HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Study Proposal - Town of Southold 7/1988 . 'PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRAFFIC STUDY . . . SUBMITTED TO: OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SOUTHOLD,NEWYORK . . SUBMITTED BY: CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P .C. · PLAINVIEW PORT JEFFERSON STATION CARMEL . JULY 26, 1988 . . Cashin Associates, P. C. Engineers and Architects . Plainvlew Carmel . Port .Jefferson 25 July 1988 . . Hon. Francis J. t1urphy Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 5309 t1ain Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Town of Southold Traffic Study Proposal . Dear Supervisor Murphy: . In response to your 5 June 1988 request, Cashin Associates, P.C. (CA) is pleased to submit the attached proposal fpr Consulting Engineering Services required for the proposed Town of Southold traffic study. The document describes CA' s technical approach to the project and includes our fee proposal for the work. Moreover, it summarizes CA' s corporate qualifications for projects of this nature and it specifies the project team that will be employed on this study. . You will note from the attached that CA is extremely well qualified to perform the Southold study. We have the staff personnel to address all of the related transportation, planning, legal, environmental and socio-economic issues that may arise during the course of the project. CA also has the full array of transportation planning and analytical models required for this study. We have utilized them on comparable studies and they are up and running on our computers. We also have the capability to anaiyze the secondary impacts of traffic congestion such as air pollution and noise. . . From our office in Port Jefferson Station, we are weli located to respond efficiently to the Towns needs. With regard to our fee proposal, it is based on what CA considers to be a reasonable level of effort for a study which encompasses an area of over 4-6 square miles and numerous miles of roadways. A major component of our estimated fee depends on a number of site specific traffic counts that must be performed. At this time, we can only speculate as to their number and location. If they can be reduced because of available data or other factors, the cost of the study can be reduced proportionately. . . 4616 Nesconset Highway Port .Jefferson Station, NY 11776 . (516) 474-0600 . . Hon. Francis J. Murphy 25 July 1988 Page 2 . I trust you find this proposal responsive and satisfactory. As CA' s principal in charge for this pro.tect, I look forward to meeting with you and the other members of the Town Board on 26 July 1988. And I look forward to working with the Town of Southold on this very important and interesting project. Very truly yours, . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ~11~ Vice President AM:ml P8800-69 . . . . . . Cashin Associates, P. C. Engineers and Architects . . PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRAFFIC STUDY . . Submitted To: . Office of the Supervisor Town of Southold Southold, New York . Submitted By: . Cashin Associates, P.C. 4616 Nesconset Highway Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776 255 Executive Drive Plainview, New York 11803 Route 52 Carmel, New York 10512 . . July 26, 1988 . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS . Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Technical Proposal Cost Proposal Corporate Qualifications Proposed Project Team . . . . . . . . . . SECTION 1 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Proiect Overview . The purpose of the traffic study contemplated by the Town of Southold is to identify present and future traffic related problems within the Town and to prescribe their solutions. Five required and one optional task have been identified as necessary to accomplish this goal. They have been defined in the Town of Southold's 5 July 1988 Request for Proposal (RFP) to include: . . . Task 1 - Definition of current level of traffic (volume) and its geographical distribution. Task 2 Forecast of traffic volumes and their directional distribution through calendar year 2020. Presently, the study years considered are 1988, 1995, 2005 and 2020. However, the actual study years may be revised once the study is underway. Task 3 - Analysis of the Town's current arterial roadway system vis-a-vis current and projected traffic volumes. These analyses will include volume capacity (V/C), Level of Service (LOS), delay time (T) and accident frequency forecasts. Task 4 Develop recommendations for roadway improvements to mitigate present and projected roadway deficiencies. Task 5 - Inventory extant municipal parking in the hamlet business areas of Mattituck, Cutchogue, Southold and Orient and develop projections of parking needs for those areas for each of the study years. Identify suggested locations for parking facility expansion . . . . . . . and review alternative publ ic and private sector financing for the necessary improvements. Task 6 - Review other issues or projects which the Town may wish to consider. These optional services may include exercise trails and bicycle paths along roadways in the Town. . . In addition to the traffic related impacts identified in the Town's RFP, CA suggests that the study consider the secondary impacts of future traffic. These secondary impacts include, among others, noise and air pollution from increased traffic congestion, and the environmental, social, and economic impacts of proposed roadway, trail and parking lot improvements. . . To complete the Traffic Study, CA will employ its large and experienced staff of transportation planners, urban planners, environmental scientists, civil and environmental engineers and its on-staff legal advisor. CA will also employ its comprehensive array of computer based traffic, noise and air quality models. CA's personnel are fully versed in the use of these models and have utilized them on numerous transportation planning projects. An optional service CA can provide is to supply the Town's planning staff with these computer based tools to analyze the impacts of proposed developments within the Town. Once the models have been calibrated for the conditions unique to the Town of Southold, CA can install the necessary software in the Town's computers. CA can also train Town personnel on their use. Ready access to these "state-of- the-art" transportation planning models will assist the Town in . . . . . . identifying the potential impacts of proposed projects in a timely and cost effective manner. . The following description summarizes CA's approach to each study task. . Task 1 . . CA will describe current traffic volumes and the directional distribution