HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Southold Condemnation Decree " " ROBERT W. TASKER TOWN ATTORNEY RNEY LD TELEPHONE 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPDRT, L. I., N. Y. 11944 July 2, 1973 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Traveler's Street Extension Dear Albert: Relative to the above captioned matter, we enclose herewith the following deeds for recording in your office: (1) Deed dated and acknowledged June 22, 1970, from Torsten T. Johnson to the Town of Southold, which deed was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 11, 1973, in Liber 7416 of deeds at page 183. (2) Deed dated and acknowledged September 11, 1970, from F. Harold Sayre to the Town of Southold which deed was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 11, 1973, in Liber 7416 of deeds at page 186. (3) Deed dated and acknowledged June 29, 1970, from Academy Printing Enterprises, Inc. to the Town of Southold, which deed was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 11, 1973, in Liber 7416 of deeds at page 188. (4) Deed dated and acknowledged May 5, 1973, from Carolina E. Karsten, to the Town of Southold which deed was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 11, 1973, in Liber 7416 of deeds at page 190. (5) Deed dated and acknowledged May 18, 1970, from Helen G. Cochran to the Town of Southold, which deed was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 11, 1973, in Liber 7416 of deeds at page 192. .' r" Hon. Albert W. B.ichmond -2- July 2, 1973 In order that we may have a record for our files, will you please acknowledge receipt of the above described deeds by signing and returning to the office, the copy of my letter enclosed for that purpose. yourAs very truly, (/) ~(/U ;~ ROB T W. TASKER RWT:bc Enclosures -i... . ""I r- i:il: Crd,,:,dtl.TlI.il ,':1'1',:" ,'cl:',::f thti 'Y'or~~~, ::r:1........ ~.1t 3rtl,j fc'~ .i,',''';' 'it tht l'ui.l il'lU,;) '.j,;!~. dfl1tl rOl'l~,,; Gf .J7Mn.l1\-R.f. 19?!.,' , K~ ~ ''':'Ac:'~ d'lt.t If N:z, 'l ;'1 t' (I lil:; 1 tr C fc.t .1:;" tEl. i 1I, tht I !- :.: N J. HUN ,_,___..,.jYllUAMlL r.FII ,FR_",~,,___ ~,C<i, . , " eX I' .l:~:C Hattar of 1C:'\I: :,l::;:ltion c.r t"h.e : 'h,': OF SOUTHQLU rO'f :;':,) purpos~ (if ,,;, ::,Ii ring t"le TOIlJ. i'l ("'I 'J ty ,l"c',u,sary f'Jr the lllP'TI'Cl,:i111S of the ;r~,ld AvenUl3 Bridge ,11: :.l.,ttituck, I >:ltod int..~n~f >C)uthq.ll4"", ' ; >~,lty of Suffolk Mid S tit!, of Ne", I Y<)r~, " ,'I " 'I 'I : ORnER "NIl FH,AL Dal 1;1'" . . ; I' r!, ~<<px :~llh, 1 ~~\H~C : :I ~ ,': ~ ,; , 'Ibl ',.' In. . . . .. - '~~, ~ - -," .' - . . -, "'-s~ - 1" -:~!~!t(: (1(1 "'\1 . ?Il.i ~:., 1 t. "'ITh~1 ~bovecap tio~~d '~~na~;;Jilo& ~ipf~eeiifni. !(ntin~: t,'th ;:.t ,,' .f I.. t"t .' 