HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlover, Leander Jr .~ ., -, l" - :. '" ON , , - .- 7"l", ,.W ...._..~ >, ,~'. , ~.~-.... "" ....._.......--.,.~,-',.,....-.~" ~ .' ~. nm I)D'K.' ra.'C I 'l\fil~(1..JUP!Gf..JU:} " .....~.. o 0") T.HIS AGREEMENT, made this -1~'day bf~-"~ , 1980', Q~,tweenthe. TOWN OF SOtill'HOLD, with oUice at !l3095 Hain ~~, ,Sotlthold, Town of Southoid, Suffolk County,New York, by a i . . :majority of its duly eli;!l:~ted TrWltees" and in pUrsuance of)',' ';.:~:' . ..: '~ 'Chapter 615 of the Laws of New 'YOrk, passed. in 1893, and in pur- . isuance of a written resolution . adopted by a majprity of 'th~,:Board , of Tf~stees of the Town ofS.outhold at a meeti~gile',W pursu~!~, ,to "notice duly given to all member~ thereof, on the-94day Of" p ,1980, party of the first part,~d LEANl$~~. GL9~P JR., residing at 805 'Cox Lane, Cutchogue, Town of Southoldr'Suffo1 ~ounty, New York, partyofthej$econd pa;t. .. ~;'~. ,''''. . <. C' "., /. .:.:. .....', . -,}: .~ W, I T N E'B'S:B:i,T H, ..\ ..'(5' .~' ,'~ 0 .': -0- '-"';,..,1 WI;lEREAS, the par1;;.Y.of ~e fWl';t part. is tfiel owner,. ~.,t:,~rt~im' ,t.; :"" :":"',:~:, a1soknol,m . asi'a:~t. ",., '. >-. ,,;r1~"-"~" '-, ., ".e' '" Creek, near 'J!'leet' S Neck; C\itch6gl,le, Town of Southo1g" Suffolk 'cb\:ltity, New York, by virtue of a Patent , - I '. " Book 4 of Patents, page4(}~,and ffqjnsi:rEClI!l~d Milil:rPl%h i ". .,_,,;i'~~},,);,,~.:. ""'i:~rf of,f:j,ce of' the Secrllt):'illYof "'.. : ",. ,;: :,;',~',,::< ,:~,:,;)i;'-:~-:'~'::' "~<:'T-,/,,< bt, Vl;rtuE!;6t'~~"6 Is .;;',: :,- ..",":;< ' dated October 31:, 16.76,' :r'ec~&ed fA the ",.C', 4., ..". ",,:, ' the Laws of th~ Sta~of 'NElw,.Yorlt of 189'3; arid \' ',': '.~; :,. WHEREAS ,Ul~ p~r~~' of ,'the . ,.cio~' par~' iii th~~wller ofanZ" is1<md nea~Fl~t's' ~eck,.cui;Crio~u~i/:~n OfS9Ut'hol~, sul~~.~ .. . '. . .' .':. . "" ...., ....... ""iT ~ty ,N.ew:(fI~Jc:;'whiCh.propertYthe p~rt't of' thei',.Od;,If }f :cl~uired as,i~t~6ws4 parCif~;v.:rII in a de~da~t~d tfi~/ i~~' ,);#){~:; J~~~,~ 1969 b~' Le~~d,~f B. GIO~e1l!'~"$i-.. ;O."l;e~der B. ~~ff~~;f . . deedwas reco~~~',"~n.~, ~i~~ '~f'~'''Glerk of '~i ~a~Y of',SU;ffOlk on JUIY0:l, ..1969 int:l;'~e:r6~lQ" pa'ge, 1~7, lilnit 'jj;, d~ea. .' " . . -'-" .,.' ,,- :,:_."':',:- \~" ..' . ,:':, ,,'>", ,."',,.':' _",,'_,":,:,,::' '.,:;i;;"," dated the3~~.t' a~:f~~. 'o'~~r4~;~~7,~.f~~';~01!t:~~t~:o~~~/" Bropre~~f!>,' ,o~ 'tli~.:~~~(~~;Jit1~tv~~,4 ~~d$~f~~"~Q~~ 'o.~; '. S~ho1(J" w~..n,,'l~ 11.. 