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PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 November 25, 1997 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Douglas Murphy 437 - 7th St. Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Request for site plan waiver for Douglas Murphy SCTM# 1000-70-7-1 Dear Mr. Murphy: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, November 24, 1997: WHEREAS, Douglas Murphy is the lease holder of the property known and designated as SCTM~ 1000-70-7-1 located at 49295 Main Rd. in Southold, and; WHEREAS, a retail store is a permitted use in this General Business (B) zone; and WHEREAS, an examination has been made of all uses and the existing parking was determined to be adequate for all uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed change from a former use as an ice cream store will not be a more intensive use of this property; and WHEREAS, any violation of the conditions of this resolution may be grounds for rescinding this waiver; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a waiver of site plan requirements. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. S_~incerely, ~~ , ~Be~nnett Oflowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Building Department Ed Forrester, Director, Code Enforcement WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~'~ GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR.~'~-~ RICHAKD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTPIOLD November 5, 1997 Douglas Murphy 437 7th street Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Request for site plan waiver 49295 Main Road, Southold SCTM# 1000-70-7-1 Dear Mr. Murphy, The Planning Board has received your letter of October 23, 1997, requesting a site plan waiver for an ice cream store. The Planning Board considers this activity together with the existing paddling company to be no more intense use of the property than the previous antique business and ice cream store which the Board had granted a waiver on March 4, 1992. It is understood that no changes will be made to the exterior of the building. A paved handicapped parking space is required measuring 20' by 13' wide, and the building must be handicapped accessible. This request will be formalized in resolution form at the Board's meeting of November 24, 1997. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Site Plan Reviewer cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement Date Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for your review: Tax Map # 1000- ~ - 7-1' Location of Project (street address and distance, E,S,N,W, relative to nearest intersection, hamlet) Brief Description of project and reason for waiver request (square footage o( existing buikling area and how it will De used; e.g. 4,000 SCl. ft. total, :~§00 retail, 500 storage, 1000 office Existing and proposed uses ~a.4~ '~2c~ 10~ ~,,o~,~ /-,' Lot area,~ / 5--0~ Zoning District [~ Parking required Name "~¢OE-LA~ ~. ~1. UI~13/-/~J , ~e~nter?Owner? £0f~/~5 £, I~ '~ff renter, attach owners permission to pursue this inquiry). Phone ff. , Please attach a survey or sketch of the property, at a I" to 20' scale, showing, the location of all existinE and proposed buildinEs and required parkinE, spaces, for all uses proposed and existinE on site. ,~/~._~ Show which buildinE, s will have which use. if you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (5~6) 765-~938 October 16, 1997 Mr. Doug Murphy 437 7 Street Greenport, NY Lickety-Split-formerly Main Rd. Ackerly Pond Southold, LI NY To Whom It May Concern: Kindly be advised that I will be renting the store located on Main/Ackerly Pond to Mr. Doug Murphy. For further questions I can be reached at 89 Peninsula Blvd., Hempstead NY or at 516-481-7995. Your kind attention in this matter is appreciated. urs truly, PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr,, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 April 15, 1992 Wanda Senko 89 Peninsula Blvd. Hempstead, NY 11550 RE: Request for Site Plan Waiver for Wanda Senko Main Road and Ackerly Pond Road Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM9 1000-70-7-1 Dear Ms. Senko: The Planning Board has received your letter of April 9, 1992, requesting a site plan waiver for a fish and vegetable market. The Planning Board considers this activity together with the existing antique business to be no more intense a use of the property than the previous use of the antique store and ice cream parlor. The Board will grant a waiver for this fish and vegetable market provided that the only other occupant is the existing antique store. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. cc: Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector April 9, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Planning BOard Office Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Request for Site Plan Waiver for Wanda Senko Main Road and Ackerly Pond Rd. Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM# 1000-70-7-1 Dear Chairman Orlowski and Board Members: I am requesting a site plan waiver for the above captioned property as follows: a. Front portion of building to be occupied by a fish and vegetable sotre. b. Rear portion and barn to continue to be occupied by antique and wicker sales. Thank you for your kind attention in this matter. Yours very truly, Wanda Senko ~ 89 Peninsula Blvd. Hempstead, NY 11550 F~ (51 6) ~83-1~67 April 2, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. (]1airman Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Retail store Main Road and Ackerly Pond Road, Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) SC~ # 1000-70-7-1 Dear Mr. Orlowski and Board Members: Thank you for your recent response, however, I believe that I maybe at fault in the way I requested the waiver. I wish to acknowledge that the store is preciously small.. 