HomeMy WebLinkAboutMagill, Alfred . . Albert ;". Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .- APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO JUL 2 9 2003 u DATE 22 V"c.lLy 200.,3 SoutlloldloWl Ioard 01 TruslMS OWNER A~,r-eL~ /J?~/LL PHONE 6_.7/- 7.,? y- ~ /~o ADDRESS 700 &L~V C:;.ht.r C;;77/H7GVC AGENT N/I PHONE #4 ADDRESS A./-9 PROPERTY LOCATION //$"f ;CLcc-7'Z../oo~ Rd' &7Z/~O Gve- , TAX MAP NO. /,3 7- $"- 2 C; JJWe- ~LF.eE2::> ~4--f1'/L.-L- request an Amendment to Permit # /9/1 ,,,;,,,/,y t::L,q~n:)' 7~(,/$77:;e:s Le77C:7L 3/27/1?- a"c"c/z-<>"'4L.. ~r "7 ,rL047'-vC ...2>cc/c Y'~ ",0:>' - ~-v...at!i."'- D~ C:/t'~-vd,c-47~/t!i.7L / P.,pP~'C4:r/::>"j. 7#'''''....... A' "c~;;oz........ ,r-,.. A2~pn,'l.. ~,,,,,,~ ~~~ -2::>n,... AfCtr 7"0 77.FE; -..l:>acJe- " "c/LeI. - ..L>/2c ,t>C",7) 19U; - . t51\~ Signed By: ~ _ .{' ~ ;j' . Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. AI90 ~ 1tem41fRestrlctedOeliveryIsdesnd. . PrInt your name and address on the I'8\IQI'S8 so that we can ratum the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpIece, or on the front If space permits. 1. ArlIcIe Addressed to: EzA/ -V e /-h:7.v S ,,""/ /Y8 F~OO.L> R""t> CU-rt/.<oCdF -uy \,1> 1>... \{IO C0"(~ug tJ;I, I (q3 '"' 1/93S- 3.SerAce-ryp. a CeItllled MlIII 0 ElqnSa Mall o AeogIAnd 0 Ret&m ReoeIpI:tor ~ DIn8lndMall OC.O.D. 4. Restrk:tIIldDellvery?j&tnrFf1e) 0500 0004 5762 5154 .......- ~fn::rm8Bn't 7{]{]3 PS Fonn 3811, August 2001 0"" lCl:25e5-02*15tC1 ..............- .. CompIeIe.JWnS 1, 2., Iri:J 3... Also tompIeIe ttarri.4 If Re$tric;ted DeIMlrY 1s.deshM1 . PrInt your rwne n address on the reverse 90 that we can return 1I:l8card.to you. ill Attachthlscardtothebackofthernallpiilce. oronthefrOntlfspl108pefm1t5. ,. MIele~to: /H,e"'-"'4 ,o//""'/~Y4l 2 7 (//sm .v4r r'o~ t:v~IPJC';v.J /11 b,/ 'yo~/c "IOSCJ ~ ......,.,.. Ia'"CerlIIIId.... DElcpNee'MlIII D~ DAeUnAeoelptfOrMerctilnllM DInluledMlllll o C.O.D. 4. ABsIrk:IedDahery? (ExtiaFee) 0 Yes .......- _....."1 7003 0500 0004 5762 5147 PSform~811,'-AuguSt'200' DomaStleFletWnRec:8lpt ~ ......,.,.. DCerlIIedMllll D~MlIII o AegiIbnd 0 RIbm ReceIpt for MerohIncIse D~MaII OC.OA 4. RlIstrlcIed DeMry?j&tnrFeeJ ~ ~ 7003, 0500 0004 571,2 8650 PS Form . AUgust 2001 OomIIIIllo-AeUn AecIlpI .CornpIeIeIl8ml1.2.Md3.AIso~ 1lem41fRestrlctedDellveryIsdesir8d. . PrInt your name and adthss on the I'8\/Iline 9OthIIlwecannltLrnthecardto)lcu. . AttachthlsCllrdto'thebeckotd1emallplec::f(' or on the front Ifspacepermtts. 1. MIele Adchesed to: hLC.,..,..u"::;: c;,"'''4f::'l.L- /.r.1 V7ot-h-/!"r r~ ~4"".:::: "VC........ 'yihC./c //00/ 1~1540, ..--' 0"" Li }':';::-- l~l540f' ....,-,:':., '-~r . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of _____~~~~~__~~llll______________________________ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, /lLF'Le2J /l?/Jt:;tL , residing at 700 6Lt;-..I Lov/Z:T Cif7Z.//DCu L; /J/c...v ,?"o..-t-/L being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the..s- day of /.Iv 6 , 200 ~ I personally posted the property known as //'Ir FL-ce"rIv(Jo....t> Rch:t) .- /37- i.j.-~ by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date ofthe public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be heldW~'1 ~ o:tc,~ nn tV, llboUt '], () "'. Dated: ~ ~J0Q (signature) ~ Sworn to before me this JIlNS E. :!.'i,i;;!. ~ d-day of Av....d200 ?