on the Town's major roadways and ferry terminals. As a first step, CA will gather all relevant traffic statistics from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), the Suffol k County Department of Public Works (SCDPW), the Suffolk County Department of Planning, the Town of Southold Department of Planning, the Town of Southold Highway Department and the respective ferry service companies. Once these data are assimulated, CA will identify areas which require additional data support. . . . Summer and harvest season tourism constitutes a major segment of the Town of Southold's economy. Accordingly, traffic patterns undergo significant seasonal fluctuation. For planning purposes, predictions of future off-season traffic volumes can be reasonably made by use of demographic and land use parameters. During the anomalous seasons, when traffic volumes are not directly related to resident population, field studies are necessary to describe volume and geographic distribution. To ensure the veracity of the study findings, CA strongly suggests that traffic data be obtained during . . . . . the peak traffi c seasons. Duri ng the develop traffic vol ume data at several calibrate traffic model outputs. non-peak seasons, CA wi 11 locations to confirm and . Once the available data is compiled, CA will conduct synoptic machine counts, turning movement counts, and vehicle classification counts at selected roadways and intersections. Based upon our preliminary evaluation, CA suggests that seven day, 24 hour machine counts be developed at the locations listed below. . . 1. RiverheadjSouthold townline - Sound Avenue 2 . RiverheadjSouthold townline - Main Street (SR 25) 3 . RiverheadjSouthold townline - Peconic Bay Boulevard 4 . Middle Road (CR 27) - west of Depot Lane 5 . Main Street (SR 25) - east of Skunk Lane 6. Middle Road (CR 27) - west of Peconic Lane 7. Main Road (SR 25) - west of Moore Lane 8. Sound View Avenue (CR 48) - west of Moore Lane 9 . Main Road (SR 25) - east of Main Street 10. Main Road (SR 25) - west of Orient Beach Park entrance . . . . Machine traffic counts are performed by use of mechanical devices which can count directional traffic volumes at a particular location for a long period of time. The data obtained are used as input to the traffic planning and analysis models to estimate LOS, VjC ratios and travel delay times. The listing of actual locations to be . . . measured will be finalized with Town officials once all the available data is analyzed. These additional locations may include: . ~ r./bVJ'o;~ ~ New Suffolk Avenue - between Linden Boulevard and 5th Street 1. 2. Main Street (SR 25) - west of Linden Avenue . 3. Oregon Road - west of Depot Lane . 4. Main Street (SR 25) - west of Eugene Road 5. Bayview Road - south of Pine Neck Road 6. Sound View Avenue (CR 48) - west of Kenny Road 7. Middle Road (CR 27) - west of Sound View Avenue (CR 48) . CA prel iminarily proposes to conduct turning movement counts and vehicle classification counts at the following intersections: . 1. Main Road at Sound Avenue and Love Lane Wd",,-- ft-- p~~ B=r BYJd. 2 . Main Road at Skunk Lane ~~.A-v<. . 3. Main Road at Ackerly Pond Road o,vth 2/-. u . 4 . Middle Road at Youngs Avenue M~ f:z,,,.t~ ~ <bMs~ A "* ~ (2cc...,l . These studies identify the volume and directional split of trafic at an intersection during critical and peak volume periods. These peak periods include the morning commuter peak, the evening commuter . peak, and the peak periods during the weekend when recreational trips and shopping trips are dominant. These data are also used in the various computer models to calculate traffic flow and delay parameters. The actual locations to be studied will be finalized . . . with the Town once all existing data is analyzed. These additional locations may include: . . l. Sound Avenue at Middle Road 2 . Main Road at New Suffolk Avenue / 3. Middle Road at New Middle Road and Wickham Avenue ~ 4. Main Road at Budge Lane ? , 5. Main Road at Peconic Lane ./' 6. Main Road at Corwin Lane, Pine Neck Road and Bayview Road v 7. Main Road at Youngs Avenue ./ 8 . Main Road at Main Street ,/ . . For the purposes of the cost proposal, CA has assumed that machine traffic counts will be conducted at 10 locations and turning . movement counts at 4 locations. Other locations can be added as optional services if desired by the Town. . CA will conduct travel time surveys on selected roadway links during peak and normal traffic volume periods. This survey consists of timing the length of time required for a vehicle to traverse a link . of roadway segments. The specific links to be studied in this fashion will be determined after the other data cited above is . gathered. For the purpose of this proposal, CA estimates that time of travel surveys will be conducted at various locations throughout the Town. . . . . In developing the basic data for the study, CA will contact the Greenport and Orient Point Ferry Companies to obtain statistics on the volume and type of vehicles that use the service daily, seasonally and annually. CA will also obtain available information . on projected changes in servi ce. traffic forecasting models. These data will be used in the . Although not mentioned in the RFP, CA suggests that data and projections be obtained from the Long Island Railroad and Suffolk County Transit regarding current and future passenger volumes. These mass transportation systems could have an appreciable impact on future seasonal traffic volumes and should be included in the ~ . study, if it is to be comprehensive. The data rel ated to these . modes of transportation will also be used in the forecasting models. At the conclusion of Task 1, the data required to describe the current traffic volumes and its directional distribution will have . been gathered. Task 2 . . Once the necessary data has been gathered, CA will employ both manual and computer based modeling techniques to forecast the traffic volumes and its study years. At present, directional distribution the study years are 1~ for each of the ? . 