HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Southold-quitclaim deed walnut st mattituck , . THOMAS A.TWOMEY, JR. STEPHEN B. LATHAM JOHN F. SHEA, III CHRISTOPHER D. KELLEY LAWRENCE M. STORM' MAUREEN T. LlcelONE DAVID M. DUBINO P.EOWARD REALE PETER M. MOTTt JOAN C. HATFIELD 0 TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA & KELLEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW 33 WEST SECOND STREET P.O. BOX 388 RIVERHEADt NEW YORK 11901 9 NORTH MAIN STREET EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. 11937 518 - 324 -1200 518-727-2180 TELEFAX: 518-727-1787 (MAIN) 518-727-1775 (ANNEX) 400 TOWNUNE ROAD HAUPPAUGE, N.V.117B8-2830 518 - 28S - 1414 MARY C. CRONIN TERRY Z. LUCAS" AMY B. TURNER DENNIS J. HAYES ADAM B. GROSSMAN OF COUNSEL . NV, CT & FL BAAS o NY & LA BARS tNV & MD BAAS o NY & CT BAAS o NV&MABAAS February 25, 1994 Town Attorney Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention of Mary Re: Flint Street and Walnut Street Lots Dear Mary: Enclosed are copies of the deeds to the two lots on Flint Street and the one on Walnut Street which were conveyed to the North Fork Housing Alliance by the Town of Southold. All three deeds are dated March 11, 1992 and were recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 19, 1992. Tax Map No. 1000-142.00-01.00-012.000: Liber 11436 cp 576; Tax Map No. 1000-048.00-02.00-026.000: Liber 11436 cp 581; and Tax Map No. 1000-048.00-02.00-024.000: Liber 11436 cp 586. Should you have any questions, please call. PER:JML Enclosures vJ:dtr;~urs, rI. Edward Rea~ . . HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney SCOIT L. HARRIS Supervisor MAITHEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 April 24, 1991 Bessie Swan North Fork Housing Alliance 18 South Street Creenport, NY 11944 Re: Walnut Street & Flint Street Lots to NFHA Dear Mrs. Swan: Enclosed herewith, please find three original quit-claim deeds for the above-referenced transaction, which have been duly executed by the Supervisor. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the Town Board's resolution. Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me. ilZc'i!-,<~ Matthew C. Kiernan Assistant Town Attorney MCK:mls JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER J \ -, "."- -~" ~ ' ). ~'~".:.'.' :-.,,: j ,..", i '..,! .,,/ ..... 'J . .' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 ,~~, ..:.....-~.- :--' OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 11, 1990: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute any and all documents, as prepared by the Town Attorney, necessary to effectuate the transfer of two (2) Town owned lots on Flint Street in Greenport, and one (1) Town owned lot on Walnut Street in Mattituck, by Quit Claim Deed to the North Fork Housing Alliance, together with appropriate Covenants and Restrictions, so that any improvements of the three (3) parcels will conform to the Affordable Housing Legislation of the Town of Southord. ~~~ f" Judith T. Terry _ (/ Southold Town Clerk December 12, 1990 o ~A)QI \n .' l\l' . L,..: "-\" /f~.' ) '\ \J If' J \' /.~.; /~~.,Io i ~~ ~'J.:< \ ... \~: " "~",,, ,.:-; ISTRlcr 000 ECITON 48.00 :LOCK 12.00 or J26.001 co._T V_ LAwn. ._"_NO no _,..........,-nn ~ SHOULD" UIID.Y LAWYIU ONLY. 11436r~581 f{J!J day of ~ ,..i...._ Iumdnd and ninety-~ THIS INDEN'nJRE, made the ~ the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, County of Suffolk, having its principal office at 53095 MainRoad, Southold, New York 11971, q~)t;:n8 f4wfW,.J..J party of the lint part, ud at 18 South Street, the NORTH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE, having its principal Greenport, New York 11944, office ~,""~"'~'~'.,';'R"'~"'" .-" ,_ _, ~ [;J:"L 1\,1\.-"'\ ~ . ..n..l,~ { ~-. ." ,. "':-;',~ 1 I , _'.~H'''''-- ..#.,~. party of the MCDDCI put, I l ~.,=...,......, ! I t ,L" ~ I ;, t' ~ . Ii .,1_:1\ ,;'1: :' .."-~ ...,...,.,~",..,...--... 2;';598 II. I', i:! n wrrNESSEnI, that the party of the Iirat part, in consideratioD of 0 t1 (! a 0 Illl v doIlara, paid 1awfu111101ll!f of the Uaited Slates, by the party of the second part. does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party Df the aeccmd part, tbe heira or IUCCea&DfS and aasigDs of the put)' of the aecoad part lon:Yer, AIL that certain plot, piece or parcel of IlIIId, with the buildings and impmv<:mmts tbereon era:ted. situate. lying and beiag in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and acquired by Tax Deed on December 16 1986, from the County of Suffolk, New York, and recorded on December 16, 1986 in Liber 10194, Page 390, and otherwise known as and by Town of Southold, Greenport Driving Park Map 369 Lot 79, FURTHER, notwithstanding the above description, it is the intention of this conveyance to give title only to such property as was acquired by the Town of Southold by Tax Deed on December 16, 1986, from the County of Suffolk, New York, and recorded on December 16, 1986 in Liber 10194, Page 390. PROVIDED, however, that the party of the second part, will be restricted in its use of the subject premises and will use said premises solely and exclusively for affordable housing purposes; all right, title, and interest will revert to the party of the first part, at the sole option of the party of the first part. in the event that the party of the second part, at any time uses or attempts to use said subject premises for other than affordable housing purposes, in accordance with the approved plan submitted by the party of the second part. The reverter clauses contain~d herein shall apply to the grantee, or any transferee from the grantee formed pursuant to Article XIX - Affordable Home OWnership Development Program of the Private Housing Finance Law of the State of New York, or a not-for-profit corporation formed under ~402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law for affordable housing purposes. Additionally, if anyone or more of the following occurs, the property secured by this deed shall revert as hereinbefore set forth: 1. If the party of the second part fails to construct or complete construction of affordable housing unit or units on said property within three (3) years from the date of this deed; 2. If the party of the second part sells or otherwise transfers an affordable housing unit or units to a purchaser or purchasers whose total annual household income, from all sources, is above the maximum income limits for non-targeted areas in the State of New York Mortgage Agency's Affordable Housing Program for Suffolk County; 11 LIJOn10d"; 3. If the party of the second part permits the affordable housing unit or units to be oecu by a family whose total annual income, from all sources, is above the maximum income limits non-targeted areas of the State of New York Mortgage Agency's Affordable Housing Program fa Suffolk County; 4. If the party of the second part allows the total purchase