HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty of Suffolk-Rachael's Road Mattituck ~~ @ \~) c ,-(, VO DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 108.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 007.002 v ~ '" () . II I083~ PG 30 ~(;~UW~~I "'in 91969 ~ 02>-3510 SUFFOLK COUNTY QUITCLAIM DEED ~ 300tt.~ THIS INDENTURE, made theo1.~ day of O~A/lJ , 1988 BETWEEN the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a municipaf corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at the Suffolk County Center, Center Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901, party of the first part, AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, pursuant to Resolution Number 236-1988 adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature on March 29, 1988 and, thereafter, approved by the County Executive on April 14, 1988, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with any buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and acquired by Tax Deed on March 6, 1986, from General L. Rains, the Deputy County Treasurer of Suffolk County, New York, and recorded on March 7, 1986, in Liber 9992, Page 559/560, and otherwise known as and by Town of Southold Sch Dist 9 N-Zanieski Frms E-Elijahs La Ests S-Main Rd-Ors W-Kugler-Ano, FURTHER, notwithstanding the above description, it is the intention of this conveyance, to give title only to such property as was acquired by the County of Suffolk by Tax. Deed on March 6, 1986 from General L. Rains, the Deputy County Treasurer of Suffolk County, New York, and recorded on March 7, 1986 in Liber 9992 at Page 559/560, PROVIDED, however, that the party of the second part, will be restricted in its use of the subject premises and will use said premises solely and exclusively for affordable housing purposes; all right, title, and interest will revert to the party of the first part, at the sole option of the party of the first part, in the event that the party of the second part, at any time uses or attempts to use said subject premises for other than affordable housing purposes, in accordance with the approved plan submitted by the party of the second part. The reverter clauses contained herein shall apply to the grantee, or any transferee from the grantee formed pursuant to Article XIX - Affordable Horne Ownership Development Program of the Private Housing Finance Law of the State of New York, or a not-for-profit corporation formed under ~402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law for affordable housing purposes. Additionally, if anyone or more of the following occurs, the property secured by this deed shall revert as herinbefore set forth: I, If the party of the second part fails to construct or complete construction of affordable housing unit or units on said property within three (3) years from the date of this deed; ," ~" 300....,) ECEIVED $<t7 REAL ESTATE APR 5 1989 TRI\NSfER 1 AX SUffOLK 011 IV t;&;j l: f Jfit ill! :, , ~ 'I.:" I .;.~-~; I ' ., t3''''01T" ~.~! , .:..l::I~.U;>() J.