'JXet.d:>:H~ci' in. iJi~'~*f:j,ce' of 'ltile '~:re~ . ;. it ~ 4 ,"- .,( . ;.i ") I,;;} .}, .~,." ......,. ' ....... ,.,', , ". .~, 1'.'-, ;';,;. . .,;;., ....." , i!c' ,.. . J-'. ''f ,. , "";:' _....~..,,'c..,_;c _ _~_':" ~ "'. ~l" _ ," _~.-r~.,.,.".,........,.~,.,. f, ' . . . L!-ED8~ 569 UfIR, o.JUP~GF. " the County of Suffolk on November 18, 1974 in Liber 7751, page 398; and which title was confirmed by a Judgment made at Trial Term, Part XIV of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, i County of suffolk, in an action entitled ".Fleet' s Neck Property' Owners A~l5lo6iation, 1;nc.; Plaintiff, against Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold,.:Leander Glover, Jr.., Henry L. Fleet i;lnd ,EYE!:lyn sample fleet and Charles Sa.mple Fleet, as Executors of the Estate of ClafenceC. Fleet, deceaSed, Defendants", Index No. 74-8365, dated March 6, 1978 and entered in the office of the Clerk of tb.e CO,l1;nty of SqffC:llk on March 8 '1978 i and WHEREM, Portions of the lands ownedp~ the pa;rt:y:'of'the first part ..~nd.the is'Und owned by the party of the second part were filled and ceveredbydredge I?Poila!la.result oithe dredging by the County of. 'S.Uffolk,Of . Eusene' s Creek, al'so known as East cr~ek, in 1966, and as a re~v,;lit the:x;eof tlI:eboundary line between the la~?sof the party of the first part and the party of .the second part:h~ca.me;obscured; and '" '..' WHEREAS, .ate parhes desire; t.o'fa,? and.. def;l.nitely establii5lh the boundary line be.tween thei;r tes~~ictive!lan.~!3 f . . NOW, T~E~O:!lEr .iA qonsiderati~ of the,p:r:em.tses and of tM ,sum of ONE.Q6~:t>AR .l~l; 00.) ,by each of the parties. hereto to' the I',... the said parHeshe.reto for themt5elves, '. their h$irs ,eXeC\ltio;r,!>, other in hand Pa..t'di the receipt whereof is Ite#.eby acknowle!1ged" ,,"{L, '., '...' , '. \ BEG;rlli~ING ata);lOil\t whichis.-....;_li"-"'t+.. '. .. '., ~. frOm a"o~~~ma;t'ldn~ t.,l,1eeas~rly~n4<1t the' llort:i).... erly iii'll:! ,O'f El;t.stI,\oad, C!.PUb,l.i'chi9'h'Way of the Town of~outl'!o~disaidmo~Umen'tPein9" 274.08 feet easterly frcnn j:;be (!l~~"~d; ~,~,'ri:!~t:,~rse(j~.lf18'I;(,Of the e~st~~y ~i<t14'Ptl)f,f~,~"~~d :f~~''!!~.~9r~erly l?J.de of 'Earst Roactr i!J:Om saidpol.Jlt o~'beg~nnJ.n~, running. ~e. ",/..0.*. b.. 9Wi~gt"fl:l. +iz;:. ,c;o~.. ~.. ,s ...~d.~di;stance.s: . ell SOUt.h~."'-ll,Q;\4~' '20,",~. f...~.M... ...f~\~'(2~'<~uth 550 OO'East S'2.94 feet; (3) South 780 (}4' Eastf72~57 feet; ,(4) l'i9r:4~ 62;" 1.4'l,.lil.&t.';WS.,~ f~i.t9a poiht:" !~. ';.,~ .!~ ,. . 