HomeMy WebLinkAboutKOA - 2006 Town of Southold - Letter Board Meeting of May 23, 2006 RESOLUTION 2006-498 Item # 43 ADOPTED DOC ID: 1893 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-498 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 23, 2006: WHEREAS, Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, 690 Queen Street, Greenport, has applied to the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold for a permit to operate a tourist campi recreational vehicle park with 186 sites, pursuant to Chapter 88 of the Town Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed site received a special exception from the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals on May 25, 1976, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the proposed site is before the Southold Town Planning Board for site plan approval; and WHEREAS, this action is classified as Type II pursuant to SEQRA, requiring no further review; and WHEREAS, the proposed site has been operating as a tourist camp, permitted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold since 1976; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has submitted comments to the Town Board supporting the issuance of a tourist camp permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant has obtained a Suffolk County Department of Health Services permit for the operation of a campground with 186 sites; and BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of South old I!:rants Eastern Lonl!: Island Kampl!:rounds. 690 Oueen Street. Greenport. a permit pursuant to Chapter 88 Generated May 25, 2006 Page 60 Town of Southold - Letter Board Meeting of May 23, 2006 of the Town Code. to operate a tourist camp/recreational vehicle park with 186 sites. subiect to the followinl! conditions: 1. Compliance with the requirements of screening by plantings of the trailer camp and vehicle parking from public highways and adjacent residential properties to be imposed by the Planning Board in its review of the improvements to the site, as well as all other conditions of Planning Board approval. 2. Dedication of the westerly 17 feet of Queen Street to the Town of Southold, prior to the issuance of a permit, subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Attorney. 3. Compliance with all conditions imposed by the zoning regulations, classifications and related approvals of the Town of South old. ~r;.r;IL. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. Generated May 25, 2006 Page 61 . . EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUNDS MYRON & DONNA GOLDSTEIN REQUEST: PERMIT FOR TOURIST CAMP / RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK FOR A MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF 186 SITES FACTS: Mr and Mrs Goldstein purchased the business, the name, and property from the prior owner Mr. Robert Wilton. The Goldsteins have been the owners and operators of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds for the past five years. Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds is operated as a family campground. Their emphasis is affordable vacations for families with children. The owners not only operate and own the camp but they also live on Queen Street in the house across the camp. They also own a second parcel along Queen Street. Their ties to the community extend beyond working and living in Southold Town, Mr. Goldstein is a volunteer member of the Fire Department The owners request a permit to operate 186 units on 24 acres. This number represents 101 units with individual hook-up to water, electric and sewer; 52 units with water and electric; and 33 tent sites. The tent sites have use of water, electric and bathrooms. HISTORY: From 1976 through 1978 the ZBA approved the Tourist Camp use, the Planning Board approved the site plan and the Town Board granted approval to use the premises for a Tourist Camp. In 1978 the Town Board amended Chapter 88 and added Recreational Vehicle Park (Section 88-20 et.seq.). At the public hearing for the Long Island Kampground permit extensive testimony was taken from the community in support of the proposal. The points made then still apply today: the recreational use promotes tourism and supports the local economy. In 1989 the Zoning was amended and the property was re-zoned to Resort Residential. Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds is a Recreational Vehicle Park in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 88 . . STANDARDS: 88-20: The subject owners operate a Recreational Vehicle Park which is defined at Section 88- 20 as follows: RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK -- A parcel of land under single ownership, designed and improved for the placement of tents and recreational vehicles as temporary living quarters for recreational or vacation uses. Shown on the site plan (Exhibit A) are the individual site units which are identified by number. These numbered units accommodate the RV's (self propelled recreational vehicles and pop-up trailers). The numbered sites have individual utility connections. The tents are identified by W-number, the tent sites are located in wooded sites with no direct hook-up to utilities. They have access to electricity, water and sanitary. All units are in compliance with Suffolk County Health Department standards. The Suffolk County Health Department has issued a permit for 186 units. 88-21: Pursuant to Section 88-21 each recreational vehicle site and campsite is well-defined and permanently marked and complies with the following site requirements: Each unit is clearly identified by a number on their own picnic table. A. Each site shall have a minimum area of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet. (50' road frontage x 50' = 2,500) B. Recreational vehicles and tents placed upon a site shall have minimum front yard and side yard setbacks of fifteen (15) feet and a minimum rear yard setback of ten (10) feet. C. The area of each site within five (5) feet of the street or roadway shall at all times remain unoccupied and unobstructed. D. Each site shall have a minimum of fifty (50) feet frontage on a street or roadway. E. A recreational vehicle or tent placed upon a site shall not occupy an area in excess of fifteen percent (15%) ofthe total area of the site. 88-22: The existing roadways and driveways meet the following standards: The property has 206 feet of road frontage on County Road, Route 48. The access has been and continues to be located off of Queen Street which is a dead end road. Queen Street provides access to only 5 properties on the east and the subject property on the west. Two of the residential parcels along the east side of Queen Street are owned by the applicants and the entire parcel along the west side of Queen Street is the Kampground. . . In 1978 the Board recommended that the owners dedicate 17 feet ofthe Kampground property in order to make Queen Street a 50 foot road. In anticipation of the dedication of17 feet to the Town of South old the prior owner, Wilton, completed and the Goldstein's have maintained the following: 1. The road is improved with blacktop 2. The entrance onto Queen Street from County Road 48 was widened ( it is currently 65 feet) in accordance with a County DOT permit 3. The utility poles were placed @ 17 feet into the Kampground property 4. A berm was constructed and planted with forsythia, cedar trees and black pine 5. The Greenport water lines and fire hydrants installed 6. The Greenport sewer lines were installed 7. A gated and landscaped entrance to the Kampgrounds was placed at the end of the open portion of Queen Street See Photograph #1 (Queen Street facing North) The Highway Superintendent, Peter Harris has requested that the applicants dedicate the westerly 17 feet of the applicant's property from CR 48 to the entrance to the Kampground. The Highway Superintendent will accept the 17 feet, subject to the above existing improvements within the 17 feet area of dedication. The applicants have no objection to the dedication of 17 feet from CR 48 to the entrance to the Kampgrounds. The south end of Queen Street, from the entrance to the Kampgrounds to the Village of Greenport land, is an unimproved and unopened area. The unopen road contains 100 year old trees and wetlands, the road is impassable and ends at environmentally sensitive land owned by the Village of Greenport. This portion of Queen Street is impassable, unusable to the Town, and surplus land. The adjoining property owners are Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein on the east side and ELI Kampgrounds on the west side. We would request that this portion of Queen Street be abandoned. Queen Street would "dead end" at the entrance to the Kampground. The Highway Superintendent, we believe from a previous conversation, would support this request. In the exchange: the Town would receive from the Kampgrounds 17 feet x 690 feet (11,730 sqft.) open and improved land, the Town would release 30 feet x 371 feet (11,130 sq.ft.) wetlands and brush. See Photograph #2 (Eastern Long Island Kampground sign with dense vegetation on Queen Street) . . A. All two-way roadways and driveways within the park shall be not less than twenty-four (24) feet in width, and all one-way roadways and driveways shall be not less than fifteen (15) feet in width and shall be constructed in accordance with the Southold Town Highway specifications as to base, surfacing and drainage facilities. B. There shall be at least one (I) exterior two-way roadway or driveway extending around the perimeter of the park. S 88-23. Dates of operation; time limit for accommodation. A. Recreational vehicle parks shall be in operation on a seasonal basis only, during the period from April I to November 30 in each year. B. No recreational vehicle or tent shall be accommodated in a park for more than thirty (30) days in any calendar year. c. No recreational vehicle or tent shall be permitted to remain in a park during the period from December I to March 31 nor during any other period when such park is not in operation. S 88-24. Applicability of other chapter provisions. The establishment, maintenance and operation of a recreational vehicle park shall comply with and be subject to all of the provisions of SS 88-1 through 88-19, inclusive, of this chapter, not inconsistent with this Article II. S 88-2. Permit required. [Amended 9-24-1958] It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, association, corporation or copartnership to establish, maintain or operate within the limits of the Town of Southold any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who does not possess a permit from the Department of Health and the Town Board ofthe Town of Southold. The permit issued by the Town Board shall not be transferable or assignable and may be revoked for cause by such Board after a hearing. The Goldsteins would request that a permit be granted for 186 units. The numbered sites are shown on an enlargement of the handout provided to the guests ofthe Kampgrounds. See attached Exhibit B . . 88-3. Application; site plan. [Amended 9-24-1958] Any person or persons, firm, association, corporation or copartnership hereafter applying for a permit and/or license to establish and operate a tourist camp must first file with the Town Clerk a complete plan of the proposed camp. This plan, with the legal description of the property shown, shall be drawn to scale and must clearly show the extent and area to be used for camp purposes. All proposed roadways and/or driveways, method of sewage disposal, plan for water supply and lighting, and each proposed location or site for tents, tent houses, camp cottages and/or trailers or camp cars must be shown on such plan. The Site Plan shows the location of the sites. The parking remains as it has always existed. The only difference from previously approved site plans is that the ball fields are safely segregated from the vehicles by a fence. This improvement does not change the use or change the intensity of the use. The children are protected and made safe. See Photograph #3 (ball fields and basketball hoop in background) S 88-4. Fees; public hearing. [Amended 4-14-1958] A. Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by a fee often dollars ($10.) for each unit or two hundred dollars ($200.), whichever is greater. [Amended 11-9-1971] B. Upon receipt of an application for a permit provided in this chapter, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearing thereon, specifYing the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the town at least ten (10) days before the day of the hearing. S 88-5. Site requirements. All land used as a tourist camp shall be located on well-drained sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to ensure rapid drainage during and following rain. The property is well maintained, well drained and away from the wetlands. S 88-6. Water supply. Each site used as a tourist camp shall be provided with an ample and adequate supply of water of safe and sanitary quality, approved by the Board of Health. Where water from sources other than that of the municipal supply is proposed to be used, the sources of supply shall first be approved by the Board of Health. A current permit was issued for 186 sites and expires 9/30/08. Attached Exhibit C S 88-7. Garbage collection; sewer system. Each tourist camp shall be provided with safe and adequate provision for the collection . . and removal of garbage and shall provide a proper and acceptable sewer system either by connection to a municipal sewer system, where such is available, or to septic tanks, all of which shall comply fully witb all laws, ordinances and/or requirements prescribed by the Board of Health. S 88-8. Minimum unit dimensions. [Amended 11-9-1971] NOT APPLICABLE- inconsistent with 88-21 Each unit in any tourist camp upon which a tent, tent house, trailer or house car is erected or placed, and each unit in any tourist camp upon which a camp cottage is hereafter erected or placed, shall be not less than fifty by one hundred (50 x 100) feet in area, clearly defined by markers in each corner. S 88-9. Distance between cottages and other buildings or trailers. [Amended 11-9-1971] NOT APPLICABLE- inconsistent with 88-21 No cottage hereafter erected or placed upon a site shall be less than thirty (30) feet distant from any other building or trailer. S 88-10. Distance from property lines and roadways. [Amended 11-9-1971] NOT APPLICABLE- inconsistent with 88-21 No trailer, camp car or camp cottage shall be located on any site where there is less than thirty (30) feet between the trailer or camp car and other buildings, trailers or camp cars included in the camp. With the exception of cottages previously placed or erected, no cottage, trailer or camp car shall be placed within thirty (30) feet from the property or public highway line nor within twenty (20) feet from any interior road or driveway. S 88-11. Roadways and driveways. [Amended 11-9-1971] NOT APPLICABLE- inconsistent with 88-22 A. Adequate roadways or driveways shall be provided and shall be so located that each unit of the camp is easily accessible thereto. B. Said roadways or driveways shall be adequately lighted while such camp is occupied. C. Such roadways or driveways shall be constructed to a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet, and the bed of such roadway or driveway shall be constructed in accordance with the Southold Town Highway Specifications as to base and surfacing. EN D. All entrances to and exits from the camp shall be well marked and so arranged as to provide proper control and supervision. S 88-12. Management. [Amended 9-24-1958] . . Each tourist camp shall be under the direct management of the owner or licensee, or his agent or representative, for whose acts he or they shall be fully responsible. The names of the persons entrusted with the direct management of the camp shall be filed for reference with the Southold town police. Either the owner or the manager is on site at all times. S 88-13. Records. [Amended 9-24-1958] Each tourist camp shall keep copies of all records pertaining to the management or supervision of the camp, which records shall be available for inspection. S 88-14. Duties of owner. [Amended 11-9-1971] A. It shall be the duty of the owner or his agent or manager to keep a register of all persons accommodated in the camp, said register to include the names of all persons, their home addresses and the registration number and description of their automobile or other vehicle. B. It shall be the duty of the owner or his agent or manager: (1) To provide a sewage disposal system and a potable water supply system for the tourist camp, approved by the Suffolk County Health Department. They have a current permit to operate from the Suffolk County Department of Health. (2)To provide for the collection and removal of garbage or other waste materials. EN (3)To prohibit the placing or storage ofunsightIy materials or vehicles within the camp. (4)To provide at least one (I) five-pound-capacity C02 fire extinguisher, or the equivalent, approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., for each five (5) units in the camp or trailer park, such fire extinguisher to be so located that each of the units will be within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an extinguisher. (5)To report to the Board of Health all cases of communicable diseases or suspected cases of communicable diseases affecting any occupant of the camp. (6)To report immediately to the public authority all violations of law committed by any person or persons within the camp. (7)To install and maintain a sufficient number of telephones as may be required by the Town Board. S 88-15. Entrances and exits; trespass on adjoining property. . . Each tourist camp shall clearly indicate one (I) or more entrances and exits, the use of which shall be enforced. Where it is established by complaint of adjoining property owners that their property is being trespassed upon by inmates of any tourist camp, it shall be the duty of the owners, manager or other person responsible to provide a fence or other effective barrier to ensure to such owners of adjoining property protection against trespassing. S 88-16. Screening by plantings. [Amended 11-9-1971] On every tourist camp or trailer camp, a suitable planting of shrubbery will be required to screen the trailer camp from public land and public highways and other areas as may be required. The planting shall be of such type and variety and so located as shall be approved by the Town Board. S 88-17. Other ordinances and regulations. The provisions of this Article shall be in addition to and supplementary to the provisions of all other ordinances of the Town of South old, and where there is any conflict between the provisions of this Article and any other ordinance, then the ordinance providing the stricter regulation shall prevail. S 88-18. Nonapplicability. [Amended 4-14-1958] This Article shall not apply to any territory included within the Incorporated Village of Greenport. CONCLUSION: In compliance with the above listed standards the owner requests a Recreational Vehicle Park Permit for 186 units. Patricia C. Moore Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 631-765-4330 ,,~"'~l~;' ,'. ''i~i~''''''''"'t,~~-'~I' ,', ~t~.~ l' J . ""',' :~,.~~l>._ :",\.~~~'O 'J:..'.'!I>~'~. .t,._",:,;>;;-,..:"'.'i~'" 'i~.. :..2~.. .if'1:.,::(:(..~l~..tl.:.....~ ".- ~:>.'~ : '.. ,;V.y.l.... ' .' r ~~f' ..... "_:;_,' -'.' 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'J; !\! r \ \ I I I I J . Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of Public Health Protection PERMIT To Operate a Campground This is to certify that Myron & Donna Goldstein the operator of EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUND at 690 QUEEN STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 Located in the VILLAGE of GREEN PORT in SUFFOLK County is granted permission to operate said establishment in compliance with the provisions of Subpart 7-3 of the State Sanitary Code and under the following conditio~ (1) This pennit is granted subject to any and all applicable State, Local and Municipal Laws, Ordinances, Codes, Rules and Regulations. (2) Capacity 186 sites. (3) Required supervision at swimming pool is Level Ill. Effective Date October 01, 2005 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE .~ ~ "#P $/ff' ". Permit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30,2008 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT S\lOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51-6637 Permit Number 51-6637 DOH-1320 (2192) lB-1725:6199cg C (GEN-129) KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND . . MAIUNG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1I 79 SouthoId, NY 1I971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBE. · JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair OFFICE WCAll0N: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 MEMORANDUM PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: Scott Russell, Supervisor Elizabeth A Neville, Town Oerk Southold Town Board Members Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Challperso~ Southold Town Planning Board ~ 23 May 2006 To: From: RE: Town Board Pennit to operate a Tourist Camp Eastern Long Island Karnpgrounds, 690 Queen Street, Greenport SCIM: 1000-40-3-5 Town Board Resolution # 2006-385 After further review and clarification with the Town of Southold Engineer and Highway Department, the Planning Department would like to correct the following statement made in the memorandum dated May 18, 2006 located in the fourth bullet point: . Southold Town Engineer, after review, responded on February 28, 2006 and referred to the previous Town Board and Zoning Board decision stating that Queen Street be widened to 50' and dedicated to the Town. lease be aware the Planning Board does not support the applicant paving and dedicating the additional 17' ROW as stated in the Town Engineer's comments. Be advised that the Planning Board held a work session on May 22, 2006 with Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways to discuss his memo dated May 19,2006. The Planning Board offers the following recommendation and comments as follows: . Southold Town Engineer, after review, responded on February 28,2006 and referred to the previous Town Board and Zoning Board decision stating that Queen Street be widened to 50' and dedicated to the Town. . The Planning Board is under the impression that all improvements on Queen Street have been completed and the existing vegetation buffer along with encroachments on the west side & south side of Queen Street will remain in place. . Please be advised the Planning Board supports the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineers Decision on dedication of the 17' strip west of Queen Street and leaves all specific details of this transfer of land to the Town Board. Cc: Planning Board members Mike Verity, Chief Building Inspector Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney James A Richter, Town Engineer File KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND .. MAIUNG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 i .. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PB Rp.cOM of 5/18/06 Replaced w / 5/23/06 Recom MEMORANDUM To: Scott Russell, Supervisor Elizabeth A Neville, Town Oerk Southold Town Board Members .~. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Olairperson A Southold Town Planning Board NIA From: Date: 18 May2006 RE: Town Board Pennit to operate a Tourist Camp Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, 690 Queen Street, Greenport SClM: 1000-40-3-5 Town Board Resolution # 2006-385 At. the request of resolution # 2006-385 adopted at the Town Board meeting on April 25, 2006, the Planning Board offers the following comments: . The Planning Board is currendy reviewing a site plan for an 80 space over flow parking lot with controlled accessl egress and new landscaping on a 24-acre parcel in the RR Zone located on the sl sl 0 of County Road 48 at the sl w intersection of County Road 48 and Queen Street in Greenport. SCIM# 1000-40-3-5. . Southold Town Architectural Review Committee reviewed this application at their meeting on December 1, 2005 and approved the plan recommending the installation of cedar trees for screening along the proposed berm on Queen Street. Please see attached letter. . Southold Town Building Department, on January 17, 2006, certified the proposed use, as a campground, is pennitted by special exception in the Resort/Residential district. See attached certification. . Southold Town Engineer, after review, responded on February 28,2006 and referred to the previous Town Board and Zoning Board decision stating that Queen Street be widened to SO' and dedicated to the Town. Please see attached letter. Please be aware the Planning Board does not support the applicant paving and dedicating the additional 17' ROW as stated in the Town Engineer's comments. . As per Town Code Otapter ~88-6 Water supply and ~88-7 Garbage collection; sewer system, the applicant has obtained Suffolk County Department of Health Services pennit, which expires . .. .. September 30, 2008, for the operation of a campground with a capacity of 186 sites. Please see attached permit. . In order to comply with Town Code Chapter ~88-15 Entrance and exits; trespass on adjoining proerty, the applicant is proposing access to the site via one (1) entrance/exit, thereby eliminating any unnecessary trespassing onto the subject property or neighboring properties. In addition, a single access entrance/exit would reduce any disturbance to the neighboring properties. The applicant is proposing a berm and plantings to screen the neighboring properties on Queen Street, further complying with ~88-15. . The Planning Board has no objection to the tourist camp use provided that the trailer camp, including all vehicle parking, be fully screened from public highways and adjacent residential properties pursuant to Chapter ~88-16, Screening by plantings. Please find attached a rough timeline of the history of the above referenced property. The timeline attempts to include all approvals from the Town Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board over the last 30 years. Also attached are the decisions from the various permirting agencies in reference to the timeline. Please find attached a copy of Town Code Chapter 88 for your reference. We hope these comments will be useful to the Town Board in its review of this application. 0:: Planning Board members Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Mike Verity, Chief Building Inspector James A Richter, Town Engineer Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement File Enc: Artachments ...