1990, 1995, 2005 . and 2020. The study years may be revised after discussion with the . . / . Town Board. For example, study years 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020 might be a more useful temporal distribution. . The principal model CA will employ for this task is entitled; "The 1988 Quick Response System Regional Transportation Planning Model", (QRS). Based on present and future population and land use information to be supplied by the Town, the model will assist CA in defining area specific trip generation rates and totals, directional distribution of traffic volumes, modal splits and traffic-transit trip assignments. These data will be developed for each of the study years. For the purpose of this proposal, CA has assumed that the Town will provide all estimates of future population and land use for the Town as a whole and in the hamlet districts. . . . Task 3 . Based on the projected volumes and the directional distribution of traffic for the respective study years developed under Task 2, CA will analyze the Town's arterial roadway networks abil ity to handle current and projected traffi c vol urnes. CA wi 11 employ both manual and computer model i ng techn i ques to perform these funct ions. The principal models employed for this task will be the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Model and the Federal Highway Administration 1985 Highway Capacity Manual Model. The former will be used to estimate the traffic generated from major traffic generators and the attractors. The latter model will be used to estimate the V/C ratios, LOS and travel delay times (T) for . . . . . major intersections and arterial links for each of the study years. The increase in accident rates and accident events at critical . locations will be forecast by use of manual stocastic methodologies. If requested by the Town, CA will evaluate the increases in air and noise pollution due to traffic by use of its computer and manual . models. These models include Caline 3 and Optima II for traffic related air and noise pollution, respectively. . Task 4 . . Based on Task 3 outputs, a 1 isting of roadway improvements will be developed for each of the planning intervals. The purpose of these improvements is to mitigate existing congestion as well as traffic related problems forecast for the future. CA will also provide cost estimates and cost benefit analyses for each of the identified improvements. CA will obtain large scale 1":400' aerial . photographics of the Town's major roadways for use in this improvement planning. ~~ Il/~~'~ cW~- . Task 5 . Under this task CA will evaluate the municipal parking needs for each of the Town's hamlet districts. The existing facilities will be inventoried by use of aerial photographs and on-site inspections. Forecasts of future needs will be based on the ITE Parking . Generat i on Handbook. CA will identify areas for future parking . . . facility expansion based on the identified need for additional parking, minimization of adverse environmental impacts and minimization of social and economic disruption. Preliminary cost estimates of the improvements will be developed and alternative means of financing and operating the facilities will be discussed. CA's in-house attorney and economist will assist the study team for this facet of the project. CA's in-house attorney has extensive experience with both private and municipal financing scenarios for public projects. . . Task 6 . . As an optional service, CA will consider other issues or projects identified by the Town. These may include bicycle paths and exercise trails along major Town roadways, identification of means to enhance mass transit within the Town, and instruction of Town personnel on the use of computer based transportation planning models. . . The findings and conclusions of the above work tasks will be summarized in a traffic engineering report. The report will first be submitted to the Town in draft form for review and comment. Based on the Town's review, a final report will be prepared and submitted. It is expected that this study will take six months to complete. . . . . SECTION 2 COST PROPOSAL . . As compensation for the transportation planning and engineering services rendered, CA proposes to invoice the Town of Southold at a rate of 2.5 times the payroll costs of the individual employees actually employed on the project plus direct out-of-pocket expenses. Payroll costs incl ude the di rect sal ary paid to an employee pl us statuatory and discretionary fringe benefits. Out-of-pocket expenses i ncl ude the cost of such i terns as aeri al photographs, travel, lodging, meals, and machine counter rentals. . . . CA's estimated fee to complete the services described Technical Proposal section of this response is $75,000. does not include out-of-pocket expenses and optional described in the preceding section. in the This fee services . . . . . . . 3 . 1 . . . . . . . . . SECTION 3 CORPORATE QUALIFICATIONS General Oualifications Cashin Associates, P.C. (CA) is a multi-disciplinary engineering/architectural consulting firm which has been providing professional services throughout the region since 1959. The firm offers a wide range of services including: . . . . . . . . . . . . transportation and traffic engineering civil and site engineering environmental consulting and planning construction inspection architectural design mechanical/electrical engineering site evaluations and building inspections site planning and development surety investigations hazardous waste site investigations resource recovery and solid waste management survey and mapping CA is staffed with approximately 65 engineers, architects, inspectors, environmental scientists, surveyors and other technical support personnel. With offices in Nassau, Suffolk and Putnam Counties, New York, CA is active throughout the tri- state area. The firm also provides inspections and other specialized services throughout the nation. . 3.2 Traffic and Transportation EnQineerinQ . . . . . . . . . . CA provides comprehensive services in traffic and trans- portation engineering, including transportation planning, traffic impact assessments, and design of intersection and roadway improvements. The data collection and analyses activities of CA's transportation group are computerized, and the 1 atest approved software and programs are fully operational. Services provided by the transportation group include: . traffic generation, distribution and impact analyses for corporate, industrial, and residential developments field data collection, traffic counts and evaluation of accident statistics analysis, planning and design of intersection and highway improvement programs traffic signal and systems analysis and design planning/design of on-site roadway systems for major developments traffic circulation, ingress and egress analyses and layouts maintenance and protection of traffic plans parking studies and design of parking facilities design and inspection of community street lighting systems presentations at public meetings, community boards, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAls transportation group is presently conducting an extensive traffic study of a 25 square mile area in the Town of Brookhaven, NY. Another recent CA project includes an area-wide traffic study in the Town of Huntington, being done for the Town as part of the preparation of a new master pl an. CAls transportation division has the latest state-of-the-art computer models for traffic and transportation analyses. Models commonly used by CA include: . . . . . . QRS - QUick Response Model Highway Capacity Analysis Trip Generation Analysis SOAP - Traffic Signal Optimization Program Passer 11-84 - Traffic Signal Systems Analysis Speed Analysis In addition, CA is also equipped with the latest models for air and noise analyses. All modelling is done by CA engineers and computer operators on CAI s in-house computer system. . Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience . Cl i ent Services Provided Route 347 Corp. Port Jefferson Station, New York Comprehensive area traffic study, including field analyses, to identify existing traffic conditions and needed improvements. Area-wide traffic study, impact assessment, and development of traffic mitigation for two major residential developments in the Town of Brookhaven, NY. Town of Huntington Huntington, New York . . Route 347 Corp. Port Jefferson Station, New York Traffic study, impact analy- sis, and development of mitigation measures as part of an EIS for a proposed 55- acre industrial development. Site planning, design and traffic analyses for construction of a library parking lot facility. Survey and design of parking lot expansion, including zoning analyses, negotia- tions with municipalities, and traffic study. Traffic access study for Rolling Meadows Residential Developmment, a 54-unit residential complex in the Town of Riverhead. Lark Development Corp. Coram, New York . Town of Smithtown Smithtown, New York . United States Postal Service Sag Harbor, New York . . Town of Hempstead Hempstead, New York Engineering design and related services for various roadway and storm water drainage improvement projects in the Town of Hempstead. . Village of Westbury Westbury, New York Engineering design and related services for various street widening and utili- ties upgrade projects. . . . Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience (Cont.) . C 1 i ent Services Provided Heelan Realty Development Corp. Brewster, New York Site engineering, including design of on-site roadways, parking and access for a IS-lot, 100-acre industrial subdivision, the Lake Carmel Interstate Business Park, Kent, NY. . S.B. Bowne Associates Smithtown, New York Planning, design and survey for various roadway improve- ments throughout Putnam County. Bridgeport/Port Jefferson Ferry Terminal Traffic Study - traffic analysis to identify measures to improve traffic in downtown Port Jefferson area. Putnam County Carmel, New York . . . Angst Development Corp. Port Jefferson Station, New York Traffic study in support of the proposed 13S unit Rolling Glen residential development on Route 112, Coram, NY. . North Country Plaza Port Jefferson, New York Traffic study in support of a proposed residential and business development in Port Jefferson Station, NY. Retirement Management Group Simsbury, Connecticut Traffic study for a proposed 40 townhouse unit Planned Retirement Community in Stony Brook, NY. Traffic analyses and roadway design for improvements to access routes associated with the Kings Park Post Office, Kings Park, NY, including improvements to Route 2SA. . United States Postal Service Melville, New York . . . . 3.3 Environmental Consultinq/Planninq Services . CA's environmental group has expertise in the various disciplines required to assist clients in complying with . environmental permitting and approval requirements. CA's environmental engineers, scientists and traffic specialists are highly knowledgeable of regulatory requirements on the federal, . state and local 1 evel s of government. They have compl eted . environmental studies for numerous types of projects, including major site developments, building construction/renovation, highway construction and road improvements, development/ operation of sol id waste and wastewater disposal facil ities, hazardous waste site remediation, and drainage improvement . projects. Environmental services provided by CA include: . preparation of environmental supporting technical documents . permitting for solid waste disposal facilities and construction debris landfills impact statements and . . . traffic impact and improvement studies . site assessments and identification of development constraints . hazardous waste investigations and management plans . . preparation of master plans . land use/zoning studies . . development/implementation of field monitoring programs . assistance to clients in negotiating consent orders . representation for cl ients at publ ic hearings and other sessions . . Environmental Consulting/Planning Experience . Cl i ent Services Provided Town of Huntington Huntington, New York Huntinqton Land Use Studies - Traffic and environmental studies to assess the impacts of development in critical areas of the Town. . Town of Riverhead Riverhead, New York Wadinq River Dredqinq- Submission of federal and state applications and supporting technical data for dredging of a naviga- tional channel in Wading River, NY. . . North Country Plaza Corp. Port Jefferson, New York Town of Oyster Bay Oyster Bay, New York North Country Plaza EIS- Preparation of an EIS and associated studies for proposed office/residential complex. Coastal Zone Manaqement Plan - Preparat i on of a generi c EIS for the Town's new coastal zone plan. . . Route 347 Realty Corp. Port Jefferson Station New York Pine 112 ShODOinq Mall EIS Preparation of an EIS and traffi c study for a commer- cial shopping center on 15- acre site in Suffolk County. . Town of Oyster Bay Oyster Bay, New York . Route 347 Realty Corp. Port Jefferson Station New York Oyster Bay Resource Recoyery - Technical review of per- mitting requirements and EIS for a 1500 tpd resource recovery facility. Manor Run ComDlex EIS - Preparation of an EIS and traffic study for develop- ment of a 370 unit condo- minium complex on approxi- mately 250 acres in the Town of Brookhaven, NY. . . . Environmental Consulting/Planning Experience (Cont.) . C 1 i ent Services Provided Lark Development Corp. Coram, New York Tauk Side Block EIS - Prepa- ration of generic EIS, traffic study and other technical studies in support of a zoni ng change for the proposed development of an industrial facil ity on a 55- acre parcel. Analvsis of Water Conserva- t i on Measures - Development of Town-wide measures and policy to implement water conservat ion in response to recently enacted caps on water consumption. . . Town of Oyster Bay Oyster Bay, New York . Route 347 Realty Corp. Port Jefferson Station New York Rockv Point Meadows EIS- Preparation of an EIS, traffic study and other permit requirements for a 650 unit condominium complex in Rocky Point, NY. . Angst Development Corp. Port Jefferson Station New