> Nw.ry Public, Slala of New Y'i!t u No. 49485'J,) CkJaHflad In Suffol1< Ccu;':'Y ~ '":oi1lm~'<lf;.'O'''YJ-cr()7 ~bhr ~ . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: j;'L"I,.vE /#Als67J Address: /~B r~A/uo.J) /04.{) CU7Zt'H:J t:,;c" .t:.o-.;t:. /JLA--.lL} N"6.., Y'o~ N 9 :s S STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK A!h~.FA?~) /I?~c:.c... ,residing at 700 6L6-../ av.-z.r C'V7Z/H:JCi/~ ,being dulyswom, deposes and says that on the ~q day of _,1...1 1 ~ ,200:/ , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trust s Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at C~I-D?" if: - , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. ~~ Sworn to before me this J. q Day of J...;t'1 ,20~ .~ ~tjp~dpr- UIE E. 5:\'1;;:' HoIary PublIc. Slala Gt New VCi;'A No. 4~435D" 0uaitIsd In S'Jffoll< C'J;:]I ~~ ExJ::." '!>;' /)., . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFlED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: Mtfl c ~A!4 :r CA~;I'4EZ'- /..s- oS V/o~~ 4t/e F~o/t4'- ~A-A./~ A/4:~ YO~L //00/ fi5J IE rc; IE U W IE Jm Ifll Jill 29 2003 ~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Soulhold Towl Board of Trustees At!.F~ /l?A--6 /~ , residing at 70 0 6~6.-...I CO(,/~r ~'rn.HoOCcrE , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ;l'1 day of ~ 2003, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trusltees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at L'errz//OCu € - , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. ~~ -,~;....,."...i_.-:- ..-",- Sworn to before me this ;). 9 Day of j v t....., , 20 ~ J\JI~ E. 5;-,YiiE f l'IoWy Public. State of New Yt$ No_ 424850S !1'iL-->- E: A o.rR=Jf~1 in ZNotary Public . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: MI€ 1""""-8 "'/1#/,0 A' y,4EZKY .;z 7 t/1..srA &./Ay I' 0/2. TV"", I.h'''' ~. 7lJ,J Ale"W f"OA./<: Noro STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~;C~€;/) ~At::'/LL ,residingat 700 oL.€,./ C;",.e.r ~v-rz//'O Cur , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the Q1.. q day of j " ~ 2003, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set fortbin the Board of Trust s Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at C~H7"'uE - , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. ~~ Sworn to before me this d... Cj Dayof J,..)\1-,20~ ~L .Jl ~... 8 E. ~~ Notary Public alE E. St,Vil! ...., NiIe.... 01 New Y<a IlD. 49C8liM QlAllIIl Suloll C!M"f - . ....r.a3/)..){(y( . . . ~ lS1 .... lS1 ru rO ..D r'- lS1 O.8J UNIT ID: 09J5 Postage . ~ 0 Ce1irroc Fee 0 "i:' 0 Return RolCiepl I=ee 1.75 (Endorsement '1.eqlilred) . 0 AestrlctedDe~FM Clerl~~ 0 -- lS1 ~ "" 0 $ ~.8Il 07/: .~!. ~ Total t=>osta,e iF-. rrl o '0 ~ ~~~~~~::::~:~~;.~:~::==:::::::::::: CJty,Stato.ZI1'+4 C <.177 /~C(./e ..v S- ---==0 rrl o o r'- . P05tage . 0.83 ertmed Fee 2.30 _F.. 1.75 tAequlred} ellveryFee Required) 4F_ $ 4.88 ~ o CI Return R D (Endonsemell o Reatrided D o (Endotsement lS1 D Total Postage UNIT .lK 0935 ,0::',',' " "" , ' , : Postm~ . ~' c1er~" ~JYO 07/2W9L r'- ~ .... lS1 U.S. Postal Service,. , " CERTIFIED MAIL. RECE,IPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) " ". "." . r pQJ;lir~,C \AL U CO E I ,:,.;) - Postage . 