HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-127.-9-1 f MAX I'MIN /'M/N FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE 2 1 2MAX-- T- wit 4 UA 900 GAL SEPTIC TANK 4?GA L. ..LAURELWOOD 370 WAGE I r A INK 300 so Fr 3' SIDE WALL AREA P IMP LEACHING POOL 5 GPM SAND 8 GRAVEL COLLAR T 1 4 11 PIPE- HOUSE �g- GROUND WATER 10,MIN. GROUND W47ER I I SEPTIC TA NA' rypIcAi Sf-WA6E DISPOSAL SYSTEM LEACHIN 1:8MIN. P004 TOWN OF SOUTHOL --- TOWN OF RIVERHEAD TYPICAL WELL DEML rrplcA4 PZOr PLAN LOCATION MAP SCALE Pt-600' THE WATER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR A44 LOTS IN THIS orvELoAi comi WITH THE STANDARDS AND RroultREAfrNrs OF THE sUFFoLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEA L r7t. v , T Diochun Subdivision "Laurel Pal-It" Suff. Co, File No, 212 ALDEN W I"SYS6,6E L.S. NO 12845 5 36-56'0?"t. 5 29"1 141i:26' 150.08' 35, NORTH OAKWOOD DRIVE UTILITY POLE I HERray CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SUR EYS Comt r (7) -390��ffff#/ AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN rHUSON HNIE"ON ACTUALLY EXISrANO THEIR POSITIONSARE CORRECTLY SHOWNAND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC r -IAILS ARE Cot. 4or7 T� 142,512 SO.Fr tor v k') YOUNG 9 YOUNKjRVER?- 47016SO.Fr B4.D,At ALDEN W YOUNG, NYSP aLSNI HOWARD W.YOUNG, N YS. L S. NO. 45893 S.44"5 41"f 13858 f7E '03 1 MV THIS IS 7o CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLANHAS BEEN APPROVED or THE PLANNING BOARD (5) OF THE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OFARPROVAL DATED (32) ( 8) 0 LOTS it II RECHAR&E BASIN 'm 12 Lore 4Z,960 SQ,Fr AT 7,fsrM%ER a DA r;E 42,656 50.Fr 44,040$92 FT CHA IRMA IV,P1.ANNINSSOARD 0 LAURELWOOD DRIVE I k) ff.32-is'42"W. -TR N.38.33,42"w, NOTE: 36 41"9 rNr 4orLINES OF SUBVIV15101V MAPS AS FILED CANN0rBf ALTERED WirHOUr PXRAIV;�� I 3,19 ( 14) (4) Z3 --� FROM THE At ANNING BOARD,AND LOTS MUST BE SOLD AS SHOWN ON me SUMV4.* (9) L07`4 -, Q, LOT m Z) LOT St 41,803 50.Fr. 40,716 50 FT PARCE49 MARKEDIAES;ArDEAD END srRkF7s AVSWAY 40,408 SO,Fr DEDICATION. pri5 41,786 SO Fr K' A4RX 8 RECREATION AREA P7000' N.32-53,4e"w. 269. 'rs A NJZ' TEST H04E NO 7rsrNDLENc.z rr$rN&F ND$ 0,,Iy Kenneth evils "i .96,161 so.Fr �now Of' for"' .0) z ( 3) lb Lori SaL rOP "14 Lor"i 4orlo 41,845 50.Fr rop sati k 6 40,500$0, Fr 40,500 30.FT CLAY 2,ags' 190.00 "MAY LOAN -OE 11 350.46' — 5.0 mrAvrLoAm mrHOLE 1 N 32-33,4"pi, 290.48' 3F'3J'42"W. J7000, A'32'$5'4#'W. fr000, 5,48, mm Qz Z t 4FAND Lor17 I, LOT 1 40,714 50.FT. (2) So Fr x 40,85OS6.Fr JW o", Lor Iz 4orli Lore 'k, " 11 1 (�SQ) G)� -T 7,z - 19 Ff Ik 40,364 50.Fr 40,368 30 Fr 40,034 SO Fr k .0 1101 -50 4 LIQ 40,608 So Fr Loy 0 1 nk ep k' k 40,193 SO.Fr (.p %% $60 It 0 EAGLE it Pk tA 00 WHITE 'Ail i' N -1 1 70. RlIVOI 11400' 18400 �4410 0.00, L-106.00 184.00' -1 .4 AMC? 18504' IWAP OF ,A.00 ZINAUTHDRUES ALT111,4TIO11 TO THIS lUPVEY 15 A�IOLAT[ON OF Liu - OWIVER� SECTIOti 72Q9 Or Fill'I"' Y11111 ITAT- C) St SO GOL DEN VIEW ES 7 A TES, INC �ATH�N LA TE ( 20) (21) (22) (231 ( 24) �(25) 2" %CARMINE RWRA NO A 1141141T 711TI m it, I J, 4or2l 4or22 4or.13 Lor24 Lor25 Lorz6 ZS r1hr tt Z I I 1z 40,29V SO.Fr 51-,?9 Oth.' P4ACC IZOT28 Q1 Lorzo 1 40 HE SO 40,112 SO.Fr 40,4-�?SO, 0, 50. 4 40,132 50,FT 40,112 so F.r Fr Fr 4 Fr W000510E, N.Y 11$77 ITT 40,112 so Fr 1 0,056 SO.Ft 1 jL 4 4 80 so.Fr A T' L A UREL OF 7Fsrm"J tic I �Li�CT ANP M TOT44 AREA=36.667 ACRES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Iij ITL k �1 ;1 T—F--- GAL RAGE Fr NK -'Do -90 S`D- WALL AREA LIMP -ACHtNa POOL GPM 6 it SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY� Al,, �R SUIlIOUFFTF V.32.33,40"w. ?027.61' T THIS SUBDIVISION WILL APPEAR IN'DISTRICT lddld" t ON SECTION SHEET 197 IN BLOCK9 OF THE SCA I Ez IF"-/00' now or fonTerly Calvin Rasweiler SUFFOLK COUNTY TAx MAR t i I (291 INDICATES TAX.MAP PARCEL NUMBERS ASSIGNED BY too 50 0 /00 4 F THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGEINCY. 'A A % T i-4 0 Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E.RAYNOR,Jr.,Chairmn TELEPHONE JAMES WALL 765-1938 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,Jr. WIL11AM F.MULLEN,Jr. June 9 , 1983 Ms . Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Golden View Estates Dear Ms . Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Plan- ning Board, Wednesday, June 1, 1983 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the final subdivision map of Golden View Estates, located at Laurel, subject to applicant posting bond in the amount of $340, 000. for roads and improvements within this subdivision and the following conditions : ( 1) Erosion and sediment control measures shall be required during and immediately after construc- tion on each lot to insure that stormwater runoff will not carry eroded and other deleterious mater- ials into Brush' s Creek and the tidal wetlands bordering the creek. (2) No residential structure or sanitary disposal facility shall be installed or constructed within 100 feet of the upland edge of the tidal wetlands along the shoreline of Brush' s Creek. (3) No stormwater runoff resulting from the develop- ment of the subdivision or any of the lots shall be discharded directly into the adjacent body of water or the tidal wetlands bordering Brush' s Creek. Ms . Abigail Wickh;- (2) 6/9/83 ------------------ ------------------------------------------ (4) Conditions 1-3 , inclusive , shall be filed as covenants and restrictions in the office of the County Clerk on or prior to the granting of ap- proval to this subdivision. Please advise our office when the bond has been posted and forward a copy of the filed covenants and restrictions to our office for our files . Very truly yours , HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary DECLARATION OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this 5th day of March lop 84., bv GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. , a domestic corporation with principal offices at c/o Carmine Rufrano, 51-29 65th Place, Woodside, New York 11377; W 1 T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. is the owner in fee simple of certain premises in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled "GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. ' a subdivision situate at Laurel, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County as Map No. on the day of 1 1984; said premises having been conveyed to GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. by deed dated April 5, 1979 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 20, 1979 at Liber 8614, Page 268; and by deed dated April 5, 1979 and recorded in the Suffolk Countv Clerk's Office on April 20, 1979 at Liber 8614, Page 262; and WHEREAS, Declarant is improving said premises as a planned suburban residential community and contemplates the said premises to be conveyed to individual purchasers; and WHEREAS, Declarant is desirous of placing certain restrictions upon said premises which shall be binding upon all purchasers, lessees, mortgagees of individual lots, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or other successors in interest; NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant, declares that the aforesaid land is held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. Buildings. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain, other than one private dwelling for the use and occupancy of one family not to exceed two stories in height, and a private garage for not more than two cars. A one story dwelling erected thereon, shall have a first floor area of not less than twelve hundred (1,200) square feet and a two story dwelling shall have a first floor area of not less than nine hundred (900) square feet, not including porches, breezeways, carports or garages. All garages must be attached to the dwelling. No structure shall be erected on any lot until the building plans for it have been approved, in writing, by the Declarant or its assignee. 2. Trailers. No mobile type homes or trailers, tents or shacks, shall be kept, used, moved or allowed on said premises regardless of their size, with the exception of boat trailers, which may be kept in the rear of the premises. 3. Siding. No asbestos siding shall be used in the construction of any dwelling or any other structure on any lot. 4. Fences. No fences or walls or sinilar structure shall be built or placed upon any lot, except that split rail fences or natural hedges not more than four feet in height are permitted. 5. Annoying Activities. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor 2- shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 6. Exterior Appearance. The exterior of all buildings on the lot must be maintained in good condition and repair so as not to become unsightly, the lawns must be kept cut short, and the premises in general must be kept neat and tidy. 7. Utility Easements. The Declarant reserves the sole right to grant franchise and consent for the installation and maintenance of any public utility in, over, upon and across any of the streets in the development, including, without limitation, the right to lay water and gas mains, erect pole lines for the transmission of electric power and install other utilities in, over, upon and across the said streets. The Declarant does also reserve for itself and its successors in interest a perpetual easement not to exceed five (5) feet in width, along the rear and side lines of each lot in the development, for utility installation and maintenance. 8. Maintenance Charges. Each and every lot conveyed in the subdivision shall be subject to an annual charge in such amount as will be fixed by the Declarant, its successors and assigns, as shall be reasonably necessary for payment of taxes, insurance, maintenance, repair and improvement of the park and recreation areas, roads and drainage areas. Upon the organization of a property owner's association and assignment of Declarant's interests in these covenants to said association, the sum provided for in this paragranh shall he determined -3- by and payable to such association. The owner of any lot for himself, his heirs, successors, and assigns covenants that he will pay this charge to the Declarant, his successors and assigns, on the first day of January in each and every year, and further covenants that said charge shall on said date in each year become a lien on the land and shall continue to be such lien until fully paid. Such charge shall be payable to the Declarant or his successors and assigns, and shall be devoted to the maintenance of the roads, and such other public purposes as shall from time to time be determined by the Declarant, his successors or assigns. A party by the acceptance of a deed hereby expressly vests in the Declarant, his successors and assigns, the right and power to bring all actions against the owner of the premises hereby conveyed or any part thereof for the collection of said charge and to enforce the aforesaid lien therefor. 9. Roads and Drainage. Declarant shall install road improvements, fire hydrants and drainage systems pursuant to specifications approved by the Town of Southold. No title in any such road opened or laid out by Declarant is intended to be con- veyed to purchasers of any lots, and Declarant reserves to itself the fee of all land lying in the bed of any rocks. 10. Dedication. The Declarant reserves the right to dedicate all streets, roads, drainage areas and easements to the Town of Southold for highway and drainage purposes, or to convey the road to a property owner's association. 11. Grading. The elevation or grade of a -lot shall not be changed so as to -4- materially affect the surface or grade of the surrounding lots. 12. Animals. No animals, livestock or poultry shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except dogs, cats or other household pets not kept or bred for com- mercial purposes. All pets shall be housed in the main idence only. 13. roRerty Owner's Association. Upon the conveyance by Declarant of a majority of the lots in the subdivision, Declarant shall establish a not-for-profit corporation, to be known as the Golden View Estates Property Owner's Association (hereinafter, "the Association") for the purpose of maintaining roads, park and recreation areas, general planting and improvements within those roadways and areas, traffic control and all common community services of every kind required or desired within the subdivision for the general use and benefit of all lot owners. Every lot owner, in accepting a deed for a lot in the subdivision, shall be a member of and subject to the duly enacted rules, regulations and bylaws of the Association, effective upon its formation. Declarant shall con- vey its interest in the roads, if not yet dedicated to the Town of Southold, the drainage areas, parks and recreation areas, to the Association within six (6) months after its formation. 14. Modification and Assignment. The Declarant, his successors or assigns, whether or not owning any part of the aforesaid land, shall have the right to alter, modify or annul any of the covenants, restrictions or conditions of this declaration and shall also have the Dower to assign such rights (with or without a conveyance of any title -5- to any part of the aforesaid land) by an instruaent in recordable form. Should the Declarant at any tim assign such right, assignees thereof shall succeed to all the rights and powers of the Declarant hereunder, whether or not such assignees have any title to any part of the aforesaid land. 15. Wetlands Setback. No residential structure or sanitary disposal facility shall be installed or constructed within 100 feet of the upland edge of the tidal wet- lands along the shoreline of Brush's Creek. 16. Storrrwater Runoff. No stornwater runoff resulting from the developrrent of the subdivisioi or any of the lots shall be discarded directly into the adjacent body of water or the tidal wetlands bordering Brush's Creek. Erosion and sediment control neasures shall be inplemented during and innediately after construction on each lot to avoid such runoff. 17. Non-waiver and Severability. Failure by the Declarant, his successors or assigns, or an owner, to enforce any of the provisions herein shall in no event be deerred a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgrent or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 18. Duration. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the said parties, their heirs, administrators and assigns until January 1, 1993, and said covenants and restrictions may be enforced by action for damages or injunctions or both -6- until the first day of january, 1993. IN WITNESS WF1ERMF, the foregoing Declaration has been executed by GOMEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. , the day and year first above written. GOIDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. By: carmine Mitrano, /Pi�;—Si — STATE OF MI YOPK ss CDUNTY OF SUFFOLK : On the day of MKC,� lSB4 , before me personally cam CAIMNE IUFRANO, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 51-29 65th Place, j*)Odside, Nex%T york 11377; that he is the President of Golden View Estates, Inc. , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name tliereto by like order. JOSEPH DE "RTINO NoWry public, St,te of N� York No. 30-0915241 Quolified in Nc5soo C..only Term Expire, Morch 30, ]9d?S- Public —7— DECLARATIONS OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS by GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, a domestic corporation with principal offices at c/o Carmine Rufrano 51-29 6th Place Woodside, New York 11377 Dated: March 5 , 1984 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.C. MAIN ROAD MAMTUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 INFORMATION IN REGARD TO APPROVED SUBDIVISION Name Of Subdivision SCTM# 1000- Subdivision approved by Planning Board on Subdivision filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office Zone at time of approval Current zone -L so - Date zone verified Clustered subdivision: Yes— No_.X_ Covenants and Restrictions filed for subdivision: Yes X, No (see below/attached for details) Building envelopes shown for individual lots: Yes N Front If No, set-backs for all lots within subdivision: A-, -Sckrd, Rear — Side yard. Comments: C-41-11 ':5 106 _ -iro�, mSLt�f±�,z j,SP0<,0 MLJOL4 75' Cis fe�u'�Vllc� L TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Suffolk County, New York 516 - 765-1801 X0 9921s 1 Southold, N. Y. 11971 RECEIVED OF ,�'/ 0 /'()z;" , 622e L1, i-.� Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Ca Check I "- -- PLANNING BOARD MEMBEftt4 F F Ont, BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �'own Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J. CREMERS Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. EDWARDS 03 Fax (631) 765-3136 CM GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. CIP Telephone (631) 765-1938 RICHARD CAGGIANO A PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMO TO: Building Department FROM: Craig Turner, Planning Board RE: Golden View Estates (Laurelwood Estates Sec. 2) subdivision SCTM# 127-9-(1-32) DATE: August 29, 2000 The Planning Board reviewed the subdivision map at its August 28, 2000 work session, They decided that the land that was reserved for cul-de-sacs is no longer necessary. They recognize that these land reservations create problems on the small lots. They believe that the Building Department should measure the setbacks from the property line. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. P.O. Box 1179 Chainrnan Southold,New York 11971 CM WILLIAM J.CREMERS CA Fax (516)765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS %A.-- �p Telephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Mike Verity, Building Inspector FROM: Melissa Spiro, Planner-�� RE: Setback Requirement for Novak Lot Golden View Estates, Lot #7 SCTM# 1000-127-9-7 DATE: January 4, 1999 Although the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Golden View Estates Subdivision requires a 1001 setback from the wetlands, the Town Code allows for a 751 setback. The Planning Board will allow the proposed house to be constructed with a minimum setback of 751 from the wetland area. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information. enc. C" 00 Of 466 49 4 r- FrWeThMap "44 C� \0 V r—A wwticlf- 26 01 4:7ik-i t4 14 L "A 71 1, 10 .7�0. it 6XrV, /0 Z"OAW-"r L-> -rA X L�-r 1000- 111- rHE WATER SUPPLY 7,D )ISPOSAL FOR T EN MLLCON WE SUF FH + 7A x Lo-r 1000- 111- 06,-OL -e� -rA% 01 AVJ 110 41 jt4 AAe.,,iitA/7M Lg4jaV:?itrM Wf:* -7710 Oko* UnaulanGriltilid autlinitim Or addition W this docurnent is a Vidadch of 7209 Of am Now York State Education Law, repared SURVEY OF: L-o-r -7 andc-m insithurbon NOW hemon,and M VIA"Big�of the lending institutions or aut,", MAf Or— Qr�*, i,,/ji queen owners. 0.4 CoPers of MIS document not basing ine profemponal's inked"a)or arnbosamd —7amo OP /;70AT �Shall M be i:onsidered a valkit true oopy. L-Au The Off"U(Of di-ensions)Shown hereon,J,orn anumunks A,Am proorty lin,,am for a SPIlklift Purpose and use&M thilrelike are not intended to guide Am 0motion Cg 4ew'i 10�,mUkWV walis.POOIS,Patios.Planfing amax.Addition to buikbng$Of Any other CDrdUucbon. The mistence of righ(ot way,anV,,smarnerIts of iiiiny,not shown am not guaranteed. SCALE: CERTIFIED ONLY TO: Co N 0.ORAF e/7 DEST Lift"d County SEP 2 11998 By UG 73 woo I DL&OsOACHealth Service DESTIN G.GRAF N.Y.S.LIC No.50067 ROCKY POlNT(~(Vlftvj*water M ce TAX I.D.No. 100 6 - 120 0r -7 0 & PHONE(Mol li Alo YA X- ------- --- 13-6 4 FANMX----- ------- 4�- Eam k 1-77,10 14P-4 or"OK&SVE LM mv 2 ". -f4- r4r 2: Is ver 01 1 y ia� p 5'-6- 9'-4' road 52'-8' FIRSI FLOOR PLAN LFVM AREAWOO W.Pl. SCHEMINIHOMER GARAGE AREA4W 80.FT, PORCWAREA=3626Q�Fl. Q&/"m -------- T*N rol Ze e ro a ci e- le- IL+ — (Do r or) C3 C3 FRONT ELEVATION PLANNING BOARD MEMBER46 %1dFF0jt 0 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Chainnan P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS Southold, New York 11971 CA KENNETH L.EDWARDS %� Fax (516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Telephone(516) 765-1938 RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Mike Verity, Building Inspector FROM: Melissa Spiro, Planner ;*r RE: Setback Requirement for Novak Lot Golden View Estates, Lot #7 SCTM# 1000-127-9-7 DATE: November 12, 1998 The Planning Board reviewed the attached letter from Maureen and Tom Novak at the November 9, 1998, work session. Although the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Golden View Estates Subdivision requires a 1001 setback from the wetlands, the Town Code allows for a 75' setback. The applicant proposes to locate the house at 851 from the wetland area. Since this exceeds the setback required by the Town Code, the Planning Board will allow the proposed house to be constructed at the 851 setback. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information. enc. M5 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Ilan Main Rd. Southold,New York H 971 Box 296 4440 New Suffolk Road New Suffolk,New york 1]956 November 5, 1998 Dear Sirs, We are writing to You to request your consideration that the setback requirements of the P t we hope to have a home built on,at Lot#7 Eagle Nest Court in Laurel, roperty tha existence for homes being built at this time. remain at the 75 foot setback requirement that is in As our survey shows,the surveyor has the house ated at(+)or(-)85 f allowing ra 10 of sp for the 75 foot setback that exists today.We were on sim eet an ext feet ace the home within all the Other requirements for the aware of the 100 foot pre-existing setbacks, and proceeded to plan D.E.C.,B.O.H. etc.,without realizing this. Also,the covenants and restrictions were amended to require that houses be no less than 2,400 square feet,which is larger than the restrictions stated when the development was first divided. Our home is 2,401 square feet as required,and our surveyor can Only go down to 94 feet from the tidal w a and leave the feet, and the front yard setback of 60 feet. As the hous etland still minimum side yard setback of 20 on the west end of the property, e is situated now, we have 34 feet for our driveway entrance which is what we understand to be the Proper width for a side entry garage. When Planning the house, we had the 85 foot distance four the tidal wet] s a thou t to be correct as it exists on the surveyors map,with the garage to the left. If we were to have to and s we gh property fine, our driveway would no longer be move the house over to the west end of the turn into the garage. The other problem,as you functional with the 20 feet that would be remaining to have room to letter, if we had to move the garage doors to the can see from the architectural rendering we have enclosed with our instead of the front door, when approaching the It front of the house,they would be the focal point of the house house because of the cul de sac. This dramatic ch ouse from the west side,which is the only way to approach the ange in the front elevation of the house deters from the beauty of the plans and creates an aesthetically unappealing view of what we hoped to be the home of our dreams. We have lived in Southold town in our own home in New Suffolk for thirteen years, and are hoping to better our filmily's fife by building this home on property we have grown to love, with the plans we have made over the last seven months. We sincerely hope we can proceed with our dream, with your consideration of our home as it exists on the map we thought was correct,within the limitations,and that is actually smaller in width than the home that was put on the plans originally. We thank you sincerely for reading our letter, and hope you can have empathy for our situation because we have already sold our home and are moving Out Of it as we write to you. closing date is this Mo y,November 9th., 1998, at 2 P.M.,and we have waited eight weeks to Our nda be told that this was a problem.Please help us. With thanks and hope, I it fi C(44A� Sincerely,Maureen and Tom Novak SbUth6ld TOWA Ptanining BWrd Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 RAYMOND L.JACOBS Tel.765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 December 29 , 1994 Mrs . Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold , New York 11971 Re : Golden View Estates SCTM # 1000-127-09-01 to 32 Dear Mrs . Terry : I have received Mr. James Richter ' s December 21 report in reference to the final inspection of the above mentioned subdivision . I concur with his report and recommend ded- ication to the Town . Raymond L . Jacobs Superintendent of Highways cc : J . Richter R . Ward DEC 2:9 IMM N SO THOLD TOWN PUUNNING MBO7ARD T JACOBS ENGINEERING INSPECTOP -QF SUPER INTMENT, SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHwAY DEPARTMENT (516)-765-30?0 (516)-765-1750 C,2,F 3[ C-- M1401147EI-72�- DECEMBER 21 , 1994 Mr . Raymond L. Jacobs Southold Town Highway Superintendent Peconic Lane , p *0. Box 178 Peconic , New York 11958 Re: GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES Final Inspection - Road Dedication SCTM # 1000 - 127 - 09 - 01 to 32 Dear Ray : ffice to perform a final I have been asked by Judy Terry ' s 0 The procedure inspection of the above referenced subdivision . that the listed in the Specifications for Road Dedication indicates report should be sent to you for your review and acceptance . My last report , dated 10/20/93 , listed six items that required attention prior to acceptance . All of these items have been addressed satisfactorily with the exception of the following : installed to meet the requirements of 1 . Street signs were e of my last report . Since the Town shortly after the dat that time , approximately half of the signs have been damaged or stolen . The owner has agreed to replace these items . . ng this report , or if You If you have any questions concerni se contact my office . require any additional information , plea n erely �1 ameos 'A -A. cc: Richard G. Ward Board) DEC 12 19 (Chairman - Planning SOUTHOLD TOWN pL�jLN%j%G-BOARD C* LAURY L. DOWD Town Attorney Town Hall,53095 Main Road P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, Now York 11971 Fax (516)765-1823 Telephone(516)765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 6, 1994 Michael F. Maloney, Esq., P.C. 120 Windmill Lane Southampton, New York 11968 Re: Request for Highway Dedication for Golden View Estates Dear Mr. Maloney: I am replying to your submission of six plans for dedication of roads in Golden View Estates. I enclose a copy of Town Code Section A108-50 which establishes the procedure for such a dedication. Section A specifies the documents which must be submitted. At this point you have submitted only the maps, which the Town Clerk will hold pending receipt of the additional documents. You should also check for necessary compliance with Section 1, since it will be a major factor in proceeding with your request. Please call me if you have any questions. r y yours, u I ' Laury L. D wd Enclosure cc: Town Clerk Superintendent of Highways Town Engineer Planning Department DEC 61 §A108-48 HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS §A108-50 regulations, such alterations or modifications may be made on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways to and with the approval of the Town Board. §A108-49. Inspection of work. Any work done on any highway without notifying the Super- intendent of Highways or his inspector and done with no inspector present will be considered unacceptable and subject to review by the Inspector and the Superintendent of Highways. ARTICLE IV Final Dedication of Roads §A108-50. Procedure. If dedication of a road is being offered at some point in time after the performance bond has been released, this procedure should be followed: A. Dedication papers shall he submitted to the Town Clerk and shall include: (1) A duty acknowledged dedication and release, together with the required County Clerk's recording fees, if any. (2) A survey map of the property, which shall show the actual location of the highway area within the highway right-of-way and a metes and bounds description of the right-of-way. (3) An abstract of title certified to the Town Board by a reputable title company. (4) A bargain and sale deed with covenant against grantor's acts in the proper form for recording in the County Clerk�s office. (5) Six (6) sets of plans which demonstrate that the roads are in conformance with highway specifica- A10841 6-25-93 §A108-50 SOUTHOLD CODE §A108-50 tions as set forth in Chapter A108 of the Code of the Town of Southold. B. Upon receiving all of the aforesaid dedication papers,the Town Clerk shall refer the papers to the Town Attorney for review. C. When the Town Attorney deems the papers to be in proper legal form, he shall so notify the Town Clerk and forward the papers to the Superintendent of Highways. D. The Superintendent of Highways shall ask the Town Engineer to conduct an inspection of the road to be dedicated, the costs of which are to be assumed by applicant. The Town Engineer shall submit a written inspection report. The report shall itemize any work that remains to be completed in order to bring the road up to town highway specifications. E. The Town Engineer's report shall be submitted to the Highway Superintendent for his review. F. If further work is needed to bring the road up to specifi- cations the Highway Superintendent shall so notify the appli(;�nt,in writing,with a copy to the Town Clerk. G. After the work is deemed complete by the Highway Su- perintendent, he shall advise, in writing, the Town Clerk to submit the dedication papers to the Town Board for acceptance at its next regularly scheduled meeting. H. The name of such highway may be proposed by the owner or owners of property dedicating such highway, but the proposed name shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board and the Planning Board, primarily, to avoid duplication. 1. Before any highway shall be accepted by the Town of Southold as a town highway by dedication, the assessed value of the buildings and structures on the land on both sides of such highway, as shown on the current tax roll of the Town of Southold, shall have an assessed value of not A10842 6-25-93 §A108-50 HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS §A108-50 less than forty thousand dollars ($40,000.) per mile proportioned at that rate if more or less than a mile. A10843 6-M-93 0 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Richard G.Ward, Chairman Town Hall, 53095 Main Road George Ritchie Latham,Jr. (-4- �4- P. 0. Box 1179 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold, New York 11971 Mark S. McDonald 'v Fax(516) 765-3136 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE 7pbruary 23, 1994 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jennifer Maloney Maloney & Maloney Esqs. , P.C. 67 Hampton Road Southampton, New York 11968 RE: Golden View Estates SCTM# 1000-127-9-( 1-32) Dear Ms. Maloney In response to your letter sent by facsimile on February 2, 1994, the Planning Board conducted a field inspection of the above mentioned subdivision. The Board has determined that there are adequate trees on site to fulfill the street tree requirement. Therefore, as long as the trees are not removed, the Board will waive the requirement for the planting of street trees in the subdivision. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. sincerely Aeli"ss'a S;jilo Planner cc: James Richter, Engineering Inspector P.01 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: COVER + PAGES TO: FAX COMPANY: FROM GO C) SUBJECT: MESSAGE: rn +v 3 NOTICE: Pursuant to CPLR Section 2103 (b) (5) transmittal telephone number of this Office HAS NOT the electronic as a proper number for the service been designated action or proceeding. Of documents or papers in this 1994 ennifer M. Maloney Midlod F. Maloney Maloney & Maloney Esqs. , P. C Arlorneys-ar-Law 67 Hampton Road Soiahampton, New York 11968 516 1283-1360 VIA FAX Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York Re: Golden View Estates--Road Dedication Dear Planning Board Members: Colden View Estates, Inc. is in the process Of attempting to arrange to comply with the conditions set forth in the October 20, 1993 letter from Mr. Richter to Mr. Jacobs with regard to improvements and modifications which must be completed with regard to the application for dedication of the roads in the above subdivision. In this regard, a meeting was held between Mr. Richter and one of the principals of Golden View Estates, Inc. in order to clarify the requirements set forth in the October 20, letter. During the review of the subdivision, Mr. Richter indicated that due to the abundant natural growth of trees in the subdivision which has occurred since the date of the initial application for the subdivision itself, it may be possible to apply for a waiver from the Planning Board of the initial requirement for the planting of trees in the subdivision. As you may or may not be aware, these trees were initially planted and have died out over the years. Would you kindly advise as to whether the Board would be willing to grant a waiver of the necessity of planting trees in the subdivision? The elimination of this expense would be extremely beneficial -since Golden View Estates, Inc. has limited funds to expend in regard to dedication of the roads. Thank you. Very truly yours, Maloney & Maloney Esqs. , P.C. Jennifer ma�d'ney I& TOTAL P.02 0 Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 RAYMOND L.JACOBS Superintendent Tel.765-3140 734-5211 October 21 , 1993 Mr. Richard Ward , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold , New York 11971 Re : Golden View Estates SUM #1000-127-09-1 to 32 Dear Mr . Ward : I have reviewed Mr . James Richter ' s inspection report dated 10/20/93 in reference to road dedication for Golden View Estates and concur with his findings . r ctful ao�ndL . l Superintendent of Highways OCT 2 21993 RAYMOND L. JACOBS U13 JAMES A. RICETER/06 SUPERINTE=MENT OF ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS INSPECTOR 763-3140 763-3010 OF7---CE OF TEE ENGINEZI TC14-N OF SOUTHCLD OCTOBER 20 , 1993 Mr. Raymond L. Jacobs Superintendent - Southold Town Highway Peconic Lane, P. O. Box 178 Peconic , New York 11958 Re: GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES ( Inspection for road dedication ) SCTM # 1000 - 127 - 09 - 1 to 32 OCT 2 11993 Dear Ray: P L Pii'q N IN q 2"�.'-'A j As per your request , I have inspected the existing roads & the Right-of-Ways in the above referenced subdivision for compliance with the Town Code . There is approximately three quarters of a mile of road in this subdivision and four homes have been built . In general , the roads and shoulder areas have been maintained in very good condition. However , there are several items that should be fixed or installed before the roads could be considered acceptable for dedication to the Town. The following is a lisi- nf those items : *1 The brush and debris that has been dumped at the road ellds Of WCOd3ide :,a. an:1 Railroad Dr . shoull be cleaned up . This material should be dispcsed of iri an acceptable manner . *2 The curbing "Id pavement adjacent to the catch basin on the north side of cagle nest court ( approx . 