'lo ,,}., ~ ""...", .,> !. ..,. '.......,!', "\' '. North 850 58' 20"E?-st 85t~et . , ~ admini$ trators,. sucq~sors and~s$igns, cCj,Yenan't;:., 'and agree that .;'...:,:.i '.. said boundarY1!ne be aM t$~ saine hereby is estabHsh~das a. line described as follows.: ~.z-~ ,.......-., .~" '."., ....~ ~~.".'''~ ,~'~'__",>'O.,,,,,,~ ,~< ~,". ~, .~... ..< " ",.- ~ , ~'~.~ '. . . [inn l)Oqr:.- ~ il IIllH~o.nJP!r.f;) I , ,', ,'" }\;n. /;IS .s!'low>>'..on a su,,*~y for the 'TO~I),:Of 50uthpld IlYRo.deri,ck.Va~. Tuyl,:p. C., dat~"~ch 19,1980, which is attachedhet'ato,and made a' p,;trt hereof ,'as Exhibi't: A. I I, ArJ,lp, . the'l$aid party dt the first part, her6by remises, release I .~ " I and' qui tClai~~\'~~1?_t'?~~f~)or the/;S~;,:f.\.p~rt, his heirs' and ;;I.signs forever, its right" title and interest to any land, lyi:ng r ito the north..\U ~ltl'eas~"'df' the 'saId 'bou:dary line so I!stab'lis' I~d .,the said ~"J.fti,pf.tlleliAel,nd ~are-"h~,~ytefnises, re:ie~~~ 'Y'~ ' ,r . "'.J" .. " ", ~. ,: ~ui tclailn~ tl!ltll> thep~rty bE the firsi'~rt, its$luc.c~sors and I,. """"'" '.' . . ':"""":'.':":'".:':':: ~ssi~s foreve~, hb' Tight, title ana ;'~~t!r86t.. t()anY1and:;1~ipq. I ~o .~ s01.l.th .and south~e$to'~. f~e said bOU~d~rY1i;i.ne s'o es~aj)~~~~ea i ' I. .. ." '. .". I ii'!T IS MUTUAJ,LY. CQVm.l~ED~P AGlmr.:Dbya~dbetw~~ t~,p~rtie I '['0 these presents ~a,. d~u;agreem~tshallrWl with the 1an,'d and , ,,' i . e bi.ndi~ Upon ~nd;in'~e.,to~~ benefit ofthE1 respectiYE!,~~tt~ ,:; i · ~~..tp~"i"a&n. t~~f>t.r"~..'.:Jts, $\lCc~~~6rs' ~nd.a:s.s;ign.~ of each ~b;$le '~, )1 :1. ~'t ".,'...:~...' -, ioI ;olI~':f~)'~ ',;c il;a:rt~ ".... iJ![:'e' t'Q'. '. .,~ >.",~, 11' 'loA,,"'":!'f I1e.L r''''1'!.'~',;l;>; I ii' I': I"N""~;.'T' N E" 55' ';~...' ......'..~.>, .~, '..,". . , ,>" "1,.,./' .... n_ 11' Hie l>~tf'~~e:lla..,e .H~~~to set t~H' Jjand$ , I' . ',,' "I::::.;,',,;: ., ,," I; t,..il.... de).',-Y, a114~&,r firsi:;"abovewJ;'i,~l:~'Ii/ I' . ~',;'.'~' ,I ~'~'. ~'fii;''' ':l';~::'"'' I;, !>" :..,{ i:i \' , j .. I' , ','# ,.~,lff~~'~ . : I ./ ,:,lt~'.'1 .. ,;i, .j.,. l' I '. ". ~ ,i 'W',,! '~TATE op:kSWYORl6 I .' ,,' . " i !; . ",'.;\ :":' .~,', ,r',..':"..:: !!,s.;: ',,_'. r~~~.r~~f<~;,:t~':::; i'li' " \ .,." , . 'r"-':'~r,~:..':;' ". ,;,;,,:: .. '.. i~ dj' " " I] il II " i Ii :i 'I'! ": i~'. ." Cu'tch~:ue,' New" " <. ..,.' c.' ,.." Ly. ,.: ".r .~- mepeJ;'sonall}f _"'I. ........ '1 Dr tr OC"fj .. 71 lIm;")o.) PJr,F:) ~".'~ ", . ~.- ,r-' ,.,"">,, ,~. ,'" .