0.8J UN~j)935 Certified Fee 2.30 {~~ Return Reci6lpt Fee 1.'r.i &( ? ) (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee r-vlerk~\141GJYO (Endorsement Required) -s> TOlal Postage & Fees $ 4.88 07/2610:1 ~:--_.. ru ..D r'- lS1 ~ o o o o o lS1 o rrl o o r'- I- ~ UNITED S7a7l'J' ... POS7aLSIRClICE ..... WELCOME TO ..... CUTCHOGUE P,O, CUTCHOGUE. NY l1B35-1200 07/26/03 12:30PM Store USPS Trans 85 Wkstn sys5003 Cashier KVGJYO Cashier's Name KAREN Stock Unit Id WINOKAREN PO Phone Number 1800ASKUSPS USPS . 3548330935 1. Fi rst Class Oestination: Weight: Postage Type: Total Cost: 8ase Rate: SERVICES Certified Mail 70030500000457628650 Return Receipt 'rst Cl~ss 11001 2.8002 PVI 4.88 0.83 PVI 4.88 0.83 Cash Change Oue Cash Number of Items Sold: 3 Thank You SEND A LITTLE LOVE THIS MONTH Please Come Again 4.88 2.30 1.75 4,88 8 2.30 1.75 14.64 14.64 20.00 5.36 Nov. 15, 2004 Notes for discussion with BOARD OF TRUSTEES ( 19f1) 1. Permit that was issued to me in 1989 with Permit No. 1911. 2. What can be done with present dock which is in dire need of repairs and new poles? New dock will be in the same general area with a "cat walk" towards the base of the hill. 3. The area in front of the house was dredged years ago. The spoils were placed on the area in front of the house and made a beach as noted by old pictures of this site. The neighbors had worked together to obtain a permit which was on file with the Trustees. 4. What can be done now under the present rules with consideration to the past work and the present work that has been completed on Rybeccia's property? 5. I would like to clean up the hill area, new planting and then construct a small retainer wall at the base and have my access to the beach on the opposite side. 6. The area in front of the retainer wall would be the same as Rybeccia's with the same type of plantings. 7. I plan to construct an 8'xI2' beach shed at the base of the hill. Alfred A. Magill 1145 Fleetwood Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 (631) 734-6140 11115/04 Field Inspection. . ~ ~ ~... -- ~ ~ ~ . -, . 11/15/04 Field Inspection. . rnl~ , , il - 9/16/04 Field Inspection - Field Inspection 8/12/03 fl1a~'I\\ Iii t - - -- - - - - II Ii - Field Inspection 8/12/03 ~!- mogl\\ II , ~~ I I r I II I I II I " I i! I II I " Ii II -- . . Ii tl! II tl II II - Field Inspection 8/12/03 ['Q~ LU - - ----. ! --- Field Inspection 8/12/03 f\\~l {J . II " I Field Inspection 8/12/03 mas!ll A ". ~."~~/' t TOWN OF SOUTHOLO BOARD OF SOUTHOLl) TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK -#-c ~ IJ - '.h}{- 1Gb:) ~'\.DOci. ~. WETLANOS PERMIT 186 --,' This Wetlands Permit No. "~"""'''''':''''' has been.sranted by the Town Trustees according to information furni~hed in Application No. ..~.7.~.:..~... filed by Applicant .~Mn~...:r...,...B.\lSae:l.......... ........................................ on .~.~S.~..J.Q./........... .:UL~.:t... A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the T rust~e 0 ffice under theapplic<ition number given. Permit granted to do tha following work ...;.!9...~;:~~9.Ji..J.Q.9...Ji'.1.....Q.....E)S;rSXIlllG_.BULKliEAD _..~!.!?~...~.~..?~?:'f!.~~9.~.!~!?...~.Q..~);o.9.!f.;:.g...~iW.!l..:r.Q...\':w,...lli:rJ:l..=..c.REEl\_....... ............................................................................,..............................................................-..................-. Location of proparty on which work to ba dona ''''*.9.~.~..:r.kl';Ji.'l:W9.QP....RQl\Q....c.u:rJ:llP.GU.E:.......... -........................................................................,.................................................................................... '- . .. _............................................