10xl 0 approximately. I too, would not support a supermarket. It would have several bins of vegetables, packaged seafood and possibly a small tank with sc~ lobsters, all in keeping with the North Fork's image as a great place for fresh produce and fishing. The space will not allow more then a small amount of each. As referenced above, the parking lot is one of the greatest for a store this size with a two street egress and ingress. I hope that ! have been able to more accurately provide the needed informa- tion for a waiver approval. We are'all aware of the effect of the present recession, but in a moment of grace, the Boards kind reconsideration, and allowing a waiver for vegetable and small seafood store would seem approriate. I apologize for not reviewing the size of the store with the m~-mbers. ! Thank you for you~ kind attention to the above. 89 Peninsula BLvd. Hempstead, NY 1150 E. Marion, NY SOUTHOLD PLANNING 16 .992 Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Latham, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ward, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski:. Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: Board to approve the March 16, 1992 minutes. Mr. Latham: So moved. Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. Mr. Orlowski: I believe Mr. Carlson is here. Sinko here too? Is Mrs. Mr. Carlson: No, she said she would be here but I guess something happened. I just would like to find something out. She owns the property, I would just like to find out something about leasing the property. When I checked on it I was told we need to waiver a site plan approval. She has a site plan for changes. She went for a waiver of site plan approval and you guys gave her permission to go back and use it like it was being used as a ice cream store but denied a waiver for use as a vegetable and shellfish retail store. I was wondering if you can tell me which way I can go from here? I mean, I am trying to find the right place and the right zone to do as I should be doing and I thought that was an ideal location with reasonable rent. I don't know what her plans are, I understand that the site plan she put in for changes is going to expire in two months. If that expires, what happens at that point? Does that revert back to what it was automatically or do we still have to change the use? Mr. Orlowski: She would have to come in. I don't know if she plans on doing that. What is that about three years? Ms. Spiro: Three years, right. Mr. Orlowski: So she can come in and ask for another extension. Mr. Carlson: Well, you agreed to let her use it as an ice cream store. Mr. McDonald: You were going to go in in place of the ice cream store? Mr. Carlson: No, she had somebody talking to her that wanted to re-open an ice cream store there and at the same time she had me talking to her about opening a retail store. There was an antique store and an ice cream store. Mr. McDonald: You would go into the antique area where the antiques were? Mr. Carlson: No, I wanted to go into the front place where the ice cream store was. She has someone else that wanted to rent the ice cream store and they were going to go into the antique place. Mr. Orlowski: She never told us that. Mr. Carlson: I think she was afraid of having problems with the site plan approval she had. I came down and asked for a copy of the letter and it said that you thought it was too intense a use. Too intense a use as a ice cream and what I would like to use it for. Would it be O.K. to use it for one or the other but not for both? What are the feelings on it? Mr. McDonald: We were under the impression that the ice cream store was going to go back in to right where the ice cream was. Mr. Carlson: Oh, I see. Mr. McDonald: Nobody said that the ice cream was going to move to the other side at all and this is news. Mr. Carlson: I didn't care, I told her I would take either one. She wanted a hundred dollars more for the bigger one in the back side then the one in the front. I said the small one would be fine. I was just going to sell just some limited local vegetables and lobsters and clams and just local produce and shellfish basically and I told her the small one would be just fine and it was a hundred dollars less a month. I said I would be happy to take that one. I understand now that the person who is talking about opening an ice cream store has decided he is not going to or has backed out or something. Mr. McDonald: To do what you want to do, do you need anything from the Health Department at all? SOUTHOLD PLANNING 18 .992 Mr. Carlson: No, all I need is a permit from the Department of Agriculture. I am not going to have any prepared foods and I'm not going to do anything on the premises except sell live shellfish or fresh vegetables. Mr. Ward: When did we deny the site plan waiver? Ms. Spiro: We have the file over there. Mr. Ward: They asked for a waiver. Mr. McDonald: We granted a waiver for the ice cream store. Mr. Orlowski: Then we received another letter for another waiver. Mr. Ward: I think our position at the time was that the building was there and is being used and if it were an expansion of the building we would insist upon a site plan. I think this is a case of change of use and it's retail so what is the difference? Mr. Orlowski: Does she know if the ice cream is coming or not? It would make it a lot more simplified. Mr. Carlson: I'm a little baffled by the whole thing myself but the antique dealer was discussing whether they were going to stay and I guess they were going to move out and then both places became available and she had two of us talking in the meantime about the one and then she decided both would be available so maybe she could put both in there. Mr. Orlowski: As far