price of each affordable hous unit to exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00); 5. If the party of the second part fails to certify to the Suffolk County Department of Community Development prior to closing of title with any affordable housing granteei a) the dates of completion and occupancy for any affordable housing unit or units constructed or rehabilitated on said property; b) the total houshold income, from all sources, of the purchaser or purchasers of the property and his or her family; and c) the total purchase price of the affordable housing unit or units sold or otherwise transferred. It is intended and agreed that the agreements and covenants herein shall be covenants runni with the land and that they shall, in any event, and without regard to technical classifica or designation, legal or otherwise, and except only as specifically provided herein, be to full extent permitted by law, binding for the benefit and in favor of, and enforceable by, party of the first part. If is further understood that such agreements and covenants shall binding only upon the party of the second part, if it be a municipality or any assignee of party of the second part, formed under Article XIX of the Private Housing Finance Law of th Stat of New York, or any affordable housing corporation created under Articles 15A and 15B the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, or any not-for profit corporation forme under ~402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law for affordable housing purposes, respectiv only for such period as they shall have title to or an interest in or possession of the property or part hereof. '. 11436rL583 TOGEJHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the puty of the first part in and to allY streets ."d roads abutting the above deICribecl premises to the c:enter lines thereof. TOGEIHER with the appurtenances and aU the e&tate aDd rights of the puty of the first part in and to said premises. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD tbe premises herein granted unto the party of the IeCOItd part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part ftftver. AND the party of the first part, in complianc:e witb Section 13 of the Lieu Law, hereb.T COvenallts that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this COIIveyance and will hold the right to receive such conaid- aation as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the imprl!"cmetlt aDd will apply the oame lint to the payment of the eost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the oame for any other purpose. . The word "party" sball be construed as if it read ..parti..... whenever the _ of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the lint part bas duly executed this d<ed the day and year lint above written. lit nu.Jfca: DF: ~J,~4... S=tt L. H J.s, Supervisor .' 11436rl~585 STATI 01' NIW Yon. ~ 011 On the day of personally came 19 ... .TAn 01' NIW Y-. c:ownY Of' . befoee me On the day of penoaa11y came 19 , before me to me known to be the indi vld ual exo.:uted tht foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged tbat STATI O. _ y-. COUNTY 01' Suffolk ... On the /1 f-h- day of g...eer tJI~ 19 9-,...;'before me personally came SCOTT L. HARRIS to me ~-nown, who. being by me duly .wom, did depose and say tbat he resid.. at No. 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971, that he is the SUpelNisor of THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that h. knows the _I of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said i1l$lrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by ordel' of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, antGt .."1 signed h ~ s name thereto by like order. ~ 6. kLQA~. MATlJIEw --- Nola1yPubic,~~ 0uaIitied ~ -171 CcmmIs$Ion~._ eulldaim :lBeell TITLE No. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK TO NORTH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE STANDMD FO.M OF IIIW YO.1e IOAID O' nTU UNDla.IITlI5 IHII,i..raI II, TilE TITLE GUARANTEE CO/tlPANY II ... to me known to he the individual executed the foregniug inatrumeut, """""ted the same. described in and who and acknowledged tbat nAn 01' NIW Y-. ~ O. ... On the day of 19 . belore me persona11y ame the subscn"bing witness to the foregoiug instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose: and say that he resides at No. that he know. to be the individual delcribed in and who ""cealed the foregoing inltrument; that he, said subscribing witness, wa. present and. saw execute the ume; and that he, said witness. at the same time subscnlled h name aa witnell thereto. secnoN BLOCK LOT COUNTY lA TOWN ae"conlal AI KapetI fill The Tille- GUn..I" C-.-, U'I'U." .Y MAlL TO: P. EDWARD REALE TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA & KELLEY 33 WEST SECOND STREET, PO BOX 398 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 Zip No. . , I . , ~ . . . . , . , , 1 ',; .', ~ ^.: (.;l_ ,) ~ .:: n ~~ : :j ,.Q ~ '.':'1'". c \ \.~~\ \ 1t' 11. \ ;::.\ (' \J ~~, /..C. ~'~~ U' 2fJG7 ..k. ~l'. ~ 11436rC584 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ss.: On the /~day of k~eclt , 199-""" before me personally came BEVERLY J. HALLOCK, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at No. 18 South Street, Greenport, New York 11944, that she is the president of the NORTH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing isntrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that she signed her name thereto by like order. d.&.~ A~~ Notary Public ARLENE B. LOMBARUI Notary Public. State of New Yorll. No. 7687450 Qualified in Suffoik ~c:"r 9~ Commission Expires Sept . " . TP-584 (4/89) New York State ~. Department of :w Taxation . 01, and Finance New York 'State Combined Real Property Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit Real Estate Transfer Tax Return Credit Line Mortgage Certificate For departmenl u.. only See instructions rTP-S84-1} before completinQ this form S h I c edu e A - Information Relatina to Convevance Social security number Please print or type Name (Transferor/grantor) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I I Address ZIP code Federal ernpJoyer identification number 53095 MAl N ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Name Social security number (Transferee/grantee) NORTH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE I I I Address ZIP code Federal empioyef idemtification number 18 SOUTH STREET, GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 1 Location and description of property conveyed Tax map designation Address CityNillage Town County 1000-48-2-26 Flint Street Greenport Southold Suffolk Type of property conveyed (Check applicabfe box) 1 0 , . 