HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5814 , Board Of Southold . Town Trustees SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK PERMIT NO. p S$.J ~ p. DATE: 9~.t.().b<:rh.n,... 2003 U STEPHEN A. CUBELLS ISS ED TO hhhhhh.h....P.hhh.hh.h...Ch.h.......hhhPh.h... .h. h.hh...h...hh......h.. h.hh.... Aulqoritatiou Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York. 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of tha . State of New Yon: 1952~ and the Southold ToWn Ordinance en- titled -"REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBUC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;!:; and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on ...Qf.j;.QQgr....22, . 2003........~.. and in consideration of the sum of $..~.~.~.:.~.~...... paid by .. ........?~.e.?~.e..':'...':-~h...<:;~J.:>,,~l~......... ...............h...h..h...........h..hh......hh........................ . t. . of .........~~~.!~.!~.C;~......n........hh....h....... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions Gsted on the reverse slde hereof. of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the folowing: Wetland Permit to cut phragmites .to 12" and maintain phragmites tOl~" height up to the landward' point of the dock, which shall remal;n no less than 12".' and with the condition pictures are siWm1ttrr upon completion of the project and every six montlis earn :&:ordance with the detailed specifications as presented in . the originating apprlCation. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corf>Ol'atc: S~al to be aff.ixed. and these p~esents to be subscribed by a mlllority of the said Board as of thIS dat.e. . . ;f/i!:~:a:r-' , ~~~Q.l)~A<~~ . Art e . ster - Absent . Trmiul . . ..i. . TERMS and CONDmoNS Tbe Permittee Stephen A. Cubells residiag at 2475 Bay Ave., Mattituck N. Y., as part. 01 1be coasideratioa for 1be isS>'.~ of &e Pamit does l>~nd attd ptaalbc to 1be fol. lotriog: 1. That 1be said Board ol TtuSteeS attd &e Town ol Soutbold are R1caed from lAy attd all damages, ClC claims for damages, 01 suks arlslag dltecd7 ClC 1acIl.tecd1 as a ~ 01 lAy opet- adoa petfom>ed pmuaat to tbls petmit, attd che said p.. .1_ 1ri1I. at his ClC her own eq..,,~. defend lAy aOd aU IliCh salts.,,,;.loted by tbi.t:d patties, attd 1be said p...... !f1.C .- fuI1 Uahil/tJ wich reipect thereto. to 1be ~'exdusioo of 1be Board 01 'iiasttes vl1be To'RIi ol ~ 2. That tblsPetmlt Js'TIlid fOe a period of 24 mol, wbich Js Cllarl-\.-ed to be the ...;_."" time. requirallo complete che wod< 14~ but 'iboaJd~ wamat, ~ . for an -.ioa ma1 be made to che Board at a later dalIe. . 3. That tbls Permit should be rdaioed l4deflnitel" or' as loog as che said h...duee wlsbes to . _......In the sttueturC or I project 14,.olvec!, to provide mdeace to aD)'OIIC cnncemed chat auch- .oriZatioa was origlnall1 obtal4cd. 4. That &e wodc .hm>lTed will. be subject to1be ~ attd appron1 01 che Board or its agents, attd ooa-cxxor'I."O'" with.1be ptoTisioas vi che orlg/...fl~ applkatloa,. mqbe cause for rewcatioa of tbls l>emdt by ~utioa 01 the said Board. s. That thete will. be no UIICCUOlIIhle 14terfereoce with ....~ .. . resok vi che wodo: . betela aUtborited.. . . . 6. That thete sba11 be DO lmerfereoce with the right 01 1be publlc to pass attd npus aIoog che beach between hl&h attd low water marla. . :1 7. That if future operatioas ol che Town of South9ld reqaire tbe 1'CIDOft1 attd/ClC akeratioas . ill che location 01 che wod< hetel4 ..~"'\ or if, 14 che oplnlnn vi the Board ol TIustees, the . 1lVtk shall cause uomIsoubIe obsttuctlOCl to. free uviguioll. che said PmDittce wl11 be recpdRcI, upon clue IIOtia, to remove or. alter tbls wod< or project betela stated 'lrichout g.j..ellKI to che T_ . vi. Souehold. . 8. That che said Board will. be notified by the p.o.-I..... ot ihe cocapIedoIl. Of che work IUlh- odzed. 9. That che Permittee will. obtain .U ocher pe<mits attd c:ot><eP~ chat mar be requiraI ~ pIemetUaI to chis permit wbich ma1 be subject to revoke upon flilute to obtain same. .' ..:" ';> / . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 2003 Mr. Stephen A. Cubells 2475 Bay Ave. Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: 2475 BAY AVE.,MATTITUCK SCTM#114-4-5 Dear Mr. Cubells: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, STEPHEN A. CUBELLS applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of South old, application dated September 18, 2003, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on October 22, 2003, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, 2 . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of STEPHEN A. CUBELLS to cut phragmites to 12" and maintain phragmites at 12" height up to the landward point of the dock, which shall remain no less than 12", and with the condition pictures are submitted upon completion ofthe project and every six months thereafter. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months ofthe date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: None Very truly yours, ~9~.t}. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms tP ~ >l~ ~~ C M .- \- "'- ... tv S1' Ul OJ. PIeR FNC. O.5'NCl. ~1Il;' fNe. MERCURIO 2,0 No. N67"26'50"E x D ;.. 342.95' ,,; x x J 2'No 7 D ....No. \ -. x~ - - .P ru~ &SeJ _ x f rt-~jri-4e.! fD Cu.-t ~tTrp~)'lI:h -tD I'd" l-te,"~\i+ Q, J. "'- ~LI o/w --.J Z \ ( ~ ~. \\ .~ t.\ ~ .e.' SH.... 'CS, \ \ ~ J I / JZ/; ( '\ CONe. STOOP C,E. 25.S' l" Q. - CONe ... STOOP 17.8' .,'" .. " ",::I '" 0 "'. u, ~ ".3' 1.. .. l" FR. 0 -. DECK 24..:r 16.2' FR. DECK FR. N con ,6,GE ... :.. A.H.W.M.6: T.W.L J/2II/03 ..... q.) V, ,41 , - I;;; .If) <0 o C/J /.J.eijh1 /}re c.. -1-0 e.e .. C-tA. -I- I;' .Aprro~. ~I'f f~~/J; " ....-- ltrc.jWJ/-kJ S66'38'30"W 28318' N/F STANLEY ~ o . 'os> "'. f1;D. ell 7- '" .. ,.".r .1>\ "'. '2\, ~ ~~ FND. CM CERTIFIED TO: ~ '& '", ... STEPHEN CUBELLS KAREN CUBELLS CHICAGO TITLE INS. Co. ~ ~.\ 'b, ~ HSBC MORTGAGE CORP. (USA) ROCHELLE PLACE 0.87 +/- REV. 4/04/03 ADD BAN SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP 1000-144-04-05 DATUM - JOB # 203107 E OF WETLANDS, RiGHTS-OF -WAY, AND/OR ANY NOT SHOWN, ARE NOT GUARANTEED 37920 +/- S.F OR ACRES ('Sf GRAPHIC SCALE D~ s..& 20 I 80 I '80 I '" I ( IN FEET ) I inch ~ 40 It. DESCRIBED PROPERTY situate of SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK SURVEYED MARCH 29, 2003 BY TECHNICAD LAND SURVEYING, P.C. PAUL W. WERLER, L.S NY5 LIC 049875 126 UNION AVENUE CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 (631) 878-2847 rAY 1r.':;'_~!':':I_,,_~__ ~.~r" I It) II 5/C)3 uP · . {'U f.;-tLLo . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the South old Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, October 14, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Don Wilder, seconded by Tom Schlichter it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit application of STEPHEN A. CUBELLS to cut phragmites to 12" and maintain phragmites at 12" height. Located: 2475 Bay Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#144-4-5 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because cutting the phragmites would be destroying the wetlands. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ':"-'t;{,,;,,<'\"':":;::C'~~~~~~~~~k~$~~~;~;:;""1:;:~:;c~-;.- r . ',,*, -:;" ~"..,-"~-- :~::;;r,s't:,,'~':':"~-j_'" -;:::~T'~~;~:::~r:;>;,'\~f)....~~_"~:j~~~._" =vii~~""-~"!!f.~~1' .. 1. Agenc.y .. r' nlPrecinct I , ' New York State _'I J.ORI I,.[J O"g ~ ~: Nt 3 t. r 16. Incident No. .Soma 1..1 \';w...J '&v' INCIDENT REPORT NYS-JS-~ o Supp 1. Report Day 8. Date 9 Report T'me Ol;(!.ii'ted 10.DdV 11. Date 12.Time ()(~f'ted 13. Day 14. Date I;~~' (, '/~ "ji O~ On6wm- fjZ ) Il/ 10] /d/~ TGi' f-!,.. '9 1'1 f?? I I 10/3 ....",.. .: III !tc l~d:~pe 0, ~ ~ 17, Bu~jne5~ Name 18.Weapon(i) A. ... V'O (",-1/.., 0 I'~;,'~~ i 1;j::'::;:-;]';'~;t'''':JUEd9 NO Apt No_) 120.Citv,State,ZiP(OC or o Vl . m1f7Trl0c j . jjfF:flOt; ';;....HiiI'Y ;'Iuii.c Y,," ....<At.. DEG ATT N~"". ...;;: : '''C.' :.~. 23. No. 01 Victims C. rc. ']7-33 L/ /IN ",~<",_J F~I't"'" if I 1 , 24. NO. of SInpKts '13 3 ;"~iJl!e,(g. _nt:QI~Qt"ei"~_~tntervi~.(f~;fenonReportlng Wt Ii WltMu HI .~~~"leIrfd'Nf .VI~ ',,,: "". r26.Vietim also complainant OYON ,. '" r~ I..' .,' ....'1t'!"~(LA .' ; l'l',' P',~' D.....qf .. STREET NO., STREET NAME, BLO<i/~';An;"~ CITY, :''''~~~; ZlP'./ > , . .., T~,'4lfNO. . z Birt~ 0 t!", '/ /J Vt:' '.'" F. '" oT C'" t3.e.IIS ;2'17') /hJQ7T,,-ft,c A: '" 5Tc vt:'-JJ 12.-12.,(.) ."""'......cc w 0. / .'i." . 0 G. w ..... ;. .. .. V ......... H. 0 '" . .... ',\n .. .... ..., I. ........." :> 27. Date of Birth I 28. Age 29. Sex 30. RacE! ]1. Ethnic 132. Handicap 133. Residence Statu~ 0 Temp. Res. - foreign Nat. J. ~ I.... I I IR~ OF o White 0 Black 0 Other o Hi~nic 0 Unk. DYes B ResIdent B Touri~t OStudent Pe Other o Indian 0 Asian DUnk. D Non-Hispanic o No Commuter Military 0 Home eu 0 Unk 34.TypelNo 13S. Name (last, fll'$t, Middle) 36. AliasINicknamelMaiden Name (La~t. first, Middle) 37. Apparent Condition K. Z '~q"0 o Impaired Drugs 0 MentalOls DUnk. 0 o Impaired Alco o Inj I III 0 App Norm '" '" I 39.Phone No. 40. Social security No. w 3B. Address (Street No.. Street Name, Bldg. No.. Apt. No., City. State. Zip) o Home l. 0. ..0 D Work ~~ 41. Date of Birth I 42. Age 43. Sex 44. Race Ii" ,th,,, 1'6.'ki' 147. "',.polio, 0.'" M., I OM OF o White 0 Black 0 Other o Hispanic 0 Unk. 0 Light 0 Dark 0 Unk. ,;.)i i M. "'W .. ::>'" Ou o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. a Non-Hispanic 0 Medium 0 Other ,f "'~ 15S. Add(es~ i3 48._Heightl :c, 49. Weight I 50_Hair 51 Eyes 52.Gla~ses 53. Build I 54. EmployerlSchool N Z .. .. . , o Yes 0 Contacts o 5mall 0 Large V; o No o Medium '" :ii 56. Scarsl Marks fTattoos (Describe) 57. Mise. ~ ~ !t\I' ....~,or setialNO; . .....p.;ai....... . .. . . ..... . , M_ ""', . ,.,.. '" . , ,. GJ .. '" S9.Vehide 60. License Plate No full 0 61. State 62. Exp. Yr. 163. Plate Type 64. Value . '" IJ .. 5;~~0vj Partial 0 0 '.. '" .. 65.Veh. Yr. 66. Make 67_Model 168. Style 169_ VIN. E] I. .;. 