HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-6098 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Board of Trustees DATE: May 18, 2005 RE: Schembri Homes, Inc. 1025 Seawood Dr., Southold SCTM#79-7 -63 With regard to the above-referenced property, the Board of Trustees has granted an approval to construct a single-family dwelling, as shown on the attached survey prepared by Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. last revised April 22, 2005. Given the proximity to a valuable wetland area, the Board required a 50' buffer from the wetlands, resulting in a 30' setback from the road. The property owner, Schembri Homes, has since notified our office that a variance for the front yard setback is required and that they have submitted an application to your Board. Please be advised that the Board of Trustees granted approval of the permit in this particular location for the maximum, buffered protection of a valuable freshwater wetland system. After careful consideration and several conditions on the permit, which included additional plantings between the proposed dwelling and the wetlands, we ask that your Board take into consideration the environmental sensitivity of this property in making your final decision. Please don't hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions. . Albert J. Krupski, President ., James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only _Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~etland Permit Application ~ Major - Minor _ Waiver/Amendment/Changes _"'1teceived Application::li/~~/Ol/ .....-Received Fee:$ 'J.S\) ~~ l_ IE ~ ~ IE ~ ~ompleted Application~~ _Incomplete _SEQRA Classification: APR 'l 'J Type I_Type II_Unlisted i.. U l:..I - _Coordination:(date ~ -"CAC Referral Sent: 0\ South old Town ..L:f)ate of Inspection S Id Board 01 Trustees ~eceipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review ~ublic Hearing Held~ - Resolution: Name of Applicant $c h ~ l'V'\1,,('i ~o m ~ s \ n c. Address '0 ~ Sc.....v..d ~-4'~f 1) (. R \It' U h,. /. ~J ,N" /1.10/ Phone Number ( I.t>/. "7 ~ 1 - 4- I 2. 7 Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000 -.....J....9 - I' 1e>.3 Property Location \/II \ 5 S ~....~oo'" "'Dr,,, <... ~ IO~) ~~/' ~\ I\.\O(1..:r~66-Y\l16l.O Rei. Soun-tOL.t) (provide LILC~ #, dIstance to cross streets, and location) ~~ 1,.\\ AGENT (If applicable) ~ 12 MILL POND LANE :)0 ~-g-1. b;)... SI Co - r;svs - '2'3 'Co ~ 9~ ~o~ .tr ~~~ (t.' Address: Phone (".?JI'i1V~ ~9Sf . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet)~r3 7'. ~ I./.l~ f. ./i. . . Area Zoning . . R - 46 Previous use of property: \! a. U..n t Intended use of property C D n_~-I-r[) c..f, 0'1\ - , '- 0{ 61Y\j/e -hhl./'I dw~j,"1 Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: AgenCY]) .sL~' 50l..l'7l+ol.i) 15udd/~, La t+_ VGfJ'J Date I.:l../II 102- . ----J I 4- / t)~ I I 02-0! t) +- _ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements, Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? _ No----LL Yes If yes, provide explanation:.b u II-e\ 1~1 p~ "",',+ .o.:r Project Description (use attachments if necessary) C ,0 nSf.r u c.:h ~I"\ M 't .30' X rD" ' 61Yl~/ t' -AWl' /" 01 tAA.lll;"1 a-n. . s ;"'tt.. / J d . J ./ S~!AJ.A 3'" '.sI'O~4 ~~n ",... f- pervJlJU~ aYlV~"'~ . . Board of Trustees Application WETLANDfrRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: f'.nn.3.J.v. u d 10 ^ 0 -I n l!":u) d'.il-t-/l, ~ Area of wetlands on lot r I '00 square feet Percent coverage oflot /3 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: Z .35 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands :t ~ 1 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No X Yes !fyes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of h proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate : --=------ . ~ / /Vf'},'r \~/ '\' I -:P <:P 7; ~.'" j' t> /J.b/. ~.~ , . . 617.20 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION 1T0 be comnleted bv Annlicant or Prolect Snonsorl 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME SCHEMBRI HOMES INe. 1025 SEAWooD DRIVE 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipalily SOUTHOLD Counly SUFFOLK 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections. prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map) W/S SEA WOOD DRIVE, 887' S. NORTH BA YVIEW ROAD 5. PROPOSED ACTION IS: ~New o Expansion o ModfficationJalteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: CONSTRUCTJONOF A 30' X 66' SINGLE F AMIL Y DWELLING, ON-SITE SEW AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM & PERVIOUS DRIVEWAY 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially .33 acres Ultimately .33 acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ~Yes DNo If No. describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ~ ResKtential o Industrial o Commercial o Agriculture 0 PartclForest/Open Space D Other Desaibe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDING. NOW OR UL TIMATEL Y FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. STATE OR lOCAL)? o Yes 0 No If Yes, list agency(s) name and permit/approvals: SCHO, SOurnOLD ZBA(W AIVER OF MERGER), BLDG DEPT(BLDG PERMIT) 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VAliD PERMIT OR APPROVAl? o Yes ONO If Yes, list agency(s) name and permit/approvals: SCHO, SOUTHOLD ZBA GRANTED WAVER OF MERGER, BLDG PERMIT SUSPENDED PENDING WETLANDS PERMIT 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION Will EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAl REQUIRE MODIFICATION? Dyes 0No ~~TIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWlEDG~ h ApplicanUspon~ : CATJ:ffi"nrr; "'"'SIANO, INC. Dale: ~ <': ~ +-- Signature: '.i.,d".. ~~~.- ~ko , If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: , residing atcir- ~~ fl. Y b? L--, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the day of 1-).. 7 , 200)"";"" deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice s forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment r~ of Southold; that said Not" s were mailed at the United States Post Office at , that said Notic s ere mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to gefore me this ::< 7 +I, Day of ..nnu 07 ' 20 t' b {J CU-tLf~ Notary !'ublic .7&: - - --- - -.~ --.-- . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice~President ;vtie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-q959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTH OLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of ---~c-h.R-!Jl~J.Lllam.w.,_<1!:!)_"'____________ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING , residing at <~S- t~~ /JA.. ? '1-- -'\ allr osted th?roperty known as by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held I1JM,; -:J,;(). I"J'~~ . Ofl.q"t~6l1it ?; tm. Dated: Sworn to before me this blf'1day ofj"..72005 ~~ ( Notary Public " FROM : C MESIANO :NC . FAX NO. : 631-878-8951 ~pr. 272004 10:18AM P3 RE: 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTHOLD seTM 1000-79-7-63 COUJ,ty of Suffolk State of New York - r~HEMBRI BEING nUL Y SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIR~T HEI SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HISIHER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPI.ICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARRISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HERIi:BY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPI~ESENTATIVE(S) , TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMI S IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWO~O BEFOR~ _ ] THIS DAY Ott..&f&J-L. 200~ DONNA ARENZE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE Of NY NO 4185585.COUNTYOFSllFRjL~ _, COM'M[S5[ONEXP[RF.sM'RCH~~O~ FROM : C ME5IANO :NC . FAX NO. 531-878-8951 ~Apr. 27 2004 10:19AM P4 RE: 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTHOLD SCTM 1000-79-7-63 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) 58: A4~~~ IYI ~~Ing duly sworn, deposes and says: I resldut / Cd.- ,f/!/V{/ p~ i/e R/vp t ~ yJ In the Cc)unty of Suffolls.. and the State of New York. And I al11 the officer of the Corporation which is the owner in fee of the premises deSCribed In the foregoing application and that I have authorized CATHEI~INE MESIANO, INC. to make the foregoing application 8S described herein. S!;hembr' 0 If Corporiltlon, name of corporation ~~ Officer's Title Sworn be'fore me thi~ day of Or', J ,20Clrf DONNA ARENZE NOTARY PURLlCSTATEOFNY NO_4J8.\j85.COUNTYO~K c{lnt'1 / _ COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR"'---r- _ _ _ <P . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice. President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of n~~tnlUL}J~:tt,--<,,-..:!___Lt'{'-n___ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING [,~.YI~~ VY\tSIIUC:bresidingat 12. fVll/[ IClK.J Lv.... E~57 HDTt/ CItEs AI V being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the ) ~ay of M /'t"'/ , 20Q., tI yersonally ~osted the prope~ known as I 02.~ScJtwoob PIl. .::i()C),f}Jcl..JJ by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Ol\ Dated: 5/ 2 ~ /0 ~ /7 '~)L ~ignature) Sworn to before me this ~J1 day of~ 2007" 1114#/ ;'o,Jj ~f otary Public ANNE W. HIll Notary Public, State of New \tJrk Qu No.OIH16103497 elified in Suffolk CountY Commission Expires Dec. 29.2007 FROM C MESIRNO :NC . FAX NO. : 631-878-8951 ~Rpr. 27 ~~4 1~:18RM P2 J..l..I2..I UWII ur OOUIllOl<l'S (:tItf.. of Ethics Drohlblfll ""nIIi"'" r:JIlntsreot on ~~~ ~,... =~~=CllIT~~~~,:;:~::~~~~~..=~fo~:,:~~~:.;.:= YOUR NAME: :;"~HEMRRI NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all thal8Ilply.) Tax ~Irievance Variance Chen"", of zcne Appmvli of pili! Ellllmpllon from pill! or official map Other (If "Other," name tne BCllIvIty) WETLANDS PE:RMIT Do Yt,u personally (or through your oompany, IIjlOUlie. IIibllng, p111'11l'll, or child) have a relBtionllhlp with any offic1!Ir or employee of the Town of SoulhoId? "Relllllonslllp" Includes by blood. m.nage. or bu","-s interest. 