'i~ c~ll\e on for trial befoN this Court on the 18th day of Decem'll, , ;<iV'-<f 1::; 1972. and tho Court havLng viewed the property acquired, and '~;Jr~ I'll . having found that title vested in the Petitioner to th8 r.al ,iU~p :'i_:~ r~. f , " property herein acquired. on the 18th day of August, 1971, by i"".1 ',~ "' '.: t" . Order of this Court. and finding furthtlr that the Clailtants. , " ~ ;' , d t ,: L, Straub, Janet H, Straub. Mary Sdel.an said:d~t~ ~h,~~r" 'o~ lIai'd r~~~cth', I. e ft~r !Ht~forth;'1letilt~,:.:thit'::lhe f ~u~t~i~'d,ib; ...~i4,l~!~~h.... and as to daaage parcels 2 and 4. said :l ::.~; , I (. "j l r 5et~l..ent was .ade with the aid and assistance of the Court. /1 i /~:'f .~ /:::/'- , I:'; ;~, ':~' i." l:t ~i ::.'~; H ~ ,',1:,:' ;~d r l, " ~ jf-,..vk:~';'''-zOb the affidavit of Josepb Lite, Special Tow. AttoniL! ; ~lf;t,t~_.:~~~,~~~ld,~,~W:e ~:,..tb,~~.~6t~ ~!. C11~!:~U~~:~\!I~':'! , ,fi, 1:"~~~,,~,l~~,.~t,, ~, p~,. ',',,', '~, 1, ~;"tb,'~'" . .t~.,,~,.. ",', ~t~., have be.n _eW with the . ~. ~. . r/ n . A. " ~. ~ . 1:'l":H;~; lInt' Ju: 1~'" L f";" 'ZV"~~'" /" "i"///("l>~"'''..' '" '''',,0, ,..,' .,." .., ", 1 /" I (~...- ...-~~__J.;... - /' :'\:~-~t:.., ,f;~':7 . " 11.-' ,". C::k"'" . Robert CaIola, Henry and Ott~~'~~ damag~ .!~~18~1 c'........ ~lowt settle were fa CIICe:' v Ul:t:r~ll---' ''''e'C4';l',''~ -,' --,- -:::::-;,:-==-===-:-:--~----'-"'- -----;t;.;'==:.:.~:.-',,,/- ;/ , " r ~(::'-;';~: 11 :>;1 k'%I;]' I " 0"1"'1 b ,.j " " ..,1;;''"t I;.:~ir.l l {, ~~i II' 1M I'll ,,, " ti' p ... v.'" ~"" ~"""".,,- ~,;,. .~- ;',' ,t";'./j,_ -"~'f_:~ -:'.;'CJ'f;' },()",'I.>\:'" Oi} ,~!Jf'. ' '1 ~'L.,;q'l.~ \ '~(" :~J; ~O.t: .JP~'i ,_~..)ir~'~ C,O'Ji.,f,: f;~"" . (';r::t1'~' )".o~ty. y<-'r!~p.: t!;,:(,; i/JL J:lffi CUrri} :. OJ '-:-HiL:,,(;]/l\:j; {ttO):';: 0,: _~>.:,'f; ~...t_-U4t~ (Lr i.'IX:';.j, _ . 1" - ... ~ 1" '/.f ':;1 2j.}Pi;TV-T 1~'(.tJlt';(~U3Jt;"~',~;.u: :tllNL:;" ii.:'4,7 .~', . -"'...... '....~ various claimants as follow9: Map or Parcel No. Map No. 1 Owner Map No. 3R Robert Casola. $15,015.10 Henry L. Straub and Janet II. Straub. $15,012.48 and with the aid of the Court: Map or Parcel No. Map No. 2 Map No. 4 Owner Mary Edelman and Otto Anrig . $25,000.00 Mary Edelman . $5,000.00 it is ORDERED. that the respective amounts of settlement hereinbefore set forth, which includes any and all claims of the Claimants. including interest. are directed to be paid to the persons entitled thereto. to the several parcels as taken. which are as follows: Map No. 1 Map No. 2 Map No. 3R Map No. 4 GR NT ED JAil 18 1915 LESTER WI. AlJ&lTSON CId E N T E R WILLIAM R. GEIlER J. s. c. -.. ~ i. ...;....-..-_ -----.-------:'~~;:!!::i..L-I-t='___i't.:: CHE?K VOUCHER ACC'T. NO. 044_05126_8 f,'-' .':~, ; . ;.(.i\ 1:0 c HIIIO?q 1.1: . , , CHARGE ~OWll or5outho1d'.}~f~~~Ut~~1 P<l1l11,-,,; (:.11 n~~~~3G1.,.,,1j'j:';li . , - ,/~,,<~ ;~t<'_~ ".\ f' .1 n J ' I't""l ,... . _ _ _ , _ _, _Q; ',' " '.' ".. " ~.":~.::;. ?f"!'" ..... ,. . ._~"" ........'.4......,." _..~.'"'""'!'...'. , ... '"' ,~ ,. ~ ~ ,,~~- "-~-~"'r ~--- 'ff.