70.Color(s) I" Towed By: 172. Vehicle Note~ EJ To: GJ 73, /55V1L-- U ,!?7/, C...,,6e//c S" 1?>i-7'A/ r.cL 2o~~ A,..J./ 79- CO ~oT/c- €' ()r {,/ 10 {. r9-71tJAJ r",r /-t::J/Z K ~"'ro""..., rcY t...../-,JL ~ /d" / Or" A V;clAC A/ rTC-""~.J OV~".rf- "" /b_n-. .--r- EJ ... ,. 0 ;:: ,f .. '" l.//~ 0 '" .. ILI'1 - z .G:J w 74. Inquiries (Check all that apply) 75_ NVSPIN Me~~ge No 76_ Complainant Signature I." 'Ir"':f. ,. o DMV 0 WantlWarrant o Scofflaw ;:: DCrim.Histofy D Stolen Property o Other "\de.C~. .. [BO.ID No. '" 77. Repo~7;j5;7:nkJ~ ___ .178 to No 79. Superlli~or'~ Signature (Include Rank) .. 84. '" /1 5'~ .,0-/ 2: t'age :ii 81. Status o OP;O(3'C1osed (If Closed. check box below) o Unfounded 18'-)"'1'"<=( 83. NotifiedfTOT of 0 o Viet. Refused to Coop o Arrest 0 Pro~_ Declined o Warrant Advised I if? .. DCBI a JUII. -No Cu~tody o Arrest-Juv o Offender Oead o Extrild Dechn [jO""riknown Pages 005-3205 {2/971 'FALSE STATEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CRlME. PURSUANTTO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW. -~'T-;,;;::;--~~:~~:.7f'-~"'",,)~::= :~':::~0~~'~:;;""~""~:-, :~':*'>-:'o I '/ / /. . ....".. .f . -.- .."- "'lWlt~'~~' - ,"/J,r ' t'" ."./ C ,'--. ~.~ ' -'7 ~'~,- '~JT~'~ M.,. .;""'~.. -. NOTICE .'*; ",. ~r-.l_ ~";J,.i,;;;,__~~"';;'~- 'n .~~:.,- - .. - Police Dept. - Bay Constable lbwn of Southoldl ;., ...,. ,.-:-.....-.::;;..,.,-..; Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE" OF ~OLATION Date: 7/Y~3 Th: 57[I)c-~/U (! JtleJJe; (Owner or authorized agent of owner) Address: :J -" ..~ (/6-- // .-A L " (Address of owner or authorized agent ,9f'Owner) 1" . Please take notice ,there exists a Yiolationof the Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter 97 . Article II, Section 97-20 a premises hereinafter described in that c.' Y4/t /N" -1/J S- , c..,.;:r,j J J ''% / oJ , ' ~(c' /1/ ,"/71 J'" /,1 <:>' [, /" /-] ~~ //1.>,..7" C/4/....J , ,~ . J ~r de -r; .4-> ply with the following: 57';;>.I',I? / / f- eM' L . I :,,/C;.->. ~/,J r~ /z1 ~ ... You are therefore directed and ordered to co Y' IIV ;/ t./i/J4j ~/ /ltTlo.?, I I/l/fSjl"'/5 yfi'/N;O?/Vf /' /#;,' r d:-. ;A/ --I-- ?J./I T7:- &4J/L/c.. ~ on or before the <-/ 2. day of 'r7~J:, ,20 tJ 3 . / Tb.e premises to which this N;otice of Violation refers are situated at: YV>)~. ~1.d{/~ //7P:/~.11r ~ Town of Southold, Suffolk CountY, NY (Suffolk County Thx Map Designation: Dist. 1000 Section: >' Block: Lot: ) " ,j. i . 'j j07 . Ftjure to Comply with the applicable provisions of the law may constitute an. offense pqnisQ. ....iab. ,.le. bY..' ~..~.' .'. or Imprisomnent ol'both; NOTICE: You have the right to apply for a hearing befor.~~<<'~l'aQf 1tustee~ of the Town of Southold, provided that you file a written request with the Clerk cIlile 1h1stees within 10. days after service of the Notice of Violatiol). Such request shall have annexed tl1ereto<ioopyoJ;the Notice of Vjnl~n upon which a Hearing is requested and shall set forth the reasons why such' notice of viol~,. tion sHOuld be modified or rescipded. ' ',.dy . ~ _.~ ,A'. /~ ,.1.'~/p4?L7.. . .. r t'.:/- /' ",. .c----:. ..... Bay Constable.1bwn of Southold, NY 1 {./ ..& ",', - " I, . . I I I I ! [I. ~ 'J J) J To In of Southold Suffolk County, NY k 2080 - .. . TIle People DIllie Slate of New Yorho, :lASr NAMe iDEFENOAMi.. FlASr NAMe - (.....;.. .J.--;- / f-. f/ ..,J .f STREET -. crrv-"'/ 'f '/ .~ - I /),-l--;r;:~..i ." l "'lXl<E_ ~/ J,.)( I APT. NO. STATE , .. r I I I STATE /,,'''; ~ <.. , I PlATEN<> STATE o N.Y. ON.... o N.Y. ON.J. 0 - PlATElVPE OPASS OCOllt.t Q "'-""" o D<XlGE 0 ""'" 0 <>Ev '0 CAIlouAc O~ 0 ""'" 0 CUlS 0 Pl.'" 0 TOvorA 0 """" 0 BODY" 0 2llA 0 <OIl 0 BUS 0 MCy .u s.w. """ 0 """'" 0 -.. 0 VAN 0 - ... ....... Per """"''''''''''''' o """"'- .t/,: ,/,/(-- /"-;"'_ FACTI.lAl..PAFlT(NOTfORTVBI ", I...J. llE""""-'OllE>ENlwrrDlOCHllESTATED......__PlAC< .,~"" F//,- ""'" ~:;;. k ",-1/,,; I~~.f '0", >l.:.:_>/ {l'{::r(O.rl ..,<".1n. ,.}._.<;...., n.~lt'-eclon(per.,.,.,~J~~''*Ml).........l.d..... ./ ( ~ ., -".. - ~~Jd I {/ :: CONTACT COURr 0 PARKIHG SOEl:lI..leo FINE S CH/ ntE PERSON DESauB8) A80VE IS SUIIMONED TO AP'PEAR AT SOtmtoto TOWN .fUSnce COURT, S30es JlOU'rE25. SClUTHol..o. NY '1111 ~i~-;-" 72S),.) ] AT ;::~ ("'1- ......aTA.talBrn1:f&laNNlE~ASAO.ASI,,_~..Dt~101IECnCIril2IG.41ClF1IEP.l.JtY... cor- WWfl' ,_."" .;- "'TE ~-' -. /n,-/ COpy I ! i f f I I I I I I ,. I I ~ . . .f AlbertJ. Krupski, president~, James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 30, 2003 Dwight Isacksen 551 Shore Drive Oakdale. NY 11769 Re: Stephen Cubells 2475 Bav Avenue Mattituck. NY SCTM#144-04-05 Dear Mr. Isacksen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held May 21,2003. RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve an Amendment to Permit #4291 to extend a 12 foot ramp and attach up to a 6'x20' float, two six inch pilings to hold the boat in place - as per plans submitted - May 29th, 2003 - transfer Permit 4291 from Joan Halligan to Stephen Cubells