'BusinilS$ Inlltre8l" rrwans a bull_. lnclucling a partnelllhlp. in which the !aNn ollIcer Of employee i'las even a partlal ownership of (or employment by) II oorporallon in which the town officer or employee owns more tnan 5% of the 1Ih_. YE:S_ NO X IfVQU IflIWIl'ftrI''YFR '~ rnm["ll..th. h.....nr'lJ1n.'lhin fnrm n.. ...... .... ,. Tnle or position of tnat Jl8l1On . I. . , Describe the relallcnllhip between yoUl1ll!lf (the ap!)IIC811t) ancllhe town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate fine A) through 0) andlor describe in the splice prwlclecl. TIle town officer or employee or his or her &pOLJee. sibling, parent or child is (check all that epply): ----,"') the owner of gl'8lller then 5% of thl!lllhares of the corpc:lI1lte stOCk of the applicant (when the appIiCllnt Is B CO/pOllltion); _,8) the legal or benelIchll owner of any lrterelt in a noncorporate entity (~n the epp/anl Is not I CO/JlOration); _Cl an offloer, d1reclcr, partner, or employee of the applicant: or _0) the actual IPpllcant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submlllecl this SIQnlllure PrInt name 200 . . CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NEW YORK 11940 631-878-8951 April 27, 2004 Albert Krupski, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 ~~ IE ~ W IE H~~,I I 'I ' I I'""'] '"l Iii 1 I t\, \ t... \ " T pI-' I i~ SOllHliJlcI TOIVn BC1,-:id of Trustc,:s Re: Schembri Homes, Inc. 1025 Seawood Drive, Southold SCTM # 1000-79-7-63 Dear Mr. Krupski: I am the agent for the above referenced applicant who is seeking a Wetlands Permit for construction of a single family dwelling at the above referenced site. Please note that subsequent to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed activity, it was determined that freshwater wetlands vegetation was identified at the site. The area identified is not classified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as a freshwater wetland. Construction activity has ceased at the site. Please note that I would like to meet with you at your field inspection. Enclosed please find three sets of the following: 1. Application for Permit 2. Short EAF 3. Project plan 4. Owner's authorization 5. Transactional disclosure 6. Release Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $250 for the application fee, copy of the Building Permit, Health Department Approval, Disapproval by Building Department and ZBA determination regarding Waiver of Merger. Kindly direct any requests for additional information to my attention. Thank you for your consideration. Enclosures cc: Se..t1F:-/n81t.. I r1lUen u. 1\rUpskI, President James King, Vice-Preside. Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE / )/;J"~/o~ - Pre-construction, hay bale line 11<",,- :\ / rl") 1.-+>0,., 0+ f I CA.n.f,.'};) rr ~J)) /-1stgaY8fOofl3truditJfl C;:> "1 I L '.~.,. /Sl";'~' ACt" s+v.. fl",.~ +<e{> 'b I b 0"; l'L~bWU/. /,l". ^~ ~ :Zd v' / Project complete, compliance inspection. .sh~lo b 0 1<'. )2'<!~~ L'. . . . TERMS and CONDI11QNS 'l1je Permittee Schembri Homes, Inc. W"""fl.at Riverhead ... . N. Y.... flU' of cbe coosideradoo lor the lSsI"'l<le of che Pd:mk does \IIldeatNId &ad ~ to the fol. 1owlalJ: 1. That the .ud JIoud 01 Trustees lUId lLe Town 01 Sou.lhold ate rdeued lrom my lUId all damages, << daIms foe ~ of suits .atWD&. dltectly Of: tocIlmd.l as . nsuIt of U1'f o~. ado4 .pdoanedp"-Q"'ft,ibI.l~ ..lO!!,.~ ~~~.~..~.1IIs <<bet 0WIl ~. deleoclu.y and all JUCh suIts'I..Itt.teilbr dlkd.,atda, and the said 1\ I J "'lee astl'l"ef fulll.bbUltr wlth reSpect cheteto,~-~rl'"teaduslOCl of chelloud of Tl1I$Ue$. of cbe Town 01 SoIachQld 2. That chis retI'nk 1$'-:aUd for . (ledod of ,24' _ 'l9hId:t. Is ~ to be cbe f'dl-.e-t time. required co mmplele che 1VOd< InY01~ tJut 'ibould ~ mrtIDt, request . lor... extecWon _y be =de to che Bo<<td at a .~ ~ . , ' 3. That this PerInit lhould be .emtoed ladeflalcdy. or as loog as cbe said p~ wisbCs . CO '....1....1.. the stNCtIIlC or ptQject Involved, to provide nidettce CO anyone roncembCI that auth- ~ was origlaal1y 00c.l0ed.. 4. That che wodc imolved will be IUbject to tt.e ~ lUId appron1 ol che Board << lis ~ts. and ooo-<lOCllpIl~nN' wilL cbe ptovUions of the M&'n.tl'lg applicadoo, may be ClAISe fOf: moalion of this Pamlt by moludoa of the said Boud. S. That lhete will be no WlttAsoo,ble Interfereoce wlth aa'rigalioo as . result 01 the 'lI'Od< beteIa uithorlzed. ' . '6. That cbete lhal1 be 00 latetfcm>ce wlth the right of the pubI1c to pass and repass alot!$ the beach between tlJsh and low _let tutb. . 7. That If future opetations of the Town of South9ld requite cbe. remon1lU1d/or al~ Ia. che Jocatloo. oftbe -0: betdn .aacIJolPI ~. or U, In tbe opiaIoa of -6e. Board 01 Trustees, dae. 1IOd:.shall cause anreas<llUbIe obstrualOQ to ftee uvlgadoo, che said PetmIItee 'Will be requited. apoodue oodce, to remove or alter chis ..ode or project beteIa stated wIcbouc eq~DSCI to the Towlr . of Soucholcl. ' , . 8. That the aid Board will be nodfied by the Petmlttte ot che <ionop''''''''' Of the work auth- orbed. . ' 9. That thel'etmlttee 'Will dllala all ocher peanits lUId _'"dIat may be requlted . I>leall"''''' to this pesmIt ~ may'be IUbJect to revoIce upoo falllml to obWn - .- " . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD April 20, 2005 Schembri Homes, Inc. 102 Sandpiper Dr. Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 79-7-63 Dear Mr. Schembri: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday April 20, 2005 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. applied to the South old Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated April 28, 2004, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 20, 2005 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, 2 . . RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of SCHEMBRI HOMES, INC. to construct a single-family dwelling, on-site sewage disposal system, a pervious driveway, and retaining wall at the 50' buffer line from the freshwater wetland, with the conditions that the 50' buffer area be planted with the trees and shrubs as indicated on the plan with no removal of existing trees in this area, a row of staked double hay bales be placed at the wetland line, there be a 50' non-disturbance vegetated area with no turf, with drywells to collect roof runoff, and all as depicted on the plan drawn by Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. and last revised 4/22/05. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) This is not a determination from any other agency. Fees: $150.00 Very truly yours, ~19~'~. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJKlhct r------.~--~-~.- Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-_'-".31 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S~h"""", 1, n HofYIu k~. 10 :;> 5 S f'C( "<.J7Jo.f Or- . / .JOvl1h.o (/ '-((;;211/ (J Y has been 'i / ~ 0 / 05; and the TO: Please be advised that your application dated reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of following action was taken: ~ Application Approved (see below) PI C!nf1fl-, CZrr~J.. be~ rnlAf-t be I" >(<,(-teA <'<n1 &.,\",~ fe;.....'t 's. (SSV\eJ. ~) Application Denied (see below) ~) Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary.. J) 1'5- .- Jo~e yO A COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: t\o.'1loe<le I r "1~ Ih Seec-tiDn 0 tf"hOi( leii' . '50 . 1'1('O\<;e Iv-.J n~cJ f'''',,\ f1o,.,.....,,,j ri.." I,)SY"<'C-Y>o,,, . . .. I ..pO~ of d.-:ywd\s . . 1 r I,.,J,(~k1Yl.:? be". f1vw.l I.....srec-tlo'"\ :>V -b ~,~ rOOt n,tMH. TOTAL FEES DUE: $ 11;'0, DO b"~I~I,A 4~' t}~ jiJJV SIGNED: dt~. 1- r;. PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES r f /L(/\y:, .>-c:...--1('/\ .",........ SCHEMBRI ASSOCIATES. INC. 0144 1111<1;:1")(\(\1::' 'T'"",,.. "..f'C"..th",l,l T.......t..",,, Ul III ~9 o ~ J:ijlO 1-0- ja:,,",: ~5lg Ou..:ll- :;: Olll~ oz~~ Q~ rIi 5i~ o III 150.00 042721 Address Dollars $ , For AMT. PAID BALANCE DUE IID~ .~~~ 150.00 \.')l;.;I"lDJ.:'lI,;IlCIUUl1 ~L;H11 IV~J ...,CUWUUU i..Irlvc, ':>UUUIUIU-IlI~V~UUlI lCC::~ -, '. . WARNERS Nursery, Garden Shop & Florist 2669 Sound Avenue Baiting Hollow, New York 11933, (631)727-8733 BILL TO: . 'ID}," i . Schembri Homes, Inc. IJ l 102 Sandpiper Drive L-.. RiverheadNY 11901 (631)727-4127 ..~..-i] i .'.=J: I _-.J - ote e propose a ltIon p antmgs on this survey are what Warner Nursery recommends to be planted in the area in front of the hay bales. Any further questions, please ,contact Jim Warner at 631-727-8733. Thank you. ~" "..... '- J 1:' I' f '(t4 Field Inspection ( 2-(ttrv~ S-vN~~ f!'. ~ o - - s .. J..h'tS704Field Inspection - c Sc.~e-~ ~ I<llor:) ~-11 " .~ >'- ,/"".' C ~~ / /!/' -.". ,,~,_r;:" "" 'I, :J t. 'f~ "'~i ,v,Vj, -..t' . "'.' '~f 'J. 't' ... ~~. r'" }\ .l;!t~ ~ ,,-t~~,r;~ , .~>~~"~jJf:~'.b I' ,rl.~ " .....,...a. ,. '" ~-;~~< "" #-~;.;~ ~. . ,'~: '-,.f:;l~ ... ~ ,'9.. ~~)" ,. ;~:.'.t~' '1~1l1!. ~~~ _~. ._. );.:::;. "-,. ~':~_~~~r&~:'~~\.r._.,;~~~, "'...."'"'_~~r-,~h~j. So: -~~~ ;. '-~~-,~ . 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'~'1"'-'''''''''/Y~ f "~ ' Sr "-,.:, ~" 0' . ; '*"'_ -'..,J_ ,...... :~,..,;~....... ,f,e;~_, '.' .- ,- ':"'~'~~~.r.) t:i ~~~ .':"".-~;,~:,,~,, -.~ ~~~_:,,;Jt ;p~ ~~.;;;~~~~, '~'~~\rJ ... ..oIf:.~~"',\i~ _' -~.'~~~.. .~:_~' ~~.'~~:';",I\ .:e~.',,;:; to;;. .. . .}...jl~. ", -_"'.........0#1' ._\~ ~ .",!...;r.:.',:.:r.'~"""J.,"'.t.~...~,~.<",. ... ...~t'!t~_ -.... "';,'~"".:'.. ," "'-'<f;'....t... '}-'. ,.,~1'"~......'.__,...~ - ~.... -:;c.;. ~....' ~'--"":>:l; i"::'r',. ~_~\o.~'~~:::':~~~'.., ~~~ ~.. ~.~ ".A.f)r;.t..,,~ It";"_..':'....l".,r~..v.~#,...~-~.: -,i"~~':;':;".~-::'" -, .~.~:"'lf,.....,.:~ ~:/J ...c _' Jt....."""'''''.._,,'l\o>'.. . .' ..,.,..,. ~._-~ .....~~-..,':.:Mi...f~~.. ..... _ _!iiiJ"~ << I' 11115/04 Field Inspection-., I " .". o c~, 11/15/04 Field Inspectiop~ \....... 6 s~~, . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 19, 2004 Mr. Anthony Schembri Schembri Homes Inc. 102 Sandpiper Drive Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Violation; 1025 Seawood Drive, Southold SCTM # 79-7-63 Mitigation/Planting plan Dear Mr. Schembri: This letter is in response to your plan for the restoration of the wetland area at the above referenced property. The Board of Trustees has reviewed your proposal and inspected the land. Currently there is a wetland area with standing water, on tl1e north side ofthe hay bale line. We require planting in tl1at area which will replace the trees that have been removed. Each tree tl1at has been cut must be replaced. The existing stumps must be left in place. Plant trees that replace species that were removed: oak and maple. Trees must be balled and burlaped, planted on 5-foot centers, be no less than 5" wide. There will be a 5-year survivability clause on tl1e plantings. Plant 6 trees. At the location of the hay bale line plant a buffer line of shrubs. The wetland habitat shrubs suggested by your consultant Gleffil Just and your landscaper Jim Warner as follows are approved: Sweet pepper Bush (Clethra alnifolia) Arrow Wood (Viburnum recognitum) Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosuin) in the quantities shown on the plan. Plant these along tl1e hay bale line to create a buffer to the wetland area. . . You are given 45 days from the date of this letter to complete the planting. Please contact this office for an inspection at the completion of the planting. At the completion of the planting to replace trees within the wetland and buffer line of shrubs along the hay bale line this office will need the following in order to review your house permit application. We will also require planting oftrees and shrubs for a buffer area to the wetland and to replace the seven trees that were cut down in March to the south of the hay bale wetland line. 1. Plans showing elevations throughout the property 2. Grading plan 3. House site plans, showing a 50' buffer from the wetland for driveway, 100' from the wetland for cesspools, 100' for residence, and a 50' non-disturbance buffer, as per Chapter 97 wetlands regulations. After this office receives the above information the application for house, driveway, and cesspool construction can be resubmitted and a hearing date will be set. No activity other than this approved planting can be taken within our 100' jurisdiction on this property without a wetland permit. Sincerely, "-A+e.