="'''-'.~.'"'-'''C'. . .., ~'''-fllI'''''_'-'~_,_:wI","""~."",...~,,",,,,"~ .. ,O-;::l!~"..._ "~.'. ','0','" ":' - .. . ","!<I'.ll", "_.........<il:~~..l'I!IIII""\!w;::""""._,"'c.~:...,......_ .. . @o~'~ SOUTHOLD TOWN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE December 1. 2005 The ARC,met at the Town Hall at 4:00 p.m Members present were Architects Glynis Berry and Ural Talgat, Co- Chairmen Sanford Hanauer and Robert Keith as well as Nicholas J. Planamento, Howard Meinke, Herbert Ernest and Ronald McGreevy. Also present were Victor L'Eplattenier and Bruno Semon of the Planning Board staff, as well as Myron and Donna Goldstein for ELI Kampgrounds and Ellen McNeilly of the Orient Association. Moved by Howard l'v1einke and seconded by Ronald IvlcGreevy, it IV'IS RVSOL\TD Ii. APPROVE Ibe IVllNUTESof the meeting of September 6, 2005. Vote of the Comminee: Ayes All. ELl KAl\1PGROUNDS (NorUl Road - Greenport) SCTM#1000-10-3-5) After leaming of this applic.ation to make legal an overflow, grass p~lrking 101. II W;" RESOLVED BY HOIVard !'vleinke and seconded by Sanj'll'll Hanatlcllo .'\CCI':I'T lile. proposal as drawn as there are few archilectural aspects. The Committee docs reconunend 10 the PlanniJlg Board thai ced;lrs be llSed 10 prov1de Ihe screening along the benn on the North Road side, Ihis inslcad (Jj clccidllous plimtings which would nol be effeclive in Ihe winter. Vote of the COlTlmitlee: Ayes all. Appljc~lllts arc rem.inded thai del.jations Ji'01ll approved drawings WIIllCJlIl 111,' review and approval of the Architteturnl Review Conuniltee Ivill (nuse rcci;,;on or IlL' o11ginal approval nnel may negatively impael upon seeul1ng the Cendicill" oj ()C("P;",,-O\. ORIEl\:T FmE DTSTHTCr (Roule 25 - 011cnl) SCTMfi [()()O-IS-S-13 X nllll\<' SemOn recused himself '\10vcel by ROberl ~eith anel seconeleel by Herberl Ernest. il IVilS I<ESUL\TI) Id TABLE the APPLICATION awaiting elevations, colors, cle. of Ih~ eCjUipnlUlI ,;I1,.d, which tlte Commillee considered to be structures to be reviewed. The Comnlillec recommends 10 thc' PI~ml1jlJg BO:trll :lI1d thc\I'Plic:llillli::i :n ;le.1 of Ihe pro:vmilV to the Ilisloric Dislriel :lIlelll,e residenti:ll are:1. Ihe equil'liklll hllll,:in,,, :Ifld Ihe lower be moved fi'OIll Ihe cenler of an open lielel to :1 IOCillion ildjilcc.nl 10 Ihe fiJ.chouse. Tltis and other steps could conccnllhe f01l11er The C0l1111ullec :11.10 Ilokdlhl Ihe :l11tennnc :llthe top of the pole clclr~lcts 1'1'0111 ils disguiSe' :1.1 :1 fhp p,>I(' VOle oflhe COl1l1nillee: .\yes ,\.11. ST-\\LEY "'IALLON B\ q LDL'iG (32S+5 "'lain RO:lcl,..:el!rql;)~lie I 5-.(5 [..11'11:1-1.'- DEe - IS 2QO~ , \ i ! _ ~ .J [J!' , /. .- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971.0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Planning Board Chairperson FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: January 17,2006 .. 5tJ/3F 113 735> JL Fax (631) 765-9502 Telephone (631) 765-1802 J ~ h '. J. - "". r'.,\- ic~ "ft" ir~ n ...Di) iE, 1":\ . . i'c, ~9 ., U '!j LC-;._, II! 1,11 : f JAN 1 8 2006 .- : I l L___M_. ,-- 0_ -_...J ~ - I , : :,:':1 i .1 "--------..- .-_..-. REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: ELI Kampgrounds Location: 64500 County Road. Greenport SCTM# 1000 - Section 40- Block ;i - Lot ~ Date: October 7, 2005 Revised Date: December 8. 2005 I. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 45 AND 100 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE Camp!!round IS/ARE A PERMITTED USE BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION IN THIS RR DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. ~~ Chief Building Inspector - . ~,' ' .. '51./ I3F 18 17;- JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 .. ., SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD Fax. (631) -765 - 9015 Tel. (631) - 765 - 1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r.::~~Z=~"'''''"-'~'-'':''-' . .___? ,. ,'-- n'~~~I"~' . February 28, 2W6 . Iil, ., I ' I ,;'11 r I' t 1,\ f p, !. I. I ~ .~. ;1 I " \t I , i! " ,J' . klt:~~o · ill , .' -~ ':\;'-<j '!t~~-"....>:_;u,.~ ----"-'" ~~."~:"":-,,. ' As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the amended Site Plan for the above referenced project. This Site Plan is dated December 8,2005 and has been prepared by the office of Mark K. Schwartz, Architect. In addition to the Site Plan, I have also reviewed conditions listed in the original Tourist Camp Permit as well as the conditions required by the Change of Zone that had been granted to permit the use back in May of 1975. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: ELI Kampgrounds 64500 County Route 48, Greenport SCTM #: 100040-03-05 MAR, 3 2006 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: Both the Tourist Camp Permit and Zone Change had conditions that required the following: "In order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town Road, the same will be required to be widened to SO', Prior to occupancy of the rezoned premises by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the then Town Highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southo/d." It appears that the pavement of Queen Street had been widened as required, but the additional 17 feet has never been dedicated to the Town. I have reviewed this matter with the Highway Superintendent and Mr. Harris has determined that proceeding with the dedication to widen the Queen Street Right~f-Way to fifty (50') feet would still be in the Town's best interest. With this in mind, the amended site plan submitted to the Planning Board needs to be modified. Please consider the following items: 1. The Right-of-Way to Queen Street should be widened to 50'. This will require that all proposed parking lot construction items related to landscaping, screening, fencing and parking lot access should be moved or relocated approximately seventeen (17') feet to the west. 2. The concept of creating an access roadway to the new parking area that would consist of a two-inch thick layer of gravel that would be placed over existing topsoil is considered problematic. Topsoil should be stripped and the existing sub-grade, if suitable material is encountered, should be mixed, graded and compacted to provide a stable base for the access road. A crushed 3/4"Bluestone Blend is a suitable material for the surface of the access road. Page 1 of ~ " e. .. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson - Planning Board Re: ELI Kampgrounds SCTM #: 1000-40-03-05 February 28, 2006 Page ~ of ~ 3. Drainage for the new parking area has not been addressed. I understand thatthe site generally slopes in a southerly direction, but runoff generated in this new parking area should not be allowed to flow down the new access road across the existing camp site or out into Queen Street. Drainage should be provided to contain runoff and minimize the impacts of surface/standing water in the parking lot. 4. Handicapped parking stalls should not be accessed by way of a gravel surface. Handicapped parking stalls indicated out in the proposed new parking area should be relocated closer to the camp facilities adjacent to asphalt surfaces. 5. By Town Code (Chapter 88-16), landscaping is subject to the approval of the Town Board. The Original Tourist Camp Permit issued by the Town Board required landscaping in the buffer zone adjacent to the County Road. The Town Board further indicated that the Planning Board would heretofore approve the type and location of landscaping in this area. Proposed new landscaping along Queen Street should be coordinated with the Town Board. I have forwarded this report and an aerial view of the site to the Town Attorney's Office for their input concerning the Width of Queen Street. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan review, please contact my office. Enc: cc: (1( Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Md . Ell Kampgrounds, Ctv. Route 48. Greenpon Scale 1" = 200' . . Suffolk ~nty Department of Health Services Bureau of Public Health Protection PERMIT To Operate a Campground This is to certify that Myron & Donna Goldstein the operator of EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUND at 690 QUEEN STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 Located in the VILLAGlf,ofGJU!ENPORT in SUFFOLK County is granted permission to operate saiq.establishment in compliance with the provisions of Subpart 7-3 of the State Sanitary Code and lInder the following conditions: (I) This pennit is granted subject to any and all appljqable State,LQcaland Municipal Laws, Ordinances, Codes, Rules and Regulations. (2) Capacity 186 sites. (3) Required supervision at swirruning pool is Level IlL Effective Date October 01, 2005 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE ~~.#P$N Permit Issuing Official This permit expires on September 30,2008 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51-6637 Permit Number 51-6637 DOH-1320 (2192) 18-1725:6199cg (GEN.129) .. .- Eastern Long Island Campground Timeline SCTM # 1000-40-3-5 April 10, 1975 -letter from Suffolk County Planning for a change of zone including conditions - 162 units. May 27,1975 - public hearing for change of zone March 29,1976 - Change of Zone approval (from TOS) - conditions - 162 units, 100' - 600' open recreational uses. June 10, 1976 - ZBA hearing for special exception. June 21,1976 - Site Plan approval June 30,1975 - Agreement with Eastern Long Island Campgrounds and the Village of Greenport for sewer service for 162 units (copy of agreement is in file, if necessary) July 2, 1976 -letter from Suffolk County Planning approving revised plan as presented to Southold ZBA (see conditions from July 22, 1976 ZBA approval) and as approved by TOS planning (site plan approval). July 22,1976 - ZBA approval for special exception -162 units, 100'-600' needs to remain for open recreational uses (no structures), parking lot area of 20,000 square feet must be provided adjacent to the main administration building. August 12, 1976 - approved Town Board permit for operation of a Tourist Camp for 73 units. Conditions - improve Queen Street 17 ft (increasing Queen Street to 50' ROW), 100-600' open recreational uses, parking lot of 20,000 sq. ft. adjacent to main administration building. November 9, 1976 - Town Board resolution - permit to operate a Tourist Camp, no more than 124 units (adding 51 units to the approved 73 from August 12, 1976), 100' - 600' restricted to open recreational uses (no structures), parking lot of 20,000 sq. ft. adjacent to the main administration building. November 8, 1978 - Town Board resolution for Recreational Vehicle Park - Increase number of sites from 124 to 148. April 28, 1989 - memo from Valerie Scopaz - proposed rezoning from RR to HD - proposed but never followed through. October I, 2005 - Suffolk County Department of Health Services - approval for 186 sites- expires September 30, 2008. December 8, 2005 - Date of plan showing 186 existing campsites - as per proposed site plan. .. .. .)~m:~'" lI!-lllf> 'ltI, r<' ' ,,', :, ',::;~;~s.~,J~~~;;X;~:~~ <;::::j~~;~~.V~J 'niIU:,rTiIllr:Il~L'~, , '. '" Ie\'. .{lrlX'if))U; , 0'; " . ' , ' , n' ',~- ""'" "<: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1323 to 1332 of 'the Charter, the Suffolk County Planninl'l Comnission on April 9.1975 revi_cd the above captioned zoning actions and after due study and deliberation Resolved t~f said changes of zone are to be approved for local determination subject to compliance with the following conditions: ,'" ~~ April 10, -f' ". Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town of Soutbold -. "":Main Road "Southold, New York, 11971 "". , . ~ ':' '.-=,,"i .. ,.' lle:' Application of "Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton" for proposed changes ,of zone fTom "AU Agricultural and Rest- ',' dentisl to "M-l" GeneTsl Hultipl. Resi- , dence DistT:l.ct and "B" Light Business ,Diatr:l.ct, Town ,of Southold (SD-75-3) Public water supply and san1ta~ sewage Villsge of GTeeriport; 2. the number of emllps:l.tes will be limited to 162 incompliance '':+:-1'' District TequirelOOnes; , , , 3;, the buildings erected on Parcel II will be only those used 1.u con;,,'?'," nect1.on .nth transient travel traileT campgrounds; ~-, .j.'- .. ; ~~~~,~: ,".' - .: ;.'.'.:- .~!."" . ~ ), :'~:-~~-,{;'~{ -- -......,.. . ' ,"4. 'A 100 ft. landscaped buffeT zone compr1.s1ng 0.4732 aeres will be' , provided on the nol'therly pOTtion of the preudse8 as it frQnts on Hiddle Road (C.R. 27); and . .r_ ~.' ".:r ,. ~..~. ',' -;./:.: ~ ..;.~ ;-.~ 5. Queen Street is to be widened and tmpl'oved as per Town of Soutbold 8t>ecifieatlotul. "., Very troy yours, ,'.: .. :"'.:~:'~ :~ ':.. ~ .'-,.- ....., . ;.:' ~,--',' x,: Lee E. Kot>peh1l'ln .DiTector of Planning "'_1 .,i. ,," _v:! , .--, i' I' I ii, 1\ CGNlfp' cel Mr. Hr. by , Gerald G. Ne'IIIIl8n Cbief Planner "," , '", -;. .'';'' - ~ MaTtocChia, Supe-rvisor Wic:klwa, Planni.ng '~,: ..; . ~ " l' / .. .. DATE.~uly.P , 19' TOW!< OF SOUTlIOLD. NEW l'onK ACTION OF THE ZONJ;NG BOAIUJ OF APPEALS Appeal No. 2147 Da~d May 25, 1976 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TUIVN OF SOUTHOLD To Richard C. Wilton, President (Wickham & Lark, Att.) Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. 