~..............................,,~~................ .................. ............................- ...... ........... Cr k H'rb "f" . EAST CREEK" . '. . ee.. Bay or a or ranting property. -..........r'€......................._......................................................_. . . -.............................:.-.......:................................~,,~...................................................................-.............. Size of work: Length ......_!.Q.Q...tj;.,..........:....g"..................,............................................................... Width _......~;..~~...~~...t!:.:......~~,...................................................................._......"... Heig!1t Above High Water .......tg~...~J::..:......................._............................................:.... 1 .. l~ft. Depth Below Low .Water ...........).................................................................................-....... . Yards to be Excavated ...~. .g!).<;t..lU!mll.e.Q..~"."p.t...t.o...r.e"aU'eJ:..J>.amt..1.as.t.... t:nrou<;1h- damaged bulkhead.. '. Yards to be Filled ..................-eD.................................................................................._ Manner in which material is to be removed or dftHosited .....9.Y...P..~~.Js.hQ.~............................................. ..........................................................................'1~................................................................................... Intended use of property .......J?~E.~~~~!..........IY!.................................................................................._ -..................................................................~.....l::.................................................................................... --------------- Conditions if any ..............................................~;._................................................................~.................. .........................................................................,::\..............................................~..................................... . Exp iration Date. '. ...~9.~~.~f.l.:g..:??1....1.2.~.2..~!...........:........................................................................ Number of Inspections Required ...?..=.....~.9!Jjr.~...!.Ti~...'EgP.~~;I?.f;~...m?.9.N...~9.rjfJ.1;.T..tQJ:t.O.f...JO Inspection Fees ...~...~.:.g.9...J?~i-.~................;.h.........:.......................................................................... ':'Uability Policies in the Amount of .:-:~.~.::.:.:::.~::.:::.:-.::::::................................_................................ The validity of this permit is or may be sUbjelf)- to the approval of other governmental or municipal ..authorities. The Town accepts no responsibilgy in applying for or obtaining .such approval. In the . event that such approval is necessary, the hol~r of this permit shall not commence operations here. 'under until such approval has been obtained in Writing. The failure to obtain such other approval When required shall subject this permit to immedi~ revocation by the Trustees upon recejpt by the Trustees' of written notice from such other:90vernrnental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. . Ii. "",<,,-:-~~';';' < , . (' fjrf)ttL-ef?