<JM,,,, --r;)/V{M.J)- Heather Tetrault Environmental Technician ~ . . Southold Town B()~,rd of Trustees ~[ Fd: l[; n \'I IE ~ {~" :-. 2 p "C" IlW uv J 2669 Sound Avenue, Baiting Hollow, New York 11933 631.727.TREE (8733) facsimile 631.727-.4324 October 25, 2004 Mr. Albert Krupski, President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-1179 RE: Schembri Homes, Seawood Drive, Southold S.C.T.M. No. 1000-79-07-65 Dear Mr. Krupski: As per the recommendations of ].M.Q. Environmental Consulting Services, I have prepared the planting plan submitted to you. It is my professional recommendation that using the plants recommended by].M.Q. , sited as per the attached, and in the noted quantities, the site will be appropriately restored. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, --- SEP-28-200415:17 FROM:JMO CONSULTING . 6533348 TO: 7651366 . P.2 h J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services September 28, 2004 ~~ s~p~: ~4~~ Mr. Albert Krupski, President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-1179 Southold Town Board of Trustees RE: Schembri Homes, Seawood Drive, Southold S.C.T.M. No. 1000-79-07-65 Via facsimile Dear Mr. Krupski: I have been asked by this property owner to aid in processing plans to replant those area on the site which have been disturbed. As you know in a portion of the area offteshwater wetlands located on the eastern side of the property has been cleared. In this area it appears that a number ofmature maple trees have been taken down as well as some species of wetlands brush. There also has been clearing performed in the uplands area adjacent to the wetlands. Given the water-logged soil conditions in the area of wetlands I suggest Red Maple (Acer rubrum) trees as well as a mixtu!'e of wetland shrubs be planted. The species of shrubs should be Sweet Pepper Bush (Clethra alnifolia), Arrow- Wood (Viburnum recognitum) and Highbush Bluebeny (Vaccinium corymbosuin). These species of wetlands shrubs will grow to 8-. 12- when mature and also produce food for wildlife. I am unsure if whether or not the Trustees wish to have the disturbed portions of the adjacent area replanted or if this is something to be addressed as part of the permit application which has been filed for the property. If the Board would like a buffer area established in this distu!'bed area I would replant it with the aforementioned species of wetland shrubs. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this matter please feel free to contact me at any time. ~ Sin~l.y, '- L/ ofeiu?it1tistM'~ GEJ/ed Phone (631) 653-0607 . Fax (631) 653-3348 121 Jessup Ave' 2nd Floor. P.O. Box 447 Quogue. New York 11959-0447 -r - -0'<-1 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson own Hall 5 095 Route 25 .0. Box 1179 Southol New York 11971,0959 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tele hone (631) 765-1892 ax (631) 765-1366 / J~/t2 ~f-v/ If} k-:{ Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 112 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 Re: Violation, C .#A-2935 Tax Ma 79-7-63 Sche ri Home.s s I InnJ. '. 1025 eawood ~ Southo , Dear Ms. Mesiano: This letter is sent to you as agent for your client, Schembri Homes, Inc. regarding the above violation. The office of the Southold Town Trustees has inspected the above referenced violation site ofMr. Tony Schembri at 1025 Seawood Drive, Southold. VIOLATION The violation on March 29, 2004 was land clearing within 100' of a freshwater wetland, FINDING Our findings are pursuant to Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code WETLANDS AND SHORELINE GENERAL REFERENCES, ARTICLE I, General Provision, 97-10. Title which is cited as the "Wetlands Law of the Town of South old defines a wetland ecosystem and "Freshwater wetlands" in Article 24, Title I, Section 24-0107, Subdivisions I(a) to I(d) inclusive, of the Environmental Conservation Law ofthe State of New York and under Section 97-12. Declaration of Policy, Jurisdiction and Setbacks, ofthe Southold Town Code. As stated in the code" The following areas are subject of protection under Chapter 97 of the Code of South old, 97-12(C)(1) Any freshwater wetland, swamp, wet meadow, bog, or vernal pool 97-12(C)(3) Land under water; 97-12(C)(5) Land within 100 feet of the areas listed above.. . . Our Environmental Technician as well as the Trustees observed the cleared area. The work done on the above site was clearly in violation of Chapter 97 where no activity is allowed within 100' ofa wetland without a permit from the Board of Town Trustees. RESTORATlON/MITlGATION PLAN The Trustees have set up a restoration/mitigation plan and time schedule, as is described below and must be followed specifically as per this notice. Any failure to do so will be considered an additional violation of the Town Code, Chapter 97. Phase One: I. The Trustees require the trees which were cut down within 100 feet of the freshwater wetland, which is all six large trees below the hay bale line and their branches, and the seven trees behind the hay bale line, be removed from the wetland area by hand and hand tools and moved back to the upland area behind the stake for the corner of the house. 2. The trees may not be removed from the site. The trees are to be placed beyond the 50' back from the wetlands as marked on the enclosed survey. 3. No heavy equipment will be allowed on the site, in order to protect the wetlands and pond area from further damage. 4. There will be two inspections with a fee of $50 each, one while the work is being done and one after the work is complete. Notify the office when the work is complete. 5. Phase one must be complete by August rJ, 2004. Phase Two: I. The Trustees will verify a wetlands line after the trees are removed from the wetland and wetland area, using soil cores and plant species. 2. At that time the Trustees will require a restoration/mitigation plan for creating a new buffer between the proposed dwelling and the existing wetla\1d, in order to replace the trees which were removed and the damage which was done to the wetland area by heavy equipment. We confirm our request that you submit a plan to be received in our office or at our next hearing no later than August 6, 2004. 3. The Trustee Office will review your plan, notify you after we complete our review, and approve the plan or ask for revisions to the plan. . . 4. After the Office of the Trustees notifies you that the restoration/mitigation planting plan is approved and finalized you will have sixty days to implement the plan. 5. There will be one inspection fee of$50 after the work is complete. We confirm our request that you submit a plan to create a new buffer with a planting plan. Very truly yours, ~-f ~ ~.. 84.J... /7_. ./. 7 r Albert KrupskI, Jr. President, Board of Trustees Cc: Anthony Schembri, Schembri Homes, Inc. Heather Tetrault, Environmental Technician Justice Rudolph Bruer Lori Hulse - Montefusco, Assistant Town Attorney E. Brownell Johnston, Assistant Town Attorney Donald Dzenkowski, Bay Constable Sent via certified mail/Fax to Catherine Mesiano . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July:21,2004 Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 112 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 Re: Violation, Case # A-2935 Tax Map #79-7-63 Schembri Homes Inc. 1025 Seawood Drive Southold, NY Dear Ms. Mesiano: This letter is sent to you as agent for your client, Schembri Homes, Inc. regarding the above violation. The office ofthe Southold Town Trustees has inspected the above referenced violation site ofMr. Tony Schembri at 1025 Seawood Drive, Southold. VIOLATION The violation on March 29, 2004 was land clearing within 100' of a freshwater wetland. FINDING Our findings are pursuant to Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code WETLANDS AND SHORELINE GENERAL REFERENCES, ARTICLE I, General Provision, 97-10. Title which is cited as the "Wetlands Law of the Town of South old defines a wetland ecosystem and "Freshwater wetlands" in Article 24, Title I, Section 24-0107, Subdivisions 1 (a) to I (d) inclusive, of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York and under Section 97-12. Declaration of Policy, Jurisdiction and Setbacks, of the Southold Town Code. As stated in the code" The following areas are subject of protection under Chapter 97 of the Code of South old, 97-12(C)(1) Any freshwater wetland, swamp, wet meadow, bog, or vernal pool 97-12(C)(3) Land under water; 97-12(C)(5) Land within 100 feet of the areas listed above. . . Our Environmental Technician as well as the Trustees observed the cleared area. The work done on the above site was clearly in violation of Chapter 97 where no activity is allowed within 100' of a wetland without a permit from the Board of Town Trustees. RESTORATION/MITIGATION PLAN The Trustees have set up a restoration/mitigation plan and time schedule, as is described below and must be followed specifically as per this notice. Any failure to do so will be considered an additional violation of the Town Code, Chapter 97. Phase One: I. The Trustees require the trees which were cut down within 100 feet of the freshwater wetland, which is all six large trees below the hay bale line and their branches, and the seven trees behind the hay bale line, be removed from the wetland area by hand and hand tools and moved back to the upland area behind the stake for the comer of the house. 2. The trees may not be removed from the site. The trees are to be placed beyond the 50' back from the wetlands as marked on the enclosed survey. 3. No heavy equipment will be allowed on the site, in order to protect the wetlands and pond area from further damage. 4. There will be two inspections with a fee of$50 each, one while the work is being done and one after the work is complete. Notify the office when the work is complete. 