HomeMy WebLinkAboutJarosz, William & Phyllis 11315PLlll Cl...sl3) '}.> - Dl)/-I6 SJllnd,1)rd N Y.8 T U. Form 8001- 2.73 - 801t(jllin and Sale Deed wi'''' (ovp.nMlllQllinsl Grantor's Ads- Individu.1 or CorpOllllion (single sheel) ," CONSULT YOUR lAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOUlD BE USED BY lAWYERS ONl Y. ~J TillS INDENTURE. made the 30 day of June nineteen hundred and 1')01 .110.,,,,. ninety-one BETWEEN WILLIAM JAROSZ and PHYLLIS JAROSZ his wife, both residing at Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York 11 ( party of the first part. and Town of Southold, a Municipal Corporation organized and existing pursuant to th.01aws o~ ~he State of New York with its principal o l!ifidt!" tocatild'JAtlt~~n Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, sou!:lt8~.~itt!,~j~,h 11971 party of the second part, WITNESSETII, that the party of the liut part. in conoideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable con. oideration paid by the party of the oecond part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and aooigns of the party of the second part forever. AtL Ihat certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvemenls thereon erected. situ. ate.lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNI~at a point on the southerly line of Sound View Avenue where the DISTRICTsame is intersected by the northeasterly line of 50 foot right of way with 1000 the southwesterly line of land now or formerly of Bayley, SECTION RUNNING THENCE South 44 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds ~~=~~~___ of Bayley, along land of Jacobi, along land of Morris iron pipe; East along said land 1080.51 feet to an BLOCK 09.00 THENCE along other land of said Latham South 47 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds Westl 50.03 feet; LOT 011.000 1 'd 'l'HENCE a ong sa~ --------- Southold, 1076.20 other land of Latham and along land of the Town of feet to the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue; THENCE along said southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East, 50.07 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. '(V'/I'-lnl" t C6 ?"~) . vu.~. ..rIft Wlln all FIght, lillt~ and intere5t. ir any. or the party of the first part of, in IInd 10 Rny streets :ond roads ahulling the ah,we-deocribed premioes to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER 'with the appur. tenances and all the eolate and rights of the parly of the fint part in and to said premioeo: TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premioeo herein granted unlo the party of the oecond pari. the heirs or luccessors and assi8ns of the parly of the second part forever. . AND the party of the finl part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the oaid premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law. covenantl that the party of the fint pari will receive the conoideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such con. sideralion ao a truot fund to he applied finl for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply Ihe oame firotlo the payment of Ihe cost of the improvement before. using any part of the total of Ihe same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed 85 if It read "Pllrties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ~~~, .... "RH.\. ES'f>. .l. 1$ '99' ~\lG '(.1'\ ,1\'1- ,- \1'\~~\oL\\ C()I.\I'\'\'1 1221 ~ IN WITNESS WIfEREOF,the parly of the first part hao duly executed.th1s deed .lb~ day and year lirsl above written. _) IN PRESENCE OF: ~',. ~~:::.~ /'~ JAt:!..Z ..fL, l/ JA~~ _r ..... . y~ P LLIS C\l ~ <...::> =- ~ 'l"""I 'l"""I STATE OF NEW YORK, COUN1'Y OF SUFFOLK ss. On Ihe 30 day of ':r,,"'~ :9 ~ I ,b.core me personally r.ame WILLIAM JAROSZ and PHYLLIS JAROSZ, his wife 10 me known 10 be Ihe individual described in ond who exttuled Ihe foregoing inslrumenl, and acknowl~ged that execuled Ihe same. Y0\a-- D~\!- f IMIlC WIEDERUGlIT "'_~K ~' ' ld.*~ n A TE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF 55. On the day of 19 , before me peroonally came to me known. who, being by me duly .worn, did depoae and say that he reside. at No. Ihat h. I. the of . the corporation de.cribed in and which execuled the foregoing instrlln..nl: thai he knows Ihe seaJ of oaid corporation: that the s..1 affixed to !laid instnlment is luch atrporate seal: th:at it wal' so Iffixed by order of the hoard of direclors of oaid corpora- lion, Ind thai he .igned h ham. therelo by like or de.. ~utgul" 81111 &81, lJull WITH COVfN.\NT A(iAINH G'lANTOR'!i Acn TI1'l.I~ No. ---'-----_..._- -...--------------, TO IfANOA'O HMM' Of: HI. VOII. .O....D or nn. VNDII.""" 0;,,,....,,.1 ., w~ Arnerlenn t:ltlo in"lurftnce company north east region A ."(""bt" .,( T,.( Con'I",",.1 '"'UN......( (;.,ml1"";I"J STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came 55, 19 , before n.e 10 m. known 10 be the individuII descrihed in and who executed Ihe foregoing in.trument, and acknowledged thai execuled the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55. On Ihe day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing wilne.. to the foregoing instrument, with whom 1 am personally acqulinted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and ...y thaI h. reside. at No. that he knows to b. Ihe individual described in and who execuled the foRCOing instrument: that he" Baid subscribing wilness, was present Ind saw .xeeute the same: Ind that he,...id witnes., It th. lame time subscribed h name a. witne.. th.relo. SECTION 059.00 MocK 09.00 1,<)1 plo 011. 000 COUNTY OR T'lWN Southold R,(l')rd,d At "~qQ~t'1 ft' A_nite" Titl. Inhlftftr. (AmPI", RETURN BY MAIL TO: I I L r~ o ... z i5 .. o l:: .. ~ o w VI :> .. o ~ w V '" .. VI VI i .. ~ > .. w VI ~ .. A..LNfJ .] ,0:; \', I;f!ff~~O >tl/-/fpfJS I.I;. '"II js ;If 4( II, flr .. (! J 0/ if 3tJv V J(jIiC . .. ;it! ~.J';L ~ . ~,~ t .L