as we know, there are two things going to be in there. Ice cream store and the antique store. Mr. McDonald: They indicated they had another ice cream store to go in there. We had no notion. Mr. Ward: Maybe you could get her to clean it up and give us a letter stating what use is going on in what space so we have it in the record as to what she is proposing to do there. Mr. Or!owski: The way we read it in the record now is that this is the third thing going in there. Mr. Carlson: I didn't want to get involved in it, I just wanted to lease it. I checked to make sure I wasn't going to have a problem if I went in there and found out she needed a waiver of site plan approval. I told her that and I thought she was taking care of it. Mr. Orlowski: Just get her to tell us what she is doing in there. SOUTHOLD PLANNING 19 992 Mr. Carlson: O.K., I'll try and get it straightened out with her. If there are only going to be two places in there and whether it is going to me and the antique store or whether it is me and the ice cream store. Do you think that would be acceptable? Mr. McDonald: The only thing I worry about at all there is the parking. Everybody is going to be all over the road. That is the only thing that scares me up on the hill but other than that the, I mean, the uses are there already so there is no big deal. Mr. Carlson: Well, there seems like there is plenty of parking there. Mr. McDonald: There is. There is not problem with the parking it is just that everyone has the tendency to park along the road. Everyone talking. Mr. Orlowski: Get her to send us a letter with her intent. Mr. Carlson: She might still be having a problem finding out whether or not the antique store is going in there. Mr. Orlowski: Well, it would make it a lot easier for us to make a decision. If it is going to be three we are going to have a problem. Mr. Carlson: No, it is only suppose to be two is what she told me. If we get that cleared up it will be alright? Mr. orlowski: Yes. Mr. Orlowsk: O.K., one other item. Empire Service Station . Garrett Strang: This is Mr. Ilgin the owner of the station. We are in a position where we are going to make a formal application to the Board for the site plan action. We did receive a variance but in an amended state just recently. In fact, we haven't received the actual resolution in written format yet. I have a pretty good idea of what they approved and it sort of changes the complexion of things a little bit in what we are doing here so we just wanted to review this with the Board before we make our final application so we are all aware of what is going on. In a nut shell, the ZBA reduced the amount of square footage that can be used as the convenience store use to 600 square feet. They further put a condition in the resolution that the sole entrance to this convenience store will be on the east side of the building. It will not be accessible from the April 9, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., (~airman Planning BOard Office Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Scuthold, NY 11971 Request for Site Plan Waiver for Wanda Senko Main Road and ~kerly Pond ~d. Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM~ 1000-70-7-1 ~r Chaiman Orlowski and Board Mmmbers: I am requesting a site plan waiver for the above captioned property as follows: a. Front portico% of building to be occupied by a fish and vege~-~hl.e sotre. b. Rear ~ortiofl and barn to continue to be occupied by antique an~ wicker sales. Thank you for your kind attention in this rotter. Yours very truly, WaSa Senko 89 Pen/nsula Blvd. H~,~st~a, NY 11550 FAX (516) 483-1667) April 9, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., C~airman Planning BOard Office Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Request for Site Plan Waiver forWandaSenko Main Roadand AckerlyPond Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM# 1000-70-7-1 Dear Chairman Orlowski and Board Members: I am requesting a site plan waiver for the above captioned property as follows: a. Front portion of building to be occupied by a fish and vegetable sotre. b. Rear portion and barn to continue to be occupied by antique and wicker sales. Thank you for your kind attention in this matter. Yours very truly, 89 peninsula Blvd. Hen~_stead, NY 11550 FAX (516) 483-1667) April 9, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orl~ski, Jr,, ~irrc~n Planning BOaz~ Office T~i of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road ~~outJ~oldt N~ 11974 Request for Sit~ P!anWaiver for Wanda Senko Main Road and Ackerly Pop~ Rd, Zoning District: General Business (B) SCI%~ 1000-70-7-1 Dear <~airT~acn 1 ' Or ow~i and ~oard I ~ ~estin9 a site pl~ v~iver ~- ~e ~e caption~ pro~rty as foll~s: a. F~n~ ~ion of ~ild~ to v~e~le sotre. b. Rcar porhion and barn to continu~ t:oke oc. ctpie<~ by ant:i~ue and wicker sales. ' you for your kind attention {n this matter. Yours very truly, 89 Peninsula Blvd. He~pstead, NY ] ~ 550 Pg~ (516; 483-1667) April 2, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairma~ Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hail. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Retail store Main Road and Ackerly Pond Road, Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) SCPM # 1000-70-7-1 D~r Mr. Orlowski and Board Members: Thank you for your recent response, however, I believe that I mybe at fault in the way I requested the waiver. I wish to acknowledge that the store is preciously small.. 