-, L , 'i.; j/vs!'iy /06J~t:rC<.-b6P 0:; CvTCf/Oyut:: JJf -. I1lh:7'IL.L (:) f:;/rSIJJ ~ '2"" ~~ ""' ~<:'> "'" ~" \~/c,,1' 1 eX/ST'<.Jf ~ Ii:> 16~ ,e64 _ "'~o ''"'''''fee"" /...._' /"" l, 0( .( . . :5CC.TIOU '. M~Tj;r-I/.':'" :'1S7" .- , ," ,.. ,....':-~ ". oc f:..,.:,g ;:.., F ~:.I.J~ WM_ue. ~.,I.".::!) 3- ;~..;...;..; t.V~~:i~ :.J~'..;..:1) 4-SHt.tf'ri-1 IAJ:' ~ ~..t. !.~/11 ~-:':'=;'(.' ";~JJ e/;<&" ':'.T"r~ ,~;::,r'S ~"..... ::,.'.qAf,.'" '/: ., " /;-r 7~~~ ,.._.,~ 0CIAln-<f f1 P Fa.oM IiA~!!fJ!r:>>j .Ir"f,,-,,~ I PR"D4{"'.-}:Sfi,~~) , .: 41 .l\ &- If) "-:....'i:.,.;..O ...., ~;:~'" ,.. . :~'" ' "-("4;/1 . ,,"!.. ; "\"Af;: ." ~, ,,t' o \. { , ~t, " PLAIJ ". \ , , . CD'" ~P(f5oE ,;,....,.U'i".eJ...l.t1.Jc::E... 0,- €)(/,S".A.l..! ':TKa::T!.I:!~ D41U11 0.0 1w1!-\A..I 0 7 AO..lACENT P'ItOI'UTT O....[ItS, CD /'t. M'" " I!..L.. (!) :r:./.'Iol!.<.I..t!.R. I" &ASr c..J!..l5E.<' AT <=ur~ff09u.f:. Coun-y Of'S v;:.p sTAn,l...l '-' olI'I'\.ICATICl" IY ::r::.. HV..$.d'i 5H T { Of' I OATE 11v6-.luJ;.;, r .:..!r:-4J04 D IZD 1~.J ~~e~7"'WO()p R.:; ~ . '., Nt\r-u: OF CREEK, r45TCIZ-LL.K... --4---; , , t:l'1Is/W ~ (-"CC' -. -" --,'.'--., '--' mi' \I~\ . \ i., . '(f'1;~1 IJO,U:D OF TOWN rnUSTEES Town Of SOlllholil SOUdlOJd. New York 119il ?\I;lin Head APPLICATION FOR A BULI~IIEAll, DIKE, OR JETTY I. Does this project i~~e the use of WETLANDS os defined in the South old Town Wetlands Ordinonce? YES orc:!3J If it does, you must file tnrcugh the Town Clerk':; OffiCI? 2. Is the proposed work entlf!.r Wlth~' he boullda, riiJS of your own property os sub~tar:tiated 7 by your Dc;ed or Survey? S or . 0 If if is, a Permit is NOT required from this Boord, but the Town Bui/dir:g In . or shou d be cont~. for full details. 3 Appli,ont', Z~. ~"-:-~~:~ ..~~c.!.~~;;.~...~~Y{;s...~.y"~~~""'3'4~7'i7~ ..../Pk?I.....1:...............................................................,....6.........I........y..................,Z.................... 4. ConI rector's nome and address: ........I:!/II...~..............................,.........,........................... . ................................................................................~........................................_.......?;.~.b.~....................... 5 Explain briefly the purpC5e of this application: ........................................................................ ... ......................f::.e.-:.f.t.:~...?'t..r.~.n.(':!..~......()t.t.~1:"-.y?......!?ll..?t;H~1P................. .........__#.:.t!E!.Y.'.:...f.r.:f.~................. .........................................C...................................... ...-............................................-............................................-.........-.........-..............................--..... 6. After issuance of P~rmit.......ork must be completed within one yeara 7. I LARGE S~cure the' ccrrect Area Mcp from the Clerk of this. Beard, and by using a/ X 'N!THIN A crRCLE osa mark, indicate os closely os possible the location of this proJect. On the reverse side, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water Mark as well as the size and shope of the structure or work. to be done. Also inciude aJl djm~m';.iQm for porticos which extend offshore from th~ O. H. W. M. State Adjacc::.t prcperty owners. Provide the following documents: (oj A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the propert~' involved. <b) A copy of the Contra.:tor's PIon and Specifications. (c) Short Environmental Assessment Porm. Do~~ this project extend into Town \Vatcrs beyond on Imaginary Jjne~~OI..!ndary formed by ("xi~ting works of 0 similar nature along this arec's shoreline? YES o~. If a dees, state th~ opproximot~ distance beyond, ............ ft. s. 9. VIii! this con:otrw::tion require lhe Filling or any land offshore of the ~lary High Water Mark or the Dredgrng of any material from Tuwn Lends under .....ct(~r? ES r NO. If it does. Farm A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and ott d os port of this opplic.ction. t (:;G.t/t- t'wAJ r;~p) I i. In requesting op:,rovaJ of this application, I submi~ that: the inforinori:)n prco;ented herein is tn..:e and correct to the best of my knew/edge and belief; I om the person accountable far the performance or the work in accorcance wi,h the plans and sPf;cifi::o~ions ottached; I h.:J'/i! rcad or em fomiliar with the provisions of ony SautholJ Town Ordinance pertinent to the work inllolved; and further. I intend to adhere to cnd abide by the Term!; end Conditions of the Permit, when end if issued to me. 12. TO EXPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOCATION FOR INSPECTION, INDICATE A/3 R:;. UD~; A TEMPORARY l-lARKER~ \~~...rf:cc/t.~....... Ie. FRANK A. KUJAWSKI. JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI. JR.. Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. m JOHN L. BEDNOSKr, JR. HENRY P. SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOlrI'IIOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.o'. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 March 27, 1989 Mr. Alfred Magill 700 Glen Court Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: Amendment of Wetlands Permit No. 1911, issued Dec. 20, 158Y .~ Dear Mr. Magill, The following action was taken by the Board of Town-Trust during their regular meeting held on March 23, 1989, reqardinr: request to amend. the above permit. RESOLVED that the Town Trustees Approve the request of AJ A. Magill to amend permit number 1911 to include a floating de which-will "T" off the eXisting dock structure,. parallel tot! shoreline, with the condition that the floating dock does not extend more than 4 ft. wide by 40 ft. in length, and that it c not-obstruct the waterway. This letter is to notify you that we will amend the permj -payment of fees for work to be done and the amended permit she take conditions in the original ~rmit granted shall remain. The following fees are due: $160.00 ($1.00 per sq. ft. of dock surface- 4x40) 10.00 ~Inspection fee) $170.00. BALANCE DUE FAK: jmr Very truly yours, q-~ IJ~} Frank .A. Kujawski, Jr.. ~ President . Board of Town Trustees . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Han 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 August 30, 2004 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Alfred Magill 700 Glen Court Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mr. Magill: The Board of Town Trustees has received and reviewed your file, regarding your dock.. The records do not reveal any prior permits for your docking facility. The Trustees require that you apply for a wetland permit for the existing structure and any potential changes to it. "- Enclosed are your files, which you left with us for review, as well as an application for your convemence. Please contact us with any further question. Very Truly Yours, A1~S~Jr.