3 family house 2 0 Residential cooperative 3 0 Residential condominium 4 [i] Vacant land 5 0 Other Date of conveyance I 04 04 I 91 Condition of conveyance (Check all that apply) a. _ Conveyance of fee interest f. month day Percentage of real property conveyed which is residential real property % ya.. b. _ Acquisition of a controlling interest (state percentage acquired %) c. _ Transfer of a controlling interest (state percentage transferred d. .xConveyance to cooperative housing corporation %) _ Conveyance which consists of a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization (ANach Form TP.584.1. Schedufe F) g. _ Conveyance for which credit for tax previously paid will be claimed (Attach Form TP-584.1. Schedule G) h. _ Conveyance of air rights or development rights i. _ Contract assignment j. _ Option assignment or surrender k. _ Leasehold assignment or surrender I. _ Leasehold grant m. _ Conveyance of an easement n. _ Conveyance for which exemption from transfer tax is claimed. (Complete Schedule C. Pan III) o. _ Conveyance by gift p. - Conveyance of property partly within and partly without the state q. _ Other (Describe) e. _ Conveyance pursuant to or in lieu of foreclosure (Atrach Form TP-584.1. Schedule E) Schedule B - Real Property Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit (Article 31-B of the Tax Law) o Check this box if a Tentative Assessment and Return is being flied with respect to your current transfer, and proceed to Schedule C without completing the following affidavit. Also, enter the assessment number shown on the Tentative Assessment: I (we) certify that: (check appropriate box) o The transfer of real property consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or occupancy of such property. 2 0 The transfer is a transfer of real property where the consideration is less than $500,000 and which is neither (A) pursuant to a cooperative or condominium plan, nor (8) a partial or successive transfer pursuant to an agreement or plan to effectuate by partial or successive transfers a transfer which would otherwise be included in the coverage of Article 3t.8 of the Tax Law. 3 0 The transfer is a transfer of real property by tenants in common. joint tenants or tenants by the entirety where the aggregate consideration is less than $500.000. (All such transferors must sign this form.) The conveyance is not a transfer of real property within the meaning of section 1440.7 of Article 31-8 of the Tax Law. (Attach documents supporting such claim, and sign on back as required.) 4 0 5 0 The transfer of real property consists of premises wholly occupied and used by the transferor exclusively as his residence. including a cooperative apartment or condominium occupied by the transferor exclusively as a residence. (This exemption may only be claimed by an individual. estate or trust.) 6 GCI The governmental entity (transferor) is the State of New York, or any of its agencies, instrumentalities. political subdivisions, or public corporations. including a public corporation created pursuant to an agreement or compact with another state or Canada. The governmental entity (transferor) is the United Nations or any other international organization of which the United States is a member. the United Slates of America or any of its agencies or instrumentalities. 7 0 Schedule C -Real Estate Transfer Tax Return (Article 31 of the Tax Law) Part I - Computation of Tax Due 1 Enter amount of consideration for conveyance. (If you are claiming a toral exemption from tax. enter consideration and proceed to Pan 1/1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Continuing lien deduction (See instructions if property is taken subject to mortgage or lien). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Taxable consideration (Subtract line 2 from line 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tax due: $2 for each $500, or fractional part thereof. of consideration on line 3. 5 Amount of credit claimed (See instructions and attach Form TP-584.1. Schedule G). 6 Total tax due. (Subtract fine 5 from line 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part II . Computation of Additional Tax Due on the Conveyance of Residential Real Property for $1 Million or More 1 Enter amount of consideration for conveyance (same as amount in Part I, line 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ffi ~ 2 Taxable consideration (Multiply Nne 1 by 'he percenrage of rhe premises which is reSidenNal ,.al property) (see ins'roc/ions) 2 3 Total additional transfer tax due. (1010 of line 2) . . . . .. .............................................. 3, -0- * Please make check{s) payable to the county clerk where the recording is to take place or the Department of Taxation and Finance if payment is being made directly to the Tax Department. For recordmg oMlcer"s use Amount .... Part I $ Dale receive'd[rransaCliO_".".umbe..' received r Part II S 1 -0- 2 ) 3 4 5 1 6 . TP-584 (4/89) (back) Schedule C - (continued) Part III _ Explanation of Exemption Claimed in Part I. line 1. (check any boxes that apply) The conveyance of real property is exempt from the real estate transfer tax for the following reason: a. Conveyance is to the United Nations. the United Stales of America. the State of New York or any of their instrumentalities, agencies or political subdivisions (or any public corporation, including a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another state or Canada) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... a 0 b. Conveyance is to secure a debt or other obligation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b 0 c. Conveyance is without additional consideration to confirm, correct. modify or supplement a prior conveyance. . c 0 d. Conveyance of real property without consideration and otherwise than in connection with a sale, including conveyances conveying realty as bona fide gifts...................................... .......... ........................................ dl(] e. Conveyance is given in connection w1th a tax sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eO f. Conveyance is a mere change of identity or form of ownership or. organization where there is no change in beneficial ownership. (This exemption cannot be claimed for a conveyance to a cooperative housing corporation of real property comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g. Conveyance consists of deed of partition. h. Conveyance is given pursuant to the federal bankruptcy act . . . . . . . . . i. Conveyance consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or occupancy of such property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 j. Conveyance of an option or contract to purchase real property with the use or occupancy of such property where the consideration is less than $200,000 and such property was used solely by the grantor as his personal residence and consists of a 1, 2, or 3 family house, a residential individual condominium unit, or the sale of stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold covering an