This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. Sinc.JJfe.e~l. (J. ~I" /~~~ Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:cjc Cc:DEC ~. . - Town of Southold, Board of Trustees PO box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 May 18,2003 MAY 2 3 2llO3 Dear Town Board, IGutIlold TOWI loan! 01 Trustees We recently received notice that our new neighbor, Stephen Cubells, is seeking permission to build a very large dock, SCTM#l000 - 144-04-05. We object to the size of this proposal; we feel that this project is too large for this area and that allowing a project of this size binds the board to allowing us and anyone else on James Creek to build a similar project. Mr. Cubells has a shallow water dock. He is seeking to extend this dock out into the dredged channel for a total of 123 feet (80 current feet, 30 feet extension and 13 feet piles = 123 feet.) We believe this huge dock will make the area look like a marina. There is already a marina diagonally across the creek. We do not need two. Again, we object principally to the size of this proposed dock and hope that an alternative plan can be accomplished. Yours truly, CiJdL _A: :r '/fI. ~ Frederick M. tanley and Dale A. Hanson Stanley 1001 Hancock Ave. Franklin Square, NY 11010 E ~ MAY-20-2003 rUE 04:25 PM rHI~D HOUSE . > FAX NO, 121229435 p, 02/02 I SALT LAKE LANE ROCHELLE( PLACE( MATTITUCK N.Y. 11952 May 20 2003 Ref; STEPHEN CUBELLS SCTM#1000-144-04-05 TO T.!:!!:..BO~~}> OF ~RU~TE~S, T()\1VN o!:. SqUTHOLI?..: Our family has lived on Bay Avenue, Mattituck since 1990. Our property lies next door but one [Q the applicant's, and we have a view over the Creek. We have read Mr. Cubell's Proposal to extend his dock. If Mr Cuben extends his dock as he has described, "extending it by 30', installing an 8'x 30' float, and instal/i'lg 2 outboard piles 13' from the float"- will this give each homeowner [hat borders the Creek, (on both sides) license to do likewise? If this happened, the Creek would rapidly resemble a Marina, with the accompanying water pollution and gas fumes, The James Creek is not very wide. We feel that if the Board of Trustees allow the proposed dock extension, the character of this working waterway will he irrevocably changed. For these reasons wc oppose this extension, sincerely ~~~/f/l~ Caroline Bowyer and Murray Greenfield - MAY-20-20Q3 TUE 04:24 PM THI~D HOUSE . ~ FAX NO, 12125229435 . p, 01/02 1185 Avenue of the Americas 27th Floor New York, NY 10036 MAGAZINE '. 80 1rR. /? OP IR. ~ TlZ"E" r Ttnwr ~ SlhD/.J DATE: tilt- Y '2..0 --03 TO: PHONE: 6 ? I 76S- /&'1'2- FAX: 0 '3} 7 h S" {." k u r< G- .- R.t:P GU B eu....f S C TM tF /006 - Itr'f -04- os FROM: SOW1Ek/ , ~P1e1J? PHONE: Z-J2- 5~2- '1'f6,f. ~ FAX: 212.522.1754 PAGES: 2- c- N T , Field Inspectio' 5/14/03 . . ~~~ 6() cC~ , .J.,(~-tf . .,." -/- c " <3' .y v ~ \ 11 ~ ,. ~'\.>c.. -t-..t:f.l +- -.,l ~ ~v'~ > nJ C :::: '-~., 1 -.1> ---<. -') ,~ ~;J w r c. - ; ~ "- - I- ~ !I if ..... 00 ~ '\\\ -r". \ t- \ \1 '" < ,,' <::/ \~,1, ,.' ~: (\~ ~ . ~I ,.... ~: , --~- .. (: I ,~: ,~: Cj ~, ... ',"I "'-( ,'\ ,- o \ I ~" ~."\ o 0 "I " ~ '\1 CD .\\ ,\,1 , ~ ,\1 + ;'\ \ "I " n m - '\ 1? ",.- .). ~ - ~ "',..- t w ? ",' b'~ 'I '" ' 1\ \ '. \ ',' > VJ " . ~ I, , , <:) . , 'f . r . 0; ~ 0...- ~ <:::: ~ . .I:, [ .\ " ('\ ..~ r". t:l !0- r. Cll ~ .j" I ~ ~~ IA ". "- . ~. t-- -' ,0" c.., ~ .... T o T'I Q I'> 1 ~ ,.. -+- ,.. .... - "l o' ~ \3>~ + G".,. ~ ~ "1- ~ ~ j J Tl - <:J P i- c ). [ J ~ N ~ 11 "'D 0 <p "'<. <;- ~ , '\ t-j- ~ N ; ....f ;. ~, I;l.... ~ p <> ~~ ~r: ~ .., ".- ~ '< }. #:- .... >\ - +- -+- 1 ~ ~ ~ '-I ~~ ~ :: i ';? \.0 a ... ~ ~ ". f'= '-l )> f-~ <>~ ~ ~ %' .... 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I I I I I I I .- iJAME S <f~3 , pon/;:f C(\ct::1( I ~ ~- ~ ~\ ~ p .. vl " '>= C> - j I t-~ ~ 'T- ~Z c: .t. ~ o C - r "'~ ~ X ~j- "" 0 ~..f () iiI ~ (\ ~ ~-t J b c r "<l p ~ rr- :--.. }. * 'i I'-. -. '" t- \ C '< .J:. c. ~ }.. V' .J '" W ~ r- , " s--.j 'J , ~'-o (:! .. vl ~Z i..~ r- f. ~ d ~ .. () .... fA. 17<:.bC,SC))o f' } f ~ ~I'j.-- . -r- ~ " f3 ~ c ) _ i Ii:,~'t-~ \f-~ ! I 0J., _\'( :s:. .n<\J~R).. L1-J f ~ i _\ . r- 1-T :>-t? .(~ ~~c- ~ . '!-C .." L;- ~ ~~ }o 'i ..t.. 0 Pf ~~ f< '-Jf ~ so 0 , .....~ ~ -{o ;; f; ~ ;- ::r-:;;- r-~ .., ...- . ~ G:l . tF . r2 .-r-~ 0t ." 'R 2 ,. t' . r '<. . r" r . ,..--" r "- In j =-1 r- ,,- 7 · Vl r - .... ~ ~ [) 1..__ -0 o ,. .. () (...- '" ~ " " -: ... ~ .... C1 ~ - r . . - .:::: 1.1 -- 0- ~ m '"j. -~ Vl +- -. ~ -S> ~ , o (} (' 11 t -"" ~ ""or: ,r "Il- I' .. j- - r, J :J:::. o .! I- e m !I I n .. III II CD - B c: m "- ~ .-...-.--. ,-,. t l.O 3 }- 5:- 1 1 l>' ""' ~ () ) o>\,\ j 1 t -.{) '" >< .., 0\ :9. ;;- f" G' 1 ,.. - << ~ 1 . - - . _...._~ ~ Jz. . 0 ;;:, ~ I 1- r- ~ ~ c: e T .\'- , \. W a Cll i . "'='> 0 \) "'\ o _ - ..... -" l' <> . ..7 -cr .' .., ~ , r. ~ ., ~ .~ , .. .... ~ ". ~ .. ~ 1.: ,). 1 I , I . "f \ Il_ A> ~ 0_ ~, /' o"x (l :::u o VJ l/l VI \1\ ~ o -<. (' II ~ )<. rn D o o r ~ ~ I / . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 _ SOUTIIOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the South old Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, May 13,2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Melvyn Morris, seconded by Bill Cook, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the South old Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Amendment Request of STEPHEN CUBELLS to Amend Permit #4291 to extend the dock 30', install 3'X 15' ramp, an 8'X 30' float and two outboard pilings. Located: 2475 Bay Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#144-4-5 The CAC recommends Disapproval because the extent of the proposed changes requires a new permit. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried . . ISACKSEN DOCK BUILDING LTD. Sp,a1glliln, In Morin. Con.cru.llon and C...ral ConIMl.lln& 551 SHORE DRIVE. OAKOALE, NY 11769 Phon..: (631) 589-6201 - (631) 563.1164 FIX: (63\) 519-6201 . Date: 1//' ')../ 0 ~ I, S-+~-p \k.t>J A-. C\.l.{>~A\~ (print name) . ..uthonte ISlIc::ksen Dock Buildinil to lIlCurt the ncc::cssvy permits for my proposed waterfront construction Site of proposed cOnstruction: Siilnat~~~ ,? L\ '1 S- ~ A,:j PrvelM.-ot.. . I~~ N.'i. \\QS3 Home phone G" I - l{,3 - II '1 ~ Work phone (,,~I ~ '{ 13 - C, /( r 03 21.03 HI 15:59 FAX Htl i6~ 1.Jli~ Southold Town Account:1l3 i4J 00 1 - J' t' ~ .1__ I ;>;;) c [' :t fl) I'- r- il, ~ ), (\ fi\ @ - II ..t.. <:> ~11 t: >-\:J~ r-t3"tI I "9 (\ Ii; 5 :!---- J I~ ___ ------ ./ -- -- -\.'--- - . '-- - "" l'l ."T\ .. :1 70 L ~. 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I /0-0 j + l- i.> )0- 1 o r I) r ~ .~ f 1: 0 ----1'""'-' .I. --1-1/7- j: +:.. Jo -> (JJj o ~>' vJ - "'i.. 0 c.. b G- ~ f I- ~ ....... ~ ~ r VI 6j 0J ()) I, I I I I' ::~I_ ~ C{\ '" ~ ~~ .x'" ~c. ..,.~-= ; ~~ '~ CD ~ T- o j . (;) ('l ~ /0 ~. . -\ o ~ --. ~- ~" .. "" II ~ - - Gt ~ \ ~" 11"\ ~'" t: "f- - ""- '. " " . \ " l OJ 'v . "1-- '" " e(\~ 0 .... C>).. + ()", <Y~ ~ /1- " J' ~ j .(;l " "," ". Vl l!- it o 11\ <:::. ~ +- ... III € r- ... (' t- o I 1 t ~?;- ~?-- t -~ i J ~>- ~+ .;::- ..... I\~ ~ ,~ -< - 1\ --- Q +- - , j d o r - /1 1 f' "0 :?'- oJ) L/ 37 . 38 ...., 39 Du.ck Pond Pt s o u N D ,,~ c' ~ '" < CUTCh , , G R E A T P E c o N I c Kimollne , pt. , , , , , , , , , , , I I I , , , , , , , , NEW SUFFOLK HARI , , , , , : , , , , , , , , I , , : , , , , , NORTH RACE R .d y --- -e- . -t- , <=>z- , ------' ~ ->, l ...------------ \ -t- +~ I ~ f !! I !.J I" ~ _l; , ':'.p 'I ' , II' lI,dl -I,I!I, 1:1 d, q!1 lllii ......,"'Zlll rrnr [[J]IlllTIIIII"I cO ~ (J\ o. N/l' \ ::.. PNC. MERCURIO x ~ N67"26'50"E a ,.. 342.95' '" ~1 x ~M FNC. 0.5'1lo. ~~ ~~ C M x x ........... ........... -I IlIIAVEL o/W --.J ... 'j, 'VI cp. '\ ~ \ ( VI , ~.\.D-- ...ff tg. \ \ ~ J I /,J ( FR. IlEac p p q, 24.3' ~ FR. cOTTW% ~ :.. FNO. Clot ~ o . '", "'. CERTIFIED TO: STEPHEN CUBELLS KAREN CUB ELLS CHICAGO TITLE INS. Co. ~ '& '", .. z. ~ ~,\ If' o. ~ ROCHELLE PLACE THE EXISTENCE OF WETLANDS, RIGHTS-OF -WAY, AND/OR EASEMENTS, IF ANY NOT SHOWN, ARE NOT GUARANTEED. ZONING - LOT AREA - 37920 +/- S.F. OR 0.87 +/- ACRES 25.1' fR, IlECIl 11.2' CQIlC. 5lDOP .41 - Ii :g /. e" . A.H.W.lI. .. T.w.L. . J/2e/OO ~. -.! S66'38'30"W 283.18' N/F STANLEY GRAPHIC SCALE ~ 20 I 40 I eo I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. -.::; \ ,. J.':: 'C; I' ( , :t ~ /. ;1J -,,. " i~ ~ ! ~ "' .. 1; ~ '. MICO 11)..... "I;; ..;i! <'I/~ -~ ;.. (-; ~ ,\ r ( ~: ! ., ., ,~ -.- ,,' 110 I .'if: DESCRIBED PROPERTY J h situate ~ , HAMLET of MATTITUCK, TOWN of SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNT~ NEW YORK ~ ~ '" ~ SUFFOLK C UNTY TAX MAP 1000-144-04-05 DATUM JOB # 203107 ~ f~ SURVEYED MARCH 29, 2003 BY: TECHNICAD LAND SURVEYING, P .C. PAUL W. WERLER, L.S. NYS L1C 049875 126 UNION AVENUE CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 (631) 878-2847 FAX (631) 874-4164 :~ " ~ ,. '" ~ . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application /Wetland Permit Application _ Major ,- Minor Waiver/Amendment/Changes ~ceived Applicati n' I,g/~ Aeceived Fee:$ -"Completed Application _Incomplete _ SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type I1_Unlisted_ Coordination:(date sent) ....cAC Referral Sent:. tt//8/Q:l Alate of Inspection: #'II IS 10.3 _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Agency Determination: _ ~chnical Review: _"f>ublic Hearing Held: IO/A.~03 . Resolution: SEP 1 8 2003 ... .. " TnI_ Name of Applicant S'-+t'p ll-l> ItJ A , C lL /':....( \ l ~ - Address 6?J) :}4, S b A-~ Au-e. ~~-\--10 ~d(... N. 'i, PhoneNumber:( )~-4,3-'IS(' Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - \ 44 - (') L{ - 0 .S- IlSs-'# Property Location: :71t I :s- e,p,.~ A-v-.L .. ~\+""ck.. ~ ~~f)l~~ (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 377d-O Area Zoning: ~ f7.!.'>,('~,tvL Previous use of property: S Q h....L II- <;. 41.0 II\A.R Intended use of property: S"...k-c- AS l<100~ Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date $- No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ~No_Yes If yes, provide explanation~ Project Description (use attachments ifnecessary):~ "". \.S. v_ -4 Cu..t- Plff~ (\A., k! +0 IJ II /.J...e'"5iJ4. oJ - fV\q w-+e. , "'-. f 14-rCA. j""" -l-<.:. 