10xl 0 approximately. I too, would not support a supermarket. It would have several bins of vegetables, packaged seafood and possibly a ~nall tank with scme lobsters, all in keeping with the North Fork's image as a great place for fresh produce and fishing. The space will not allow more then a small amount of each. As referenced above, the parking lot is one of the greatest for a store this size with a two street egress and ingress. I hope that I have been able to more accurately provide the needed informa- tion for a waiver approval. We are all aware of the effect of the present recession, but in a moment of grace, the Boards kind reconsideration, and allowing a waiver for vegetable and small seafood store would se~ approriate. I apologize for not reviewing the size of the store with the members. ~ y outflow, yo~ kind attention to the above. 89 Peninsula BLvd. Hempstead, NY 1150 E. Marion, NY PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L, HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 March 31, 1992 Wanda M. Senko 89 Peninsula Blvd. Hempstead, NY 11550 RE: Request for Site Plan Waiver for Wanda Senko Main Road and Ackerly Pond Road Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM# 1000-70-7-1 Dear Mr. Senko: The Planning Board has received your letter of March 10, 1992, requesting a site plan waiver for a fish and vegetable market. The Planning Board considers this activity a more intense use of the property than the previous use of the antique store and ice cream parlor. The Board will not grant a waiver for this fish and vegetable market. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector March 10, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman SOuthold Planning Board Town Hall Main Street SOuthold, NY 11971 Premises Intersection of Main Rd & Ackerly Pond Southold, NY Dear ~nainm~n Orlowski: Thank you for your review of request to use the above referenced property as retail stores. I would be most grateful if consideration would be given to my request to have Mr. Claude Carlson use the premises for a vegetable and fish stand. The gentleman is a resident of Southold and lives directly behind the store on Ackerly Pond Lane, which would make the use of the store very convenient for him. Thank you for your kind attention to the above. _ _Yours very~t~u~ly, / Wanda M. Senko 89 Peninsula BLvd. He~st~ad, NY 11550 ~rch 10, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman SOuthold Planning Board Town Hall Main Street SOuthold, NY 11971 RE.' Premises Intersection of Main Rd & Ackerly Pond Rd. Southold, NY Thank you for your.~e~iew of request to use the above referenced property as retail stores.~ I would be most grateful if consideration would be given to my request to have Mr. Claude Carlson use the premises for a vegetable and fish stand. The gentleman is a resident of Southold and lives directly behind the store on Ackerly Pond Lane, which would make the use of the store very convenient for him. Thank you for your kind attention to the above. ._Yours very tr~, ly~ Wanda M. Senko 89 Peninsula BLvd. Hempstead, NY 11550 '~ '"~; ~RANNING BOARD I PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOFF L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 March 4, 1992 John Senko 89 Peninsula Boulevard Hempstead, NY 11550 RE: Retail store Main road and Ackerly Pond Road, Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) SCTM# 1000-70-7-1 Dear Mr. Senko: The Planning Board has reviewed your request for a tenant to reopen an ice cream store at your above referenced property without filing an amended site plan. The Board has no objections to this use of the property under the current approved site plan provided no changes are made to the exterior of the building. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector d TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART · Garrett A. Strang fo~ Senk0 '*~-- .~6.5.5 ,M~&.~..ao.ad :-P.,CL..BOx .1'.4"1 2 ...__... (S~r~'.c; .... _ ,; Southold, ' New York ~97~ Mr s Mrs John Senko ' '- 89 P6~insula 'glCd. H~mD~a~ . N~W York I 1SS~ (Srtlfly dlscrfbl C~e o¢;r~ec-. 3~c:ion) Constructioh of 2600 S.F. Two story Fram~ BQild'inq' in a~dltion to th~ existing retail, building, Parkinq area and landscapin~ as required. focal 4c.~.se.e a.~ ~reJe~: ar~a: : 69acre. s: " ..... : ' Aq~cui :ur:l 0 scres 0 · _t. :S :r ~.:.L.) 0 ~cr;s ___O_:cr.-s ~&c~r Sur~3c~ A~.3 ' ' 0 Ictus _ 0 Unvtqecac~d (.~cx. .. 59 .59 IlrLq ~r fill| ~cres Ant a:~r ;aveG .1 0 .1 0 Loam, Sand, Gravel .~es X 'lo (;.', 'e:c} ~-'...-' 7. 8. g. 10. 11. 1Z. 13. '14. Apprexi~.ate percent3~e of' proposed prejec.I; s$1~ vt~ slopes: a-lag 10 -,; lO-15:20 greeter 70 ~. rs project can:lguouS to. ar contain e building or site listed an the Kational Register of HIstortc Places? Tes ~ ~ ~at Is ~e dep~ ~ ~e ~ter ~ble? ~20 feet ' .. ~ hunc~n~ or ffsMng op~untttes presentl~ extst ~n the project area? ~es X' *'fro ~es p~ject site c0n~tn any spectes of plant or antmal life ~at ts ldenCtf?ed as threatened or ' endsn~ered -.., ,, Yes ~ ~, ac~lng tO - Identify each spectes ' Are ~%ere any ~tque or ~us~l land fo~ on the Pmlec~ s~te? (I.e. cltffs, dunes, otAer g~Jogtcal fo~t~ofls - Yes ~ ~. *(Oescr~be Ss '~e'~ecc st~_~sentl~ ~ by t~ m~nlty or nelghborh~o4 as an ~en space or'mc~atlon ~es'~he p~sent' tie offar or lnctu~ s~nfc v~s Or vts~s ~ ~ be tm~Kant'~ Yes ~ no 15. · 16. Lakes, Ponds, WecTafld areas within or contiguous ~ project area: ............... a. Na~a N/A ' $ b. Size (tn acres) ~at Is ~e ds~inaflt lafl~ use ~d zoning classification within a 1/4 mile radius of ~e p~JecC (e.g~ ' s~gle family r~stdentta], R-Z) ~d ~e scale of development (e.g. ~ story). Busimess, B-1 Residential,( Agr~c~l'tur~l 1% Story PR~E~ OESCR~TZ~ 1. Physical dJ~flstons and s~le a. Total c~Ctguous at.age o~ed bi p~ecC sponsor . ~ 9 ' acres.... ..,, ~.t." ",~..,":": ,.' . : :~ ..: ,..'