~' tj,. i>resident, Board of Town Trustees AJKJhct . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, August 12, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by William Cook, seconded by Bob Ghosio, it was RESOLVED to Table the Amendment application of ALFRED MAGILL to Amend Permit #1911 to include the 4'X 40' floating dock and to repair dock and piles. Located: 1145 Fleetwood Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#137-4-26 The CAC was unclear as to what was actually permitted on the site. The old permit was unclear. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried . . . FRANK A. KUJAWSK[, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSK[, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, [[[ JOHN L. BEDNOSK[, JR. HENRY P. SMITH TELEPHONE (5[6) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 March 27, 1989 Mr. Alfred Magill 700 Glen Court Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: Amendment of Wetlands Permit No. 1911, issued Dec. 20, 1984. Dear Mr. Magill, The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on March 23, 1989, regarding your reguest to amend the above permit. RESOLVED that the Town Trustees Approve the reguest of Alfred A. Magill to amend permit number 1911 to include a floating dock which will "T" off the existing dock structure, parallel to the shoreline, with the condition that the floating dock does not extend more than 4 ft. wide by 40 ft. in length, and that it does not obstruct the waterway. This letter is to notify you that we will amend the permit on payment of fees for work to be done and the amended permit shall take conditions in the original permit granted shall remain. The following fees are due: $160.00 ($1.00 per sq. ft. of dock surface- 4x40) 10.00 ~Inspection fee) $170.00 BALANCE DUE Very truly yours, f~ II'~} , Frank A. Kujawski, Jr.#} President Board of Town Trustees G/;f/;;~j~~~-~4~ '.-., , .p, .,.) . f.''\ BOARD or TOWN TRtsTEES . TOWN OF sotITHOW Town Hall, S309S Main Road P.O. Box--.I/71 Southold. New York 11971 tELEl'RONE t51G)'1'~la92 GRANDF'ATHER APPLICATION .,.... . ~....."'} ._. /'?41" "wqr'i'''''~....""""""ZJ .sc41~ 1-~,t=30~' ~ L.A".~i,' <><,'JJS i.-7~' 2.1'"q" 1. 2. Name of. Applicant. ZF"I?E;D /I. Address of ApPlicant1/if,f,..,..!~ f5)~~~~w~rm Ifll JUL 2 9 2003 I.W dock t . floa t 3, .t$/J--.., -: ;S' Telephone Number. J'/~ -7JY~ 6/'/0 - Year of Construction. / '7 " 0 Sketch of the,t....rk inCl.U.ding sizes. ~. . - EA-ST~I?i;tK._ . . . su<.I> noo.D ~ ~~\.::: LO;J~~II' ~., t=;:6 tt ~oc.. H,T" t'" ,,,OJ, DR.PI...,4fU( 'f ,," ;;>' old Tewn -!leard of Trustees 4. 5. E,"lIuJ..rE! _, _ ,;' ',4\L.tt' D IO'SF'Le.€T~ ..~~.., _ ,;.. t3lio OjLE..p'-L irr.~.,.. t.i,.t'l.....~. _ ~o JJLvrF ~/. Mark off on the map attach~d,whe~your using an X. A' hlIlGII./... IJ'IS ""LEXTwDO b ;\ . .1.' 6. o5. .:r. CA,;,,~lJ''-i.L orS ~I)~ € I'~ .Jo-~ property 1slocated Signature: ()~ - f1 Q-,~ __~__~_'W""~.~__~~" "---..,_...___".______.____,~.-" "'~,=.."~"C2~____..-...-~,.~ . Pl~asenot;e that -there 1s a, $5-!OO .filing fee, wbi'cb 1sa one time fee, ,fo:rthl's application,. Mooring Applications- $5.00- Application Fee and a $5.00 annual renewal 1"ee each vear~, " . : ){-Ol/~"rZ... .,',..,~'.-.;-;''''''~"............