5. Phase one must be complete by August ~7, 2004. Phase Two: I. The Trustees will verify a wetlands line after the trees are removed from the wetland and wetland area, using soil cores and plant species. 2. At that time the Trustees will require a restoration/mitigation plan for creating a new buffer between the proposed dwelling and the existing wetland, in order to replace the trees which were removed and the damage which was done to the wetland area by heavy equipment. We confirm our request that you submit a plan to be received in our office or at our next hearing no later than August 6, 2004. 3. The Trustee Office will review your plan, notify you after we complete our review, and approve the plan or ask for revisions to the plan. . . 4. After the Office of the Trustees notifies you that the restoration/mitigation planting plan is approved and finalized you will have sixty days to implement the plan. 5. There will be one inspection fee of$50 after the work is complete. We confirm our request that you submit a plan to create a new buffer with a planting plan. Very truly yours, Albert Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees Cc: Anthony Schembri, Schembri Homes, Inc. Heather Tetrault, Environmental Technician Justice RudolftBruer _ Lori Hulse - Montefusco, Assistant Town Attorney E. Brownell Johnston, Assistant Town Attorney Donald Dzenkowski, Bay Constable. --':0 C\1. U\o... (' Q (ij \It?cl \'\'\Q.l \ t-R'f 10 Cfr'fw 1l\'M- ('() eS I[l n.O 1. ""- '" -::::, ~ ".~.~_,~._~ __.......,.~.7'~~.~___..,..,..,...."....._ _..~-__.~=":. ~'-_"~~'_n~..--,.--=". ".~C~_~,..",..- ....~"_'_~-~...~..C.__ l.~ncv J:fi- '-l". i~ 7. Report Day a.Date ~i''' I ~/1:)1i ,/, .-' ;F ,<'c</ 21. Location Code 19.1ncldent Address (Street No.. Str~t Name. Bldg. No.. <:; S ec< No. of Victims '-' -.' 0:' >C. .;; - ,;t.~/o.::; . ,,'. ~, [,_rl /'/ 1..; ,:1);:--<(:[ '<..f:'iID[,K( 31. Ethnic o Hbpanle 0 unk. ONOn-Hlspanic 33. ~dence Status 0 Temp_ Res.. Foreign Nat. B Resldent 0 TOUf'ist 0 Student 0 Other Commlllter 0 Military 0 Homel'ess 0 Unk 37. Apparent Condition o Impaired Drugs 0 MentalOis 0 Unk. o Impaired Aleo 0 InJ I III 0 App Norm 66. Make 60. License Plate No 64. Value " A~-~ 'ec ......,. ;",c:. Co. ,r-", , ~-, 74. Inquiries(Chedc aU that apply) o OMV 0 WantIWarrant o Crim. History 0 Stolen Property ~.lnd1'Rtk) " ~, . . 79. Supervisor's Signature (Include Rank) 80. 10 No. 75. NYSPIN Message No. 76. Complainant Signature o SCofflaw o Other 1. Status Closed (If Closed. check bol( belOw) 82. Status Date o Viet. Refused to Coop 0 Arrest 0 Pros. Declined OCBI DJuv..NoCustody o Arrest.Juv OOffenderoead?y,.l I!;>"'/. )/; DUS-3205 )2/97) 'FALSE STATEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CRIME, PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW, 15. Time ., ., c, f.( G, H, J, K, l, M, N, T;;HI IC~es j/, ' ': ." ~\tl ,). <( ,," 3.' .1. "",,,,.' ..^_.... , Crimellli--..A-~ C"" ".845' t::"l'~~"'WI__ .', , ' ',,' J21 Alballv, ''''~,,(~,l, ,151'1':" " (518)"WI'~-.: , "-'-.- "",' 1 V"_ "'-,,,' "..; -''1 ! "~ve!l.. X ~ itn .':~s~. Bo,., , '_. ':_ ," "',' ,c:ItI:tf;~L,: m;'",.', :~q~"""~;"",,, Buffalo; N'o!w YoI'k 46!1., . (716) 841.7992 ' ..... . . t 1 <,-'.''<''''''''. ',,.~ '<i"#"~'",'---.._"'''''''':X'"'_''''''''''. .~,_..~:,~~_.t...;.;._.,...,._. !,,~:":'l'k O-';':1~U-;_:~;e1:t,H~i:r~~ :;~:',':-_: ,:,/' -- , , ! jd',''''. .. -<'~-B'3T:::';~_.'----'._'~- ,;tJ; ~~1JT';? ,,:' _',":':_:, ',~ :-=: '=.::':~~;~~n;' ,;;j' ;.. ::'"1;,:; .," ".I'f.It""llllW"'-, L ,.-..,J nt, "3 ~""";i ":~,*~:,-",''l:W",~)..~",;.~. ~:-W~~':-"" ,,;o:-,_-~:~~~;, '" _., ':""'F;.;;.;.;;;#'1.::t?:~~:c~ ~-"" ~1If r"' . -- --<~ . . NOTICE , Police Dept. - Bay Constable Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Date: 3)~9 /09 Th: 5<:..hem b.-I LJo,,, eS (Owner or authorized agent of owner) Address: ;;'OyJ.. iVC<J~J. i?i w~}i,~c fJeJ"'" M' /1712- (Address of owner or thorized agent of owner) Please take notice there exists a violation of the Code of the Thwn of Southold, Chapter 97 Article II, Section 97-20 a premises hereinafter described in that a /IJX k 15' ;] E IN 6'-. ~...ra"-n->E rI w/#/A.I /(lo / arc ,4 ,?d'.C'S-,i/Iv.4TEA 61/(;/ L~ You are therefore directed and ordered to comply with the following: "'JOt:. L ()~ ~ f*'QpeJl,~ UJ t-H-, I V IOU I ;':-~p.<: AUJ~-f~.(I.. Lue.+ LAtfb/ C<)/O P 4iJ {;J f --;k -+1 on or before the ;J. 0.- day of m"'~ , 20~. The premises to which this Notice of Violation refers are situated at: ,C;,...A..._hi#.d IJ~ sov~ o/J Town of Southold, Suffolk eounty, NY (Suffolk County Thx Map Designation: Dist. 1000 '10/ Block~ -1 Lot: t i ) Section: Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of the law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both; NOTICE: You have the right to apply for a hearing before the Board of'll:ustees of the Town of Southold, provided that you file a written request with the Clerk of the 'll:ustees within 10 days after service of the Notice of Violation. Such request shall have annex~d thereto a copy of the Notice of Violation upon which a Hearing is requested and shall set forth the reasons why such notice of viola- tion should be modified or rescinded. ~,~::_"':7:_____~ -----------.-----"" - .:.--~"'''".~.._~- L PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN. TOWN ATTORNEY patricia.finnegan@lown.80uthold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran@town.8outhold.ny.u8 . JOSHUA Y. HORTON Supervisor Town Hall, 63096 Route 26 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0969 LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori.montefusco@lown.southold.ny.us Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 2004 Hon. Rudolph H. Bruer Justice Court of the Town of Southold 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 RE: People v. Richard Leland (wetlands violation) Current Court Date: August 6, 2004 Dear Justice Bruer: As you are aware, Richard Leland was issued a wetlands violation indicating a first Court appearance date of April 30, 2004. Mr. Leland was hired by Peter Schembri of Schembri Homes to perform the work that was the basis for this violation. Given the fact that Mr. Schembri has pled guilty and paid a $1,000 fine to the Court, we respectfully request that the Court dismiss the referenced matter. Thank you for your attention to this request. ~~ Lori Hul Montefusco Assistant Town Attorney LHM/lk cc: Mr. Richard Leland Board of Trustees .---- -, , L~~:,Jt1.,..IJ: ~3<in" jl~tlW__~~RfSI~ 14~~:~p l~c~:~391"n"~'n<No );;~o., ~"IV!laq I 'I:;";:' ~,urre.t"';::; ~0";811 dy I ;~';~f!!;:; ; 0"'1 Z1f I o~ I ~3~~ 1611\(ldentTy~ 11 Bl,l\lneuName 18 Weaponhl A I":'...~ c,../_ ; L /, -..J ~~~';;;:;' , _ lJ. No. of Victims IJ/A d.Tr z.-- 19. Incident Addreu (Street No. Street Name. 9ldg. No -' ,Apt. No.) () , fTc. I~ c 2 , , '. <,:'f''Y ~ TYPEINO Z '-,- 0 Co ~ '" "' .. 0 "' ~ ... .. V 0 ~. ~ .. . 24. No.ofS~ % ~L__,,~ I/",..-.s~ . ~~.,...~".t>ol>_.. ' '\11"<. ,', 26V;"im.lw'omp/.i,,,, DYDN D";.. "'lME(l,AST.f1RS'!r " '"..... " SmrrNO, rr"",,<.1!lP<< ,1'0.. OTYhST~p 'd.:.",. T~. "".," ,,<r:; <: if i . ':!': ". - :!8ii'th-:-: x < ,'-j 7 ,;. Jf:> ",_, ;'-_J_~ ~::"j-;rt-'<J4i+-_,_:#i_7;;- ,. ~_ -:.' '.-. :;:. <- - .;,.:'[Y."'- -', ir~r"7'" "'Ci _ ';< S-.}I-1,,,/....It7r-u.u ""...J t!),' 7':tuf4c 9i J;4.#C?I.,,.; ~/ .... ~r:7'fl, eJ w"",.L~ pAJ.. V ,,-,.. .IV. .... L. G o H .' " " , "y" 2" 21Dateof8irth 128 Age 29 Sex 1]0 Im:e 131 EthnIC 1 32. Hal'ldk.Jp 1]]_R~deo<eSlatu~ OTemp_Rei..Foreign Nat. l; Mo I 0" Ii' 0 foil 0 F 0 ~rte 0 Black 0 Other 0 Hispanic 0 Unk 0 Yes B ReSident BTOUrlSI 0 Student 0 Other fin U 0 Indian 0 A$ian 0 Unk 0 Non-H~ 0 No Commuter Miliu.ry 0 Hometes5 0 Unk 34 TypelNc 135. Name (Last. First. Middle) 36 AllasINickMmelMaiden N.me (Last. FIBt. Middle) 8' Appllrent Condition Impaited Drugs 0 Mental Dis 0 Unk. TAlUEO ImpairedAlco 0 InJ/lIl 0 AppNorm L K, ,. ... ffilll'" v,h;d, Q. Status O,AB:EN '" G.. 65.Veh. Yr. , Elf' 70. Color(s) -ll!B 13. J 38. Addll!5S (Street No., Street Name. Bldg. No_. Apt. No., City, State,lip) I 39.Phone No. 0 HOme ~ O~ ~ 4'.Oateof8irth !42.Age 143.~~ 44. Race 1:45.Ethnk lilMi.Skin 47. Occupation ~~ 10M 0 F 0 Whitl!! 0 Bl<<lc (] other 0 Hispanic 0 Unk. 0 light 0 Dark 0 Unk. :;:: Mo DolV 0 U 0 Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. 0 Non-HispoJnic o Medium 0 Other ""~ 48. Hei9hntl 49 Weigl-It Iso' Hair 51. Eyes 52. Glasses 53. Build 154. EmployerlSchool 155. Addren !: .': ," . 0 Yes 0 Contacts OSmarl Olarge '" 0 No 0 Medium _ ~ . ,.;.~~ ::;: 56."''''M''',/T.tto",(D",,,'''' 57.MiK 8~; '- -~""""'{"~EJ' '. ,. . El EJ []. R'i' 40. Social Se<:urity No. L L~ N 6O.li(en~ Plate No Fu1l0161. Partial 0 I State 162 hp. Yr. 163. Plate Type 164. Value 68. Style 169. VIN 1'2. Vehide Note~ 66. Make 67 Model I" Towed By: To: /5sve>' a -~,- ar'r n_ ..1. ,; L? ..../ - ~/?".1f.......... ill A/"~_. c>,c l//d~.M'" /""," tJ/^.a n~s-,*~4h~ . ~ :::::!: , :::::!: 10 11 - . t2 - " iveli er,,_.-/.....- '-' w > ;:: .. I.: 74, __(Ch<d 01''''.-., o DMv 0 WtirrtlWalnnt 0 Scofflaw o Crtm. Histoty 0 Stolen Property 0 Other :u U'~~~Z 1'.,0:0 81. Status ..etJPen Closed. chei;k be. below) 0 Unfounded C' 0 Viet. Refused to C. -g Arrest 0 Pros. Declined 0 Wart'ant Adllised oCB1 o hill. oNO Custody OArrest-Jull OOffendet"Oead Ohtr.td.Oe<:hn OUnknO'Wn 15. NYWlN Message No. 76. Complainant Sign"tufe 1.'3'l'bi7 180. 10 NO '" I U No,;';_O' .... , 19. ~isor'l ~igl\<lture (Include R.lnk) ...a~ of Pages DUS-320S {2/971 'FALSE STATEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS ACRIME. PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL lAW Town 01 Southold Suffolk County, NY The People ollhe Slale 01 New York vs. LA~t;:J MIOOU:1N~ "~AO"ESS ~c.'1:U....1 _7 h''''~~/s.".u AvGl SJl'4___ - ~//;t1.,~ STATe UCENSE OR REaIS1llA~MeeFl A 2934 A 2935 Town 01 Southold Suffolk County, NY The People ollhe Slale 01 New York vs. LAST NAME (DEFENDANT) ~ FIRST NAME Sc.I.".... ""'J:. ;n""",'i STREET AOQAESS ~~:J. CITY ItJJ. W J~ MIDOlE lNITlAL APT. NO. APT. NO, STATE .P lAD IV. Co.."'17 /l,.J R.,) 8 It- /IA-f UCENSE OR REGISTRAllON NUMBER STATE .P II ?rz.- OPaIATOR OWNS VEHICLE DYES DNO 'THE OPERATO$\ OR REGISTERED OWNER OF VEHICLE DESCRIBED BELON PLATE NO. OAT! EXPIRES DATE EXPIRES STATE o N,Y. DN.J o N,Y Pl.ATETYPE DN,J. 0 o PASS o COMM 0 VEHICLE MAKE 0 BUICK 0 0 C"EV 0 CADILLAC 0 0 'ORO 0 ()U)S 0 PCTM 0 TOVOTA 0 VOU<S 0 BODY 0 'DR 0 ",. 0 .us 0 MCY TTP' 0 TRUCK 0 ""'LfIl 0 VAA 0 VINNUMBER . PLATE NO. STATE o N.Y. 0 N.J 0 N,Y, 0 N,J. 0 PLATE TYPE o PASS 0 COMM 0 DODG' PONTlAC V'EHICLEM-'KE 0 DODG' 0 au,"" 0 C"EV 0 CAOIUAC 0 PONTIAC 0 FORD 0 0l0S 0 PCTM 0 TOYOTA 0 vDU<S 0 BDOT 0 'DR 0 'DR 0 'US 0 MeT 0 s.w, mo' 0 TRUC' 0 TR.....LER 0 VAA 0 VIN NUMBeR o s.w. . FAC1'UAL PART (NOT fOR lVB) ciJJ '"' ABCVe NAMED Wl/:I>m 0'0 ON ,"'''ATeD (:' .M'AAO ~- r ~l:.. ~",,,.e-.1 ~d ,...