600 Queen Street, Greenport, N.Y. Appellant at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on July 22, 1976 the appeal \....as considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to pruperty ( X) Request for a speCial exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be granted ) be denied pursuant to Article ..... Section Subsection .................... paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( be reversed ( ) bl"' confirmed because 9:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) recessed hearing upon application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. by Richard C. Wilton, President, P.o. Box 89, 600 Queen Street, Greenport, New York (Wickham & Lark, Attorneys) for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article V, Section 100-50 B (5) and Article VI, Section 100-60 B (1) for permission to construct campground and trailer park. Location of property: south side North Road (CR27) and Queen Street, Greenport, New York, bounded on the north by CR27 (North Road); east by Queen Street; west by Village of Greenport, now or formerly Fenno, now or formerly Sledjeski, now or formerly Francisco; south by Village of Greenport. 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or un.'1ecessary hardship because SEE ATTACHED (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared' by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE ATTACHED (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because SEE ATTACHED and therefore, it \,,-a5 further- determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted that the previous decisions of tne Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. ) be deTljed and FORM ZB4 OF APPEALS SEE ATTACHED .. .. -l- OU01~0~ s1q~ U1 ~a~el a~~~awnua su01~1puOO ~q51a o~ ~oa~qns pa~ou Alsn01Aa~d s~ .B. pu~ .1-W. o~ 5u1uoz aq~ pa5u~qo P~~OB aq~ '5L61 A~W JO 5u1Jeaq 011qnd aq~ Ja~Je - pJ~OB UMO~ Ploq~nos .v 05U1:puoq o~ AIUO ~oa~qns aU~l u01~eJa1aoap ~ JOJ pa~ue~5 uaaq q +1lliJad e - S~~OM 011qnd JO ~ualli~~~daa A~unOJ ~loJJns O( ooouI 'spuno~5d~~ pU~1S1 5uo~ u~a~s~a ~OJ UO~11M OJ P~~q01~ lliO~J '9L61 aunr pa~~p ~a~~a1 ~ad s~ ~ualli~~edao 5u1Pl1nB pu~ pJ~og 5u1uu~ld UMO~ Ploq~nos aq~ o~ ~uas uaaq aA~q s5u1Me~p paAo~dd~ JO sa1doo pu~ paA1aoa~ uaaq s~q leAo~dde~ualli ~edaa q~1~aH aq~ - q~l~aH JO ~ualli~~~daa A~unOJ ~loJJns ol 05L61 '01 11~dy JO Ja~~a1 ~1aq~ u1 q~~oJ ~as su01~1P uoo aq~ o~ +oa~qns u01~eu111i~a~ap 1~001 ~oJ Ja~~~lli e +1 pamaap seq pu~ sam1~ le~aAas UOT+~011dd~ s1q~ paMa1AaJ :~q u01ss1lli~OJ aq~ - u01ss1illillOJ 5u1uu~ld A~unoJ ~loJJns 01 :~a~~em s1q~ u1 SM01 -loJ s~ pa~o~ aA~q ~uaillU~aA05 UMO~ pu~ A~unoJ JO sa10ua5~ 5u1M01 -10J aq~ ~eq~ spu1J pJeOB aq~ 'a~~p s1q~ JO S~ A~~wmnS UI 05L61 '01 11~dy JO Ja~~al u01ss1m -lliOJ 5u1uu~1d aq~ u1 q~~oJ ~as su01~1puOO aq~ u~q+ aA1~01~~sa~ a~Olli s1 p~~OB S1~addy aq~ JO u01~oe pasodoJd ~ua~~no aq+ aou1s I01~~u111i~a~ap 1eool ~oJ ~a+~em e s1 sl~addy JO pJ~OB aq~ Aq u01~ -daoxa le10ads pasodoJd ~ua~Jno aq~ ~eq~ 5u1~e+s '9L61 'll aunr uo p~eog 5u1uue1d UMO~ P10q~nos aq~ hq paAo~dde se pue s1eaddy JO p~eOB aq~ 0+ pa~uasa~d se U~ld pas1Aa~ aq~ paAo~dde '9L61 'l Alnr UO u1e5e seq ~uam~Jedao 5u1uue1d A~unOJ ~loJJns aq~ 'su01~e01J10ads Ploq+noS JO UMO~ ~ad se paAoJdm1 pue pauaP1M aq 0+ s1 ~aa~~s uaanO 05 . (Ll~J) peo~ alPpTW uo S+UOJJ +1 s~ sasTmaJd aq~ JO U01~Jod hl~aq~Jou aq~ uo pap1Ao~d aq 111M saJoe l(Lv'O 5U1S1Jdmoo auoz JaJJnq padeospuel "~J 001 Y "v ospuno~5dm~0 laAe~~ ~ua1su~~+ q+1M u01+oauuoo u1 pasn asoq+ AIUO aq 111M II laOJ~d uo pa~oaJa s5u1Pl1nq aq~ -( os~uamaJ1nbaJ +01J+s10 .1-W. q+TM aou~T1d -moo u1 191 o~ pa~111i11 aq 111M sa~1sdlli~0 JO ~aqllinu aq~ 'l O~~oduaa~~ JO a5e111A oOUI aq~ hq pa11ddns aq 111M 1~sods1P a5eMas hJe~1ues pu~ h1ddns Ja~~M 01:1qnd .1 U01+1puOO 5u1MOI10J aq~ q~1M aoueTldmoo o~ ~oa~qns u01+euTmJa~ap l~ool JO ~a~~~m ~ auoz JO a5u~qo aq~ palliaap q01qM 'uOTss1illillOJ 5U1uu~ld A+unoJ ~10JJns aq~ pu~ p~~OB 5u1uu~ld aq~ o~ le~JaJaJ Ja~J~ 'p;Eog UMO~ PI01.nnoS aq~ Aq (ssau1sng +q51~) .B. pauoz S~M sa~o~ l105 Ala+em1xo.:rdde JO U01~~od hl~aq~~ou aq~ pu~ .1-W. pauoz S~M sa~oe LS"Sl htJaq~nos aq~ '9L6t 'Sl qo~~W UQ oLl~J JO ap1s q+nos aq~ uo sa~oe vl hla~elli1xo~dde UMO +ue011dde aq+ ~eq+ spu1J p.:reog aq~ u01~oadsu1 pue u01~~51~saAU1 .:ra+JY "OUI 'spuno.:r5d~~ pU~lsI 5uo~ u~a+seg S~~ddY dO ITaYOg ~NINOZ gH~ dO NOI~JY J " , ~t.. II I I I I , , !I ,1 :j I ,! . "'III: . j' I, , , ;: i! I I ,I I I I, 'I ,I " II II I I I , .. .. 5. Southold Town Planninq Board - the Board made recommen- dations on the Change of zone and also made reviews of the site plans, including the final June 19, 1976, site plan of Part I, action dated June 21, 1976. 6. Village of Greenport - the Village has signed a sewage contract with the applicant and agrees to furnish water. 7. The Board of Appeals - the Board held a hearing on June 10, 1976, for a Special Exception and recessed the hearing until further notice. Pages 16-36 of the Board minutes of June 10, 1976, record the hearing. A public notice of the continuation of the recessed hearing is given in the current Town newspapers. The Board further finds that in addition to the above action the following individuals or organizations have contributed an understanding of this project for the establishment of 73 camp- sites at the present time known as Section I: 1. Building Inspector - assistance in all aspects of plan- ning including parking requirements estimated at 20,000 sq. ft. adjacent to administration building. 2. Southold Town Planning Board - initial recommendations for change of zone, review of site plans, overall re- quirements as to water, sewage, buildings, ~tc. 3. Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, Consulting Engineers - water and sewage layout. 4. John Jacobsen, Traffic Engineer - traffic count of ap- proximately 400 or less per hour on CR27 between 4:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. en Memorial Day Weekend. K.O.A. studies indicate a vehicular trip total of three (3) per day per occupant of the campsite. Usual check-in time is between 4:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.. 5. Richard Koopman - prepared a 36-page environmental stud] for the applicant. 6. Richard C. Wilton - a soil study noted by Mr. Wilton in- dicates clay under a portion of the site, which will re- quire sewer arrangements. The Boar, justice will use of neigr, be permanent Ordinance wi_ finds that the public convenience and welfare and served and the legally established or permitted -hood property and adjoining use districts will nol or substantially injured and the spirit of the be observed. THEREFO Eastern Long Street, Gree_ campground ar west side of following co' nally outli and interprL IT WAS RESOLVED, Richard C. Wilton, President, sland Kampgrounds, Inc., P.O. Box 89, 600 Queen '!rt, New York be GRANTED permission to construct a trailer park on the south side of CR27 and the cen Street, Greenport, New York, subject to the tions, which include the eight conditions origi- by the Town Board as well as additional condition :ions of the Beard of Appeals: 1. Tha, public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to t, ," premises which are the subj ect of this -3- .. .. -V- 'alq~o,ldd~ samooaq Z# uo,+,puoJ ,od 40,4M +~ '+~c~~3a~~ JO aD~tl,^ JO pu~t s~ 4+nos ~~J s~ +uat~A,nba ~o a8uaJ ~u,1 U,2qO '+ooJ 9 2 q+,M pa8uaJ q tt~qs X+~ado~d s,+u~o,ldd~ a4+ JO ~ap~oq Xl~a+saM a4~ "+uamd,nba 12uo,+~a~oa~ ~oJ sa~n+on~+s a62~0+s 112ms !sasn t~uo,+~a~~a~ ~a4+0 PU2 'tt~qas2q 's,uua+ s~ 40ns sa,+,t,02J t~UOl+23~oa~ ~oJ 6ulouaJ atq2+,ns !X+~ado~d q+ punoq X~m 40l4M 6u,ouaJ S2 qons 6u,ouaJ +,q,qo~d +ou 0+ sa~n+on~+s +su,~6~ uO,+,q,40~d a4+ san~+suoo 'P~20H UMO~ a4+ 4+,M Uo,+2+tnSUoo ~a+J~ 'sl~addu JO P~~OH a4~ 'uoa~a4+ pa+on~+suoo sa~n+on~+s ou q+,M sasn- l~uo,+ -2a~oa~ uado 0+ pa+o,~+sa~ aq LZ a+noa X+unoJ JO q+nos +3aJ 009 +u,od 2 0+ LZ a+noa X+unoJ JO q+nos +aaJ 001 +ulod ~ mO~J 6u,pua+xa sas,ma~d aq+ JO uo,+~od aq+ +~q~ "puoXaq +ou +nq puno~6dm20 "u"O'~ a4+ 0+ aOU2~+ -ua 3q+ JO ap,s Xt~aq+nos a4+ s~ q+nos ~~J s~ paAo~d -ill, aq It~qs +aa~+s uaano (SI~addu JO P~~OH Xq papp2) '2S 'Pl04+noS JO UMO~ aq+ 0+ am~s a4+ a+~o,pap )a^~d PU2 pa^o~dm, os ua4M PU2 s+uama~,nba~ X~M46,q UMO~ a4+ 4+,M aou2p~0002 u, +aa~+s uaano JO X~~punoq Xl~a -+saM a4+ DUOl~ d,~+s +ooJ Ll ~ aA~d pu~ aAo~dm, asuadxa rMO ~,a4+ +~ tt~qs s~aUMO a4+ 'sasod~nd ~~~d ~al,~~+ ~O; Joa~a4+ s~aUMO a4+ Xq sas,ma~d pauoza~ a4+ JO Xou2dno -00 0+ ~O,~d "+aaJ OS 0+ pauap,M aq 0+ pa~,nba~ aq II,M )m~s a4+ 'X~M46,4 UMO~ ap,M +00; EE 2 '+aa~+s uaano ~a^o ;aslma~d aq+ 0+ ssaoo~ atq2+,ns ap,Ao~d 0+ ~ap~o u, +~4~ 'paplA -o~d aq tl~qs aq,~osa~d II~qs LZ a+noa X+unoJ JO uo,+o,p -s,~n~ 6U,A~4 X8ua6~ aq+ s~ sa,+,I,o~J X~Mq6,4 ~aq+o 40ns ~o sau~1 uo,+~~alaoap ~o J;o-u~n+ alq~+,ns 'sas, -ma~d p,~s 6u,A~al pu~ Du,~a+ua salo,qaA ~al,~~+ JO uos -~a~ Xq ~nooo X~m +~q+ sp~~z~q o,JJ~~+ az,m,u,m 0+ +~q~ 'X~M46,q p,~s aq+ mO~J +aaJ 001 pua+ -xa sam,+ 11~ +2 11~4S auoz ~aJJnq p,~s +~4+ OS papua+ -xa-aq 11~4s auoz ~aJJnq p,~s +~4+ pa+~oola~ ~o pa~a+t~ 'pauap,M aq II~qs LZ a+noa X+unoJ +~4+ +uaAa a4+ u, +~4+ ! ptOlnnos JO UMO~ aq+ JO P~~OH 6u,UU~ld aq+Xq paAo~dd~ aq auoz ~aJJnq p,~s U,q+,M 6u,d~ospu~1 JO uO,+~801 pu~ adX+ aq+ +~q~ "uoa~aq+ pau,~+u,~m ~o pa+oa~a aq t124s ~aAaos+~qM ad^+ Xu~ JO sa~n+on~+s ~o s6u,pl,nq ou +~4+ PU2 auoz ~aJJnq pad28spu21 ~ S2 pau,~+u,~m sam,+ 11~ +2 aq II~qs mO~Ja~aq+ +aaJ 001 JO a8u~+s,p ~ 0+ LZ a+noa ^+unoJ 0+ +ua02~p~ sas,ma~d aq+ JO uo,+~od aq+ +24~ '+~oduaa~~ JO a62tl,^ aq+ JO pU21 p,~s JO aUlt ^~~punoq a4+ 6uOt~ pau,~+u,~m PU2 pa+oa~a aq 11~4s aouaJ adX+ +uat2A,~ba ~o ~u,t u,~qo +ooJ 9 ~ 'sa+ls ~at,2~+ ~o spuno~6dm28 ~OJ paz,I,+n s, +~oduaa~~ JO aD~II,^ aq+ Xq pauMo pU~1 a4+ JO +aaJ 001 U,4+,M pa+~8 -01 sas,ma~d a4+ JO uo,+~od XU2 +24+ +uaAa aq+ u, +2q~ '~aAaos+~4M asod~nd XU2 ~oJ sas,ma~d a4+ JO X8u2dn800 a4+ 0+ ~o,~d uo,+~~ado u, pu~ pal1~+su, aq sma+sXs l~sods,p aD~Mas pu~ Xtddns ~a+~M p,~s +~q+ PU2 'Joa~aq+ UO,+8,ps,~n~ 6U,A~4 sa,8 -uaD2 tl~ JO s+uama~,nba~ aq+ JO 11~ 4+,M X1dmoo t1~qs sma+sXs 12sods,p a6~Mas PU2 X1ddns ~a+~M p,2S 48,4M s~a -uo,+,+ad aq+ JO asuadxa PU2 +SOO atOs aq+-+2 +~oduaa~~ JO aD2tt,^ pa+2~od~00UI aq+ Xq pa,1ddns aq uo,+nl0sa~ '29 11 .J . S . V .~jz~ . Z .' . . --. " - . : II :1 Ii ~ .~'!'I!I"!I'. r... .. :1" ~ ': _ .,__~'W."'","",,,,",,~:~;li;"":"-M~~:'_'-,~Jrc'~'- . Ii i I I I Ii Ii i I I i I I I I I I i i , I II Ii I -: ~,,~.. "'1"'~~"'~'f'i;,<"".,.... .. ~ ~.' ~'~"-?~1)'~-:~~:."j",~", '~-'~"~'!~'i""."''''- .""""'''''''',:.'''.,-. "'_.= 'C .,"'..,...........,;<,;,",,_"'..:'....~_._ .. .. 7. That any use of said premises posed by Petitioners shall be for the period from April 1st year. a campground as pro. a seasonal basis on: November 30th of eac as on to 8. That said premises be used only for the purpose of of erating thereon campgrounds franchised by KampgroundE of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordi- nances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other authorities havQng jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on t premises nor shall the premises be used for any use e cept the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. CONDITIONS ADDED BY THE BOARD OF APPEALS 9. A condition of granting this special exception is thai the applicant's site plan shall meet all requirements of the ~ourist and Trailer camp ordinance, which in- cluces the requirement of a permit issued by the Town Board. Among other things, minimum requirements under this ordinance require camp sites shall be not less than 50 x 100 feet in area located so as to be readily accessible from roadways or driveways; constructed to a minimum width of 24 feet; constructed in accord with Southold Town Highway specifications. No building per mits may be issued until all requirements of Town or- dinances have been met. 10. A parking lot of at least 20,000 sq. ft. built to Town Highway Department specifications adjacent to the main administration building shall be provided. Vote of the Board: Ayes: - Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Doyen. I I I I 1 1 -5- . Planning Board .. -8- ~'21, 1976 Bayview, on map of minor subdivision, shown as lots numbered 4 and 5. If it meets with your approval my brother, G. H, Smith and myself who are the owners of this property, would like to use this property as one single lot, with the following stipulations: that we have Dermission to sell to the ad~oining owner lfrr. Howard Brown a small> portion to enlarge his property, approximately 20' to 30' leaving a 20' or 30' right of way to the one lot, also removing the restriction that we have to have public water. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, I am /s/ Daniel T. Smith The Planning Board is in agreement with the above proposals. * * * On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED to approve the revised map of Kampgrounds of America dated June 19, 1976 as presented with the exception that the lot protruding into the parking lot be converted to additional parking which will reduce the total number of sites to 73 as shown on maD and initialled. " The Pl~r~~ln~ ~oard would suggest that the pool and recreational structures should be north of the administration building. In the opinion of the Planning Board, the 600 foot depth of the buffer zone has been reconsidered and has been found to be inconsistent with the shape and use of the property. Therefore, we feel 325 feet is sufficient for a buffer zone. In our opinio~, these changes should be made for Section 2. This J' aDDrOnria"Le " " ' : ..', n'! is subject to resolving proble=:s with the -:0',,:, to dies and town attorney. Vote O' "" -- '--'"rd: Ayes: Wickham, Haynor, Coyle, Grebe, Gordon. * * * MOcion ~~5 =~2e by Mr. Coyle, seconded by T1r. Gordon and carried tha"c ej,e ::'2eting be adjourned. T>leeting was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /~) ~C/-d ~~/E/ Muriel ~Tush, Secretary .