individual residential cooperative unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 0 k. Other (attach explanation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . k 0 Schedule 0 - Credit Line Mortgage Certificate (Article 11 of the Tax Law) Complete the following only If the interest being transferred is a fee simple interest. .....10 ..gO ....hO I (we) certily that: (Check appropriate box) 1 0 The real property being sold or transferred is not principally improved nor will it be improved by a one-to six-family owner- occupied residence or dwelling. The real property being sold or transferred is not subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. The real property being sold or transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. However, an exemption from the tax is claimed for the following reason: o The transfer of real property is a transfer of a fee simple interest to a person or persons who held a fee simple interest in the real property (whether as a joint tenant. a tenant in common or otherwise) immediately prior to the transfer; n The transfer of real property !s (A) to a person or persons related by blood. marriage or adoption to the original obligor or to one or more of the original .')bligors Qr (B) to a person or entity where a majority of the beneficial interest in such real iJroperty after the transfer is held by the transferor or such related person or persons; 2 KJ 3 0 C The transfer of real property is a transfer to a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver, assignee or other officer of a court; C Other (attach detailed explanation). 4 f( The real property being transferred is presently subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. however, no tax is due for the following reason: o A certificate of discharge of the credit line mortgage is being offered at the time of recording the deed; or o A check has been drawn payable for transmission to the credit line mortgagee or his agent for the balance due and a satisfaction of such mortgage will be recorded as soon as it is available. 5 0 The real property being transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage on record at (insert Iiber and page or reel or other identification of the mortgage). The maximum principal amount expressed in the mortgage is . No exemption from tax is claimed and the tax of is being paid herewith. (Make check payable to county clerk where deed will be recorded.) Signature and Affirmation (Both the transferor(s)/grantor(s) and transferee(s)/grantee(s) must sign). The undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury that the above return, including any affidavit. certification, schedule or attachment. has been examined by the undersigned, and is. to the best of his/her knowledge, true and complete and made in good faith pursua to Articles 1 , 31 and 31-8 of the New York State Tax Law. Title TransfereeJgranlee Title Scott L. Harris Supervisor Beverly J. Hallock President Nortfork Housing Alliance Town of Southold Subscribed to and sworn belore me Subscribed 10 and sworn before me t$K~aY~ (;,i1 19 91 11\ (1.~ ~ , this day of .19_. Slate 01 ...J\leW. Y n ~ k MRlKEW G. KIERNAN Slate 01 NOTARY PUBUC. S_ of _ Yodl S ff I k No. 3CHI1817B County of _~ 0 ._' aueua-dInNuaauCountv County of . C&..._' . - -""""'0, ,. Reminder' Oid yOU compl~te all of the required information in Schedules A and B? Were you required to complete Schedules C and O? II YuU <hecke.j _, , and g in Schedule A, did you complete Tp.584.1? Have you attached your check(s) made payable to the COUlIl)' clerk where recording Will take place or the Department of Taxation and Finance if payment is being made directly to the Tax De;partment? ,. . 'r TP-584 (4/89) New York State .'~.' Department 01 Taxation . a and Finance New York Stale Combined Real Property Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit Real Estate Transfer Tax Return Credit Line Mortgage Certificate For department u.. only See instructions (TP-584-l) before completing this form Schedule A - Information RelatinCl to Convevance Please print or type Name Social security number (Transferor/grantor) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I I Address ZIP code Federal employer idenlilicalion number 53095 MAl N ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Name Social security number (Transfereelgrantee) NORTH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE I I I Address ZIP code Federal employer identification nurnbet' 18 SOUTH STREET, GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 1 Location and description of property conveyed Tax map designation Address CityNillage Town County w/s/o Walnut Avenue, Mattituck Southold Suffolk 1000-142.00-01.00 012.00 Type of property conveyed (Check applicable box) 1 0 1 . 3 family house 2 0 Residential cooperative 3 _0 Residential condominium 4 lSJ Vacant land 5 0 Other Date of conveyance I 04 month 04 day 91 yea' Percentage of real property conveyed which is residential real property % Condition of conveyance (Check all that apply) a. _ Conveyance of fee interest f. b. _ AcqlJisiUon of a controlling interest (state percentage acquired %) c. _ TransfEfr of a controlling interest (state percentage transferred d. ....xconveyance to cooperative housing corporation e. _ Conveyance pursuant to or in lieu of foreclosure (Attach Form TP-584. f. Schedule E) %) _ Conveyance which consists of a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization (Attach Form TP-S84.1. Schedule F) g. _ Conveyance for which credit for tax previously paid will be claimed (Attach Form TP-S84.1, Schedufe G) h. _ Conveyance of air rights or development rights i. _ Contract assignment j. _ Option assignment or surrender k. _ Leasehold assignment or surrender r. _ Leasehold grant m. _ Conveyance of an easement n. _ Conveyance for which exemption from transfer tax is claimed. (Complete Schedule C. Part III) o. _ Conveyance by gift p. _ Conveyance of property partly within and partly without the state q. _ Other (Describe) Schedule B - Real Property Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit (Article 31-B of the Tax Law) o Check this box if a Tentative Assessment and Return is being flied with respect to your current tnln818r, and proceed to Schedule C wllhout completing the following aHldavlt. Also. enter the assessment number shown on the Tentative Assessment: I (we) certify that: (check appropriate box) o The transfer of real property consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or occupancy of such property. 