HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Southold-Mattituck Bowling Lanes Inc . CONSUU YOUR lAWYER IIIlFOR! StONING THf~ INn~UMtNT - THIS INSTRUMENT !HOULD lIE UnD BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 14th dAY n' October BETWEEN , nineteen hundred and n i net y - f (] IJ r TOWN OF SOUTHOLO, d municipal corporation of the State I of New York, having its principal office at 53095 Main Road, I' SOlltho 1 d, New York i , , , " 1 i' " Ii Ii II II porty of the flrst part, and MATTI TUCK BOWLING LANES, INC., a domestic corporation having its principal place of business at Main Road, Mattituck, New York, as successor to MATTITUCK BUILDING CORP., II !! , party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the flrst pArt, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release'artd quHclaim lInto the party of the scco'1d part, the heirs or successors Rnd Assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certAin plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, siluAte, lying and being ilXNre at Ma t ti tuc k, Town of Sou tho I d, Suf fo I k Co u nty, N'cw York, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the Old Main Road, 191.60 feet westerly along said southerly line from Marlene Lane; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line South 70 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds West 46.67 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Morchel, North 20 degrees 39 mintues 10 seconds West 57.33 feet to the southerly line of Main Road; thence along said southerly line two courses: (1) North 53 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East 29.73 feet; thence (2) North 70 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds East 18.07 feet thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. South 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 66.01 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Ii I I Ii !i 1 /1 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the par~he Brs! kTkof, In and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines f; TOG ER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the Brst part In aod to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the secood part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the secood part forever. II I; AND the party of the Brst part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law hereby covenaots that the party of the Brst part will receive the conslderatloo for this conveyaoce and will hold the right to receive such coosid- eration as a trust fund to be aPflied Brst for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same flrst to the payment 0 the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for auy other purpose. The word 'party" shall be consfrued as if it rend .parties" whenever tbe sense of thls Indenture so requlM" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flrst part has duly executed this deed the day and yenr flrst above written, IN PRESENCE OF: [i I I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By(lu:zp~1 6. ctOl~ Ruth D. Oliva, Deputy Supervisor stAll or NIW you.. COUNTY 0' On the day of personally came , before me 19 to me known to be tbe individual described in and who executed..the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged. that executed the same. S1AIE A. NEW YOIlK, COUNTY OF S U F F 0 L K On the 14th day of October 19'9"4., belore me personally came R~t_h D. Oliva to me known, who, belUg by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at No. Hog Pond Road, Orient, New York that she is the Deputy Supervisor 01 THE TOW N 0 F SOU T H ~ ~ee coijlbPah1iHl&b..ibed in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board JOhtll:ect<X9< 01 said corpora- tion, and that he signed h elS name therelo by like order. ~ ~/ ~/-_/ ./ V~ ~ v.Y./.-?A--<y {- JUOI1'H, l"" 'HJ~I'W , , ' (/ Notarv P'.iblic. S;:.ll';;.:' ,l~",~w 'rUIl\. I~o. G::-C:;::';'~.-~)"-';;' ~. OLlsJifiitG iH ?~H,Ar. e~...;;:). -ll) (.{lmmiS::'IOI' EX;)!i(;::" f~,,,,,y .:-1. l ~...... lftuitdaim .ttb TITLE NO. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO MATTITUCK BOWLING LANES, INC. IIAIIDAD 101M Of IEW 'III lUll Of TIlU PHIWIITW Di8IrlbuIlld by CDICJA..GO TITLE IN8'VRANClIll COMPANY II: ITATE Of NEW YOlK, COUNTY Of IS: On the day 01 personally came 19 , before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. $S. S1AlE O' NEW YOlK. COUNTY OF IS, On the day 01 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the loregoing instrument, with whom 1 am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose ana say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the loregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as wilness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded at Reque$t of CmCACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Return by Mall 10 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq t80 Old Country Road PO Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Zip No. w U .. ... o \II z Q .. o hl .. ... o w '" ::> " 1( ... u <( .. '" '" I ~ w ,. DC w '" ~ " '''~-'----''... i' 00 NOT PUBLISH CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BnORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD IE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 13th BETWEEN day of October , nineteen hundred and n i n ety - f 0 u r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York v party of the Brst part, and MATTITUCK BOWLING LANES, INC., a domestic corporation having its principal place of business at Main Road, Mattituck, New York party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the Brst part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the seco'ld part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ""ltl:olle*mllciillgllJll))1ll imptlllllem:elltlLl:beXOOII ~~~ol, situate, lyingandbeingi1ilJt~ at Mattituck, town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southerly line of the Old Main Road with westerly line of Marlene Lane; from said pOint of beginning running along said southerly line South 70 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds West 191.68 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., as successor to Mattituck Building Corp. North 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 66.01 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, two courses: (1) North 70 degrees 18 mintues 10 seconds East 137.27 feet; thence (2) North 53 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds East 56.56 feet to the extension northerly of said westerly line South 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 82.40 feet to the pOint of beginning. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the Brst part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above.described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the Brst part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the lieirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the Brst part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, hereby covenants that the party of the Brst part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid. eration as a trust fund to be applied Brst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word .party. shall be construed as if it read .parties. whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the Brst part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: stAn O. NEW YOlK, COUNTY Of IS, stAn O. NEW YOlK, COUNTY ." SS, On the day of personally came 19 , before me On the day of personally came 19 , before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged.that executed the same. to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowled!!ed that executed the same. S'ATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY Of SUFFOLK IS, stATE O. NEW YORI(, COUNTY OF IS, On the 13th day of October 19 94, before me personally came Ruth D. Oliva to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that' she resides at No. Hog Pond Road, Orient, New York ; that she is the Deputy Supervisor of that he knows The Tow n 0 f Sou t h ~ \lge corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said instnlment is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by order of the board ot xlltttltOl'l< IIf said corpora. execute the same; and that he, said witness, tion, and that she signed her name thereto by like order. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~~~ t/ JUDITH T. TERRY Notary Public. Sta'. of New York No. 52.0344963 1f Qualifiod in Suffolk Countv Commission Expires May 31.19 On the day of 19 , before me j:>ersonally came the subscribing witness to the foregoin!! instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. c!Iluitdaim 1l9ttb SECfION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN TITLE NO. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO ~ATTITUCK BOWLING LANES, INC. Recorded at Request of CmCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SIAIIDIID FOlM OF IEW YOII lOAD OF TIlLE lI8EIWIInElS Dl8trlbuted by Return by Mail.o CDIClA.GO TITLE INt!I'VRANCB COMPANY Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 180 Old Country Road PO Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Zip No. w U il: ... o Ib z is .. o 11l .. ... o w '" ::> .. ~ w U ~ '" '" :t .... w > .. w '" w .. F.OR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWlS Code I 04. Page I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOR C2. Date Deed Recorded / / Month Day Year STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMEN C3. Book I PROPERTY INFORMATION EA - 5217 EA-51:17 R"ll94 1. Property I Location STREET "'-MBER I Main Road STREET NAME Mattituck 11952 CITY OR TOWN VILLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name Mattituck BowlinG Lanes. Inc. LAST~ J COMP~ FIRST NAME lAST t<WVIE I COMPANY FIRSTWME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address LAST w.ME I CQMPN<< fiRST NMlE STREET ~BER N<<) STREET NAME CITYOftTOINN ST~TE ZIPCOOE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed . of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel 6. Deed Property Size FRONT FEET I X I OtPTH lOR I 'ACRES' . (Only If Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 46. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 6. Seller Name LAST WME I C0r.4P~ FIRSTJ<W.4E LAST rw.IlE I COMP~ FIRSTJ<W.4E 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale. A~ One Family Resldenllal B 2 or 3 Famllv Residential C Residential Vacant Land D X Non-Residential Vacant Land I SALE INFORMATION l 11. Sale Contract Date E~ Agricuftural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment I Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type Is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 109. Buyer received a disclosure notiCe indicating that the property Is In an Agricultural District o o o o 16. Check one or more of these cond-Itlonsas applicable -to transfer: Sale Between Relatives or Former ~elaUves Sale Between Related Companies or Partners In Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest ( Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale D~ Sale of Business is Included In Sale Price Other Unusual Faclors Affecting Sale Price ( Specify Below) None 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price ; , ; (Full Sale Price Is the total amount paid for the property Including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) 14. Indicate the value of personal 0 property Included In the sale ; ; ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oata should reflect the latest Final Assessment Rolland Tax Bill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I 9 3 I 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels In transferll which Information taken. . 18. Propeny CI... I 4 . 8 .5 I-U 19. School Olstrlc1 Nam. I La u rei 20. Tax Map ldentlfler(s)/ Roilldentlfler(s) (If more than. tour, attach sheet With addltlonalldentlfler(s).) 1000-143.00-02.00- I I CERTIFICATION I certify that all of tbe Items of Information entered on this (orm Ire true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and beUet) and I understand tbat the maldng of any willful raise statement of material (act herein w1II subject me to tbe nrovfslons of the neDallaw relative to the maJdng and Rllug of false Instruments. BUYER MATTITUCK BOWLING LANES, INC. BUYER'S ATTORNEY 84YER SlGW.TURE DATE DOrIS Harkoff Cuddy Charles R. lAST""'_ FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER Main Road STREET f'WoJIE (AFTER SALE) 516 AREA CODE 369-8200 TELEPHClNEM.tvlBER Mattituck CITYORTO~ NY STATE l1952 ZIP COOE / SELLER It D. Oliva, Dep4ty Supervisor iTOi ,,& (\) Qu~ NEW YORK STATE COpy 10/13/94 ~ . ......,... .nd t.kI'.tee ......... ..... .... Real Es'tale ThInsrer Tax Relul'll Credll Line Mortgage Cerlillcalc ~'!P 11I~!!.ctioIlPJIf-5P4'1} bafore com1&/lII!lJ!!ls form . ~pfiedule A . 'n'ormatlon Rela1ina to Convevance PlelSe p,lnl or Iyp, N',"e Irrall,'ero"grelllor) Town of Souttlo I d, a mun i c i pa I -Md;;;. Main Road, SouthOld, New York "'eme In f ' I) Mat tit u c k B 0\1,1 i n 9 Lan e s, ] n c . rans arae/gran aa ___ hid,." Main Road, Mattituck, New York SocII' ,nculllr number C~n: or~_~Jo n_____L__. I liP codE' Fede,,1 "",ployer Idellllllcellon number 11971 ----- ._L Socl.! "curllr ,number ---..... -.___-1_ I lit' codo Feder81l'nlplO)'t', IdellllllcaUon number Locallon and dascrlpllon of proparly Convoyed lax map deslgnallon '. 11952 11 2485740 Address =1 GII j~ ylVlllaga . Town Counly tituc~ Southold Suffolk -. 1000-143.00 02.00- Main Road lype of proparly convayad (GI,,~ck applicable bo.) 1 [) 1 . 