HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-70.-2-7 I Ag WN it, ANNING"BOARDNWBEBS NQS Town 13x11,63096 Main Road RICHARD G.WARD =Q y� Chairman P.O.Box 1179 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. V3Southold,New York 11971 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. p T Fax(516)766-3136 WILLIAM J. CREMERS y Q!� Telephone(5 16) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Boar-d_of Appeals — FROM:j Richard G. Ward, ChairmanIL J� - RE: Request for Coordination DEC DATE: November 27, 1996 �j - 2 19� David and Bonnie Pascoe 51100 Main Road, Southold SCTM# 1000-70-2-7 The,Planning Board has reviewed the site plan for the above property and finds the on-site parking adequate for the principal use of professional office use. The Board granted a waiver from site plan requirements for this change from home occupation to professional office use on November 6, 1996, (copy attached) . Bell-Atlantic/NYNEX 24850 Main 'Road, Orient SCTM# 1000-18-6-5 The Planning Board is not in favor of this use at this location. The residential nature of the area will be compromised by this one hundred foot (100') structure. Both the Planning Board and the Zoning Board should encourage the applicant to find a location more suitable for a structure of this type, such as at the fire house or at the Plum Island ferry site. Kid N' ROuu. 46455 County Road 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-55-2-21 As mentioned in a previous memorandum, this location does not have a approved site plan. The Planning Board will contact Mr. Anthony Pirrera, the owner of the center to encourage him to complete his site plan. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �gUFFO(,f BOG Southold Town Hall K Gerard P. Goehringer,Chairman a y� 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen ti x P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. O Southold, New York 11971 Robert A. Villa 4, a0�� Fax(516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora 1 # Telephone(516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 17, 1996 Mr. Robert Brown, A.I.A. Fairweather & Brown Box 521 Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Appl. No. 4437 - Special Exception (Primary Office Use) Dear Mr. Brown: Please find enclosed a copy of the determination rendered by the Board of Appeals and filed today with the Town Clerk's Office concerning your recent special exception application. A copy of this determination has also been transmitted to the front desk at the Planning Board and Building Inspector Offices for their information and update when you apply for a new Certificate of Occupancy. Also, due to the proximity of this project within 500 feet of a state or county road, bay, sounds, or an estuary thereof, we have transmitted a duplicate of this Special Exception file to the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their determination as required under the County's Administrative Code. It is expected that once review is completed by the County, that the County will leave the ZBA portion of the project for local (town) determination without further steps. We will advise if there is a different determination. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Enclosure Copies of Decision to the following on 12/17/96: Building Inspectors' Office Suffolk County Department of Planning Manning Board Office (Attn: . R. Kassner, Reviewer) 1/ Also by fax transmission to 477-0973 DEC 1 7MW soulart�r, ; , • • APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �o�0g11FF0(� COG Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer,Chairman o yt 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen y x P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio,Jr. O Southold,New York 11971 Robert A. Villa y?�� a0Fax(516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora 1 Telephone(516)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Appl. #4437-SE ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS December 12, 1996 APPLICANT: DAVID PASCOE4D.D.LOCATION OF PROPERTY: in Road, Southold, NY.COUNTY TAX MAP DISTRICSECTION 70, BLOCK 2, LOT 7.ZONING CODE DISTRICT DEON: RO Residential-Office e. BASIS OF APPEAL: Section 274B of New York Town Law and Southold Town Zoning Code, Article VII, Section 100-71B(2) which provides for principal professional office use by Special Exception. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Principal (primary) use of the first floor as a professional dentist's office, and the remainder of the building for accessory storage purposes related to the primary office use. MOTION MADE BY: S. Doyen SECONDED BY: G. Goehringer ACTION/RESOLUTION ADOPTED: Granted as applied. REASONS/FINDINGS: 1) The zoning code provides for authorization of this particular use, and related accessory uses, in this RO Residential-Office Zone District; 2) the se requested is reasonable in relation to the District in which it is located other adjacent use districts; 3) the pecial Exception use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties which are either in the adjoining RO Zone District, or to the easterly R-40 Zone District; this use, as a principal use rather than an accessory use to a residence, will occupy the first floor of existing building without expansion to the second floor; the new areas; 4) the use will not prevent orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent use districts, for the same reasons as noted in #3 above. 