~~ "'_~ ",,""~.T~,~ . . :tlork; FPJl.WK Ad KUJAWSKI, JR., residing at ..'lno' JlJ ~a:tratooka Road, Mattituck, New York, ~Y: 'Po SMITH, residing at (no JllHobart Road" Southold,. New Yorki'.~SEY A. STAPLES,resi~~ng at (no #) 1:- ''!;;:'", " PAUL ST~UTENBURGH, Niddletown Road, Greenport, New York;, and , ". "'.,:~.!. I '. ,........... . ....._..-'. ,., i residin~:'9-t (no JI) I;lkUnk Lliif!'ie, Cutcltoguef.~w"YQrk; all personally ,"":',' ;." ':"'! .,'.' known to. Il\Q 'who ,..beipg by me du4'sworn, .seve:rall,.;y sai'dthat each ~~ :,',;/- . " . ,.,~,'i", .;': .:, """,.,,;, ,'.' ' rE;lsidein the Town of SoutholCl, County of Suif.oll€.lilnd State of 1 ' .. ," ' ~ ' ' . . - , . . , ' , , . . ", "'l;" . - , , ".1, .-,' 'c New York, and . are members of t,p,e' Bo.ardof, Trusteesyof the' Town of Southold and constitute .. majorit; of same.;,a~bfhey:''kn~,1 thll corpOrate seal 6:\l, l1:q~' s~id ToWrti~i1~6\J.tholdf~~'the'se:~,lhaffixe .! , '_,:' f'ikY' . _, """,,"-~,-}~:,;:' :_' . ',;,. '.~'- _ .~',:';7ii,_" :~:'_;{!, ,:.' I to the foreg9,i;1il4il.~s.tr~~nffi,ls' sueQ. oorpoz;'<,l.J!,e .4-'1;'; ',~iie;' i't,w~s 1 1't: .~, r:z:li'" tl . thereunto a'~,.t;ix~o,!;?y o;F~r of t~j B~ard of T~~;i' of s~id Town '\ . ~ of South~ld, and thh each!onE;l~~~'ed h~~"~'h.;J:'+,~me>t1f,~i-e'to;;~~ :j "~ .::;"~./,::,,,,,-: "'iJ , , { ,_' Tr~stee anal;)~'..life o~,~ ,', ,. ~...., -. . .,.. . 'tit,., . 'ft. .1. ,c. .. . '.1>. ..' ..~.......'..... ...... fit atl;} . .,.., ,. I '. :'."''1 ".., .,- ,,' . ,''- '-~: " . . ' 'S'rA'J'E OF NEw YORIt'~ ',' ....: ".' . . .,.'..' . . ,.'-:-: "ss..: , CouNM O~ SUF~fK,:""'/...'.... .".r'''''.......,t,~'..i*' }!':/~ the .~~J~~; {'. H ,J.9~'..~~;~r~;~~ pelts~~~J;y .'c~e'LE~:R B}'~~~~,~~~~~o::lr,~~t~;~~1?~ ~~.';f1ltd~vi.~aI ';,~ot~~d i~ an~,.~:~~~~f':~~. f:d_~ ~lftl.~~' and . \i!l~~,nowledged that:;.lite'~~~~d \~fil' S,}" ,'!' ,~, , ';D"W...!,.( ....... I ,"- ..:.:~". . .' ,__. "", ..' , '., ,., .. I' ~ . .........><7..,;;,.. ...... ......._ad'. "4' : ~ , ,. " ,.,,' ., " ~ ;",' .,'~.. i,J"._.,",....;. Di'8~E572 ~1 . .- , ,.. , . .. , .~ I 1"'\ . r 'l~t.;)t il 1 '." . T., '.l"'''k'. 'T'': ~ " ... .' .' ...~'.. .~88. 3&~~~1J 4""""". .. ---- -"".~- .t(:..ItJ!!. E ,. K ... ).'~ SC/Ngfli1' ,..1'% . j ..~\ ~, "- { ~ " Ca7-t. ., . ,,~, ., -",-, .' /fA'6'T' N. It S'''''S:6 '.z,t:I ~E. '0", 1'1: " ..... '" .'~ 1"'~: ;' ,~.,~. ";--~ ,:<, "j~ elF L~ . . ~.\:".' ,."..;,,,,,<.:j:', :;..' ... ....Nt:) "t .$. l'~~'_~J~~~' '" ,:~. . '-~"Jl) '''fI&' '. ":)-~. .'-. ~~("'\-:.y~~,,- ~ "J;."\"" !. ~ -" ,~~,. . ,..' ,< ~ _, ~d , 7;~ ;..,'o~;;I-_", " ..:.. . '-J...:~~~r I.:,:~i"!;';:{:>~iff~~' .C]' ;.,'~~' ""''':. ;~ :j~ ~:," , - ~'f'ri~~~-' '::~~.