HomeMy WebLinkAboutDamianos, Herodotus ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net .." " REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREED.o~ ~INFp~FICER r ...\JLY:- \\'\ " !'" I..: Vlp..~ \ 0 '( 0 ,_./! ! OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO:," " ~. .--J Southold Town Building Department FROM: Linda J. Cooper, Southold Town Clerk's Office DATED: Transmitted herewith is a copy of application No. 3594 for a Cesspool/Septic Tank Construction or Alteration Permit submitted by: Herodotus Damianos Please review the application and location map and advise ifthe project has received Suffolk County Health Department approval and ifthis office may issue the permit. Please complete the form below and return it to me. Linda J. Cooper * * * * * * * * * * * * I have reviewed the application and location map of the project cited above and make the following recommendations: APPROVE v-- DISAPPROVE Commm<< ,~~4#--;;,.~~ ~'<i~~ Signature t)b~~h~ Dated / / . ~ ,..r." l .' EUZABJIlTH A. NEVILLE . . TOWN CLEBK RIIlGISTll.Al'l OFVl'l'AL STATISTICS W\lWAQB OFFlOIi:R RIIlCOMS MANAGlDMllNT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ::.... 'I'own Hall. 63095 MBin R<l,w .." . P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119'71 11'"" (651) 7M.6aG Telephone (681) 766-1800 southoldtown,north fork, net OFFIOE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOt,D SOlJTHOLD WASTEWATER DISTRICT APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION or ALTERATION PERMIT CESSPOOL or SEPTIC TANK Residential @$10_ or Non-Residential @ $25 L Application No. ro..'1V\ Pennit No, Applicant Name 'u (2..,. {4. .f:1Zo1?aT1A ~ DA TV\ \ Al'ios ._ Applicant Mailing Address_ 5 '\ l- A. In \ <:J..L1..h p~ . . l=b~T 0fCf'ffR.So10 swlOJ.J) ~~.J \'Vif, Swtic Tank.::LjfCesspoolY-- , BrieC Description of Proposed Construction or Alt<,>ratio~\ "'f:>""Vp J Ac:110),) J f&..C2SF . \ ')'\o'fVIf-Wn)c-.1\.1j __. I Location of Proposed COll,Structionl Alteration: OwneroCPropeny.. . e~o~ Owner Mailing Address: S<1l-.A ~) UfUk. Pm-+l . ~or-=r;!~l1HJt~'tltsT1~ I"\~S~~~~:V)~ OwnerPropertyAddress:~~'D _ _ 5 b 1D~_~ . W~'S\ ~ fv\(l.e~ A..\I~~ ~hlti 11l11( Name and phone number of contact person CH~ . \ ~ ) 'JiL. I ~ 3 )4t7t--5 ZZ.$ Tax Map No: Section .-.25_. _ Block '2- Lot '2-. Cross Street vE NOTE: LOCATION MAP MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES SURvE .' // .~~ ))~~TMENT AP~ V ~ .~ ~"C~ of Applicant Da Recoived by: l'd 2056 59.!. lES ~NIGllna G'lJHLnOS Wd9l>:2T 90. 60 AI::IW f\;o~ /';y g ... ~. 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Cast Iron ~tertl9ht Co~er to erade x SO ---------- ------------------- --- -------------- -------. = ------ I ---------- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------- N('1 1 Inv""rt +11.5' mln 4" cllc:l. c:;1_ 2400 pIpe allol"l 4" for Plnell c::acI ~t:ment: of c.aetlng 10' cllc::a pNl"l6t: leClChrng ring t1 J;: f ~ <(i \) ~' -<i 1:, ~' 5' c:;Q11c::ar of c:; lean 6Clncl .. CSoI"c:lVel Prec:;c::aet Footing FUng Ueecl If eoll c:;ondltlone req,ulre 21" " 12" 1-8 rop "T" For lbutlon Pool 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 la. G i . - - . t . 'U () - s; E "one: Bottom oP Pool IlM'. 5anitar~ Distribution Leaching Poc:: aet Iron etHere .. 'r_e -to grade " :24" ':24" ol'llne I II '10 e" e" - 4' Ilq,vld (3)&" OD. PIF'E5 :20" O.c,~ eELOI"t LIGlUIP :meter ,Ie. Tank 10' c:Itaneter ~ptle. Tank IN. 1&" e" traf'Ie bearing eover Inver-t +11.15' to Leaehtng pool mln 4" c:I1a. elaee:2400 pipe __ Plteh 1/&"/' Gastlron JII4Cltertl ht Gover to ($or-ode x ~o :.:m: c11Cl. tpe 'or - tng '-8 NN ---------- ------------------- -:-:-:~ = ------------------- .