York Hiohlands EIS - Preparation of an EIS and traffic study for a 350 multi-unit resi- dential complex in Port Jefferson, NY. . Route 347 Realty Corp. Port Jefferson Station New York Reoencv Oaks EIS- Prepara- tion of EIS and traffic study for proposed 650-unit residential complex in Suffolk County, NY. . . Marino Development Corp. Selden, New York Roanoke Industri al Park EIS - Preparation of an EIS for a proposed 60-acre indust- ri al park in the Town of Brookhaven, NY. . . . Environmental Consulting/Planning Experience (Cont.) . C 1 i ent Services Provided Town of Oyster Bay Oyster Bay, New York Town-wide Noise Assessment of noi se at various areas Town, including field analyses. Studv- 1 eve 1 s in the extensive . Vantage Development Corp. Farmingdale, New York Vantaoe EIS - Site engineer- ing, ecological studies and preparation of an EIS for proposed 30 unit residential complex. Hazardous Materi al s Manaoe- ment Development of envi ronmental inventory and management plan for the transport, use and di sposal of hazardous materials at approximately 40 Town facilities. . Town of Oyster Bay Oyster Bay, New York . . . . . . . . SECTION 4 . PROPOSED PROJECT TEAM 4.1 General Descriotion of CA Staff . . With a staff of approximately 65, CA has in-house expertise in the various disciplines required for the Town of Southold study, including traffic/transportation engineers, civil engineers, urban planners, environmental analysts and field inspectors. CA has completed projects similar to that required by Southold, and CA personnel are familiar with the traffic and land use issues presently facing Long Island's eastern townships. The transportation division is equipped with the transportation and traffic computer models most suited for the Southold study. CA's planners and environmental scientists can provide the planning and land use input also required for the project. . . . . CA's project teams are selected to meet the specific needs of the assignment. All work is performed under the direct supervision of experienced and 1 icensed project managers who adhere to the highest standards in technical qual ity control. CA places great importance on maintaining close liaison with the firm's clients, and in completing projects within schedule and budgetary limits. . . . . 4.2 Proposed Proiect Team . . CA's proposed team for the team consists of individuals with expertise in the specific transportation, engineering and planning disciplines required for the project. Aldo Marletti, P.E., Vice President, will serve as principal-in-charge for the project. He will be responsible for technical quality control, overall 1 iaison with the Town, and for general progress of the project. Mr. Marletti has directed other large traffic studies, and he is intimately familiar with the east end environs. Mr. Larry Turchin will serve as Project Manager, and wi 11 be responsi bl e for the day-to-day progress of the work, for coordination of the project team, and for applying the computer transportation models. Mr. Turchin has over 25 years of experience in traffic engineering, and he is thoroughly familiar with the operation and application of the computer models required for the study. Mr. Turchin has recently completed numerous other traffic studies in Suffolk County, New York. . . . . . . Mr. Turchin will be assisted by Mr. Peter Dodd, Principal Transportation Engineer, with over 15 years of experience. Mr. Dodd's prior positions at the Suffolk County, Brookhaven and Smithtown Departments of Transportation have made him extremely knowledgeable of the traffic and parking issues presently facing Long Island communities. . . . . Planning, population and land use issues will be addressed by Ms. Wendy Weber, CA's Staff Pl anner. Ms. Weber has recently completed similar assignments for major area-wide traffic studies in the Towns of Huntington and Brookhaven. Special land leasing and acquisition alternatives for creating more parking, as outlined under Task 5 of the RFP, can be addressed by Mr. Harold B. Mayer, CA's specialist in zoning, land use and property procurement. Mr. Mayer acquired extensive experience in this area through his prior positions in the Town Attorney's Office and Zoning Board of Appeals in Oyster Bay. . . . . Civil engineering expertise will be provided by Francis J. Cashin III, P.E. and Frank Ribaudo, P.C., both of whom have extensive experience in the planning and design of roadways, parking facilities and other transportation projects. Environmental issues that arise will be addressed by Mr. Gregory T. Greene, CA's Chief Environmental Scientist, with 15 years of experience in environmental impact analysis, land use planning and transportation projects. . . . Resumes of the key people on CA's project team follow. Additional CA engineers, scientists, computer technicians and field personnel will be assigned to the project as necessary. . . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . Al...OO MARlETT!, P.E. Vice President, Engineering EDUCATION/REGISTRATION . B.S., Civil Ennineerina, Polytechnic Institute of New York, 1963 M.S., Civil Enqineerina, New York Universitv, 1968 Reqistered Prafessianal Enaineer in New York and New Jersey EXPERIENCE . Mr. Marletti has over 20 years of experience in municipal nuhlic works enaineerina and olannina includinn wastewater treatment and rlisposal, aroundwater recharae, flood control, salirl waste disposal, water pollution control, ann environmental impact assessments. As Vice President of Enaineerina, Mr. Marletti provides over- all direction and quality control for all enaineerinq desiqn and environmental studies. Cashin Associates' site development and environmental assessment studies for residentIal, recreational, commercial and industrial sites are also prepared under Mr. Marletti's direction. . . Pro,tects presently under Mr. Marletti's rlirection include: permittinq for a construction dehris landfill in Suffolk Countv, NY: planninq and desian for landfill expansion, operation and closure for the Town of Bahvlon: and technical review for implementation of resource recoverv in the Town of Oyster Rav. . Before ,toininq Cashin Associates, he was head of the enoineerinq department of Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. Mr. Marletti was responsihle for all of the firm's planninq and desiqn assianments, includina environmental enaineerinq and permittinq, as weli as transportation, site, civil, and structural proJects. In that capacity he directed the preparation of a DEIS, FEIS and other oermit application documents for the expansion of a ma.tor landfili in Nassau COllnty, NY. Main issues addressed included: alternatives to the proposed action, potential impacts to air auality, traffic, qroundwater and aesthetics, and