3 fa","y house 2 [) Resldenllal cooper alive . '"7~'. 3 [J Rasldenlla~condomlnlum 4 [) Vacanl land 5 CI Otheranandnnorl Y'n.:lrl 0010 of conveyallce [I.~.-L_~. J~ llIolllh dny yenr Percenlage 01 real properly conveyad which Is resldenllal raal properly n % - ConveYlnce which co"slsls of a ITlOle change of Idenllly or 10"" of ownershIp or organllllllon (Nlltch Form 1P-6S.." SelJfuf.tls 'J g. - Conveyance 'or 'lthlch CfOUIt lor lox previously peld wUl be ctahl19d (A".ch Form TP.StU.t, Sc1ltfdlllo OJ h. _ COhYeyance of air rights 0' devoI1ll'1II0ll' rlghls 8. _ Conveyance pursuant 10 or In lieu of I. _ Conlrlcl Isstgnmenl foreclosure (Altltch r-orm TP-$S.f.'. ScMduf. EJ J. _ Opllon 1"lgnmenl or Burrefluer Schedule B - Real Property ltal1s'er Gains Tax Aflldavii(A'riicie-3 i:B o' the lax Law) o Ch.ck Ihl. b~. " · lllnl.llv. At....m.nl .nd n.lum I. b.lng m.d ""h ".pecllo your cu"."llren.'", .nd Proc..d 10 Sch.dul. C wllhoul completing Ihe followIng ."hllv'., AIIO, enler Ihe ."ellment number Bhown on Ihe Thn'IUve Alnll",enl: Co"dlUon 01 conveyance (Check alllhal apply) n. _ Conveyance of fee Inlerest f. b. _ ^cqulslllon of 8 conlrolllng 'nler88t (siBle percentage Rcqulred %1 c. _' nansrer or a cOlltrolllng 'nleresl (slale pe'Cenlage transferred d. _ COJ1Vo)'Bnce 10 cooperative housIng cOlporallofl %;1 k. _ Leasehold asslgnmel11 or lurrender l. _ Lelsehofd uraltt 111. _ Conveyence of an 60semenl 11. _ Conveyance for WhIch exemption from Irlns'er lax Is claImed. (Complele Schedulo C. PorI 111) o. _ COhYeyence by gill I'. _ Conveyance 01 plope,ly plrlly 'ltllhln 8nd parUy ~lthout 1he ~lale q. _Olher IO.serihl aoamdonment i I , I ("e) ca,lIIy Ihol: (clloek .pproprl% bON) .0 lhs ho".lor of 1001 proporly consl.l. ollho ..ocullon 01 0 conlroC\ 10 sell rool proporly "lIhoullho u.o or occuponcy 01 .uch propsrly or Iho g,anllng oJ In option 10 purch81e real prope,ly wllhoul the ule or OCCUPII1CY of such propOlly. . '. " q 2 fl Tho Irensler I. 0 Ironsl.r 01 rool prop~rlr whors Iho conoldorallon I. lo.s Iho" $500.UOU and "hlch I. nonhar (A) pur.uonllo 0 coopsrollvo or condominIum plnn. nor (8) II pe,lIe' or IlUCCI!lSlV8 Irlnl'lr pUrllUlnl 10 8n agreometll or pion 10 elleclUlle by parllll or luccesslvl han.'ers a !fans'er Which would otherwise be IncJuded In the cove,ege of Article 31-B of Ihe Tax low. . 3 0 Tho lre".lor I. 0 lro".lor 01 '001 proporly by 10ns"l. In common. )olnlla"o,,', or le"o"l. by Iho o"II,aly "hors Ihe oggrogolo con.ldor.llo" I. less Ihan $500.000. (All IUch tr8nsferofl must sign Ihl. form.) . . 4 [J Tho coovsyonca ,. nolo Iron.lor 01 rool prop.rly "lIhln IIr. moonIng 01 .ocllon IHO.7 01 Alllel. 31.9 ollho Tluc Low. (A1loch docum.nl. supporllng such claim. Ind Ilgn on back as required.) 5 0 Ths Iroo,'ar 01 ra.' proporly eonsls's 01 premlsos "holly oceuplsd and u.ed by Iho 1r.".le,or ",elu.lv.'y os hi. rasldonco. I"cludlng 0 coopeTBlIve Bpaflmanl or condominium Occupied by Ihe transferor exclusively 9S 8 ,esldence. (This 8Kemptlon mey only be claimed by In IndivIdual, eslate or Irust.) 6 0 the gove"'",enl.1 .nllly (lron.leror)I. Iho Slolo 01 Naw York. or ony 0111. oue"ela.. ',,"nlllle"lnlllla.. polllleol .ubdlvl.lon.. or publlo carpofallons. Including a public corporltlon crealed pUrluanllo In 8gr89m8nl or compact with 8nother ilale or Clnlda. \ 7 0 The govo"'",.nl.1 .nllly (Ir.n.roro,)I. Ih. Unnod Nollons or ony OIhor Inlo",ollo"nl o'gonl,ollo" 01 "hleh Ih. Unll.d Stele. I. 0 m.mb.r. Ih. Unlled SII18S of Amerlcl or Iny oll1s agencies or Inslrumenl81l11el. SchedUle C . Real Estate ltansfer lax Return (Article 31-orihe lox Law) Pari I . Co,npulaUoa 01 Ta. Due 1 Enter Bruounl or consldorallon for conveyance. (If you ani claiming a folsl e)ff""J,lIon r,om tax. Slf'8r conslderatton and procesd 10 Parilll) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ContinuIng lien deduction (See Ins'ructton, II prope,ty I' lalren ,ubj6cl 10 mo"gngo or 11(11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . 3 la.able conslderallon (Sub/melllnoll from 11"0 II . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . 4 lax due: $2 lor aach $500, or Iracllonal pe.rl Iheraol, of conslderallon on line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Amount or medII claimed (S'.'nstrucl1ona end aUac/, Form lP~684.', Sc/r6dule G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Total lox due- (Subtrac' II". 6 (ro,n IIn" 4).......................... ". ..... .... '.' ................. ParlH - Computallon 01 Addlllonal 10. Due on Ihe Conveyance 01 Resldenll.1 Raoll',oparly for $1 Million or More 1 entar amounl 01 consldarallon lor conveyance (same as amoun'ln Pari I, IIna 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... . .~ 2 lb.xable consider allOI1 (Multiply IIno , by"'" pftrcentsge of lilt' pnlmlsea which Is ,osfdentiaf leal prope,ty) (seft Ins. tructlons) ~ 3 'Iolal addlllonallransl.r la. dua' (196 of/lno 2) . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... 3 . . Plonse make check(s} payable 10 Ihe county clerk whare Iha racordlng Is 10 101\9 plac. or Ihe Oeparlmen' 01 Th.allon and Finance" payment Is being made dlreclly 10 Ihe Tax Dopartmen" lfOiroco;dhigCirrcet'!I use ^moufll IItrr... Pelll $: receIved ~ P.tl II S 1 0 -J 2 n 3 n 4 n 5 0 1 8 n ~ Oai;;oc;;i~od- 1I8n'8cllon numbsl .............. . ._"='" ...'':;;'":''11.', TP-564 (4/89) (back) Schedule C . (continued) Part III _ Explanallon 01 Exompllon Clalmod In Pari I, IIno 1. (e/lock any bolta. thaI apply) Tho convoyanco 01 reel proporty 10 exompt Irom tho ro.1 eslata translor lax lor Ihe lollowlng reaaon: a. Conveyanco 10 10 Ihe Unlled Nallono, Iho Unllod Slaloa 01 America, the Stale 01 New York or any 01 their Inolrumentallllas, ogonclao or pollllcal oubdlvlalono (or any puhllc corpor.llon, Including a publlo corporallon craaled purauant to agreemenl or compacl wllh enolhor atata or Caneda) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . 00 b. Convoyonce la 10 aecura a debt or olher obllgaUon. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . .... . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . ... . . . ... ... .. . . . . .... . b 0 c. Conveyance Is wllhoul additional conslderallon to conllrm, correct, modily or aupplem~nl a prior conveyance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 0 d. Conveyance 01 real proporty wllhout conalderallon and olherwlse Ihan In connecllon wllh a aale, Including conveyance a conveying raslly aa bona IIde gills.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . dO e. Conveyance la given In c"nnocllon wllh a lax aale . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . .. .. ." ... . . . . .. . .... . .. . . .... . . .. . . . . . .... . eO I. Conveyance la a mere change olldonllly or lorm 01 ownership or organlzallon where Ihera 10 no change In benellclol ownership. (Thla exompllon cannot be claimed lor a conveyance 10 a cooperative houalng corporation 01 real property comprlalng Ihe cooperative dwelling or dwelllnga.) .