--------f~ /<' C ~ ..1 OIID vlj :lairman '- . . ~ " . .'. ... TOURIST CAMP PERMIT PERMIT is hereby issued to Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a tourist ~I' camp to contain not more than 73 units on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by land of the Village of Greenport; and westerly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. THIS LICENSE is issued pursuant to a Desolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on August 12, 1976, a copy of which is attached hereto and this license is subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution. r:?~.2_ ~____ ~.:i=unITH T. TERRY" Town Clerk ,~; t' .. .. :HAI. 0+ 'suoqwuoo pUB suua+ llU1A1.0nOJ aIn 0+ '.:raAaAl.oq 'pafqns 'Hw.:rad q:ms anss1 0+ papa.:r1P Aqa.:raq s1 '!.:ral;) UA\o.1. aq+ pUB '1,!safpalS pUB OOSpUB.:reI 'OUuaeI JO sPUBI Aq Apa1.saAl. pUB :poduaa.:rD JO allBn1A aq+ JO PUBI Aq Apdq+nos :llunIOg: JO PUBI pUB +dd.:r+S Udan(:) Aq Al.Ia+SBa : u; a+noH A+unO;) Aq AFdqpOU pdpunoq AnB.:rdUdll pUB l.<': a+noH A+unO;) JO ap1s q+nos dIn uc pa+BooI sasJwa.:rd uo sHun f:L UBln a.:rom +ou u1B+UOO 0+ dmBo +spno+ B JO uoqB.:rado pUB a:lUBuaW1Bw '+uawqsnqB+sa aq+ .:rOJ 'ou1 'spuno.:rlldmB2i PUBIs1 lluo'1 u.:ra+SBa 0+ pa+uB.:rll Aqa.:raq s1 Hw.:rad dUlBO +sFno+ V :SM.0'1'10eI SV G:!!A'10SaH Xg:aH:3:H S1.1.1 '3:HOeIaH:3:H.1. 'M.ON 'Ploq+nos JO uAl.o.1. aq+ JO apo;) aq+ JO su01s1AO.:rd aq+ qHAI. aOUBndUlOO u1 aq o:j. s.:rBaddB UBld P1BS q01I{AI. sllU1 -PUnq aHna:j.BS OAl.:j. pUB lluWunq U01:j.B.:r:j.S1U1UlpB P1BS O:j. +uao-efp-e aS1A1.aJIn :j.aaJ a.:r-enbs 000 '0<': llu1S1.:rdwoo PIau lluJJI.:r-ed -e pu-e o:j.a.:raq:j. wao-efp-e lood llU1UlUl1A1.S -e q:j.1A1. lluWUnq uoqB.:r:j.s1u1UlPB u-e :sHun f:L JO s:j.s1sUOO q01qAl. dUlBO :j.sFno:j. pasodo.:rd aq:j. JO UBld P1BS pau1lli-exa s-eq p.:r-eog: s1Q:j. 'SV3:H:3:HM. pUB 'PIOlnnos JO UA\0.L aq:j. JO apo;) aq:j. JO 001 .:ra:j.d-eq;) qHAI. a:lU-ep.:roOO-e u1 n-e 'slBaddv JO p.:r-eog: uAl.o.1. Ploq:j.noS aq:j. JO I-eAo.:rdd-e uoqdaoxa IB10ads pu-e 'UBld aHs aq:j. JO p.:r-eog: llU1UUBld UAl.o.1. Ploq:j.noS aq:j. JO I-eAo.:rdd-e aq+ paU1-eNo s-eq +u-eondd-e aq+ 'SVaH:3:HM. pU-e 'uoqBonddB P1-eS 0+ padsa.:r qEAI. p.:r-eaq dq O:j. AHunpoddo u-e uaA 1ll a.:raAl. suos.:rad pd+sa.:ra+u1 nB awq q01qAl. +-e '9l.6! '+snllnv JO ABP q+O! aq+ uo uoqBondd-e P1BS 0+ padsa.:r q+1A1. p.:r-eog: s1q+ Aq Plaq SBAI. llup-eaq onqnd -e 'Sva'H:3:HM. pUB 'Ploq+nos JO uAl.o.1. aq+ JO apo;) aq+ JO 88 .:ra+d-eq;) JO SU01S1^0.:rd aq:j. 0+ :j.UBns.:rnd '+.:roduaa.:rD JO all-eIUA aq+ .:rBau l.<': a:j.no'H A:j.unO;) pUB :j.aa.:r+s uaan(:) JO .:rau.:roo +saM.q+nos aq+ +-e pa+-eOOI aq 0+ dw-eo lS1.:rnOl -e alB.:rado Ol HUl.:rad B .:rOJ >\.:ral;) UM.O.1. aq+ qHM. UBld pUB uonBonddB U-e palU s-eq 'OU1 'spuno.:rlldUlB2i PUBIS1 lluo'1 U.:ra+s-e3: 'SVa'H:3:HM. . . , , I I I I) i J' /' ,,- /" . . I .: " .. .:. . . a. That the public water supply and sanitary sewage .disposal to -the premises for which said permit is issued shall be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the applicant which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be installed and 5n operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. b. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for camp~ grounds or trailer sites, a six foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of s~id land of the Village of Greenport. That prior to April I, 1977 the applicant shall erect and maintain a similar type fence along the entire boundary line of applicant's premises abutting the lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. c. That the portion of applicant's premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever except an identification sign shall be erected or maintained therein. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone shall be of the type heretofore approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated said buffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from said highway. d. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said premises, suitable turnoff or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall ;'be provided and construct- ed prior to the use of any portion of the premises for tourist camp uses. -2- .. .. -f:- ~91.6I 'IZ aunf uo p,:nlO8: llu}UUBld uM.o.!, Plo111noS alll Aq palU'e.rll l'eAo.rdd'e UBld ans alll llnM. aou'eHdUIOO U} pal'e.rado pU'e pau}'elu}'eUI 'papn.rlsuoo aq H'ells dUI'eO lspnol P}'es 'U}a.rall pap}Ao.rd as}M..ralllo S'e ldaoxa l'ell'!' '} 'sasod.rnd dUI'eO lSpnol .roJ sas}wa.rd alll JO asn alll 01 .ropd palaldUIOo aq H'ells :3uwunq uOH'e.rlS}U}WP'e U}'eW alll 01 luao'efp'e pal'eool suoH'eoupads A'eM.llll}ll uM.o.!, PIOll1noS alll 1l1}M. aoUBp.rooO'e U1 papn.rlsuoo aq ol 'ea.r'e u}laaJ a.renbs 000 'oz lS'eal l'e JO 1O1 llU1~.r'ed 'e l'ell'!' 'll 'ola.rallll'eluappU} pUB A.rossaoo'e sasn pU'e u}a.rall pau}oads sasn alll ldaoxa asn AU'e .roJ pasn aq sas}wd.rd dlll H'ells .rOU sds}wa.rd alll uo PdU}'elU}'eW .IO papa.ra aq H'ells sa.Inpn.I1S .IO sllu}PUnq ou pU'e JOd.ralll UO}p}pspnf llu}A'ell sa}OUallB l'elUdUIU.rdAoll .ralllo pUB Plo111noS JO UM.0.!, alll JO suoHBlnlla.I pUB SM.'el 'saouBU}p.rO alll JO H'e llnM. aou'ep.rooo'e U} "ouI ''eo}.rawv JO spuno.rlldUI'e)l Aq pas}llouB.rJ spuno.rlldwBO uoa.ralll lluH'e.rado JO asod.rnd alll .roJ AIUO pdsn aq HB1l5 Pdz}.rolllnB Aqa.rall S} nW.Idd B llo1ljM. .roJ 5as}wa.rd allllBll'!' ':3 'uoa.Ialll papnpuoo aq 01 SaH1A}p'e l'euoH'ea.roa.r uddo alll 01 l'eluap}ou} pU'e A.I1rSSaOau lUawd}nba pU'e saHnpBJ 'saouaJ alqBnn5 JO 'ea.I'e l'euoH'ea.rod.r uado P}'es U} aou'eualU}'ew pU'e uonoa.ra alll nq1lj -o.Id 01 10U S'e pan.rlsuoo pU'e papualu} 5} u}a.Iall pasn uallM. Ilsa.rnpn.I1SIl UI.Ial all'!' 'uoa.ralll paloa.ra Sa.IfilOn.I15 OU llnM. sasn l'euO}l'ea.IOa.I uado 01 pap}.I1Sa.I aq H'ells l.Z alno'H Alano;) JO lllnos laaJ 009 lU}od 'e 01 l.Z alnO'H A1UnO;) JO lllnos laaJ 001 lU10d 'e WO.IJ lluwualXa sas}wd.rd alll JO UOH.Iod alll l'ell'!' 'J 'Plo11lnOS JO UM.0.!, alll Ol aUI'es alll dl'eO}pap 'paA'ed pUll paAo.Idw} os uallM. pUll SlUaWa.I}nba.I A'eM.llllj:ll UM.Ol +aasa.Id alll llnM. aou'ep.IOOOB Uj: laa.IlS uaane JO A.I'epunoq ApalSaM. a.IHua alll lluOl'e d}.IlS lOOJ L I 'e aA'ed pUll aAo.Idwj: asuacixa UM.O sn l'e H'ells lUllOndd'e alll 'sasod.Ind dw~o lSFnol .IO} sas}wa.Id alll }O AOUlldnooo alll Ol .Ioj:.IC{ 'lllllual a.IHua sn 2uore laa} O!:i Ol pauapj:M. aq Ol pa.Ij:nba.r aq lUM. aw'es dlll 'A'eM.llll}ll UM.Ol dPJ:M. lOOJ f:f: 'e 'laa.rlS uaanb .IaAO sasj:wd.Id alll 01 ssaoo'e alq'elj:ns ap1AO.Id Ol .Iap.Io u1l'ell'!' 'a ,~ ~ " . . . , " .' . ... .. . . . the special exception use granted by the Southold Town Board of Appeal? on July 22, 1976; and the terms and conditions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold. j. That the fee for such license authorized hereby shall be $730.00 and any and all sums in excess thereof heretofore paid by the applicant paid to the Town Clerk are hereby directed to be refunded to the applicant. -4- .. .. .. PETER W. HARRIS Superintendent Tel. (631) 765-3140 (631) 734-5211 Fax (631) 765-1750 Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane. P.O. Box 178. Peconic, N.Y. 11958-0178 RECEIVED TO: Scott Russell / Supervisor Town of Southold UAY 2 2 3106 FROM: Peter W. Harris, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Soulhohf Town Cieri DATE: May 19,2006 RE: Width of Town Right Of Way on Queen Street There is a situation on Queen Street in Greenport that has been brought to my attention by the Southold Town Engineer's office pertaining to the present width of the Southold Town Right of Way, which is currently 33 feet wide. Back in April of 1975 an application by "Richard C. Wilton and John 1. Clanton" for Proposed change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "M-I " General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District, Town of Southold A letter written to Southold Town Clerk, Albert W. Richmond-Pursuant to the requirements of section 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on April 9, 1975 reviewed the above captioned zoning actions and after due study and deliberation resolved that said changes of zone are to be approved for local determination subject to compliance with the following conditions: 5. Queen Street is to be widened and improved as per Town of Southold specifications; .. On April 10, 1975 for SCTM # 1000-40-3-5 a letter from Suffolk County Planning for a Change of zone including conditions-162 units. On August 12, 1976- approved Town Board permit for operation ofa Tourist Camp, for 73 units. Conditions-improve Queen Street 17 ft (increasing Queen Street to 50' ROW). . .. .. PETER W. HARRIS Superintendent Tel. (631) 765-3140 (631) 734-5211 Fax (631) 765-1750 Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane. P.O. Box 178 . Peconic, NY 11958-0178 Cont. Again both the Tourist Camp Permit and Zone Change had conditions that required the following; " In order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town road, the same will be required to be widened to 50'. Prior to occupancy of rezoned premises by owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the then Town Highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of South old." It appears that the pavement on Queen Street had been widened as required, but the additional 17 feet has never been dedicated to the Town. It is important that the additional 17 feet ofland that makes up the 50 foot wide area be dedicated to the Town of Southold for future needs by the town for street drainage and for a buffered area between town owned and private property. cc: Southold Town Board Members, Town Attorney Patricia Finnegan, Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville , ,. . r, (..c- ( .. (J TOURIST CAMP PERMIT PERMIT is hereby issued to Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance an~ operation of a tourist camp to contain not more than 51 units (increasing the original permit on Section I, dated August 12, 1976, from 73 sites to 124 sites) on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by land of ~he Village of Greenport; and w~sterly by land~ of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. '-" THIS LICENSE is issued pu~uant to a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on November 9, 1976, a copy: ! of which is attached hereto and this license is subject to all of I the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution. Audd~'~r t/ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK .. .. .'" ~ \ af..{~ JO HP'lUaq pUB asn aln .r0] .ropadsUI lJu1P[1ng: atn JO aOUJo' aln UI :; 1uaurptBwB pres lJuV^,Of..{S dB1\[ auoz lJuwnng: P1BS JO Adoo B asnBJ (p) ,. 'O'lqndl pa[u aq Oa;)1JJO s,~l.Ia[J U.~\O.1 af..{:;' u1 :;au1ire:J lJunu .ro alU are.rBdas B Ul aWBs af..{:; a[n pUB u,,,-o.1 af..{l JO dBY\I auoz lJUIPnng: af..{l uo palBUB1sap pUB u,~oqs aq olluaurpuawB P1BS asnBJ (0) oUOQBOrlnndl. . . ~ I tpns .r0] .ra'dBds,Y\.au af..{l SB palBulJ1sap ,(qa.raq 51 q;),qM. .radBds,,\au UM.Oll :BPUJO aq+ u1 a;)UO paf..{5,Nnd aq 0+ :;uaurpuaurB 51q+ JO a;)llou asnBJ (q) .... Ut.'OJ, af..{+ JO 5alnlnur aq+ Olu1 pa.rc,+ua aq 01 +uawpuawB s,l[+ asnBJ (B) 'p.rBOg: I I :0'1 papa.rw ,(qa.raq s1 'l.ra1J UM.O.1 aq'l 'M.B"1 ut.'o.1 aq+ JO S9Z uoqoas ,'q pa.rmba.11 I i I I pUB IBAo.rddB s'l1 .roJ U01S51lliUIOJ BU1UUBld ,,+unoJ ~oJJnS aq1 0'1 uoqn[os~.r I S]:l{l JO .{do;) pauq.ra;) B Hlliqns 01 papa.I1p s1 Aqa.ral[ al[s pUB. aq 'l.1a[:) I u,Y\.o.1 al[+ +Bq1 .rapBttJ AlunoJ 'HoJJnS alll JO 0881 uOlloaS ollrrens.rnd I I I ! .raUlJ."Bur aq+ u1 pUB 01 :;uBns.1nd ':;Bf..{'1 03:.I\"10S3:B B3H.1BQd 51 .11 '1Bll:; 03:.I\"10S3:B B3H.1ID1d SI .11 puv ~ --J , " .' ., . , ~ .. . ~ ~ " , i I , 'I re . (,-, (e.(~) WHEREAS, Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate tourist camp to be located at the southwest corner of Queen Stree and County Route 27 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to th, provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, a public hear5,ng was .