nevelonment of mitiaat i ve measures. Mr. Mar letti provided expert test imony duri na ad,tudicatorv hearinos on the DE IS for the landfill expansion. . . He has also directed a pro.tect for the US Armv Corns of Enaineers involvinq selec- tion of dredqed material disposal options at two waterways off Freeport, NY. Pro.tect tasks included a survey of volumes to he dredqed from channels, assessment of envi ronmental, economic and sociopoli tical constraints, and identi ficati on of disposal schemes. Mr. Marletti is also involved in other environmental engineerinq pro.tects includinq resource recovery, qrounnwater monitorina ann remediation, impact assessment, ann refuse disposal. . Prior to enterinq the consultina field, Mr. Marletti held the position of Deputy Commissioner of the Suffolk County (NY) Department of Public Works where he suner- vised the 400-member Division of Sanitation. He also spent nine vears as Chief of the Suffolk Countv Department of Environmental Control/Enaineerinq Division. While wi th Suffolk County, Mr. Marletti had pro.tect manaqement responsihi Ii tv for the desiqn (includinq impact assessment ann nermi ttinq), construction and start-lip of Countv sewer districts. . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . LAWRENCE TIlRCHIN Principal Transportation Enqineer EDUCATION/REGISTRATION . Colleae of the City of New York, Civil Enaineerina Traffic Institute, Traffic Management of land nevelopment EXPERIENCE: . Mr. Turchin has 25 years of experience in traffic/transportation plannina and analyses. He presently serves as Project Manaaer for Cashin Associates' transportation and traffic studies and environmental impact studies. He is especially knowledgeable of traffic conditions and issues on lona Island, NY. . He is presently directina traffic imoact studies for several ma.ior residential developments in Suffolk County, NY. These studies involve extensive field data collect ion, comouter modeli no, evaluation of present and future traffic conditions, and desian for mitioation for roadways and intersections. Mr. Turchin's recent projects have included traffic studies for: . Manor Run - a 370-unit condominium complex in Suffolk County, NY. . Reoency Oaks - an BOO-unit condominium complex in the Town of Rrookhaven, NY. . . Tauk Side Industrial Site - a 100-acre proposed industrial site in the Town of Brookh aven, NY. . Hiahlands - a 300-unit apartment/condominium complex in Port Jefferson, NY. . . Town of Huntington, NY - evaluation of existina traffic conditions at critical areas in the Town of Huntinnton. . Mr. Turchin is also responsible for the plannina and desian of roadway improvements, site access roads, and parking facilities. He is thorouahly familiar with the latest computer applications for traffic/transportation analysis. Prior to joinina Cashin Associates, Mr. Turchin served as Senior Traffic Engineer at another larae consultina firm, where he was responsible for numerous traffic impact studies. Mr. Turchin's prior experience also includes a position as Traffic Enaineer for the Town of Huntinnton, NY. . Mr. Turchin has specific experience in traffic and parkina studies related to railroad facilities. He has heen involved in the plannino, design and traffic impacts of railroad parking facilities at several stations in the Town of Huntington. In a TOPICS study in the Town of Islip, he prepared detailed desians for improvements of three critical railroad crossinas. He has also completed design and traffic studies for railroad parkina facilities and commuter access for stations in the City of Yonkers, Westchester County, and New Jersey. . . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . PETER F. nooo Principal Transportation Enqineer EDUCATION/REGISTRATION Suffolk Community Colleqe, 1972 Advanced TraininQ in Traffic/Transportation Enqineerinn . EXPERIENCE . With over 17 years of experience in transportation enqineerino, '1r. Dodd is directino several of C/A's ma.ior traffic studies on Lonn Island. He is mainlv involved in directino traffic impact studies for ma,tor development pro.tects on Lono Island. His responsihilities include supervision of field data collection, impact analyses, development of mitiqative measures, and preparation of summary reports. He is also responsible for street liohtino pro,tects performed hv CIA for municipalities. Recent assionments completed hy Mr. Dodd include: . . Preparation of a traffic study/DEIS for Reoency Oaks, an 800 unit residential complex in Brookhaven, NY. . Preparation of a traffic study/DEIS for Manor Run, a 400 unit clustered residential development in Manorville, NY. . . Inventory and evaluation of an extensive street liohtino system in the Town of Brookhaven, NY. . Analysis of exi stino traffic condi tions for cri tical areas for the Town of Huntinoton, NY. . Mr. Dodd's prior experience includes positions at the Suffolk County DOT and the Town of Brookhaven DOT. He is the former Director of Traffic Safety for the Town of Smithtown, and a present member of the Suffolk County Traffic Safety Board. . While with the Town of Smithtown, Mr. Dodd supervised a department of 22 people. The department was charoed with the responsihility of overseeino the ooeration and maintenance of traffic control devices on over 400 miles of roadways. The depart- ment was responsible for the operation of two street lioht districts that contain- ed a total of 10,000 street llohts. Mr. Dodd instituted the installation and operation of the Town's first micro-processor hased, pronressive sional svstem. . Under t~r. Dodd's direction, the Department conducted hundreds of spot traffic enqineerino surveys. The department also conducted evaluations of all of the Town's Railroad commuter parkino lots. Mr. Dodd evaluated sub-division plans and site plans to determine their adherence to Town specifications, from a transporta- tion enqineerino perspective. . Durinq his nine year tenure with the Town of Brookhaven, Mr. Dodd held several positions of increasino responsihility. Mr. Dodd conducted innumerahle transport- ation enqineerino studies on both a spot and an area wide hasis within the Town's 1800 miles of roadway. Mr. Dodd was responsihle for the day to day operaton of the townwide street lloht district, and he implemented and oversaw the operation of a multi-year 510 million capital proqram to "porade and expand liohtino throuohout the Town. . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . t1ENOY WEBER Planner EDUCATION/REGISTRATION . B.A., Environmental Desion, SUNY at Ruffalo, 19R4- B.A., Geooraphy, SUNY at Ruffalo, 1984- M.S., lIrban Planninq, Hunter Colleoe, NY, 19A9 (Cannidate) EXPERIENCE . As a Planner at CIA, Ms. Weher is re~ponsible for nrotects involvino reoional plannino, ~ite plannino, ann socioeconomic analyses. Her recent protect experience includes land use and zoni no analvses in support of environmental impact statements for ~everal ma,tor site development on Lono Islann. She i~ also involved in planninq and zonina stunies for Lana Island municipalities. Recent assignments completed by Ms. Weher include: . . Preparation of an EIS for an AOO-uni t clustered residential development in Manorville, NY . Visual impact analysis and assessment for proposed residential nevelopment of a former innustrial site in Port 1efferson, NY . . Preparation of an EIS for a 600-unit condominium complex in South Yaphank, NY . Review of requlatory reouirements for preparation of a community noi~e ordinance for the Town of Oyster Ray, NY . . Land use and zoninq analysis for the Terra Pines clustered residential complex, Town of Brookhaven, NY . Prior to Joininq CIA, Ms. Weher held a position of Planner for another enoineerinq/environmental firm, where she wa~ responsihle for various environmental impact studies and site planninq protects. She was the primary author of a reoional Generic Environmental Impact Statement for future lanrl use in a 20 sou are mile area in the Town of Huntinoton, NY. . Ms. Weber's prior experience in"ludes assionments within the New York City Department of Plannino and the Oowntown Flushino Oevelopment Corp., where she was responsihle for zonino studies, land use analyses ann commercial revitalization proorams. . . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . alEGORY T. GREENE Director of Environmental Proqrams EDUCATION/REGISTRATION . B.A., Geolooical anrl Geophysical ScIences, Princeton IIniversitv, 1975 M.S., Marine Environmental Sciences, SIINY at Stonv '\rook, 1978 Certificate in Noise Analyses, Vanrlerhilt Universitv, 1985 EXPERIENCE . As Chief Environmental Scientist at Cashin Associates, Mr. Greene serves as pro.tect manaqer for ma.tor environmental planninq anrl assessment protects. He has directed the preparation of numerous environmental impact statements and technical studies for proJects involvinq public works anrl transportation nianninq, commercial and residential site rlevelopment, anrl construction of hiohways, solid waste disposal facilities, and other puhlic improvements. He has specific expertise on issues relatino to Lono Islanrl, anrl is hiohly knowlerloeable of local, state, and federal reoulatorv re~uirements, includina those of the New York State Environmental Qllali ty Review Act (SEQRA). . Recent environmental proJects completerl unrler Mr. Greene's rlirection inclurlerl: . . Preparation of a DEIS and traffic sturlies for a 400-unit clustererl residential development in Suffolk County, NY. . Preparation of a DEIS and traffic sturlies for a 700-uni t conrlomi nillm development in the Town of Arookhaven, NY. . Development of a hazardous materials manaaement plan for the Town of Oyster Bay, NY. . . Preparation of a Final EIS and traffic sturly for a commercial shoppino mall on a 20-acre site in Suffolk County, NY. . . Environmental/plannino studies for corporate office rlevelopments in Connecticut anrl Westchester. . Other recent assionments conducted hy Mr. Greene includerl: area plannina studies and site assessments throuohout the northeast for the U.S. Postal Service; various ecoloqical, marine anrl coastal zone manaaement sturlies throuohout Lona Islanrl; preparation of the master plan for restoration of Central Park, NY; environmental assessments for utility installations as part of the restoration of Elli s I slanrl, NY. . Mr. Greene was also employed for four years at a national environmental consultino firm where he was involved in the preparation of environmental impact stllrlics for the IJ.S. EPA. He acouirerl extensive experience in pro.tect plannino, field work, data analvsis, EIS preparation anrl expert testimony in this nosi tion. He serverl as pro.tect manaqer for a ma.tor EIS on the proposed remerliation of PCA-contaminaterl sediments from the Hudson River, and for an assessment of impacts of sewerino on marine resources of the Great South Ray, NY. He preparerl EIS's for reoional wastewater disposal systems on Lono Islanrl, upstate New York, New Jersey, anrl Puerto Rico. Areas of responsihility inclucierl assessino potential impacts of development on qround and surface water quality, wetlanrls, ecosystems, anrl lanrl use. . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . FRANCIS J. CASHIN III, P.E. Chief Civil Engineer EDUCATION IREGISTRATION Stevens Institute of Technoloqy, Civil Enqineerinq . Reqistered Professional Enqineer in New York and Connecticut Member of Illuminatinq Enqineerina Societv, Lona Island Lampliqhters, and New York State Association for Solid Waste Manaoement EXPERIENCE . . Mr. Cashin serves as Chief Enoineer and Pro.tect Manaqer for manv of the firm's civil enqineerinq, site development and inspection oro,tects. He has 15 vears of experience in various enoineerino rllsciplines, anrl he has recently completerl several pro.tects involvino corporate site development, municipal hlJilrlinqs, parkina facilities, and incineration buildinqs. Mr. Cashin is presently workino on a variety of assiqnments invoivina the rlesiqn anrl installation of liahtino for streets, hiahways and parks. . Mr. Cashin has performed consultina services for various municipal solid waste manaaement proqrams, includino detailed analyses of collection procerlures, incinerator reduction desiqns and various rlisposal systems. He preparerl reports and recommended modifications to facilities for compliance with related ferleral, state, and local renulations, as reouirerl, anrl has heen responsible for several incinerator rehabilitation and maintenance pro.tects. . I-Ie is also servina as chief civil enqineer for desion work associated with the permittinq anrl operation of a construction debris lanrlfill. Other recent pro.tects completed under Mr. Cashin's direction include: . coordination and pro,tect manaaement for two major brirlae anrl hiohway construction inspection pro.tects for NYSDOT . . desiqn for a public library parkinq lot for the Town of Smithtown, NY . plannina, desian and inspection for improvement of extensive street liahtina systems for the Town of Oyster Ray, NY . . . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . FRANCIS D. RIBAUDO, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer EDUCATION/REGISTRATION B.S., Bachelor of Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1973 . Professional Engineer in New York and Connecticut EXPERIENCE . Mr. Ribaudo is a Principal Civil Engineer at CA who is responsible for engineering supervision of CA's civil engineering and site development projects. Projects presently under his direction include design of grading, drainage, water supply and distribution, and wastewater treatment systems for various residential and commercial developments. He is also responsible for civil engineering on several municipal engineering projects involving intrastructure improvments, site development and downtown area improvements. His recent assignments have included: . . design for a new railroad parking facility and entrance roadways for the Town of Islip, New York; . . planning and design for site improvements at a shore front recreational facility for the Town of Riverhead; . site engineering services for a multi-unit residential development in the Village of Port Jefferson; . . design for an ash disposal facility, leachate collection system and other solid waste management facilities for the Town of Babylon, New York; and . planning and design of on-site wastewater treatment facilities for several residential and commercial developments. . Prior to JOlnlng CA, Mr. Ribaudo held a position as Chief Civil Engineer for another civ 11 engineering firm, where he served as manager and supervisor for numerous civil engineering projects. His experience includes site engineering for numerous commercial and recreational developments, and design for numerous wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and associated facilities. He was responsible for the site engineering, including wastewater disposal, drainage and utility supplies, for a variety of major residential and commercial developments. Prior to this position, Mr. Ribaudo was al so employed at Consoer, Townsend and Associates, as a Project Engineer. He was primarily involved in the planning and design of wastewater treatment and conveyance facilities. His responsibilities included design and construction engineering services for preliminary and secondary treatment improvements to the 70 MGD Bay Park Wastewater Treatment Plant, Nassau County, New York. . . . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . STEPHEN P. FERRETTI Transportation Analyst EDUCATION IREGISTRATION . B.S., Statistics and Economics, SUNY at Ruffalo, 19R7 EXPERIENCE . As a transportation analyst at CA, Mr. Ferretti is responsihle for data aCQui- sition and analysis for CA's transportation and traffic studies. His responsibili ties include: coordination and manaQement of CA field personnel involved in traffic counts and other data collection: collection of existinG capacity and accident history data at Qovernmental aGencies: computer analvsis of data; and preparation of technical summarv reports. These pro.tects inclucle site speci fic and area-wide traffic impact assessments, analysis of intersection and roadway improvements, and identification of mitiQative actions to alleviate adverse traffic conditions. Mr. Ferretti is also responsihle for collection and analysis of data relatinn to public transportation systems. . . Mr. Ferretti has completed transportation studies for pro.tects involvinG site development of multi-unit residences, industrial subdivisions, shopoinQ centers, and other site developments. He has also completed area-wide traffic studies performed in support of land use and reQional plannino. Mr. Ferretti's representative pro.tect exoerience includes: . . traffic studies and impact assessments for four ma.tor condominium comolexes in the Town of Brookhaven, NY . traffic studies and impact assessments for a prooosed industrial subdivision and a warehouse facility, both in Suffolk County . . analysis of cd tical intersections and roarlways in the Town of Hunti noton, performed as part of the Town's land use olannino . traffic studies and identification of roarlway imorovements in downtown Port Jefferson, NY . With a hackoround in statistics, Mr. Ferretti also assists in other data orocurino activities performed in suoport of CAts environmental oro.lects. He is familiar with numerous tvpes of computer proorams and their aoolications to traffic analyses and environmental assessments. . . . CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. . ESHWAR kOSI.n, P.E. Civil Engineer EDUCATION !REGISTRATION . M.S., Civil and Environmental Enoineerino, University of Cincinnati, 19~1 t1.S., Civil and Environmentai Enoineerino, 1.1. T ./Kanpur, India, 1979 R.S., Civil Enqineerino, A.IJ. Colleqe of Enoineerino, India, 1977 Registered Professional Enoineer in New York (1985) and California (1984) Certified Ashestos Investioator 1987 . EXPERIENCE -> Mr. Kosuri is a licensed professional enqineer with aporoximately 10 vears of experience in environmental enoineerino, includino desian and inspection for public works pro.tects; and air ouaU ty Inoise analyses. He is presently assigned as a Civil Enqineer to CA's solid waste and civil enoineerino pro.tects, includinq those for water supoly systems, hiohway reconstruction, solid waste disposal facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities. He is familiar with the desion and implementation of ashestos remediation proorams. He is also involved in environmental pro.tects involvino air ouality impact assessments. Mr. Kosuri is presently servi no as pro.tect enoineer for the desiqn of reoradinq, landfill closure and ooeration plans for the Town of Babylon. He is also involved in a detailed waste stream analysis for the Town of Oyster Bay to determine the composition and eneray content of solid waste. He is also involved in air ouality anaiyses reouired as part of environmental impact statements beinq prepared by CA for ma.tor site develooment projects. Prior to .toinino CA, Mr. Kosuri served as a pro.tect enoineer for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, where he was responsihle for the preparation of contract specifications and plans for special projects in civil enqineering. He also was in charoe of supervision, inspection and certifica- ation of contract work. He was involved in the caoital replacement proorams for 14 water pollution control treatment plants in New York City. His responsibilities also included the implementation of an ashestos ahatement prooram for city facilities. . . . . . Mr. Kosuri has specific experience in the plannina, desiqn and maintenance of public and private pools. He was resoonsihle for the renovation of the Hempstead Golf Club Swimmino Pool, the Monte Excellsior Pool in Rellerose, NY, and various other pro.tects. He is also exoerienced in the desion of hackflow prevention devices. . Mr. Kosuri's prior experience includes the supervision of construction projects such as water main installations, reoulation of water supply wells, and oroundwater fronitorino proarams for Nassau County rJepartment of Health. He served as an environmental analyst for the US Environmental Protection Aoency, where he conducted air pollution studies as Dart of EPA and NIOSH proorams. .