HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Avenue Bridge Condemnation property ,.. - I I i I i I I I I I I I i I I I I J&1IU.ry 15, 1973 K'1'. JOMPh Lite. Counaelo'1' .t Law %39 Hlghl. LaM Weat bllp. New Yon 11795 Rei CoDcl_tlon Mary Eclel_ - Otto Andg De8'1' Sh:. Iu comMCtion with the .bow c.ptloned e.... I am euclo.i.. henwith TOWD cheek. fo'1' Mn. 1de1.maA ia the _at of $5.000.00. aad for Mn. ldelmaa Uld NT. ADdg fo'1' $25,000.00. Ia accol'da1Iee with your requeat. 1 heve atao .KloHd photo.t.t. of the eJo.ek. dr_ to IlDbe'&'t C.aol. aad to Heu'&'y aad J_t Straub for your iafo_don a. to the prev1ou. Httlemeat.. Other chaqe. in tId. mattO'l'. _ly your fee, the fe. of llD.n 6. T.ylo'&' AppniHn, .1IAl of latO'&' Couaty Title Gu.naty 6. Ko'&'tg.g. Co. . wan p'&'elO1lted to tha 80ud a1lAl pa)'lMDt au tbod..d. 1 eKlo.. tho.. three cheeka hen- with. in o'1'de'1' that you may make cCllDplete dbtdbutlon. Youn very tmly Albe'1't M. Kutocchia SuperrilO'1' EDell (6) ~ ~._--~~-=" SUPREmo rnUTIr or. THE ST^ Tr OF ',iE\" YORK COIINTY OF SlIFFOLK . - . - - ~ . . . . - - - . - . -x In the Natter of the Petition of the TOWN OF SOllTHOI.D for the purpose of acquiring the real property necessary for the 811t'roaches of the Grand Avenue Bridge at Hattituck, located in the Town of Southald, County of Suffolk :md State of New York. . . RECEIPT AND RELEASE . . Mar No. 2 . . _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - -X WHEREAS, pursuant to the provhions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted hy an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 18th day of August, 1971, and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said proceeding became vested in the Town of Southold, and the proceeding continued for the pur- pose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this t'roceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately t'rior to the vesting of title as aforesaid in the said Town of Southold, Mary Edelman and Otto Anrig, of Mattituck, New York, owned the parcel of prot'erty known, as Mat' No.2, which said parcel of t'rot'erty is 1I0re particularly , described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed, and WHEREAS, the said person or persons who owned said adjoining parcel of property prior to the acquisition as afore- said by the Town of Southold desire to compromise and settle the . claim for compensation therefor at the sum of $25,000.00, which , the said Town of Southold agrees to pay. NOW, TllEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of $25,000.00, lawful money of' the United States, in hand paid to the undersigned, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby accepts said sum in full compromise and settlement of any and all claims for compensation or damage by reason of the acquisition of said parcel of property by said Town of Southold, and the ascertainment of compensation or damages by the said Court is hereby waived and the said Town of Southold, is herehy released from any other or further claim for the . acquisition of said parcel of property, and the undersigned hereb~ ratify and confirm the title to said Mal' No. 2 acquired by said ' Town of Southold, as aforesaid. As an inducement to said compromise and settlement it is represented and guaranteed by the undersigned that at the time, title to said parcel of prot'erty vested in said Town of Southold, i the undersigned had fee simple title to "lap No.2, free of any incumbrances or liens or claims of any nature and that no assign- ment has been made of the compensation to be paid by said Town of Southold for said property. I '. -........ -~ ~- ,.~ 'S ~ /off!' () () I- G lIlt" .. ~ .----:;-.~UP'i_,!....r;r.--- ~'IU'.J_~.....,1l: ~r ~' ~ . --.. jJ' b" " rl. \';!7NF(' !',l'l'rnn. thi.. instrument is executed thh :Td 'W' of Januarv, 1.973 {/j -1 ," Il L Ci. ~ () .1':!.l.,/TH M0J Marv elman . .. (/ -.;;--~ i // / H ,/ C C 7 /'(j (/~44~L' /' Otto Anrtg ~ STATE OF NEW YORK) ) !IS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 3rd day of January, ,1973, before me personally came HARY EDELMAN and OTTO ANRIG, to me known and known to me to be the individuals de!lcribed in and who executed the forep,oinp, instrument, and acknowledged 0 me that tbey executed the same. WIUIAM WTCT:rr,\I! NOTARY pl'llur, "1',:,'" 0,' ,';<:W YORK !-,! ('. _I :,1 ": ::' ~ ~: I Qmdi!";.'d i :":',,.:\ t:"'i:::l~ Term c"":",' - .!,-,,,~;, "0 19,'Q ..,," _ .' _ .'~L ~., ..., ';I :_Y'I:' C(,~j'~;ln.i f:':~ ~,,:'I'~:" ,., ~-." ~-t S~l-fe /) _c/ J..J'I/t" na.~n __.._~"'W.'~ ,'. y.,.,.", :g:..c~ ,!rj. Ot. 'l:~";,J,r~;--o/' "_ ,\ }1'Vl-.l~~'}:~~',-:;'~J;EhhlJl:' .tjq )'lJc.:~.~.,nw~; J;. '- ,,:: ;~ '..: . 