2 0 The Iransfer is a transfer of real property where the consideration is less than $500,000 and which is neither (A) pursuant to a cooperative or condominium plan, nor (8) a partial or successive transfer pursuant to an agreement or plan to effectuate by partial or successive transfers a transfer which would otherwise be included in the coverage of Article 31-8 of the Tax Law. 3 0 The transfer is a transfer of real property by tenants in common. joint tenants or tenants by the entirety where the aggregate consideration is less than $500,000. (All such transferors must sign this form.) 4 0 The conveyance is not a transfer of real property within the meaning of section 1440.7 of Article 31-8 of the Tax Law. (Attach documents supporting such claim, and sign on back as required.) 5 0 The transfer of real property consists of premises wholly occupied and used by the transferor exclusively as his residence, including a cooperative apartment or condominium occupied by the transferor exclusively as a residence. (This exemption may only be claimed by an individual, estate or trust.) 6 ~ The governmental entity (transferor) is the State of New York, or any of its agencies, instrumentalities, political subdivisions, or public corporations, including a publiC corporation created pursuant to an agreement or compact with another state or Canada. 7 [J The governmental entity (transferor) is the United Nations or any other international organization of which the United States is a member, the United States of America or any of its agencies or instrumentalities. Schedule C -Real Estate Transfer Tax Return (Article 31 of the Tax Law) Part I - Computation of Tax Due 1 Enter amount of consideration for conveyance. (If you are claiming a total exemption from tax. enter consideration and proceed to Part /1/) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Continuing lien deduction (See instructions if property is raken Subject to mortgage or lien) . 3 Taxable consideration (Subtract line 2 from line 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tax due: $2 for each $500, or fractional part thereof, of consideration on line 3. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Amount of credit claimed (See instructions and attach Form TP-584.1, Schedule G). .... .... 6 Total tax due* (Subtract line 5 from line 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part II - Computation of Additional Tax Due on the Conveyance of Residential Real Property for $1 Million or More 1 000000000 00 2 ) 3 4 5 ) 6 Enter amount of consideration for conveyance (same as amount in Part I. line 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Taxable consideration (Multiply fine 1 by the percentage of the premises which is residential real property) (see instructions) 3 Total additional transfer tax due* (1% of fine 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' ~." . . "Please make check(s) payable to the county clerk where the recording is to take place or the Department of Taxation and Finance if payment is being made directly to the Tax Department. For recorcMg offlcer's use Amount IIiIr... Part I $ received r Part II S 1 2 3 000000000 00 Dale received r,"nsact~::umba' TP-5B4 (4/89) (back) Schedule C - (continued) Part III - Explanation ot Exemption Claimed in Part I. line 1. (check any boxes that apply) The conveyance of real property is exempt from the real estate transfer tax for the following reason: a. Conveyance is to the United Nations. the United States of America, the State of New York or any of their instrumentalities, agencies or political subdivisions (or any public corporation, including a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact wIth another state or Canada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . . aD b. Conveyance is to secure a debt or other obligation. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b 0 c. Conveyance is without additional consideration to confirm, correct. modify or supplement a prior conveyance.. ......... . . c 0 d. Conveyance of real property without consideration and otherwise than in connection with a sale, including conveyances conveying realty as bona tida gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d [1J e. Conveyance is given in connection with a tax sale..... ................................ . eO f. Conveyance is a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization where there is no change in beneficial ownership. (This exemption cannot be claimed for a conveyance to a cooperative housing corporation of real property comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings.) . . . . . . h. Conveyance is given pursuant to the federal bankruptcy act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. Conveyance consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or occupancy of such property. ............................ i 0 j. Conveyance of an option or contract to purchase real property with the use or occupancy ot such property where the consideration is less than $200.000 and such property was used solely by the grantor as his personal residence and consists of a 1,2, or 3 family house, a residential individual condominium unit, or the sale of stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold covering an individual residential cooperative unit. . . . . . . . k. Other (attach explanation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule 0 - Credit Line Mortgage Certificate (Article 11 of the Tax Law) Complete the following only It the interest being transferred is a fee simple Interest. I (we) certify that: (Check appropriate box) 1 0 The real property being sold or transferred is not principally improved nor will it be improved by a one-to six-family owner- occupied residence or dwelling. The real property being sold or transferred is not subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. The real property being sold or transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. However, an exemption from the tax is claimed for the following reason: .to ....gO .... hO g. Conveyance consists of deed of partition. ..10 ....kO 2 ex 3 0 c The transfer of real property is a transfer of a fee simple interest to a person or persons who held a fee simple interest in the real property (whether as a joint tenant. a tenant in common or otherwise) immediately prior to the transfer: The transfer of real property is (A) to a person or persons related by blood. marriage or adoption to the original obligor or to one or more of the original .')bhgors or (B) to a person or entity where a majority of the beneficial interest in such real iJroperty after !he transfer IS held by the transferor or such related person or persons; The :ransfer of real property is a transfer to a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver, assignee or other officer of a court: n c C Other (attach detaiied expianation). 4 ,-, The real property being transferred is presently subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage, however, no tax is due tor the following reason: o A certificate of discharge of the credit line mortgage is being offered at the time of recording the deed; or o A check has been drawn payable for transmission to the credit line mortgagee or his agent for the balance due and a satisfaction of such mortgage will be recorded as soon as it is available. 