\ ;:;;;:j, IA.) IlID" AI'=- # /7u:sJ. "'~ /vcr.l.-ANoi ~ n.~.tlU.clon(peraonal.""-dg.l;w.w , '7:Z.. ~s..7' PARKING SCHfDUI.E INE $ : ~'" ;j,kr;,> "j. Tn.FO~o~i1_on(po....""lknow~.) . 7Z- ~~ PARKING SCHEDULED FlNE $ .~~.~,~~ '~.n -~~~/MlV_A"'~ DATEOf'~lNOTfOA1'I8l YUDflY I AT f~ ..... CONTACT COURT 0 THE PERSON DESCRIBED ABOVE IS SUMMONED TO AI'PEAR AT 0" I :;~~:"':~-'"OUTei'A:;:~'"'' er CONT,I,CT COURT 0 THE PERSON DESCRISED A80VE IS SUMMONED TO APPEAR AT SQUTHOLD TOWN JuSnCE COURT. 530iI ROUTE 25. SOUTHOLD. NY 11171 "" FALSE STATEMENTS HERElNAf;eo PUNISHABLE AS "Cv.sS" MISDEMEANOl'l PURSUANTTO SECT1ON210.45 OFT1-EP.~N. V.S FALSESTATEMEN'!"S i'iERElN ARE PUNlSI'WllE AS" CLASS A MISDEMEANOR PUASUAHTTOaECTl0N210.45 OF nEP.LN.V.8. COMfVJN.'.NT ~"7J I? /1 / // \ ;!/..?9 #t/ ". &ff~ JOB N ................ 1O!E-""..oG.o;> 1Ol~"'''I";/A1S'Itt:r __.~_..,,__~~II::1_~_~_~~.":~.~__ :L0: 39AM ?OU'I':-..P BUIL~_~NG.._~~--2:~5. 9?0Z~~07-83 TESTHOL.E.aJ3)/lXl' . ! G1EOSCiENCE ~ _ HOTF-~' . P.i "v...T~H IN FIN(; 1" COlJOU>E a.oo.NO 1} :) l-EACHINc) IIIlINQ$.t. IN H&lQ;HT [ U' TOT.A1.11ElOHT 1 I!IOTTOfljl ~ U,5., ToP CIOVIiFI ..0' IO.1i" COVI!R I COfllI"08AaCN'l!I"CIOL&!!I7.Cl .11TOPOF.EPTICTAMC96.O!! TOPCOVVl'!IG_7 l' CQUAFlTOGI'Ut.CleIJ7.7 3J IJN~U",ABl...I!,gOlLll stW.L aE REMCtIiEbANl::l ~ wrn-IlfANbAl.e CIIUlVl!L.N::CI!P'TAIll.,I! TOn-l! 6. e. "EAl.TI1 C"PT eeFOA.! fljllCKRLL.IN!:;. 5J PROII'06I!ICI mJ!\IATlOM. 8Hct.NN M [W7.0 J &)WA~"'TELE'V....,-n.!!i 't''''"~JCV'''~ . O......"F.V"......., :.Joit,GR^VEL . ___ ~~ 2..' n , I ,. , . I -~_._--- g QI1<::JWNU")IIh1 WATFR~6FlOWVNCLA~SAl<l """"'l1-l2lo!ll.aM\ltL ''''.', / " " '" , --7'--' / "-"'-'-"--'~'-~'--l ~ Vl .It:,.,. I, ~ i D,' :, ,/ ". ~ G"oLIr'IP i ;",.) !'f.':"r ,,-5 ~ ~;~:~~'{'~~1Q:i11 ;~:;; . ! (~.~ 6~' '; "., '\ !,-,,!,if"~' .1-1 ~ ~> :;' .?:r~~,~ ,:~ ~'~i ~.-! -. :.:f ::-;'"/-- y~ .,,1 ~ K:: ..~~..~~. ~ I I'" :,' 'c;';(',' I 1) !l I' : -Li ~ N I;~ "., -) :;, .,',' / ~,-5 ,-" j '';'") I,;','!\; "' 1';' ;.,; (':1;-, ~ ". f.l:l j ~;J f'~l' '~f; (~1 I ~ i" t4 l.B ,.,__~' I ...- -----------.-,--~~,~. _.-.1 c'( "" ", "--.,' -....." . '''"", " :, "" 'n:'I,)LLO"f lioS ~""NIT " '" '''>.:..:, N 21g33'20"E ';l. 104,73' I -~. ......./ / ~" ''''- -~--"- --.. "--. TEST HOL.IE ~ X ---- -------. 11 "'....._..--~_~_O,.O&ED &INGLE!. ~~-'=hl~ ., -- ~:-:.o 11--- /' 'fL..--"" -- S3,2-04'" TAXLOTG2 OCe REiS WELL [ I'"'ROF"O:iEo PUet.rc WollT ..~ "'.. --. n....,:.;:- -- - ~~.,~ --.r.. ~-_ $ ~ ;0 5! ~ S ~ ;0 ~ - ---~- - ----..-- l.lUCLOT&f, I"RoPoS~~S: wELL UC W"'Te~1 "---- 7S ___--- -_.--- ~ .--------- ..l. ---- -.---' -- - ~~~ - ~ ~~~ '" , ~LDTB ace RIiS IIVEJ.L I W6L.L. fill HOUSIi- NrECoR,/ 'TAX.I.OTe OCC RI'8 WeLL ALL DISU,NCES TO W~LLS AND CESSPOOLS ARE BY LOCATIONS FROM HOMEOWNERS, FIELl) OBSERVATIONS, A,NO EXISTING SlJHVEYS, SI~,ICE MO"T ARE NOT VISIBLE THESE DIMENSIONS ARE NOT CERTIFIED, ELEVAT10N8lN ASSUME.U DATUM FLOOD ZONE x:' FIFilM MAP' J'o'o-:-~'OX:Ol07 G .r~';c':::.!.tg];~~ .-:{f!::';........- "-'s:~., 1l1>/()f$"'-"~'" ,-~;'i""F " \ /c--/ - ..'.>;~-~'~'::r, " "~\A\ ~~. ll'.:.-:.." i", ~ '~:;'.C-!, (!>Ii " ~."'"'. (A~" woe BI!: ~~li:J' II/;. '~l,",#' '-7tJ '-"-- ..' ~. p.\""" " lJnaLIIlKIflHQ .11l'NtkIn <IF addllil:ltt to lI'I. dCll:U_ltt::l W\QkSIbn p1 &:dIcIrI r.lCI9 "'_Nf!WYtNll.lIlot3d~l:II'll..3w. ClJIIIflllal~....-.a IllllmCn.... NI'l onlv ~ 1M ~"Dll ror 1II'hDm It ill ~Nd l!IftdGf\lIillllNt1l11tDlheTT1"~,G_-.tIIIlAgIll'lClI'alldUlftftlO Il"l!:UUlial'Ellded ~ :snd!D Itlc a=iRneao fIIlhI!: l.endinillnsliluUDn or ,,~/ItIl~lIIIIIO, QnpIoIriI"rl:ltlw-.-.~nrlttlnll1nllu.~,"-.:l"'qf~ .....I___...-.aRWII.I~OOIW- ~,:=~~==~~:'l":-~-:::.:r....~.r::J,.~~'=':':r "'~ ....1IQ1-'.. ~ JIIIlIIalI\ ~ -. .......n .......""" gr..",<<r11111'" _lndIln. Tha_orrll:lhllllfW8l/e<<1A'Or_dfr--.s,".ny.nP'l._.... l'IIM.....nloMd. >__ CERTIFIED ONLY TO: SU~y 0...: DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUATED AT BAVVIEW, TOWN OF SOUTHOI SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK suR.....ev CIA"!!: 08122/02 SeAL-ii 1"=3' OESTlN G. GRAB. ,c LAND SURVEYO~: C' PO BOX 704 ~:-,... l'I-*Y~ri', NewYcrk, 1'-_" 5!lf-.8.21..:wc! ., ,--: SCHEIIaR.I HOMES 'i', By DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y:..~:_!:::.IC NO. eiODB7 ...: ,'. -:':',1..; 0""':> r + ~ I .<>Z ~___ I " :::,,\ ~ "~ 'J . It;;]{?, 3 f' . 11' I . ~.J~ lal [7 IS "! \'l. ' L _.............. '"" ",. "' ----i" ! "I 2~~ I: ~;~ ~ ;/1 ,j N r ~ ~ I . ~ ! id = ~ ; , J -,.J' I --"'-. 1'- - l li a ~ . , e - "'1l iT f4j2. ; ~)gj;, II J I : . .. ;;'11/ .'.5 ~ ~;::~.--- -I" Vi :::-...: .; /I(".~; .~ ;31" . 'J ~: ~ . ,---VE> . i " ~ )oj ""','" ~'~ '8 r--: ;J 'J IJI -T:- "';.' 1:1:'{!~. rn " . ' 1, ~j H:r:J.oj.JIL'J' ", ;'/' -j III --.. ..." r r,;;1 flyo . "J : N:m' ~ ~ ~-~. , ~I" . -.. .. ~ u ~ i 1 ihr,{ of i,;-,: . l 'I 1,-' --;: , i : :/: : : :{; :T:{: :l'~'" '. ' '"" q il! . ;r.~~;: r .'" -<....... " ~'L I r-; I I~ ~IR O'tt[[jjZ {I.. III I ''{'' I' ~JI,' i . I I: ~ r:./.. i/..~ . . --;;'1:1:t;-;~Tt{ , , . . , , : .~... ;~;"'. ',", ',~ ....: .' '7- J II ~it;:7-' '/ .1[..,' :,:,: :/-.- .:: .'11:::', 'Ii :r:: i:.:..'" J1', 0 j;;j ", ~~' , ~ 't?!- C;}:'; , : :' .. ?"} < I! .,~ """.." , , ", , ,. 1lI ' -".~~ .' j I . .. .. -... , " . ""'::";j .-':- 0;- .:::' " ~ " ''', ". -;-:;[!;,', .. ,::; ~ I I ~-1 ;i ~ ,~ ,... ,\'. iN 'f~h: 1 >~TJ1JU:",~ '! ,'r.~~j!, '.' ""- '~.~ 'Jil:r:I'1 ,.],/, ll'N " j , 'k~;.,;,.' :1:~5~' '-!J'::;;':~:r'" """1" j'I'~ !J'- ;." ~,'.J ."--/' . .~':;,.,." ~;~fJol / _"'I' 'j ~ - " 7 , , 'I ;' {,1, .. >;; .t I r . >!i F ____..- .. r; ;1 I. I e .1 ".~ llll '~I Sf!}J'!? ' .! d ': . .J . ~--- ,II~-/Si.' './l.:1{f! II. ~~ ~ , >J""----;~~fi, ~~ttI__J_, If '~,~ ..~ , I!I ~r" ,'1-ff( ~ l d T~(.!-o :i'j,i ~^ . II " ,III! ,_ ~~11(d!lll1mlllmmrrlllllllllllrrmlllm1TTTlTlllllllllllllmm III II1I1 I1I1I1I IlmmTl I L. . [! ii " II I I' ,! Ii " II I. I~ :* . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, May 11, 2004, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Don Wilder, seconded by Tom Schlichter, it was RESOVLED to recommend to the South old Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit application of SCHEMBRI HOMES, INC. to construct a 30'X 66' single-family dwelling, on-site sewage disposal system, and a pervious driveway. Located: 1025 Seawood Dr., Southold. SCTM#79-7-63 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because there would be too much encroachment on the wetlands. The CAC recommends the landowner withdraw the application. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried , - . jPRM NO.3 /. 1'6vm OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 30020 Z Date JANUARY 20, 2004 Permission is hereby granted to: H. REESE (SCHEMBRI) 1025 SEAWOOD DR SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for : CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY WITH TWO CAR GARAGE & COVERED FRONT ENTRY AS APPLIED FOR PER ZBA #5349 at premises located at SOUTHOLD 1025 SEAWOOD DR County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 079 Block 0007 Lot No. 063 pursuant to application dated JANUARY 20, 2004 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JULY 20, 2005. Fee $ 1,065.00 !f;t:;/A~. G.)L I Authorized Signature COpy Rev. 5/8/02 .__n~~_v __ __._.....D~_ :=4, , ~ 2..' ,. sw __J. . W~T€IIINB"OWNClArEYS"'ND WfTH2O'll.G"AVEl WATERIN~'Ne TOCOU!lSE SAND tors4 RES WELL PUBLIC WATER I ;.J ..' :::::d ">.;;';. \'~\ t \~\ .. \!.~~.:.t\ V> \ '.., \ \ ~ g, \ \ "\ \\ \ , , \ \,--~' , " , " ~"'~ / "~.PfjAt~~\ ~~fTll"H L . 21 TOP OF SEPTIC TANK lIltI.2 TOP COYeR ~,7 l'COllAR TO ORAQE 977 1'- Jl ~:~~~EA~~~SR~~l~~~:~~L~OT6N~H~E:~C~~AL T~ OEPT BEFORE BACKFILLING 5) PAOPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOWN AS 197,0] 61WATERATELEV./.71,5 ,..,..,-, _.....~ co CoVE;S~ ,/ / o WOOOFUHCH ~ _../ -:-~-e/ ,:----:~l!rliC~ -~~ l~--- --~->': I-I~- ---l 1AJ<.10155 VACANT ?L.i~SE [\jQTF, ~ applicant'~, r.....,_:': in ade0';'-: "'\:"111 \'.';::.':~' ,~'jS N 21033'20"E ,., 104.73' TEST HOLE X FF99.5 GAR980 2}o----:; J',O PRoposeO-- SINGLE FAMILY ~ - DWELLING '" ~ _,........_O...1l ~ 3.0 ~-, --- ~==-- -Fr- -----------. , . t/ 36045'30'''W 52.43' t9_~ \ - __I /\ Q \ ~ S 32004'jO"W --_\ -..,---"j --L \ TAXlOT9 OCc REs We: r WEll IN HOUSE II -NECOR/ EOGEOFPV;;; ~,\ t\ ,,\ FLOOD ZONE X FIRM MA~ No. J610JC0167 G ELEVATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM N . l I g 31' l r ~ ~ TA.XLOT8 OCC RES WELL Un.ulhortzed.....,ionor lOdd~ionlothi.docoo>..,t.. 0 """"bon 0/ SllC!ion 7209 oIt~_Y""'Slol.Educ.lklnL_ Cert!llcllUon.lr'IdIeIIIeod_ohalI"'non'YtOllleperoonlor.......",,~..prepored .nd on hIo bohaJlo ll'w Tn~ (:ompoIny,GcMemmerrlal Agency_ lending Inol~ullI;no Iloleod heteon c.rt1ftcal1onO are not lran.ferable to 8Od~iooIIln.l~ulions erou~aM>e" CopleIoltllitrdocumentnotbear'inGlheprdKaronafa,nl<edae,'orembolM'd lIIaI.h.lInotbeconoidered.""lidt"",COVI' Thecll....lord_"'ion.I.t>cMr1heteonlromIUuctu...tel~~cpe<1yI;nes.re lor l.peoW\c pu~ar>d uoe&ndl1>e<m..re not Imendad te ~ida lhe "'eel"" 0/ renoel,f1IIaIn/ngWll""pOOII,~UO.,pjlfll;nglre,",_ionlebujkllngo,or.n10l,* ....""''''' The mstence 01 right 0/ Wllllondlor uoemeNs ol record, ~ any_ not.t>cMr1 ate notgu.J'Itlt-.:l CERTIFIED ONLY TO: SCHEMBRI HOMES RRSTAMERICANTifLEI'NSUAA"NCECOMPANV- OF NEW YORK we:r GROUND POCKET.:'.<r:...ll\IOSI02\ INT~lS... SUFFOLK COUr,:"t" L) ., EPARTI.;E.'n OF HCALTM' PERMIT Fo.. ApPROVAL Or CONSTP,UCTlON SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENcr ONLY DATE]) (, \ I",,, S ~'-nH Yt~) ApPROVi:(} . - , r.i I~C'JF.' ~~AxrMUI_l 'o~ U - --- . PI e:.- '--L- h.JflCOM ~ REv I HRrr, ',';:OAR" ":"0 ",,' h '. .' ,-'" r., ').6,",'':;' Dr ..\p: '" '<1' 'm / ~ /&: )~ z o ;1J 1 CD )> ~ in :E ;1J ~ o ~ I \ TAXlOT62 \ OCe RES WELL \ r PROPOSED PUBLIC WATeR J TrEIl1l7.1l1' \ ...--- \ $~AWOOD DRIJ~ [ 50' PROPOSED PUBUC WATE~J 1 \ \ \ WELL ~ SUBJECT lOT 14.379.24 sa FT NOTE: SITE GRADING SHOULD BE REVISED TO CO,.,' TO ENGINEERING SPEC IFf CATIONS AND TOWN CO! SURVEY OF: DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUATED AT BAYVIEW. TOWN OF SC SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORI _I~URVEY DATE 08f2~f~~ ,___ ~_ SC_AU DESTIN G GRAF I LAND SURVEYOR \ i PO BOX 704 Q""l<vPnl..., N..wV...r\, "77" . Receipt N? 63259 TOWN of SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Town Hall Sauthald, New York 11 971 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I .;i Fee for o Sign Dale ........J..l;).2..I.a................................ .Received of.....~.....\::l..~............................................................................................................................................. ~:~::~::::::_/1~D,,"0" Fee for Certificale o of Occupancy Fee for o Flood Development Pmt. Fee for .