1: 1". . Map No. 2 PARCEL .'A" - continued distant easterly, measured radiall~ from station 5 + 84 f of said center line; thence southerly along the last mentioned boundary of said existing road 54 f feet to the point of beginning; being 10,472 f sof. or 0.240 acre more or less. PARCEL "B" - Fill Easement BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of the previously described Parcel "A" at the intersection of the said boundary with the high water mark of Long Creek said point being 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured at right angles, from station 7 + 97 f of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Grand Avenue (Reeves Avenue), thence northerly along the said high water mark as it winds and turns 50 f feet to a point 62.50 feet distant easterly, measured at right angles, from station 8 + 30 f of said center line; thence southerly 30 f feet to a point 50.00 feet distant easterly, measured at right angles, from station 8 + 00.00 of said center line; thence south- easterly 100 f feet to a point 50.00 feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 7 + 00.00 of said center line; thence still south- easterly 102 f feet to a point. on the northerly boundary of said Parcel "A", the last mentioned point being 40.00 feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 5 + 97 f of the said center line; thence westerly along the said boundary 15 :t feet to a point 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured at right angles, from station 6 + 00.00 of the said center line: thence northerly and still along the last mentioned boundary of said Parcel "A" 194f feet to the point of beginning; being 4,884 f s.L or 0.112 acre more or less. The above mentioned survey center line is a portion of the survey center line for the proposed reconstruction of Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue) as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. 'S~}-fef)()l-G lIlt" .._'''-#-' Grand Avenue (Reeves Avenue) Map No. 2 To be acquired from Mary Edelman and Otto Anrig, reputed owners, ALL those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York for the reconstruction of Grand Avenue (Reeves Avenue), as shown on Map No, 2 and described as follows: PARCEL "A" ~ Taking Area BEGINNING at a point on the westerly boundary of the existing Wickham Avenue at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the lands of Mary Edelman and Otto Anrig, reputed owners on the north, and the lands of Lynn Me Teague, reputed owner on the south, said point being 42 ~ feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 5 + 49 ~ of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Grand Avenue (Reeves Avenue), thence north- westerly along said division line 165 ~ feet to a point on the high water mark of Long Creek, the last mentioned point being 56 ~ feet distant westerly, measured radially, from station 6 + 82 ~ of said center line: thence northerly along said high water mark as it winds and turns 145 x feet to a point 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured at right angles, from station 7 + 97 ~ of said center line: thence southerly 56 z feet to a point 25,00 feet distant easterly, measured at right angles, from station 7 + 39.69 of said center line; thence southerly on a curve to the left, having a radius of 2,839.79 feet, an arc distance of 138t feet to a point 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured radiall~ from station 6 +00,00 of said center line; thence easterly 60 ~ feet to a point on the westerly boundary of said existing road. the last mentioned point being 84,00 feet In the Hatter of the Pett- tion of the TOWN OF SOUTH- OLD for the purpo~e of acquiring the real property neceslary for tha approachol of ell. Grand A-venue Bridge at Matt1tuck, located 1n th~ Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and 5tat~ of Nev Yor". MAP NO.2. \ J . ~, ~~~ /~- /973 / /: :3 ~ ,/7' <hJ c4&!4 // ~J /~ C'~/b JOSEPH LITE. It. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 239 HIGBIE LANE WEST !SLIP, N.Y. 1179~ 1516l MO 9.3710 I ~~-=-"..-.. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x In the Matter of the Petition of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD for the purpose of acquiring the real property necessary for the approaches of the Grand Avenue Bridge at Mattituck, located in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. RECEIPT AND RELEASE Map No. 4 - - ~ - - - - - - - - . - -x WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 18th day of August, 1971, and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said proceedin~ became vested in the Town of Southold, and the proceeding contInued for the pur- pose of determining the compensation to be made to the owner of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title as aforesaid in the said Town of Southold, Mary Edelman, of Mattituck, New York, owned the parcel of property known as Map No.4, which said parcel of property is more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed, and WHEREAS, the said person or persons who owned said adjoining parcel of property prior to the acquisition as afore- said by the Town of Southold desire to compromise and settle the claim for compensation therefor at the sum of $5,000.00, which the said Town of Southold agrees to pay. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of $5,000.00, lawful money of the United States, in hand paid to the undersigned, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby accepts said sum in full compromise and settlement of any and all claims for compensation or damage by reason of the acquisition of said parcel of property by said Town of Southold, and the ascertainment of compensation or damages by j the said Court is hereby waived and the said Town of Southold, is hereby released from any other or further claim for the acquisition of said parcel of property, and the undersigned hereb ratify and confirm the title to said Map No. 4 acquired by said Town of Southold, as aforesaid. As an inducement to said compromise and settlement it is represented and guaranteed by the undersigned that at the time title to said parcel of property vested in said Town of Southold, the undersigned had fee simple title to Map No.4, free of any incumbrances or liens or claims of any nature and that no assign- ment has been made of the compensation to be paid by said Town of Southold for said property, t:, , I. Q +~'" ... I,AI, ~ c,J . .. I.J /I ~ I; . (L ;.. , ------------~'--- " jl I I, II I STATE OF JlEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ 3rd IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed this day of January, 1973. fJr- aft~ -6 /CU~Cvnn/ Mar~~ elman S5. : On the 3rd day of January personally came MARY EDEL~~N, to me kno the individual described in, and who e strument, and acknowledged to me tha s o r u WILLiAIlST'r:U~EW YORK NOTARY PU~~ICi,H259000 Quo\lll,d' in Sllulf'hl\OC'i;~ 3 Term expires a.te , ~, 'ie,' . S -.l to... II~ II ~)TtTl.J(/l-'; ~ r Map 1'10. q To be acquired from Mary Edelman, reputed owner. ALL those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York for the reconstruction of Grand Avenue (Reeves Avenue), as shown on Map No.4 and described as followsg PARCEL "A~ - Taking Area BEGINNING at a point on the southerly boundary of the existing Brower Road at its intersection with the southwesterly boundary of the existing Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue), said point being the intersection of the said boundaries with the division line between the lands of Mary Edelman, reputed owner on the east, and the lands of Henry L. and Janet H. Straub, reputed owners on the west, said point being 15 :!: feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 11 + 95 :!: of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue), thence easterly along said boundary of Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue) 13 :!: feet to a point 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 11 + 85 :!: of said center line~ thence southerly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 3,794.72 feet, an arc distance of 169 :!: feet to a point on the high water mark of Long Creek, the last mentioned point being 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 10 + 15 :!: of the said cen- ter line~ thence westerly along the said high water mark, as it winds and turns 15 :!: feet to a point on the first mentioned division line, said point being 10 :!: feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 10 + 10 :!: of said center linet thence northerly along the said division line 185 :!: feet to the point of beginning~ being 2,213 :!: s.f. or 0.051 acre more or less 1:i S ..1-i'- I,AI,. ~)T rr u () ~ /::- ~ I"""" '- ~ .--"..,-....... , - Grand ~venue(Reeves Avenue) :'j: Map No.4 PARCEL~BU - Fill Easement BEGINNING at a point on the easterly boundary of the previous1y'des- cr1bed Parcel "Au at the intersection of the said boundary with the south- westerly boundary of the existing Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue), said pOint being 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 11 + 85 ~ of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruc- tion of Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue), thence easterly along said boundary of Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue) 15 ~ feet to a point 35.00 feet distant easterl~ measured at right angles. from station 11 + 76 ~ of said center line~ thence southerly through the lands of Mary Edelman, reputed owner 125 ~ feet to a point on the high water mark of Long Creek, the last mentioned point being 56.00 feet distant easterly. measured radially, from station 10 + 50 ~ of tl said center line; thence southwesterly along the said high water mark 48 ~ feet to a point on the easterly boundary of said Parcel "AU, the last men- tioned point being 25.00 feet distant easterly, measured radially, from station 10 + 15 ~ of said center line; thence northerly along the last men- tioned boundary of said Parcel "AU 169 :!: feet to the point of beginning~ being 2,942 ~ s.f. or 0.068 acre more or less. The above mentioned survey center line is a portion of the survey cen- ter line for the proposed reconstruction of Grand Avenue(Reeves Avenue) as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. I I~ '~$/~ N-. /'573 (/r' /7 U II: jC/d/ 7, ad~~ --- / d<'~- &k- In the Matter of the Peti~ tion of the TOWN OF SOUTH~ at>> for the purpose of acquiring the real property necessary for the approache! tf the Grand Avenue Bridge at Mattituck. located in thE Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York MAP NO. 4 JOSEPH LITE . p. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 239 HIGBIE LANE WEST ISL.IP. N.Y. 11795 (!516) MO 9.3710