~W~C ; ~~............. _.1 , ' ~ : . . I i I,J : I:'!: 'Joa~a4~ ~~Bd ~o A~~ado~d a4~ JO uOlssassod ~o ul ~sa~a~ul UB ~O O~ al~l~ aAB4 IlB4s Aa4~ SB pOl~ad 40ns ~oJ AIUO 'AlaAl~oadsa~ 'sasod~nd ~ulsno4 alqBp~oJJB ~oJ ~B~ uOl~B~od~o~-~OJ-~ON a4~ JO ZO~~ ~apun paw~oJ uOl~B~od~oo ~lJo~d ~oJ-~ou AUB ~o '~~O^ ~aN JO a~B~S a4~ JO ~B~ IBdlolunw IB~auaD a4~ JO a~l pUB V~l al01~~V ~apun pa~Ba~O UOl~B~od~oo ~ulsno4 alqBp~oJJB AUB ~O '~~O^ ~aN JO a~B~S a4~ JO ~B~ aouBul~ ~u18nOH a~BAl~d a4~ JO XIX alo1~~V ~apun paw~oJ '~~Bd puooa8 a4~ JO A~~Bd a4~ JO aau~188B AUB ~o A~llBdlolunw B aq ~l Jl '~~Bd puooas a4~ JO A~~Bd a4~ uodn AIUO ~ulpulq aq IlB48 S~UBUaAOO pUB s~uaWaa~~B 40ns ~B4~ pOO~8~apUn ~a4~~nJ Sl ~I '~~Bd ~8~lJ a4~ JO A~~Bd a4~ 'Aq alqBao~oJua pUB 'JO ~OABJ Ul pUB ~lJauaq a4~ ~OJ ~UIPUlq '~Bl Aq pa~~lw~ad ~ua~xa IlnJ a4~ O~ aq 'ula~a4 papIAo~d AIIBoIJIOads SB AIUO ~daoxa pUB 'aSl~a4~O ~O IB~al 'UOl~Bu~18ap ~O UOl~BOlJlSSB10 IBolu4oa~ O~ p~B~a~ ~no4~1~ pUB '~UaAa AUB Ul '11B48 Aa4~ ~B4~ pUB PUBl a4~ 4~1~ 2UIUU~ S~UBUaAOO aq IlB48 ula~a4 8~UBU~OO pUB 8~uawaa~~B a4~ ~B4~paa~~B pUB papua~ul Sl ~I 'pa~~aJ8UB~~ aSl~a4~o ~O PI0S s~lun ~O ~lun ~U18no4 alqBp~oJJB a4~ JO aOl~d aSB40~nd IB~O~ a4~ (0 :1 pUB ~Al1WBJ ~a4 ~O S14 pUB A~~ado~d a4~ JO s~asB4o~nd ~O ~asB4o~nd a4~ JO 'sao~no8 lIB wO~J 'awooul Plo4asno4 IB~o~ a4~ (q ~A~~ado~d PIBS uo pa~B~111qB4a~ ~o pa~on~~suoo s~lun ~o ~lun ~ulsno4 alqBp~oJJB AUB ~oJ AouBdnooo pUB uOl~aldwoo JO 8a~Bp a4~ (B :aa~uB~~ ~ulsnoq alqBp~oJJB AUB q~l~ al~l~ JO ~UlS010 o~ ~ol~d ~uawdolaAaa A~lunwwo~Jo ~uaw~~Bdaa A~uno~ ~loJJns a4~ o~ AJl~~ao o~ s11BJ ~~Bd puooa8 a4~ JO A~~Bd a4~ JI '~ ~(OO'OOO'OOl$) s~Blloa pUB8no4~ pa~punH auo JO wns a4~ paaoxa o~ ~lun ~ulsno4 alqBp~oJJB qOBa JO aOl~d aSB4o~nd IB~o~ a4~ 8~o11B ~~Bd puooa8 a4~ JO A~~Bd aq~ JI 'v ~A~uno~ ~loJJns ~oJ wB~2o~d ~u18noH alqBp~oJJV slAoua~v a~B~~~oW ~~O^ ~aN JO a~B~S a4~ JO 8Ba~B pa~a~~B~-uOU ~oJ s~lwll awooul wnwlxBW a4~ aAoqB sl '8ao~no8 lIB wO~J 'awooul IBnuuB IB~o~ a804~ Al1wBJ B Aq paldnooo aq o~ 8~lun ~o ~lun ~u18no4 alqBp~oJJB a4~ s~1w~ad ~~Bd puooas a4~ JO A~~Bd a4~ JI ,( ~A~uno~ ~loJJns ~oJ WB~~O~d ~u1snoH alqBp~oJJV slAoua~v a~B~~~oW ~~O^ ~aN JO a~B~S a4~ ul SBa~B pa~a~~B~-uOU ~oJ s~lw11 awooul wnwlxBW a4~ aAoqB s1 'sao~no8 lIB wO~J 'awoou1 PloQasno4 IBnuuB IB~o~ aso4~ s~asB4o~nd ~o ~asB4o~nd B o~ s~1un ~o ~1un ~u1sno4 alqBp~oJJB UB 8~aJ8uB~~ aS1~~a4~o ~o sIlas ~~Bd puooas a4~ JO A~~Bd a4~ JI 'Z 1& ~d' oLeoJ. ~{)t-f~-lr 10830 PG' 32 TOGETHER with all right, title"and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. SUBJECT to all covenants, restrictions and easements of record, if any. ,AND the party of the first part, in compliance with ~ Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party~of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a ~rust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost..of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of , the cost of the improvement before using any part of the tot~l of' the same for any other purpose. " THE WORD "PARTY" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. In Presence Of: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK BY~~ ~,S;~___c JO B Commiss ioner Department of Real Estate ~ i ,{\,~,: .! < , ; i'l, <:r.l ... CIC -.l . -J , ..: :z: I,J 1- 0/'0.,> '" - v, , ;c:~ C on i.:-:~:)f '~ N c: e ~:::::.... <..: llJ::>_,; ... c: ..... ;:::.. ,'-' j: W '.!