° 42' 50" E. - 135.0 feet to the northerly line of a prop~osed hi~hway to b~ Known as "So~ndview Avenue"; the~ce along said ~]ortnerly line, S. 65u 17' 10" W. - 301.01 i'eet; thence across said "Soundview Aven%~e", and along land of Long Island Li~htiag Comoany, S. 42° 09' 30" E. - 194.27 ~ · ~ - ~eet, thence along lot 25 as shown on said "l~ap of Peconic Homes", S. 47~ 50~ 30" ~J. - 186.18 i'eet to the easterly line of said "Henry's Lan~."; tl~ence along ~id easterly line, ~ ~ , ~ ~ .'~ - · 45o U6 30 ~/. - 81.12 feet; thence across s~tma "Henry's ~ne", S. 44 53' 30" '~. - 50.0 feet to t±~e point oi' beginning. Contai:aing 9.48 acres. J~S/mg To: So~J~t?~old Town Planning Board VA~' TUYL & APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of tbe To~vn of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) ~ approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the To~vn Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning- Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be...P..e.c.q.n.i..c...H.o..m.~$.,...S.e..c.t..i.o.n...'~_[..q ............ 3. The entire land under application is ~8~Y,i~:~l~lr~ll~l)~k'~ii~i~(xxll~ex~:tK~x:~0l:k a~W/~X}: as shown on survey attached hereto. 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber ...5..2.6..a ................ Page .... 2..8.6. ............... On ... k%.-.2.3.-..62. ........ ; Liber ...6..1.1.7 ................ Page .... ~.1. ............... On ....2.r.2.~ .-.6.7 .......... ; Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ....................................... or as distributee ........................................................................ 5. The area of the land is ...ap.p.r.o..x.:..1..0 .... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at tbe date hereof have been paid except ...NO/~IE... 7. The land is encumbered by ............ N..O .............................................. mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of $ ................ unpaid amount $ .................. held by ......................... ........................... address .................................................... (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of ................ unpaid amount $ .................. held by ......................... ........................... address ..................................................... (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of $ .............. unpaid amount $ .................. held by ......................... ........................... address ..................................................... 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except .... N. QN,~ ................ 9. The land lies in the follo~ving .zoning use districts .. ~'.A. ~'...r.o..s.J;..d..e.r,..rjr..a.1. ................ 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept ................... ~.O..N.~. .......................................................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public itnprovements. 12. The land~(xlm~}c (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is .............................................................. 13. Water mains ~vill be laid by ...NO~E ..--..individ%%al..wel~s ......................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and staudards will be installed by . .lq.q.n.q..I..s.l.a..n.d...I~..~t .h.'qJ:..n.g' .C. 9.m.p.a.n.y' ..................................... and 1~}¢ (no) charge ~vill be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by ........ NDBIE ............................................. and (a) (no) charge xvill be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to showy same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensious of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". No restrictive covenants. 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $....n. 9.n..e. as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at .............. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise sho~vn on Schedule "F". (Name '1 ~of At6plij~,t) ~? (Signature ~ Robinson Road, Peconic, New York (Address) STATF, OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . .SJJI?F..0LK ................... ss: On the .... 6..t.h. ........ day of ....... Ma.r. ch. ............ 19.67 .... before me personally came Henry J. Smith and .S..t.e..1.1..a...M.... $.m..i.t.l?. ....................... to me known to be the individualsdescribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ....t.h..ey.... executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ................................ ss: On the .................. day ............ of .............. , 19 ...... , before me personally came .............................................. to me known, xvho being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that ............ resides at No ...................................................... ................................................ that .......................... is the .......... the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;that .............. knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that .............. signed .............. name thereto by like order. Notary Public known to b~ the indivldu~ d~rib~ in and who ~-~ted ti~ foregoing instrument, and ac. knowled~ed that ti, n,e k~own to be lhe iadi'vidufi de.riled irt :.cd who / to me know;, w~;~ by mc d~y sworn, di~ de~a~c ~ ~on, .d t~t he s~ed h na~er~ S?~.T~ OF N~ "/OBit KG~N'fY c~ Cm the day o~ 19 per~lly c~e the ~tfl~:~ibin~ wltn~ss to the foregoing inatrmne~ll, who~ I am ~r~nMly ~quaiz~ed, who, bei~ sworn, did doose and say that he resides that h~ k~:o-.v s to be ~e im~.k~idu:d described }~ and who ex.ute6 ~he foregoir~g {n~um~t: *~at he, ,aid subscribing wimess, was p;e:;ent ;md ~ ex~ute the same; and ~]~at : he, sc4id w{mess, :,t the sam~ time sub~ri~:6 ~ RECORDED' ", ~ORMAN L KLIPP ONLY, ~[~ 1~~ made thc ~ ~y of January , nmetcen nuar ,-CC axe :Axty - sc',en BE~ HENRY J. SMITH and STELL M. GN,~ L], hi.s wife ,+*h residing at Robinscm Lane, PeconLc, New York, party o{ the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. a munt.'ipal corporat:.on of the State of New York, havmgan office at 16 South St,-eet, Greenport, New York, party of the second part, ~'l'l'{~ that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the seeon'd part, does hereby grant and release reno the part'~ o£ the second part, the heirs or succesrt, or:, an~d assigns of the party of the second part forever, ~ that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements~ thereon ~-ectcd, sittmte, lying and being ioattm at Peconic, in the Town of SouthoId, 2;uffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point or: the southerly line of Mill Road, also known as Mill Lane, which point of beginning is the following two courses and distances along said southerly side of Mill Road from a monument set on smd southerly side of Mill Road at the southeasterly boundary line of land now or' formerly of Peter Sienk, to wit: (1) South 63 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East 52.50 feet; thence ~,,) ~outh 77 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East 335.50 feet; from said point of beginning running thence along land now or formerly of Mrowka Estate South of 8 deg£e.s 14 minutes 20 seconds West I0,02 feet to the northeasterly corner lands conveyed or about to be conveyed by the Long Island Lighting Company to the Town of Southold, th; party of the second p~rt he~ eLn; running thence along land last mentioned South 65 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds West 59.58 feet; running thence through lands of the parties of the first part herein North 8 degrees 1.4 minutes 20 secon~s East 45. 78 feet to said southerly line of Mill Road; running thence along said southerly line of Mill Road South 77 degrees 55 minu~es 00 :eeconds East 50. I1 f.e~ to the point or place of beginning. TOGFfl'i!ILR with all r;ght, title nnd interest, if any, of the party of the fir,~t part in and to any streets and n~ads abmting the ahoy(: described t~remises to the center lines thereof; TCKJ, ET}tER wkh the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of th~ party of the first part in and to said premises; TO }lAVE AND TO I-IOLD the premises hereto granted unto the party of the second part, thc heirs or successors and assign* o[ the pariy of the second part forever. AND the party of the nrst part covenants that the party of ~he first part has not done or suffered anything where.by the said pr_,rmises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party ot the first part, in compliance with Sc"~ion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party o~ .the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive soch. consld- oration as a trust fired to be al>plied first :[or the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and w:ll apply tlm same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement be/ore using any part of the total ot the same for any other purpose. The w~rd "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requireL IN wl'r~ *~'~J~, the part)' of the first part has duly executed this deed thc day itel year first ldra~e Stella M. Smith C~ h~ ~ ~, ,~ Januar"~ 19 67 , before me On ~e ~y o~ ~ENRY J. S;, 7'H and STELLA M. SMITH tc ~e k:~wx: t~ } iLe individual described in and who No :~ ry Public 19 , before me to me known to be the ' ' ' mdzv~dual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that exeCuted the same, On .