44 ),J-" tk'9-m . . Board of Trustees Application WETLANDffRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: ~ ~~+-.J +0 SIO It 1l.JiI'~+- ~ -+(~ 1-hJ\A1A. - u.-h.d.- {,f "So < lac .IVk el' If'^- ~\",,-<J d.,x.,\<... Area of wetlands on lot: 3 ()'ZT1J square feet Percent coverage oflot: J~ . % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: / f4 0 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? 'f No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: - Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): N1J -&~-<~ b-..... ~ [)J-e...--\- lA-J~ . . Board of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: 1V LIAr P Hr-t..-j ~-ko -=l-o I' I';} u.e '7'/-H- Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No 'fl Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? 'fJ No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) N1J)....e. - - . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of ----~t~D___~~_~lb--------------------- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) \5),!:C E I H ~ l\ru OCT 2 0 2003 IlW AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, 5.J.p1Pw Gtdle/ {S , residing at - VV14-44-. ,.j.,..u IL JJJ -'1. being duly sworn, depose and say: -/11;. That on theJ3 day of tJ c f. , 200:3, I personally posted the proJlerty known as '() 'I';: ~ Yl1c<.J4-,'+..-..-~fL , II by placing the Board of Trustees 0 cial poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight dal~ prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held t 1 ,ca" ~...( ~ ~ ~ - ()C"\ or ~CUt I)' tI lf7s Southold low. Boanl of Trustees Dated: ~~ ( signature) Sworn to before me this 1'-/ dayof~~ LORI A. HAYOE No. 01 HA6061205 Notary Public. State of New Yort< Qualified in Suffolk County My CommlsaJon Expires 07/1612001 . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: 5'+ep ll<-v- Cu-e.A 111 ~~..,~ €>~ ~ /'^c#-h-d'- SCTMUOOO- Of..( -D's- YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: . 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: Cu+ plt"--<"jr""k~ to Id'" (Y\c.~~ /'J" /.k';iltt-- , .... I-H-\ ;, }/4- Ci.,....,t 2. That Review.-is follows: the property which is the subject of Environmental located .adjacent to your property .and is described as ';}l.(1 S- 'if '30 s: ~~ ~~ .-J AV-L It~ fVI.~+t..~I'- N. 'i Me..-\+. t... d-- N. ~ ( . 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: ~)Je.l.V Gl.t.ae\U. MAILING ADDRESS: ~nS ~~ A~ ~~(IL N."" - It ~:;l. PHONE #: 1t>31-Y")'3-JI<'1D Ene.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. .s . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: (l'I(l. <<. ""\C.o;.. ~t;I'U' I/" ~4.,> _ e.~ ~v<- Il<>c..++, n.,<.... (V.-(. It 'I S .7 Address: d'lr:) l'>Aj Av<. /1Ac-.v.n +.. cI~ N. '(. It C, s- ~ N\\'l 'f J'hVl-S. r'I^"r4<r1~ ~,0';- B~ I'r~ v\'\.~h..dL N.'-<, I \ ~~;). }"30'S' e.1t~ '+'-<' M...++.+n..(L N.,!. , ,.. S",;;l- STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 5+c,Ju- C...4-<('\ ,residing at ,+\() {' P..AJ /h......... I'hc.:.h.i... ,k /V'Y. ('S ,~ ,being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the IF _ dayof ~b-o.-- ,20~deponentmailedatruecopyoftheNotice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town ClfSouthold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at /J1e, .fhA,Ic. IV- y. , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) maiL ~b_ Sworn to before me this ,~ Day of ~~< , 20fZ;L ~(~~A.j* Notary Pub 'c LORI A. HAVDE ND.01 HA6061205 NoIaryP.bIIc. Sta18 of New_ Q.Olmed In Su'olk ~-. My Cammilllon Expirea 07/1 _ I . . .< 1-4-16.4 12/8n- Text '2 I PROJECT I.D. NUMBE'1 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) SEO ,. APPLICANT !SPONSOR I 2. PAOJEC7 NAME J. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality County 4. PAEC:SE LOCATION {Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, ele., or prQviae map, 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: o New 0 Expansion 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: o Modification/alteration 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFr=ECTED: Initially acres Ultimately acres a. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [J Yes 0 No If No. ~escribe briefly 9. V-lHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? [J Residential O.!ndusUial 0 Commercial Describe: o Agriculture U Park/Forest/Ooen space LJ Other 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE On LOCAL)? DYes 0 No If yes, list agency(s) and permiUapprovals - ..~ 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTIOf-l HAVE A CURRENTLY VAllO PERMIT OR APPROVAL? DYes. 0 No If yes, list agency name and permiUapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE .'v10DIFICATICN? DYes DNa I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE aEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Date: Signature: If the action is in the Coos tal Area, and 'Iou are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form beiore proceeding with this a~~essment OVER PAMT 11_=NVIRO~~MENTA' .S3MENT iio Oe c:Jr;-;:le!eC ~'I Age:!c' . "". ::leES AC7;CN ::::":C;:;:.