~;' ," _j:.-~'~"" ",_ c ~ ......';t ~-; '; -' .-'. ~" ' ~, :"l" - , " ,_,~:t:l4!. .. -.... . . L ',/-/\ ~~'-::~\1I:)-:F'~:~'<':; ,',' \ " _iii It'ljli,it....,' . . If , '" .. .. - '''If'''''' ......elo!. , ~ ;~f!... ,,'~;'~t'~~"~~~'.'.....:.~~~~;~:~N~':' ,. ....:... '...... ..~... ..,"".... ,...~........:'..... ..I!":-I~.iQ. 1".. .' ~I ...,...!::'NJ.... 'J~it:"'~ > . , . ,,' . ~ '~~ ..~~. .. ",..-,. '. ",,- .. ~ ..' '$I_Hd" .~ \ '""',. Q ,l)l. ~...J~..;.h;_f.. ' " .,~,,,..... "4 JIf~,f,;'ffr '" / /' . 4'P . . /. -;;fOIt/:) 4~tIQ.t ~~. II Altf<<1'ItfI 'f . '. . 32'7: tJ - \ \ N. . " '. , \ 't:. .... . \ '" "" ..... ..... \ \ ..., \. \. ;0' d \ ~ . a t\ n'~- " _.--.........~ \ \ .~''\..._. ...-' -- "" ...... ~ ~ ~ . ',; " t . -~ ..... :~ 1'1 d , \ , \ I, \ ~ ~. .:J 6 tJ " .. .' ...... ,../' ,..-' ------ ------ 1 ..__'--r UNAUTHO,IED AlTERATiON 5iADD~ TO THIS~VEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 09 Of THE NEW YORK STATl EDUCAl1 LAW." COPIES THIS SUllVEY MAl' NOT afARIM<> THE LAND fl.VEYOR'S IN;(j;l) Si: Al OR ""BOSSEDAl SHAU. NOT'" W.""""" JIO BE A LID TRUE COPY, GUARA 5 INmCATW llli.:::;,;"- SHAtL RUN ONLY TO HE i>Bi.SO, 1 fCf;. 'i, . ." ",' no', s.u"vl:' :as PiEP , MD 0:" lil~. b....;,: t IU mE J1TlE ANl'. OO"'E~;,.,;.,.,'",\i, ,\.(.they A' UNDIHG nrurJCN LS'l~,-- ~]';.H.., Ad" JO THl IGNEU Of w~ ...:Jj.;";'KO il,$l i JUTIOH. MANlU-S :ME NOT fi;,,,JV.M'~;-.A. ~,L. p 'h1~..~'. ....~.l d ."'(1"-' ~ I f. (J .~ -.'fk.WII nI,/l. .P. .:.. "., <.... 1?"_ ~~ 1 ._,:~__L"~;:_,,,:_'~"-,--" .'._ -', ~~~,~..~- ,,:~~i/...,t#'~ 4~N"~"" ~. <,. \jtlt~.-? ,.1-, foI. Y. " .-- b -' --- /----- ...... . rJ e (; o /~ ~: ( \ \ tf..7,.'U.... . i LIJ' /' ~. ... . . 11' I e;. 4- ,..' .". v,''. .' ~--, -'< OWN~J " ......,._'__,.c~_.._____ EXHIBIT .. .-., A~. '. , r I.' 'l I', , ,; h tio, L t:- ., I' .. , I , I i (' ........_~-, .."...,...."'- j, ~ - :~ '1 ;~~ '!~- , , .. p':-." r ... ",~-. . ~'-, .0'. ... " . '. ) , " ; " ~ r- it.' G ., <>- . CO C":' 00 , 00 ~:>rw:: ,~..w ~'" 0.;::):: i 7-\)<Jt.. BOliHDARY LINE AGREEHEJ.."T he tween BOARD Of TRUSTEBS/ TOWN Of SOUTHDLD and LEANDER B. GLOVER, >JR, RECORD PoND RETURN TO; Ri,...,T'.::!Irn i. I~rkf -Eeq, ~ain On.::!ln - P~O~sg~ ~ Cut.~h""''JnQ NY 11935 , - .....s C' L'- + h '-' f c} 77;u-')'ti J f~ /.A. J n.:,E.5 /)),///,,:/ ",.c~(..r"'+o D /U. '7. /1'771 -5' {/ (...{.. '7" 1-1 (., l- ..~, . - ~ r' :" "":",;~:;. ~i: ,:""'" JJH 12 JD z, AU 'BO .....z, " ;.1-.< C:,i!:?lT'( ...