~ Building Permit o o Cash !j;.. Check l ~ ]. '\ ."J,L..::::::::............................. ...................~.................................................................................. Building Deportment . . FORM Nv. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROV AL DATE: January 21, 2003 TO: Harold Reese (Schembri) 1025 Seawood Drive Southold, NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated January 21, 2003 For waiver of merger at Location of property: 1025 Seawood Drive. Southold. NY County Tax Map No.1 000 - Section 79 Block~ Lot 63 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The subiect lot. measuring 14.375 has merged with the adiacent lot to the west (SCTM # 1000-79-7- 55) pursuant to Article II Section 100-25. which states: "Mer_er. A nonconformin lot shall mer e with an ad'acent conformin or nonconformin lot which has been held in common ownership with the first lot at anv time: after Julv 1, 1983. An ad' acent lot is one which abuts with the arcel for a common course oflfift 50 feet or more in distance. Nonconforming lots shall merge until the total lot size conforms to the current bulk schedul re uirements." /~--) ~- '- Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced app,lication, may require further review by the South old Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. ~ I: >ROM C MESIANO .NC . FAX NC. 531-878-8951 ~Ul. 82 2003 10:34AM P1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THURSDAY. JULY 24,2003 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law ana C1apter 100 (Zoning). Code of the Town of Southold. the followir.g public hearing will be h'':d JY the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on Thursdav. JULY 24. 2003, at the lime noted belOW (or as soon t~lereaf1er as possible): 1:40 ~m Harold Reese Jr. and Schembri Homes #5349. Request for a Lot Waiver under Section 100-26, based on the BUilding Department's March 10, 2003 Notice of Dlsacproval. to unmerge vacant lands locat..d at 1025 Seawood Drive "nd 8360 North Bayview Road, Southold. Applicant proposes to build a single-faml:y dl1'elling on CTM 79-7-153. e described area of 14,379.24 sq. ft., merged pursuant to Section 100.25 With an adjacent area 01 +-28 acres. CTM 79-7-55. TM E,oarc of Appeals will hear all persons or l.'leir representatives, deSiring to be neara at eat:~ hearing, andlor desiring to submit written statements before th$ conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not star1 earlier than designated a~ove. Files are available for review during regular business hours. If you have questions! please do not hesltGte to ~Il (631) 765-1809. Catec: June 20, 2003. Lydia A. Tortora, Chairwoman Board of Appeals ... Fnono' ox, Pt'lOI'Mi:II FROM C ME5IANO .~ .. t . e"M FAX NJ. 'j 631-878-8551 ~5ep. 05 2003 08:27AM P1 "UNJNGA~~EALS~ : PI\G~ i):: Lyclia A. Tortora, ChairwomAn Ger&ld P. OoehriDi.r Olorg. HOrlllna R"tb D. Oliva V,"".m Olland<> SOUlholg Town ffaJl 53095 /.>lOIn Rood P.O. Box 1179 Southold. Now YorIo: 11971.()959 ZBA Fo: (6Jl) 7~.9064 Telephon. (6JI) 16'-1809 hlll';! ifiOUlholdlown. nonllforx. De' <' APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANDINGS, DELIBERATIONS N'lD DETERMINATION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, ~Q03 ,jI.ppt, No 1l~9 . MlWOld RM.. Jr. Localion 0# Proptl'l)l: 1026 SNWOod Drive and 8360 North Bayvlew RQad, Scultlold; C:TM 79-M3 (and 55) S,EQRA. CETliRMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appellls has villlllCl the "roperty under aenllderatlon In this lIppllOlltflll1 and cMtamlnea !hat tIllI revlew 1111111 und~r tne Type II OllellOlY of the atate'. W.t of Actlons, Mtheul an ;(lve,.. t!rect on the tIlnvironment W Iht project la Im;>len_,to.J.. plaMlId. fBQ!EBD:: F~!';~R1F'TION: Tn. epplicant's prop&~ i. v_nt a~d consISts 01. 8 totallir1d ar. of 28,33 tcru, IdInllfled 81 Count)' Tax L01 jj7~7-83, and 55, Mth 1 :l!l,37 It, tronlIgtllong Suwood Drlve, 1:10 1B11I.ong TOp'aD Lane, WId 499 It along Bsyvtew ~. In SoulhOld. FlNOINns OF FACT 111..18 OF APPLICATIQ~: IMdin9 Department" MarCIl 10, 20q3 Notice of OIMllproval, citing lIecUcn 100.25 In Ita denial of an application for ill bulldh!1~ permlt and flqu_l fer a msrgllr datBrmlnllllon. The ruiOII Nted In tile denial I. lhat'the lands ara "~lCeIlt and It1IIrged. A.~PWCANT'8 REQUEST: Applicant 18qyesls a Waive, elf Mergor, PUl'$uelrt to Article II, SlllOllon 100-28 10 un"*llt a _nl area r:J 14,379,24 aq. 11, r8f~ to as 1000-79-7. 8:1 ('83'), from ths remalnlnglsnd, . V_ClInl.... 0'211llC.TU referred to u 1000.79-7.5~ ("155'), The Zoning Board of App..ls neid . pUblic hearing en lPIlt eppllcation on J.uty 24, 2003, at which tlma wt1lten and 0...1 evidonoe were pre.ented, BllHd upon ." t,"Umon~, ~lCUmentatfon, persenlll In.pectfon ef 1110 properlY, Snd other eVideneei, the Zoning B<ltIrd find. the rcilowillll llIota to be true and raleVir1t RI!AsON8 FOIII BOARD ACTION: On the buls of tu~mony PI1l.s,llild, materialS .ubmltWd andlltrsonll InsptcliO/lS, tns bra makes the following IImlngs: 1. T". MlI/'ch 28, 2003 title ,..,CII, prepaMd by Nort/1 Star TIlle~. Ihe. In(IlCllle. 1I111t l'1Il'OId _.., Jr. II snd conUnuoullly OWIlBd 83 all'lC4 1/27/1;89. .nd 55 ,Ince 2l'l1l/5e. 2. . In consldertng this "pplioaUon, the Board believe. that the 'oll;lnal lOt one.' Of Ihla P['lptlrIY were ..tab/Ished by two separate deed conveyances more than 34 ye.11 ago 7671 0'''',;,:;'. >.,' It.gr,,~ , Pos'-it' Fox Not. P__~fG From /' !Y' (i.'~:;) . ,,'::, ; "......;..' ro '- CQ,mnf'lt CU. F't'lOl'l.* Phone II "I~ " .'" 'Flior1 c r1E'o ] fN:' . r..: . ~.c, : 631-878--8951 . Se:p. i.UI'i.JI~t,!III-'I-'t.J_: -f-.:L:, ~-~)( .;:'5 ::"00~ 88: 2~~'" -' p~=- :',: / jl~. 2 - r.~8'\I0f 7,2003 1\pJ'1. NI:. ~n9 oM HL"'O;d 1l.eue, Jr I 000-79.i-53 Lot waJVet (reI. Ubllt 64llCl cp eag, .,,\1l.lo.r e909 cp470) wilen the Jets _r. 8cq4J1re<l at dlft....nt Urn.. by llll appUcan~ Harold Re_, Jr. 3. Many Iat& in the neighborhood contain an Ilrell of appro~imatllllf 11.000+. sq. ft., o~nllgyou. to the eaat (Seewood Acres, Soction f), wnlch are dellll~.d with sngle. fllmlly ""k1tngeo (DPproldllllle/y 29 homB&). Grant 0( a Walwr of Mel'ller for $3 would I'llCOgntze G lot con.,t."t w/ll1lhe SIZe of B maJority of the Iols In this arq. 4 Inlormallon WIlt Sl.Ibnl1lllcl by Ipplicant to ahow lI'I8t \he w/lAver ",III avoid EIeO<'lomle h,'rdllhlp. 5 The nalvrel detail' and Ili'lIlreder of 111. lot and c:hlIracwr of the conl\)<Jrs and &lope of l/'e lot win not bt I!gnlfiean1ly elllred or r::hangea. The lIItfCll'lll'\OG In grids between lI'Ie fr'Jrlt and I'Mr lot II".. is approximately 20 1..1. The owner proposes 1b locale ~ ~ bUilt into the 1I0pa, tIlninaung any IIgntf\Q8nt glllde c:Ilwilll end withoul SlJbstanUal ~lllng of I.nd. 0rywalI. wll eontain rool runetr and proper drllinage within lhe property i, requl~. 6. Inloromatlon hlIII bean ,ubmillad for the 8U1IClng DapQnmenl, ....,'Oh confirmed 11\.1 the lot it not mergtct WIllI el1'i CIlPler adjacent land. lSIiSOLUnONlACTlOI>I OF THI!: BOARD: Now. thoon.lore, on motion b)' Member GJOlhnnger, MCOndad by Membw Orlando, ~ was RESOLVED, to QnInl the WoiN of Merger. as applied for. Thl, aCllCll'l clot, 1'\01 aulllctlZll or co~. any current or ru'ur. u.... '_ok ~ oiner feollure cf t~,~ .ubJee1 property that may viOlet. tne Zon~ C . o\J'lar th.n such uses. .lIlbaci<. .nd .olIIe, felllum .. .,Ia.plluly eddr.._ In !hit lotion Vole r:J the 8011rd: AY": Membere T Ollw1do. (Absent WIIS Member Hemi 'dOllI8Cl14.Q). z~'~ V l:t ' / ~ ' . -- " A" ;...,....;.;...~ f~n1;;:;:;,. . . ,>',-,'::;:c. ,." .,.,-, s N Y5 DG-c.. SOUTHAMPTON ; 430 ClOD r:; vJ T n V e ill hi 'f M IrP -~ . . ->-'- _....... I . . .J- m r- o -l 1I '~ I _.....Y ,~ ,: {' I · . 5. :~, '/ . , 1 \\,' '! 'I' : . ",l " \ ~ " ". , -- "-. I \' ~ol ~ \\ , 1 ------....../ I \~ - ~' f \. \ . . l . I . ~., -,,,--- -.L I -- . 8 ' ,(;:'Si;:?>) ';'mi( I;;. r ,;-. - ~ . <:Y". '.."}' '(~"~.'i"'l'tc'-~.. . ~!il .' " Ii(. 11. . './ ,,1 , '. ,', ,". "'''''L'' ~! ! v~.,~ /0", /." " JI' -' .-...... -or _'h'lJ -.---.-..... _ --" " ~.. ...._ 'J f I-.It- _M'J!)U{- .' J:'h" .' . ~kf , ,',I '." r: I ~ '_. ,,,),'f.J :.J (".' ./.'_ ". .' UJ' iT' , ., ....t~J;. 1~/i17l~~~17!:i~7:Jr."~.oi.'. ;' B.' ~ fT"" ..! I '., !,.'.c~ 1:1: :.;h-r~-:;- ,3 L'l .I',! "UJJiB I r:n 7Jm~ I,~U~ "';<.."! . . i~ j: -:,1 ,.u.!J,;IiJ,~~TlIBJIf ~~~~/:,~, ; J. '_. 'l I! IH fi,: .,~: ,'~~r:: "'{'ITh' ;,~li/'I'('{']"'1'1'.';'.';~.'i:~1~rJ':_'":''' . "II! 'm . ." .~.;t:-. ':..,: .)~S< : : : :".. ; : ( 'j ,'/:.1 . ,', ;;J"I , ~. 'el I' ;:;:'-:;. c' "j";N': ':,;c,:.l;..: L .' r I! il.il,I'III!; ,",?"':"/,:":' ~_.! l,:J:J:r;,:'I:]"~i' :j -: :.'{'"-.: ~{"?":.I' c . " ";;";- ff. e /. ." . 1.J ~l~ J :'''.: . . , ' ! / ';" _ I illrl " [f- fl, ~~) .. , -;,--.../. ~- - _~o -".. I . '." "'. <"!) . _., ,..' .,.... ..,/,_.....'" '/' '. ~i, ':f)'fhr!:jJL~, 'I' ,. i .j~:~'?' )i> ;,:, \.\~~'~. ~~ ~ i --.lJ ! '.~ 1'.,~ /t/l'{://' \\.., I-~ J 'I.' '" L (~;' . / ');f1~"~~' ~tlR~ .: TJj' -:-I-~ 1:1 I'll: /of)?:i /1: ./ ':'/::7 f[.;'!.;ft.:(lJJt ~, !"{ ~r~J.{]J~>,?,II>-j~',~'L) t~t':. /l] -, '. - 1 . . J.ili I" Lf '( 0~:::S ~ : 1 ., ' 'l~~' v_~;Jjj i.f:T?-II:.JJl" ~,' ~["':~/ .. " II'" ,I. ""'.'.'.' / "r,:--/'F'i"" :, j ',(~-i,," I ' '! '(/, , I.! ,I J, '5 >' --.... .,' __...1, II< " / .' . , j. ,-.J ,"'"OJ ,oj ,. l~ . ' i' ~ . ,!' .... i If .' - ~.., 1'. U , - '.. I: f'~/. i / ~t l!.ll~""" (' '1'1 6' -i /." '1"f!t.f.~i"f(d"'''''~J'"'"..t::''- "~ - _. J',,,,,,.'''!:-''.Jr!'Io1pj--_ ';:;'~'" . 'J :. j" ')iJei'dt;".h.J.'t\2"': Ii'", ~ ~ ___J " - _'~~'..l r: - ~ -.'( \..' ~ ;.- '.L/'- " I .,' ~~~[5i'";I~.);} 'M ;'f I _ j ~~ n. .7 . ,_~.. r-'''...:31;'j,!...,lI:~' :]j_' ... I., ,." I I "'2 ~"...:;J , ' . .. I :;~ J!I;;~ r - -, '1# t~'~~7 . !Ill! , .. .,. I I :m 'S ITInUl iIlTIlJJTlIIIiTTrTITITID IlIi 1I1IlTI1TITllTIwrm1ffiITTITrmrmmnmmmm , < , t,' " . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE # 0109C Date May 19, 2006 THIS CERTIFIES that the single family dwelling, sanitary system, pervious driveway, retaining wall, 50' non disturbance buffer, and plantings At 1025 Seawood Drive, Southold Suffolk County Tax Map # 79-7-63 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 4/28/04 pursuant to which Trustees Permit #6098 Dated April 20,2005 Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for a single-family dwelling, sanitary system, pervious driveway, retainipg wall, 50'non disturbance buffer, and plantings The certificate is issued to Schembri Homes, Tnc. owner of the aforesaid property. ro<'~ Authorized Signature rRAIIIE: DWE:LLING , , , , , " , , , , 1'33'2'O~E 104.73' '\ ;:,+<>\.,,,,, a<+-C\"" $: ,," ~~\. " ...e, ~ , rS:~}..e, ~ q~ '" WETLANDS DEUNIATED BY GLEN JOST / IN APRIL 13, OF 2004 [ GIoIO ENVIRORNIoIENTAL CONSULTANTS] / PUBUC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD [ 4/16/04] / \5)...l.r~ ((; [, ~ 1'!.Il: 1~.