5 [J The real property being transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage on record at (insert liber and page or reel or other identification of the mortgage). The maximum principal amount expressed in the mortgage is . No exemption from tax is claimed and the tax of is being paid herewith. (Make check payable to county clerk where deed will be recorded.) Signature and Affirmation (Both the transferor(s)/grantor(s) and transferee(s)/grantee(s) must sign). The undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say under penalty of perjury that the above return. including any affidavit. certification, schedule or attachment. has been examined by the undersigned, and is, to the best of his/her knowledge. true and complete and made ~~";;tI~S 11. ~1 and 31-B of the New York State Tax Law. Transferor/granlor Title Transleree/grantee Title Supervisor Beverly J. Hallock Northfork Housing Alliance President Scott L. Harris Town of Southold Subscribed to and sworn be/me me thiS.4-, ,I day 01 ~ TJ #f-ili::il C-<..) G . K-l 0 ^ ~ I ~G.~ERNAN Statoof New York _ai_YOlk -- - ---- 30 1011'!uM Qustl!led In_ County of __SJ.Iffol k ___ _ Commissior. Expires March 8. 991 County of Reminder Oid yOU compl~te all of the required information in Schedules A and 81 Were you required to complete Schedules C and D1 If Yvu c.hecked ~. rand g in Schedule A, did you complete TP-584.1? Have you attached your check(s) made payable to the COlllll)' clerk Ywhere recording will take place or the Department of Taxation and Finance it payment is being made directly to the Tax Department? Subscribed 10 and sworn belore me 19~ thIS day at .19_. Slate of o ..,..... '\ t- ,I) '" , \ 1 \0 ; \)}1\ v r, \\0 \L(. r,-) \ '\ \ ~ \i J \ . .1',- DISTRlcr 1000 SECI'ION 048.00 BLOCK 02.00 Im 024.000 . CONSULT YOUII LAWY.I I.,OI.IIGNING THIIINI11lVMENT-l1lIIINST8UMDn IHOULD I' USED IT LAWY.II ONLY. 11436rC586 . d; nus INDEN'IURE, mad. the 11- day nf r~J.- ~2~'):_':J [(p . nintt..u bundrod Rl1d ninety_ BEIWEEN the TOWN County of Suffolk, York 11971, OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New having its principal office at 53095 MainRoad, Southold,. ..-" T,;;.,,:lb U York, New , j ~. ,,' party of tho firal part, and the NORTH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE, at 18 South Street, Greenport, New York 11944, :\ 1 ; : ' ~ I. .\ F;.."': ".( III'/... i\ .. ,:', d-,:ri' ',( ,'),., ,\-, ' ("" 'Iill" 11._ .', I .."oz,...........-.-'- ""....m.n...........'."',....~~ . .,;0"':"""" . having its principal office 22593 party of tho oecond part, wrrNESSETIf, that the party of the first part. in consideration of O)'\.~ cLol Ieif' dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the Sealnd part. does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and ....igns of the party of the oemnd part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or patcel of land, with the buildings and improvements theteon ereeled. situate. lying aud being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and acquired by Tax Deed on May 14, 1987, from the County of Suffolk, New York, and recorded on May 14, 1987 in Liber 10318, Page 541, and otherwise known as and by Town of Southold, Greenport Driving Park Map 369, Lot 83, FURTHER, notwithstanding the above description, it is the intention of this conveyance to give title only to such property as was acquired by the Town of Southold by Tax Deed on May 14, 1987, from the County of Suffolk, New York, and recorded on May 14, 1987 in Liber 10318, Page 541. PROVIDED, however, that the party of the second part, will be restricted in its use of the subject premises and will use said premises solely and exclusively for affordable housing purposes; all right, title, and interest will revert to the party of the first part, at the sole option of the party of the first part, in the event that the party of the second part, at any time uses or attempts to use said subject premises for other than affordable housing purposes, in accordance with the approved plan submitted by the party of the second part. The reverter clauses contained herein shall apply to the grantee, or any transferee from the grantee formed pursuant to Article XIX - Affordable Home Ownership Development Program of the Private Housing Finance Law of the State of New York, or a not-for-profit corporation formed under 6402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law for affordable housing purposes. Additionally, if anyone or more of the following occurs, the property secured by this deed shall revert as hereinbefore set forth: 1. If the party of the second part fails to construct or complete construction of affordable housing unit or units on said property within three (3) years from the date of this deed; 2. If the party of the second part sells or otherwise transfers an affordable housing unit or units to a purchaser or purchasers whose total annual household income, from all sources, is above the maximum income limits for non-targeted areas in the State of New York Mortgage Agency's Affordable Housing Program for Suffolk County; 11436PC588 TOGE'I1IER with all right, title and interest, ilany. of the party of the fint part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above delCribed premise.s to the center lines thereof, TOGE:I1IER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the firat part in and to said premises, 1'0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi.... herein granted unto the party 01 the second part, the heirs or successors and usignl of the party of the second part forever. AND the part)' of Ihe first part, in complianc:e with Section 13 nl the Lien La..., hereby covenants that the party of the first part wl1l receive the eOlllideration for thi. conveyanee and will hold the right to recei.e such eonsld- eratinn as a trust lund to be appliod first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improyement and will apply the lllUJIe first to the payment of the eolt of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be eonstrued aa if it read ..parti..... wbene.er the sense of this indenture 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly execulod this deed the day and yut first above wrillen. IN FauKNCIt 01": 'IDWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK By:~~~1 di.. Scott L. ar is, Supervisor - , President OJ0828q ~2~d 20 A~2ado~d aq~ JO UOlSSassod ~O Ul ~SaJa~Ul ue 20 O~ aI~11 cAEll. llEll.S Aa4~ se P01Jad 4~ns AOJ AIUC ^11~adsa~ 'sascd2nd DUlsn04 alqEp20JJE ~OJ ME~ uOl~e20d20~ 11JOAd-20J-~ON a4~ JO ZO~~ 2apun aW20J UOllE20d200 ~lJ02d 20J-')OU AUE .10 1~.10^ M8N JO 8')E)S 8\.