~-- g0pG~t (92019 .~, ~I?~GI2aYO -""""'*-.......- Hu;t, 'JL)WLl:81 HO. P"'UGL Alf"l.lona qlrIJnruca sa ~OrrOM: .... SUPREME COURT OF TilE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - - - ~ .~ 3 ~ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ -X In the Matter of the Petition of the : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD for the purpose of acquiring the real property necessary for the approaches of the Grand Avenue Bridge at Mattituck. located in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. . . AFFIDAVIT . . . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x STATE OP NEW YORK) ) 55.1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JOSEPH LITB. being duly sworn. deposes and says: That he is an attorney duly licensed to practice in the State of New York and maintains offices at Z39 Higbie Lane. West I.liP. New York. That he has been duly retained by the Town of Southold for the purpo.e of acquiring title to the premi.es covered by the above captioned proceeding. That title ve.ted. by Order of this Court. on or about the 18th day of August. 1971. That respective d..age maps were delivered to the Claiaants and an offer of settl..ent was made by the Petitioner. which included interest. and represented fair and just compensa- tion due to said Claimants. as a result of the taking. That on or about the 15th day of March. 1971. the Town of Southold settled a clai. of Robert Casola for $15.015.10. pursuant to photostat of check hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "A". That on or about the Z6th day of May. 1971.th. Town of Southold settled a clai. of Henry L. Straub and Janet H. , ! ----, ----- --' I cr CHEpK VOUCHER , '.::,,;',/~::::,l::....' ,." :'I';;?;~\? f"':';'d',P"\ ACC'T. NO. 044_05126_8 CHARGE 1'01'/11 Of........'. SOU thOld'-..'.....:-................c-..h.'."".....l....;:.1->';,'-"Rl.' .....'''..''.'..~.'.. '. .... '$;:~v Vb. >'~'; .' "'i~':Acct '}.'j:i ... .' . . ." ',. '.,~,.i PA"11"'A n11 n'>;" " r'~~' . '. tVJiJ,8~Xi'. ':1,' . c_;~, "TII~E ." i;' }~..'0' ! I I I ':02 ~ .....O?q ll! <__~_Ef?~. CHE9K VOUCHER , \'/ ~ .,:::,-,;,.~/,::"ft~,~ l\ c;-.C(.", .1. f C"r~"IF"lrD If - ..t't'JtII... ~ ~..tllQJ'1J 05i.U~ -~- _n____ -1:- IU t:P( [C (! r:,(:' h(,;.,1;T.C":n;,/ 0':'"", l'.l~""; ~ _ _ . _ w . _ _ .. "X COlllUJ.. 0 \, 2ilJ:bOrK 2nbKEl'1F. COm;,L Oh WE UVlt Obl\li~ A.OI$I( Straub for $15,012.48, pursuant to photostat of check hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "B". That on or about the 18th day of December, 1972, the claims of Mary Edelman and Otto Anrig were settled with the aid and assistance of the Court, before the lion. Williall Geiler, including accrued interest, and payment was tendered to C1ai.ants pursuant to photostat of check hereto annexed and .arked Bxhibit "C", in the allount of $25,000.00 to the order of Mary Edelman and Otto Anrig, and photostat of check hereto annexed and .arked Exhibit "D", in the ..ount of $5,000.00 to the order of Mary Bde1man. That your deponent .ates this affidavit knowing that the Court will rely on sa.e for the purpose of entering an rder and Pinal Decree in reference to this .atter. ') /.-) JO~ePh)it:?~~':_'-=-:> V Sworn to before .e this 16th day of January, 1973. 'O-~"'''' ;;1'-:'~ 1_ '~-t- " ' . ., P. ,,1"___ .._ '"- t1I ..... _,..;;l :t~0t' - r, ;1'.' J' '-,,:...., .' .----- . ""'. :f.met '1 ".. 'b -..- - -----..:..:_-~~.-:,~~.-".~~!--- ~"'~~~ In!"'0 t, "', ~ ',- ." ." _ ~t.. J 9B~~r, ACC'T. No.044-05126_s _~ ~;~ ' " -~,>'l ,;;~"., ~~'~Jt.1~_it i! \;j :' 1 ,".,. . . . ' .-...---. -, ' )0., ,'/'",; TOTAL cHARcc'l;>1-2L01~4B CHAs." TOI'ln of """.h Id '~--- '., ~~ ,'~v"v e "i~K;~~li~. P~1I11~A nnnMJi~~i".", ri~i, 01.1.0 5 ~ U.RlI' Don t; t; .'Mj;,lli'''i} ti'~;;~ J 1:02 ~ 1.'''0 'i' q ~I: r -~-M!JRTH FDRK ~ ~~\J --. BANK /, TRUST CO. MAnITlICK, L. L, N, y, OAT. C.RTIFI.O March 17.1971 5556 CHEc;K NO. " A DATE OF CHECK M FOR CERTIFIED CHECK IN FAVOR OF ---Robe-l!t--Ge p.n] €I AMOUNT lS.015.io CERTIFIED 8Y__.DI~__~___~ FE. TOTAL CHARGE 15,015.10 ...,' !li CHARG~ Town of Southo1d '1 'f,;,; ACC'T, NO, 044 051268 " I.i 1:0 2 ~I,,,,o?<j ~I: d__ " N W ",'d._',,' ,",._'.",'_ ~~..""'."; ',. ,Ii. "UTNO.::~~lCD sngJl.1tl,iIllE"'. t ';"::,1, '( i 5 ,1'000 ~ 50 ~ 5 ~o,11 ';~ -, " S;c~2.~d~~f", 'i;" NJ; IUDRTW~ FORKi~ """i'1'~';i' U'U... BANK & TRUST CO . <, 'f MATTITUCtC, U.. 'N. Y.- ~, I.;E:..'-'A<- N DATE CERTIFIED May 26,'1971 5776, HI ;." ;, o.",""y 26. 1971 ~ '", . h )r '. Qic: 012 "-8 .~ l." ~AMOUNT 'W .J J ,..,. ,,,)~ ,- " ~, , 'c- ,.~.. . ~ )' CHECK NO. 127 FOR CERTIFI~O Henry L CHECK!N FAVOR OF . ~,~;; Straub &'Janet H';.Straub '\ }l JaYJe F. Foster FE~ CERTIFIED BY CHARGE .'-". , . , ")~, l~ r TOTAl. C~ARGE $lS. 01.2':i48 TOIm of Southo1d,Ga)Jitcl t'..Acct ....',.,i' PAll 1 lT1A (in r'ii'~.ij:lt~~X.!t.,", if; , 044-0S126_8 .,;i, CERTIFIED CHECK VOUCH ER Ace'T. NO. ,:\'i ,';' :{. / ': 0 2 ~ I, '" 0 ? <j ~ I: 01,1,05~2bBII. 00055 ,"ooO'~'o i~' ~a"'~ ',l" i j :::;L,:", ,..j,' ., ,~I , , .~ " . ".,,,' ~ ," ''I ': ': ..,.~ , ,.~.'.. . "~', r ,(:, DATE ;# AMOUNT ,.' .TO:WNmsbtfTuo;w, ,ALBER~~., JU;A:RTOc'Ctmli' ~JIr-l!;ItVtsOR 16'SOUTIl.$1'IUq;:T , GREJ<;N!;',ORii. .v:to";'!l\14'l.. 50-791 , .: '>~~~~flr~~Bt~,;,,;>, :jno=~,sl ;.,..,;::; TOWN'PFrS01J'nIQLD:.' " '," "" .,' ,,"'... (;.APJ.'l'AL;~;IJIJOUN'r. . ,,', .. . "~~~:~2~5~;r~ I , :~:.c. _ ~la_ .."'1l ' AL8Hf M. MUTQlicMi.~ 'J,I"I~~- 11'0 I. 1."'0510 2 b BII',,\, :..' ,~ ., 't.', j~-::- ,,::~:',f~ 'i9;~3 230 iif' r'.;;;""'-~"',-~ ~ 'f,::~-: iiV"iIiWO"I~"'~NT T"~~-W"j;~At .. CC IN '1:i..L~.""'IoI~~2" Tift lI'QLLOWlNO ACCOI.!_,,!T <h Pflri~Wo~~~4d $~~~~--- ~ N~ ~!KI1 nER ~~ GREENPORT, L, I.,N.Y, "944 01:02101.11107'1101: , _-=~~~~~,:_-.., ~_ ":-~~o':'':".",-,,,___ -'li;"-~~"':*,...;;'~. _......,.-,~~~ _"._. 