~ \~L. APR 2 2 2005 \.:;) L- .' ......-J " . ;..'1 8~ 2 ,d c\ lru::.tees TAl( LOT 55 VACANT , " PLANTING SCHEDULE / QST / RAIL FENC~ III o ~ :i. 1 DO' BUFFER LINE TO WETLAND BOUNDRY PLANTINGS (COMPLETED) SWEET PEPPER BUSH 0 14 ARROW WOOD ~ :3 RED MAPLE . :3 BLUEBERRY . 8 8'",.4'DEEP DRYWELL TO CONTAIN ALL ROOF RUNOFF REO. VOL=.167*l,189SF=198.2FT3 VOL. PROVIDED =200.96FT 0' BUFFER LINE TO WETLAND BOUNDARY AREA WEST OF THIS BOUNDARY IS A NON-DISTURBANCE NO TURF ZONE. ~ FRAIoIE: DWELLING N (J1 T. 0 O~ LOT 64 So" of [ PROPOSE:Q RE:S WE:LL .,...... PUBLIC WATE:R J I z o ::0 -l :r OJ )> -< < IT1 ~ PROPOSED ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS 'b ~ 52.43' SI :32'P4'W'W i. .. _ I 52. , - - - -I _ _'_ \ .1 ASPHALT "ARKIN. - - I- _ AND IIUKITIAU AREA --------SEAWO~DDRIVE [ 50' ] - [ PROPOSE:D PUBUC WATEb J [00[;;;;;;;-_ " "....., --- TIE 887.81' ::0 o )> o ILEXGLABRA (INKBERRY) @) 17 WITCH HAZEL @) :3 DOGWOOD @) 4 PUSSYWILLOW 6> 6 WEEPING WILLOW 2) 6 REDTWIG €> 4 TAl( LOT 62 oce RES PW 5/05/04 I ~- ~ g. ; C I/O -- - ~ 'b. \ III WELL <> GRADING PLAN 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTH OLD, NY SCTM 1000-79-07.63 Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. P.c. 18 Aster Road, Rocky Point, NY 11778 (631) 805,2349 Fax: (631) 980-3836 TAX L oee OT 9 [WE: RE:S WE:LL LL IN HOUSE:_ NE: COR J TAX LOT 8 oec RES WELL Allen Glenn Bcrnhcrd, P.E:. 076761 SCAlE "-30' SHEET 1 OF 1 BASED ON SURVEY BY OESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. Lie NO. 50067 ELEVATIONS IN ASSUIoIED DATUIoI Dote REVISION 1: 1/10/oe. RfMSION 2: 4/13/05 REVISION J: 4/111/05 REVISION 4: 4/22/(Y., DWG NO. 05-02 T"X LOT SS I/"C"NT "\ ,l\"'''' ,.<#11",,, ~ " O~,.,. "- " ~., ~ ..........::::, ~&~~., ~~ / / / / l~ ~ 'Ii [E fr\\ -.;,nl 2005 .~ .~ " " " "- 1'33'2'{)~E WETI...t.NDS DELlNI" TED BY GLEN JOST IN "PRIL 13, OF 2004 [ GWO ENI/IRORNWENT"L CONSULT"NTS] PUBLIC W"TER SERI/ICE IN RO"D [ 4/16/04] 'i' " " " " " '" " " N 104.73' :'1 lihl 22 i_____ ::1 . ' h.____..__._____.. -:f'fIEtees , " 8"x4'DEEP DRYWELL TO CONT"IN "LL ROOF RUNOFF REO. I/OL=.16701,189SF=198.2FT3 VOL. PROVIDED =200.96FT 0' BUFFER LINE TO WETI...t.ND BOUND"RY "RE" WEST OF THIS BOUND"RY IS " NON-DISTURB"NCE NO TURF ZONE. 'RAWE D'NELUNG o ~ i 100' BUFFER LINE TO WETI...t.ND BOUNDRY - FRAME DWELLING N lJ1 t " OAX LOT 64 am of [ PROP Ce RES W ....... OSED PUe ELL Lie WATER ] TAX LOT 62 Dee RES PW 5/05/04 TIE 887.81' 'b <' 52.43' S!32'P4'W'W -----j I \ _ _ __ _ _ _ ~ __ -=-~ -:'i- - _ ~ SEAWOOD DRIVE-r- - - - [ PROPOSED PUBLle WATER J EDGE or G;;.:- - _ ...r -__ 50' ] - ~ 'b. \ iI' TAX LOT 8 oee RES WELL TAX LOT 9 OCe R [ ES 'NELL 'NELL IN HOU SE_ NE e OR] ::0 o )> o g. \ III WELL o BASED ON SURVEY BY OESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. Lie NO. 50067 ELEVATIONS IN ASSUWED DATUW Allen Glenn Bernhard. P.E. 076761 z o ::0 -i ::r CD )> -< ~ ,.., =E PLANTING SCHEDULE PLANTINGS (COMPLETED) SWEET PEPPER BUSH 0 14 ARROW WOOD ~ 3 RED MAPLE . .'5 BLUEBERRY . 8 PROPOSED ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS ILEXGLABRA (INKBERRY) €) 17 WITCH HAZEL 8 3 DOGWOOD @) 4 PUSSYWILLOW e> 6 WEEPING WILLOW €) 6 REDTWIG €:> 4 GRADING PLAN 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTHOLD, NY SCTM 1000.79.07-63 Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. P.c. 18 Aster Road, Rocky Point, NY 11778 (631) 805-2349 Fax: (631) 980.3836 Dol. REVISION 1: 1/10/05 REVISION 2: 4/13/05 REVISION 3: 4/18/OS REVISION 4: 4/22/05 DWG NO. 05-02 SCALE SHEET ,'-30' , OF 1 0 !l: ,"O'ON Z m " "JJS lJ~ Z > Q r-- ~ ~ '" U 0 W W ~ ~OO ,..l 1 ~ li1 ~ ~a ....:9 -~ oJ "" ---i'- - <1<1. ~u9' a::~::;t ~...;... ...~~ -< ... -" ~~ a~ ~, ,< !::~ '" iS~ "' "l~ ~:1 ""j!:t g:j _il ".;:C ...:] .~ ~"3 ~ ~~ " "'5 ....:9 ~: "' il ~~ ,; :;:g ~ 18 ;] <i <J . ~ . ~ ~ ;::; ~~ 3~jlN~~H8 ~ 12 Jll e " . , . ...!:! . ." '" . '" ", '" , '- " _0 ::;, ~: . il ...~ "' ~ OOOLHll ;] <I <J . iii c ~ co '" >- co :::> co c co V> ~ . ~ ;; . ~ . ~ i! . I m ~ t1~ , " " ; ': : ""...".... 2<Q.. et ::.:::-:;. cL~>- u.. >~ ~~f". LL.. 02!::! O-D::iII" ""' " >- +- lB;:;\ ~~~' Cld::~ U-eS .!Ii . o c "I'~ . ."!~;; Wl!;<L"'~ ,~.~~ t! f~: it!4 l3 ~ ~;:! if:: 2. :;!<a ~ ffi:: ~~~i~ "~g~~ !l!l~~& ~~ i ,,' i~ ,~" ! ~!:i:;",llI~ I:ti' i; l" " ~ id!!!l , , ' IIIII I j;; i ~ ~ ~ ! ~ I i" II i .' . l!l H ~ Iii i i I ~ 7 -' "- .. III i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i j j 1 R J ! . . H!l } ie!l! I Iii ~ i ~.: l j j n j 32 1S! a ~ . . " t :: ; j ti !IUd H]ln I r 'i< " I ! ! } , ~ P i iil H ....IwC)wzo J '\ >,:>~<:)\o'" ",~C\o" ~"" ::r ~., $,~ \. rf'~" 'l~ RED MAPLE ~ TOTAL 3 104.73' TAl( LOT SS VACANT f"RAl./E DWELLING ;;0 o }> o Ol 11 N ~ WETLANDS DELINIATED BY GLEN JOST IN APRIL 13. OF 2004 [ GMO ENVIRORNMENTAL CONSULTANTS] PUBLIC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD [ 4/16/04] I ....L ENC~ Vl Ol 11 N o q "" o q :i 100' BUFFER LINE TO WETLAND BOUNDRY BASED ON SURVEY BY DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. Lie NO. 50067 ELEVATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM f"RAME DWELLING z o ;;0 -I J: OJ }> -< S ,.., ~ 6~~ LOT 64 [ PROPOSED RES WElL PUBLIC WATER] \ TAX LOT 62 OCC RES PW 5/05/04 5 .43' S 32' 4' ".2 TIE 887.81' J.;. "W 52. ; o 0, ,. ~ ~ ASPHALT PARkING AHD 1lASKET8Au. AREA 'b <' \ SEA WOOD O'RIVE [ [ PROPOSED PUBLIC WATER J 50' ] ----- -- - ~ EDGE or PVlIr-- -- -- .. '6, \ ca. WELL Cl TAX LOT 9 OCC RE [ WE SWELL LL IN HOUSE_ NE COR ] TAX LOT 8 OCC RES WELL Allen Glenn Bernhard. P.E. 076761 I~'\~ !:JU. JIJ'-l~ \! JA~' 1 ',';:..J :1 Ii I \ l \ SGI:::'o':d lCJ':m 8C'.l'd oi Trustees GRADING PLAN 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE. SOUTHOLD, NY SCTM 1000.79.07-63 Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. P.e. 18 Aster Road. Rocky Point, NY 11778 (631) 805-2349 Fax: (631) 980.3836 Date JANUARY 10. 2005 SCALE 1"-30' OWG NO. 05-02 SHEET 1 Of 1 JOB No. 02-39b TEST HOLE 8/30/02 [ GEOSCIENCE] REV 05120/04 REV OS/26f04 EXTENT OF CLEARING REV 10/27/04 ADD PLANT1NGS [TOWN J TAX I.D.No. 1000-79-07-63 ~ ~ O~T ~: ~04~ ~ SURFACE ELEV 80.0 BROWN CLAYEY SAN WITH 20% GRAVEL OL SC c l' 2.4' WATER IN BROWN CLAYEY SAND J' WITH 20% GRAVEL BROWN LOAM sw Southold Town Board of Trustees WATER IN FINE TO COURSE SAND 9' TAX LOT 55 VACANT ----- --1--- / ARROW WOOD TOTAL 3 -7 ! I RED MAPLE TOTAL 3- N 21033'ZQ"E 104.73' FLAG #3 PROPOSED WOOD RETAINING WALLS \\ "Vfl1f!tOfCIaa~'lg (} <~'\i~, ~:G' .' . () : .~!~\~.J Ii ... ... I) ~ ('\ ( I .- ... . ~ ~ i\f - I) f+ -. .~,~ ~ ~I;,,-~~D 86uNDAR~) ~W:~ $i ~i;10:< ,1 / --___ --~ ~ :.iiF, (j _ TESTuOL--.-. -__...::::-- _~FlAG#1(, I fl E X --"::'-L1l1.~~-=-:-"...:::)t:::. _ / BLUEBERRY . -,,~_ - 1___- TOTALS FRAME DWELLING . \ \ \ , \ . . \ \ Z \ \ ~ \\\ ~ ~ \\' \~ q .....:.....; ~ \ \\ ~ 1\ .\\ q ',27. ' \. 15.7 a. _.__1a7-----l"'f SWEET PEPPER BUSH TOTAL 14 GARAGE UNDER -. 65,7 ___ PROPOSED SINGLE a -'-"~_O~LLlNG. / a co ...._......:_/ ~ N / ~;;; / ~ 6.0 ;ij .,// C!/ TAX LOT 64 OCC RE [PROPOSED P SWELL UBLtC WATER J e>lefltof ....... ~I. ~ ----1>> _._=-.. C COVERED.____,/------- _. -f/ AS;:~tf\ - ___ 3t]~;~.=f< \ r+,- i. !~~~~ET8All \J.' _ , j i h / S 3604r30'W- L' ------CL 52.43' 99.6 \ ---- -J \\ -:/ \ \ . \- - \ -''';;EOF PVMT S3 - 100' FROM BOUNDARY WETLAND - - - -- ~\ '6_\ \\ "" , \ TAX LOT9 OCC RES WELL [ WELL IN HOUSE -NECORJ TAX LOT a OCC RES WELL ELEVATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM FLOOD ZONE X FIRM MAP No. 36103C0167 G Unauthorized alteration or addition to this document is a violation of Section 7209 of the New York State Education Law Certifications indicated hereon shall run only to the person for whom it is prepared and on his behalf to the Title Company,Governmental Agency and Lending Institutions listed hereon. Certifications are not transferable to additionallnstitulions or subsequent owners Copies of this document not bearing the professional's inked seat or embossed seal shall not be considered a valid true copy The offsets [ or dimensions 1 shOWll hereon from structures to the property lines are for a specifiC purpose and use and therefore are not intended to guide the erection of fences, retaining walls, pools, patios, planting areas, addition to buildings, or any other construction The existence of right of ways and/or easements of record, if any, not shown are ~!:I_'!t.!!!l~eed-,--------___~___~ __"_ ___"_.._________ CERTIFIED ONLY TO: SCHEMBRI HOMES WET GROUND POCKET:o~ l 11105/021 lNT\4\S,..."" WETLANDS DELlNIA TED BY GLEN JOST IN APRIL 13. OF 2004 ( GMO ENVIRORNMENTAL CONSULTANTS J PUBLIC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD [ 4/16104] POST fRAil FENCE (J) en '" o IV ~ c5 q ni -.- e~nlof )'IUrlrlg 'J ~ "'" '" '" ~ 50' BUFFER LINE FROM HA YBALES I / / FRAME DWELLiNG ":-'~"--'- z o ;0 -f :r CD )> :2 m ~ ;0 o )> o WoOD BORDER \ i ! I TAX LOT 62 OCC RES PW 5/05/04 , \ '. \ i , TIc 8~7.81' 4.1' \ ,~ -- -\ ASPHAl T PARKING ll'i', ~ BASKETBAll AREA ~ ~~AWOOD DR,J~ [ ~PROPOSED PUBLIC WATEr!,J 50' 1 \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ WELL \ o --;- 98_6 SUBJECT LOT 14,379.24 SO FT NOTE: fOOTINGS, FOUNDATION, AND OTHER STRUCTURAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS RELATED TO THIS SITE PLAN AS PER LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (ENGINEER - ARCHITECT 1 SURVEY OF: DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUATED AT BAYVIEW, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEY DATE: I SCALE: 1 "=30' I i I i I j , I I I I .. ... _______ __._ ____I 05/05/04 DESTIN G. GRAF LAND SURVEYOR .__~ BY-~ESTI~ G. G~~~~_ScLl::::==_=-J____ PO BOX 704 Rocky Point, New York, 11778 631-821-3442 JOB No. 02-39b TEST HOLE 8/30/02 [ GEOSCIENCE J REV 05/20/04 REV 05126/04 EXTENT OF CLEARING SURFACE ELEV 80.0 BROWN CLAYEY SAN WITH 20% GRAVEL FRAME DWELLING OL SC " 1" TAX I.D.No. 1000-79-07-63 BROWN LOAM 2.4' WATER IN BROWN CLAYEY SAND 3' WITH 20% GRAVEL sw 9' TAX lOT B4 Dee RIO I PROPOSED P SWEll U8L1e WATER] ~~ ElVIE MAY 2 6 2004 Soulhold m Board 01 Trustees €' WATER IN FINE TO COURSE SAND TAX LOT 55 VACANT WET GROUND POCKETASR~~ \ 11/05/021 IN THIS N 21"33'20"E 104.73' , , FLAG #3 ...~rer,'Ofc/l!il<j'l9 WETLANDS DELlNIATED BY GLEN JOST 11'1 APRIL 13, OF 2004 [GMO EI'IVIRORI'IMEI'ITAL CONSULTANTS) PUBLIC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD I 4/16/041 P6ST fRAIL fENCE <~~ F,AG#2 ~ " / ;/ ,,'k ')a"2-Qj~~~~D~ I ./ TESTHOlr:- ---..:.-;;-~ ----===:-:::. i~LAG#1 c X ---"'-'::~Ql~..:::x:=. -____ ~'__ ' l/.,_ Z en w " N ~ c:5 q ~ /// en '" w " N ~ -a, \;, ,'" \~ \ ~\ '"\ '. \. '. '. GARAGE . UNDER '" '" e>:lentof .,(uring ~I 8 ni - . -.