~ """-.., the 9th Clay held by this Board with respec of November, 1976, at which to said application on time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard with respect to said application, and WHEREAS, the applicant has obtained the approval of the Southold Town Planning Board of the site plan, and special except~ approval of the Southold Town Board of Appeals, all in accordance with Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, this Board has examined said plan of the proposed tourist camp which consists of 51 units (Section 'II) and 73 units (Section I); an administration building with a sWimming pool adjacent thereto and a parking field comprising 20,000 square feei likewise adjacent to said administration building and two satellii buildings which said plan appears to be in compliance with the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: A tourist camp permit is hereby granted to Eastern Long Islar Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operatior of a tourist cwnp to contain not more th~its on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally boundec northerly by County'Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land oj Bolling; southerly by land of the Village of Greenport; and west- erly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski, and the Town Clel is hereby directed to issue such permit, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions, to wit: ~'-'-----: .. .. ~. -2- "sasn dmEO +s1~no+ ~O~ sas1ma~d aq+ ~o U01+~od AUB ~O asn aq+ 0+ ~01~d pa+o~+suoo pUB pap1AO~d aq IIBqs aq1~osa~d IIBqs L2 a+noB A+unOQ ~O UOr+OrpSr~~ ~UrABq AOUa~B aq+ SB sar+rlroB~ ABMq~rq ~aq+o qons ~O saUBl uor+B~alaoap ~o ~~ou~n+ alqB+rns 'sesrme~d prBs~UrABel pUB ~ur~e+ue sel01qeA ~elrB~+ ~o UOSBe~ Aq ~OOO ABm +Bq+ Sp~BZBq OrJ~~+ eZrmrUrm 0+ +BqJ 'p "ABMq~rq prBS mo~~ +ea~ 001 pua+xe samr+ lIB +B IIBqs euoz ~a~~nq prBS +Bq+ os papua+xa aq IIBqs auoz ~e~Jnq rrBS pa+Boola~ ~o pa~e+lB 'pauaprM aq IIBqs LZ a+noB A+unOQ +Bq+ +uaAa aq+ ur +Bq+ ~Ploq+nos ~o UMOJ aq+ ~o p~BOa ~UruUBld aq+ Aq paAo~ddB a~o~ ...",~"w. -o+a~aq adA+ aq+ ~o aq IIBqs auoz ~a~~nq prBS urq+rM ~u1'dBoSPUBl ~O Ior+BOOl pUB adA+ aq+ +BqJ i"Ura~eq+ paUrB+UrBm ~O pa+oa~a aq_llBqs ~1S uor+B01~r+uapr UB +daoxa ~aAaos+BqM adA+ AUB ~o sa~n+on~+s ~o S~urplrnq ou pUB auoz ~a~~nq padBospUBl B SB paurB+u1Bm aq samr+ lIB +B IIBqs mo~~a~aq+ +aa~ 001 ~o aOUB+Srp B 0+ Lz e+noB A+unOQ 0+ +uaoB~pB sas1ma~d S,+UB011ddB ~o uor+~od aq+ +BqJ '0 "1~Sa~palS pUB 00S10UB~~ 'ouua~ ~o sPUBl aq+ ~u1++nqB sasrma~d 8.+UBOrlddB ~o aurl ~BpunOq e~r+ue aq+ ~UOIB eoua~ adA+ ~Blrmrs B urB+u1Bm pUB +oa~e lIBqs +UBOrlddB aq+ LL61 '1 11~dV 0+ ~01~d +BqJ "+~oduaa~D ~o a~BllrA aq+ ~o PUBl prBS ~o aurl ~BpunOq aq+ ~UOIB pau1B+UrBm pUB pa+oe~a aq IIBqS aoua~ adA+ +uelBArnba ~o ~11 urBqo +oo~ X1S B 'sa+rs ~al1B~+ ~o spuno~~dmEO ~o~ paz11r+n 81 +~oduee~D ~o e~BllrA eq+ Aq peUMo pUBl eq+ ~o +ae~ 001 urq+rM le+Bool ses1me~d eq+ ~o uor+~od AUB +Bq+ +ueAe eq+ ur +BqJ "q "~aAaos+BqM sesod~d AUB ~O~ sasrma~d aq+ ~o AouBdnooo eq+ 0+ ~or~d uor+B~edo.~r pUB pellB+su1 aq IIBqs sme+sAs IBsodsrp a~BMes pUB Alddns ~a+BM prBS pUB '~oa~eq+ uor+orpsr~n~ ~urABq sarOua~B lIE ~o s+uame~1nba~ eq+ ~o lIB q+rM AldmoO IIBqs sme+sAs :sodsrp e~BMes pUB Alddns ~a+BM prBS qorqM +UB011ddB eq+ ~o asuedxa pUB +soo alos aq+ +E +~oduaa~D ~o a~BllrA pe+B~od~oOUI aq+ Aq parlddns aq tlEqs penss1 sr +r~ad prES qorqM ~o~ sasrma~d aq+ 0+ lEsods1P a~EMas A~B+rUBS pUB Alddns ~e+BM orlqnd eq+ +BqJ 'B ('J ) ',--- ~) ) '. . I' (e. (,-, (e. ("';'J e. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet along its entire length. Prior to the occupancy of the premises for tourist camp purposes, the applicant shall at its own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the entire westerly boundary of Queen Street in accor. ance with the present town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. f. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 shall be restricted to open recreational uses witl no structures erected thereon. The term "structures" when used herein is intended and construed as not to prohibit the erection and maintenance in said open recreational area of suitable fences facilities and equipment necessary and incidental to the open recreational activities to be conducted thereon. g. That the premises for which a permit is hereby authorize' shall be used only for the purpose of operating thereon camp- grounds franchised by Kampgrounds of American, Inc., in accordancE with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction there of and no buildings or stru6~~~s shall be erected or maintai~ed 0 the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. h. That a parking lot of at least 20,000 square feet in area to be constructed in accordance with the Southold Town highway specifications located adjacent to the main administration build- ing shall be completed prior to the use of the premises for touris camp purposes. i. That except as otherwise provided herein, said tourist camp shall be constructed, maintained and operated in compliance with the site plan approval granted by the Southold Town Planning Board on June 21, 1976; the special exception use granted by the -3- .. .. -1]- .~ '-- , O+UBoTlddB aq+ 0+ papun~aJ aq 0+ pa+oaJTP AqaJaq aJB ~Ja18 ~Oili aq+ 0+ +UBOTlddB aq+ Aq PTBd aJo~o+aJaq ~oa~q+ ssaoxa uT smns lIB pUB AUB pUB 'II uOT+oas JOJ OO'OI~$ aq IIBqs AqaJaq paz1Joq+nB asuaOTI qons JO~ aaJ aq+ +Bqili o~ opIoq+noS JO UMOili aq+ JO ap08 aq+ JO 88 Ja+dBq8 JO su01+1puOO pUB SWJa+ aq+ pUB :9L6I 'GG Alnr uo slBadd~ JO pJBOa UMoili Ploq+noS ',--) " ) r--) ) II , '. . I ,I . 0 I I 11110 R c3is::J.,"Jce of 100 feet -1h,-:.r't-:'7)'(I.",'1 ",,'13J"] ;-......, ~.]l " , . '-...... - ~ - c::: \.irlles oe n1c.:nt:-~jnr.:d ;.:.S a I' 1 ~ - ~ - ( - d ~ ,.... Ii ,,~1,"~ .'C.p-e ,j""CT Z0;)(; 2nd t1o"t no IJilildir:gs or 51n1(:t1;"C5 of 2;;} type> II I " / 1, t' I.J ,,-. I I' I i I I i " .. '\ ''-'' ( \ ('-' .. CONDITIONS If ROBERT C. WILTON & JOHN J, CLANTON AND EASTERN LONG ISLAND I , I I KAMPGROUNDS, INC, change of zone on property situate at Greenporl Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, from IlA II Residential Residential District to "M-I" General Multiple Residential Dis- '- I trict AND "A" Residential c.\nd Agricultural District to "B" Light ! '-~- I II II ,I Ii I' " If II Ii Business District, - , 1. TJ~c..t p~blic y;a1.er SuT.J~)ly 2.nd s2.ni':~ary :,jo2 .. . -'::SpC'S21 "i':-. .se\'.'2.ge "[',remises -..,7,'nicn are the subject 01 thi S l"e soJutj OT:! be suppJ5ed Co:' ~.:-::e. inco..:.;~,: 2:ec \'ill2.qe of Greenport at the so]e cost &nd expense of "'..he p~::~jr-"D!2Y"S '.~! s2id y;"a1er s'GppJy and SE:\'..2.ge dispC:S2} systerns S}J2J] con-lply \'.-jth Rl1 0: 1'-,= ,:c2q-ci:r'2n~ents of all 2.~~encies l-~avL"la iU-~';~'~';C:7'l'Oll i11P""~"""'f' r'J1C' ",1_.-,,+ '-' 'c oJ - --.'-"- ~ ~_ _-'- '-.....'.., 0 ~"c:... ::"':~J d \-: c. ~ e- , , , Ii Sljr.;ply and sE:\?:age disposal systerns be irlstalled 2nd in opet'2\-jorJ I !i prior T(; -..: (lC:(::.)~-:3.ncy . - of the Dremises for c..nv rqJ'('{r"C::::'S "\",:\...r'';c::o~.,;c.r . v .. -~''-'-''- 1J...._ C;''-_. 2. Tj' ')1 .... "0 ~ :> - - J.~, 1 _.... _ , . ~ _ 1 :"lle t..,.enl L1cit. <:::..rJ)' pur1l0n 01 the pren11ses ]OC;:-~1~r..: \'. i~}-,iL } CJCJ :; ':21 of lh(: :10 O\\'JJed bY" the V:i1]-:l,-ce of Gre~",)oJ,.t ic:: ,.~~1J;"- (~ .:'(' y ... - '-5 '--'-.: _~ ~l.l. _L...'::"': .. .'... c:~:Jj;:.- 2j~O- ,!-,(:s' (11" tr, i Ii Ii p " ii Ii r s~tes, 2. 6 f00t chiin link Of' (-cuiv.:=']t:nt ~\,,~.p ....,:..."..,..'" ~ '~. 1.....- -. - - . _ .':<;2lJ ,", '.' , cr(:c''i(~c:. 2nG rn lt2in~d Edong the bC1"undary ljne of s2id 12.nd 0f ~:'e \ilL~g0 (1:: C !"(: (-:(~ >{'l't. 3. That the por~io!1 of tbe ).J1""0 r:n; se s - "~ ",. t" C.."." .:cJ<..tL.t.:'l1 ,0 LI;-,lj~.: !lr_<.:'...: 'l7 ~ .. .. ", "O~8...t;)1[+ re1-U<)p~::Hl~ pU,~ 1\:1:0SSQ;)::J'8 S8sn pus u10...Tol[ P81Jl;J8ds S8Sn aql ld;):)x;J asn ,\US .TO] pClsa aq sas,wa.Td Clln HElls .IOU SClS,UTu.td Cll{, uo pClpCl.la Cle'[ HBl[S 'u-rq..)n...l:1.S ..10 S~Lqpnnq au tBl{l pUB JO;),I8l[1- uon:)1P~q.ltlr BU1AB1[ S8rn...10qlU-e JCJl{tO ;-................ PU'2 P[Ol[lnoS }O' U.:':.\OJ, 8lI+ JO SU:Orrelll0~Ll p~, 51\\"81 ~S8;)UBU1pJ::o aq:j.. JO Ire 1.n1'\\ aOUBpJO:J:JB u1 ":JuI 'B:JLTaLU\f JO SPUt10.TEdwB}[ Aq PClS'l{:JUB.TJ SPUt'O.TEdLUB:J uo ).T<:l[l jjugB,Iac!o JO asod.Ind al[, .IoJ '\IUO pasn aq SClS1uE,.Td p,8S tBl[J, "B ".I,,8aA l[:J8a JO 'HOS .Idqwa,\oN 0, PT g.,dV UTO"'J p01.Iad aln .IoJ '\IUO s1SBq IBUOS1':aS B uo aq HBl[s s.rauonn2d ,\q pasodo.Ic! S1': punO.IjjdwB:J B SB SaS1Wa.Id pres JO asn Am, ,BlLL "I. 'U08.I8ll+ pa,:Jn;,suo:J sa_Tnpn.I,S ou 'n1'''- Sdsn IBuogB8.I:Jd.I uado 0, p~p,.I,S8.I I 8q LZ 8,no):I AWno:) ]0 l[,nos ,88J DOg ,u10d B 0, I.'G 8,no):I A+unoJ JO Tnnos I +88] 00 T ,u10d B WO.IJ jjulpU8...'<8 s8S1Ula.Td aT.j+ JO uog.Iod 8ln ,BT.j.L "g 'P(OT.j,noS JO Uf<\O.L 8T.j+ a, 8ures 8l[+ 8,B:J!p8P 'p81\Bd pUB p8o'\O.Idw, os [Cll!," puB,: s,UaWd.I1nb8.I ,\B'''-llil,q UA\OJ, U8ln all, q"A' 8:JUBp.IO:JJB u1 +a8.I,s uaa~.o '\ ' JO }':.IBpunoq ,\pa,S8'''- aln ilUO[B dp,s +ooJ I. I B 81\Bd pUB 81\0.IdUI1 8suadx;J UA\O .I1al[+ ,B [[BqS S.IClUA'O aTH 'S8sod.Inc! :lpBd .I8I1B.I, .IOJ Joa.Ial[, S.I;;U'''-O\ I I ",88J OS a, p8uap~,,,- I I I 8q m pa.I1nb8.I 8q tnf<\ 8LUBS 8l[, 'ABMl[ilTl[ Uf<\O.L aptA' ,OOJ SS B ',88.I1.S u;J;Jnb I I " I "pap,1\o.Id aq HBl[S aq1.!:JS8.Id HB4S I.Z 8,nO<:r ,\+unoJ JO UOtP1psun~ I I ~U1-,,-:el! ,\:JUaaB 8l!+ SB s8q1E:JBJ .\BA\l[B1'1 .I8l!,O 4:J ns .10 SelUEI uogB.I8Ia:J8p i .IO }Jo-U.In1. alqB"ns 'S8S1UI8.Id plBS ilU>1\88[ pUB BU>.I8lU8 S;JP[l.18.~ .I;JEB.I, I i I i I I ",\BlAqB1ll p,BS aen UIO.IJ +a8] DOL pUCl,xa saLU" lIB ,B HBqS 8UO'Z ' 8q+ ,(q S8S1illa.Id pauoza.I al[, JO ,\:JuBdn:J:Jo 0, .IOPd .I8AO SaS1wa.Id 8l[+ a, 5S8:J:J" 8IqB,~ns 8p1AO.Id a, .I8p.IO u1 +Bq.L 'S ... JO UOSB8.I Aq .In:J:Jo lBU! +Bl[1- Sp.IBZBl[ :JUJB.I+ 8ZElltU~ill a, ,BqJ, v .IClJJnq p~BS ,Bq1- os papu8...'<8 8q UBqS 8UOZ .I8JJnq P1BS ,-Ben P8,B::l018.I .10 p;J.I8,lB JO p.IBOg: jju1uuBld , I Cl,no1:l '\1-uno:) ,-el[1- lU81\Cl all+ U1 ,Bq, :pIOl[,nOS JO .tL"-o.L CltH I "'d q . i 8l[, Aq p8L"_O.IC1 B 8q auoz .IClJJnq p~"8S U1'l1-~A'\ <>u,aB:JsplI'''l JO : , ! 'pClUClp]:.\\ aq IIBqs 1.2 IOq,B:JOI pUB 8d,\1. 8l[+ 1-Bl[.L 'U08.I;;ll, P8U,B,U1'3W .IO pap8.18 8q UBqS .18.\;;OS,Bq."- I ! \ ~ .---..... '\ ~ q ! ~ ,'" '" " -, .....,.~- -."",..- .. .. era.cton of th. eouth_ . Un tb 'Mfddi. R;'ad, with the Westerly line of Queen ea. erly · OCid .point of beginning running along said Westerly Street. from sa 1 d 17 i line ot Queen Street two courses: (1) South 1 egrees zn nutes 10 'seconds East, 690.92 reet to a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Petitioners. South 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West, 361. 76 feet to land now or formerly of A. L. R. Francisco; running thence along said land now Or formerly of A. L. R. Francisco North 10 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441. 32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said lane! pf Leo Sledjeski the fOllowing two CO!1rses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 295. 20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; rUnning thence along the Southeasterly line of Middle Road North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 206.14 feet to the point or place 'of beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. . . and it is further fOllowing conditions, to wit: RESOLVED that the aforesaid changes of zone are Subject to the premi"e" whloh ore the "objeot .( 'hi. ru.loti.. he "'Pplied by tbe "o.rpor_ 1. That public water, SUpply and sanitary sewage diSPosal to the ated Village .( Gre~pO<t at 'he ""e <o"t and expen.. 'of.tbe petitiooera whloh "aid water "UPPly and "ewage di'p..at s""ems shall <omply Witb all of.the ..\ -'. requirements of all agenoies having juri'diotion tboreof, and tbat 'aid Waie, SUpply and "wage di'po..I system. he in"alled and in .perat!oo pri'r ,. the OCCUpancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. 2. That 1n the event 'hat any P'rUoo of the premI"" I.....d within 100 (eet .( the land 'wned hythe VltIage .( GreenpO<t is utlli"d (0< ""'P_ gr.unds .r trailor, .it.., a 6 (..t ohain link ., equivalent type (enoe shall he Greenport. ereoted and maintained al'ng the boOOdary line .( 'atd land of 'he VltIage of . ;Ie lei 1 I t. a distanoe .( 100 (eet the'''r.m .hall at all Um" he maintaIned.. a 3.. That the portion of the premises adjacent to County Route 27 Iandsoaped' buffer "ne aod that n. buildings .r str",lure. of any type r -3- .. .. .. -~- J 'o}a.lal{}lll}uapIOUI PUll A.lOSSaOO!! sasn PUll UIaJaq paupads sasn all}}daoxa 1 asn AUll .lOJ pasn aq saSlwaJd al{} rreqs .IOU saslWaJd all} uo pa}oaJa aq HllllS sa.lnpn.l}S .10 s2UIPnnq ou }lltll pUll JoaJatn uOIP!pspnf 2UJAllll salH.lOlllnll Jalllo pue PIOq}nos JO UA\o.L aq} JO suonllln:;!a.l pue SA\eI 'saoueUIP..lo alf} JO He lfHA\ '0 . '0 I f'!WI - JO I ClOUllP..lo:)oe uJ 'OU1 'llOpawV JO spunoJ2dwll)f Aq pasIt{oueJJ SpunoJ2dwllO uo , -a.lal{}'SU!}ll.lado JO asod..lnd al{} ..loJ AluO pasn aq saSIUtaJd PIllS }el{.L 'S OllS! U.ldV WOolJ pO!..lad al{} .:roJ AluO S!seq Illuosllas e uo aq l1ll11S s.:rauonna'd '..leal l{olla }O l{lOf: ..laqwaAoN Aq pasodo..ld se puno.rSdWllO II se sas!waold pres ]0 asn Aue }1l1l.L . L J . 'uoa.lal{} papn.rlsuoo .saolnpn.rls ou l{HA\ sasn IeuOneaoloa.r uado ol pa}o!.llSa..l aq LZ alnolI Aluno::> ]0 tnnos laaJ 009 lU!od II Ol LZ alnOlI lluno::> JO t{}nos }aaJ OOt lUJod e WO.l.{ SUJpuapea sas!waJd all} JO uOIl.lod al{lllll{.L '9 'PlolllnoS ]0 UA\oJ. aq} Ol amllS alll aleoIpap 'paAlld PUll paAoJdWI os uallA\ pUll sluawaJJnbaJ AeA\qSJl{ UA\oj:, uaq} atf} l{HA\ aoullpJOooe uI }aa..llS uaant> }O A..ll!pUnoq AIJa}saA\ all} SUOle dJ.llS l~O] L 1 II aAlld PUll aAoJdwJ asuadxa UA\O .l!al{llll IIlll{s's..laUA\O al{} 'sasod..lnd lIol'l!d ..lanll.l} .lo]]oa.lall} S.laUA\O atJl Aq saS!wa.:rd pauoza.l al{l]O AOUlldnooo O} ..loJold 'laa] OS O} pauapIA\ aq ol pa.IJnba.r aq 11JA'1. aw-es al{l 'AllA\qSIq UA\oJ. apJA'I. lOO] 'f:f: 'l! '}aa.llS uaant> .:raAO sasJwa.:rd at{} Ol ssaOOll alq'l!gns apJAo.ld ol .:rap..lo UJ l'l!ll.L 'S 'papJAOJd aq II'l!l{s aqposa.ld l111qs LZ alnolI Aluno::> }OuoJPlpSI.ln( SUJh'l!ll Aoua2'l! at{} S'l! sanrU-~llJ A'l!A\q2!t{ olaqlo qons .10 sau'l![ UOn'l!olalaoap . \ .10 no-uoln} alq'l!Hns 'sas!wa.ld PIes 2UJAeaI pUe 3UJolalUa sa[orqaA .lagll.ll ]0 UOsllaol Aq .lnooo A'l!W }l'nn SPolllZlltj' oUJll..ll aZ.l~!UIW_Ollllll.L 'v 'AllA\l{3rq PIllS al{} WO..lJ laaJ OOt pua}xa sawn Illl }ll Ilells auOZ .raJ]nq P!l!s l'l!lll os papuapea aq IIlllls auoz JaJ]nq PIllS leql pallloolaJ .10 paolanll 'pauaplN. aq II'l!qs LZ alnOlI Aluno::> rel{} luaAa all} UJ lllll} ~Plol{lnos JO UA\0,L atj'l JO P..ll!og 3UJUtrvlcr aln Aq paAoolddll aq auoz .raJJnq PllJ.' U'ftllJ.4Ol 8tqd'BosPueI JO I""' -. ~... ~". ;:"1' t . .. .. 