------- ------------------ ---------------------- --------------- PreG st Dome .t DODD DO DOOD 00 DOOD DOODO ODODfl DOODO ODOOD DOODO ODOOO DOODOODOOD DOODO ODOOO DOODO ODOOO DOOOOODOOD a r 1'1 -~ o ~ -:p; \)- Q -- e n.. Q Q "0- b c - E Bottom of Pool J~ C,~nit..~r"'u L~~t"..nint":l Fool TEST HOLE - SOUTH 5HO~ EXCAVATiON Jc:In;1,200s ELEY..26.!50' TOP $OIL. 1'5M SAND .. 6AA SP NTS 11' No ~ter Enc.ovntered HEALTHDEPARTMENT,5ITE PLAN PROPERTY INFORMATION: ~ner: MERLOT u..c. AddreH, Main RDclc::I Sovthold, Hel'l "1"orlc. SVP'ollc. ColWll:y TQX Map" 1000-15-02-2.642.1 . ZDnl"9' _ A-G . PropOsed UN, V<llnery Charle5 1fII. Southard Jr. ARCHITECT 4400 V.terCl"le Htghl'lc:IY SVlte 201 Holl:lrook. N."(~, 11141 Phone. (661)411-S:22e Phone: (661)"'t11-S22Cf !5b o TD SIte AretJ I 13:2&.1.:zCf.5 ~ ft. or 60.50 aae& Bvtlc:llr\iAreal 1600 .... Site Gover., .5 Sl> ,- SANITARY DESllSN: Flol'l- Calevlatlons, Y11INER"1" - Eavlvalent ~tel'later Fro.... CalevlatlOl'lllI . ,; , " Total SIte .. !3OSO Aer_ Total Agr"levltvr. v_ ,,1.50 Aer.. Total Non pev.lop.c:1L.CI"Ic:I .. 20.Cf Aer.e LAND 'or Y111NER"Y" .. 2.1Aer.e .. 2.1 Aer.e x 600 9'Cl allo....abl... 1260 p max. 'Iol'l Flol'l Calevlatlon&, SanItary P.eJe'!l'PrlvateTaetl""J .. S gallons/ perlon /day .. S gallone x 56 oeevp<:l'lte= leo gpc:l Sanitary P_IWI /MalnTaetlniJ .. S gallonal person /day -S gallon& x IClO oe~" ClSO gpc:l Sanitary Pe_"" t!St.orClQl'J .. .04 gallo"./ eq,.ft. /day .. .04 gallone x 10Cf!3 eq,.ft." 44 gpd Sanitary Pea"" tOl'fJe.J .. .06 gallone/ eq,.ft. /cIQy - .06 gallone x 220 sq..ft.- 13 gpd Sanitary Dee"" tR.tallJ , " .03 gallons/ eq,.ft. /day .. .0!3 gallons X 2!30e sq..ft.= 6C1 gpc:l TOTAL 5ANITAR"1"FLOYII .. 1256 .sALlOA"1" Kltehen - De51i" fIo.-.tlrlQ ar.aeJ ~ ..,.. ~.....II"'*"'&/..,.......,., I~I q , . . '0. g g /' "- / / \ --- \ (:21) , \ ~ \ D' "- ."/ '\. , ~ [) ,- ts -- - \ m \ (20) \ \ 11lI5N '\. " -~-- '\. '- ./ / (:201- I \ / / ./ (5)0" OD. ~ f'1~ _\-.t. ...~- I :20" O.c,., MIN. 10" BELOJI't LIGlUID LEVEL \r;;~~ " 5ETICi TAN!< LeAc:.H1N6 I ..... 0 \ 10'1c:tICl.)( 4' deep POOL ,...-_ ~. 0.. 'l't Ir'on ('ovM' 10' c:tla. )( 10'&ep" 10' MIN. .... ~ I. eClet Iron ef'er 0) V --" . \ , / 0 \ 5eTICi TAJIIK '......__(..~-:f.1 1171-. \ 0 / 10' c:tlcl. )( f' deep ,~~\ j~1.'"";" eCIet Ironrover \ A. 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DesignFlow /11..1 Dsels) ~ nf1 .th Suft11k These pm have been viewed for general co ormance .WI 0 County. Department o~ ealth Services standards, relating t? ,,:ater l.ullpl~ nnd sewage disposal. Regardless of .an~ OIlllSSlOn;" Iltoo~stencie3 or lack of deteil. construction is requ~ to ~e m ,ocordanC( with the attached permit conditions and. app1icahle . ,.ul(umlz, nnless specificaliy waived by the Department. This approval ~lI.T-ireQ ::s yeara from the app~val date, s extended or renewed. r~ /0" , ..... .': .....~::i:, A:,.h:St ',' ..' H;..:. .........-_.............._ SITE LOc.ATION PLAN eeale 1".1200.0' Legend (00.00) 00.00 T.Go. T.e;. Elev. H.P. Exletlng Elevc Prop05ec:t Ele Top 0' eurb Top 0' grate Elevation High pOint HEALTH DEPT. SITE PL -I NEi"I Jl'tINER'I' FOR DUe:: MAIN RD. SOUTHOL.D, HEJI't 'l'0Rte sc.TM .. 1000-15-02-:; 2/22/06 3/2/06 4/3/06 =t 0' ~-" :-iiiT .,. ___~_ ---w .:...---. w- ; I -L- -w- ----- I I / "'-a----1/ I ! 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