{) JO ME1 IEdlo1unw le.1aUaD 8l{~ 8ST pue VSI S81~1'12V Japun pa)eaJo U01)EJodJo~ 5u15nOl{ alqepJoJJe Aue 20 '~JO^ MaN JO '1e)s l{~ JO Me1 aOUEuld 6ulsnoH a:jEA1.1d a4') JO XIX 8101)JV Japun paW.1oJ 'l~ed puo~as a4~ }O Al.1Ed JO aauDTs5e Aue AO A4Tl~d1~lunw e aq '11 J1 'l.1Ed puooas al{'1 JO A)Jed a4) uodn AlUO DUlpu1Q lleqs S4U~Ua^00 pue s4UaWaa.1oe lton5 4e44 p0015.1apun Jalt)JnJ 51 JI "l.1ed ')5.11J 64'1 JO A1Jed 'Aq alQEa~JoJu6 pue 'Jo .1OAE] ul pu~ '11J6uaq a\.{) .1OJ oU1pu1Q 'MeT AQ pa41!WJad 4ua1xa I1nJ 01 aq 'UTaJal{ pap1AoAd AlteolJ1~ad5 se AluO )daoxa pue '851MJal{10 .10 tEDat 'uo!'1eu01Sap .10 E~lJTsSElo teolultoa') 01 pJeoaJ ln04l1M pUE 'luaA6 AUE Ul 'ttEltS Aaltl '1El{l pUE PUeI al{l 411M 1uun2 SlueuaAOO 6q I1El{5 UT6J6l{ 54UEU6AOO pue 5)UaWaaJoe alt~ le4~ paaJOE pUE papUalU! Sl 41 "pa.1.1eJsue.ll aS1ft\.16l{10 .10 PloS S11un .10 :nun DUT5nol{ elqep.1oJJE 8l{1 JO a~l.1d 8sEl{:und l'E10l 641 (0 pue !A11WEJ Jell. .10 514 pue Al.1ado.1d al{l JO 52aS'Elp.1od AO .16SE4;J.1od 6l{l JO '56::).1T\OS lIE WO.1J 'awo::)ul Ploll.sn04 l'E~Ol a4) (q !Al.1ado.1d PIes uo pa~e~111qEll.a.1 20 pa);Jn.11SUOO Sllun .10 11un oUlsnOl{ alqep.101JE Aue 20J A::)u'Ednooo pue UOTlaldwo::) JO salep al{l (e !aa'lUE.1D oUlsnol{ a1QEp.1oJJe )i.U'E lnlM 6111'4 JO 6uls01:) o~ JOl.1d '4uaUldol8Aaa )i.l1unUJWoJ JO lU8Ull.1~d8a )i.:lunoJ ~loJJns a4l 01 AJ1l.1a~ 01 s11~J l.1ed puo~as altl JO ^l2ed al.{l J1 'S ! (00.000'001$) s.1ElI0a puesnol.{J. pa.1pUnH auo JO Ulns al{:1 peaoxa 0:1 11un snol{ alqep.1oJJE 4::)ea JO a::)1.1d aSEl{::).1nd le:10:1 a\.{l 5MoIIE '4.1Ed puo::)as al{l JO A~.1'Ed e4l J1 "t :Aluno~ ){loJJnS oJ WE.1DO.1d 6ulsnoH 81QepJoJJV S,A::)ueDV eoeOl.10W ~.10^ Ma~ JO elElS a41 JO 5ea.1E, pa'4eo.1e:1-uou s:1!u111 aUlo::)ul umuqxeUl a41 a^oq'E 51 'sa:)2nos Ill? 1.:10.1J 'vulo::)ul l'Enuue lElOl aSol.{M 1.11wEJ e !.q n:J:JO aq O..} sllun .10 ){un BUlsnoll. a[q'Ep.loJJE al.{l S'4lW.1ad l.1ed puo:Jes el{l JO ^l.1Ed el{l J1 .C , Of "II QPT7 IT . , 11436rG590 ITA.TI 01' NIW YOlK, C~ 01' On the day of PCT10nally came 19 ... ITATI"OI' 111_ TOIK, COUNfT Of' , before me Oa the day of pel'lOoal1r ame 19 t belore me " 10 m. known 10 be the individual executed. the foregoing instrument, executed the same. descn'bed in and who and acknowledged that .TAft o. NIW YO-.. COUMTY Of Suffolk "I On the / /1;}.. day of Ge..lom Ml\A.l19 9"]/, before me personally came SCOTT L, HARRIS to me k"TIOwn. who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and sar that he reside. at No. 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971, th,t he i. the of THE TOWN OF Supervisor SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK , the corporation described in and whieh executed the loregoing instrument; that h. knows the seal of said corporation: that the seal affixed to said instrument is suth corporate leal; that it was RO affixed by order of the board of directors of said eorpora. tion, and ~H ~iSG~e k-:::~er. UATTHEWo.llIEIlNAN ~ /UJGct, Slar. oINn Va a.u:....I7I c:.r'"'- ......~ 'III\ElFhI...... .. TITLE No, . eulklaim :JIulJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK NO~TH FORK HOUSING ALLIANCE TO STANDARD roa.. Of NfW yoaK IO,,_D O' Tml UNDllWatllU IHnrih.rd " TIlE TInE GUARANTEE COMPANY II .., to me known 10 be the individ.w executed the foregoing instrument. eucuted the same. desen'bed In and who and acknowlodged that ITAft OF Ill_ YOlK, COUIlITY O' ... On the day of 19 , befote me personally came the subscn1ling w;tness to the foregning Instrument, with whom I am personally acqUllinted, who, being by m. duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the individUllI deseribed in and who executod the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, w.. present and saw execute the earne; and that he, aid witness. at the same time subsen'bed h name u w;tne.. thereto, socnON ftLOCIl I.OT COUNTY Ok TOWN Itecorded A.t ...quea: eI The 1'1I~ C..n.."'C' CotOpell.J lUtI1JaN BY',MAlL TO: p, EDWARD REALE TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA & KELLEY 33 WEST SECOND STREET, PO BOX 398 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 Zip No, ('o.J en = ;..... C- u.: CO CO .:.:.~ c:: c M u w no: en . I . "" , .'" , = . I . . ~ . . I j I uJ >- I- ". ~.:u-=' ': C)...") : - ~.~ c_": ......." :-c';_7.i~ ".'::~_J 0 ;::01J.- :~ 11_ ~." ::J o U) W 20G8 " ....n:6l '0& "ldes SilIJ!d:c:l UOlsSIWWoa "l v AJuno:l ~IOJJns UI p81J1IRnO 09~L89L 'ON ,..to). MaN JO 8181S 'O!lqnd .u1\ON la~"'e\l'401 '8 3N31~'" ::>T'[qna tU\?:)ON .~~;i;/~ '~ap~o a~,l Aq o:)a~aq:) aW\?U ~aq pau5,s aqs :)\?q:) PU\? 'uo,:)\?~Od~o::> P,\?S ;):0 s~o:)::>a~,p ;):0 P~\?oq aq:) ;):0 ~ap~o Aq pax,;):;):\? os S\?M :), :)\?q:) !l\?as a:)l?~od~o::> q::>ns s, :)uawn~:)su, p,I?S 0:) pax,;):;):1? 11?as aq:) :)I?q:) !U01:)I?~od~0::> p,I?S ;):0 11?as aq:) SMOU~ aqs :)\?q:) !:)uawn~:)us, 5u105a~0;): aq:) pa:)n::>axa q::>,qM pUI? U, paq,~::>sap uo,:)I?~od~o::> aq:) '3JNVI~~V DNISnOH )I/lOd H.L/lON aq:) ;):0 :)uap,sa~d aq:) s1 aqs :)I?q:) 'vv6l1 ~~o}. MaN ':)~oduaa~D ':)aa~:)s q:)nos 81 'ON :)I? sap,sa~ aqs :)I?q:) AI?S pUI? asodap P1P 'U~OMS Alnp aw Aq 5u1aq 'OqM 'UMOU~ aw 0:) ')lJO~~H 'r }'~/l3^38 aw\?::> An\?uos~ad aw a~o;):aq '"t661 , "f'<1.?/tY,n/ ;):0 AI?P7j tl aq:) uo :'ss ')I~OddnS dO }..LNnOJ ')I/lO}' M3N dO 3.LV.LS G8gJd9Ev 11 .,-~ ~"! ; -:-;---r. ''''~\flj':. -.--....-~...; . I' 'c,: ,-- ------- . I 11436ri576 ,,~,".I.-" II~ .,.. i ....__ the TCIWN 0' SOUTHOLD. a -.JfticilMl corporation of th. Stat_ of .... Tort.. eau.~ of SUffolk. havinq itm princip.l office at 5)095 MainA~d. SouChold. .... 'rod: 11'11. )~ ._......... .,..ty.;;" '.. ~9'i' ,...,............... tM -lIO'n1I P'CRK H:KJSIOO ALLIAI'JCE. bavino it_ principal oU1e. at: l' South Str..C. Cl'e.npon,. ",,"w York 11S.'. -............ I--"-:-:~~~l I .::r:._ I '. .- '" J ;i~:,.:.."l"(J~.~~~ .. onc dolla.... ....."....-.&...... 6eJlUl'1 01 the b.-rt. ill .. ..... __.....u__ JIllOI ., dol _ .. ... ... ..... .... ....., ........ ..- ... ...-w- - lloo pony of "'" .... ..... tie"'" _ _ ... ...... '" dlo _....... ............ AIL dill Cft'IMtlI pial. piect .. ,-ftd .. ..... witta ChI: -'1dinIs .... b....._ '1 tbumn endelI. ..... .,............the .r,.wn ot ;.OlJthold, County of Suffolk and Stat. of N..v York. and ac:quareod by T,",x r.-...tt en April 5. 19"9. trocn th.. CC"ul''Il.I of Suffolk. I:....., York. and lKOt'd.d on Apri! '5, 19~Q i~ Li~r .;.08](\, p&Q. ]4. and otherwise '..nown as and by Town of South.,ld $C'h :'~~t ~ N-V TC'o.tr1,:,k E-Aqway Inc. S-Oak PI W.J '.1 Nl.n.. FI~~. notv1th~t~n1inq th- ftC~V~ d_~r.rj~ft~n. it i. the int-ntion of thi_ con~.yane. t~ Qiv- tlt)- only ~~ ~u~h prop~lry a~ we. aequir~d by th4 Town of $outhold hy T.ue r-_d on 1-pail S. J~RQ. from th- C'ounty at Suffolk. NfIow Y"rk. ar.J ucoldflod en April ':>. }QFlQ in Li.~l 10R]0. P"Q" 34. PItOVtDED. ~v~r. th..t. th_ party ot the 't.eond part. -Ul ~ r~.trict.d in it. u.. of t~ .uhj_ct pl'~mi~-~ ..nd will u~. ~aid pr.mi~~. .ol.ty and ~xclu.ivelv for Ilffc.ldAbh' h....'