---~"'''- ,. . ) . ALL HOORI~GS AND STAKES NUST DISPLAY Please tear off and return to the Trustees Board Of Southol d Town SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~ . I ru srees 1100?!:,G NO. PE.=.MIT NO. ISSUED TO DATE: ') J /.Jj-'\ ')" lA' I. . cC~~i=, th3t the wa~~ as authori=ed in t~is pcr=i~ has ~cen cc~?leted and is now rC3d~ fc= YOU: in~oec- tic~. Also, the nu~bcr requi~~d O~ thi~ p=ojcct is cle~~ly visi~le. I further unde~st~nd this per~it is notv~lid.until this tear sheet .- --_..__....~ ~- _,"",.. "'"-"e-",t:J<:;. . -~-'-I9l~",.~ill'l\.~:~~iI\(;';'Ilij." AI..... _J(I~ . . 'II ~"r'-'---'------'---- -._.n.__ , __.~\.\:~y \ . ~L"l ~?I'I,'I' i I I 'I , \ ," , Z ---" / ~ \~ \ " 1 , I ,r; f. \, . \ .... \ '~ / . . \ ,'. \ . \ ~ --" ::- ~';" , " ',).~,11 \.1 Ii.' j;, '; '1-'!~: ~\~i : -; \) ~~'$\ < ir" v/' "" (~ ] . }~ ,." ~ ,,',. '1-", e "- __ _ >?_ <0 / .:\ \ >~-- ~ ~ :',/ 2 C;~,// l '\ ~// "\<;~;V )" l k,' , /: ~/-:;,~)" . (~// " -/ '~/ "'--1 '." /~~'/ l~>~'5' /~~r ,," "/,,, ---~~, ~ \;~ ',,:-~\ C" r:\ .'f~/\ \J\t . \~_: ,. v -'\~ &,-\:>,--, \ '. \~ ..,,,, - --~ / /~',<,/,\', \'.,. \\ ~~ \ J ;~, " ~-= ~-'- ~t ~ / t ~, \, .~\ E'~ y~'" ">\ 1_ ~ ~} /' I ' ,\ 'y" ~ < ' :',', ;, ~ / / ~. \ 'p_;\.:l~ J/>~ "'<~ ~'yY // '" /. \., ,- ] ,.' ,A - r-. ":ii.., ",). r ;-.> "'~. f~, ~,>~" 'y" / -"C'''''--C''<''. Y--:"'-". 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III HI II! ill > . .0 " ., . -i ~ I " : ~ I Lil I , l::i' , , " " ~ 'I, ,,-' /J '{ \(. ) f / ('j I l , ~ jjlj ,:{\I .' _r,~~ ::: I ~ (j~, " ' , c - , >-::'.1 I-~j ~.>. L. :} {~ 'I,' b ;i ~!m ~'ijj Ii:!! ILl II "I ' II",. tr"I'= . '.1111 i'1111 i,l,!!! ,j i i ., . ~ ii ; I ' .~ r I ,j i II I. j II J i: ili i I' i I I I ~ ! . I i III ; ~ I Hl I 11'1 18,;: : . ~ ~ ,I .!.! \~j - ~l 11'1.I;;l , I;d 1'111,.,' , Ill>> --j-' Ill, l I" II, ',11_: illlL 1""\ \ \1\ \1\ -\ ~ o o D ")J o )> D '-737-04-26 'AN TEED TO GILL '/J~1f/ly' Ff) QI FRAME GARAGE 4.0' 28.0' 1'- J:;F ElJ..IJ6TONE .... DRI\iE"WA Y l' 4. TII./BER "0 p o. PIPE '" p ~ Ff) QI '" 0> '", O. N/F RYBECKY c:j Q 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE F. F. EL.=25.86 24.7' 22 CM . 'IIW.(APPROX) N/F CAMPBELL \ 264.05' \ \ \ FLOOD ZONE AE-8 \ \ \ 320.36 ' ~ Jj- GUARANTEES INDICA TED HERE ON SHALL RUN ONL Y TO THE PERSON FOR MfOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED. AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE nTLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, LENDING INsnrunoN, IF USTeO HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LEND/NG INsnrunON. GUARANTeES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDlnONAL INSnTUnONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. UNAUTHORIZED AL TeRA nON OR ADDlnON TO TH/S SURVEY IS A IWLA nON OF SEcnON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATe EOUCAnON LAIl( COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAllO TRUE COPy. NOTE: I. 29 JUL Y. 2002 SHOW ADDITIONS THUS! E721 SURVEY OF DESCR/BED PROPERTY S1TUA TE CUTCHOGUE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. SURVEYED FOR MAGILL RESIDENCE ~UQ ;:~I\I~S CR~<K \ \fI ~~~ \1'. <P .~ . ~ ~. ~ EXIST. IOOOll ..... c:P.. (<\ ELEVAnONS IN 7929 NGVD SURVEYED 03 APRIL, 2007 SCALE 7"=30' AREA= 75,081.065SF OR 0.346 ACRES FLOOD MAP DA TA FROM FIRM MAP J61OJC0164G EFFECnVE DA1f: 4 MAY, 1998 SURVEYED BY STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR. P.O. BOX 294 NEW UFFOLK, NY 11956 516 '34-5835 OlC997