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . ... .... ... . ..... .. . ..... ... . . . . . . .. ... . ... .... . I 0 g. Convayonce conslolo 01 daed 01 partition.......................................................................... gO h. Convoyance 10 given pursuenllo Ihe lederal bankruplcy .cl . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . , .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. h 0 I. Conveyence consists ollhe execution 01 a conlracl to sell real property wllhoullhe use or occupancy 01 such property or Ihe granting 01 an option 10 purchase reat property wllhout the use or occupancy 01 such properly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 J. Conveyance 01 an option or conlracllo purchase real proparly wllh the use or ocoupancy 01 auch property where Ihe conalderatlon la less than $200,000 and such property waS used aolaly by Ihe granlor aa hla parsonalraaldance and conslsla 01 a I, 2, or 3 lamlly house, a realdentlallndlvldual condominium urill, or the aale 01 alack In a cooparatlva houalng corporation In connecllon wllh Ihe grenl or tranafll 01 a proprlotary leaoohold covering an Indlvldualrasldanllal cooporallve unll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 k. Olher (o"och ..plo.o"a.)....... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ......... . .. ... . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . k 0 Schedule 0 . Credit LIne Mortg!!g~ Ce~!I!lclIt~(Artlcle 11 0' the Tax Law) Complolo Iha 'ollowlng only IIlh. Inlaroll being tranllerred Is a 'ae Ilmpla Inlar.ll. I (wo) cortlly Ihal: (Chack appropriate bOlt) 1 0 Tha real property being aold or trans.lorred 10 not principally Improvod nor will II bo Improvod by a ono-to Ilx-lomlly ownor- occupied rosldence or dwalllng. ' , 2 0 Tho real proporly baing laid orlranslerrod Is not sublecl 10 an oulslandlng cradllllne mortgage. 3 0 The real proporly bel~g laid orlronslerred Is sublecl to an oulslandlng cr.dllllne mortgage. However, an exempllon lrom Ihe lax. la claimed lor Ihe lollowlng reaaon: . '. . . ~ . , ' " o The Iranslor o'real property II a Iransler of a lee olmple Inleresllo a person or peraona who hald a laa simple Intareslln Ihe real proporly (whelher es a )olnl lenanl, a lonanlln common or olherwlle) Immedlalely prior 10 Ihe Iransler; o The Iransler 01 real proporty Is (A) 10 a person or persons relaled by blood, marriage or adoption 10 Ihe origInal obligor or 10 one or mora ollhe original obligors or (8) 10 a paraon or enllly where a maJorlly ollhe benallclalInlereslIn luch real properly allerlha Irans'erls held by Ihe Iransferor or such relalad person or pellona; o The Iranoler 01 real proparty Is a transler 10 a Iruslee In bankruplcy, a reoelver, alSlgnee or olher olllcer 01 a court; o Olher (allach detailed explanation). 4 0 Tha real properly being transferred 10 preoonlly oublecl to an oulslandlng credllllne mortgage, however, no tax la due lor the followIng raason: o A certlllcalo 01 dlocharge of the credllllno morlgage 10 baing ollerad allhe time 01 recording Ihe deed; or o A check has baen drawn payable lor Iransmlsslon 10 Iha credllllne mortgagee or his agenl lor Ihe balance due and a asllslacllon 01 such morlgage will be recorded as soon aa ilia available. 5 0 The real properly being Iranlferrad Is sublecl to an oulolandlng credllllne mortgage on record al (Insert IIbor and page or reel or olher Identlllcatlon ollhe mortgage). The maximum principal amount axprelsed In Ihe mortgage Is . No exempllon lrom lax la clalmad and Ihe lax 01 Is baing paid harewllh. (Make cheok payable /0 county o/.rk wl.ere daed will be recorded.) d Signature and Affirmation (Both the _!..n.!~sleror(!!}!9rantor<!) and trans'eree(!)'grantee(s) must. slg!!l. Tha undorslgnad, baing duly lworn, depose and say under penally 01 perJury Ihat iti'e'above relurn, including any allldavll, cerllllc8110n, schadule or atlachmenl, haa been axamlned by Ihe undersigned, and la, 10 Ihe beal 01 hla/her knowladge, Irue and complela and mada In go lallh purauanlto Artlolol 11, 31 and 31.8 ollhe New York Slale Tax Law. TOW F SOUT L \ Deputy. MATTITUCK BOWLING By: Supervisor ' TllIo '1tanal.r.elgranl.. Dori s Harkoff r.IINES. INC. President TIll. Subscribed to and aworn bafo,. me Subscribed 10 end sworn before me Ihl, doV 01 Se pt 94 .19_. Ihl, nth dav 01 October ,19 _9...!.. cft/~ ~~~..-- JUDITH T. TERRY 51110 al N Ii: W Y g R K Notary Public. Slota of New York Na. 52-0344963 , d ( CounlV 01 S II F F 0 I K com<;'~~i,~~ E~p~~~'i-\~~~l~'{ Sf" Counlv 01 S U F F 0 L K Reminder: ~ld you. co~ple'8 ~II o~ th., r~qulred InformanoR In Schedule. A and 81 Were you required to comnlete Schetilllfll\ll r. "n,1 n'J SI~I.ol NFW YORK JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER II, 19911: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and direct Supervisor Thomas Wickham to execute a Quit Claim Deed to Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. transferring to them a parcel of property, directly north of their property, adjacent to NYS Route 25, which was formerly a part of "Old Main Road", Mattituck, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. T.-~ Southold Town Clerk October 5, 19911 1 1 ~ -f. Appointment wi C. Cuddy 9:00 A.M. - 10/Q/9Q LAURY L. DOWD Town Attorney Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Teiephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: TOWN BOARD FROM: TOWN ATTORNEY RE: QUITCLAIM DEED FROM TOWN SEPTEMBER 26, 199~ DATE: , Mr. Charles Cuddy represents the owners of the Mattituck Bowling Alley in asking the Town Board for a quitclaim deed of a small piece of property along Route 25 in Mattituck. On July 9, '97~ the Town Board made an order abandoning the old state highway continguous to the bowling alley property. Although the abandonment documents suggest that there was an intent to transfer ownership of the property to the bowling alley, it never happened. Mr. Cuddy has prepared a quitclaim deed of the abandoned road right-of-way wherein the town would transfer any interest it has to Mattituck Bowling Lanes. Attached is a copy of the deed and accompanying correspondence. CHARLES R. CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 180 OLD CoUNTRY ROAD (RTE. 58 P. O. BOX 1547 RrVERHEAD, NY 11901 ".. "..5. Hf-~10t SJe\\vtAeJ~ .......~ ADJACENT TO MOTOR VElilCLE DEPARTMENT TEL: (316) 369-8200 PAX: (51<31 389-9080 July 20, 1994 Laury Dowd, Esq. Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. DO\'ld: We represent the owner of the premises known as the Matti tuck Bowling Lanes, Inc. On July 9, 1974 the Town made an Order abandoning the old state highway immediately contiguous to the Mattituck Bowling Lanes parcels and indicated that these parcels were to be conveyed to the Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. or its predecessor corporation, Mattituck Building Corp. We enclose a. copy of the Orders. You will note that the Assessor understood the conveyances had taken place and my client also believed that the conveyances had occurred. However, a review of the records of the County Center indicate that no deeds were ever recorded. Since the parties effecti vely acted on the belief of conveyances, including the assessor having taxed the premises for more than 15 years as if the conveyances had taken place, I respectfully request that the Town now execute a quitclaim deed so that title will reflect the intention of the parties. Very truly yours, CJ~--.JJr CJ1 ,.- Charles R. CUddY~ CRC/pc Encls. P.S. If you believe it is appropriate, I would be pleased to appear before the Town Board to discuss this matter. ,:""'''_._';"...;....~~~-'~:;i"'~~~ ;.,.:"-.i."~:...~,~~1 I 1 , ! I r I I ; j . 5 ""'.""~,,~.~;:,.o,,";.'~~,_.._....,~' ..~i. .,,;;, ' L''-e I~' l-o-t' j~~ _ '., Mo"Ycn .--'.,. -.-~-_.~- I'~d' NCi++i+~'Gk 6\ ~ ',,- L-o't ,10$ (;: " '. to "'\- M~ftit"c:J:. r I k 1 fTJ' $ , ',,>. -~........-y,..............~.- ; " .", ~'o ". . " ".,. '_' . ,__ , .....>. :,(\., i\J~*t~ ' C\~ '<~t ! ~, .r:~,~ -:-" ',: ,::\t,' ",;,I',~ ,,' " ....'.'-i> ,'t+.'f'''>.,. .....,., "''''''tI\'' ,- ~...' "VI,',' " . II .~~! ;' ~<~ .'" ... ,....,::~,' ;,'l,:', >Ii,,":; --~~, -j /, ~): -\. ~ ",~""I,;<,/~/,,:, " :.,~.,... , "t '-: --)\''.'",.' ""$' ~,-,./:~,-. ~r: '\ . .:>' ,~,j,l' j.,)~-\ \,~~.}. .:':111;.,,''', '".,,-'' ,~ 'II." . ~::~~'- ',:'~"~~';;' . :'.'C... , 11.,.1,\;",' t. ' ,~ C\ ,'" '~ tit ,() ..... , .,. -,':- CoYf>' It. Lot ~ 8<'<111, Ide. ) / / / / / ? ~ oJ.J(' .....r4 :>. ~ 0 ~ -;i i_...., ",II<..J .;~ ,. , " ,~ 1> "i 'I' ....) "i'i c:::: C'\ " <: . :-<. (x, "I~( -...I '{' <:s :t> ;). ~ '"'1< rn~CJ< ''1101 ,:t:~" '<. ........ '. ~r ~.~ (j),~ , -l..:\~ (), n\ ~~c:: 1> () :-i, :-<:: 'I\,,:t Co (J " t':- Q) \'), - "'L.E HE, M"'!..... " --,~.,-,,,._.,::". ....~..,'"._-"',,. -" .:'''\"'':- -:,-~ . .' .' ',: Adencf" ,;\111<:,.:- MiI-M<dt .I j"..-,.; " ,'. ,":_>i:~_. .. LANE: "'. ~ ~ .'\) ~ g;~ h\l ~ .~ ~ ~. ~. <: ....i......... ,-. I " . I I.' N.ol!.O"39" ctw. . ~.Ol!, ~ ~ - 2. ~ \...... , . io l' I tJ ~. :1 ?- -.j o . \ :, ~ ~ \ ~\ ,:-l C ~ \ ,(;/ < 0,. ~ i' ~ II) :t <> 1:; '~~. '.... \', l! ~ , :t-~ ~ ~ ,I-"" \. . ~,"<:: t.' 0 '. ~\. '--~ll- "\-~ ?J, ~ ~ " 0.... " "\' ~ I:l c: ()" . ""':t . :b. '\' U\ ~J lJ.. -- '"'\.U\ "'It ~ 0 tl ~,\ ~ '" ~ .. . .r t '." tII '), \ .... .. t , 11\ 82.'40 20"39' IO~E, S, .. , \ (j", 0' . ~-..j ~o Il. . 0.- ....01 "x....: _ 00\0 ~" i :- . '''':: G' Q:" 00' ~. \ , " """'- ~ -\ ~ -\ ~ i \, " . \ , , ',.f ..... 9, ,,'e, <., .~{:'-' or- '" ....J \\ \' \"-,, -+';,.---~;: ..... TO TH.s SUR YfOLATfON 0' . . SECTION no, OF THE Qu~srAn. . ',:- '_~'-::"i EDUCATION LAW. ,., . "", '~;: . ',' :', COPlUOFTHISSURY!Y~'NOTIIAIfNQ '. ""~~""; ;(~':"',t:,.,..:,:l.'~-""';' TH. LAND SU'VEYO"S INkED SIAL 0' ._~ . .' ;A',' EMIO".. SIAL SHAU NOT IE CONSIOfUD . d;:,. ""j" TO IE A VAUO "UfeOpy. , ",' '\'-'.' ,,':(1',., " i'::f.;'~~i";';~ ~irit; .. "i'I:"';\'$~d;::;i~~., GU"RANr~u INDICATED HEREON SHAU RUN ONLY To THe flfi:SON FOR WIiOM THe SURm IS 'REJAUD. "';.;0 ON HIS 8i:'HAL" To THe riflE COM'AN\,. GOVfRNMENTAt AGENcy Ale lEHOlNG 'l'\ST,TUTlON L:STfo HfREON. AND TO THE A:;S:GN~ES Of THE &.ENDING INSTI- TUTION. GUAAANTlifS AI~ NOrrRANSlflAllI TO AlJOlTlONAL INSilTUTIONS Oil SUlSfOUlNr . QW,...u, ",',.> ., ' ',,' " ' '~ .' ," ,~ .' ,,,' .. " \' ; , ,. .. " . r ~ .. .. . .' , " ., -J /\ ( ".' '. ~ ;--,,'1 ['7''T,l 1'<'"', 7;j'.'r' -:'1' . Q v) r: ." rcJ ue, 1'l'~' . l: , ." ~-.~ ~~, W ~ ..' '" p ", tp ,~OI.,.,;[), 1\1' a. ~ ~ ~. ,........., ' ..' '";;,,' ";' '" o'g- ~ l!l ..",.,', "':. ..... 'r-, . ~ ,,;,_ ':. ro, ::t,' U lA, " :~'<'~;,':;,:'~:}~ "I.;'.,: i ""'3' '..~" ,,~::l:f~ 8 ," " ... . ,'a""" ': -.." IA ::t ,,-.;--. .,'" .." . '" " '" .." '." ........ -- '., _.'"" . ""'--,..-y..I.~ \n~.' u" (J) 8 at d3: ;I ~ OJ!> a~o~ f1)V bI>1j~ N~ -i ~ ~ :j b 2 1)". Clll El :-!."i 1111$ . ~,2~~ o~. LIE<< 1815 _31& Ii ~W!f OF 800'!HOLD: i " '\ II ! Ji 8l~ u.a: . . ~ I ii i I ~ ,;jj ::!I ,j - . I I '.1:.,' ;;' ~ .'-. -'. \,. COUNTY OF SUFFPLK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .- -X In the ftatter of Discontinuance of Old Main Road, Mattituck, New York By ftattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. Applicant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - X I WHEREABbY applicati~n dated July 1,1974 Mattituck \ Bowling Lanes, Inc. ..J-hay~ petitJoneft tor ~, g.isc;>ntinuance of ,I ~~-~4 9(;..-:;:". I a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, there!n de.cribed~ , I , I I and WHEREAS, there is attached to said application a written consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said highway IPld a release from all damages executed by Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., the owners of all o~ the lanq.s taken or affected thereb,and of all the lands through which the said portion of the highway Bought to be discontinued passu or to whioh it is adjacent; and ~HKHKlA, there is also attached to said application the written consent of a majority of ~he members of the Town Board of said Town of Southold; and f 'WHo.:wll:lR, it further appears that an improved highway has heretofore been constructed in the said Town of Bouthold,.Oount~ 1\ of Suffolk and State ot New York; and I' ~F.lR, it further appears that traffic on said highway a portion of which is sought to be discontinued is general 1" limit . to the applioants herein; and ~H KwtdR, it further. appears. that. the. applicants he:r;ein &J:'e . , .J' ~:' ,. " <'-c"_...,.~r:~:';"-'::.,-;:',:A;/'.:::,'h:"~-!I.::;,>'"'.,,/.. ,.' ,'. :,":...<::;:: '.::i,'., " the only persons or oorpor8.ti~n. 'owning_~_land_"butt1.DS\"OIl'101" . adjacent to the portion of said highway sought to be ai'scontinuedl I I and that no claim for damages is made; and " . I' NOW, after due deliberation of the matter it ishereb~ . . determined that the portion of the said highway Bought to be di8- continued has become useless; and it is hereby ORDERED that said portion of said highway hereinat'ter and u in said application described, be and the same hereb7 i. disoonttj ---- 1 ----.- i , II d 'j Ii ~ il )- p '(I II ~.~,il \I) II \'- \'c-- Ii ~..::..~ ,ii, :"Z ~ \ I 1 , ![ r II ,I -:a "J ;J t " '" -.: 't I llER 181& ..3A!' . . -. Following is a description of a highway so discontinued BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the Ii :1 southerly l~ne of the Old Main Road, with the westerly line of I, II I! !! Marlene Lane; from said point of beginning running aloD6 said 700 18' 10" W. 191.68 feet; thence along southerly line, 6. , land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first ., 11 part to Mattituck Building Corp'. N. 200 39' 10" W. 66.01 feet j to the southerly-line ot the M;'in Road; thence 'along said southerly line, (1) N. 700 (2) N. 530 two courses: 18' 10" E. 137.27 teet; thence Dated at the Town of Southo1d N. Y. the ~ day of July 1974 -) /" /,/// .... ..