~he da~ ol 19 , before me to me {~:own, whc, being by me duly s~ ~rn, did depose and s:;y ;hat he reside;; at No. ; that he is the ol , the eoq~oration described in and which executed the foregoing ..slr ,ment: that he knows the seal oF mid corporatton; aa. the seal affixed tc ssi(. instrument is such corporate seal that it was so affixed by. order of the board ot, directors of said corpora- tion, aad that he signed h name there o by like order. STATE OF NEW YONK, COUNTY OF On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he knows to be the individual described in and wlm executed the foregoing instrument: that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same: and that he, said witness. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. [ITLE HF. NRY J. SMITH STELLA q~[. SMITH 10 TOWlXl OF SOUTHOLD THE TITLE GUARA:'¢'I£E CO,$IPA~Y SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR IOWN Recorded At Request ot The Title Guarantee Company RETURN BY MAIL TO: Robert W. Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York zip No. 11944 CONSULT YOUR L~WYERIIIEOR[ SiG i FHIS ~HSTRUMENT--THI$ INstillMENT SHOUkD BE USE~' BY ~ ~VYEI~S ~NL¥, TH~ INDEbFI'I3R~ ma~e ~e /~ BETWEF~ LONG I.,~AND I, day of .'~'~-,c,: ~,/alnerecn hundred and six '~ ;~ ven Mineoia. Na~.~oa C.vunty ~-_w York, party of the first part, and '20W~ under the laws of the , .:.o ?¥HuLD, a munJ ~J pa]. cox~porat .... , of' 'Ne~, York an"~ ..... ' .... organ party of the second ~/ll'NES~ET~, that the part],' of t~ L~ ~- parr, in ~nside~fion oi ten doli~s p~d by ~c ~m' of the s~ond ~, d~s hereby r~ise, ~el~e ~ w~claim m~m ~e p~ oi the second p~, ~ h~rs o~ succm~sors ~d ~i~s of ~e ~ oi ~e ~ond ~ i ' :ever, ALI. t~t ce~ain plot, pi~ or ~rc I of land, ~~~~ ~ituate. lying~d~ a~ Peco~ ~.c, Town of Southolo, County of SuffoLk. State of New kork, bounded ar ' d~scribed as follows: Beginning at a mon~ent . rt on the southerly side of ~lli Road (Lane) ~here said southerly si~e o Mill Road (Lane) is intersected by the Southeasterly boundary of t~ne now or fo~erly of Peter Slenk; ru~i~ thence South 63 ~egrees 4, nlnutes O0 seconds East, along said southerly side o~' ~il! ~oid (Lane), a distance of 52.50 feet to a point; running thence South 77 negress 55~inutes ~ seconds East, still along said southerly side of Mill Road {Lane), a distance of 335.50 feet ~o a point; running thence Sou~h ~ 4egress 14 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 10.02 feet to a point, wnlch point is the POINT 0R PLACE OF BEGINNING; RUNNING THENCE Soutl% 8 degrees 1~ mlnute~ :.f 59.;9.. feet t... a paint; 2.0 seconds West, a distance RUNNING THENCE South 65 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 554.08 feet to a point; iRUNNING~THENCE North 42 degree~ 12 minutes ~0 seconds West, of 52.40 feet to a point; iRUNNING THENCE North 65 degrees ~7 minutes l0 seconds East, icl 602.25 feet to the POINT OR PLACE 0F BEGINNING. a distance a distance This conveyance is not a sale of all or substantially all of the corporate assets and is made in the regular course of the business actually conducted by the party of the first part. TOGETH ,ER with aL1 right, t!tle and i~terest, if any, of the parry of the first parr in and to ~ny stre~__m slx] roads abuttl~ the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with th~ appurtesms~zes and all the estate and rights of the parry of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or sue _~-~o_ rs s-d ~ o! the par~y of the ~econd ~ forever. It being the intention of the party of the first part to convey ail land for ~ighway purposes and all the estate therein that it may own. AND the Par~y of the ~r~ p~n, in compasses with Section ~ o{ the L~en Law, hereby covenan~ tha~ the ~y of the first par~ vG~ receive thc cmu{derafion for th{s couveyance and will hold the MEh~ to rec~ve such consid- eration as a trust fund ~o be applied ~rst for the purpose o[ pa)~nE the cost of the [mpmvement and ~ apply ~he same ~r~ to the payment of the co~ of the improvement before u~n~ any ~ o{ the tot~ of the same {nr any other The w~zd "~arty" ahal! be con~zued as if it read "parries' whenever the sense o{ th~ indenture $~ requ{res. ~N %~1~-~ %t~O1~, the ~mr~ o{ the first pan has d,dy ,~ ~-~uted tMa deed the day and year ~rst above (Seal) Attest: LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY H£Nt~y J, ,SMITH PECONIC HO/WES · ~,F- OTIO/'V -I-~0 PECONIC TOWN OF' ,-.?OUTHOLL) ,~UFFO&K COUNTY ,4 f~ E.4 ~.'~t8 ,4CRE,~ k° II f [: b /