1"'!r;,!J..'~:"","'I).f ~,'t. _ , ~ 0-. 7. All _ or IIOIices f viol' f _ f H' o. . a_ 0 law 0' municipal o,din . or ~. OIISUII ~ Bwlclincs. Fire. Lobor. Health. or othe~ orden or ~wre_n" noted ia or i..ued by the the same ~the ~ .al the d~le he_f. ....11 be compljed with by ~ MU;~~ Depar_1 -viae iurioclic'ioa.~- with an ~U.L_-'__.."'O"- of lhi. contracl ....11 ......we 'delivery of the L ':he ..... the pre_ ....11 be COII\Oeyecf i.:.i ~~ 10 make the ___ry seucha therefor. -.. reunder. The seller ahaIJ lumiaIr the ~ 28. The seller represents that the premises being sold hereunder contains 24.00+ acres upon which there is erected a 30' x 56' one-story frame buIlding used as an office and convenience store: a 27' x 45' one-story frame building used as a game room: a 20' x 32' one-story frame building used a restroom and shower room: a 20' x 45' one~story frame building used as a restroom and shower room: and a 20' x 50' inground swimming pool. All of which are being sold in an "as is" condition. 29. The seiler represents that the property being sold herein is divided into the following zoning districts under the building zone ordinance of the Town of Southold: 18.8717 acres zoned "M-l" General Multiple Residence District and 5.1273 acres zoned "B" Light Business District. Attached hereto as Schedule C is a copy of the Building Zone Map of the Town of Southo1d showing the premises being sold herein as outlined in red. 30. The seller represents the premises are also burdened by certain conditions which were imposed by resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Southo1d on May 27, 1975, a copy of said resolution with conditions is attached hereto as Schedule D. The parties agree the closing of this contract is contingent upon: the seller obtaining a modification of the aforesaid conditions from the Southold Town Board so approval can be obtained for 96 individual one-family residential building permits: and also conditioned upon obtaining approval from the Southold Town Planning Board and its Building Department of a site plan con- taining 96 individual residential dwelling units to'be placed upon the premises. The parties also understand and agree in order to obtain these approvals from the Town of Southold it will be necessary to obtain from the village of Greenport a contract for the service of public water and sewage disposal to each of the proposed 96 residential dwelling units on the premises: and this contract is further conditioned upon obtaining the approval and agreement from the Village of Greenport to furnish same" 31. It is understood between the parties that the purchase price contained in this contract is computed at the rate of $9,375.00 for each dwelling unit for which a building permit could be obtained. In the even~~he seller is not able to obtain approval for 96 building permits tnan the purchase price will be adjusted by reducing by the sum of $9,375.00 for each dwelling unit for which approval is not obtained up to a total reduction of 26 dwelling units. If building permits can only be obtained for 70 dwelling units or less then either party shall have the option to cancel this contract at which time the seller shall refund the down payment to the purchaser together with any accrued interest thereon. Any reduction of the purchase price pursuant to the terms of this paragraph will reduce the amount of the purchase money mortgage provided for herein. . 32. The seller shall have until March 1, 1989 to obtain all the approvals necessary to obtain the building permits from the Town of Southold as provided for in paragraphs 30 and 31 herein. In the event that the seller is unable to obtain approval ~ .. .. \., ''------ \ pue 'uoHeondde Ples JO leAO.Idde aql p.Ieoq slq1 01 2lu!puawwo:>a.I uonnlosa.I e pa1dope SL61 'Jo~ A.Ien.Iqa.!l pue '. ~ ., ~ l' ~ { ~ 1 ~. ~ ~ ~; . lOa.Ialll Plaq 2lunaaw e le pnog lJUluullld Stllleln p.Il!oq Sllll paS!^pll SL61 IdV pal1!p .lanaI Aq p.Ieog 2lulUU'B{d UMO.L PloqlnoS alll 'sv:;ni:1lHM. , .sUO!l'lloUloads PIOtnnos }O UM.O.L .lad s~ paAo.Jdwl pue pauapl^" aq o'j. s,! 'j.aa.I'j.S uaa~ .S , . pue !(L~ '11":)) peo'l:l alPp'!w uo SlUO.IJ l! S'II s8s1wa.Jd aql 01 uO!l.Iod AI.Iaqpou aql uo pap,!Ao.Id aq IUM sS.J:>e ~f:Lt.O 21U1Spdwoo suoz .IsjJnq pad'll:>spU'llllOOJ Oat v 't ; .' !spun0.121dw'II:> .laue.lllaAl!.ll lUS1SU'B.I'j. ql'!^" uO!loauuoo u'! pssn asoq'j.. .tIUO aq IU//\ II {a:>.I'IId uo palOS.la s21u,!pnnq aq.L 'f: !SlUaWa.l!nba.l PPlS!a "t-W.. qll//\ 10U'IIndwoo 111 ~9t Ol pSllWn aq IHM Sallsdwl!:> JO .laqwnu aq.L '~ ... !l.loduas.lf) JO a21'BtnA palll.lod.loOU1 aql Aq panddns aq IU^" l'llsods,!p a21l!//\as A.ll!l!U'BS pU'll Alddns .lal'B!" onq~ 'I :SUOHlpuO:> 2lul^"onO] aql tn!^" aotIendwoo Olloarqns uO!ll!U!Ul.lalap {'BOO{ .10] paAo.ldd'8 aq 01 a.I'B auoz JO sa21U'llq:> Pl'BS l'Bql paA{OSa.I SL6t 'Ot IPdV )al'Bp .lanaI Aq UOlss,!wUlo:) 2lU1UU'B{d Alune:) :l\{OJJns aql 'SV:1l'l:I:lllM. ; pU'll 'uO'!SS'!WUlO:) 2lu!Uu'IIld Aluno:) >\loJJnS aql pU'll p.Il!og .' tllUU'Btd UA\0.L PIOtnnos stn 01 pa.l.laJa.I Sl!^" uO'!lllad Pl'BS 'SV:3:'l:I:lllM. pU'B' 'sa.I:>'B f:L~t.S 2lu'!spdwoo tao.Il!d 'B l~,!.llSla 1l1sns: 1Q21lrx ..s:.. 0110!.I1S'!a {'B.Innnop21v pue {'IIHuap!sa'l:I .. V.. UlO.I} 2lul21ueq:> pU'll sa.Jo'll LtLS .St 2l1l1spdwoo PU'llI}O tao.I'IId 'B 1:11.llS'!a aOlla~!-sa'l:I a{d!l{nW {'II.lauaf) ..t-W.. OllO!.llSla {'II.lnnnO!.IlJv pue {'II!luap,!sa'l:I ..V.. WO.IJ lJul21ueqo Aq poduaa.lf) }O slJ'IIIUA pal'll.lod.lo:>u! <>ql JO lSaMqpou 1aa.llS uaan~ JO ap!s SS& aql pue L~ alno'l:l Aluno:) JO apls q'j.nos al{l uo paleool Al.lado.Id JO auoz }O 121U'Bq:> 'II .10] tL6t 'Sl .laqmsAoN uo 01 ti.lolM!;, UOllllSd papuawll AC\. p~Oqlnos }O UA\0.L 8tll }O p.I'80a; UA\0.L aql psno'llHad 8.101018.1.Q .:>Ul 'p~~~~~~!~U:~~ Buo'} U.1alsw:a: paw uOltret:) ,..: Ul{ot :-:- ~ - . i~ .,'.. ....,..... T :-'t'~H. .. '- ~., - " - . building peraita on or before March 1, 1989, then the r~baaer ahall have the option tOI close title a~ provided for i 1 tbia transaction, or obtain two six month extensions ere nJ cane. i h 11' tt to the aforeaaid contingency period by pay ng,t e se er s a orney au. of $12,000.00 in advance o~ each extens10n period as . dditional consideratibn which w1ll be added to the purchase price s provided for herein. Said sums will be held in escrow along ith the down payment. If the option is exercised and the seller is unable to obtain the approvals by the end of the second extension period, (February 28, 1990) then this contract will automatically be cancelled and the seller shall return to the purchaser the 4Q~n payment plus the amount paid for extensions and any interest accrued thereon and this contract shall be cancelled and neither party shall have any further claim against the other. 33. The parties agree to diligently pursue the obtaining of all necessary municipal approvals. .The seller agrees to make all applications in its name and file same with the appropriate municipal authorities. The purchaser agrees to provide all the technical and professional assistance necessary to obtain said approvals and further agrees to pay all costs in connection with the obtaining of these approvals and agreements. Such costs shall include but not be limited to surveyor fees, engineering fees, architect's fees, design costs, legal fees, municipal application fees, performance bond premiums and fees of the Village of Greenport for the hookup of public water supply and wastewater sewage services. The seller agrees before incurring any of such costs on behalf of the purchaser it will review same with the purchaser for approval, and once approved the purchaser agrees not to unreasonably withhold payment of same and further agrees to pay said costs directly within 30 days upon a receipt of a bill for payment. It is also understood upon request the purchaser or his representatives will participat~ with the seller in attending any meetings or hearings before the~,~icipal ag~ncies. 34. The purchaser and/or his representatives, as well as any surveyors and engineers that may be employed by the purchaser may go upon the premises for the purpose of making surveys or maps, and any other physical inspections, soil or test borings on the condition that the seller or his authorized representative will be notified as to when the work will be done and that the purchaser will reasonably restore the property to its original condition after he has completed any of the above work. 35. The parties, understand that the premises are unique and if purchaser def. "lts in the performance of any of the terms of this contract, ;; aer's damages would be uncertain and difficult to ascertain. A .:ordingly, if purchaser defaults in the perfor- mance of any of ne terms of this contract, then the down payment of $38,000.00 a1 ng with any amounts paid for the extension periods with any accrued Lnterest thereon shall be paid by the seller's attorney as escrv~ agent to the seller and retained by the seller as liquidated da"''jages for such default by purchaser, and seller and purchaser sh.dl be relieved and released from any further liability hereunder. Said payment shall in no event be considered a penalty. .~. 'j' ,.., '".f". .... . ~. .,..~... -'" ~"r"".~ .', .. .. . b~ard With respect to said application on the 27th day of May, 1975, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. be granted a change of zone from "A" Residential anc~ Agricultural District to "M -1" General Multiple Residence District to the following described property, to - _...'_ 0- wit: Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of South old, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825. 92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street; running thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street South 48 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 236.15 feet 'to land of the Village of Greenport; running thence along said land of the Village of Greenport the following three courses: (1) South o degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 917.17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 1011. 71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A. L. R. Francisco the following two courses and distances: (1) N th 5 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds East 273.89 feet; (2) Jrth 71 degrees 47 'minutes 40 seconds East, '505.01 feet to a I' cnt and running thence through land of Petitioners, . North 63 degreesl minutes 00 f.econds East', 361. 76 feet to the point or ,place of -ginning. Contamityt an area of 18.8717 acres. .! i ,i I ,. '. " and it is further RESOLVED that the said Richard C. Wilton, John J, Clanton and Eastern Long Island Karapgrounds, Inc. be granted a change of zone from . . "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District with respect to the following described property, to wit:. Parcel II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: -2- " " - , .--- rr=::\i;----- . .... '-\1 In -] l; '. . Iii W~..--,.-. ......'1 .< ", J DEC-t._ I~ SOUTHOLO mWN tl,:,b,i0_nt.;\!g,~95.R!L._..--, WHEREAs, 0 petlllon was heretofore flied with the Town BoOrd 0' the Town 0' Southald by ~Q.I;!IU'.t...~^..."i.~~lom...,..J1.9./).J;\..Mr....~l"'n.wD...it.nd Eastern Long Islahd Kampgrounds, Inc. requesting 0 change. modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part there.;!f by cha(lg- GeneraL ing from o:~_:o.~.~~.~.~~~~.i:_~.~_..~...~.';JDis't&t ~b1~~.L:'.~::-.~::...~.,:,:~.~~p.~!7. Residence District the property described in said petition. and "A" Res iden tia 1 & Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property described in said petition. and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Boord for its. investigation. recommendation and report. and its report having been filed with the Town Boord. ond thereafter. a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Boord on the ......,n.th.....day of ...........lI!?!Y............................... 19..?~... and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said' petition be. and it hereby is GRANTED subject to the following conditions. to wit: (conditions attached hereto). ?1. A _ _/ ..::; ~ ~~ ~ OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK March 29,' 1976. I I Schell! Ie. 0 approval of said application, and \ --"""",- .. .. -,. ..: ~': "'.f"'- .... .~' '-'(";'1,0.- -.. ~'r""- .. .. . board' With respect to Baid application on the 27th day of May, 1975, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. be granted a change of zone from "A" Residential anq Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multipl~ Res~d_e?c_e District to the following described property, to wit: Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town ofSoutbold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street; running thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street South 48 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 236. IS feet .to land of the Village of Greenport; running thence along said land of the Village of Greenport the following three courses: (1) South o degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 917.17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 1011. 