~.- ~." ".... L /(' 4 .. ,/G.. ," - ~. /' ( ...._ er~ntendent 0 ways ot ...the Town of Southold, N. Y. ST.1TE OF NEW YOme COUlr.l!Y OF SUFFOLK ~ ss. : " . " 'I ii ..",;l 1 ~ 'I !j Ii " II On the ~ day of July 1974 before .. personal1;r caae Re;ymond Dean to .e known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. /7 t/;) ~,~.I' . : /.v ;6"/{ {..:J I ~ ~ .. :-..----.-. - Pr)RERT W. TASKEr? I~OT^PY PUOllC, St.lteot ruw 'I'"rk Sut!olk Couut, Nil. ~?-~13jn5 him E.x-pires March 3U, !9i5 x C> <It >- I- I- 0: Z w.....~ ...co -':o=<.;l .-(0:::"" XW-' ...0 a:"..... .... .... ... ~ ." V) ... .... 1Pi-(JZ ~~ / ~/ 1/2.r~ ;1 - - "~ lllfR lfi/a -3t8 ~ I X \ {J" 'It: t- j ~ ~ ..1.. a: " .. TOW OF SOUTHOLD: I" ._, I.. , I I COUNTY OF SUFFPLK...., ~..~ . ~ ,~..'~. -........ ..~' '~" ... .. ,~.. ,~:..~. ~ ; '........:......:... '... 'lI.l!. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the Matter of Discontinuance of ,Old Main Road, Mattituck, New York m' - By Mattituck Building Corp. Applicants = L .... ~ ;: ~ " I ~ I ~ I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X II II WHEREAS, by application dated July 1, 1974 Mattituck ~ . ,., . Building Corp. ,<?~~t~o~~~~ of, a . portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, there in~~~bed . II and, I I I II I I ~ . . WHEREAS, there is attached to said .application a written . . consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said . , . highway and a release from all damages executed by Mattituck' Buildi.ng 'Corp. the owners of all of the lands taken or affected thereb7 and of all the lands through which the said portion of the highway sought to be discontinued passes, or to which it is adjacent i and WHEREAS, there is also attached to said-application the I ,. ,,',' written consent of a majority of the members of the Town Board of said Town of Southold; and ~&R, it appears that an illproved highway has heretofore been constructed in the said Town of Southold, County ot Suffolk and State of New York; and WHICIIA:&R,it further appears that traffic on said highway a portion of which is sought to be discontinued is generally limite to the applicants herein; and WHICII'UR, it further appears that. the. applicants herein'ue . '. .' .. :':} ~:",:;"1 _,"~ .....; ,,;,'.~',;'\/~::-<\~':,. . ' ,.t,~fI<,o.~~, P!:r~~~.,2~;j~,~n>oJ;'a~f~ZW~~~~"l_~!;;!:!'~~H~b'C!~;:~\~:',;(j' "';'(_'1:.;.;:t~~:'~!!-ih~r;~t>'~,:~"f\::~~9i#:<tr?".~,~:;,~t";,~.;"1t:.":::"~,Jo.': :"....~"t"(.:.,'),'''t..'''~,~~~.~~, ..... '. " ',' ,Ii:';~:""~' ,;,/,,~l';'I..,"lif~'":';;"'(:"~;:i,~~~::::\r .': adjacent to the portion of said highway sought. to be discontinued ". il I I 'I .; and that no claim for dlllllages is made; and NOW, after due. deliberation of the matter it is hereby determined that a portion of the said highway sought to be discoD tinued has become useless; and is hereby J ORDERED, that 'said portion of said highway hereinafter and 1.... . .'. in said application described, be and the same hereby is disoo :' tl~~. . . '. . , .' " ..--~:,.. . \;.~'j . jJ:'t'-' . .. ,\"}j: .' . ~.l!. :U, . "~""~~'-'" I,;": '~;" . . l::' . ' . "'\ .;:~ l.~'r~\' "t-, "~'".." ~:'.: '0;'" ;.~." .,. " 4\ .-::. ;t, lil~m ~, ~, , , !.I(~ 7875 fill( 347 r I I " II II il II " 'I Ii " !! \: /' II II Ii I II i I I r II i I , I II I, !I II 'I Ii , I ~ \ I: N jl ~II I! II lj I' I I, I , ., , _:.) .., .) .W .~ ;1 -"1 L " I' i II ,- ,.1 Following is a description of a portion of a highway so discontinued. , Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the Old Main Road, 191.60 feet westerly along said southerly line from Marlene Lane; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line S. 700 18' 10" W. 46.67 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Morchel; N. 20~-'9' 10" W. 57.33 feet to the southerly line \ of Main Road; thence along said southerly line two courses: (1) N. 530 28' E. 29.73 feet; thence (2) N. 700 18' 10" E. 18.07 feet; thence along land oonnyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Matti- tuck Bowling Lanes, Inc. S. 200 39' 10" E. 66.01 reet to the point of besinning. Dated at the Town of Southold, N.Y. the '1" day of July 1974 STJ.TE OF NEW YORK ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ On the pi day ,of July 1974, before me personally ~... RlQaond Dean to me known to be the individual described in and who exeouted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the s8IIIe. A'''' &,7) / ~~/7 ;4...fff.-tA/ , ROBERT W. TASKER NOTARY PUBliC. Sill. 01 New Yo,' Suffolk Countr No. ~:.3933n5 TII'" t.pir" ",,,,h 3Q, l~;; ... C> on ~ .... .... "" :z ",...:::> mee ..l",u ~a::.: XUJ -' -.Ie 0:(.)1.1.. LLI ... .... :::> rn v, LLI ..l , I 1 \ I I I Q.r::; , , R- 't tf? z;-..... I I , .{?~ h- I! ~,,~ Ii , ~ I / J I ",'.1 ,j , " 1 .. I-. _!.;{ l.ltt /O/a -350 p i i I, d \ /'/ a. Th~ unders:l,gn~d'..J1.atjj.ituc!l; Bowling Lanes, Inc., hereby ,I aT ~ .&<h-TC0..i~ ~ --y::~ il aakes application to the Town b'Uperizrtendent of Highways ot th, 'I !i Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to discontinue the The portion of said highway sought to be discontinued passe I, adjacent to lands owned by the said Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc I I and no other person or corporation is the owner of any land II through which said portion of the highway passes, or to which it II is adjacent, and the said Matti tuck Bowling Lanes, Inc. is the Ii owner of land subject to highway taxes on said town ot Southold, II and it does hereby make this application pursuant to Section 171 i! I of the Highway Law of the State of New York. , 1/ I " I: , Dated July I, 1974 'i I" I: \"..~~ ;" . II /:, 11 :1 /: II 'I I, :1 'I I, 11 \!, I' l' t .. II ,if ! . ~ II II " !i H II ii lr ii '; Ii " ,I , i ~ " To the Town Superintendent Town of Southold County ot Suftolk State of New York of Highways portion of the highway located in said TQwn and described as :Collows: " Beginning at a monument at the intersecxion of the souther line of the Old Main Road with westerly line of Marlene Lane; trom said point of beginning running along said southerly line s. 700 18' 10. W. 191.68 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituc' Building Corp. S. 200 39' 10" W. 66.01 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, two courses: (1) (2) If. 700 N. 530 18' 10" E. 137.27 feet; thence 28' E. 56.56 feet to the extension northerly of j' said westerly line of Marlene Lane; thence along said westerly line s. 200 39' 10" E. 82.40 feet to the point of beginni1\g. Mattituck Bowling Lanes" Ine ,,\,' ' \ ~ .' . .. ':' ; '. , .. " , ',\ .