100 ' from White Eagle Dr . ) has a 3ettlement problem. A small hole has also formed in the pavement . The concrete clirbing should be raised and the pavement patched icr-,,-)r1 ; rjgjy. The or �girial street trees planterl within this I subdivision are all dead . These trees should be replaced at the direction Of the Planning Board . *4 Currently th�--?re are no signs found within this subdivision. The signs included in the original bond estimate were; 4 stop , 3 dead end 4 street name signs. These items should be installed. Page 1 of 2 Mr . Raymond 1, jacobs October 20 , 1993 Superintendent — Southold Town Highway Page 2 of Z *5 Currently there are no guard rails found at the road ends , Woodside La . , Eagle Nest Ct . , Condor Ct . & Railroad Dr . should have guard rails installed at each end. A guard rail with reflectors should jiso hp 03tallel on the north side of Railroad or - d1rectlY OPPOSite * 0 WhAP Eagle Di — *6 The orijtrij ! honl estimate also called for a fire well . IQ Ov"IncP Of a fire well was found . This item should also he installed accordi"I to the raquirymnoto specifications of the local Kin listlirf . if YD ! hsve i"Y Vestinan aonoeintng this report , plea6,� awntsof my Offirp . no : R i Choi T q. Wal w jj,ij ,j Boa, 1 � 6�t�rle�5 IN�i f'Ut JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 EGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 13, 1993 To: Superintendent of Highways Jacobs From: Town Clerk Terry Re: Application for Ro rdDedication 12 - �2,) Golden View Estates This office has received an application for dedication for the roads in Golden View Estates, Inc. , a subdivision at Laurel. Assistant Town Attorney Kiernan reviewed the papers and determined them incomplete, and issued the attached memorandum, which has been forwarded to the attorney for the applicant. Mr. Kiernan requested and received a letter from the Board of Assessors stating the assessed value on the subdivision is over $40,000 for improvements with less than 1 mile of road area. Please conduct and inspection of the subdivision and advise me of your find- ings at your earliest convenience so I may convey your report to the applicant's attorney. Thank you very much. Attachments cc: Assistant Town A!ttorney Kiernan Planning Bo� dP1 om 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC for the Laying Out of Highways in APPLICA TION Southold, Town of Southold Suffolk County New York to be known as: WHITE EAGLE DRIVE, CONDOR COURT EAGLE NEST COURT, WOODSIDE LANE RA IL ROA D DRI VE an d "DRA INA GE A REA S ----------------------------------------------------------------X To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned petitioner, GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. as owner of WHITE EAGLE DRIVE, CONDOR COURT, EAGLE NEST COURT, WOODSIDE LANE, RAILROAD DRIVE and "DRAINAGE AREAS", a 'New York Corporation having its principal place of business at 51 -29 65th Place, Woodside, New York 11377, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold hereby do apply to the Town Superintendent of Highways to lay out new highways at Laurel in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York as follows: 1 . The highways known as WHITE EAGLE DRIVE, CONDOR COURT, EAGLE NEST COURT, WOODSIDE LANE, RAILROAD DRIVE and "DRAINAGE AREAS", as shown and designated on a certain map entitled "Golden View Estates, Inc.", a subdivision situateO at Laurel, Town of Southold, Suffolk' County, New York, filed in the Office of the County of Suffolk on August 30, 1984 as Map Number 7770. A map of said proposed highways has been made by Young & Young, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, and is annexed hereto and made a part of the application, together with a release and application to the Town of Southold by the petitioner herein, over whose property said highways are to run. GOL N VIEW ESTAMTS, INC. By: CARMINE RUFRA�N PRESIDENT On the day of czzc , 1993 before me came CARMINE RUFRANO to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. ANGELA PHILLIPS Notary Public. pf New York No. 24�11�47541^,() 10 NOIA*Y�U.LIC Ouallfiad in 1��zotj tY - *---. — � P�k, Sig ot', HARVEYA. ARNOFF co Town Attomey SCOIT L. HARRIS Supervisor MATMEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney Tb�Hall. 53095 Main Road P.0. Box 1179 Southold. Nm York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY Telephom(516)765-18W TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk FROM: Matthew C. Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney DATE: October 12, 1993 RE: Application for Road Dedication Golden View Estates, Inc. In response to your memo of October 7, 1993, please be advised that I have reviewed the road dedication papers and have determined that they are incomplete in that the following items have not been included: 1 . A survey map of the property, which shall show the actual location of the highway area within the highway right-of-way and a metes and bounds description of the right-of-way; 2. Six (6) sets of plans which demonstrate that the roads are in conformance with highway specifications as set forth in Chapter A-108 of the Code of the Town of Southold. I do note, however, that in her cover letter to you, Miss Maloney states that "these plans were previously submitted to the Town when approval for the release of the bond with regard to the above was granted"; 3. A letter from the Assessors stating that the assessed value of the buildings and structures on the land on both sides of such highway, as shown on the current tax roll of the Town of Southold, has an assessed value of not less than Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) per mile proportioned at that rate if more or less than a mile. Please be advised that I have contacted Claire Clew in the Assessors Office to ascertain this information on behalf of the applicant. Upon receipt of the foregoing documents and/or information, the dedication papers would be complete and the Town would then be in a position to accept dedication of these roads. If there is anything further that you need from me, please advise. Thank you. .Scott A. Russell, Chairman Southold Town Hall Darline J. Duffy, Assessor P.O.Box 1179,53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Rohert 1. Scott Jr., Assessor Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 7654937 BOARD OF ASSESSORS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Matthew G. Kiernan, Assistant Town Atto FROM: Claire Glew, Sr. Assessment Assistant RE: Golden View Estates DATE: October 13, 1993 The assessed value on the above-referenced subdivision which include Eagle Nest Court, Woodside Lane, Railroad Drive, White Eagle Drive and Condor Court are over $40, 000 for improvements with less than I mile of road area. P D T LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 27, 1987 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane, East Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Golden View Estates at Laurel Dear Mr. DeLuca: Enclosed is the orignial. bond which was released by the Town Board on the above mentioned subdivision. This was omitted from the previous correspondence. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, B NETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , HAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY 129 FULTON STREET NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10038 B 0 N D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES INC. of 51-29 65th Place, Woodside, New York as PLncipal and CARMINE RUFRANO, LOUIS BOSCO AND BARNARD COSIMANO as Co-Principals and the REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York, having an office and place of business at 129 Fulton Street, New York, New York as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK AS OBLIGEE, in the sum of THREE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($340, 000. 00)----------- --------------------------------------DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators , successors and assigns jointly and severally firmly by these presents . SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS: 2nd Day of February 1984. WHEREAS, the above named Principal has agreed to comply with the terms regulations and conditions of the Town of Southold in connection with the completion of items as shown on Town Engineers Estimate dated November 29, 19F for subdivision of "Golden View Estates (at Laurel) " , situated in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and in connection therewith the Obligee desires this bond be given; WHEREAS, the Co-Principals have a beneficial interest in said project; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal sha+l in connection with the installation of said items on Engineers Estimate in "Golden View Estates" within two (2) years from the date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with the construction specifications of the Town of Southold, all in conformance with the plot plan approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and to the satisfaction of the Town of Southold, then this obligation to be void; other- wise to remain in full force and effect; NO party other than the Obligee shall have any rights hereunder as , against the Surety. The aggregate liability of the Surety on the bond obligation shall not exceed the sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever. CO-PRINCIPP GOLDEN VIEW ESTAT NC. BY- CE COI Ca i e Rufr REPUBL NCE COMPANY uislBosco BY: Henry W. Niemann 1�t_ljtiej Attorney-in-Fact Bgrnard Cosimano BOND#940446 JW RS I" REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK DISTRICT OFFICE 129 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y.10038 FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1982 ASSETS 1982 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPITAL FUNDS Cash...... .... . .. ........ ..... . ..... $ 3,105,728 Liabilities: 1982 Reserve for losses ..... . ..... $105,740,826 Reserve for loss adjustment expenses............ 8,237,453 Unearned premium reserve(Schedule Vill .......... 217,310,669 Bonds,at amortized cost(Schedule 1) Taxes,other than Federal income taxes............. 1,133,000 United States Government ........ 8,727,775 Dividends payable to policyholders..�............. — Other bonds ..... . .... ... . 122,995,306 Other liabilities......... . . . ..... 12,324,887 Total Bonds . .. ................ 131 723,081 Payable to affiliates...... 242,862 Federal income tax...... ... .. ............ — Funds held by company under Reinsurance Treaties.�......................... 75,592,903 Investments in stocks other than stocks of Statutory reserves: affiliates(Schedule 11): Excess of statutory reserves over loss and Preferred stocks,at market...................... 32�,048,742 loss expense reserves.......................... 2,376,524 Common stocks,at market..... ................ 95,806,794 Reinsurance in companies not licensed Savings and loan association shares, in Texas .............. .... . at cost.... ..... .... . . .. ...... Total liabilities ............................... 419,959,124 Total stocks .............. ................ 127,855,536 Capital shares and surplus: Capital shares: Preferred stock,$100 par value per share Short-term investments............................. 25,500,000 Authorized 200,000 shares,issued Investments in stocks of affiliates at under- 150,000 shares........... ....... . ...... 9,000,000 lying book value(Schedule 11):..................... 51,458,243 Common stock,$5 par value per share Authorized 200,000 shares,issued Agents!balances and reinsurance balances—net...... 154,813,234 Authorized 2,000,000 shares,issued 1,000,000 shares .......................... 5,000,000 Premium notes,less uneanned interest...... . ... .. 2,764,487 Paid-in surp!us................................. 18,000,518 Federal Income Tax Recoverable .......... ... .... 10,607,580 Retained earnings ............................... 23,784,319 Excess(deficiency)or market value of Real estate,at cost less accumulated depreciation stocks over cost,other than stocks of 1,055,218....................... ...... . . .. 1,354,850 of affiliates.................................. 27,840,603 Excess of underlying book value of stocks Other assets ............... ... .. 10,111,544 of affiliates over cost...................... 16,804,774 Total capital shares Receivable from affiliates................... ........ 11095,055 and surplus .............. .. ........... 100,430,214 $520,389,338 $520,389,338 Note: All securities are carried in accordance with the requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commisisoners as follows:eligible bonds at amortized values; stocks of associated insurance companies at pro rate share of capital and surplus:all other securities at quotations prescribed by the Association. BE IT REMEMBERED,that at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Republic Insurance Company,duly called and held at the office of thu Company in the City of Dallas,Texas,on the 8th day of February,1967, a quorum being present,the following By-Laws was duly adopted to become effective February 28,1967: 1 ARTICLE XI—APPOINTNIENT OF ATTORNEYS-IN-FACT Appointment of Aftorney-in-Fact. The President, r," any E*xecu*,;Ive Vice President, may from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-factto act in behalf of the compan�ir)me execution of olicies of insurance,bonds,undertakings,and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorney-in-iact, subject to t a limitation set tort� in their respective certificates of authority shalt have full power to bind the Company by their st nature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President, or any Executive Vice PresiTlent,or the Board of Directors,may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-in-fact. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK Alfred A. Freytag Secretary being duly sworn,deposes and says:I am of the Republic Insurance Company, I have compared the foreToing By-Law with the original thereof,as recorded in the Minute Book of the said Company,and do hereby certify that the same is a correct an true transcript therefrom and of the whole Article XI,of said ori !net By-Law and that the same is now in full force and effect. Pursuant to said By-Law,John J.Zahn,Winston R. Broadbent,James N.Heiske?1,Alfred Freytag, Charles L. Tea,Jr, John W. Spencer and Henry W. Niemann were duly appointed Attorneys-in-Fact of this Company without limitation as to amount of bond executed and that said appointment is now in effect. The above is a true statement of the assets and liabilities of said Company at the close of business December 31,1982 taken from the books and records of said Company and is prepared in accordance with the statements on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. The Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has,pursuant to Section 327 of the New York Insurance Law(Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939 of the State of New York,constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York,as amended)issued to the Republic Insurance Com any his certificate that said Company is qualfied to become and be accepted as surety to guarantor on all bonds, undertakings and other%ligations or guarantees,as provided in the Insurance Law of the State of New York,and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto;and that such certificate has not been revoked. before me this A Pehriiar�r '19 ARYANN FOERDEFER Notary Public,Stat,of Now York A— No. 41-4686453-Qual.iD Queens ql?,< Commission Rxphus March 30, 194JI—) STATE Py NEW YOR 0 COUNTY F NEW Y On INS 2nd —day of February '19 84 before me personally He y W. Niemann —to me known,who being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that he resides in Staten Island, New York that he is an attorney-in-tact of the Republic Insurance Company,the corporation described in,and which executed,the foregoing instrument;that he knows the corporate seal of said corpor4tion;that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is such corporate seal; that it was affixed thereto by the order o�-�arcl of Directorlis Qf said corporation and that he signed his name thereto,as afforney-in-fact, th I Notary Public T07, FS—109(4-83) ork R JA* B 1987e Ln Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 JUDITH T. TERRY Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 21, 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on January 20, 1987, adopted a resolution authorizing the release of the $340,000. 00 performance bond for the subdivision to be known as Golden View, located at Laurel, New York, all in accordance with the recommendation of your Board, Superintendent of Highways Jacobs and Inspector John W. Davis. Very truly yours, Ju� Southold Town Clerk P D T LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 21, 1987 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane, East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. DeLuca Enclosed is a copy of correspondence received from the Town Clerk indicating that the Town Board has approved of the release of the performance bond for the above mentioned subdivison. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN WUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD pta--i4 r-M.cs��� enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary P D T LD b- S y *1 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 14, 1987 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Golden View Release of Performance bond Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, January 12 , 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the performance bond for the subdivision to be known as "Golden View" located at Laurel be released as per the recommendations of Raymond Jacobs, Highway Superintendent and John W. Davis, Field Inspector. Enclosed is acopiesof the correspondence from the Highway Superintendent and the Field Inspector for your information. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, OA BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. cc: James DeLucca Highway Department Town of Southold OCT 7 1986 Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 RAYMOND L.JACOBS Tel.765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 December 17, 1986 Mr. Benaett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates - final acceptance of project work Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have reviewed the above named subdivision with Mr. John Davis and concur with his report #557 . I recommend bond release be considered at this time. Resp tfully, Raymd//nd L. Jac RLJ/pls cc: Mr. James DeLucca 0 Al 6 0 OCT 17 EM To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 557 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: December 15, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates - final acceptance of project work Comments: Work has been completed on the above subdivision as follows: The asphalt pavement is in good condition throughout. There were minor changes in pavement widths where the 28 ft. width meets the existing pavement width of 36 ft. at Woodside Lane. Also, profile grades were raised in some locations (Approved) due to excessive excavation. Drainage installations are acceptable. An as built survey was made by H. Young on this phase of the work and found to be correct. I observed runoff on the pavement after several heavy rainfalls and always found the drainage structures functioning properly. Curbing is satisfactory. Approximately 1850 L.F. of curb was replaced due to damage by the grading contractor. Seeding in shoulder areas at present show a good stand of grass. There are a few ruts in the grassed areas caused by dirt bicycles and more of same can be expected. Street trees installed are all in good condition. Recharge basin fence and gate installation was previously approved. There are some minor washouts in the inside slopes at the recharge basin which are not detrimental. The following installations (not called for on the plans) were placed: A variable height timber retaining wall, 196 ft. in length along the N.E. side of the recharge basin to prevent slope erosion into adjacent property and 65 ft. at the north end of Eagle Nest Court (at turnaround) for the same reason. Also, a timber guide rail was placed across the south end of Railroad Drive to keep out traffic. Based on the above, I recommend that release of the performance bond be considered. -0.,-4 John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. o D T LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 December 4, 1986 Mr. John W. Davis Sterling Road Cutchogue,NY 11935 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Dear Mr. Davis: We are in receipt of correspondence from Mr. James DeLuca who requests that a final inspection be made of the road work within the above mentioned subdivision with regard to releasing the performance bond. Would you please make an inspection and advise our Board if the work has been completed and is acceptable for releasing the performance bond. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours , BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary 40 D T LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 December 4, 1986 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane, East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. DeLuca; Enclosed are copies of the reports on the road work within the above mentioned subdivision as per your request. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. PyIDiane M. Schultze, Secretary DEC 1986 James V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Diane M. Schultze Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Dear Miss Schultze: As per the Highway superintendent' s advice, I 'm writing this letter to request that the roads and all other site improvements be inspected and accepted by the appropriate agencies. I also, request that we be released from all bond and monetary require- ments, that have been imposed on Golden View Estates, as soon as possible. Throughout the duration of construction, the highway superin- tendent has been notified and has inspected all phases of work. If you have any other questions, please dont hesitate to call on me. er t y your)' James 6e;caZ CC: Highway Superintende t 198, noo o Republic Financial Services, Inc. 00 a Misirriber of The Mnioi Smss I�Arxe Grci 05n REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY VANGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY BLUE RIDGE INSURANCE COMPANY New Jersey District Office November 11, 1986 100 Wood Avenue South Iselin NJ 08830 (201)906-8401 Planning Board Town of Southold Suffolk County Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Re: $940,446; 928104; 916263; 933990 Dear Mr. Orlowski; ,.,Xei your letter of September 29, 1986, please be advised of the following: 4 OW 940446- Bond currently in force for $340,000.00; it remains in full force . and effect until it is released; the last premium was paid when the bond was initially issued in 1984. 4 928104- Bond currently in force for $125,000; it remains in full force and effect until it is released; the last premium paid was the 1985-1986 renewal &WO period. 916263- Bond currently in force for $20,000; it remains in full force and effect until it is released; the last premium paid was the 1984-1985 renewal period. 933990-Bond currently in force for $20,000; it remains in full force and effect until it is released; the last premiums paid was the 1985-1986 renewal period. If I can be of further assistance, please advise. S i Gen MiZ Bond Underwriter GM:CM In Business Since 1903 e��3 2727 Turtle Creek Blvd, Dallas, TX 75219 - P.0 Box 660550, Dallas TX 75266-0550 (214) 559-1222 To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Date: November 3, 1986 Southold Town Highway Department From: R. Whitney Weather: Clear, cool 360 Re: Golden View Estates Comments: Landscaper excavating for trees at previously staked out locations Trees are average 2V - 3" cal. Mulch made by mixture of topsoil peat moss & 10-6-4 fertilizer placed at centerline of tree 10'± from inside of curb. Men and Equipment: I foreman, I laborer, I tractor w/ auger, 1 small dump truck and I backhoe Attachments: Cart . tree size tag, 10-6-4 fertilizer bag November 4, 1986 Weather: Cloudy, drizzle 600 Landscaper continues excavating at previously staked out locations prior to planting pin oak trees. Planting tree in p.m. as per specifications. Men and Equipment: i foreman, 2 laborers, I tractor w/auger, 1 small dump truck and I backhoe. November 5, 1986 Weather: Cloudy, windy, cold 400, light rain Landscaper continues planting trees, staking & installing guide wire. Men and Equipment: 1 foreman, 2 laborers, 1 tractor w/bucket, 1 small dump truck Note: Jack Davis on job at 2:30 p.m. November 6, 1986 Weather: Cloudy, windy, light rain & mist 460 Landscaper continues planting trees, w/stakes & guide wire. Men & Equipment: 1 foreman, 2 laborers, I tractor w/bucket, I small dump truck November 10, 1986 Weather: Clear, windy, cold 500 Landscaper planting trees w/stakes and placing guide wire Men & Equipment: I foreman, 2 laborers, 1 tractor w/bucket, 1 small dump truck November 11, 1986 Weather: Overcast, calm, cool 360 turning to rain Landscaper continues planting trees. .Men & Equipment: 1 foreman, 2 laborers, I tractor w/bucket, I small dump truck. November 12, 1986 Weather: Clear, cool, light breeze 450 Placing buy wire on trees planted Nov. 11 and cleanup in a.m. Planting trees in p.m. Men & Equipment; 1 foreman, 2 laborers, I tractor w/bucket, I small dump truck I pick-up November 13, 1986 Weather: Partly cloudy, windy, cold 360 Planting trees, placing guy wire dress up seeded area, wrap trees with burlap to height of 54, not necessary to go up to first limbs, which in most cases would be in excess of 611 / Backfill required around previously placed guide rail post on west end pavement. Men & Equipment: I foreman, 2 laborers, I tractor w/bucket, I pickup truck. cc: R. Whitney Highway Committee Southold Town Planning Board L. M. Tuthill, P.E. P D T D S Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 13 , 1986 Mr. Jim DeLuca 12 Linda Lane, East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. DeLuca: Enclosed, for your review, is a copy of the latest report from our Field Inspector. Please contact our office if you have any questions . Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD bDj�j k .��LA,� BY Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. 4 OCT 2 8 pq% To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 546 Southold Town Highway Department Date: October 23, 2986 From: John W. Davis Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel - Top course pavement operation Comments: 10/20/86: South Fork Asphalt used a sweeper to clean binder course of sand, etc. at sides. 10/21/86: Started top course. Equipment and crew - I Blaw-Knox wide paver, I - 5 ton dynapac roller, I - 10 ton dynapac roller, 8 man crew and 7 - 10 wheeler dump trucks. Tonnage placed today 572.71 . 10/22/86: Continued and completed top course with same crew and equip- ment. Tonnage placed today 700.48 tons. S.Y. of pavement 13767 by 572.71 + 700.48 = 1273. 19 tons used. Yield = 13767 - 1273. 19 10.81 S.Y./ton. Theoretical yi;ld for W' is 12 S.Y./ton - would be 1147 tons. Difference in yield due to low areas in binder course. There has been some minor settlement of the curb in a few areas and some grades as marked on the curbs could not be used. With the flat pavement grades on this project it was necessary to modify some of the curb reveal. Paving operations for the two da'ys also inspected by R. Whitney. Work by paving contractor satisfactory. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M.Tuthill, P.E. OCT 24 1986 To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 544 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: October 15, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates Comments: Met Mr. J. DeLucca, project manager and his landscape contractor to go over areas where street trees will be placed, spacing, requirements for planting, etc. Trees will be placed at 8 ft . offsets from curbs in open areas. Where there are existing trees along the R.O.W. lines as previously agreed, no other trees will be planted. J. DeLucca elected to use Norway Maple and Pin Oak trees. The landscape contractor was directed by DeLucca not to do any tree planting for one week after the top asphalt course was placed. The question of not giving final acceptance on the asphalt binder course was brought up again by DeLucca. Advised him that the binder course was acceptable for placing the top course. ;�John W.�DaO/�� cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. OCT 10 1%6 To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 539 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: October 6, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates Comments: 9/15/86: Installation of recharge basin fence has been continued and completed as of today. The work by Riverhead Fence Co. is acceptable. Topsoil and seeding on berms and for 4 ft. down on slopes has not been done to date. 9/ 17/86: Landscape work on shoulders (2 man crew) was started on 9/ 16/86. Areas being cleared and graded are in excess of the R.O.W. The heavy weed growth is being cut and grubbed with a large size rototiller that penetrates 6" or more and cuts the growth in small pieces. It remains to be seen if this method prevents weed growth after seeding. 9/ 19/86: Shoulder work continued by same crew. According to foreman seeding and street trees will be started in October. This present work has left material on the pavement binder course which has to be removed prior to the asphalt top course. The landscape crew is removing some of the material. Discussed future weed growth with foreman - he thought there might be some after seeding. 10/3/86: Had field meeting with R. Panchak at my request to go over grades as marked on curbs for top course, cleaning pavement, etc. Panchak will bring a sweeper on site the day before asphalt top is placed which as of today will be October 9th. Also, he will contact J. DeLucca and ask him not to have any landscape work done for a few days after the top is placed. Be- lieve he has in mind the AC oil supplied today which does not set up asphalt mixes as of oil used in prior years. Jo4hnW. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. G4bKw\�0\5110 6 1985 To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 477 Southold Town Highway,.Department From: John W. Davis Date: September 3, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: August 28, 1985 Rough grading continued throughout on roads. Drainage installation has been started, C.B. 's Nos. 8, 9, 11 and 12 are in place. Removal of trees in deep cuts, where clearing was not completed for the R.O.W. width, not done to date. According to the grading contractor, the owner has suggested using tree wells or retaining walls at some of the larger trees. I would not recommend this. Specifications call for clearing all of the 50 ft. R.O.W. August 30, 1985 Grading berms and slopes at recharge basin continued. All C.B. 's, (Plans show 12) , have been installed with exception of No. 10. These installations appear to be satisfactory as to grade for mountable curb without curb inlets. The 28 ft. width pavement on this project meets a 36 ft. width existing pavement (Woodside Lane) at the adjacent subdivision. After discussion with H. Young, designer for the project, the alignment and pavement widths will be as follows: Catch basins at Sta. 0+12 will be set for the 36 ft. pavement width. Pavement width for the next 150 ft.± will vary from 36 ft. to 28 ft. This length being on a flat curve should make a good transition. September 3, 1985 Visited site with R. Jacobs to observe trees left standing in areas where road excavation is in deep cuts (4 ft.* ) with clearing widths about 40 ft. Advised by C. Cardo, contractor, that trees will be cleared to the re- quired 50 ft. width in the deep excavation areas. This to be done when all drainage installations are in place and prior to any curb work. John W. -Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. 0 r i noll- r 2(M, SEP 2 1986 To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 538 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: September 9, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: Riverhead Fence Co. began installation of the recharge basin fence today. Alignment was laid out as agreed at field meeting of August 15, 1986 to leave a 7 ft. width on the inside of the berm for maintenance work. As positioned today there is 7 ft. plus on all sides except for a short distance, 25 ft.t, at the southwest corner. Grading on top of the berm had been corrected prior to today's work with exception of minor work at the southeast corner which can be done when topsoil is placed. Completed marking grade line for asphalt top course at the mountable curbs. As noted in Report 530, 7/31/86, to obtain the required 3" curb reveal more than W' of top course will have to be used for certain areas through- out. Suggest field meeting with South Fork Asphalt in this matter before the top course is placed. Was notified today, 9/9/86, by R. Panchak via Planning Board that the top course would be placed starting October 1, 1986. Prior to 7/28/86 marked 3" curb reveal in a few areas. On 8/23,24/86 completed marking for about 2/3 of total length of curb at expansion joints (20 ft.± spacing) . John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. w3a_ To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 530 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: July 31, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: July 28/86: South Fork Asphalt continued to bring in base course material and grade same. There remains a considerable amount of fine grading on the base for about half of the project. Depths of the base show from 4k" to 5�" prior to rolling. July 29/86: Binder course started today. Contractor force and equipment - foreman, 9 man asphalt and grading crew, one wide paver, 2 dynapac rollers (one large - one small) and 6 trucks. Most of asphalt mix from the Westhampton plant. Paving from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The binder mix showed a small amount of stone chips and small gravel. Rain for a short time in midday did not affect work. Placed 843 tons of binder today. Depth checks showed 3"-+ prior to rolling. Compacted depth should be 2�". J. DeLucca, project manager, visited site - inquired as to contractor workmanship, etc. Mentioned he would have R.B. fence installed next week. Also, had not decided as to installation of the asphalt top course this year. July 30/86: Continued binder course with same asphalt crew and equipment. Grading crew worked 1/2 day placing and rolling last of delivered base material. Contractor records show 2539 tons of RCA material delivered. Prior depth checks taken in June showed from 4" to 5" after rolling. Binder tonnage placed today 843 tons. Plan takeoff for S.Y. on this project by myself is 13,855. A wheeled takeoff by the contractor on 7/29 is 13,767 S.Y. and could be more accurate. Summary of pavement items to date: Base course 2539 tons. Binder course (from tickets) 842.98 + 668.21 = 1511 . 19 tons 13767 1511 . 19 = 9. 1 S.Y./ton This yield may be reasonable for a sand asphalt design mix with a small percentage fine aggregate. However, grades as marked on curbs indicate that the top course will be in excess of a compacted Ik" depth in certain areas. The contractor wants acceptance on the work done to date (base course and binder) . I do not believe it is the practice of the Town to accept portions of road work prior to final approval. --/-'a�—z John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. Mr. James DeLucca ,11IN 19 1986- To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 514 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: June 11 , 1986 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: June 4, 1986 South Fork Asphalt, pavement contractors for this project started grading operations today. Equipment on site, grader, loader and dyna- pac 10 ton roller. Went over required work as to road crown, depths of base material, etc. with foreman. Rough grade as left by Cardo firm is high and low between curbs and requires moving material. Except for a few areas the subgrade material for the base course is acceptable. One casting on Condor Court, STA 1+00 Rt. has to be reset. June 10, 1986 Started to bring in and grade recycled concrete for the 4" base course. Material from Lizza. Advised foreman that the base course depth is a compacted 4" depth and that there is a compaction factor to consider when placed loose measure. To date this operation appears to be satisfactory prior to any fine grading and rolling the base material. Left template with contractor to mark finished asphalt elevation at the mountable curbs. A building permit has been issued for a house on Eagle Nest Court, Lot No. 3. Building construction should not be permitted while road construction, just now started, is under way. June 11 , 1986 Made brief visit to site in p.m. Grading and bringing in base material continued. Building contractor at Lot No. 3 allowed transit mix trucks to drive over curb. As of now this lot has two entrances. Curb has been cracked at one entrance. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. MAY 9 - 198? To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 507 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: May 5, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates @ Laurel Comments: A meeting was held today on the site to determine the necessary grading to be done at turnarounds, Condor Court and the recharge basin there and at Eagle Nest Court in reference to property lines. Other construction items were also discussed. Present at meeting: Raymond L. Jacobs, J. DeLucca and J. W. Davis To prevent future erosion of the roadway embankment at Eagle Nest Court and at the recharge basin, J. DeLucca said he would install low timber retaining walls, with one set back if necessary, at both locations. Material to be CCA .6 treatment. This type of installation and lengths for each location was approved. At present there is no fill on private property at the Eagle Nest Court turnaround. There is some erosion from the R.B. embankment (east side) into adjoining private property that will be removed and the slope there cut back. It was also decided to locate the recharge basin fence on the top of the berms throughout. Plans show the fence on the berms except for the east side. The dead ends of Railroad Drive were reviewed. The northerly end will be left open to provide access to the adjacent property. According to J. DeLucca a house will be built there, possibly this year. The southerly end goes nowhere and should be closed. It was agreed that a flex-beam type guard rail as called for in the Town specifications would be installed there by the developers. Pavement briefly mentioned. DeLucca verified that South Fork Asphalt would do the complete pavement items. Also, that he would ask permission to com- plete the 4" base and the A" asphalt binder course this year and the 1�" asphalt top course next year. Decision in this matter will be made by the Highway Superintendent at the appropriate time. DeLucca asked if curb as now completed and drainage installations were acceptable. Advised him that curb was approved. Plans called for 8000:�i�'. of mountable curb. Damaged curb replaced and measured by the curb contractor was 1865 L.F. . As measured by the grading contractor was 1834 L.F. . Drainage invert elevations were checked by H. Young who will forward same to J.W. Davis. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. TO: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent REPORT NO. 535 Southold Town Highway Department FROM: John W. Davis DATE: August 25, 1986 RE: GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES AT LAUREL COMMENTS: A field meeting was held on above date to go over the following construction items. Present at meeting, R. L. Jacobs, Supt. , J. DeLucca (Project Manager) , R. Cordo (Grading Contractor) and J. W. Davis. Grading on the recharge basin top berm to be corrected so that most of runoff will go toward a C.B. , low areas to be eliminated and erosion in side slopes to be filled. Recharge basin fencing on the berm to be placed so that there is a 7 ft. width on the inside for maintenance purposes. Curbs will not be used with this fence. Topsoil and seeding to be placed on the above 7 ft. width and for 4 ft. down on the inside slopes. Street trees to be placed along roads only in open areas. There are existing trees on both sides for about one half of the roads in this project. According to J. DeLucca, pavement (top course) will now be placed this year. Also, landscape work behind curbs will be started in September. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L.M. Tuthill, P.E. JOHN W. DAVIS MAY 5 - 1986' To: Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 504 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: April 22 & 24, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates - Property lines at Recharge Basin and turnaround at end of Condor Court, also property lines at turnaround at end of Eagle Nest Court. Comments: Met H. Young survey party on site (April 22/86) . 1 had previously dis- cussed above with Howard Young. Survey party knew what information was required. April 24/86 Made inspection of staked property lines. At Eagle Nest Court there is no fill into the adjoining property. Additional fill or regrading sl6pe is necessary here in part to make an even slope. This turnaround was set back 8 ft. in order to prevent any encroachment of fill. Condor Court: At the turnaround there is no problem with fill. At the recharge basin a small amount of embankment fill is into adjoining property (along the loo ft.t northerly course) . One tree may have to be removed in the 108 ft. northerly course as fencing has to be set off one foot from property lines. The berm elevation is 21 .0 throughout . The 230 ft.± southerly course has low points and erosion on the I on 2 slopes. The low areas should be corrected. The outside slope I on 3 from the berm appears to require more fill in some areas along the 230 ft. length. Note: Attached is a copy of L. M. Tuthill's report of 12/18/85. Mr. J. DeLucca, project manager, had requested a meeting on recommendations in that report to prevent runoff into adjacent property. I advised him that when property lines were staked in the areas envolved, a meeting would be held. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill ewxv LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER n, IMLCT LANr EXT. GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 GREEN.ORT 7-1652 December 18, 1985 Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Pecomic Lane Peconic, NY Dear Mr. Deans Res Subdivision entitled "Golden View Estaten" Laurel I have inspeetei the above mentione,.J subtivision as requested as to runoff of fill to adjacent properties at the recharge basin at the an& of Condor Court and the read ending an Eagle Nest Court. at-04"i 1. It is noted that the fence and curb aalead the recharge basin have not beetinstallea. The Town Highway Specifications require that this be done p#or to other work in the recharge bisiss. 2. It is recommended that at the read ending on Eagle Nest, Court a guard rail be placei in areas adjacent to fill area of slcpes of ls2 having a vertical dron exceeding one feet. In this -particular A* area A vertical drop exceeds one foot and in places exceeds five feet. 3. The slope facing the adjacent Properties at the above mentioned locations Is in the range of lilj2L, which is slightly steeper than shown on the plans. 4. It Is noted that, there was some runoff an to the adjacent properties, but this w;is Islainal. 5- It is recommended that the fence curb in the recharge b,4sin adjacent to to the areas outside the subdivision be raised cne foot to preclude runoff from leaving the property, and that a one foot high barrier be placed along the property line at the end of Eagle Nest Court for the spne reason, Resrectifully submitted, 0 APR 14 1986 To, Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent Report No. 499 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: April 9, 1986 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel - Damaged Curb Comments: R. Cardo, grading contractor for the project called, said the project manager, Mr. J. DeLucca, had advised him that he wanted all damaged concrete curb removed and replaced. I had noticed curb damage prior to Cardo's phone call. A considerable amount of curb has been broken, cracked and pushed out of alignment by grading equipment working behind the curbs. This grading should have been done prior to any curb installation. I had discussed doing that grading before curb installation with the grading contractor but it was never done. Due to that procedure material had to be brought in or taken out which required crossing curbs (without sufficient prot- ection) and working along curb sides with heavy equipment. February 2, 1986 Met R. Cardo on the site and together we walked the project and paint marked areas where curb would have to be removed. Some areas could not be inspected at that time as the curb was covered with grading material. The amount of curb to be replaced at that time was over 1000 ft. . Later in discussing the curb situation with Cardo, he said DeLucca had been on the site and wanted more curb removed than indicated by Cardo and Davis. I assume Cardo was told where the additional areas were located. April 1 , 1986 Curb removal was started today and completed in two days. All damaged curb was hauled off the site. Curb crew started replacement curb on April 3, 1986 and continued work on April 4,8/86. A mechanical tamper being used to solidify curb subgrade. April 9, 1986 Curb crew continued curb replacement. Mr. DeLucca was on site to look at curb work. He found several other locations where he wanted curb removed and so notified the curb foreman. He also asked, if when the curb was finished could it be approved as final. Also, he brought up the question as to R.B. fencing, etc. as outlined in the L. M. Tuthill report of 12/ 18/85. He would like a meeting on these matters when the curbing is finished. I agreed to the meeting. I asked who would do the pavement. DeLucca said it would be either Corazzini or South Fork Asphalt. Lilco and telephone cables have been installed. atz a� S�zlayt;,� John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. po T � LD S1 F9. y SnufN)Id. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 14 , 1986 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Golden View Estates located at Laurel Dear Mr. DeLuca: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, January 13 , 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept and request compliance with Town Engineer Lawrence Tuthill ' s report regarding the road work within the major subdivision of Golden View Estates located at Laurel. Enclosed is a copy of the report for your review. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI , JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. P D T LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 14, 1986 Mr. and Mrs. Harrison P.O. Box 352 Laurel, NY 11948 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harrison: Enclosed is a copy of a report from the Town Engineer regarding the road within the subdivision of Golden View Estates known as Eagle Nest Court. Also, enclosed is a copy of the Planning Board resolution accepting and requesting compliance with this report. We enclose this information for your review and if you haveany questions, please don' t hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ��tt CrLub�--6q, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. kct+- IttA 67UAt, 6OUVI VII Pa k,,IK ct 4ht cotb-� L8 (6� cL Oftei 4cb- C, Td La ht W , �u (cL brIx c-4, i�o q,�7 cou I 7S S'K rta* t oteat cj bc,�C Gw , , %16 0 LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFEGBIONAL ENGINEER d%dr' INLET LANE EXT. DEC 1,185 GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 GRICENPORT 7-1652 December 18, 1985 Mr. Raymond C, Ducat Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Pascal* Lane pos*sio' NY Dear Mr. Deazi Ree Subdivision entitled "Golden View Estates,, Laurel I bAre inspeetel the above mentioned subdivIsiea as requested as to runoff Of fill to adjacent properties at the recharge basis at the end of Center Court and the read eating on Eagle Nest Court, a#-004 I* It in acted that the fence and, carb salund the recharge basis have act beeeiastalled. The Town Highway Specifications require that this be teas pr�or to other work in the recharge basin. 2. It In reconnected that at the rest eating on Eagle Meatt Court a guard rail be placed 12 &"98 &dJILOO&t to fill or*& of slope& of 10 having a vertical trop exceeding oas feet, In this particular aroelvertleal drop ex"eds one fast and is places exceeds five foot. A 3. The slope facing the &djwwat properties at the above mentioned 1*6&t'#Xs 16 'a the range Of 1811* which is slightly steeper than shown on the plAms. 4* It is acted that there was some runoff on to the adjacent properties, but thin was minimal. 5. It to recommended that the fence curb in the recharge b&siz "JusOat to to the am" outside the subdivision be raised oso feet to Proolute rumeff from leaving the property, and that & one feet high barrier be Placed along the property line at the end of Eagle Nest Coart for the some rescue R*sPostifully submitted, C�' To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 486 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: October 19, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: 10/ 14/85 Placing curb on Eagle Nest Court. Curb previously placed on one half of turnaround here was set on a loose fill berm about 3 ft. above the road grade without proper backing on the sides. Another case of improper rough grading by the excavation contractor. This section of curb will settle. 10/ 15/85 Completed curb on Eagle Nest Court. Remaining curb to do on project, Woodside Lane Extension. This section not staked for curb to date. 10/ 19/85 Completed curb on Woodside Lane Extension. Transition from 36 ft. width to 28 ft. width here done according to layout as discussed with H. Young. All curb now in place on project. Curb contractor used 214 C.Y. of con- crete for 8042 L.F. (as wheel measured by him today) . Factor for mount- able curb is 0.7t C.Y. 8040 x .7 x 1/27 � 209t C.Y. Curb contractor will do the concrete headwalls at the recharge basin. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. 0 To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 485 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: October 11 , 1985 RE: Golden View Estates at Laurel - curb work to date, etc. Comments: 9/23/85 Installation of mountable curb started. Work by Farad Construction Co. with foreman, 6 man crew and small backhoe. Went over curb installations details with foreman. First curb work on White Eagle Drive. 9/24/85 No curb work today. Curb installed on 23rd appears satisfactory as to alignment, grade and workmanship. With first curb in place and curb stakes set there will be a considerable amount of shoulder grading to be done behind the curbs. Rough grading in those areas should have been done prior to curb work as was called to attention of the excavating contractor. 9/25/85 Curb work resumed today on White Eagle Drive. Finished curb work continues to be satisfactory. With curb in place on both sides in some sections, it appears that rough grading for the pavement throughout was not done very well. 9/30/85 Curb crew setting forms - no curb concrete today - transit mix plant had no electric service. 10/ 1/85 No work by curb crew. Young and Young setting curb stakes. Went over alignment to be used at connection (Woodside Lane Extension to existing Woodside Lane) 28 ft. width to 36 ft. width pavement with survey party. 10/ 11/85 No curb work. Grading behind curbs on Condor Court. Young and Young setting curb stakes on Eagle Nest Court. Curb now completed on White Eagle Drive, Condor Court except for � of turnaround and Railroad Drive (99%) . Remaining curb to be done - Eagle NestiCourt, and Woodside Lane Extension. Curb was placed on 9/26/85 and 10/ 2, 4 & 5/85. 1 was not present for any of these installations. However, the curb work was acceptable. Another inspection of shoulder areas in cut sections where curb has been and will be placed indicate that some more trees will have to be removed if grading there as called for can only be partially done. Clearing should have covered the full 50 ft . width of the R.O.W. in the heavy cut areas which was not done throughout. Jbhn W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. ks, WA To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 481 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: September 13, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: September 11, 1985 Drainage installations, C.B. 's and pipe are in place at the west end of White Eagle Drive and also on Condor Court. Pipe trenches on Condor Court to the recharge basin are under the curb and pavement. Backfill material, sand and loam, is being compacted in 2 ft. layers with a heavy payloader. This method is being used on other pipe lines under pavement and may or may not be enough compaction. C.B. 's are in place on Eagle Nest Court and at Woodside Lane Extension. Most of the trees on Eagle Nest Court not cleared for the 50 ft. R.O.W. where excavation cuts were 4 ft.± have been removed. September 12, 1985 Started work on L.B. 's at Woodside Lane Extension. Excavation here after the first 2 ft.± is fine and coarse sand. Plans call for 4 leaching basins (8 ft. diam. x 12 ft. ) with domes at this location. Contractor asked if 10 ft. diam. rings with equal capacity could be used. I agreed to this provided all L.B. 's were placed on one side of the pavement. Capacity for the plan installation is 2245 C.F. Equal capacity using 10 ft. rings, would be 2 - L.B. 's at 8 ft. depth and I - L.B. at 12 ft. Contractor went along with the revised layout with rings spaced 10 ft. apart. Excavation for the 10 ft. rings in the 50 ft. R.O.W. will be partly under the pavement. Compacting the sand backfill will be a problem - contractor will try a mechanical compactor. Compacting pipe trench backfill on Condor Court with payloader continued. September 13, 1985 Installation of 10 ft. L.B. 's at Woodside Lane Extension completed. Excav- ation for pipe line, Eagle Nest Court to recharge basin underway. Use of mechanical tamper for backfill at 10 ft. L.B. 's not workable, vibration caused additional cave in of material. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. O�SEP-6 1985 To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 477 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: September 3, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: August 28, 1985 Rough grading continued throughout on roads. Drainage installation has been started, C.B. 's Nos. 8, 9, 11 and 12 are in place. Removal of trees in deep cuts, where clearing was not completed for the R.O.W. width, not done to date. According to the grading contractor, the owner has suggested using tree wells or retaining walls at some of the larger trees. I would not recommend this. Specifications call for clearing all of the 50 ft. R.O.W. August 30, 1985 Grading berms and slopes at recharge basin continued. All C.B. 's, (Plans show 12) , have been installed with exception of No. 10. These installations appear to be satisfactory as to grade for mountable curb without curb inlets. The 28 ft. width pavement on this project meets a 36 ft. width existing pavement (Woodside Lane) at the adjacent subdivision. After discussion with H. Young, designer for the project, the alignment and pavement widths will be as follows: Catch basins at Sta. 0+12 will be set for the 36 ft . pavement width. Pavement width for the next 150 ft.