----8S,L /~// ~ tn ~ PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ~ '0 m p o ~" N N on <:> q FRAME DWELLING <P ;16.0 :; o ./"~ // 0 /'/' .--N""'- 187 Q.... 11 -1-37/ 157 external clearing - 'a> \ \ . "1 " ----" '=:--....- " ....--/// COVERE~/______-- [,-:------------~ -~W606~~~~-~-- z o ;U -j :r: tlJ ):> ~ iii ~ ;U o ):> o I' "'- .- \ I ( / I , J" -- __E-!___ "---'~ 1,,35' -=:---~-<- ~---- --.,. 1 1(-= """ "-- , I ~I( 36"tO"W Of ~.~ --3/=_ '.. 100'FR 80UND~~ WETLAND TAX LOT 62 oce RES PW 5/05/04 ,1 TIE 887.81' \ \ --.'I ASPHALT PARKING AND BASKETBALL AREA 1 \~ \<6 1 . \~ \- \m ~~22~8~~~f [ 50' 1 J \ - - - \ -\... '. - EDGE OF PVMT - - - - ~ ~. \ \I\. 1:. <PI I \ \ WELL '0 TAXLOT9 Dee RES WEll ] WEll IN Hou SE_ NE COR] TAX lOT 8 oec RES WELL SUBJECT LOT 14,379.24 sa FT ELEVA TrOI'lS 11'1 ASSUMED DATUM FLOOD ZONE X FIRM MAP 1'10. 36103C0167 G NOTE: SITE PLAN, FOOTINGS, FOUNDATION, AND OTHER STRUCTURAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS RELATED TO A SITE PLAN AS PER LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL I ENGINEER ~ ARCHITECT J Unauthorized alteration or addition to this document is a violation of Section 7209 of the New York Slate Education law Certifications indicated hereon shall run only to the person for whom it is prepared and on his behalf to the Title Company,Govemmentat Agency and lending Institutions listed hereon. Certifications are not transferable to addilionallnstilutions or SUbsequent owners Copies of this document not bearing the professional's inked seal or embossed seal shalf not be considered a valid true copy The offsets [ or dimensions J shown l1ereon from structures to Il1e property lines are for a specific purpose and use and therefore are not intended to gUide the erection of fences, retaining walls, pools, patios. planting areas, addition to buildings, or any other construction The existence of right of ways and/or easements of record, if any, not shown are _ ___~S!Utll.arant~eq___ . _ ~______________ SURVEY OF: DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUATED AT BAYVIEW, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEY DATE: 05/05/04 SCALE: 1 "=30' CERTIFIED ONLY TO: SCHEMBRI HOMES DESTIN G. GRAF LAND SURVEYOR By DESTlfoJ8.GRAF N-'.'f,~C!-rc; t\iOc,s0067 _ nJ PO BOX 704 Rocky Point, New York, 11778 631-621-3442 JOB No 02-39 REV "/06102 REV 12106102 REV 12123102 REV03128103 TAX I D No . MOVE SEPTIC LOT 9 WELL FOOTPRINT ADD SQ FT LOT ... REV 09/15f03 REV Q1f19/04 REV 04/16/04 CERT PROP HOUSE lOCATE WETLANDS 1000-79-07 -63 TEST HOLE 8/30/02 I GEOSCIENCE I sw WATER IN FINE TO COURSE SAND NOTES' 1}3 LEACHING RINGS 4' IN HEIGHT (12' TOTAL HEIGHT] BOTTOM POOL 83.5, TOP COVER 96.0' [0.5' COVER I GRADE ABOVE POOLS 97.0 2] TOP OF SEPTIC TANK 96.2 TOP COVER 96.7 l' COLLAR TO GRADE 97.7 3) UNSUITABLE SOILS SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH SAND AND GRAVEL ACCEPTABLE TO THE S. C. HEALTH DEPT BEFORE BACKFILLING. 5] PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOWN AS [97.0] 6] WATER AT ELEV +1- 77.5 SURFACE ELEV 80,0 BROWN CLAYEY SAN WITH 20% GRAVEL OL sc 'c BRowr,llOAM l' 2.4' 3' WATER IN BROWN CLAYEY SAND WITH 70% GRAVEL 9' TN'- LOT 55 VACANT WET GROUND POCKET~R~~ ~ 11/051021 IN THIS ro. " N ;1'33'20"E 104.13' 'ao WETLANDS DELlNIA TED BY GLEN JOST IN APRIL 13, OF 2004 I GMO ENVIRORNMENTAL CONSULTANTS] PUBLIC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD I 4/16/04] LAG #3 )f-. ~ FLAG #2 - WETLAND '- _BOUNDARY f t TEST HOLE X ~ ~~ FLAG#1 .z gs\ ~ ",S \ ~\ -a, '..--" \ ~ \ g;;\ ~\ ~\\\ \, . t\ \ ~\ l\.' ~ (J1\ ',' is'' ,,'e, -\ j'\ ~ . \ . 11' FF 96.0 GAR/ BASEMENT 85.0 GARAGE UNDER I , I N '" TAX LOT 64 oee RE ( PROPOSED P SWELL UBLle WATER] f 6' 13.7 COVER Err- ENT .Q .. --~'.._ \J~EpfIC . - 2 .5' (f) 0) w , ':i 0 !l q '" ni 0 ~ ~ ... ex> z <.n 0 -': I I I 6&1 PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING o ~ ~ o ;0 <: m " ~ ~ 2 o ;;0 -; I CO > -< < fii ~ ;;0 o > r'" ...., 116 ~ 18.7 o N i3 6.0 'li> o G^~"ElAAI ! , "'l~" Ii I --t 996 l~tQ _351:~- ;C.iS' -.. () I" . -...,...J.. -". \; j;1 --. ; I'" "3> ASPHAf 'f \ J- _"::'-";;"_"'!p~ TAX LOT 62 . oec RES WELL \ [ PROPOSED PUBLIC WA TO TIE 8!'!7.81' '""_. c- f 3W~5'30"~'~2,43' I +-- ---'--. L_ 'S <' / (N2 ,~ ",g - -. -L_ 100' FRO BOUNDA!:v WETLAND 986\ " ,,. ,0 \c S~AWOOD DR'V~ [ 50' [.PROPOSED PUBLIC WATE~'J ] \ .. \ \ .. , , -- - EDG~P~T _ - , \ - -> \ o 0,' 1,\ t'- WELL \ o TAX LOT 9 Oce RES ,,, "ELL [ WELL IN Hou SE. NE COR J ~ lC ~ ~ \Yl [E rnIQL VATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM APR 2 8 ~ FL OD ZONE X FI M MAP No 361 03C0167 G TAX LOT 8 oec RES WELL SUBJECT lOT 14,379.24 SO FT NOTE: SITE GRADING SHOULD BE REVISED TO CONFORM TO ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS AND TOWN CODE. Soutl1old Town Board of Trustees nauthorized alteration or addition to this document is a violation of Section 7209 of the New York state Education Law Certifications indicated hereon shall run only to the person for whom it is prepared and on his behalf to the Title Company, Governmental Agency and Lending Institutions listed hereon, Certifications are no! transferable to additional Institutions or subsequent owners . Copies of this document not bearing the professional's inked seal or embossed seal shall not be considered a valid true copy The offsets [ or dimensions] shown hereon from structures to the property lines are for a specific purpose and use and therefore are not intended to guide the erection of fences, retaining walls, pools, patios, planting areas. addition to buildings, or any other construction The existence of right of ways and/or easements of record, if any, not shown are not 9.lJ_~~~~e:e_~__ SURVEY OF: DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUATED AT BAYVIEW, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEY DATE: 08/22/02 SCALE: 1 "=30' ! CERTIFIED ONLY TO: SCHEMBRI HOMES DESTIN G. GRAF LAND SURVEYOR , PO BOX 704 Rocky Point, New York, 11778 631.821.3442 . BYPE:STIN G"GRJ\.F NYS L1CNO_5(j067 WETLANDS DEUNIATED BY GLEN JOST IN APRIL 13, OF 2004 [ GhlO ENVIRORNhlENTAL CONSULTANTS] /UBUC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD [ 4/16/04] / RAIL NeE VI 0> (.N . / ~ / 0 I 0 / / ,.., ~,: / ~~' TAX LOT 55 V ACAMT '\ ~~\C)'" r.,,+-O\C)'o $; ...... rJ.~\. " <f:. .;f ~, cf'~" l-~~ / / / / "- , , , , " , , , , , 1'33'~'C.(E 104.73' , , " " , ' " FLAC S N FRAME DWELLING ~ o 0, .. ~ co II> " \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ __ 82 81 50' BUrrER LINE TO WETLAND BOUNDRY <xl 100' BUrrER UNE TO WETLAND BOUNDRY Jr." - N !J' TAX 0 OCC LOT 64 s... [ PROPOSED ~Ej WELL ........ BLlC WATER J FRAWE DWELLING p,iO---- l.P/ /' rA",,~S~~ES'NGU: !: OJ / ./ Ft 1000 lUNG ~./ 92 = __ -'~~G;O 0 /' ;,// ~ ./ ~ ::-'Ct- '.4..--- ---- -~ -~--- -, -------.1 ------ - \ TAX LOT 62 OCC RES PW 5/05/04 TIE 887.81' 'b <' I SI 32'p4'3p"W ----k I \ -- __ _ __ \-- MCHALT PARKIHQ ________~_~~ -- __ IlASKET8AlLAREA SEAWOOD O'RIVE-r- 50' ] t -- - _ [ PROPOSED PUBLIC Dee or PV"r __ __ __ __ WATER J - --- .. '6, ... \. \I> WELL Q 6~xc LOT 9 RES [ WELL WELL IN HOUSE_ NE COR J TAX LOT 8 OCC RES WELL z o ;:0 -f :r Q) )> -< < iT; ~ ;:0 o )> o BASED ON SURVEY BY DESTIN G. GRAr N.Y,S LIC NO 50067 ELEVATIONS IN ASSUhlED' DATUhl . PLANTING SCHEDULE PLANTINGS (COMPLETED) SWEET PEPPER BUSH o 14 ARROW WOOO ~ . :3 3 RED MAPLE ~IE ~J~.!.~ IE il ~cl 3 ?UI I SC""0iG Ii/Nil 8oa.~d- 'of Trustees .. PROPOSED ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS €) 8> @) 8 8 €) BLUEBERRY 8 , XGlABRA (INKBERRY) 8 2 2 PUSSYWILLOW :3 WEEPING WILLOW :3 REDTWIG :3 GRADING PLAN 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTHOLD, NY SCTM 1000-79,07,63 Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. P.e. 18 Aster Road, Rocky Point, NY 11778 (631) 805,2349 Fax: (631) 980-3836 Dote REVISION 1: 1/10/05 REVISION 2: 4/13/05 OWG NO. 05-02 Allen Glenn Bernhard. P.E. 076761 SCALE 1 Qf' 1 SHEET 1'-30' PLANTING SCHEDULE . PROPOSED ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS €) @) @) 6> 8 €) rD).Rr ,l~,~. tllJ' ~ In "I. ;0 j TAY. LOT 55 VACAtlT '\ ,:,+~\<>n., r:;~O"<>" ..t: ", ~~\. " c" ~ ~~c:f''''..~'' ~ / / " " " " " " " " .. ....J " " " 1.33'~'Cl~E 104.73' " " " / rRAII/E D'NElLING ; o o. '" ~ ~ , " WETLANDS DELlNIATED BY GLEtI JOST IN APRIL 13, OF 2004 [ GMO ENVIRORNMEtlTAL CONSULTANTS] / PUBLIC WATER SERVICE IN ROAD [ 4/16/04] OST / RAIL rENct Vl PLANTINGS (COMPLETED) " \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ z\\ 0> \ \ tJj \ \ ~ \ \ g \..... : \ =E \ _ f\\ . 0' BUFFER LINE TO WETLAND BOUNDARY AREA WEST OF THIS BOUNDARY IS A NON-DISTURBANCE NO TURF ZONE. SWEET PEPPER BUSH o ~ . ARROW WOOD 100' BUFFER LINE TO WETLAND BOUNDRY RED MAPLE BLUEBERRY FRAME DWELLING en 0 >- W -I CO W 0 I- :c 0 en I- ~ ::> i w Ill:: 0 "" > I- 0 en 0 u... .......... 0 u... 0::: 0 0 ~ Q.. Ill:: Z Q.. -( ~ <( 0 .'1'- 0 <0 I- w I- <( 0 REDTWIG N !J' TAX 0 Oe LOT 64 So.. of [ PROPOS;D I1JJ 'NELL ........ BLle 'NA TER ] ILEXGLABRA (INKBERRY) I WITCHHAZEL TAX LOT 62 OCC RES PW 5/05/04 DOGWOOD TIE 887.81' PUSSYWILLOW L 'b <' 5243' I _ ~ S, 32.p4'3()"W ----1_ I \ - - _ _ \_ _ t.:N:.tJ/AAKING _______ __ ET84UAREA SEAWOOD O'RI\/E-r- 50' ] t - - _ [ PROPOSED PUBLIC W Go[ OF 'V"r _ _ _ _ ATER J -- GRADING PLAN 1025 SEAWOOD DRIVE, SOUTHOLD, NY SCTM 1000-79-07-63 Allen Glenn Bernhard, P.E. P.c. 18 Aster Road, Rocky Point, NY 11778 (631) 805-2349 Fax: (631) 980-3836 WEEPING WILLOW - ; '6. " 'fj. WELL o TAX LOT 8 oee RES WELL BASED ON SURVEY BY DESTIN G. GRA; N.Y.S. LIC NO 50067 ELEVATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM . 6~xe LOT 9 RES 'N [ 'NELL IN ELL HOUSE_ NE eORJ Oct. DWG NO. 05-02 SHEET SCALE '.=30' Allen Glenn Bernhard. P.E. 076761 14 .3 .3 8 17 .3 4 6 6 4 1 OF 1 11/04 '05 MON 11:41 FAX 631 765 6145 SOI1TBOLD TOWN CLERK -+-+-+ Trustees ~005 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE 'fOWN CLERK REGISTRAR 01' VITAL STATtS'I'ICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF iNFORMATION b~'FICER Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 eoutholdtown.northiork.net \ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April11,200S The Southold Town ANTI-BIAS :tASK FORCE will meet at 10:00 A.M. on Thursdav. Andl 21. 2005 in tb,e Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. C%6d.(O~ E abeth A. Neville Southold Town elet'k Committee Members Town Board Town Attorney Chief ofPoliee Supt. of Highways Departments News Media I / ~. '.,",' .. ,0' J . l,~i' ";~ ~ . ~. ," . ~-(~ -0, ..",_ _. "f' ',41;l:. ,'~" 't' ! ,:: .J ,~'~.', "~~~'~'~~:: 'Id''\ ,.,' ~ '.. ;/#1 :. .;'.. ~~\. >';, ' '~-.... ~__ t T . .,.'.1;... ~,-. "', ~,)j'r 1-". ~_ -- \~rF /:~ ".Ii.'lr.\i',..~~ .>;.. ~.-/t.# 'Jf I ! '''....;'' ',u;,:'W). f"P'~'I: . '..,- .,; ."\ 1M.,], t.:~J " , t.. -:>1],"1'..... 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