- \J\.. ,: . t. ~'57 :.~;:,t;~~:~~\,:L ;r.'. . By,.) ',0.t~ "'~~~. President , , {. . ' ,- - ..... - .~, ", ~ .":'..... ... . ,: ." \\\,. , 'Ii . . LIIE<< iWJ5 ..m I: I' ,I , " I' !I 'I j! " I .; ;!: .J,.;~~.d: July 1, 1974 " 'p, ,','. .",ck;.:......;",. ,:' :1:': .bf ;;;i- , .fjtrJ ' '/:':"f' .'.. ," '<i1?T;:' '" REV YORK Ii COUlTY 01' SUFFOLK II il I' I I I i I >~I ~I ,"""~ iI " 1: Ii II II ~' 13 ~ ~ 1 .9- ,.-> ;:J ,~ ,> .'1> .J ". <1:: i' ..' .' Release from Owner on Discontinuance of Highway i I That Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. located on the highway I I referred to in the application attached hereto, in the Town of A I Southold, Suffolk County 11. Y., owners of lands taken or aftecte, I. thereby, in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, , 1 do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and do ' Ii hereby, release the T01fZ1'of Southold from'all cl81.s to daaages I' by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. , I DOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Ine By , J}~. President ~: ~ S6. : On the 1st day of July 1974, before me personally came Doris Barkoff, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at Wells Road, Mattituck, NewYo;t'k, that she is the President of The t1attituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument i8 such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that she signed her Baae thereto by like order. rJv-db~~ ".-,'-" - .-..-...... ( , WIL1IAMCLAlIC . 110TAIY ,uaLle. St.t. .f lie. lotl N.. n.n 12500 QultIA..! I. Suf!olk co:..1y L ,.,... bpi,.., M..d1 10. .n. ,... z Cl> V> >- .... I- 0:: Z ......:;> ",Oc ......:u -ct,o:;Jil:::. xUJ-J ....0 Q:u.... lJJ' .... .... => V> V> ... .... ,//fJ'.2..., . "".'-. '-" '.,' ,. !I ! ,j " Ii 'I I' ,I ;/ 'I " ii H~ H '" :/ '~ " H \ II I i , i'J Ii ,I l- II I 'II: il ... I' n j: " II ~ " " ,1 .~ !J a: " " II 'I il " 11 " , I, i; I' i: I) Ii I: " II !i " :J ~ I I, 'I '! II 11 " !; ii I I' I I , II ,j " /I " I: I' " 'j Ii " I, I' "":"f' :/- " , i;... .-'_ ::. il': .'- . H .....,... i! " .. i- llER 7675 fat[ 352 I. " !' To the Town Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold, !: County of Sui"folk I' State of New York ~ i Ii ... The undersigned Mattituck BuildiIl6 Corp. !vJ;le~e~es / 9V I aT?>-., /?L. l'Jc4-tU~/ );f application to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town I' of Southold, Suffolk County, New York to discontinue the portion of the highway located in said Town and described as tollowsl Beginning at a~point on the southerly lins of the Old Main Road, 191.60 feet westerly along said southerly line from Marlene Lane; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line B. 700 18' 10" w. 46.67 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Morchel; N. 200 39' 10" W. 57.33 feet to the southerly line (1) (2) N. 530 N. 700 I I I I , , I conveyed! of Main Road; thence along said southerly line two c~sesl 28' E. 29.73 feet; thence. 18' 10" E. 18.07 feet; thence along land or about to be conveyed by the Bowling Lanes, Inc. S. 200 39' party of the first part to MattitUjk 10" E. 66.01 feet to the point I I i The portion of said highway sought to be discontinued passes I adjacent to lands owned by the said Mattituck Building Co~., and I no other person or corporation is the owner of any land through I of beginning. which said portion of the highway passes or to which it is adjacent, and the said Mattituck Building Corp., is the owner of land subject to highway taxes on ~aid tuwn' of Southold, and it does hereby made this application pursuant to Section 171 of , Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated: July 1, 1974 Mattituck Building Corp. .,'.11....'1, By ~-(1f, Secretary /lIu/!' /r , , .'-... ::. I . ,~. ,..., " .. .... a' ..-' , I I , i , .1 , , ~ ;.~ 'llti 7875 flit 353 ~ i Ii Ii !I . ~ ' .~.,. / J .~ ~ o ,oj m ,,, ,.) uJ I>:: . , ~~ RELEASE FROM OWNER ON DISCON'rINUANCE OF HIGHWAY !/ i: KNOW.ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: :1 Ii .1 -:1 Ii .1 I: ii II I, That Mattituck Building Corp. located on the highway ref.red to in the application attached hereto, in the Town of Bouthold, . Suffolk County, N. Y., owners of lands taken or affected thereby in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and do hereb~ release the Town of Bouthold from all claims to damages by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. ,- July 1, 1974 Mattituck Building Corp. By (:~d Secretary .{i 'Ii >" Date.d I , '. '.' -.... ~j, '.: . -<i '.-: i' ;'; , It ' , '~ "1-' :, ."t .h.... ~. ;,' ..-:f' . .(', . " if,: " . ..~'.~', '...... <~~~.~,J> ;". (< ,) '.). { . "'UI":"" : I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK :i il I I I ;. Ii ,i , 1 I ! I ,. ii I' I I ., II ,I il il II ~ ~i 11 il III I Ii Ii /~// STATE OF NEW YORK ~ SSe : I I I I .1 On the 1st day of July 1974, before me personally came Oherles Harkoff, to me known, who, being by me. duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Wells Road, Mattituck, New York, that he is the Secretary of the Mattituck Buildint; Corp., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is 'such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the boerd of directors ot said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ~ " ,,~ WIlliAM' ClARK MOr"I" rUIlIe, S,.I, .1 N.w "otE N.. 52.5712500 I rQ"""nod In S,II.lt C...., <. . .r~ LRi... M.... 30, jtJ.~' z '" U) >- l- l- a: :z ......:;:> mOO -I""Co> ~O:IC ::cw.... ,-10 ~c.>"" W ... t- ::>' en '" IIJ .... IIPJ.z- . , . I j . , . . . ~ STAY( OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF r-- ~ ,10thi' d,l.\ pI 1'\..'1 ~~11::111.\' l'dlllt' n: , ~,TATE OF NEW YORk, COUNTY O~ '" . 1~'1111l' 11]1' (Ill lht' lIa.\ ol pn~ullally ClIllt' I" ,bd(\f(" lllt" ':'! .......... 10 111(" known to he the individll:d ..n I"xecuteu the fore'J:uin~ instrulIlt'llt. 'u"'7J executed the same. .~ ", '" ~ d('~nilll'd in and whr\ allll arkl1owlt'rlg:('d that tn lllC kl\(lwn 10 lIe the illdividtl~tl rXt'1:'ukd tit!" fl'rrgoin~ instrument, ext'Ctllcd the same. dcscrihed in arul who and acknowledced that IIAft Of NIW' YO'" COUNl'Y O. .s. On the day of "" 19 I before me personally came , " ' to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he reside, at No. that he i, the 01 If An O' NEW YO_. COUNTY Of ... On the day 01 19 , belore me personally came the suhseribing witness to the loregoing inst~t, with whom I am penonally acquainted, who, being by me duly 'worn, did depose and say lIlat he residea at No. =;.' ---c I ' ('t..... .. ' J TOWN OF SOU'lROLD , .~.~,':'.. I TO tW~~t'~i.1 JOHN SlWRO. ~ANN SlWRO" his wife ~j;W,l':fi;,'; )1' ~ i:'C"~, "'.',.} 1 ,~~,~r~-::.~,. '_,,'I . -.- ;. , t~~'l@h IT__.........;._OO......__. ,'" .;~f\{.k:;~>j.:;., f . I' :' "."