± will vary from 36 ft. to 28 ft. This length being on a flat curve should make a good transition. September 3, 1985 Visited site with R. Jacobs to observe trees left standing in areas where road excavation is in deep cuts (4 ft.1 ) with clearing widths about 40 ft. Advised by C. Cardo, contractor, that trees will be cleared to the re- quired 50 ft. width in the deep excavation areas. This to be done when all drainage installations are in place and prior to any curb work. John W Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. AUG 2�1985 To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 475 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: August 23, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: August 5, 1985 Rough grading continued on roads. Discussed additional tree removal with grading contractor where cuts are in excess of 5 ft.±. To date clearing has been done for 38 to 40 ft. Contractor said more trees will be re- moved. Grading operation being done with one dozer - progress is slow. Profiles for roads on this project nearly all in cuts with a few fills. To date contractor has no equipment to compact fill areas. August 6, 1985 Made brief inspection of grading in fill area - contractor will bring in compaction equipment. August 9, 1985 Rough grading continued. Contractor using a vibratory 5 ton roller for fill areas. Grading equipment same - one dozer. August 20, 1985 Rough grading only operation. No additional trees removed in the deeper cut areas. Contractor admits trees should go - is waiting for the owner to order this tree removal. August 23, 1985 Rough grading on the roads about 90% complete. Excavation and forming berms for the only recharge basin is approximately 80% complete. The plan bottom for the R.B. is Elev. 10.0. From observation (there are no stakes to date) , the bottom is about at Elev. 8.0±. The dozer operator advised me that he thought the excavation on the bottom was getting near ground water. A 2 ft. trench was cut in the present bottom excavation with the dozer and water was found about I ft. below the present ground surface. Material in the dozer cut bottom was loamy sand. This apparent ground water elevation may require adjustments in the headwall install- ations when staked out. Drainage installations are scheduled to start some time during next week. Contractor will use 18" corrigated metal pipe, bituminus coated inside and out. Some of this material has been delivered to the site. 6��4 �2z (--J, - John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 466 Southold Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: July 23, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Comments: July 23, 1985 Work was started on the above subdivision July 23, 1985. Contractor crew started clearing for the Young & Young survey party to lay out the road centerline and R.O.W. limits. Also, met the contractor for the owners, C. H. Cardo who will do the clearing, excavation and drainage. Owner wants to clear for 40 ft. only. Advised Cardo that clearing should be done for the width of the 50 ft. R.O.W. as profiles for most part are in excavation, with some areas having cuts of from 4 to 5 ft. and a few fill areas with more than 4 ft. to 5 ft. Would make exception where curbs and orig- inal surface are about equal in elevation. July 31 , 1985 Clearing continued. Trees removed being taken to the Town Landfill. Met H. Young on site re an existing building (not shown on plans) at end of Eagle Nest Court. Profile shows a fill of about 4 ft. at the property line. The building is close to the property line. It was agreed to move the paved turnaround there back 10 ft. to relieve the situation. August 2, 1985 Clearing continued and rough grading started. Some areas cleared to a 40 ft. width only where the 50 ft. width should have been used. No one on site with authority to discuss matter. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Baord Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. P D T LD S y 4- 9 Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 20, 1985 Mr. Jim DeLuca 12 Linda Lane Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Dear Mr. DeLuca: The following action was taken by the Planning Board, Monday, March 18, 1985 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept the report of Inspector John W.Davis regarding the pavement width within the subdivision of Golden View Estates located at Laurel . Enclosed is a copy of the Inspectorb report for your review. If you have any questions , please don't hesitate to contact our office. When the new plans have been drawn indicating the new pavement width, please forward six (6) copies to the Planning Board. ---,yery truly ou sf BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR WAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M .Schultze , Secretary enc . P D T D S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 14 , 1985 Mr. Jim DeLuca 12 Linda .Lane Riverhead,NY 11901 Re : Golden View at Laurel Dear Mr. DeLuca: As per your request, enclosed is a copy of the report from our Field Inspector, John W. Davis , as well as, a copy of the correspondence from the Highway Superintendent, regarding the above mentioned subdivision. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN .-.$OUTHOLD T70 PLuNNING BOARD Itz Sy Diane e, .Secretary enc. rublir Norks Irpartmut Zown of #00401b Pprouir. RAYMOND C. DEAN TEL.76"W 0"ISSIONER 734-5211 March 7, 1985 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates - Proposed Road Widths at 28 ft. Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have reviewed report no. 430 of Mr. John Davis and concur with his findings. Respectiul)y yours, I�e a n m e C m . Y�erintendent of Highways RCD/plm 54" 0 �AARJ P�SOF5 To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 430 Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Date: March 6, 1985 Re: Golden View Estates - Proposed Road Widths at 28 ft . Comments: The plan received March 5, 1985 from the Planning Board indicates the owner wants to reduce the road widths to 28 ft . for all roads except Woodside Lane in the above subdivision. Woodside Lane in the adjacent subdivision is 36 ft . in width with no curbs. I understand from the Planning Board that the owner intends to hold the 36 ft. width on Woodside Avenue so that a transition in pavement widths would not be necessary. The 28 ft. width is acceptable. I would recommend the two course ( W' wearing course and 2�" binder course) asphalt paving on a 4" base course with mountable concrete curbs for the reduced width, as is now being used for major subdivisions. In case the 36 ft . width is used at Woodside Lane the same requirements should apply. Note: Drainage installations on prior plans submitted show a 3-ring leaching basin right and left where new Woodside Lane meets old Woodside Lane. Further review of the drainage situation indicates that two leaching basins each, right and left should be used at that location. John W. Davis cc: Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. s F0 y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 28, 1985 Mr. Ray Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold New York, 11971 Re: Golden View Estates at Laurel Dear Mr. Dean: As per my conversation with you on 2/27/85 , enclosed is a subdivision map of Golden View Estates indicating, in yellow, the roads which the developer would like to reduce to a 28 ' width. The Board requests that you review this plan and let us know your recommendations . Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours , BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JZ. , CHAIRMAN __SOUTHOLD TOWN P A N N B ARD SO ktk y Diane M. Schultze , ecretary enc . 0 Jarres V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 December 28, 1984 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Plannmg Board Box 728 Southold, NY 11971-072 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have been in contact with Ms. Diane Schultz and Mr. Rayrmnd C. Dean over the past several weeks regarding the reduction in the width of the roads in the proposed subdivision known as Golden View Estates Lots 1-32. In discussions with Ms. Schultz and Mr. Dean, they indicated to me that there seems to be no problem in doing this. Mr. Dean's reccmwnda- tions were to follow the new specifications for curbs and road surfacing which will be enacted shortly. I see no problem in following Mr. Dean's reacnuendation. I would greatly appreciate if you would confirm this change so I may proceed in changing the drawings to suit. Enclosed please find a marked-up site plan indicating the roads which we would like to reduce to a 28 ft. width. If you have and suggestions or reccnvendations concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your consideration and I will be anxiously awaiting your reply. Rgsp*tively enc. i S V. DeLucca cc- Mr. Raymond Dean Mr. Neal Rego P 2 P�ioNE:54S-3450 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Juliette A. Kinsella, County Clerk RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 a To Whom This May Concern: The Subdivision Map of: 74— Was Filed, PI-VIev Filed Number, 7776 Abstract Number, 9 W/4// Township, Eage, g Very truly yo�r� -7— a County Clerk Map Department Form No. 49 12-14111 P D T LD S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 19 , 1984 Mrs. Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham and Bressler Main Road Cutchogue , NY 11935 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mrs . Wickham: Enclosed is a copy of correspondence from the Superintendent of Highways noting that a revision is needed prior to approval of the plans for the above mentioned subdivision. Please notify us when the revision is made so the approval can be endorsed. If you have any questions ,please contact this office . Very truly yours , HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN PPUTHOLD TAWN PLANWPG BOARD By Di4he hult'411 Secretary enc . A PIR. Publir Works Urpartment Mown of #00401b Pprouir. N.V. 11950 RAYMOND C. DEAN TEL.765-3140 COMMISSIONER 734-5211 April 9, 1984 Mr. Henry Raynor Southold Tbwn Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. Raynor: I have reviewed report #353 and agree with Mr. Davis's findings. As soon as the revision is made, I would recomend approval of the plans. Your truly, n C. DDDan Superintendent of Highways RCD/plm Enc. Dve y— APR, TO : Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 353 Town Highway Department Southold, New York 11971 FROM; John W. Davis Date : April 5, 1984 RE. GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES MAP DATED APRIL 1, 1983 COMMENTS: I have reviewed the above maps as follows : The road alignment is satisfactory, also the curbed 36 ft. road width as noted on the plans. Contractors who intend to submit construction proposals to the owner have been requesting information on the 28 ft. width asphalt pavement with mountable curbs. A change in pavement types at this time would require plan changes and delay the start of construction. The road profiles, drainage installations including catch basins, leaching basins, pipe lines and the recharge basin are satisfactory with the following exception. would recommend that two more leaching basins be installed at the end of Woodside Lane Extension where it meets Woodside Lane at the adjoin- ing subdivision and that they be of the same size as those shown on the plans. This minor revision would be done as a field change and would not require any resubmission of the plans. The Town has installed catch basins, dikes, etc. in Laurel Wood Estates to control runoff from sections of areas now known as Golden View Estates. The extra L.B. 's will be a factor in that runoff. There are no drainage computations on the plans for rainfall factors to determine the size of the recharge basin. My estimate of the capacity of the recharge basin as shown is 187600 C.F. Using a 6" rainfall and a runoff factor of 0-3, the tributary runoff areas to the R.B. would be approximately 29 acres . All of the total area (36.6 Acres) does not drain to the recharge basin. The drainage design for this subdivision is satisfactory. I recommend approval of the plans dated April 1, 1983- �IJUHB W. UAVIZ� P D T D S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 2 , 1984 Mr. Raymond Dean Superintendent of Highways Peconic , NY 11958 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. Dean: Regarding your letter of March 7 , 1984 , please make note of the following. In receipt of a file copy under the name of Laurel Wood Estates Section II, Please find correspondence in memorandum from you to Lawrence Tuthill dated February 23 , 1976 and one dated December 18, 1975 ; as well as , a copy of the sketch plan sent to you from this Board on August 26 , 1975 . And, a request from the Board on January 27 , 1975 asking for you to review this map and layout. The only change that has transpired subsequent to this , as best as we can determine is a change of name. Please also make note of the bond estimate dated November 29 , 1982 submitted by Lawrence Tuthill, which is my understanding that you automatically receive a copy of, in order to approve it; as well as a resolution from the Town Board approving the amount of the bond. Please be advised that I will sign the maps at such time as they meet with your approval . Very truly you72�s, UNUP E. 1RLNN0 ','-J'f,'4-j0AjMAN SOUTHOL TOWN PLANNING BOARD dms . Enclosure 'Aw ....... MAR 16 1984 WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J.BRESSLER AS GAIL A.WICKHAM 516-298-8353 FRANKLYN A.PARRIS March 15 , 1984 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re : Golden View Estates Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of the executed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions which will be filed with the map. Please have the Chairman sign the map and contact our office so we may pick it up for delivery to the County Center for filing. We would also appreciate the Chairman signing three additional prints of the map. Thank you. Sincerely yours , Abigail A. Wickham AAW:ab Enc. P. S. : We also enclose copy of letter dated February 15 , 1984 from the Town Clerk indicating the Town Board' s approval of the performance bond. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 JUDITH T.TERRY Southold, New York 11971 TowN CLERK TELEPHONE REGISTRAR OF VITAL SI A]ISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 TowN OF SOUTHOLD February 15, 1984 Abigail A. Wickham, Attorney Main Road, P. 0. Box 1424 Mattituck,. New York 11952 Dear Gail: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 14, 1984 accepted the Performance Bond in the amount of $340,000.00 as submitted by Golden View Estates, Inc. for roads and improvements in said subdivision located at Laurel, New York, as recommended by Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill and the Southold Town Planning Board. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk 1984 Publir Works Urpartmut ilawn of 600401b Irrouir. N.V. 11958 RAYMOND C. DEAN TEL.70"140 COMMISSIONER 734-5211 March 7, 1984 Mr. Henry Raynor Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. Raynor: I have no up-to-date maps and have never been notified of the existence of Section II of Golden View Estates. There- fore, I will not make any report until I have received the necessary maps including construction details. At such time, I will be glad to review and camient on the above mentioned subdivision. Ve"y yours C. Dean Ra Superintendent of Highways RCD/Plm REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY 129 FULTON STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038 B 0 N D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES INC. 51-29 65th Place, Woodside, New York as Principal and CARMINE RUFRAN IS BOSCO AND BARNARD COSIMANO as CO-Principals the REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas corporation authorized to a iness in the State of New York, having an Office and Place Of busine 129 Fulton Street, New York, New York as Surety, are held and firmly ad unto th-e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK AS OBLIGEE, i sum Of THREE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($340, 000. 00) ------- ----------------------------------DOLLARS, lawful money of the Unite Les for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Principal and Surety I J themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and ;gns jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS: 2nd Day Of February 1984 . WHEREAS, the above named Principal has agreed to comply with the tZ 1latiOns and conditions of the Town of Southold in connection with t' iletion of items as shown on Town Engineers Estimate dated November � subdivision Of "Golden View Estates (at Laurel) " , situated in the To outhold, Suffolk County, New York and in connection therewith the gee desires this bond be given; WHEREAS, the CO-Principals have a beneficial interest in said proje NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if cipal shall in connection with the installation of said items on neers Estimate in "Golden View Estates" within two (2) years frc date hereof, complete said improvements to be in accordance with the truction specifications of the Town of Southold, all in conformance Plot plan approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and to the sfaction of the Town of Southold, then this obligation to be void; o to remain in full force and effect; NO party other than the Obligee shall have any rights hereunder as -ist the Surety. The aggregate liability of the Surety on the bond obligation shall �d the sum thereof for any cause or reason whatsoever. CO-PRINCIPA GOLDEN VIEW ESTAT INC. e BY. Rufnro REPUBL NCE COMPANY 7BOSCO 7� BY: Henry W. Niemann rd�Cosimano Attorney-in-Fact 1140446 REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK DISTRICT OFFICE 129 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1982 ASSETS 1982 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPITAL FUNDS Cash............................................. $ 3,105,728 Liabilities: 19 Reserve for losses............................... $105,7 Reserve for loss adjustment expenses.............. 8,2 Bonds,at amortized cost(Schedule 1): Unearned premium reserve(Schedule All .......... 217,3 United States Government ........ ............... 8,727,775 Taxes,other than Federal income taxes............. 1.1 Dividends payable to policyholders................. - Other bonds..................................... 122,995,306 Other liabilities.... Total Bonds ................... --1-31 ­........... ........