HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty of Suffolk-Greenport Driving Park Map 369 Lot 79 " DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 048.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 026.000 vyfI \-p' \'1\'\~ II \ \ '~ ~ 10194 rL3~O 1.9494 SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEE~~ THIS INDENTURE, made the 1986 11/, day of j;v--fM.)/Y / BETWEEN the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a muntcipal coq)oration of the State of New York, having its principal ofEice at the Suffolk County Center, Center Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901, party of the first part, AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, pursuant to Resolution Number 1081-1986 adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature on September 23, 1986 andl thereafter, approved by thel County Executive on October 6, 1986, ~n consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with any buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate~ lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk ana State of New York and acquired by Tax Deed on March 2, 1984, from Jean H. Tuthiil, the County Treasurer of Suffolk County, New York, and recorded on March 2 1984, in Liber 9522, cp 9 on 11, and otherwise known as and by Town of Southold Greenport Driving Park Map 369 Lot 79, TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGEl1\~, with, t.bt:l ,.appurtenances and all the estate and right}:,of t1}e '.P~7~:r oh!ihe first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. SUBJECT to all covenants, restrictions and easements of record, if any. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with . Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of ,~ the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance ~ and will hold the ri~ht to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied f~rst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of \ the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of ~ the same for any other purpose. ....., THE WORD "PARTY" shall be construed as if it read \-4\ '.'parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. "" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly ,~xecuted this deed the day and year first above written. In Presence Of: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK Real Estate ~~~ \..~ '(:IEAL'rg:;.::;'ii ~ DEC16 118& .- " ...~" .~_&\IOIC:r:~- ;., ..~ t.lJV'tI~ '.' , s:JiF'^"~, C(" 'f 10194 rG391 . ,'l,;:"......."... t' ;"',.. . .( .~~.' ~ '..:, -~ ~ - ", I ..... Yii~;" I STATE OF NEW YORK.~ ~ 1:t ()F~SDFFOJ.K On the /~ day "'~ . } 1986, before me personally came] Robert E. Sgroi to me 0, eing by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. 51 Elm Street, Sayvi11e, NY 11782; that he is the Commissioner of the Department of Real Estate of the County of Suffolk, New York, the municipal corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was .so affixed by Resolution of the Suffolk County Legislature and that he signed his name thereto by like order being Resolution 1081- 1986 thereof. ",- ' "/ ~~' _--.. 111_ - Not ry Pub ~c BARBARA BRENNEIS NOTARY PUBLIC. Slate 01 New York Suffolk County, No. 47824911 Term Expires March .10, 19.8 ,., \., ;,,,.. 'i:,__,l'l..' ~~~ . .'~'''''/I' c~ ",- ' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ,W.ithout Covenant 1,0"_'''' SUFFOLK COUNTY RECORD AND RETURN TO: TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southord Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11 971 ,1,1 ,',f' ":.-., ',>(j:" i,,'. ~. N "d' N ~".I1\b (~/\ )\ \\.i.;.... l,-.y_;.~;',,',.,-,',"\'..,-\"', , ',-, <j \ J 1\& 'jli \1 '. V d _' \, ~" ,_ ,J ,t;, '-, " " .~. ';.J;, < 'l.':,'.,'" , ,; _f I. i .' ~ ',-', ."\ " \~~ .-" ',) ',j ;:~ JlI DITII 1. TE RR Y TOWN CURh: REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 24,1986 Honorable Juliette Kinsella Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mrs. Kinsella: Transmitted herewith for recording in your office is. Bargain and Sale Deed from the County of Suffolk to the Town of Southold, along with a check in the amount of $20.00 to cover the recording fee. Very truly yours, ~~. Judith T. Terry r Southold Town Clerk 1000- 048. 00- 02.00- 02 6. 000 -' " / ........, ',~t...:: ". ~ ',C,' e ......,.. : ~: ~ -: .-;-, '= :"".: :;f .i ==--j. : ~;' ~ -:: ~~:;;, c = '~...?:::,:':.':"7" C? G:':'::?,,:':,~,:::,"7.!...:. .::;;ITi :=2!-=.. ??C'?~?:-~' ~':~!':"'~:::'?;..:.:~:S :-.!..X S:-.~.T':: c: ;;.::....' YO?....':( 12..X l..2.;..~~ ) ) ss: CC~:;:Ty 0:: SU?FOLK ) . A ,I I, CJtrI-.rJ~;~~, ~~'e.i;;g duly 5'-'0:;:':1, de?OS05 2.r:a S2YS t.::1der ~ - -/"-" - -, - ~ ':;J - C Pt of D--.Sp.," , 0 "R,eal Estate ~=- ~-J ",-_. ~ _.._ _ _" ~ ' .. - Title Gc':e:c:L,ental :::"tity . )( ~ ) -, 1 " d'l ' , t~e (t~~~s:e~ae t~a:1s_e~o~ C!tne rea. P~c?ez"y 11Ste ue_o~; tnat ~t is t~ue to the. ~~c~le~ge of the affiant that the gai"o~ each Such t~ansfer is exe::lt f~o~ tne Ta>: C:l C2.i:cs D'':;:-i-:ed ::~o~ Certain ?,"-21 ?rc?"~ty Transfe;:-s ie',posed by Article 31- of the ~,",: Lo.... cy ;:-e2s0;;> th"t e"ch suc', t~ansfer is 2 tr2~sfer of ;:-eal pro?ert)' the cc~si':e::"tion fo;:- ','hich is less t112o" fi."e hu"dred thous'''-Dd doll2o~s arod "'hich is' neithe~ (A) PU~SU2~t to a cOOperative or condo~iniu~ plan, roo~ (3) a partial or success::'...,,, t~a'1sfe~ purSuant to a pla:: to effcoCtuate by pa~tial o~ successive t~ansf, a :~":-,s:e;:- ..-hich ":ould Otner-...ise be i7lcluded i7l the Cove~age of Article 31-3 of the Tax Map t\o .NtJtJ- O~eLJcJ -0 ;?'a;J-00?6 .<700 pen21ty of County of Su ~"=e(s) of G;:-a7ltor Aad~ess cf ?roDert~ ConSicerEtion fo~ Transfer or ~~Ount of Offer 2. 3. ~ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK *p '/2/;r 57-; . ,. , ;l,leJ I .1'p 9'Q. p:; 6!,e6-~#Il,e('kll 41 ttJt:I~. cJ~ ," ~uffolk County Dent. of Real Estat~ Goverr~ental Entity By of,Real Estate S~bsc~:~e and s~orn beto;:-e "-e thls '~ day of ::1/Q-M.fl N k , 19.1b !~'O'T..:..::y COL:h'TY S7.1.,T~ G? !~'::....1 i'O?J{ NOTARY PlJ~~ ~ FlNllLA,y NO ~~~o-F'NewYORI( eOM~~~~~OJ:pf,pt:~ll..~ofJ.Nly l' 7 ' ' .......eN 30, "_ , , -.ce .....-.... t',.,f> ~::;c'~'le..:~-= .....c.. 2. '~':il}:1.:21'", :2:Sc :-E";:-ese:-:':2~:C':; is ,~~,= s:a:eC'e:-::s "~e ..0' --"d _ _ , ~:-::"~!~l ,,~: :5 ~~~:s~2~le as ~he c~:=e of ;'~j~zy ~~~e~ A~:ic:. ::0 of "he ?e:-:al L2~. .- -~~5 2~~~~2~~: ~~S~ ~e f~le~ .c --:7~:-:~' ::~:-:'s~e:~e~ is :cca.:ec. ~ -..,. : ,~. c :-cC'::::,:-.; ';::~Cc: C: ::-:e c::~:-;:\" '.:.j::=::: : :~e . - - . ) . 'A- FOR COUNTY U~:E ONLY 1 SWI$ {::ode '1 2 Date Deed Recorded / / 3 800' L---.--J 4 Page B IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION ~4.. , ~i ;, ". ; .; ..,,,.,..-." STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT EA-5217 Rev. 2/85 cz~~:~~ 5929379 Tnwn nf Snllthnld City or Town Greenport Village 1 Property Location L?outh side of, Flint Street Green SI,eetNumbe' 210 ft. east of Nint Town of Southold Last Name ort Drivin t'Stl"m 369 Lot 79 Zip Code 2 Buyer Name First Name 3 Buyer Address 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York 11971 Buyer Address 4 Buye(s Attorm'Y I Robert W. Tasker Name ( 516) 477-1400 Telephone Number 5. Seller Name County of Suffolk - last Name ~ Same as Buyer Address L 6. Tax Billing Address D Same as Property Location First Name D Other (Specify Below) Flint Street - Lot 79. Greenport Driving Park Map 369 Streel Name and Number City or Town State Zip Code 7. Deed Properly Size 50 ft. by 113 ft. Dimensions I or I Acres 8, School District Name C reenport C ASSESSMENT INFORMATION (Data should be taken from the latest final assessment roll) 1. Enter the year at the assessment roll from which the information ....as taken t1l.&J 2. Check the box indicating the number of parcels ....hich sold. ~one Parcel OMore Than One Parcel (Specify)1 o Cnly Part of a Parcel 3. Enter the total assessed value (of all parcels in the slue,. $200.01) 4. Enter the tax map identifier of the parceL (If more than one. list on a separate sheet) 5. Enter the roll identifier if different from tax map identifier. L -Sect'ion- -- 048.00 Block 02.00 Lot 026.000 l D PROPERTY USE INFORMA.TION 1. Check the box il1 the Property Use Table which most accurately describes the us,e 01 the property at the ltme 01 sale. PROPERTY USE TABLE 2. Is the sale of a condominium or a cooperative? DYes G(J No ~ Ag,'cultu,"' 2 1. 2. 3 Family Residential 3A X Residential Vacant Land 3B Non-Residential Vacant Land 4A B Commercial 48 Apartment 5 EntertainmenUAmusement 6 ~ community. Service 7 Industnal 8 Public Service 9 Forest I E SALE INFORMATION 1. Date of Sale ,11/7/86 5, Is this an arm's length sale? KJ Ves D No 2. State the Full Sales Price. $ 1.000. 00 6. Check atl ollhe conditions below that apply to this sale. 4. If yes. indicate the value of the personal $ property included in the sale A 8 C U F X R T G Land Contract Sale (Specify Contract Date) / / (Full Sales PriCE' IS the total amount paid lor the property. including personal proper-:y. This payment may be in the form of cash. other property or good;. or the assumption 01 mortgages orother obligations,) Sale Between Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in BusinesS 3 Was there pers01al property in excess 0 I)(l of $500 Included In thiS sale? Yes ~ No Sale Contract executed more than one year prior to the Date of Sale Buyer or Seller is a Government Agency or a Lending Institution Deed Type is not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Deed Type) I Interest conveyed is not a fee (Specily Interest) Other unusual factors affecting sale price (Specify) 1 F CERTIFICATION ~ I certify that all the items of information entered on this transfer form are true and correct (to the best at my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me 10 lhe prOVisions 01 the penal law relative to the making and filing 01 lalse instruments Name (Print or Type) Te'ephone (S 16 ) 765-1800' Number I f Southold Signature Date 11/24/86 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT-EA-5217 FILING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Before completing this form, read the detailed instructions on the reverse side. 2. A deed may not be accepted for recording unless this form is legible and complete. All entries must be typed or clearly printed in black ballpoint pen. Please press hard. Four copies are being made. 3. This form must be completed by the buyer or the seller or an agent with personal knowledge of the transaction. --- 'fl COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE November 20, 1986 ROBERT E. SGROI COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Tax Map No. 1000-048.00-02.00-026.000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dear Sir: We are pleased to enclose herewith a Bargain & nH. I /"f ~(. , and duly executed by Real ~sta~e, thereby transferring title to the together with the Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit Equalization form. For your protection, we suggest that you record this instrument immediately in order to give notice that you are the owner of record. To record this aeed, the Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit and State Equalization form must be submitted together with the deed to the County Clerk's Office. Sale Deed, dated the Commissioner named owner, and State of Very truly yours, JEM:JVN:msg Enclosure CERTIFIED MAIL/RR P 679 912 382 p~ ~ohn E. McPartlin Property Management (516)348-4519 Administrator pc w/Deed: Hon. Jean H. Tuthill, County Treasurer Frank Diamante, Director Real Property Tax Service Agency James Patterson I Insurance Manager Insurance & R~sk Unit Walter Depkin Department of Public Works Charles C. Wattsi Assessor Town of Sou tho d Accounting Unit Pat Cano pc: AUC/20 10 OVAL DRIVE HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 1 1788 (516) 348-4544 1" Intro. Res. No. 2013~86 Introduced by the Presidinq Officer at the request \~'1 &\ <;~ Laid on Table 9/9/86 of the County Executive RESOLUTION NO. 1081 - 1986, AUTHORIZHG THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 72- h OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD) (1000-048.00-02.00-026.000) WHEREAS, the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK is the fee owner of the followinq described parcel: ALL, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with any buildinqs and improvements thereon erected, situate, lyinq and beinq in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, described on the Tax Map of the Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Aqency as District 1000, Section 048.00, Block 02.00, Lot 026.000, and acquired by tax deed on March 2, 1984, from Jean H. Tuthill, the County Treasurer of Suffolk County, New York, and recorded on March 2, 1984, in Liber 9522, at cp 9 on 11, and otherwise known as and by Town of Southold Greenport Drivinq Park Map 369 Lot 79; and WHEREAS, Section 72-h of the General Municipal Law permits a sale of real property between municipal corporations, or between a municipal corporation of the State of New York or the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the Department of Real Estate has determined that it would be in the best interest of the County of Suffolk, to convey this parcel to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD for the total sum of $1,000.00, inclusive of all taxes throuqh November 3 0, 198 6; and and WHEREAS, said property is surplus to the needs of the County of Suffolk; WHEREAS, the Department of Real Estate has received and deposited the sum of $1,000.00, pursuant to said purchase offer; now, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Real Estate be and he hereby is authorized to execute, seal and acknowledqe a Barqain and Sale Deed to transfer the interest of Suffolk County in the abc.,. described property and on the above described terms and conditions to said TCr N OF SOUTHOLD, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. DATED: September 23, 1986 APPROVED BY: COU~~~lk County Date of Approval: October 6, 1986 I~ m: ce ~n'~~D I ~[ ocr 2 31%,lj I TOWN OF SOUTHO-:.o \ SUFFOLK COUNTY Q!lIUll~ ~~gisllltur~ RIVERHEAD. N.Y. mlris is tll Q!ntifg mlrllt,JI JOHN CH the County Legislature of the Co~nty of Suffo~RUK, Deputy Clerk of ~%~~~i:~~,,:~~~ r~:~I~t~~; :~~ ~h~ O~ig~~al ~SOIU~i~~~eO~oo:~:~~ t~: County on S E P 2 3 1986 P eYe ounty LegIslature of said :~:r::7.e is a true and correct transcript of said resolution and of t:;~~:~ ,JIll .itllese .lrnellf ,JI h h official seal of the County Leg).sla't avteh ere unto set my hand and the ure.. ..~..~ OCT 1 7 1986 y Clerk of the Count~ Le'~i~I~;~;~ . . JUDITH 1. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 21, 1986 John V. Nicoletti, Auction /Sales Unit Suffolk County Dept. of Real Estate 10 Oval Drive Hauppauge, New York 11788 Re: Request for 72h Sale of County Owned Real Estate Tax Map No. 1000-048.00-02.00-026.000 Dear Mr. Nicoletti: In accordance with your letter of July 1, 1986, transmitted herewith is Southold Town check in the amount of $1,000.00 for the purchase of the above captioned County owned real estate. Very truly yours, ,*L~~y- Judith T. Terry C7 Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: J. McMahon ..... . ~ , " I ,~ ,': I >- ::r c 0.. 5 a::a::C ::I 0 I- :!:~5 >", .a: -. W II. ::..::~o z"'Z Cl: ~ a:: l- ll.. " . '. f ;1' . .~~-_...:- ;";..,.-,",, ~-: ~ 8'{Ol{THPOM.. BANK Ilr TRUST Co SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y.11971 4299 C) 7- 16 ~€~~~OF~ /l./ Cd._&/ &7l-dy //d<;f/~.L ----.J !~~~'~, ',,':. ,". ~~ I r"; E~._~~ '..<, .~;: (,. .. ". ( 4'~ 19 J'(, 50-791/214 ~ $ /~ ;...:; DOLLARS GENERAL FUND WHOLE TOWN FOR /,,~"'- d y.r.""-oA .oo-,,:<(;~_ dO FL//It7' .5T. 11'001,2'1'111' 1:02~1,07'1~21: 11'0:\1,"':\2887 ~II' --"~-~-""""-,-.."C""""""""'""-::-"''''~~-_._'''-''='''''';_''':--n~=_...~-.;._:-. :';;;:::~_~"':.__~ ___._.,--..:_~"~<<::~...,... JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 15, 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends their Resolution NO.2, adopted August 7, 1985, authorizing the purchase of the following Suffolk County Department of Real Estate parcel - 1000- 048.00-02.00-026.00 (Flint Street, Greenport) - using Community Develop- ment Funds, to read: using General Fund Whole Town funds. -~~ ~~~...7'-.-/-?2- uL Judith T. Terry c;r- Southold Town Clerk July 17, 1986 . . , . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE ROBERT E. SGROI COMMISSIONER July 1, 1986 Jim McMahon Town of Southo1d 53095 Main Road Southo1d, New York 11971 \ Re: REQUEST FOR 72h SALE OF COUNTY OWNED REAL ESTATE Tax Map No. 1000-048.00-02.00-026.000 Dear Mr. McMahon: Your request to purchase County owned real estate pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 72h has been approved by this Department. Upon receipt of the amount of $1,000.00, made payable to the DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a recommendation to the County Legislature for appropriate resolution will be made. If this sale is not completed before December 1, 1986, you will be obligated to pay the taxes that are due at that time. JVN:msg AUC/14 Very truly yours, dLj(~ ~;:::;,. Nicoletti Auction/Sales Unit (516)348-4563 10 OVAL DRIVE HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK I 1 788 (516) 348-4544 . ..___-';..'N , t , ~ , J ~'At, .. .... [ " "';~vJf k' .. c.,. l I rOIf AiI.">:n HO 00. \:''''SHsrc HO :~ . I::' 0'1/'01-02' ~ .... . , :: t, S~ ','I~,A~t,:::~~:;, \ ,!!!"14t t __~..~ ,~. ' .~~.1. ~.........- 1...,"."" . o..-----~ ~( > =---- "" ..,. .~.11,.'~l\. fl ...~)C... ~ , ,. \ , 11'\' , :I'" ~ .. 1\ "l~ 0.'" ...."I~ J\~-l:~ RO, ',> . .. " " ,e , . . , . ". " ."' .' " . "' .' ~.. ..1' "i' " . , :- , '. , ~., " , , \9" . ,C ...,. ., .., ..... , IS ':; "" ," ..I.. " " .~ '''>>'1 " o - .....: J' ~~ o' w_ o ~ " " , . , , , ,\ '0 " " " .' ..< . -- l:' " ,. l J .' " ~ -": ---~ ..~. 47 ..6 0- en .-' " 30 .. ", .. \~I')'\ I .... "'" i 0-1 '" , ' ~~ ,...\ 1...,0, )1\ \ 'X~II- "'( ...n'," ::l 0 "", i 0 ~ '(f)JZ ~ =IUJ " . 40' " ,,,, "' ... ~... \ '" e> ... , l'!/O" I \)" sur,. S' : [2,"':"0,1' CD st, " 3\ :~'i Ifj\GG\NS .. .0 .. ...' '.~,;,: .. .. 2.~ ,." ~ '" .,.. \ "I ~ , ~ 1. 2?,~ " ,," ,,2.- ,': <I"'''"' "".2. ~ '" .. .. .,0 ~~,.\ st ,'" . .11 ..r'JO-"-. "I' un , \,6"\" " \NIII 321.,n', ~r.UI.IU~ U. 0 O~I - " 1).2. 15.~ ,!I." I COR~H~ ,., ' 1'" .... " I " It') ;; ',0" " ,-, "" \~,~-' .,," -' \'- " " . '0 ., , '0 ,~ . - " _"o.!."" ..- "" ,."' 1:10'1 st FLINT o 22.1 20.. ~I~, " " \ o ,. , ~t I 1 ,'" Ie> .o~ 1 c:1 ~~1 .J O"l~ .... '" .. " .. " " " ..,' 19 ~ 40 :; ., .. ~ :.;42 '. " " " .. ,. " ~e 39 LlNt~ET st .. ,,,':'" . . 2~.1 . , . /1,-" ., ,~ ~ .. ~ 28 .. " .. .. " " " '0 BROWN G) ST ISo'l I, '- I . 10 ~ -V:1T II ~ ~ ...,' - \ . ". 16 .~ ti .. . . <on I 7 ~ ;:: ~ IS'" -.... I;: . . \- B ,0,_ :;.." " ;' -~~\ .,- ISO"I I. I. 3641 I."...", ;"" '" <I~.~ 4~ 44 "'" 46 .,,"S ....~z ;.; ~'f,.;~~ <12.4 \,.lel <l2.S ;..,-;--- ~1C;.'-Z- ___ ~ -C- ,:-iilL .\::d ') I ,.- L r'- I '''''.' I ..,~:".: ~ "_" , ~".... r.. ,.. 1 l~:;-.:;::."j>::':--::::'I J ;~( L ~~.,.~~~... ;:~',(,o_ ,., '.0[ l' .~~.~t~;~-=:- ..'.~ ,~'~,;,::d~~ ." ~I ~ '!,.o-", ~...".,' ,..~, Legend (i) .' , , ,~ " , ......... . -<. . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~:I~ - r. 'OO/!/lI. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa, P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 7, 1985: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to apply to the Suffolk County Department of Real Estate for the purchase of the following three parcels of property being offered for tax sale, using Community Development Funds, for the development of these properties to benefit the housing needs of low /moderate income residents of the Town of Southold: 1000-075-3-14, South Harbor Road, Southold - $2,100.00 1000-048-2-24, Flint Street, Greenport - $1,000.00 1000-048-2-26, Flint Street, Greenport - $1,000.00 r ./ -~ / ....;./ ~--~--',--.::- ........:::: //- -~,/(:>!,,::,. L (./ ,--< ,,:> -~ - I/- o )udith T. Terry," Southold Town Clerk August 9, 1985 , r, , , .;,l> ,~. I -. ."1/. . ....../') ''''0 . I~ I<"> .".. "." I. .,.. .., " .-1... ,t....: -01'11 . ,O'H.,; \'163 , r I I j -F=- L~-' ~ '::.. ',I ~'- g;U r I I "_ -....- 30.: --., -, I l J 1 - ,0 ., ,. .. ~: .. ~I n ", .'''1 It.'O i.- 2" lit l: I: .! I"~ ___ :\-_" ;:, ~. '0" ... i:. ... ..~ :.n',ol~,?,: ::.:-: u'" -" ... ... ;~-Il'- I'" I I..': 2,1 ,... ,'1 I I .0. . ., .... :: I ..,;-r.....E .. .., . I _ I i, :1. 41'~ t- o S __.~ -": ",'~~.;" ; ..:::!... .1.. - ~~;. :; 4[, ~~':\ .J ' _ tSO" " ., .., 51 ' ..~ .1): HI ')<I .. CORWIN' "~ll"ll ~:''''.''''''''\IIIU'''O'' I .... ,ll' I I 1........-. '" I ' I"'" e.'~. ...1 It , ; ", 0 ' .. I ".. .... I ,,"\'\ ~~ U II 1--'--' .., I I ' '.'," ;,,, ,~,-.r'\N: ""M.. ;~I"'I"I"'i-"- ~d" .:.....M.. '-_--..,.' ,~., .....~f"". I ... 0 ~.. \\. ~r--' It O. ,t." - II r- I. _! I ",,.,.. I. - V 10. ~ 0 _:- 'Ij' . .. _ J: - ... ~ ,~I l~ .",,, I __ "','15'" - - "'.... to' .. t. .. ,0' , fLINT '. ~ l:l./c:o' ~ .' ,~ _~,.'H "I r' Itl t I ~ ,I 1 I ...1- " '\ . ' I. I~ I ,'. 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" e ~: .. ~. a ~ ,0 00' ~~o i _0 ~. . ~ . . f.$ .: i~a , ...~ . o. . i 0 -....-r .. , . , ~~ 6 ~~..<" " FSO.; ~ ''''N I : z~ ~fOlU", i i e~YVIE~ -, II ell- I 1 -0. ....c:- I ______u__.___. __ .,. ~..,_.- , .---- ,~---'------ .~--...:....:.:...-_. . - _.a:~ . ._~~...~-.J_'" .I. .. ~ .. >:.. :,,;'~~oAUoIA:GiOOP""'~ -*.~~ ~ ..1I..,.-.... c-,..-"" ~- . Wo"".'_ .~~~.......,r;,_"''''''_~''7~~~_;~;q;';f~ . . . ~: 1:Z}7/~ @ 9: lS7J -It: ... .- .. , CONFORTI & REALE ANTHONY T. CONFORTI P. EDWARD REALE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 739 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK I 1901 LYDIA J. RUFFOLO OF COUNSEL KATHLEEN F. SCHWARTZ 516-727-3107 December 9, 1985 Supervisor Francis Murphy Town of Southold 'rown Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Town of Southold to Greenport Housing Alliance - Premises at Linnet Street, Greenport Dear Supervisor Murphy: Enclosed please find Greenport Housing Alliance check in the amount of $5,830.33. payable to the Town of Southold as full payment for the purchase of Lot No. 38, Map of Greeport Driving Park, Greenport, New York. This payment constitutes full payment for the lot deeded over to the Greenport Housing Alliance by the Town during Octo- ber of this year. The amount paid by the Alliance to the Town is based upon the terms of the transfer of the lot arrived at by the Town Board at your April 9, 1985 work session. Pursuant to the oral agreement made at that work session, the Greenport Housing Alliance, at its own expense, has fully rehabilitated the deteriorated structure that was left on this site. That re- habilitation has included, among other things, structural re- enforcement and new plumbing, heating and electrical systems. Although the entire project was carried out without the benefit of any signed contracts between the Town and the Alli- ance, the Alliance has fully honored the terms of the contracts prepared by this office and sent to the Town Attorney in Novem- ber of 1984 and again in April of 1985. Pursuant t6 the terms of those contracts, the Alliance has fully rehabilitated the structure to Section 8 standards and on December 5th conveyed the property to a Greenport family that was in need of afford- able housing in the Greenport area. '~. Supervisor Francis Murphy Re: Greenport Housing Alliance Page 2 December 9, 1985 I believe the work done on this project by the Greenport Housing Alliance has clearly demonstrated that the Alliance can be of great assistance to the Town in providing affordable housing to Town residents. On behalf of the Alliance, I wish to thank you and the other members of the Town Board for the opportunity to work on this project and look forward to working on other similar projects in the near future. vef)~ ~ P. EDWARD REALE PER/mb Enclosure ---....--.-. ~.__._~,,--_..._-------'--------- ';"''"'1 ::'l:'f, ~ ;/!/ /' tC.~9'~ ;7J?C,$?~ '.--/J~~LZ Town Attorney OFFIc#;;L~ ~. ,,~ ;;..' fl~ , ~ .. ..\ . ROBERT W. TASKER IlICEMD OCT 181186 TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 .... CIeotr ~.""'I'" 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 October 15, 1985 Hon. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: As you know, the Town Board is interested in acqUIring three parcels of real property from the Suffolk County Real Property Agency which were acquired by the agency from the County Treasurer pursuant to tax sales. One of the parcels is located on the west side of South Harbor Road at Southold, and is shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 75, Block 3, Lot 75. This parcel was formerly owned by Stanley J. Zurek and Clementine Jane Zurek and was sold for unpaid taxes for the 1977-78 tax year. As I advised the Town Board, the title company will not insure against any claim or liability that may be made by the previous owners on the basis of a United States Supreme Court case Mennonite Board of Missions v. Adams (decided in 1983). This case held that posting and publication of a notice of tax sale did not meet the requirements of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. The title company also returned in its report of title an outstanding mortgage held by the Commissioner of Social Services of Suffolk County dated June 30, 1975 and recorded in Liber 7392 of mortgages at page 192. The mortgage was given by Clementine Jane Zurek to the Social Services Department of Suffolk County. The mortgage does not indicate thereon the amount of the mortgage. This amount would have to be ascertained by contacting the Social Services Department. In light of the foregoing, the Town Board may well decide not to proceed with the acquisition of this parcel. The other two parcels involve lots on Linnet Street known as lots 79 and 83 on the map of Greenport Driving Park filed as map No. 369. These lots are shown as District 1000, Section 48, Block 2, Lots 24 & 26. With respect to tax map lot 24, this was formerly owned by Pauline E. Thurlow and was sold for taxes in the tax year 1978-79. The County Treasurer conveyed this lot to the Suffolk County Real Property Agency by deed recorded on February 8, 1983. The title company will not insure this title until three years have passed since the date of the recording of the deed from the County Treasurer to the County Real Property Agency, i.e., February 8, 1986. .' ~\ t -2- With respect to Tax Map Lot 26, the County Treasurer conveyed this lot to the Suffolk County Real Property Agency by deed recorded March 2, 1984. The title company will not insure title to this lot until three years have passed since the recording of the County Treasurer's deed, i.e., March 2, 1987. The reason why the title company will not insure the latter two titles for three years is that Section 53 of the Suffolk County Tax Act provides that every conveyance from the County Treasurer shall be presumptive evidence that the sale was regular and that all proceedings prior to the sale were likewise in conformance with the applicable provisions of law. This section further provides that three years after the recording of the County Treasurer's deed such presumption of regularity shall be conclusive. I would ask that you make copies of this letter available to the Town Board members in order that they may be apprised of all of the questions concerning the titles to the properties in question before making a determination of whether or not they wish to proceed, notwithstanding the legal impediments outlined above which may make it impossible for the Town to convey a good and marketable title to the parcels in question. For your information, I am enclosing herewith a copy of the Mennonite case for the information of the Town Board members. Yours very truly, ~a/'~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa enc. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE ROBERT E. SGROI COMMISSIONER August 16, 1985 Hon. F~ancis J. Mu~phy Supe~viso~ Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Re: 1000-075-3-14 - 1000-048-2-24 - 1000-048-2-26 Dea~ Supe~viso~ Mu~phy: In ~esponse to you~ lette~ of August 12, 1985, ~ega~ding 3 pa~cels of land which the town would like to pu~chase, please be advised that I have fo~wa~ded you~ ~equest to Joseph Beseme~ who handles 72-h ~equests fo~ municipalities th~oughout Suffolk County. I have inst~ucted M~. Beseme~ to contact you if he has any questions ~ega~ding the ~esolutionthat you~ Town Boa~d adopted on August 7th. Hoping this meets with you~ app~oval. V~~~UlY YO;S' &"~~ ~oi Commis 0 ~ RES:bb Orig. Co;:ies ~~ ~ Adg. Dale 10 OVAL DRIVE HAUPPAUGE. NEW YORK 11788 (516) 348-4544 .~ G~~l/ UC-- , RECEIVED 'AUS 2 91986 COpy FOR YOUR INFORMAl",. ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 August 28, 1985 Town CIerlr Southold Title Guarantee Co. 400 W. Main Street R iverhead, N ew York 11901 Dear Sir: The Town of Southold is contemplating the acquisition of three parcels of property located in the Town of Southold, which parcels are to be conveyed to the Town from the Suffolk County Real Property Agency. All three parcels were acquired by the County of Suffolk through tax deeds. On behalf of the Town of Southold, I wish to order fee policies in the amount of $10,000.00 on the above mentioned three parcels of land, which are briefly described as follows: 1. A parcel of land located on the west side of South Harbor Road at Southold and shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 075, Block 3, Lot 14. 2. A parcel on the south side of Flint Street near the Incorporated Village of Greenport and shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 048, Block 2, Lot 24. 3. A parcel also on the south side of Flint Street near the Incorporated Village of Greenport and shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 048, Block 2, Lot 26. I f you have any questions with respect to this matter will you please contact me. Yours very truly, ~w~ ROBERT W. TASKER R~,;' ~ z JUDITH 1. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ATA REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 7, 1985: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor FrancisJ. Murphy to apply to the Suffolk County Department of Real Estate for the purchase of the following three parcels of property being offered for tax sale, using Community Development Funds, for the development of these properties to benefit the housing needs of low /moderate income residents of the Town of Southold: 1000-075-3-14, South Harbor Road, Southold - $2',100.00 1000-048-2-24, Flint Street, Greenport -' $1,000.00 1000-048-2:-26, Flint Street, Greenport - $1,000.00 ~/O-/~~~.' ~~c/-C/$~k- Judith T. Terry , SouthoJd Town Clerk August 9, 1985 .. .' L ~_" , . . / /tJ?J7) jJ)S-, - 3- /~ /tJlTl) - o~ -d - c:?;,/ _ ~ /CZJ7) - 0# -~- 2(p (1oS;"" o,c, ~cbnpnN- r' ,,. " " The Town of Southold wishes to acquire the above referenced property under Article 72 H of the General Municipal Law. The Town I s Camnmi ty Developnent Program will develop this property to benefit the housing needs of low/lIXJderate incane residents of Southold Town. ~: .0 , ...... ~z~ ~ ~~ i " . .0 ~o . ~ , t,; .: i:::~ , Ill" '" 1;0, . ~ 0 .1Il_. _~ "0 .-:0 ~... 6 ~,.~<" ' .' 1""'0_' .....'N '~<4YVIE J : w ~ i - I 71 ---c- , I Cu- I ~ , .~~.,..~-~.. -'. . "'-'~"'''--'''-'''''''.oo:.t~ ,- - --_-::-:~-- -------~--_._-~ - :..~'h~~.14lf:'""'~.........'- h......... ~ "11 ..,--... 7f"'~ __. ",..'..~r.~~""::'l"~,r____",,,~~""'_:II'~~6~ ~~ J:! . ~-L~JI1 I ,. , #. I') ," 1(1 ~ ;, /(> ." .. .t..., " .. I , , l~ ,..: ,'0""1 :11 i I -F=..- L~- , ~...:.:. (~ r I I I ,OOH.1l .\-"&3 I I t , I r I .. ( 30t~ . --- _~"M ........ -I I I ... I ~_ ~ 'g ------ -, I l J I - , so : 11 " ,." " ~ ~ ~2. ,., : 2~ ". : Z1 0.1:1,'00' g t .. , . ' . I " ." I I ...._'-:: . .'1 r' el; .. I,'. <J "'.I~ ~e "f. .-11'" I,' " .L- ,CD - " .., 'fiIGGINS II' :32 " .. 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P..",... - tt .--_ ~""""_1""'_ -- II '_. o...o_.~.,_ @ ~..'"'o._...._ 11 0."'.... (1'1 (01<01....1"'.. '_'O.,.._M'..." 1l4' I .. "." or. ')0.,. " " , ' . ... . RESOLUTION - RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to apply to the Suffolk County Department of Real Estate for the purchase of the following three parcels of land being offered for tax sale, using Community Development Funds, for the development of these properties to benefit the housing needs of low lmoderate income residents of the Town of Southold: 4 1000-075-3-14, South Harbor Road, Southold - cP./OO. .IS 1000-048-2-24, Flint Street, Greenport - /ooD. 1000-048-2-26, Flint Street, Greenport _ /000. ~ r t,,1 i I , I ! I Ii I' ~. \. T . -. (ZJ It , I') ,~ It, . ,~ I('l .".' It."" .J', " ."" 1.1.. , J~ M ,'01'02 .oH'.i, : ~." &1 I t I r i " -F- l~-' ~ u" "1.I.leo' ,~ . . 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