=.::: ';"NY ,,'::S, 7i-1;::.E.5i-iOL:) ~N -5 .'f'~C2? .::l;r=.T '5:7.':-: ;1 yes. :OCfOlnalS :ne re'tIl~'N :roces:J ana 'Jsa :r.e ~:JL:.- :::'Hr. 'Y-!s 1-,\40 :. 'NIU... ..:..C71CN ~E':;:;::V= ':;::CHOINA 7";::J ;:l:E'/IC'N AS ?RC'JIDE0 ....':n UNL;ST2,:J ,.;C71CNS iN 5 .'l"fC2R. .~.~;:;:, .;: i.57 may tie suoersecec -::;y :!.nOlr:er ;nvClVea a<;ency. L..! Yes L.; No C. C':ULD ACTiON .?ESUL7 ::-1 ~NY ADVeRSE ~;=::~G'iS ,.\$5CC:;.. 7:::D '.VI7H -:-:-:E .=.JLLCWI;-.lG: (Answers :nay ::e .,anawrntefl. ;/ :eqJclel C1. E;cisting 3.ir quality. 'iurtaca ,jr grounawa[e~ ::ualily or .::uanllty, .,oise ie'/els. ~xls:ing :.affic :::anerns. sclid....aste jfOct.:c:::::njr J!s~:: pOlenllal lor ~rosien. ;:ralnaqe or :loadinq "recterns? S'totaln :Jrietly: il ,'~o. 3. .,et;.3.t:...e -:ec:ar:: C2.. Aesthetic. agricultural. :Hc:laeoJogiC.:l.I. ;'istorlc. jr other ;'latural :)r cuitural ;esources: or c::lrnmunJty or ;'leignccrnooa c~arac:er1 :::.xolaln ~. C:::. Ifet;elatlon or :auna. :Isn. Sl'!eJlfisn or wIldlife Suedes. slgOlficant ~aoitats. or ~hre3lene<:l or ~ncanc;ereo soec:es? Stetaln :lrlarly: C..1. A c::mmunHy's existing ;:IlanS or 'Joals as o1flc:aily adooted. or a anange in use or intensity oj use of tand or other natural resourc8s? Explain :::r CS. Growlh. subsecuent"Jevelooment. or related ac:i'tilies likelY to oe inducea by tne orocoseo ac:ion? :xolaJn oneily. .-.#~. I..ong :erm, snort :erm. ..:umuialive. or alner ~ifec,s not icentifiea In C~.C5? :XOI3.n oneil',. ...... Ctr:!!!~ :rnoac:s ;jnc:~cinc; c:-:anges In 'Jse 01 :!lIther qcantily .')r :ype at =nergYI? S::lialn :::rietly. il .J. ;5 THERE. SA is 7HERE. '_:KcL':' 70 3E. CONTMOVE?SY ~E~IED 7"0 ?QTEN7IAL ;.QV5.RSe :NVIRONMENT;'L ;.'.1P~C7S? :--' Yes ;_No :t ':"'es. ~xcl3in :Jrieily PARi III-DEiERMINATION Ol;..SiGNIFICANCE (To oe comoleted by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS; For e3c:l adverse effect identified above. determine whether it is substantial, large. :mcortant or otherwise signific. :ac;, eifec: snouJd oe assessed in connection witn its (a) setting (La. urban or rural); (b). probability ot occ~g; (al duration' irreversibility; (e, geogracnic .3coce: and (f) magOltuce. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. ::1sure exolanations ccntain sufficient de!ail to snow that all rele'lant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately accressec. -' C:'eCK this box if 'fOU have identified one or "'ore ;.:::otenrially large or significant aC'Ierse imoac:s whicn MA'f oc::ur. Then :Jrcceea direc:Jy to :he FULL =AF :ind/or prepare a positive- declaration. C~ec:< this !:lox if you have derermined, based on the information and analysis above and any sucDortinc; doc:Jrnentatlcn. :hai :he prooased ac:ion WILL :~OT result in~i1Y significant adverse environmental imcac::: AND Ofovlce an attacnments as necessary, (he reasons supcorting this determination: .~..,,'~ ~l ~c...u .....;I:'n(" :"mt 01 . VCl:' .....lnP. .)1 ";~'~ocn\IOll:' '....:ll'c~r .n :......0 .">;I:nc'/ ,,110:: 01 ,(~')oon\,olo!' VIl,cer ;,,,,nJ.llHC')/ -("~con\lOIl!' ''':r:'c~r ,/1 ,,~..1(1 "'>;o!'ncy ;.'(n..:ure .)1 r'~,,"'..l.1r~r \lr .":'I:"~ent :rnm rt:\Oon\IDI~ "r'''ifl JJ.1C " ~ ....... . . Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York s-~ ~ IT- ('..A. ~((..1 BEING DULY SWORN DEPOS S AND AFFIRMS THAT HElSHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATlVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. - Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS I 'r DAY OF ~ y"'(")})Q (' ,20il3. 1Y1.> ~ Notary Public - LORI A. MAYDE No.01HAIlO61205 NOIIIY ~Ubllc, s.... of NOWVoll< Mv~~=~~1 ^ . Al'l'tt~ANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORN . The Town of S~uthold's Code of Ethics. rohibits conflicts at nterest on the part of town off cers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary bo avoid same. YOUR NAHE. ". ..: """:;'Ii'.Jt~'\ ':' ! ~~f-~~~:it..:':,t{{t."f'::.!o(': (Last name, firot namo, middle initiai;~nless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, ouch ~o a company. If so, indicate the other persohls ot compBny.g name.) .... <:,~~-<A:.;.:;:::.(.'t:~-:'~'lf}.;"~~' NATURE ot AI'I'LI~ATION. (check all that apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of Eone Ap'p~pNal of plat ~ Exe.ption from plat or official map ot.her (If .other,. name the activity.) Do you persona11r (or through your ~bMp."r, ~pbd8e, blblthU. parent. or child) haYe a relaUonship with eny officer or employee of the Town of Southold? ~Relatlonshlp~ includes by blood, .arriage, or business IntereB~. -Business interest" means a business. in"luding a partnership, in vhi"h the tovn officer or employee has eyen a partial ovnership of (or employment by) a corp.oraUon in vhich the town officer or eMployee ovns .ore ~han 5% of ~he stlares .. ,10 YBS NO ';:.,lr" If you ansvered "YBS,". "o.pl~t~ the ba1anc~ ~f ~hl. tor. and date and sign where indicated. Name of psrson employed by the Town of Southold Title or poaition of that person Deacribe ths relationship betveen YOUrself (th. applicant) and the town officer 0r employee. Either che"k the appropriate line ~) through DJ and/or deocribe in the space prov~ed . The town offi"er Or employee or lIh Or her SpOUse, elbllng, _Il) or child is ("heCk all that apply). the ownsr of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the appli"ant (vhen the appli"ant. is a corporation), the legal or benefi"ial ownsr of any interest in a noncorporate 'enHty (when the applicant is not a corporat.ion) , an offi"er, director, Part~nrl or nmployne. of thn applicant I or the actual applicant. parent., -~) _C) _D) ..,' DESCRIPTION OF REL~TIONSlllP , :~\~;',~ . ....'...'.e.' "'" ',," ~. . . .~ .: _ ,...~, ....~.-. A........:M...,;.,. . J-.I. . :'; t!~,~, ,'" ...., ~~ ... sublftl tted '. ", ....: . . ".\~,';'Yl;" "'l'.'k-'-:~{.~ " '''''.:' ,.?,r ,l':;:l'!t~t(:.;. i-\l~ \...$:71:'-'. . :.~J .f.'.~~fr ~.. ,d' : 'r"', ,,~, .. ,~,_~,":.' . '.1P'~''li'l'V thln.'~clay nt;~ig9_ . sigllOtUrs. . ':: ".' ;.': ii-.: ~ ;'~(;~' "i.,-..;.'r'l:: ...'"-,...... -. "'-. ,," .print hams.:,':. :..:.' '. ; :'!:.;;:~~_'l:~!;i~.~,,~,:':~~i~,t~:;:.' ,.::<,'l'~;l;{:~ii~~~~~~j;;.~Jri~j\,,;, ., ;;. .:...;-" -"',' ,,~I:1.I1IiI;~WP~.~..:r~"l"~ .' I~Y~f' :.'......, ~--- - ,- . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone(516)765-18~2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LETIER OF REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT DATE 41'J.~J()~ , , OWNER ~+-c.tL... Cv-L II S PHONE (~3 04 7 ~ - 71'7 (, , "',' ~:' ".- " . ADDRESS I OJ::""", 'Q./ Dr. ,'11...... P fA t-~ IV Y AGENT DAn', ~{- ,sp..clc:J.t.... PHONE ~51) S'~ -b7--~-r ADDRESS 6'<') S~...... 'Dr (J ~ I~ ~ C. N If /17 v 7 :I J PROPERTYLOCATION;Z'-l7~- 13~lA\I<.) ,u..++:-LAc..k/IJY (1'1~~ TAX MAP NO. /000 - ,...,..., - ()4- - 0';- ,,,.X 'f?J lIWe "'-+....L.- c.L 11 , _ on Am"'-" p""," # ". " -Fiji ~ f7<.4-~_J do(..k 3c> '; t'h ,,+"'11 a '7\/s"' rD..... I' 0..",,;" ~"'- e-'('30'r-I"~+j"\So 4--WG o.....-\-~Otl\.....~ p,.ll~n-s.r ~.Lt. _ +0 J- s.f-..fo,.'lL s..(C<A....... joc....k...p (L,...- Q... 30' ~+. j/"il'w>R'-r penn,"';f-:#= l.{tJ.if1 ~ SOhW. ('tCt"I'j"'N +0 5ffpf.#"-'" cu~~ SignedBY:.,~ . IE~WlE APR 2 8 2IXI Southold Town Boord of Trustees . Albert J. Krupski, President .. James King, Vice-President T Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . Town Hall o 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application c~~nmm STATE OF NEW YORK) MAY '0 2003 $aIIlIIoIlITIn 10111I tl TmlIII 0' AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING J~7 S- 6S~'j A-lK.. I, Sh-~be..--... CulYtl) , residing at f1'\c,,+-tJ~ /)J'-y- being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the q-toJr- day of IlMlj , 20Q:3, I personally posted the property known as 91{?, 0A-~ 4,~ by placing the Board of Trustee official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of~e p~~ic hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held 011 ~3 ~th ~ 7(J~~,m. Dated: o/q/o3 SWArn to before me I day of MA'j ~~ ignature) this 2003 '- Notary Public R.E!N F.1WlVEY -...".. · NoIIIIy NIllc. 8IIIit 11__ QuaIIfledlnSuffolk~ . W -- ~~ElcpQa l"Ji b ~ . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS J<c~"'" rt,,"-v....- Address: I '"' If 1(J""; '"'I ~."- f3 Iv t Ro-,...."'o....k.~},vY 11711 100, 1-4.....c.. J. A-................ ':;;:"'......LI...... r).....MJ IJ r t/lJl U ,. ,~() l3,,-y A"'j..,.lA-t M...++-.'+",:1J;() r lIt:; ('3 1- '3 cr. 0 (3"'1,4 .....~........ 1Vt..++..'-kJ, IJY lie; ~ 3 Name: IN.'I!.ll.....\e L:~ t'1...n"'~,\" 0...1-'. s+-....LI [A~..t.lo Oe..\rl'-ft'l y....S ~I.""O..... ArvA._ " t...k,.!; STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK D~+ r ~J$-<<._ , residing at 5'~ I sit,.......... Dr" 01-<... , ~ L A J'r" "'7<''' . being duly sworn, depoSes and says that on the 1S"1:1- ' day of ~, 20~ deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the BoardOfTnlstees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll,ofthF Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at <9.. \<~a.I"",-- . that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (","fi"')(re~'''''') ,",,1. / ~ 4 . Sworn to before me this r -t h Day of .-m 7~ ,20.Q.3.,. v1!/jAUUk.e. ;$~ Notary Public . .. . .. ., . ,. ~;~:': BO~ of 'frustees APplication. County of Suffolk State of New York S+.e J.)efJ If DEPOSES AN AFFIENS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT/S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF. HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MtU THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER- OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. ClA(J,-e s BEING ,DULY SWORN ~~#~v Signature SWORN TO BEFORE "ME THIS ) {9 DAY OF ~v'll ~ 61t/ A~ Notary P lic LORI A. HAVDE No. 01 HA6061205 No..ry Public, s.... of__ QuaUfl9dlnSuf(olk~_~-:J.... MrC<lmmilllon EJqlInlB07I1~ 7