­ 12,3 ,723,081 Payable to affiliates...............*.............. 2 Federal income tax Funds held by company under Investments in stocks other than stocks of Reinsurance Treaties.......4.................. 75.5! affiliates(Schedule 11): Statutory reserves: Excess of statutory reserves over loss and Preferred stocks,at market... .................. 32,048,742 loss expense reserves.......................... Z3. Common stocks,at market...................... 95,8G6,794 Reinsurance in companies not licensed Savings and loan association shares, in Texas .........4...... at cost....... .............................. — Total liabilities ...................4........... 4119,9� Total stocks ............................... 127,855,536 capital shares and surplus: (Irietal ishdares: fe Short-term investments. ........................... 25,500,000 re stock,$100 par valu pershare Authorized 200,000 shares,essued Investments in stocks of affiliates at under- 150,000 shares............. lying book value(Schedule 11):...........4......... 51,458,243 Common stock,$5 par value per sliar*e4.............. Agents!balances and reinsurance balances—net...... 154,813,234 Authorized 200,000 shares,issued Authorized 2,000,000 shares,issued Premium notes,less unearned interest................ 2,764,487 1,000,000 shares .......................... . . 5.0f Paid-in surplus................................. . 18,or Federal Income Tax Recoverable .................... 10,607,580 Retained earnings ............................... 23.7c, Excess(deficiency)or market value of wal estate,at cost less accumulated depreciation stocks over cost.other than stocks of 1,055,218..................................... 1,354,850 at affiliates .................................. 27,81 Excess of underlying book value of stocks Xher assets ................... ............ ..... 10,111,544 of affiliates over cost............................. . 16.80 Total capital shams ;eceivable from affiliates............................ 1,095PO5 and surplus ............ ........:"100.43 $520,389,338 $520.38 'Ote: AH securities are carded in accordance with the re bonds at amortized values; stocks of assoclatedguirements of the National Association of Insurance Commisisoners as follows:elgi; quotations prescribed by the Association. insurance companies at pro rate share of capital and surplus;all other securities -E IT REMEMBERED,that at a regular meetin of the Board of Directors of Republic Insurance Company,duly called and held at the office of ti ;ompany in the City of Dallas,Texas,on the 28th day of February,1967,a quorum being present,the following By-Laws was duly adopted ecome effective February 28,1967: ARTICLE XI—APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS-IN-FACT t Appointment of Aftorney-in-Fact. The President, or any Executive Vice President, may from time to time, appoint by written cerfiftat- torneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the company in the execution ofolicies of insurance,bonds,undertakings,and other obligatory instruments ke nature. Such anorney-in-fact,subject to the limitation set fo in their respective certificates of authority shall have full power to bind 0 ;ompany their at nature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The PresideK or ae xecutive�Ylce Pres2ent,or the Board of Directors,may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-in-fact. TATE OF NEW YORK :OUNTY OF NEW YORK .1fred A.--'rreytag Secretar y i the Republic Insurance being duly sworn,deposes and says:I am Company,I have compared the lo7oing By-Law with the original thereof,as recorded in the Minute Book of the as ompany,and do hereb certify that the same is a correct an true transcript therefrom and of the whole Article XI,of said ori !net By-Lam,a. iat the same is now in kill force and effect. Pursuant to said By-Law,John J.Zahn,Winston R.Broadbent,James N.Heiskew,Affred Freyta harles L. Tea, Jr.,John W. Spencer and Henry W. Niemann were duly appointed Attomeys-in-Fact of this Company without limitation as nount of bond executed and that said appointment is now in effect. The above is a true statement of the assets and liabilifies of said Company at the close of business December 31,1982 taken from the boc+ id records of said Company and is prepared in accordance with the statements on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New Yor The Su erintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has,Pursuant to Section 327 of the New York Insurance Law(Chapter 882 of th 1ws of 129 of the State of New York,constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York,as amended)issued to th epublic Insurance Com any his certificate that said Com any is qualfied to become and be accepted as surety to guarantor On all bond: Aertakings and other o9ligations or guarantees,as provild in the Insurance Law of the State of New York,and all laws amendatory there, id supplementary thereto;and that such certificate has not been revoked. 4) before me this 7.nri dav�sLF Ahrila r� 119 A4 MARYANN FOERDERER NOtarY Public,State of New York LA_Q� NO- 41-46BU53-Qual l Queens,Cpr -ATE 0 NEW YOR Commission ENPires Itarch 30, nQ—) ]UNTY F NEW 2nd On this _7 day of-February '19 84 before me personally W. He y W. Niprnna,, to me known,who being by me duly sworn,did depos d say that he resides in Staten Island, New York that he is an afforney-in-tact of the Republic Insuraric =y�fflhe corporation described in,and which executed,the foregoing instrument;that he knows the corporate seal of said cc ion;tfu xed to the foregoing instrument is such corporate seal; that it was affixed thereto by the order rporation and that he signed his name thereto,as afforney-in-fact, at and auth ity. d of D ecto sai. ;-109(4-83) 1,,%DVANN FOERDERER Nora�'y Publi. S,w�, of York u�QueensC lu. 19 1;.f, Four Town Hall, 53095 Main Road LIM P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TowN CLERk REGISTRAR Of VITAL S1 N1 IS I ICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 15, 1984 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Henry: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 14, 1984 adopted the following resolutions: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $700,000.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "The Cove Beach" at East Marion, as recommended and approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill. RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $250,000.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Homestead Acres" at Greenport, as recommended and approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill. RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold eb ce ts Perform ance Bond in the amount of $340,000. 00 y t p V w su tted b G Iden ie Estates, Inc. for roads and improve- as bml y 0 m ents in said s ubdi vision located at Laurel, New York, as recommend�d by Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill and the Southold Town Planning Board. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk �Irlw P191 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P.0. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEWYORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J.BRESSLER ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM 516-298-8353 FRANKLYN A.FARRIS February 13, 1984 Town Board Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 RE: Golden View Estates Major Subdivision Laurel N.Y. Gentlemen: We enclose Performance Bond in the amount of $340,000.00 for which we request your approval, pursuant to Planning Board resolution dated December 13, 1982 and accompanying estimate. Please advise if there is any additional information which you require. `IA1 ' S c 1�4 ha Jbiga AAW Encl. CC: Southold Town Planning Board 0 A- OFFICES VVICKHAM, WICK'HAM & BRESSLER, P.c. DEC 2019P.4 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK H952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J.BRESSLER AS)GAIL A.WICKHAM 516-298-8353 FRANKLYN A.FARRIS December 16, 1983 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Southotd, N.Y. 11971 Re: Golden View Estates Major Subdivision Gentlemen: we have been advised that the performance bond required by the Board has been approved by the surety company and will be issued within a few weeks. We request. a 90 day extension pursuant to OA106-24F (2) for sub- mission, and expec,t that the bond can be submitted to and approved by the Town Board within that time. Thank you for your consideration. *V r t ly yours e ly y r t Ab' ail k. Wickham AAW/ �3 If WAI WA FA M 10 mamum im inn 1983 May 25, 1983 Ttr#n Clerk I Town of Souihold Town Iall Southold, N 11971 Re * GoldenNiew Estates pt� rear Sir- Pursuant to.A106-23 of the Town Code, 1.�enolose official check in th eamount of $13,600. 00 representing the inspec- tion fee folthe above subdivision. Sincerely yours, P., AAW:ab Enc. Abigail A� Wickham cc : Planninij Board V' At 2ml.yx Aim" ni P FUL T Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E.RAYNOR,it.,Chairmn JAMES WALL TELEPHONE BENNETT ORLOWSKI,Jr. 765-1938 GEORGE RITI LATHAM,Jr. WILLIAM F.MULLEN,Jr. May 19, 1983 Ms . Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler P.O. BOX 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Ms . Wickham: Prior to Our Board taking action on the final subdivision map captioned above, please forward the inspection fee equal to four percent (4%) of the amount of the approved performance bond. Please be advised that action is necessary prior to June 2, 1983 and the inspection fee must be filed prior to our meeting of May 31, 1983 . If You have any questions , please contact our office. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary COUNTY OF SUFFOLK RAY9 PETER F.COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING LEE E. KOPPELMAN DIRECTOROF PLANNING May 5, 1983 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Map of Golden View Estates Southwesterly end of Woodside Lane, Laurel, New York. Dear Mr. Raynor: The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting on May 4, 1983, reviewed the proposed subdivision plat entitled, "l-Lap of Golden View Estates", referred to it pursuant to Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter. After due study and deliberation it resolved to approve said map subject to the following four conditions deemed necessary to help preserve the natural and aesthetic attributes of the shoreline of Brush's Creek: 1. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be required during and immediately after construction on each lot to insure that storm- water runoff will not carry eroded and other deleterious materials into Brush's Creek and the tidal wetlands bordering the creek. 2. No residential structure or sanitary disposal facility shall be in- stalled or constructed within 100 feet of the upland edge of the tidal wetlands along the shoreline of Brush's Creek. 3. No stormwater runoff resulting from the development of the subdivi- sion or any of the lots shall be discharged directly into the ad- jacent body of water or the tidal wetlands bordering Brush's Creek. 4. Conditions 1-3, inclusive, shall be filed as covenants and restric- tions in the office of the County Clerk on or prior to the granting of approval to this subdivision. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Town Board of the Town of Southold after public hearing. Adjoining property owners shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE.L.I.,NEW YORK 1 1788 (516)360-5192 Mr. Henry E. Rayno0jr. 2 0 May 5, 1983 Re: Map of Golden View Estates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Commission also offers the following comments on the map for your use and consideration: Even though the nearby railroad right-of-way is not frequently used measures should be taken to reduce noise levels on Lots 19 and 20. Trains, reputedly, have been observed to cause noise levels of 90-95 dBA outside a house and 70-75 dBA in- side a house. This level of noise is sufficient to wake a sleeping person and in- terrupt normal activities. Consideration, therefore, should be given to requiring the subdivider to construct a satisfactory earth berm on these lots to reduce noise levels to acceptable limits. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning b Charles G. Vrnd, Chief Planner Subdivison Review Section File: S-SD-83-09 CGL:jk Encl. : Map cc: A. J. Felice, County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Hall , Main Road, Southold, New York, in said town on the 18th day of April 1983 , on the question of the following: 7 :30 p.m. Approval of the minor subdivision of John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar located at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set at the intersection of the south- easterly line of Duck Pond Road with the northwesterly line of the land now or formerly of Joseph and Peter Zuhoski and running thence from said point of beginning S . 40 0 25 ' 00" E. along the land now or formerly of John and Peter Zuhoski 535 .64 feet; thence through the land of John and Olivia Fellinger-Ihar the following courses and distances: ( 1) S . 510 00 , 001, W. 166 .40 feet; (2) N. 39 0 00 , 001, W. 64 .47 feet; (3) S . 51 0 001 00" W. 250 . 00 feet; Thence along the northeasterly and southeasterly lines of Duck Pond Road the following courses and distances: ( 1) N. 390 00 ' 00" W. 340 .55 feet; (2) N. 330 041 00" E. 423 .74 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 4 acres more or less . 7 - 45 p.m. Approval of the final map of the major subdivision to be , known as Golden View Estates , located at Laurel , in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office under file #5595 ; from said point of beginning running thence S. 31 0 19 ' 27" E. 350 .48 feet to land now ox formerly of C.L. Rasweiler; running thence along land now or formerly of C. L. Rasweiler S. 50, 2'If 4811 W. 446.'14 feet to a point; running thence along other land now or formerly of C. L. Rasweiler N. 320 33, 401, W. 2,027.61 feet to the Long Island Railroad; running thence along land now or formerly of the Long Island Railroad. N. 330 421 1311 E. 490.69 feet to land now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds; running thence along land now or formerly of Leeds S. 370 021 121, E. 316.19 feet; thence N. 580 44' 5311 E. 129.0'/ feet; thence N. 4010 541 2311 E. 105.89 feet; thence N. 620 48' 5311 E. 75.24 feet; thence S. 90 331 0711 E. 356.72 feet; thence S. 570 35 , 4711 E. 213- 31 feet; thence S. 760 591 0711 E. 208.04 feet; thence S. 250 341 4711 E. 138.58 feet; thence S. 440 1�61 4711 E- 173.73 feet; thence N. 40" 571 2311 E. 180 feet to land now or formerly of T. Diachun; running thence along land now or formerly of Diachun S. 360 561 0711 E. 141.26 feet to subdivision of "Laurel Park" ; running thence along land of "Laurel Par�kll -0. -290 11' 0711 E. 150.08 feet; running still along land of "Laurel ID ark" S. 310 4-8' 1711 E. 262. 33 feet to a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates" ; running thenc-- along lan(I of "La,-Welwcod Estates" S. 560 281 4311 W. 318.63 feet; running thence still along land of "Laurelwood Estates" S. 560 171 1311 W. 305. 56 Peet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 36.667 acres, more or less. 8 : 00 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of the major subdivision to be known as Settler' s at Oysterponds , located at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the Northerly side of Orchard Street with the westerly side of Narrow River Road; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly and Northeasterly sides of Orchard Street; ( 1) South 82 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West, 466 . 15 feet; (2) South 69 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West, 703 .67 feet; (3) North 41 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds West 1328 .70 feet; and (4) North 64 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds 375 .42 feet West to the corner formed by the intersection of the Northeasterly side of Orchard Road with the Southeasterly side of Platt Road; THENCE along the Southeasterly and Northeasterly sides of Platt Road; ( 1) North 54 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds East 939 . 91 feet; and (2) North 37 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West 402 .51 feet; THENCE North 50 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East, along land now or formerly Russell Tabor Estate, 656 .33 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of R. W. Gillespie ; ( 1) South 40 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East, 1461 .53 feet; and (2) South 65 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East, 231 .58 feet to the Northwesterly side, of Narrow River Road; THENCE along the Northwesterly, Southwesterly and Westerly sides of Narrow River Road; ( 1) South 22 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds West, 255 .22 feet; (2) South 39 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East, 516 . 06 feet; and (3) South 15 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, 306 .78 feet to the corner and point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 67 .652 acres . 8 : 15 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of the major subdivision to be known as Bay View Ventures , Ltd. , located at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of New S ,rfolk Avenue distant 110 . 00 feet easterly from the corne formed by the intersection of the southerly side cf New St.- Jfolk Avenu h the easterly side of D(--(-p Poll, Drive , said point being � iie no- -terly corner of land foi ; ierly rf Frank Zaleski , i ur formerly of liza.Ly F. and Helen J. Frerichs i -m said point of beginning running -1� -",.-'E along the southerly side r-f New Suliolk Avenue the followii WO rci ges and distances: (1) Norti. 830 11 ' 30 " East 946 . 98 feet; an(-, P ) South 66 ' 361 10" East 525 . 59 feet to the high water line of Hall ' s Creek; THENCE along the high water line of said Hall ' s Crt--�K � n � general southerly direction, the following 13 courses and disLar,�,,,- ( 1) sou' ' 12' 57 ' 54" East 80 . 89 feet; (2) South 4 ' 41 ' 39" West l-) 7 . 43 feet7 ( 31 South 2 ' 18 ' 57" West 141. 62 feet; (4 ) South 26 ' 39 ' 50 " Wes - 18 . 