..,.,,,, ..... __ \ I. {.. ~.. ~TI;4~~t '.., TH~.. .fl~.lh1fAT -',:;.,' , ._m.... ,... _ ,_ _0. .... , .,_~,I' ;~'~.: , the corporation described in and which executed the loregoing imtr1unent; that he to be the individual kHw, the seal 01 said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the lorqoing ~; to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness. wu present and .w ' affixed by order 01 the hoard 01 directors 01 said corpora- execute the same; and that he, oaid wi_. : lion, and that he aiped h name thereto by like order. at the same time ,uboc:ribed h name .. wilIIeaa ,thenIo. ':IsTATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: ' .' ',J.' On the 21st day of September, 1965, before me personally came Lester M. Albertaon, J to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he reaide. at Main R08 ( Southold, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the Town of Southold. the corpo.ation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he know. the .eal''ol, Hid ' corporation; that the seal affixed to saia insfrument is such corporate seal; that it _a. 10 ~~~~ ~~d~~~er of the Town Board of said corporation, and that he signed .~r.~~ SECTION t:d . " aLOCK otari , . c l,. : 'I:U. ::t; j4q lOT i IClflfW. 1~-1' ." "l' ""~I .. ,""'.... ""1( ~ "'" '>:::\l~:f.""J" COUNTY OI_T~WN . " I. '~_ -.-_~_ ._" ._ ~~.." - " f.. ("........ ...., "."1,",' ..,.......r..~", .. .... W;...\C~,.d'~.~.', H t:r.~'_I".X:.. ~= ~..~:-l~ "",; I:~, r.;~J.(; '- '-....... .."",lll.i~GN,' ..e....; AI ~:.. ~iJ..~l/~~~~~iI , "TUUf.'Y~.~. ."" ~.~.,...:"" that he know, . " ", " eafltlafm .rrll TIru No, Q- 'f'( 1,1.'1 -l"'- '.. f'O'l ~ \. 1'". ._ "," (. 0\' ;....i "qWEN 8"M9BRIIE' '\';:1 ., ,,300 Aid, GO~~~C~~fA' :;(",," , Mlneola, Re. fork ' ,,';, '"'' IlfNo.ll 1 '~ ',,~ ~:', i ','- '," ---^..' REeo,'DED' - . I ~ , ,,-- U- 0" >- ~. '"- to- ! ~ :r :z: .:> c:s: ~u...:=) OCT ... '" .00 J 1965 8 D M w~u @//:Jltl""" I .,.. - ~...a:~ I ~ -w-' NORM04N , leU <l -'0 ~ ,.> :E <.>"- " cr,'k 01 Sul/fllk' County r' ~ ... ~ ~ 2 ..... C"... V) ~ '.r . , . ! s: B . .z. , .4. ~TOWN OF SOtrn!OLD, A Municipa1corpo~atio~: ~f the StateofNeWY9rk,:', .~ .:;-. '. having its office at 16 '~outh Street,Gre,nport~ : c Suffolk County, New York , I ; '<; "I y... I'.' .....t- , ~ ..'.," :' ~~,;' I J I JlUt7 of the -.I part, '" ,.'J >:. . ,wn~.... that .the JlU'\7 01 the 6':'l ~. in consideration of ten dollars poid by ~ - JlUI1 of the -.I -:: 'J ": pitt; d\!IlI' ......, -. reIeue aacI qwtclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or 11IOCOIi<<Ioj~ ';J'., '. .!';' ~~;~~ ~ oI.the..~ ~ forever. , " ''l'i1i~'''.!:' . .:, ; ,; ,~1S';~\..;, , ":~... ~lIIilt.IlIItIIiD..... ......'. jlanleI of Iaad, with the buildinp and ........,- ~'encted, '.""1' ,; . " 'I1~WWilr,~,!tKat~tuck, Town of Soutno1d,. SW;#;gl~;;,CfN9~, N1lw':~ ;~:' .. ''YOl'k;kand'IIlIl~''particularly delcribed as follQWs:'O "p' ...., ."",,'!fl;. . \' , -4 ~-"'A<' '1.::;.: '~;~J;il!'-""'~~~: ; ... , 1 . '~'-..;""1 ,f I.' .Bosaf.....,...g at the lntersection.of the southeasterly l~e ~f '.'i:i{;~;"i\'~':, ~ .t'. ."'ld""Kalo Road, .with the northeasterly line O~)flU.. ,'1el1:8. J\'~'..~f. r.ClIII;C:'~~!:~.:\ ; 2XIl;!8~;).!!)ita.~ofbal~. running northwesterly 1ri t~~ctL~ten8ion . 'of la:l,dnortheasterly line of Marlene Lane acro88." 'd'; "Old": Malri,;; Road,',>76 feet, IIIOre or leiS, to the northwester. 'hereof; :,;:,,,,' thence. nOrtheasterly along sald northwes,t~;~14'l:~! )~et,',IIIO~e <: m~ " ~~I~~IIt';:. thence louth.alterly in the direct ,exfl~t~';'northwelterly . '. .of,tbe bOundary line of land of the party of the sec~~ '.P.!~!21 across , "::'I\a~:~'Old'hMain Road, 74 feet, IIIOre or less, to, 8~!-4.j1,~tieasterly ',I!s,ne~~.,I.,:I.cI ,~'Old~!.Main Road; thence southwesterly a1ong~I~:I,d., '~eeilt.t:1y 1lne,j;1~7.98 feet-to the point of-1;>eglnning.".. .. , ~.."._" . !.I.......... N. Y... 1, U. ForJllIOO.. IO....10M-Q....td~.m DHd-lnd.wtdual 01 Corpourion (,in.l~ ,hftlJ U~ER 5832""<.. fAGE.! '7;). . -, YCMl. iAWYIlI___ .'."1. '- __-TIlII_'_IHOUI.IIR _ 8Y iA_ _Y; , ;'.~"M,',;,,<,,' , '\0 .:':) ,t",l ,:;, ~ I I , .. 'f 11tIS~ IIIIde the ~J "'I"'~ ' "'; day of ..t'>li. ':"-" ~..->,j , ,. '04 . '. o I ~ JlUt7 of the &at part, and ,~ " . \~ ,$ JOHN SKtIRO and ANN SKURO, his wife; residing at 161 Colonial Ave. Williston Park, N. Y. r~. " :':r !,- .j;" l' "Jf (ll'L ,.1' tP(~ j "fJol' J Her:! ~ ~'t:, '" '~t.;( ':f;( ;1' i'~rJt1-..< [ ~u/:'~~. r';:" {,.1\ "'l " r.!~'H;" '~-r.(l~~\1~ "~trS}J;,t .~F,'l: ".jr. l"'~ ,""~' .. ;O,'l, ',l'\(l.>> "j ",.,': ,{~",;I"F 'F'" :>,,' ,,~',,""'I. ,~ -1f!f ~~~.',,;i;y~~,' P~~f1J}' f'/~:b,~{,:"'-~\i:)',' "::' :,' . I ~;" ;; ~~)\ ':$P'i1t>j\l'~"r;~t'r~~\.t?;1}~~;tj.". :'~~, : I '..~' p~' ''', t .r.\J' "",~1.:,-,_;,; ,~I"'" '>; '..:;~~,~;,'i ' 1...,j ll. ,,1;0 1<o,,,(.,};I,,:; . \.('l!'~'.!ii"C, i.t~:~ ~:;~:.':'c~:~;~~~";?~. .' ,tc './J:j~~t~':::.~'\ :itJ~ \~:"'1;" .', :'.--. "1; ;': ".'" 1\ I......-:.. / i"V~,: ,"'" ......,~.~ '(, :;'.::... ';'. !-, "'1 '. . .' r' \l;. ....., ,".. "''''''-'-:;'. ~ ':. J,t"';, ;'~'dt/r;-',fW';~...~I~., ... ..,;,,' r~1Jlf(~9~.e>~(.) ,~ I - - ,'e; ~t,r't'i.;. ; >I,:l~., .', C~:~JJ::~~~~l~":ti.\:',~;:~]~ ., ,.',::rq~n"S',"'i~~ ~'rAt~~,~, , .-." " :'"J ", """)-:"..'.y\ ~ r ;"\"Jl' 'fl'\,<' ~;, '. . >" '~'>;~::'~:'.;:,~: '::7t'i~~,::~~~~'; :"~~j:_:j~V~~f~' :~~ "., "I,..;i;(t.~~~L" I;"}:\;l~~'~'i ,.,,~I:'/ '..':',"- <:/,~,"t~1~,~:'" ",;:~'~.;~:-,~~ry:.:~,>-.,~ ;),..:, I ~; r,' " , " , ,.TOGETHER with aD rich!' title and interat, if IOY. 01 the party 01 the 6rst part in aacI to IOY atteItI.... ... . ' 'nlIda ahattiDc the ahcne deoc:ribed premi_ '0 the center Ii_ thereof; TOGETHER, witbthe ~ aacI aD'tbe,_ aacI rIPta of the party 01 the 6rat put in and to aid premi...;.TOHAVB"AND,TO. HOLD the premlIa ....... .....tedUDIo the party of the second put. the heirs or .u--. and ......'of ' the JlUI1 of the aec:ond put fornv-. , . _,,' . ;,: ' ~ '.' ,')r' . , d" ;1(l,:f::tt:'~:i< AND the JlUI1 01 the mat pr.rt, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenanll that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid. oration as a trust fUDd to be aPflied 6rst for the purpose 01 paying the cost olth. improvement IOd will apply the same 6rst 10 the payment 0 the coot of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same lOr IOY other purpo.<e. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read ffparties" whenever the sense of this indentute 10 requires. \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and y~ 6rst.above written. '" ,.. /J IN PRES&NC.& O"~." /1:< ~ /,./,/ c04/c/h4~</ \.,- .,"""\'." . F "1 <"f l'U' ". TO\-, . OM\QUTH~,>\ ':'0~~: ,:,-. By~df&~ j(~#( ,~: , .'.',~ ' A-rr. rA-~1<t;'IL. ""77~II.(r;o "8' .~ f ~ I Iff. R... Y TOWN ?6r"'3IfJ CJ'lIt/V( .. 'j 1"1 'I I "',.'- .'~ :i"..il: t.:'l',,:E .' '.'.~ :.-~~!;tt