!'Iln" (.,u,...,~-~: ,.II rtoht. tltl~. and int.r....t vill r.vert rr) the party of th.. fH~~ P"lt. ...t th... sol_ option of t!1. party of "=h. first p8lt;. in tM ~"'nt th,'It th~. :"'IIty of th_ to_co:>>nd part. ..t any ti.., u..tI or attltfllPt. to u.. ..l~ .ubj_r.t pr-mis_~ for olh~r thah affordable hau.ing pc~..tI. In .ecordanc. with th- "rpl~v.-d plan subm:tt~ by the party of the ..cend part. The r.v.rt~r r.1 u~_~ e~nt..in_d h_r_tn .hall apply to th. 9ranCe.. or any tran.'.r-. hnm th_ ..,r...nt.... ft)"",",d p'u~\:,.'nt tn Artict.. XIX. Ioftordftbl- K~ awn",r:phlp [)Io'I"_lo~nt 1'107r""" ~f th_ Pr''141te Hou.lnq Finane'" tJtw of 1'h.. State of New York. or a not-fnr-prnfit corporatiC':. fot1lWd under 5402 of the !tot.for-Prl !it CorporatIon Law for affordaolf' hOl.:.inq purpo.... Additionally. if anyone or ~r' of th. fetl~tnQ occur.. the pr~rty ..eured by thi. d.~ .nall r...."'rt u h~~'elnbeofore .et lC'rthl 1. tf the party of th~ ._eond part of .ffot'deb~-" hC'us1nt;i unit ?r unit. the dat. of thi. d~. I: t~~l~ to ~on.truct or comp..t. con.truction ~n .aid pre~rty within three ()1 year. tr~ I 2. If th_ r",rry of h... ,.._"~ncll""rt !.o",lh ('I' l..'h_rwh_ tranaf_,. I1n I1rrrrdable hou.tnq unit at' unit:'l 1'" ~ p'n.d"~I!'.t or purtha....r'. who.. total annual hOoJ!lehold. incC8'e. hClftt all .0000ut('"~' i:\ .sl''''..... t~~ IlI-1xir'IUr.I tncC'lM' liftlit!' fer n::on-~Ilro.t.d .r..... in th_ !:f"t- r-t II"''''' Y.....lk H:-ltQ"'~. .A.a.n.-)", .A.ll::t~...cl_ No:::"uln1 Prr!9t&ft1 fer - Suffolk Coun!)': 'l'r 11436Pb577. '"--:;;;!~'" i '.; tM put.y of toM .<<or:d ~t't ~K'ljU the affordable IIawllft'\l' ualt or utdu to M oertW':, "'".: -..lly wht'... local 11I'''l1l1al lr.c~. lrrwt all ."'.rt'... I- lIboY" ttl. ~.l"'''' tneClW ll~lt. i;;; ~Jt'O'!.t..rv-t-.J .''1'''''11 ..r tn. St.~. 01 ~I~" l~rk Mcrt.,ao" .\Qftlr.y'" AftoC'dabl. "OU..~~~ r:~f'U fo ~tro)l;. Count.YI c. It the ...art.l cf to!':. IIK~:l.:5 pU'~ ;fo~:""1I !.h. to:....1 p..;re!':a_ ~r:,=" ".r ~.,,:,!,: ..~:'::~~:.:~ Uft,ir. to ...e~d tt.t' r.UlII e! ()nl!' 'hr.dt.d Thou.and Oclhcp (Sl()O.or"O.r.~,l: S. It t1. put.y"f Ih.. .",,"nl't rArt f.1J~:, c-f'rtlfy 1.1' th_ :JUrfdl_ COI.l.,ry ~P<'Cl Iflt ot C~lnlt( [\foY.l'",-r.T. rrlor t.. r:I".II"Ot'r. tltl. ..I'~ .IllY aff,rd"bl.1 tU'II..lnQ ~unt..., .. tn. d.t~.. r:;f C"""'f'lN 1-11"1 an-1 o~';"I".ncy fe.t' ..rlY a(fot Ib1.. ht)U.lnQ unl!; or unl~. CDn:Jtruct.-1 e: r..hAbllltll".,1 "':1 saj,j .,rCrer"'"i; bl t". t.;ot.: !"."1t=!':.:-11 ;l"iI:alN", f!'~ ..1: #:-',1' t'';, ,'! t.... .._::-:,...u~..': " .. p~rty lIr.d hi.. or h..r 1411':/'." and ;.:.:~ ~ et t~e :~.~l r~reh.s. ~rlce ~f :~. a!:~rd.~:. houclnq u~l: ~~ ~~l~$ F~'4 .. :~~~:w1" tnnahrT..:! ' ,,~~ It il:, lnt.nMd a~d ...,r..~'" !.ha' thO!' ,J,,,!',"-r:!!:ll a~ 1 ::~'J.r.,,~t.. t:er..Ul .!'I.ll t... ee'''..~a~t. rlllllt with th~ 1an'" an~ !.h\~ " , ~~\Il, In .nv ~vent. A~j wlth~~t r~.rd t~ t..~hn~e.: cl...lflca or ~.iQ1'l.rl"'n. IfWl": l':r ,'t!"~lS", I.n-: ..,,":'..,.. ,-n:}' ",~ I'=~UIC"I:Y rrovt"""" ;...r..ll1. bot to tut! i!'xtpnt r..r...:I....1 r,.,' hw, rln11r., !Gr '-~,. b<-ru'Ut .,,1 In f.'Jer or. lI!"olI .~fer:"lItlle by. rarty .,~ t".f' fir..!. rtrl, :~:~ !~l!'''''r '11'..1..1'1':'':'':1'1 t!'\..t /C'lel': a.,r.~t.'l and C'c"'~..nt. _"-11- b.lnoj1~a on1; :;r'~:'l t~.. r.''''Y :~ t:... F"':''7n.1 ..J:'!.. d It ~.. a llU!':.:C"~Pllllty ,:,r any ...1Q::H or party .,f the; ",,=,:;,,.J p;'lr!.. !7l"'~....j unl"J"!' ~r:i"l. X:X ~-! :he Pr1".:. MO'fl;:1n.; Hna",:e La.. of t!I stat of N_ Ycrll:, cr any Io:!~d ,Ie 1':0<;..1n.., cC'rp,)ratl:n cr'-lItf"'! ur:.~..r "rt~el... l~A and 15. thot a.n..r_1 M:Jn -ipa, :i1"o1 'f .~.. !:~_tf' t.1 f:_ Y:1lr.. -:or _ny ner-for p:'c..fll cOlpar_tion f,,~ un::!for '40"2 o( tr,.. IIOf f...r. rrc.tll Cnrrt,r"~ . ('In uw tor .(~~rd.t.J. hou_lno' pur po.... r.-peett.,. only tot '-JI'"ft '"1'1''''''' ... l"fIY ah..ll tt\v.. tille tn or _n lntf'no.' in ,'f ~0-...~1on of tbe pr~rty or part h~rf'rr. - ---, 'II" .~ .-.....;...V' ,_,It" j;' i~'i:~ ".~1 f';: . ,.' . ";,!.' , 'co,"~ ;,..,A.'l' ','1-; >~':l;:: . :,,! ~)r .;; :.;\''! ::;~r, :C". ";'~ t.....,j. "',;;~~;. 11436PimB I ' . 1_.._ _ all ...... _ ... _II..,. .. .... ....,. ....... ... 10 ... .. .., -... -........ ---......... -- --. oM oil .... _ oM ... .. .. ,..., .. .. ... ... .. ... .. " ... ,.-. 101IA... AIID 10 JIlIUJ 1M ..- _ ..- _ _ ....,. .. .. _I ..... ... - - - oM......... ... _ eI 1M _... _. ;,.~r.:. ',I, "P.i'; '? :r~i ! ...'t :~:~~~ ,~ ~:t~ , ,,'i., ._~~. "~,... ,it' AJID......,.eI "" _ put..........,...:.... _lJeI tile u...... .....,-- ...,...,,, ...... .... ... reed.... ... ~ tar dIh _ ~1_...4 ... .. .... ... rfIht to M:IIft'" ...... ...... _. .... ..... Ie Ie .,pi'" ,.. for... '" __ <II,.,.... till' _ ..... ....._ _-'L'" wit ...., .... _ lilt.......,..... "" the COlI . dIt I..,..._~" ....6[ ..~.. .... .., ,..,." 1M... .. ... -.. ..,-- no _ .,..,.. .... be -....l .. H . ... .,.... __.. _ .. tIWo __ - ft J'ft. . ......4::l.. Vh.u- CAW, 1M pIoftJ J ....... ..... ....., ~ tIIh... e. ., ... ,.., Int..... - I rw_.., 10If r7 SCI.mI:I.D, NDf 'YtJUC: !In---?c.. ~J /La.. Sa:Jtt L. rrla, S~8Ol" II:lIml FCRIt lD1!lIIC AU.INCE ,..,. d:- , .'e , 1;).. .'~ 11436r'f:79 t;~'~l;;J~_J;; Lj lrU ,~~'--_.. '0.,., .. ~,' ,;, .., .. ., . ..- - ,\.. .. ~- ' '''AII.k> i :t~"'r ..'i.oooo............... _ '" ... .lIe 1M ........ ---. ..... Idu-~_od .. --:;.-. .~; ....__~W",;M'I""I'.;-lfr ill. - "0.... II!> .," - ~..J. I'll'. -'.... 1...- ~) ~~0'1"T' L. ":.HI:: '.... ..... .... w.r .,. .... .w, ....... did d~ .nd ~:t~'I.""""'.)f,, '. ,',' .~:.:.;. ", -,...:;,!~~. ,_ ...... S!"""",t:onr ' .., 1'RE 1UIN OF S"'7W':"u. r:FW 'i~"" , . thtC'''1Il''1It_ dtaiIIeI ,:\;i... _.- dIP r--. ......_:..... lor ...... ... __ ... .w ..._._...;.....: IhrI the ... ..... . ... ...... II --. ."... .... IheI II .- - .-,,_III"-"~""'- _...... .. ""':f 10 ,. - ~ lor J-...... '"=r:' tf~ G. f-lP' -- , ..'-" >l:'! _mna_ .1-, -.--..-- 'I:" ...- ,~;, _Io_-~ '!l'i\ -- -7_ r~... .~~~ , .,. !l" .. . .-. .... NtV '(r,JoY '10 -_.,._--- - -.. fI7U GUAIUJI'TU COAIPAKf . _ "...._"l'lCl.-..- 0.'" .".. ,...., - - .9 . ...... - . .. - . .. ... ........ - .. ......... ...... -...- _10..... ... 14.... dill ItAII _ .... ..-. ~ . - 00.. ,.,111 I' ,-- ,...., - the ........... ..... . die ........ "....__4. .... .... I _ ...,-." I ........... --. Mi.. by 1M ..., rwora, /:..4 ...... ... .,.... he raida at No. .... .. . .. ... IolIiMwoI ....... 10 ... _ .- ... ......... -: rhII _..... Jt.... .:..... .ne.... .. "... ... ... -... -:...... ......- II eM _ ... .......... h - · -*- --. - .....,. ,,,. ctII..... _ Tf,.,. ...... .. .... ... ftI ".. ___ c-... ___ .. IIA& ,.. P. [:;IO'A-PO ~~LE 1'Vf'JIIl"'Y, t.Ai'HAM, SHEA , rELLc:T n wEST !'F.COND t7PFt:T, PO 9l?X 191t ~I.rr.p~F~n. ~. 11901 ..... I :,~_ . ' !; . ' ~",~, , . . ...L. : . . ~1 ' " , ' . '" fT. ;~..." ~. ,~?, ~ . '... . , :! 1 '.' , 'JI _ ~t . . f' r."(t,.,' ',L. ~, , .l- ~ . ~1If ~ .. I .".' , C.; ',~ ',~ c 111'. 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