- - '" II:: -J ~.. ~ ::> .., 1L611 XN 'P104~nos 6L11 xog 'O'd a~eqapuo4~S 'v samer a~OHJ.flOS .il0 Nfo\O~ m UNno~ )J~o.il~ns :O~ N~n~3~ aNY a~0~3~ I.lW~!m1 ]~~~"l[\~m :nm m';XillJ . 0330 wIv~~J.mb O'Z01 '1€ ,......... S3lIldO WllBJ. i~Zlll~~oNillmoo lI1lWllS ~OOA NaN ill llVlS nlld AlNJIIH SllNIHua vuvauva ~II-'JtlN /-- . L'f~) 'Joa~a4~ 9961-9(Z uOl~nlosa~ ~ulaq ~ap~o a~ll Aq o~a~a4~ aWBU ~a4 pau~1s aqs ~B4~ pUB a~n~Bls1~a~ A~uno~ ~loJJns aq~ JO u01~nlosa~ Aq paxlJJB os SB~ ~1 ~B4~ ~lBas a~B~od~oo 40ns sl ~uamn~~sul PIBS o~ paxlJJB IBas a4~ ~B4~ ~u01~B~od~oo PIBS JO IBas a4~ s~ou~ a4s ~B4~ ~~uawn~~su1 ~u10~a~oJ a4~ pa~noaxa 4014M pUB U1 paq1~osap u01~B~od~oo IBd101unw a4~ '~~OA ~aN '~loJJns JO A~uno~ a4~ JO a~B~s3 IBa~ JO ~uaw~~Bdaa a4~ JO ~auolss1wwo~ a4~ sl aqs ~B4~ ~09Lll AN 'an~onbass1N 'pBO~ ~a~B~111~S ~ 96 'ON ~B saplsa~ a4s ~B4~ ABS pUB asodap PIP 'u~o~s Alnp aw Aq ~u1aq 'oq~ 'u~ou~~w o~ q~a4os 'g UBOr aWBo AIIBuos~ad aw a~oJaq '9961 r U JO ABP r>'C'" a4~ uo )J~o~~ns ~o A~Nn03 'XHOA ~3N ~O 3~VJ.S EC. ~d OLBOI FTWC 100 Rev, !7 7 I ~I..Vjll..\JlIl..VjI\..Vlll..Vjll..Vi1~VjIi..V)I1.\.J1ll\ !)11l..\111l..VAVjIl..V1l~\JlIl..\1JI1.\!)Jll\111lVll~\J1II..V1ll..Vjll..\Jlll..VA\1)11.\ 'l1!l\ l1!1..\1J1l..VA\ ' CERTIFICATE OF TITLE First American Title Insurance Company of New York Title No. WMA-607-S-0041 eertifie~ to Community Development Director that an examination of title to the premises described in Schedule A has been made in accordance with its usual procedure and agrees to issue its standard form of title insurance policy in favor of the proposed insured, covering premises described in Schedule A, in the amounts hereinafter set forth, insuring the fee and/or mortgage and the marketability thereof, after the closing of the transaction in conformance with procedures approved by the Company excepting (a) all loss or damage by reason of the estates, interests, defects, objections, liens, encumbrances and other matters set forth herein that are not disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company prior to such closing or issuance of the policy (b) any question or objection coming to the attention of the Company before the date of closing, or if there be no closing, before the issuance of said policy. 'Chi~ eertificate shall be null and void (1) if the fees therefor are not paid (2) if the prospective insured, his attorney or agent makes any untrue statement with respect to any material fact or suppresses or fails to disclose any material fact or if any untrue answers are given to material inquiries by or on behalf of the Company (3) upon delivery of the policy. Any claim arising by reason of the issuance hereof shall be restricted to the terms and conditions of the standard form of insurance policy. If title, interest or lien to be insured was acquired by the prospective insured prior to delivery hereof, the Company assumes no liability except under its policy when issued. ~, A.ME1I1t> ...,,, of", ;;;;;,::;'::,,=, 'o"t~ nm AMEm'"';,;'::::~~~NCE COMPm i... d~.t' a-~ ~.-I .. $ AUTHORIZED SIGNATUREI t) <f 'l!.')"" Fred Ackley $tJW6~ Executive Vice President , ,el I'''. BY~'~~ PRESIDENT I 'leJ ,~ " ,\1:r/i)1Ir/i)1Ir6)'lrmr/i)1r6\1r/i)~ I (See DvM Page for G81UI1"al Ezceptions from Cov6TO.ge) ~ 'FTWC.2 Rev. 5181 First American Title Insurance Company of New fOrk Proposed Insured: Title No. WMA-607-S-0041 Purchaser Town of Southold Effective Date: 10/15/1988 Redated: Mortgagee $ 5,000.00 $ $ TIllS COMPANY CERTIFIES that a good and marketable title to the premises described in Schedule A, subject to the liens, encwnbrances and other matters, if any, set forth in this certificate may be conveyed andl or mortguged by: Amount of Insurance Fee Mortgage COUNTY OF SUFFOLK the source of title being deed from General L. Rains, as the County Deputy Treasurer of the County of Suffolk, dated 3/6/1986, recorded 3/7 / 1986 in Liber 9992 Page 559. @ 560. Premises described in Schedule "A" are known as: Address: County: Suffolk City: District: 1000 Town: Southold Section: 108 Block: 04 Lot: 007,002 Pagel 2 FTWC-4 First American Title Insurance Company of New YOrk Title No. WMA-607-S-0041 SCHEDULE B Hereinafter set forth are additional matters which will appear in our policy as exceptions from coverage unless disposed of to our satisfaction prior to the closing or delivery of the policy, DISPOSITION 1. Rights of tenants or persons in possession, if any. 2. Taxes, tax liens, tax sales, water rates, sewer rents and assessments set forth herein. 3. Any state of facts which an accurate survey would show. 4. NOTE: Survey must, be received and approved. prior to closing, 5. DIFFERENCE IN CERTIFIED OWNER &.APPLICATION'g OWNER- Application shows titleim Town of Southold.',.. whereas we find title as certified, If there'has been any devolution of title by deed, death or otherwise, proof of same must be submitted" title. recertified and objections pertinent thereto considered. Title Certified in: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK A duplicate copy of the exceptions is furnished to you with the thought you may wish to transmit same to the attorney faT the owner of the property, and thereby facilitate the clearing of the objections prior to closing. Page 3 ."J "\ ~~ .,." ..~ 7.1 39.7 A (e) ,/ c:. ;OWN OF SOIJTHOlD (RECHARGE BASIN) 254 A leI 10 2,2A(el NO ,115-02- 010 9 .11' 8 ,<I '0' QRi .,,' _ GREENP tA~ii\iUC~ UjJ flug gj. 0~ .-- KEY /!lAP 101 200 ,--- o 200 107 101 108 SCALE IN FEE T 115 ~(;I .,'" .. '\ .'to "\ f:JO ~.. ,&'" ,Ilr 8 RO. - j @< ~o Real P C R4 " -- Title No. WATR WMA607S0041 The unpaid taxes. water rates, assessments and other matters relating to taxes which are liens at the date of this certificate are set forth below. Our policy does not insure against such items which have not become a lien up to the date of the policy or installments due after the date of the policy. Neither our tax search nor our policy covers any part of streets on which the premises to be in- sured abut. If the tax lots above mentioned cover more or less than the premises under ex- amination, this fact will be noted herein. I n such cases, the interested parties should take the necessary steps to make the tax map conform to the description to be insured. Ass 1 d to: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Town of Southold MATTI TUCK School Dist: 9 N X ZANIESKI FRMS E X ELIJAHS LA ESTS S X MAIN RD - ORS ~I X KUGLER - ANO ACREAGE 2.87 ELI .JAH' SLANE LAND $ TOTAL$ EXEMPT $300 300 300 TYPE MISC DIST. : SECT, : BLOCK: LOT(s) lOOO 108.00 04,00 007.002 Disposition: 1987/88 TOWN ,'1ND TOTAL J.st H"olf 2nd Half SCHOOL TAXES $86,76 $43.38 $43.38 F',UD PAID 8/25/88 8/25/88 YEAR:l2/1-11/3: DUE. : 1.110 DUE. : 5/31 WITHOUT EXEMPTION TAX WOULD BE: $129.14 PRIOR TOWN AND SCHOOL TAXES PAID. PREMISES NOT IN A MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, PREMISES NOT IN AN INCORPORATED VILLAGE. NOTHING FURTHER FOUND 11/3/88 SUBJECT TO CONTINUATION Recent payments of any open Items returned on this tax search may not yet be reflected on the public records. Therefore please request the seller or borrower to have the receipted bills available at the clOSing. ~TWC..y First American Title lnsurance Company of New York CLOSING INFORMATION Closed By Date Closed Title No. Closed at the Office of Parties Present: Interest in Transaction: Address : Premises: CREDIT TO BUYER AS OF SEITLEMENT CREDIT TO SELLER AS OF Paid on Signing Contract: Purchase Price Int. from to @ % 1st Mortgage held by Int, from @ % m. d, Water Rates Address Taxes Rent from to 2nd Mortgage held by Insurance In!. from @ % m. d. Address P.M. Bond & Mtge. to Rent from to Adjustment for Fuel Total Credit to Seller Total Credit to Buyer Taxes Balance Paid Assessments Water Rates Additional Charges to Purchaser Total Credit to Buyer Title Fee Additional Charges to Seller: Drawing Papers Drawing Papers Recording Fees Recording Fees Mortgage Tax Conveyancing or Recording Tax Conveyancing or Recording Tax ~ I II FTWC-ll .. . . . I First American Title Insurance Company of New iOrk Title No. By whom closed REPORT OF CLOSING Date Closed Transaction closed at office of :~;;j, The persons present were: Name Address -----. -. Interest .'.< _..c..... '.<. .......',.,. -.---------0. __._._...-::-~~ _.._____---..-.u~~ __. _ ____._.__ ->. -7-::..-;:;..:~;rc.~..~-"',::~.:'-.::..-: ~.__~ _~.~~__ :~._:-_ _______--=-. :-::.""'~:""'--'- The identity of the persons executing the papers delivered on closing-Was established by the following evidence: ,.,', "',r '..:...... -- -:-- "-'-:.r;' -,';"-:."-~- Title policy is to be sent . ... "(Feel-I" - -'-:-'- - '-- . Address Check,ll9x if Mtge. Policy -- delivered on--closing- o (Mtge.) - To Address 1. Kind of instnnnent . _'n_ CWSER: (a},J,vays PRINT Name of Insured fully and completely and write all other names legibly. (b) Where there are two persons, indicate whether husband or wife. ... ---. .. (cfit'"fIistnames'",,,unusuanndicai,,.wnetIleriIlal,,or-. female. Abstract fully terms of payment of any mort-. ,.. gage delivered on closing. Show addresses of all grantees and individual mortgagees. Recitals in instrument, and other pertinent information or instructions must be noted here. The following instruments were executed and delivered: BX. To or With Dated Recorded L. p. Consideration or amount $ "'./- ,! (See Over) . . . . ~ $ lunowe 10 UOnSJal'!SUO;) 'd-'l PlOOO1l pOI-a 'I1!A\"0 01 $ pO"'JJ- sdW1l1S All luownljSU! JO PUDI 'I> S lunowe JO uO!ltuap!suoJ "d-"l poplOOOl:I pOI'a 'II!A\ lO 01 $ pO"'JJ1' SdW'OIS All luownljSlI! JO PUDI 'E $ 1-OOOWB JO UOwuap!SUO;) 'd-'l poplOOOl:I pOI-a 'I1!A\ lO 01 All lUaUInJlSU! JO PUD! 'Z (p,JUO;)) DNIS<Yl;) dO UIOcGlI