1 5) No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, order of the town would be adversely affected, and it was decided by the enactment of this Code in January 1989, and subsequent amendments thereto, that this use shall be an authorized use, with or without conditions related to the particular project; 6) all units and site access-egress areas shall continue to be accessible for fire and police protection, as well as right-of-way areas, and this unit must continue to meet all fire/building regulations. 7) no other adverse conditions were found after considering items listed under Section 1,QO-263 and 100-264 of the Zoning Code. VOTE OF THE BOARD: Ayes: J. Dinizio Jr. , R. Villa, S. Doyen, G. Goeh- ringer, L. Tortora. This resolution was duly adopted by unanimous vote of all five members. ZBA:lk PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS V F • RICHARD G.WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chairman P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. w 2 u- BENNETT ORLOWSHI,JR. Fax(516) 765-3136 p WILLIAM J.CREMERS y �� Telephone(516) 765-1938 KENNETH L.EDWARDS '�Oj PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 6, 1996 David Pascoe 51100 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for Waiver 51100 Main Road, Southold SCTM# 1000-70-2-7 Dear Dr. Pascoe, The Board has received your letter of October 28, 1996, regarding a waiver of site plan requirements at the above referenced site. After a review of your survey and parking, the Board finds the on-site parking to be adequate for your use and grants the waiver. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. 2Siny� Kassn r Site Plan Reviewer Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector 1-10 Date so - :29- foRichard G. Ward, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Ward: I would like to request a waiver of site plan requirements. The following data is provided for the Planning Board's review: Name 'PAViD ¢ dftti1N1*,r U. P,O5e4D4F- Address 5t 10o H k'N F--'D• So ElAtf t'� Phone Z65. 1 T Iq Tax Map # 1000 - 0 10 • 0 2 b' Location of project 5110o144-10 ?-P -S-6(rftt-() Brief description of project and reason for waiver request. �iP>�GIAL fiGCPfiot! 4A-S:, Bee►J A0bWD F4- , To fStkFXKft C2�1TIs( OP-(�rLb U,1 U49) OF J"V:6�GUPA71o0(�5 KZ- ON/If(KI6 LO(sf(KI6 G•o) �I D c (ANzS ?¢e -rnye HA-a no sTna a no s� siT� uar� A'rTA�-fib • NOV 419" e SOUTIOLD TOWN RLAMtiiiJG BOARD Please include a survey or sketch of the property, to scale, showing existing and proposed-lloorplan, the location of all existing and proposed buildings and parking spaces• and all existing and proposed uses. If you need any additional information, or have any questions, please contact: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer, at (516) 765-1938. I I t p / A vt 0 a sa cr i ..`y .\ a .(� .3 aY a .a A•`♦ ♦A / ' 1 ^ a• S \ •� � 'sY 3o Os�_ I I o Y Yi � 1 �'-a� m•c a .I �1- ' it.L'. s '� bA'1 • 33 ag- t � 4 3)ygV �� p �.,� n S � d l•. 9 �+ J'`•��A 'Y i an � 1] 4 3yp gn (• I I e � u•2 t Z i - n r�J .1 'Y6 • Utl .nom _~ M31a1Yp u� j!I i_ ;.R, ,[, A&xY .��73ygih3C^.L{ a5Ygq•Aw ae_.^ _ . 16 o TOWN OF SOUTHOLD kOPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET r,'J I ii{�� VILLAGE DISTRICT /SNUB. LOT FORMER OWNER N "Pi— !/lam E �j ACREAGE 11 Y� (yt,®(lG6i sao Er�Z,v} o�+ P rA d a cv S yy/�. 'TYPE OF BUILDING y ` I RES. ,O SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. IND. ( CB. I MISC. Est. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS D 2_ o o j J,0 0 .l ( s- U J U e- i 73� aE-Rn,i 73 ou o v a L/'1: " /C"a 7iil�vi PXFa )FJ'+ T� l it i� r V 46 JBDIN D I 7 1 f V A NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FRONTAGE ON WATER Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value FRONTAGE ON ROAD i liable 1 BULKHEAD ' 1lable 2 DOCK Tillable 3 I1 Woodland 'y Swampland Brushland ,I House Plot _ g Total it • 1 t � r •: arl .! i A -- l - f r �e to 19" M. Bldg. z�� 1 6 = r72 a2S+a'Y S� Foundation �4 � c Bath �h' - �n ( t �` (� Basement _ Floors � ' I Extension 1 Ext nsion - Ext. Walls Interior Finish Ex sion �-p Fire Ploce Q it E Heat f L x iA Porch Roof Type Porch Rooms lst Floor $"�pOOy 9 K 3 Z_,, / / Pahp� y Rooms 2nd Floor Garage 2 -z. 30 _-6 4 d _.- _ y, �La Drive ay/ - Dormer--- -. - - - - O. B. 52,6 ' ISSY33/rBVI310n3. N Q! 1�ft LIM W 11. O I U jMel -„ Uj J Uj O m Z y'�O 7f�"' ICY Z LU W i< � �iGONY'� �LOOf� (tN'a' ING) r Uj S1 THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND :•.;,,,�, {VVV� ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT, INFRINGE `{ !o MENTS WILL BE PROSECUTED. A io C7 ° i ---- -- - --- - s }- i aN or - — p +'�ir(jpAJEL + '� f:X�iIiN6 2 , W *i _ FAVI N L6 - m �iulNcl a - - - -- - `, `v --- --- ) P A i client/owner. 1 rrr !µk Ur NLna Or'�G5 LAD --- - _ r 00 F7,A�G� �nSA t5Il�?c MAIN N f W 's z ' r>atzt��oM / �I W `u 1CYi[.19G'I'ION b20HT !7 i Q project title. T+ 1 r�' GE�t'LICA,TION 4'OP�, "� M.XI�JfI1Ja 2�xY H "i'i;�' j W �t FU ! I = drawing title. NAITIryq I � — - - date, scale. CO t rr 7 SII' LOCC , F11>`iL`6 '1015 3g — ^S8x' 7� W drawing no. (� M I�WF. IN 0 V a7,R' (�x�TlMor N,aIHJ'�IWJ') ><oAv F— Y4° � I' On - - — ✓{T hI�/.�H -- �a `stagED. e � NOV {a r� sou;HNG BOA N 3 �� [�>�7 LhJ Gf.1M��E'Y Pf/` PLANNING BOARD Nor,TH FUGIGK.VpNNYLrPG• f3;� Q� :rDNb y i 19PtI (� seesrel.no. � NE`N � .%i '',�...,�..r.-'-� a {.rte• Is A