~.: b. Pm~ect acreage d eloped ~"rmatn ~developed. ' c. Pm~ect at.age 0 '. '.' ' ". d. Length of p~Je~, fn mt]es:, N/A, (if app~p~taCe} ' ,"'. ' -' ': :' e.' Zf p~ec~ t~ ~ ~panst~,o~ existing, tndJcaCe peccenC of ~panst.ofl p~posad: age ~00% ; developed at.age ,,,~ame proposed '34' f, ff~Er of off-st~t perktflg spaces extsttng_l~' ' g. ~aximua vehicular trips generated per'hour__ 6 h, Zfrasidanttal: Nu~erand type o~houstng units: N/A · - One'Famtly-' Two F~ily Multiple F~ily C~fldomtflt~ (upon completion of project} UIt~c~ce Ir: OrtencaC~ofl HeiSh~ornood-Clty-~egional ~cimaced Employment Co~..ercial ~od Industrial Total height Of. toilest Proposed: Structure ~.'~Q feeC .... build{mt *squar~ foot Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1988 April 29, 1987 Mr. Garrett Strang Architect P.O. Box 1412 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Site Plan for John Senko Dear Mr. Strang: Please let this confirm the following action taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 27, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan for John Senko for construction of an office/ retail complex located at Ackerly Pond Lane and Main Road, Southold, site plan dated as amended March 18, 1987 with supplemental landscape plan dated April 21, 1987. It was noted that this plan received a variance from the Board of Appeals on lot size and has been certified by the Building Department. Would you please forward two (2) additional site plans for endorsement by the Chairman. One will be returned to you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary NOw much natu.-~l m~t~rial (I.e. rock, e~rth0 etc.) will be resavo, d from ~..~e si~e - tons 1 O0 cubic ~ mn~ ~c~s o~ vegeCa~on (~rees, shahs, g~und cove~s) ~11 be re~ved fro~ sJCe - 0 acres. Yes ~ ~ Are ~ero ~y plus for ~-ve~eCa~an to replace ~ha~ ~ve~ during cans~c~on? .~ Yes NO ~f single ph~se p~ecC: ~CtcJp~Ced period of construction 9 ~nths, (Inc~ludJn~ de. litton). tf ~lcJ-p~sed p~j~ct:~ 4.. Tot~l n~er Of phases ~t~cJpaCed ' NO. Yes · 8. #!11 blasttng ooour during construction? 9. Nmher of Jobs generated: de. rig constrocCton 10. N~er of Jobs ellmtnatad by this project 4 11. b. Anticipated date of c~m~nce~ent phase 1 . demolition) ' e.. Approximate completion date final phase , r~nth d. Is phase I financia11~ dependent on subsequent phases? .- ; after project ts complete 1986 month ' year Clncludtng Mil1 project require relocation of any projects or facilitiesZ Yes ×- Ho. If ~es, explain: IZ. a. Is surface ar subsurface llqutd waste dis;osal Involved? × Yes NO. b. If 7es, indicate type of vesta (se'~age, industrial, etc.) S~wa~e C; If surface disposal fl;~ 0¢ stre~ into which effluent ~t11 be disobeyed 13. ~Jll su~ce aro~ o~ exJs:tn9 lakes, pan~s, s~e~s, hays ar o~er surface waterways be increased or decro~sed by p~pas~l? Yes ,. ~ NO. 14. Is p~oject or any portion of pro, ccC located in the 1GO ~ear flood plain? × Yes 1S. a, Ooes project Involve dispasal of solid waste? × Yes NO b. 'If yes, will an e.~lsttflg solid waste disposal facility be used? × Yes ,, ~ c. ir ~es, g{ve .~e: so'ut~6id ~andfil~ location ~Cu~hoque'~ 'N.'Y'. d. ~1~1 an~ was:es nu~ gQ the0 a sewage 41s~osal s~s:em Qr into a sanitary ]an~fl]~? 16. gill project use herbicides or pesticides? Yes X ~o 17. MIll project routinely produce odors' (more than one hour per day)? Yes _ × ~o 18. ~i11 project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? 19. ~JlI project result Jn an increase iff eflere~vuse? X Yes NO. Electricit~ f Fuel Oil ~0. If water supply is fra~ wells Indtcztq pu~p~nq c~;acity gals/minute. Z1. ?ocal anticipated ~at~r usaga ~er day 165 gals/day. ~.~. Zoning: a. Vhac Is dominant'toning ClassifiCation of site? b. Current $;eclfic toning cl~$if~cactun o¢ st:e. ¢. is proposed use c~nsis:ent aiCh ~resanC zoning~ d. [¢ no, tneicate desired Zoning .$- No Yes X No Yes X No I! .yes, Indicate t~pe(s) B- General Business B-1 General Business Yes ae Lo~al and Regton4! &gp~ovals: any Federal pemjc required? Yes Ooes pra~ect lnvoTve State or Federal fundin$ or financing? ~Yes Approval Required Submittal (~es, fiD) (Type) (Dace) cILty, TOW11, VJT]age Boned : City, Town, ~ntng Bonrd · .--'. City, County Health Oeparc=eflt Other local agencies Other regiona),agenctel -' State Agencies . . Federal Agencies N · ~Y' _Sani hary _'N -- Y _x '_No Approva! (Once) INFOP~qATIG:(AL DETAILS . · · . : . '? Attach any additional Info.arian as ~ay be need·. -..TI~: ........ i~.~_RRE~ A. STRANG, ARCHITECT ~[N~: .._ John Senko (Owner) ' August ,11, 1986 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 September 3, 1986 Mr. Garrett ~rang Architect P.O. Box 1412 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Site plan for Mr. and Mrs. John Senko Dear Mr. ~rang: Please let this confirm the discussion of the Planning Board, with regard to the above mentioned site plan, at the August 25 meeting. I~ was the consensus of the Board to conduct a field inspection of the premises. It was noted that Section 100-62 of the Town Code requires a shopping center to have one acre of land, therefore, an area variance for this proposal is required. The Board also requested landscaping, building elevations, and that consideration be given to eliminating the exit onto Main Road. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary cc: Board of Appeals JOHN SENK0 - Following a field inspection - the Board requests that all the access be from Ackerly Pond only. T' LD 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 11, 1987 Mr. Garrett Strang Architect P.O. Box 1412 Southold, NY 11971 Re: John Senko Site Plan Dear Mr. Strang: Please let this confirm the following action taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, March 9, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan for John Senko for construction of an office/retail complex to the Building Department for certification. This proposal is located at Main and Ackerly Pond Roads, Southold, site plan dated as revised February 25, 1987. This proposal has also received a variance on the lot size from the Board of Appeals (#3552). Would you please forward-three (3) additional site plans to our office for referral to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD ~cc: building department By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary TOWi~ OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART PROJECT I ~? OR~4AT ION .... ~al 7~ce U~pl~x ' ' ,for RO~; S'~hoen'haar P.O.Box 124' Mattituck, New York Garrett A. Strang, 'Architect. ~-- . .=?P~.© .~o~...l.~.l 2 .:.' .:~ .......... . '." -' -. ~$u~; ....... ...~ . . ~ -- . Southo1 ~ New York 11971 ' ' "' ~LIp ~ , Con~t~d~tfOH of He~ ~'~'~000 ~. ft. ~etail/office com~le~ 1'1952 · I. ~ine~11¥ ,~even 4nd rolling 4r.l.rr~lul&r . Suour:~ :"::' .~uril' X ,'~rtsc " Wacar Surr'3c.= ~tr {:mJGI:JC2 :yae) Loam & Sand 0 ~cr~$ _0 Icr:$ · 0 ~Cr!S ~. 2 51Ct:$ ~es X ~o · i. 7. 8. g. 10. Ap;)roxtr. ate pert.erase of propQs.d project silo rich slopes: ts project conc(g~us Co, or contain i hulldln~ or site ltsted on the Kational Register of Hfstortc Pl&ces~ Yes ,~ No ~ h~ctn~ Qr fishing Qp~uniCtes presentl~ Ix~St ~n the pro~ecC ire/? Yes ~ "~ hes p~jecC sf~ con.in any species of plant or animal life ~ac ls Identified is threatened or ~n~3ncered - , YeS ~, aCk.lng ~o - [denCtfy el~ Spectes ' ' 1~. ~re C~ere iny ~tque or ~usua] Tied fo~ on ~h~ p~Jec~ sit*? (I.e. c]lffs, du~s, fo~C~ons- Y~ ~ ~.-(Oescr~be .... IZ. is ~I'p~ecC St~ p.sent1~ m~ ~ l~ m~nit~ or neighbored is in open s~ce IS.Likes. Pon~, ~eclind 4reis vt~tn or ~nCtguous ~ pro3e~c 4~4: ..~/~ ........ .--. i. ~. ;'b. Size (tn acres) , ~. physical di~nstons ~d s~la of p~Je~ {fill in dt~nstons is app~pr~a~e) " a. Total ~c~guQus icrei~l o~ed by p~Ject sponsor ... 2 ..57 ' acres. ' '-' .."' -' · ~ ~c~ at,age ~ mate ~developed .32 . .' · .'. ......... l, If p~eCC il ~ upansJon of existing,' indicate percent of upanston p~pos~d: butZding squ~ fooc age & ~veloped 4~eagl , . ' . f. ~er'o( off-sclc parking SpKes ex~sCtng ~ '"'"" g. ~xi~ veh~cul~r tr~ps generated per hour 30 (upon ~plecton or p~ect} .' h. Zf ~sidenct,ai: N~er ~d t~pe o~ houstng units: .Industrial Ortental:,;on J~ i sh.~o r.~Ood -C f tI- ~eg i on a I Neighborhood E3tim~ced Dnplo~menC 15 To~ll height of tallest proposed str~cture. '35 feet. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. '16, 17. la. 16. 20. 21. 22. How much natural m~t~rial (I.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be r.-~ovad From the site - tOns 4000 cubic )k)v ~ny dC~S Of v~getatton (trees. ah~bs, g~un~ cove~s} ~11 be r~ved fro~ site - 1 . 7~res. ~111 an~ ~Cure forest (over 100 ~eirs old) or oc~er Totally-Important vegetation be r~ved b~ ~3ec~; .. Yes .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ plus for ~-ve~eCatton to replace that r~ved during const~ctton? ~ Yes ~ttcthated period of construction ~flths, (Jfl~ludtng d~l 4. Tot&l n~er of phases ~tlctpaced ' No. '. · b. ~CtctpaCed ~Ce of ~nce~nt phase I ~ ~nCh ~ year Ctncludlng G ~p~xtmtl c~letlon ~te ftn41 phase 1 rGnth 90 Year. · . d. ~s p~se T financta11~ dependant On subsequent p~sas? . .-~ Yes Ntll blas~tng o~J~ during const~cCton? Yes ~ No .... .~.. N~er of Jobs generated: ~ng ~nst~tlQn 0 T after P~Ject ts compllto ~. *. N~er of Jobs eliminated by this p~ect 0 . . . . · : ... Vt11 pro, eot ~ul~ ~1o~C1~ of ~ p~a~:s or fictllCles~ Yes ~' No. If ~es, explain.: i. Is surface or subsurface 11quid waste dis;osal Involved? × Yes b. If yes. tndicate t~po of waste (sawage, ;ndvstrial, etc.) S~wa~e ¢. ~f surface disposal ngr~of strea~ into which effluent will be dlscharsed ~fll surface ares of existing lakes, ~nd$, sCre'~as, bays Or other surface waterways be increased or dlcreased by proposal? . Yes .. No. S$ p~o~ect or any portion of pro, eot located In the 100 year flood plain? &. Ooes project Involve disposal of ~olld waste? X Yes b. If' ~es, w111 an eXtsttng soltd waste disposal facillW be used? .X Yes C. If~,es, givename: $©~t~ld T,~nd~±~; locatton. ~:c~o~u~' d. ~111 ~ wastes hOC gQ JAto a sewage dtsposal s~stem oP into a san~ta~ Tind~tll? ~il1 p~ject use herbicides or pesticides? . Yes X No VII1 project ~uCfnely p~duci odor' (m~ ~an one'hour per day)? Yes M[11 p~decC produce operating noise ~ceedlng Chi local ~bieflce noise leveis~ . Vi11 p~decc resul~ In an Increase In aner~ use? ~ Yes Electric, Fuel Oil, Natural Gas Xf water suppl~ Is ~ welts indic2te pu~ging c~acl~ 1 0 gals/minute. Total anticipated ~ac~r usage ~er day _~?~ Zoninl: 4. VhaC Is dc~nanC ':oning cl~sst~lc2Cicn o( siC~? .~-~ b. C~rrenC s~eclrfc :onlnI classification o~ c. ~s proposed use c~nsiscenC with ~re~enc zontng? ,. d. if ilo, IA~ic~c~ desired Yes X No ,_; .Yes .~X NO . Yes '~*_X No No. if les, indicate type(s) General Business: Same Partl~ A-Resident'] Approvals: a. Is any Federal pemfl: reci~fred? Yes × No ' b. ~es p~Ject involve S~ate or Federal fundtns or flnanctng~ Yes Xpp~vil Required Submi ~cal Approval (~es, rio) (Type) (DaLe) Cl~y, ~uflCy HeaJ~ O~er Ioc~l lgenc~ts Q~her re¢oflei lgtnctes '~ S~Cl Agencies ... Y H ~qnway ~en ~ mictgaCe or avoid ~ ~ ~ / - . . % ~arrett.*A. Strang T~: ' ' ,P . · DATE: .. / Roy Scboe~baa=. Se~e~be= 2f ~EQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION SECTION-BLOCK-LOT TAX MAP NUMBERS NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OF RECORD NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON PREPARING MAP DATE~ NORTH POINT AND WRITTEN & GRAPHIC SCALE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY & INFORMATION TO DEFINE DOUNDARIES LOCATIONSt_NAMES & EXISTING WIDTHS OF ADJACENT STREETS & CURBS LOCATION.&.OWNERS OF ALL ADJOINING LANDS, AS SHOWN ON TAX RECORDS LOCATION.& PURPOSE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS COMPLETE OUTLINE OF EXISTING DEED RESTRICTIONS APPLYING TO PROPERTY EXISTING ZONING %REAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING OR STORM WATER OVERFLOWS WATER COURSES, MARSHES, WOODED AREAS, TREES 8" IN DIAMETER OR MORE ANY BUILDING WITHIN 100' OF PROPERTY PAVED AREAS, SIDEWALK~, VEHICULAR ACCESS TO PUBLIC STREETS EXISTING SEWERS, CULVERTS, WATERLINES WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO PROPERTY FENCING LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING PROPOSED BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS OUTDOOR LIGHTING OR PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS OUTDOOR. SIGNS 239K SIDEWALKS LOCATIONS WIDTHS: SIZE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES Southold Town Board of Appeals NAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SDUTHDLD, L.I., N.Y. llCJ?l TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI February 23, 1987 Mr. Garrett A. Strang, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RoAo Re: Appeal No. 3552 - John Senko (Variance) Dear Garrett: This letter will clarify Condition No. 1 of this Board's decision rendered February 5, 1987 in the above matter to mean: '~No access other than that shown on the August ll, 1986 s'ite plan prepared by Garrett A. Strang, and con- sidered by this Board, along Ackerly Pond Lane which scales out at 120 feet from the corner (and not closer than that shown). Such egress and ingress must be wide enough for all truck deliveries, fire trucks, etc." It was brought to our attention by you that the 170 ft. figure shown on the site plan is not the distance of the curb. It is not the intent of this Board to re-locate this access~ and 120 feet is the proper distance. We hope that this will suffice for the record. Yours very truly, lk cc: Stephen R. Angel, Esq. Daniel C. Ross, Esq. GERARD P. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER WICKHAM, WICKHAM 8~ BRESSLER, P.c. HAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 14E4 March 27, 1987 'APR 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall ' Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Att: Ms. Diane M. Schultze Secretary Re: Application of John Senko Dear Diane: We represent John Chaloner who is the next-door neighbor on the Senko property in Southold. We have been retained by Mr. Chaloner to follow this matter before the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals. We request notification of any hearing dates or action taken by the Planning Board with respect to Mr. Senko's application. DCR:ema Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 22, 1987 Mr. Garrett Strang Architect P.O. Box 1412 Southold, NY 11971 Re: John S.enko Site Plan Dear MrJ Strang: Enclosed is an endorsed site plan for the above mentioned proposal. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. V~y truly yours~ .. A BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southo d Town Board of Appeals ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3552 Application Dated August 27, 1986 TO: Stephen R. An§e], Esq. as Attorney f0r JOHN SENK0 Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street, Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901 [~ppe!lant (s) ] At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on February 5, ]987, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance [ ] Article , Section IX ] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article VII, Section ]00-70 and Article VI, Section 100-62~(B) [ ] Request for Application of JOHN SENKO for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 100-70, and Article VI, Section 100-62(B), for permission to establish shopping center use in this "B-l" General Business Zoning District with insufficient lot area at 49295 Main Road (a/k/a Ackerly Pond Lane), Southold, NY; County Tax Map Dis- trict 1000, Section 70, Block 07, Lot 01, containing 30,084 sq. ft. WHEREAS, public hearings were held on October 2, 1986, Octo- ber 22, 1986, November 20, !986, December ll, 1986, and concluded on January 8, 1987, in the Matter of thc Application of JOHN SENKO under Appeal No. 3552; and WHEREAS,~-~t said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1. The premises in question is located along the north (northwest) side of the Main Road (State Route 25), and along the south (southwest) side of Ackerly Pond Lane, in the Hamlet of Southold, Town of Southold, further identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 70, Block 7, Lot 1. 2. By this application, appellant requests a Variance from the requirements of Article VI, Section 100-62, for permission to establish shopping-center use for multiple retail .~or office business on a parcel of land having an insufficient (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: February 5, 1987. Form ZB4 (rev. 12/81) CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Page 2 Appeal No. 3552 Matter of JOHN SENKO Decision Rendered February 5, 1987 lot area of 30,084 sq. ft., or .69 of an acre. premises is a corner lot as defined by Section Zoning Code. The subject lO0-13 of the 3. The subject premises is located in the "B-l" General Business Zoning District and is improved with: (al_one l( -story building containing a floor area of 816± sq. ft. situated a distance of 1~.8 feet from its closest point from the southwest corner o( the premises, and (b) 24,4' x 16.3' accessory one-story frame_garage. The accessory garage structure is to be removed entirely. The existing l~-story ._ frame structure would be used for '~professional oK business office" use only, as regulated by the zoning provisions. 4. Proposed in addition to the use of-the existing l~-story (rame structure for "professional or business office" use is a 3000 sq. ft. two~.story building with multiple retail and/or office uses, 1500 total .floor ar~a on each floor of which 1300 maximum i~ for office_or retail sales aKea. The total office area proposed fQr the existing 1)-story (rame structure is 700 sq. ft. The setbacks of the new building will be a minimum of 55 feet from each property line along the Main Road and Ackerly Pond Lane. The number.of pa~ki~g spaces provided for these uses is 24,'and the entrance and exit driveways will be only along Ackerly Pond Lane (a/k/a Lower Road), and not along the Main Road. _It is the recommendation of this Board that the number of parking spaces be increased to 42, to provide parking for the handicapped in addition to the regular parking spaces required. 5. Article VI, Section 100-62, Subsection ~, (and Articl~ VII, Section 100-70, Subsection A(1)[d]), requires a minimum lot area of.one acre, or 43,560 sq, ft. for a "building or combination of buildings containiQg retail stores, mercantile establishments, offices, banks and financial institutions, commonly kno~Q, as shopping centers." 6. It is noted that exi~ing off~f Ack~rly Pond Lane onto the Main Road is very difficult ~nd is part!y_due to the angles of the highway in both ~he east and wQ~t directions. This board h~s recommended a "One-Way Street" at this inter- section prohibiting exiting off the ~outh end of Ackerly Pond Lane to the Town Highway Department (see our letter da~Qd Qctober 29, 1986, and response to us dated No~ember 14, 1986). This board does not have jurisdiction over the town or s~ate roads in question, but will continue to urge "no exiting" at this intersection. ~ 7. The amount of relief requested by this application is 13,476 sq. ft., or ~0% of the ~equirements. It ~s the opinion of this board that the relief requested is not sub- stantial under the circumstances. It is however the positi_on of this_board that limitations ate necessary at this time concerning the point of access (only along ~ckerly Pond Lane as shown) and for the number o~ business uses and occupancies. Any increase in the number of business uses and occupancies would be prohibited without this variance. In considering this appeal, the board also finds and determines: (al that the variation is not substantial in relation to the requirements; (b) there will be no effect, Page 3 - Appeal No. 3552 Matter of JOHN SENKO Decision Rendered February 5, 1987 if the variance is allowed, of increased population density, (C) there will be no substantial change in the character of the neighborhood or substantial detriment to adjoining proper- ties; (d) the difficulty cannot be obviated by a method other than a variance; (e) the circumstances of the property are unique; (f) in view of the manner in which the diffi~ culties arose and in considering all the above factors, the interests of justice will be served by allowing a variance as conditionally noted below. _. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Grigonis,~it was _ RESOLVED, to GRANT a variance for permission to establish multiple uses on this 30,084 sq. ft. parcel in this "B-l" General Business Zoning District under Appeal No. 3552 in the Matter of the Appl_ication of JOHN SENKO, permitting the construction of a 3,000 sq. ft, two-story building as shown on Site Plan dated August ll, 1986 prepared by Garrett A. Strang~ Architect, for_a maximum of five office or retail uses, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. No access shall be permitted along Route 25. Egress_and ingress shall be only along A~kerly Pond Lane (not closer than 170 feet from_the.corner). Such egress and ingress must be wi_de enough to be suitable for ~ruck deliveries, etc .... 2. All existing signs (affixed to building, etc.) shall be removed. Only one wall_sign and only one ground sign shall be permitted on the_entire premis~ (as regulated.by Section 100-62). 3. M~nimum 12" by 24" sign shall be placed upon the premises along the southerly area..near the Main Road to read "NO PARKING." 4. Evergreen screening (shrubbery) shall be placed upon th~ premises along the ~outherly area near the Main Road, commerfcing at the southwest corner and extending a distance of 100 feet, at a minimum height of three feet. Such screening shall be maintained at all times. 5. site Plan~approval by the Planning Board (with recommended 42 parking spaces)~ which must include the ~ following as regulated by Section lO0-112(K)[1 _& 2] of the Zoning Code: . . Screening from adjoining residential lot with a substantial wall, fence o[ thick hedge, not l~ss than three feet nor mQre ~han eight feet in height.. 6. Not more than one professional or business office in the existing 1½-story frame building, and no retail~ unless application for re-consideration is filed and approved by both the Planning Board and the B~.ard of ~'ppeals. 7. Not more than five office or retail uses ~n the proposed 3,000 sq. ft. building, unless an application for Page 4 Appeal No. 3552 Matter of JOHN SENKO Decision Rendered February 5, 1987 re-consideration is filed and approved by both the Planning Board and Board of Appeals. 8. Any future expansion and new construction must be approved by the Board of Appeals and the Planning Board by formal application (prior to e~pansion or construction). Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly adopted. lk February ~20, 1987 de/ / / DATE GARRETT A. STRANG architect Main Road P,O. Box 1412 Southold N,Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5455 ~//////////////~ ~~ ) ', ',L ~ I-J'L-- ./ ,/ RECEIVED BY ~0 GAR,RETT A. STRANG architect Main Road P.O. Box 1412 Souihold N.Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5455 ¢ItT,,, L. ll]W RECEIVED By GARRETT A. STRANG architect Main Road P.O. Box 1412 Southold N.Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5455 ,Y /:,/ .( 4': i~ GARRETT A. STRANG architect Main Road RO. Box 1412 Southold N,Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5455 1987 GARRIETT A. STRANI3 ~r'chit,~, ct Mair~ Road P.O. Sox, 1412 SmJthold N.Y. 11971 516- 765 - 5~455