71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A. L. R. Francisco the following two courses and distances: (1) N"th 5 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds East 273.89 feet; (2) ,-Jrth 71 degrees 47 'minutes 40 seconds East, -505.01 feet to a pent and running thence through land of Petitioners, . North 63 degrees .7 minutes 00 b~conds East, 361. 76 feet to the point or place of ,'ginning. Contami~ an area of 18.8717 acres. .! i ,; I ,- '. Ii and it is further RESOLVED that the said Richard C. Wilton. John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Is:and Karnpgrounds, Inc. be granted a change of zone, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District with respect to the following described property, to wit:. Parcel II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southo1d, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: -2- ~ .. . .. EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUNDS P.O. Box 89 · Greenport, New York 11944 · (631) 47i~~D May 5, 2006 MAY 5 2006 Office of Town Attorney Town of South old 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Sou'hold Town Cler. Ladies/Gentlemen: This map should be attached to our Application for Recreational Vehicle Park to show the required information at the end of the application. This drawing was prepared for another purpose, however we hope it will be acceptable for this application. There will be an outline with more details sumitted by Attorney Patricia Moore. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely yours, ~J~ Myron and Donna Goldstein .. . Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of Public Health Protection PERMIT .. To Operate a Campground This is to certify that Myron & Donna Goldstein the operator of EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUND at 690 QUEEN STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 Located in the VIlLAGE of GREENPORT in SUFFOLK County is granted pennission to operate said. establishment in compliance with the provisions of Subpart 7-3 of the State Sanitary Code and under the following conditions: (I) This pennit is granted subject to any and all applicable State, Local and Municipal Laws, Ordinances, Codes, Rules and Regulations. (2) Capacity 186 sites. (3) Required supervision at swimming pool is Level III. Effective Date October 01, 2005 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE ~~AP$H Permit Issuing OfficiaJ This permit expires on September 30, 2008 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Facility Code 51-6637 Pennit Number 51-6637 DOH-1320 (2192) 18-1725: 6199cg (GEN-129) . #7853 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) . Dina Mac Donald of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 ~'''', '"'''''''''''y, oom~og 00 the 4" day 01 Mav ,2006. %MOl (Vt~Q Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this 2006 5 ~{~0 CHRISTINA VOllNSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.Ol-V06105050 Qualified In Suffolk County CommissIon Expires Febn,lQry 28, 2008 day of .JdCUO' LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAlUNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds. Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to oper- ate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest comer of Queen Street and County Route 48 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets May 23, 2006, 5:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall as the time and place to hold a pub- lic hearing, at which time all persons will be heard, and be it further A more detailed description of the above mentioned application is. on file in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: April 26. 2006 BY ORDER OF mE SOUTIlOLD TOWN BOARD ELlZABEm A. NEVILLE SOU'IHOLD TOWN CLERK 7853- IT 5/4 . ~ SOU1,.ya' 4~JI~~ . . en '"'" ~. t!f ~ .;;:: r,f'cou~ . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (63!) 765-6145 Telephone (63!) 765-1800 sou thold town. northfor k. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD May 2, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Myron & Donna Goldstein My Don Resorts, Inc. 825 Queen Street Greenport, NY 11944 Dear Myron & Donna Goldstein The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting of April 26, 2006, set May 23, 2006 at 5:00 a.m., Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing on application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest comer of Queen Street and County Route 48 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold. A certified copy ofthe resolution and public hearing notice are enclosed for your records. Very truly yours, {;~I.~~~ Lynda M. Bohn Deputy Town Clerk Ene. Cc: Town Attorney ._r'":"' . . . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Eastern Long Island. Kampgrounds, Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest corner of Queen Street and County Route 48 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board ofthe Town of South old hereby sets May 23,2006, 5:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall as the time and place to hold a public hearing, at which time all persons will be heard, and be it further A more detailed description of the above mentioned application is on file in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: April 26, 2006 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 4, 2006, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times John Cushman, Accounting Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Members Planning Board Town Attorney KOA Kampgrounds . . STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of South old, New York being duly sworn, says that on the ;:;)~ day of ~"l~ .x. ,2006, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Tourist Camp - May 23,2006,5:00 p.m ~;./.v"o Qw;d izabeth A. Nevill Southold Town Clerk SWJm} before ~ ~day of'. ,,2~6. ~y~VI'\I-~ Notary Public LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New York No. 01 B06020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 8, 20 Q1. . Boa~;e~~'~APril 25, 2006 RESOLUTION 2006-385 ADOPTED Item # 40 DOC ID: 1753 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-385 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 25, 2006: WHEREAS, Eastern Long Island. Kampgrounds, Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest comer of Queen Street and County Route 48 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of South old, now therefor be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets May 23, 2006, 5:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall as the time and place to hold a public hearing, at which time all persons will be heard, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk hereby be directed to forward a copy of this application to the Southold Town Planning Board for comments. ~~"~h. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Daniel C. Ross, Councilman SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman A YES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. . . 631765-1800 Tele 631 765-6145 Fax Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax To: Pat Finnigan From: Betty Neville Fax: #23 Pages: 4 Phone: Date: 4/7/2006 Re: Tourist Camp Permit Application CC: [Click here and type name] D Urgent X For Review D Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle Pat, I received this application today. This was formerly the E.L.I KOA owned by Richard Wilton. I believe we treat it like a new application and hold a public hearing on it, etc. I know they have a site plan application in the Planning Board. Mr. Goldstein told me that the site plan approval was pending the securing of this Tourist Camp Permit. Please advise on how you would like to proceed on this application. . . . EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUNDS P.O. Box 89 · Greenport, New York 11944 · (631) 477-0022 ,,-5) b G C-.;:! ~C; / '8, 3 (C,../ /) 477- 0'2 SC.;(fc?5 j RECEIVED April 7, 2006 Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold Town hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 APR 7 2006 Southol~ Town CIeri Please accept our application for Recreation Vehicle Park Chapter 88 requirement. We purchased the Eastern Long Island Kampground in 2000. We were not aware of the requirement to re-apply for this Town permit. Neither of the attorneys or the former owner advised us. In our application for a Use Permit of our front four acres it was brought to our attention that the clause in the zoning code book states that the permit is not transferrable. We appreciate anything you can do to facilitate this. ,. ncerely yours, 1 , I' 1 ~ j/^".~'f , 'It! /I){T ?LZ)'-~C/~e~ / . Myron and Donna Goldstem -......r: . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER RECEIVED t1 fif I. 260. t::dJ APR 7 3lO6 . s:r=- t', ::- J, i F Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box II 79 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown,northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Soulholtl Town crerl APPLICATION FOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK . CHAPTER 88 To The Town Board of the Town of South old: /- /) _ I. Name of Applicant )~Y^C A.; A1v1'f) ,Dr/v;JA (::7ti L LJJ7f:7 IJ/ ))/1 j)~ ).,tYJI:1S, j""c. 2. Address of Applicant ~;(5' t;.;l.Ic-7::7v1 S-TKcZr,.~i<('EjJ/Jf'r, AJ Y lIy ffL 3. Locat~on of Proposed Tourist Camp 67' C 0'61 aN JrrCC Tf (')'(t:-p;Jr();e~ /JY //9'1'/ 4. Suffolk County Tax Map Number of Tourist Camp: 1000 - 1ft) -3 -5 ,.;;f- iteR E .5 5. Total Area ofland upon which Tourist Camp is to be established 6. Zoning District ofland upon which Tourist Camp is to be established 1t"0,<...) cJI- ~~..., ,~6 .{ 1l-k LP 7, Total number of sites to be provided within the Tourist Camp jg (; 8, Type of surfacing of all streets within the Tourist Camp ;3(.,-+ C k 10/ 9, Sources of water supply (when water supply is from a source other than that of a municipal supply system, applicant must submit with application approval of such water supply by the Suffolk County Department of Health.) ~r:Fd ~K ClUN7Y ~{f.ll-7C if. 10, Method of sewage disposal (If other than municipal sewer system, applicant must submit with application approval of appropriate Suffolk County agency having jurisdiction thereof.) G'ilR[??J pi! in II T I L I 77 ~ '\ r- . . . 1 11. Method of surface water drainage )J~ Tll/"L!L Li-JlJ D GMP/~ 6 12. Method of collection and disposal of garbage from tourist camp and frequency thereof r:"tJ~ N SIHI7JfddJ Dl/yrJf'f}-~fJ)lrs.~jJ/J(4'rH (;RK eMT/Nt:; 13. Name and address of person to have direct management and supervisor of the tourist Camp ,Jl 6 ~ '7 7) ~' ()f,' ,: :?S - \ ;5 )C; ) J1lCc-7 T c)"" .2 f ~ I )/ 14. Type and location oflighting system fJA- 17+ I~~i V 5 . 1~';(f;'ilJ ( (~(:,LJ0fb~T //TIL I TIE .5: 15. Type of screening to be provided <;:CTf3,f{I'{ f 1(Jlt--S ,41) FUll (;- c-X IST/~G FEfA!CE - .11f'rl/cA17c N . !J;41l1 /:4-L ~EG S(U<::(~c/'J/N(,. '/ I'i 7. /it1/fJ 'Nfl-o/1J6.s, ()/r fA.) So tI AJ rJ roZ Applicant must submit with his application, the required fee and complete plan of the proposed tourist camp, which shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer, together with a metes and bounds description of the property upon which the tourist camp is to be established. The plan must be drawn to scale and show thereon all proposed roadways and/or driveways; the proposed sewage disposal system; the proposed water supply system; the proposed lighting system; the location and dimensions of all sites; the location of all screening; and the size, location and dimensions of all present and proposed buildings and structures within the tourist camp. , Dated: 1/7!o (, . )y~ (. ? ') G J-Tl-' lJiZelJ'U.L-tC- Applicant Signature . 4/7/06 MYDON Resorts, Inc. (formerly ELI KOA) Goldstein, Myron & Donna Application for Tourist Camp Permit $1,860.00 check (@$10.00 per site, ~7) . . . MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE WCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) South old, NY KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair March 8, 2006 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Myron & Donna Goldstein Mydon Resorts, Inc. 690 Queen Street Greenport, New York 11944 RE: Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds SCTM: 1000-40-3-5 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Goldstein: As per our meeting on Friday, March 3, 2006, this letter is to reiterate that your application has been put on hold pending approval from the Town Board for the operation of a Recreational Vehicle Park as per Town Code Chapter 88. Please submit all items as discussed at the above referenced meeting. In addition, please submit a unit map (brochure) detailing the location of the trailer/hookup sites and tent sites. The Planning Board will be updated on the status of your application at the work session scheduled for Monday, March 13, 2006. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cc: File Mike Verity, Principal Building Inspector Jamie Richter, Town Engineer Kieran Corcoran, Assistant Town Attorney Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk