HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5803 TERMS and CONOmONS ;'~ ",,'. " . ,,.. 1he Permittee Beniamin & Jocelyn Sug1i~ '"."" raidiag lit 4639 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue. N. y~ as put- of the coasiderauoo for the /too....." of the Permit does lIIldersIaod ..... ptescribe to the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Boud of Trustees ..... the Town of Soulhold ate tdeased from my ..... all cJam.ges, or claims for: daaJaaes, of sula arWag cUrecd.y Of: faclirecd1 as . result of my opet'. adoo petfotmed pinuaat to lhls permit, ..... the aid P. I J,"ec will, at Ids Of: bel: own esre-. defead my ..... aIllUch lUlu -iaklm-l by tbl.td pudes. ..... the said ~ ,,~ ._ fa111Wll1ity wich teSpect tbeteto, to the to"'pL1eexdasioa of the Iloud of Trusties of the T_ of ~ 2. That lhls Permit is ..w foe a -period of 24 IDOS, wbld1 is coosld-r to be the -.....tecJ u-'ftCJUired to~ the wod< ittwhed, butihoaIdcitcamstaDca wuraat, teqae$t for an exteosioo ma1 be made to the Boud at a liter date. 3. That lhls Permit should be retalaed lndef'UJiIel,. or as l00g as the said Peaulttee wlsbCs to - .....1_ln the structure or' project lnTOlved, to provide cvicIeo<e to anyoae (lllOCIOtDed that auth- orizatioo was ori&ioal11 obtained. 4. That the ..odchm>lved will be subject to the ;,.spectlon ..... approva1 of the Jloard or its ageots, ..... llOC1-<lOIDpllaoce with, the prcrrisions of the orlgl...flng .,pliadoo, may be cause for rewcauoo of lhls Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no uareasooable lnterfereoce wich oa'rigadoa as a result of the wod< - heI:eln aDcborized. - - 6. That there sba1l be DO ioterfereoce with the right of the public to pass ..... repas doog the beach be_ blgh ..... low water maries. - .;, 7. That if future operadoos of the Town of Soulh91d reqalrc the removal U11d/or allalltloos in the Iocatioo of the wod< heI:eln ...ll>- ...17M, or if, in the oplaioo of the Jloard of T.-, the, wodl sba11 cause unreasoaable obsttualOo to free oa1'igotlO'\ the said J>-onl- will be requhecI, apoo due.DOtice, to remove or allet' lhls wod< or project heI:eln stated wilhouc ~<lt.I(' to the Town of Soulholcl. 8. That the said Board will be notified by tbe Permittee ot tbe COM1'~,<< the wodc 1IIlh. orized. 9. That the Permittee wl11 obtain all other permia ..... _ dJat may be required sap; p1ementa1 to dUs permit wblch may be subject to revoke upon failure to obaln -. . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President \ Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD September 29, 2003 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Suglia 4639 Stillwater Avenue Cutchogue, NY RE: SCTM#137-3-7 4639 Stillwater Avenue Cutchogue, NY Dear Mr.& Mrs. Suglia: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during a Regular Meeting, held on September 24th, 2003 regarding the above matter. WHEREAS, Benjamin & Jocelyn Suglia applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance ofthe Town of South old, application dated August 29, 2003 WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on September 24, 2003 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18.ofthe Southold Town Code. . 2 . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, Safety and general welfare of the people ofthe town. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved a Wetland Permit in an area landward of the 10 foot contour elevation - construct 14 'x3 7' wood deck attached to seaward side of existing house, remove 8 'x 13' section on seaward side of existing house within existing footprint, construct two additions to house, one 6'xI6' and one 8'x13' both on landward side of house and both on concrete block foundation with the addition of drywells and gutters for roof run-off. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Ifinspections are required, at a fee of$5.00 per inspection (See attached schedule). FEES: None Very truly yours, ~Jtl~s1<;d. -~~.~. President, l;~do~ AJK/cjc cc: DEe Building Department \ t. , . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. Ne.... York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, September 23, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Donald Wilder, seconded by William Cook, it was RESOLVED to TABLE the Wetland Permit application of BENJAMIN & JOCELYN SUGLlA to construct a 14' X 37' wood deck attached to the seaward side of the existing house, renovate 8X 13' section on seaward side of existing house within the existing footprint, construct two additions to house, one 6X 16' and one 8X 13', both on the landward side of the house and both on concrete block foundations. Located: 4639 Stillwater Ave., Cutchogue. SCTM#137-3-7 The CAC Tables the application because the project was not staked. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only _Coastal Erosion Permit Applicatii'n _Wetland Permit Application ~ Major Waiver/ Amendm~chayges _Received Application: ~ I 0 ~ _Received Fee:$ ;.IH....., I _Completed Application <if"" lo..:j _Incomplete _ SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type II_Unlisted_ _Coordination:(date sent _ CAC Referral Sent: ;}- I) _Date ofInspection: 1"iJ _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ~ _Public Hearing Held: Resolution: Minor . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971.0959 Telephone (631) 765.1892 Fax (631) 765.1366 "'", . Name of Applicant ~:~"-{;N .... ..Joc..t,,,, 'Su~.'" Address tj('3"1 S\--; Ilw~" A-'Ie... Luh:h"J''''-- N~ ,,~~ Phone Number:(b31) I "3y-f.r.{3c.J Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - J~'1 -?:>-'1 Property Location: Yb~ 5\-.\\",:\",r" A,,~ , (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: '-.-..... (If applicable) Address: ~ Phone: 4-,., ( . Board of Trustees Application . WETLANDffRUSTEE LANDS APPLICA nON DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: D...cl.- ''''''~ i"".",<".. n ,~"~ : \-1 m<:: ?'ol\rlls2. C\r~,hc~ ,^~,t(5 Area of wetlands on lot: \ ,y\ 0 squarefeet 5.3 % Percent coverage oflot: Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: ~5 feet ') Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: Sf feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? x No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated?~cubic yards How much material will be filled? NY.. cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: tI/IJ Proposed slope throughout ~e area of operations:~-A Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: AI IA EiU ~ AUG 19 2003 Soulllold Town 808rd of Trustees Statement of the effect, ifany, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): :I* :s <"'f",\-ecQ -the.+ -\-\.,' fr"~-l'r+ .,,~\\ Ylc>.'''< (-l~ s6\f'CC"A-t R-&/k: 0Yl -t\'\.i. "'Rt\cwA<;; Ocr-& +;.J)"" \ "..,t\1ers of +1-'-'. -r;>JN. . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 'LIo J lOb Area Zoning: Q.-4Q Previous use of property: ? Y",v",--k. P.o<;idl.~ Intended use of property: ? r; ve.-t<.- C....,\&-eNc.R.... Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency l?::rn-nSl or;: \(">$\-=> Nw ~o/"t'3l..~ ~t ,f- Env:/'t)Il.w3..Jl c..u,.,x.rvc,-t "'" L. 3 II../'!'!, '\\w..s.....ft-(~\\-.s 'no-+< -O..f;{"-e~ G."c:\) "'-.)<. "'.-re V-<c"~"-';~\ ~K, No wed:: w..s ~o.,.lfl. '->-'"-\\.-. ~ 'f'c<.-l;\l\):' M:~ _ _ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements, D~:::[~ Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a govern ~No_Yes If yes, provide explanation~ Soulhold Town Board 01 Trustees Project Description (use attachments if necessary): -:I:N c;n ~r~ 1(,vxSi~"'''1?Q or- K.. lO\ (""'___\-"u, ~\<."'ttivV\lc,;yfihoc\: 1411-37' wood d...cl co.>!t~ <fcS=.w<',-8 5\& cr--=:sh~.)""'v<;,a.,r..",.v..-';<.- '6' 1\.\3' xc\;"",,- ON ~<,,,,,.,<"<J Sic.... C~U;$-I-:~, ",,-~Sll- "",.'t\--.'N ",^'s\,,,. ~ec-\ ('j~' ('u a 1St . oNe b' )<,11,' o,,,,c} ctl't. . ~ \ l( \'3') I:x.~ co-' \Q~dl~r "",J..<.. ct;' .....0"...... Q>.~.0l ~'" c'" uY">c<<d'~_ 'D1oc-\:- ~c",.~.1",\,VV\S . ,:{ ,( . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: SCTM#lOOO-13,-~-7 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: -:LN 0...V'\ ~r<"," 6.~.....:>c,,& cr ~ \0' u~'-\ovr .rl~"'o..\"'rY"'l1 Lo-Yls..\.t...~~ l'-t' .,.?>, I W~(jl ckcl ~-\\^c:..~ t" ~ ~u...:.,,~,..JI Sdl.r... c.F. ~}l.\S.\-""\ "'~~ I ("~..:.c~~~ "is' ('30\ Srtc:...+tn1 ol\ Sc.4.~.....{.\ "3\~ c~ <..\\'\ir-, 'n(;\J~ ""'........... -<'.>l,~'I\~~ ,.~.";,.c..,,..,;~~.. <>.~;.\{vY'>, .\-.. """"- ~,,"''''') 6~<<- (." )(Ib' C\~~ C"",,,- "" ><f?,l bokt-.. ~.,., 'Q...,&...,.,'-& 5dA. cC '1-=""- ~ \oo~ "'''' G:--f)vc:k \:.Ioclc- ~c,-,,..,&..."",,,S?, ' 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review.--is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Y""3'\ 5t,l\w...-\<r l\~ ,Cu-rc..~ve., N--j 11~3S 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters ~2, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to.public comment on:jS~~~~~L~ryP'1YOU may contact the Trustees Off~ce at 765-1892 or Hi ...,~Hlny. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: ",,' ,,-;,.., 'S,'" MAILING ADDRESS: ~ c.."rn;~~ N'I PHONE #: (,..,0' - '13'-1 - WJ-"o ~IE C IE I W ~ ~' lTo., 2 9 2003 Soulhold Town Board of Trust..~ Ene.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal convenience. s . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~}I\,~'N "Su~_t.. , residing at 1.{"3 5\- C -A~t~ N't Iq ~5' , being duly sworn, deposes and sa 2- 'l ayof A;;pos+ ,2003 , deponent mailed a true cop set forth in the Board 0 Trustees Apphcauon, drrected to each of the a persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the opposite the names of said persons are the address of said pers as s assessment roll of the Town In"Southold; that said Notices re maile Office at c..~",<J(. /11'/ I/B\that said Notices w ;./ 'led to (certified) ~o:!t8Fid) mail. ! Lr1 ,.,.. ~ Lr1 U.S. Postal Service,., CERTIFIED MAll,M RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ru Jl ,.,.. Lr1 "'"", ""'"'.' "=,,, ~SHiRE,iNY Postage $ ~ o Certified Fee o o Return Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) o Restricted Delivery, Fee o (Endorsement ReqUired) Lr1 o 2.30 1.75 4.42 Total Postage & Fees $ rn o o ,.,.. Sworn to before me this JR Dayof Au..f,.-ll..i-J ,20~ fim ~ Q~ / . Notary Public Monica Cerise ~OTARY PUBLIC, State of New v-o. ftO. 01 CE6059403 M~ ()ualjfi~d .10_ Suffolk County CommissIon Expires May ~9, 2O..fL.? Lr1 o Lr1 Lr1 U.S. Postal Service." CERTIFIED MAll,M RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ru Jl ,.,.. Lr1 e.liEf~"; G31 Postage $ 0.37 ~ CJ Certified Fee o o Return Reciept Fee (Endorsement Required) o Restricted Oeliv9fY Fee D (Endorsement Required) Lr1 o 2.30 1.75 4.42 Total Postage & Fees $ rn o o ,.,.. .~ijVJ~~ amed '....,.,. "'.:';-1 es ~lJ l 9 L0'\N os lI'" lI'" ~ Lr1 ru Jl ,.,.. Lr1 U.S. Postal Service", CERTIFIED MAIL,., RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) Postage $ 'fG9IsA l 0.37 ~ o o o Retum Reclept Fee (Endorsement Required) I:J Restricted Delivery Fee I:J (Endorsement ReqUired) Lr1 o Certified Fee Total Postage & Fees $ rn o Stmt,To o 5I.l Nee-.rl- {\"''''I'b..Q ..... ~\~ ,.,.. lliiOO'.Aj;fNip....................................................................... 0' PO Box No:' Lj.?eX) st, \ \ WAt:..- Ave. CitY:.Si8i6:ziP+4---~----.~-------~~-.-l,;.d.--.-.~----.-~..-::::._~n_______..______~~~. Cv~c.hu v"'- tv'! 1/'/ 3) . . . . Adjacent Property Owners 1000-\37-3-8.3 Bill and Sue Graff 4835 Stillwater Ave Cutchogue, NY ]] 935 1000-\37-3-9 Eugene Annabel 1055 Ocean Ave Bayshore, NY ]] 706 1000-\37-3-6 Vincent Annabel and others 4300 Stillwater Ave Cutchogue, NY I] 935 IOl,H IU 'JJ IE ~ \~ lUG 29 2lllll \\:!J southold low' Board 0111ustees - . . . U-i6-4 (2187)- Text 12 I PROJECT I.D. NUMBER SEQ 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORTEN~RONMENTALASSESSMENTFORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPLICANT fSPON;!?R \ 2. PROJECT NAME I ':::'_10.\ "" S "'~ \; '" \r), vS</. d12cX:- J. PROJECT LOCATION: r=::::::r Municfpallty Cl,,)+~c~u-<. County S,,&\"-. . 4. PAEC:SE LOCATION (Street addrM and road intersections, prominent landmarks. etc., or proviae map) '-l<.."?o, 'Slc'\\"-l& Me, C.u~u<:.. "^\ 1\'1~s '-l 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ~ew 0 Expansion 0 Moditicatlonialteration 6. DESCRI8E PROJECT 8RIEFLY:-::r:.... "'"' Q.""'-'-' \"V">&w,,~ OF +>-.... IC'Cc-n\t>vr ..,_\<""~;,,,--, CG"s\:'''<-~ 141"3'1' """,c<J, ~I<:. "'%\~~\ -to ""'c.~ os,,:.&... v~ c:...\~~;".:) 'hoHJl., "'<Nc~",'t<. 'i!' ~ 13' 5<.~~:,"'" <0'" ~"'u.:A".\I s.JJ. o~ <!J<,''!'''''-,_''''"': "-"'",,",'N -ex..",,\,:":) "'<.o-t\" ",r\, Cu-Ils-\<uc.:-'l -\-we ".Q&'-\-\Irf)S -\0 Io"~ e...,'" (.,ll\lbl ..." ON<.. g, ","3" , \:;,,-'\'1.-, "',., ~ \C\~"'o.<<,!l <;\(\U. 0(" y.,,,,-,,-"'<. "'~& \:,~ e~ U"T'1c.<<:I<<''ovLL ~c~<l'<i'''''3, 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFi=eCTED: Initially I () 2. 5" acres Ultimately rJ. /-1\ acres a. WILL ,:::RO?I'JSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING '..AND USE RESTRIC71QNS? ~Yes 0 No If No. 'describe briefly ,.--..-- --~-'- 9. VJHAT IS PRESENT LAt~D llSe. IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ~Flesldenlial O.!noustrial 0 CommerciaJ 0 Agricuiture Describe: L f'O\.,&, UK -5\ ~ ?"';""~<- "-""-'R<'f:'....0V\. t-- ,< ~'D'-",....0 " N,\S DEe:.. ,- Iher 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMA I 5T ATE On LOCAL)? I2S.Yes 0 No If yes. list agency(sl and permit/approvalS OM A~YOT~E~. G~B~NME ENCY (FEDERAL, AUu L' soutbo1d Won Boaro 0\ 1lUStees 'r 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACT'or~ HAVE A CURRENTLY VAllO PERMIT OR AP. DYes' 0 No . If yas, list agency name and permit/approval,. I ' \0..... ~o.J) psu"t-\.\-t5 ~-\--4-f>\raSl ""....c.l! 'l<>.re.. ,...."-f>l'\1\~\.!'4'" ~"S1"",.vcJ,W'- .pu fa ,...-u~ ~rb...... ~ D\& (5.<.Yr-<its. ..) W(tS 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE .VlOOIFICATION? DYes ~NO Applicant/sponsor INFORMATION PROVIDED AeovE IS TRUE 70 THE 3EST OF MY KNOWLE.DGE '~ Dale: ~.. 2.<<(-03 Signature: If the action is in the Co"stal Area, and 'Iou are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this a~~essment OVER PArtT il_::NV1RCNMEN7A' . 'SSES3MENI17o De Go~;::ieteC'J'1 ,j"genc . '"". DOES ,,.l.,C7:C:-.l =.;':C2:.=;.:: :"'NY I,~= 7i-tr::.E3HOLJ!N -> ,'<':'C??. ~:..F,T o,7.~:" i-.:y~s C,'to 3. 'NIL!.. ,K-;-:CN .=lE':::::VS ':::CRDINA 7'C.J ::j,E\/IEW ..:.5 ?RC'/IOEJ =':n U~IL;S7EO ,:..G7iCNS iN 3 .'t'(-::::::R.:l,~r;l 01 i_57 may be sUDersecec :y lnot"ef ;n'Jol'Jetl a~enc,!. ,/ '/as. .::ocrClnate :ne reVI~W :rocess ana 'JS6 ~t',e ;=:JL:.... ::'A;=- ;J .'~o. 1 rleqat:'/l) ::::ec:ar,,- LYes :..........: :-.10 C. C'::::ULD ACT.iON ~ESUl7 :N ,1.NY ,1,QVe::'SE :::=:==.-:,5 ASSCC:":' .E::J ',vIi:.! -,.,=. .='JU...CWING: ;Answers :nay :e ,'ancwrmen. ;/ ;e~rCleJ C1_ ~:dsting lir ~ualit'l. ~uftace Of grOunawaler ::uality '~r :::uantlty, rlOlse ,e'/eis. :xls;:ing :.atfic ~atterns, selid ,vas;e :JrDct:c::~n ~r1fs;:c oOtentlal fOf :r05.0n, ::::ralnage or :!ooc!inq Of obi ems? ':.::.ol.1ln :lrieily: C2:_ Aestl'letlc, 19riC:JHufal. 3.rC:laeoloqic.al. his,onc, Of other ~atUral or cultural resources: Of communIty or iielgnbcrnood c;"larac:er? ::::':'olaH'l -' C:J. \/egetatton or :auna. ~Isn. sr:ellfisn or 'Nllalife soec:es. slgmficant :-i.1citars, or :hre.3t<!f1ed or ~nC.1(H;efeO :;;::ec:es? Selaln ::Jrlarly: c~. A c::mmunity's exist:ng ;llans O( goals as OWC:';lly adooted, Of a cnange in usa Of intensity at use ot land or other natural reSOUfCSS.? S"(plain :;r CS, Growlh, suosecuent :::evelooment. O( rel.1teo ac:ivities likelY to oe induceooy the ::roooseo action? S"(olalO :Jfleily. GS. '_c:ng :erm, ~nort :erm.::Jmuiati'Je. <Jr otner !!Ifec:s not icentifiea in C--:-C5? ::;0;01.110 :Jfleily. .~,. Str:er :moac:s .incr~Cing -.::-:anges In 'Jse of ;!lher quantity Of :ype ot ~ne{gYJ? Solaln ::rietly. '- ':'es ,_ ~lo 'f ':'es, ~xctain Clrieily , " oJ. ,5 ; HE?;E,:::R ,5 -:"HE?E '_::<.:::..':' 70 3E. -::ONTi=l.QvE?SY r:l;E!....A.E0 70 ?OT2:'lTIAL A Southold Town PART III-OETE::iMINATION OJ;.SiGNIFICANC2 ITa oe comoleted oy A Board of Trustees INSTRUCTIONS; For eaC:l adverse effect identified accve, determine wnettler It IS substantial. large, [mcortant or otherwise signific ::acn affect snouJd be assessed in connection witn its (a) setting (Le. urban or rural); (hI. ;JrobabiJity of occO?'1!1q; (Cl duration irreversIbility: (el geograonic 3coce: ana (f) maqnitude. It necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. :.nsure exclanaticns contain sufficient de.tail to snow tnat ail relevant adverse impacts have been identifieCl and adeqUateiy aCcressec:. C:-:eck :his box if 'IOU ;,ave identified one or more ;Jotenrial/y larr;e or significant aC:'1ersa imo2c~s whic:1 MA '; oc::::;r. Then Jrcceec airecrly to ~ne FUL!... ::AF 3.nd/cr preaare a positive- declaration. _ C;;ec~< :his :JOX if 'IOU have de!ermined, based on the information and analysis above and any suooortjn~ coc:Jrr:enratlcn, :J1ar ~he :Jrocosed ac~icn l,'VILL ,'~OT result in.~(lY significant adverse environmental imcac:: AND ;::lrOI/ICe on 3.i:<.ac:1ments as necessary, (he reasons supcorting tnis deTerminarion: ......."t! ')/ ~<=.H.J A"O:TlC'/ ,-'''TlI ..J/ ''<u-e '1"onfo> :;II ~~>,ocn~'OI'" ....:1l'C~r .n ,-",,0 .....;cnc.' ,t1~ 01 ,.(..,.,oon~'Of'" vll,eer :,..n.JIl;r~ )1 o/..~con"OI" ":I;'CC't ,n ~"J.Q ,.....;..1"11:'1 ),'(n<i:u," ,)I r':~'.JJr..r ~Ir ..:o;:e~..nt :rcm '..soon~'o'~ :Jlf'c~rl J...IC :2 . . Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York ~t-i~~'" ~. S~{>.. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AFFIRMS T HElSHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENT ATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY/~OPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEviOF pUS APPLICATION ,( t Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ,") I c C - - ;(Vl~ 1~ . Notary Public Monica Cerise NOTARY PUBLIC. Slale 01 New York No.01CE6059403 Qualified In Suffolk County 11 '1 Commission Expires May 29. 20 1L...i DAY OF ,jl< L( ,20ti ~~ soii\lloltl1.... l\O8~ ~, 1I1ls\l!eS . lI.rl't.t~lI.NT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORN . The Town of S~u~hold"S Code of Bthics toh!bibs conflicts ot nterest on the part of town off cere and employees. 'l'he purpose Of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. TOUR NlI.HE' l<';-i~ti~d~.-:~;~:;~ m dd.le name of someone else or ~B a companf. If gO~ indicate or company's name.) <:~~~~t.::.:::.,'t~'.;~<!f}-;'~':i:. NlI.TURH ot 1I.1'I'LI~TION. (Check all bhat applY.) Tax grievance Variance change of zone Ap'p~~al of plat ~ Exe~ption from plat or official map other (If "other," name the activity.) ..~ Do you perllona11y (or tht:"ough :rour coMpany, IIpbU8e, ltlbl1ng, __. parent, 01:' child) have a relationshipvith any of ricer at' employee of the Town of southoldl -Relo.tdonshlp. includes by blood, .arriage, or business inter . intereat" means a business, including which the town officer or employee has ownership of (or employment by) a c the town of ricer or employee ovns More sh'ares. , i' IE ~ ation in which 5" 0' .the d:, 29 2003 YES NO 4.L If you answerad .~BS,.. co.p18~e the ba date aDd sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Soubhold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (bhe applicant) Bnd ~he town officer er employee. Either check ~hG appropriate line ~) through D) and/or describe 1n the space prov~ed . The town officer or employee or his or her epouaei e!bllng, _C) ~D) or child is (check all that apply)! the ownat of greater than 5% of the ehares of the corporate .tock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation), the legal or beneficial owner of any intereet in a noncorporate'entl~y (when the appllcah~ is not a corporat.ion), an officer, director, partner, or employee ot the applicant, or the actual applicant. parent, _1\) _9) .... DESCRIPTION 011' RELATIONSIIIP '. .." ...... .~ ~. . ~ ..- ,........ . ....,;~-.,..u. . ~.' . . ,; t~!. .."*,",~,, ' ~': subl"lUed tl1h" signa ture. 'prlnt "'~l~~""";:'; ~*"-<L.,~,.. ."""" ....;}! ,'. ~ "a""{ ""'. .' _' '? ,:"",;,;,"':;;;v-.,!:';_:'i"',_, .. :- ..,~._:.i~'~~':~:i;.9~.~';t:~. : .... .~.j:)J. !:i.",~ ~l"u4' ",;.' .~<<~"y'._,~.:!:'--':'. ;q;~~? . . ACCESS CONSENT FORM FOR ACCESS THROUGH PRIVATE PROPERTY ~";~P.K\"'" S..:>~.l'\. (Name 0 Applica ) Office use File #: Permit #: Only Print or Type: 1) 4(,3'1 g:.\\w...-k (Address) Ai~ ~0E' N~ IIq3 <..::J 2) ~ (Name & Address of Contractor Involved) 3) 4) 5) 1000- J 3'1 - "3 - '1 (s.c. T .1.1. #) 4/:'09 S\-,\\wtdu A.k.. c..,..k~~ N'l/l'1s( (Project Location) 0 S+', \\WA-\:....- ~e.. (Name of Road or Private Property Involved) : s.,v~o\c~ (Hamlet) \<13$ ~...,,' ( Name N'l Property Owner 6) -::c;., "'''' Co.""=' \:...~....,.".d\ oF ~ u,' rnn+""r....\Nc.\.;\W1 lc"",s\-,...,d: ILl' )(31' ~ &<cl (Brief Job Description) \ , o..-\\~'>I ~" 'X<\,,",-,,,,rc\) 'S,~ c..fr e.,...,.\-''':'S I,.,.,,-,~ l"-~..o~o..t< I!. x 13 Setho...., Or""l ~CI."""v<l ~"-c.,, 0\- -o..\';".~ """- \.>.)~. ~'.s\',~ ~c:J- ;o.)"T' ;-\, -to ho'~ J ow<. ~\1-11o'o.'" DNe. '6'l<I~','o~",.. .."'&b.~()"'(o-,\crd"'" y,\bc.L ('"",,..&..-\,""5' 7 ) ~ '4'('ro_9. Starting Date: Completion 8) Estimated Cost of Proposed Work: 9) Insurance Coverage: A. The coverage required to be extended Bodily injury & Property Damage; $300,000/$500,000 Bodi ly Injury & $50 C I sou\hO!" 10wn B. Insurance Company: t:N,rj4 . ,"fuel'" C. Insurance Agent Name & Tele:e.hone # .,IoS--:''C II D. Policy # : ~/lry'2...S) E. State whether policy or certif' ation is on file with the Trustees ff' e: (If no, Provide a copy wit Ap ication) (yes ure of Applicant) ------------------------------------------------------------------ To be completed by the Property Owner: I/We the undersigned, fully understa Work referenced above and have n Applicant to cross My/Our Property the nature of the Proposed objection to allowing the the work. (Si na ure of the Property Owner or dul y authori zed represent at ive) ~ .~ !3 I- ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Uj I- a l() w Ifi -, ~ Ow~ [::>>e u.za: o!f;~ (J) <t ~ (J)a:[jj ~~z c1w' ~-,::> tu~8 w(J)X fEgj~ (J)18G @ lIAJl 4300 STILLWATER AVENUE CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11935 1Ro~m IJNE. 01' t 1 000- 1 37-3-6 ]) (9 <= g'E --0 ~~ . 3l:l -137-3-7 B~ AMIN SUGUA 463 STILLWATER AVENUE CU HOGUE. NI;W YORK" 935 ~ '- ~6POSE1) S'MD' src6P f _~NEW llEQlC 14!)( '57' ~1bSE1l B.'t. 13' Al>1lIT,ot{ 1'eov05~ fj Kl6 ' AWme>>! _-~'blS1jN&Aee:A 1D.'CE ~w"TEO Z)(I$TIt-lC(- +eAt-IE- jh)SE- \>Rofe.~ wNE. ZQ.5""':t -- 1000-137-3-8.3 f,. \ \ -t S"e C:.r(~f 4835 STILLWATER AVENUE CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11935 ~. ArJEf;j~IFI-..OkA /:1C / 0(?t4JJ ((!I ; .!l::.V ~ :.l!.. :i : ., : 1." :i :j( ..' : ., ...... 1 I o \ A-!fW1 /r/ ~; .: cif ~ L~l:':; .r ,,- ,: ..: ,'1.:' .. ~.':: : :1 S;1l\TB/S : :1: :' llC :1 , I : \.: .. @/ I . l' 'JC " '8 ~.:i i./Jr.../ ~ . . _':: '( I" . 1.. .o:t:.. 4..J ~rrES - :' . .::' 4' ILJ ( :_.1.. :::::!. ~ & ~,A-I--iSCN-1 Fh.DeA ":i I! f I.Y7J~ II rif //: , ( , ! I / / WETLANDS VEGETATION DELINEATED BY J.E. FlTZGERALD. JF ON 7/29/97 .. f(;,m... ~, C> "<.:;ek~<-?.' f/) '-"1-'% <-1' v "Ir- "Ivv too, ~~t:.70 ~ .~ ~l.E.,1"'30' ~'1tb1O VIEW.AN8lE'5 PROJECT PLAN Application regll!dinl! the Jl1'Operty of Benjamin Sug1ia, SCTM #1000-13'7-3-7 CORPS OF ENGINEERS DATA PURPOSE: IN: Eugene's Creek COUNTY: Suffolk DATUM: MLW AT: Cutchogue STATE: New York