51 Q'i-.e I> U L. d 11'/) /1 l"ll.r r "'. " DATE. AMOUNT TOWN OF SOU:qIOLD ALBERT JU. MARTOCCHIA, SUPERVISOR 16 ,SOUTH STRj':ET OREENPORT, N.'Y' , 11944 .-,- ';;+:231 j' "';.. "' ~ j:'", ' ,~ '~.. 50-791 .: .N<!~?:.5 - ~r li '. .' " '. ~ I """~'" . ':,,:~'-"'~- ~ ',0~DOLJ~\RS '~ ; <, n TOWN OF.SOUTHQr.1?,:;:,:" Ii . CAPITAL .,\.CCOq;N1,'" '.c.... . ,~ ".o~~i,'~".:7~~~lJ. I~,C., ... - ~-.....~~'~'- '''.' BV KNOOfl.."i'iiiimT THI. CH~CI( W,,","N p;;:;O is "CC~I"T"D '~"LL. P"'Y_'i~.!<T'O THIt ..oU.OW'N<l *CCOUNT-_ .~- B" ~ tJ THE' U' ,- OUDImOF-:-~~.___~~_ .C 7~~~>';:,;~..:r:~ . trxfJ N~~!K'! T!~ ~~ GREENPORT. L.I., N.Y. 11944 _,~~"i~':.:'"""" _....:::.c--;-;;-:-_--~~-_ 01:0 2 ~L,IIIO 711 ~I: ~~~~~~-- --- _..:",= .__. ';.J:,.;,;,,'IIlI'a.. ..-...._..,.,.i~~ 3Qlfe /) VI.- /:;< // (! ~, "-.~~'I.JlL"TI -i!a~t"'~~'.: 'IV - .. MOHAWK 9.3710 goseph oBle, P. C. COUNSELOR AT LAW 239 HIClBIE LANE, WE~ ISLIP, N. Y. 11795 January 22, 1973 Mr. Albert Martocchia, Supervisor Town of Southold Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Town of Southold Condemnation Dear Mr. Martocchia: I am happy to enclose herewith copy of order and final decree duly signed by the Hon. William R. Geiler on the 18th day of January, 1973 and filed with the County Clerk as of January 19, 1973. This order completes the condemnation and I would like to express my appreciation to you and the Town Board for the opportunity of being of service. Respectfu~ly yours, JL:bj Enc. ...'/ _.~ 'JOSEo/LITE, / .;/ P. C. - ~.. (-"_ . O. . a&e,,~~-/ S"Pl- k' . h ~h"~" if ,- ease ta e notice t at the L.-;Itiiin IS a (certlfzed) true copy of a duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on 19 Index No. ~~. Year (173 ~lllLCOUItT t SUfFOLK COUN1Y In ~h8 Ma~~eT of the Petition of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD for the Purpose of acquiring the real property neces.ary for tha approaches of the Grand AVenue Bridge at Mattituck. located in the Town of Soutbold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. Dated, Yours, etc., II Adorney lor d Office alld Post Office Address To Attorncy(s) for NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OfUllik ANP FINAL OECRF.E MW AfFIDAVIT Sir ;- Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the within named Court, at JOSliPH LITH. P. C. iltto""y lor Petitioner Office and Post Office Address, Telephollc ;!51! llid}ie Lane West :sllr. Ncv Yark 11195 HOllewk 9-:J71.1 on the day of M. 19 at Dated, YOllr~, etc., To Attorney(s) for AttorhCS for ,\ Office and Post Office Address Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated, - - .,...~ '-' _~...,_."_,,"__~~::::.':::,,",,~;,,~:':'__,,',' ""."==:=...:~~.;.,._..:....::.:...:....;.:..:;..:..:..":....."=..;....:;.;..;;.~2:::.:..' - , ,- .. ~,_. - - . ..., . _.:.-":~._~.._~..,-~="",,",,,,,-~~.;~~,---~,~_.~,_~..~--,-'.....i~~, -- - _..~..c ~. _:--~-_::;,::..~ :;:..,. -:"""':';:.-";"--- ,-~-;:-~--~:"""~';~-='....~, _:~~