23 feet; (5 ) South 7' 121 27" East 102 . 14 feet; (6) South 8' 21 ' 5�, " West 139 . 85 feet; (7 ) South 31' 14 ' 45 " West 100 . 73 feet; (8 ) South �50 25 ' 12" West 28 . 02 feet; (9 ) South 12' 05 ' 20 " East 100 . 50 feet; ( '. 0 ) Sout-1, 77 ' 08 ' 58" East 40 . 51 feet; (11) South 140 561 29 " East 214 . 03 foet; ( 12 ) South 20' 58 ' 21" West 51 . 85 feet; and (13 ) South 9' 45 ' 56 " Easi 60 . 08 feet to land now or formerly of Fred G. and Rosemary S . Moritt; THENCE along said last montioned land North 87' 07 ' 50" West 286 . 44 fee � to a point at the easterly terminus of a certain 50 foot right-of-way , and the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Thomas H. and Audrey B. Witschi , formerly of H. Alvin Smith and Dorothy R. Smith; THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two courses and distances : (1) south 310 071 30" West 114 . 12 feet; and t2 ) South 62' 251 10" West 119 . 14 feet to land now or formerly of Martin and Alma Suter; THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two courses and 3istances : ( 1) South 62' 25 ' 10" West 350 . 00 feet; and (2) South 27' '4 ' 50 " East 768 . 00 feet to the high water line of Great Peconic Bay ; THENCE along the high water line of Great Peconic Bay , Willis Creek j�.i a dredged creek, in a general northwesterly direction , the following tie line courses and distances : (1) South 45' 44 ' 55" West 110 . 57 fe� (2) south 840 -201 16" West 106 . 6-6 feet; (3) North 740 091 00" West 137 . 10 feet; (4 ) South 72 ' 04 ' 50 " West 117 . 94 feet; (5) South 17 ' 30 ' 28" West 43 . 51 feet; (6 ) North 500 121 35" West 214 . 76 feet; (7 ) North 00 47 ' 18 " East 202 . 06 feet; ( 8 ) North 60 28 ' 49 " West 188 . 01 feet; N.�)-t-h 20 50 ' 06" East 85 . 03 feet; ( 10 ) North LI)Q 09 ' 16" East 82 . 57 feet; (11) North 80 09 ' 00 " West 98 . 08 feet; ( 12) North 200 351 0411 130 . 91 feet; ( 13) North 0' 32 ' 55" East 90 . 96 feet ; ( 14 ) North 10 ' 34 ' 25" West 179 . 34 feet; (15 ) North 180 451 40 " West 148 . 64 feet; ( 16 ) North 190 37 ' 46" East 32 . 21 feet; (17 ) North 32' 41 ' 10" West 64 . 91 feet; (18) North 12' 00 ' 59 " West 121 . 78 feet; and ( 19) North 49' 43 ' 14" West 38 . 71 feet to land now or formerly of William A. and Judith Macomber; THENCE along said last mentioned land and along land now or formerlV Mattituck House Movers , T4ic . North 110 54 ' 50" West 181 . 00 feet; THENCE still along land now o.L formerly of Mattituck House Movers , I�,- and along land now or formerly of Howard B. and Mary Larsen North 120 40 ' 50 " West 400 . 02 feet; THENCE still along land now or formerly of Howard B . and Mary Larsen �nd along land now or formerly of Henry F . and Helen J . Frerichs North 13�' 25 ' 40 " West 276 . 98 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 49 . 140 acres more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL 7 , 1983 AND FORWARD FOUR AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Copies mailed to the following April 1 , 1983 : The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Watchman John & Olivia Fellinger-Ihar Abigail Wickham, Esq. Charles Horowitz , applicant David Saland, agent Supervisor William R. Pell , III ......... TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N? ` 9�90 - Suffolk County, New York 516 . 765-1801 outhold, N. Y. 11971--qAt�:�LA9- RECEIVED OF 45, ars For dith T. Terry, Town Clerk Casn U 01eek By' 0 LAW OFFICES 0 WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P 0- BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEWYORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J.BRESSLER ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM 516-298-8353 FRANKLYN A.FARRIS April 18, 1983 Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re : Golden View Estates Dear Sir: Enclosed is filing fee of $235. 00 for the above major subdivision application. The property being subdivided contains 36.677 acres. Sincerely yours , i Wickham AAW:ab Enc. cc: Southold Town Planning Board ok Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY ,GIV- EN that pursuant to Section COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: 276 of the Town Law,,public STATE OF NEW YORK hearings will be hold by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Han, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said town on the 18th day of Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the April 1983, on the question of Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, the following: 7:30 p.m. kpprb�sl of the a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; minor subdMim�-0-A-C foi- and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, lowing: Fellinger-thar located at Cutchogue, in the Town of has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- Southold, County of Suffolk man once each week for .......................... ............weeks and State of New York and bounded and described as follows::- successively, commencing on the .................................... BEGINNING at a monument set at the intersection of the day of ............... I......................... 19 P3 southeasterly fine.� of Duck Pond Road with the northwest. .....). erly line of the land now or formerly of Joseph and Peter Zuhoski and running thence from said poial ofhaoinning S. 400 25' 00" E aid" the land Sworn to before me this .................... .......... day of now or formerly Zo n and -7 Peter Zuhoski 535.64 feet; thence through the land of 19.F3 John and Olivia Fellinger-lhar ................y........................... ....... the following courses and distances: (1)S.510 00'00"W. 166.40 feet; (2)N. 390 001 001, W. 64.47 ....... .................. feet; ..... -®r y. P ub I i c (3)S.510 00'00" W. 250.00 feet; . ' I , CLEMENT J,THOMPSON Thence along the northeast. NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York erly and southeasterly lines of r1o, 52-9321725 Duck Pond Road the following Residing in Sufiu4 Couaty So/ courses and distances: Cnnnm�ssior F��,�T 1 q 2- (1)N.390 001 001, W. 340.55 feet; (2)N. 330 04, 00" E. 423.74 feet to the point or'place of BEGINNING. Containing 4 acres more or less. 1 7:45 p.m. Approval of the final map of the major subdi- vision to be known as Golden View Estates, loca"d at Laur. el, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: � BEGINNING at the north. west corner of a subdivision known as 4'14iurelwood Es. tates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office under file #5595; from said point of beginning running thence S. 310 19' 27" E. 360.48 feet to land now or formerly of,C,L. Rasweiler; running thence along land now.or formerly of C.L. Rasweiler S. 50* 21' *' W. 446.74 feet to a point; running thence along other land now or formerly of C.L. Rasweiler N. 32* 33' 401, W. 2,027.61 feet to the Long Island Railroad; running thence along land now or formerly of the Long Island Railroad N. 33* 42' 13" E. 490.69 feet to land now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds; i 9 lbesaft alms bmd mw orV�wrly of LeWs L 37*02' 3" 12. 11114,119,fissill fassee N. 58*0 44' 53" E. 129.07 feet; thence N. 490 54' 23" E. 105-89 feet; thence N. 620 48' 53"E.75.24-feet;thence S. 9- 33'07" E. 356.72 feet; thence S. S76 35' 47" E. 213.31 feet; thence S. 760 59' 07" E. 208-04 feet; thence S. 25- 34' 141.26 feet to subdivision of '41.�urel Park"; running thence along land of "Laurel Park" S.290 11'07" E. 150.08 feet;running still along land of "Laurel Park" S. 31' 48' 17" E.262.33 feet to a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Es, tates"; running thence along land of "Lauretwood Estates" S.560 28'43" W. 318.63 feet; running thence still along land of "Laurelwood Estates" S. 560 17' 13" W. 305.56 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- NING. Containing 36.667 ac- res, more or less. 8:00 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of the major subdivision to be known as Settler's at Oysterponds, lo- cated at Orient,in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk I and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the Northerly side of Orchard Street with the Westerly side of Narrow River Road; RUN- NING THENCE along the Northerly and Northeasterly sides of Orchard Street; (1) South 82 degrees 33 minutes- 20 seconds West, 466.15 feet; (2) South 69 degrees 18 minutes, 20 seconds West, 703.67 feet; (3) North 41 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds West 1328.70 feet; and (4) North 64 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds 375.42 feet West to the comer formed by the intersection of the North- easterly side of Orchard Road with the Southeasterly side of Platt Road; THENCE along , the Southeasterly and North- easterly sides of Platt Road; (I)North 54 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds East 939.9i'f6et-'-and J' "I' ' (2) Nort� 37 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West , 402.51 feet; THENCE North 50 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East, along land now or formerly Russell Tabor Estate, 656.33 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of R.W. Gillespie; (1) South 40 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds East, 1461.53 feet; and (2) South 65 degrees 31, minutes 10 seconds East,' 231.58 feet to the NorthwesV� erly side of Narrow Rivev, Road; THENCE along the North- westerly, Southwesterly and' Westerly sides of Narrow, River Road; (1) South 22 degrees 20,, minutes 00 seconds West'�' 255.22 feet; (2) South 39 degrees W ,ninutes 30 seconds Easf�i_l 516.06 feet; and (3) South 15 degrees 4*' minutes 40 seconds West,i' 306.78 feet to the corner an#i point or place of BEGINNIMI Containing 67.652 acres. 42 8:15 p.m Approval of thir preliminary map of the maj*� subdivision to be known si�� Bay View Ventures, Lt4,54- located at Mattituck in twi Town of Southold, County Suffolk and State of Ne*A1 York, bounded and describ*i �,N as follows: -4 BEGINNING at a point uot�_, the southerly side of Not Suffolk Avenue distant 110., feet easterly from the co Milo formed by the intersection the southerly side of N Suffolk Avenue with the eaz� erly side of Deep Hole Drivi,� said point also being the north. easterly corner of land formiV., ly of Frank Zaleski, now 4- formerly of Henry F. azo! Helen J. Frerichs and frool' said point of beginning run- ning 11 THENCE along the southO ly side of New Suffolk Aven the following two courses wool nsj___P�l 516.06 feet; ani 1 1 (3) South 15 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, 306.78 feet to the corner and point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 67.652 acres. 8:15 P.m Approval of the preliminary map of the major subdivision to be known as Bay View Ventures, Ltd., located at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue distant 110.00 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue with the east- erly side of Deep Hole Drive, said point also being the north- easterly corner of land former- ly of Frank Zaleski, now or formerly of Henry F. and Helen J. Frerichs and from said point of beginning run- ning THENCE along the souther- ly side of New Suffolk Avenue the following two courses and distances: (1) North 830 11' 30" East 946.98 feet; and (2) South 660 36' 10" East 525.59 feet to the high water line of Hall's Creek; THENCE along the high water line of said Hall's Creek in a general southerly direc- fin, the Mwxft 13 courses MW dWasm: (1) South 120 S4" Faq W A,bet, (2) South 40 41' *" i�i 137A3 feet;(3)South 2' 18'57"West 141.62 feet; (4) South 260 391 50" West 78.23 feet; (5)South 70 12'27"East 102.14 feet; (6) South 8' 21' 58" West 139AS t feet; (7) South 31' 14' 45" West 100.73 feet; (8) South 85' 25' 12" West 28.02 feet; (9) South 12' 05' 20" East 100-50 feet; (10)South 770 081 58"East 40.51 feet; (11)South 14- 56' 29" East 214.03 feet; (12) South 20' 58' 21" West 4 51.85 feet; and (13) South 9' 45� 56" East 60.08 feet to land now or formerly of Fred G. and Rosemary S. Moritt; THENCE along said last mentioned land North 870 071 50"West 286.44 feet to a point at the easterly terminus of a certain 50 foot right-of-way, northeasterly corner of 'twland now or formerly of f, Thomas H. and Audrey B. Witschi, formerly of H. Alvin Smith and Dorothy R. Smith; THENCE along said land mentioned land the following �Jwo courses and distances: (1) ��South 31*07'30"West 114.12 ffeet;and(2)South 620 25' 101, West 119.14 feet to land now or formerly of Martin and Alma Suter; THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two courses and distances: (1) South 62'25'10" West 350.00 eet;and(2)South 27'34' 50" East 768.00 feet to the high water line of Great Peconic ay; THENCE along the high ter line of Great Peconic ay, Willis Creek and a dged creek, in a general orthwesterly direction, the Uowing 19 tie line courses d distances: (1) South 45' 55" West 110.57 feet; (2) outh 840 20' 16" West 106.66 et; (3) North 74' 09' 00" est 137.10 feet; (4) South 04' 56" West 117.94 feet; South 17' 30' 28" West 3.51 feet; (6) North 50' 12' S" West 214.76 feet; (7) rth 00 47' 18" East 202.06 et;(8)North 60 28,4911 West 88.01 feet; (9) North 20 501 "East 85.03 feet; (10)North 0 09' 16" East 82.57 feet; 1) North 80 091 0011 West .08 feet; (12) North 200 351 West 130.91 feet; (13) orth 0' 32' 55" East 90.96 et; (14) North 100 341 2511 est 179.34160,,�(15) North 80 45' 40" Wetf 1AK64 feet- Alt ApA1!7J9P,,' _TboeSpff r.Tixnes along land of "Laurel Park" Avenue the following two BEGINNING. Legal Notices S.310 48'17"E.262.33 feet to a courses and distances: (1) Containing 49.140 acres subdivision known as North 83* 11' 30" East 946.98 more or less. LEGAL NOTICE "Laurelwood Estates"; feet; and (2) South 61 1%igl� _"JAny person desiring to be et to Notice of Hea g running thence along land of East 525.59 fe ) t;oe OZeard on the above matter "Laurelwood Estates" S. 56' water line of Hall's C - should appear at the time and .18.63 feet; running THENCE a] ree tigh ursuant to long lgh place above specified. GNERN"thatp ;n ogrklh 11's r Section Z76 of the Town Law, thence still along land of water line of sa' 11's Creek BYORDEROFTHE public hearings will be held by "Laurelwood Estates" S. 56* in a gejotal southerly SOUTHOLD TOWN the Southold Town Planning 17' 13" W. 305.56 feet to the direct-pe,-the following 13 PLANNING BOARD o Board at the Town Hall, Main point or place 0, c !nd distances: (1) HENRY E.RAYNOR,JR., BEGINNING. Contait of c ;�,2 57' 54" East 80.89 QJIAIRMAN ut Road,Southold, New York, in ling outh 0 1TA7-4212 00 16 667 acres-1p re or ess, feet; (2)South 4' 41' 39"West said town on the 18th day of April 1983, on the question of 8:00 p.m. Approval of the 137.43 feet; (3)South 2*18'57" the following: preliminary map of the major West 141.62 feet; (4) South 26* blished crt Greenport, in said 7:30 p.m. Approval of the siihilivigion to be known as 39' 50" West 78.23 feet; (5) minor subdivision of John & Settler's at Oysterponds, South 70 12' 27" East 102.14 Olivia Fellinger-lhar located located at Orient, in the Town feet; (6) South 8-21'58"West tich the(umexed is a printed at Cutchogue, in the Town of of Southold, County of Suffolk 139.85 feet; (7) South 31' 14' Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and 45"West 100.73 feet; (8)South soald Suffolk Weekky Times and State of New York and bounded and described as 85*25' 12"West 28.02 feet; (9) one weeks bounded and described as follows: South 12* 05' 20" East 100.50 . . . . * * * follows: BECINNING at the corner feet; (10) South 77* 08' 58" 7 th .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEGINNING at a formed oy the intersection of East 40.51 feet; (11) South 14* monument set at the the Northerly side of Orchard 56' 29" East 214.03 feet; (12) 8 intersection of the southeast- Street with the Westerly side South 20' 58' 21" West 51.85 1*, erl line of Duck Pond Road of Narrow River Road; feet; and (13) South 9* 45' 56" . . . . . . . . . RUNNING THENCE along East 60.08 feet to land now or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wi the northwesterly line of formerly of Fred G. and the land now or formerly of the Northerly and Northeast- Joseph and Peter Zuhoski and erly sides of Orchard Street; Rosemary S.Moritt; running thence from said (1) South 82 degrees 33 THENCE along said last 8� point of beginning S. 40- 25' minutes 20 seconds West, mentioned land North 87* 07' - - 00" E. along the land now or 466.15 feet; 5oll West 286.49 feet to a point / M� formerly of John and Peter (2) South 69 degrees 18 at the easterly terminus of a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . minutes 20 seconds West, certain 50 foot right-of-way, Zuhoski 535.64 feet; thence through the land of John and 703.67 feet; and the northeasterly corner Olivia Fellinger-Ihar the (3) North 41 degrees 05 of land now or formerly of f ollowing courses and minutes 30 seconds West Thomas H. and Audrey B. distances: 1328.70 feet;and Witsehi, formerly of H. Alvin (1) S. 51- 00' 00" W. 166-40 (4) North 64 degrees 55 Smith and Dorothy R.Smith; I EN K, DE VOE feet; minutes 00 seconds 375.42 feet THENCE along said last 8LIC, State of New Vork (2) N. 390 001 00" W. 64.47 West to the comer formed by mentioned land the following 787A, Suffolk Cotint feet; the intersection of the two courses and distances: (1) Nres Match 30, US- (3) S. 51* 00' 00" W. 250.00 Northeasterly side of Orchard South 31* 07' 30" West 114.12 feet' Road with the Southeasterly feet: and (2) South 62*25' 10" Thence along the side of Platt Road; West 119.14 feet to land now or northeasterly and THENCE along the formerly of Martin and Alma southeasterly lines of Duck Southeasterly and Northeast- Suter; Pond Road the following erly sides of Platt Road; THENCE along said last courses and distances: ol) North 54 degrees 04 mentioned land the following (1) N. 390 00' 00" W. 340.55 minutes 40 seconds East 939.91 two courses and distances: (1) feet feet;and South 620 25' 10" West 350.00 (2) N. 33- 041 00' E. 423.74 (2) North 37 degrees 05 feet; and(2) South 27* 34' 50" feet to the point or place of minutes 50 seconds West East 768.00 feet to the high BEGINNING. 402.51 feet; water line of Great Peconic Containing 4 acres more or THENCE North 50 degrees Bay; 52 minutes 00 seconds East, THENCE along the high less. 7,45 p.m. Ap _-1 -9 th. along land now or formerly water line of Great Peconic linal map 01 LHU 1114JUL Russell Tabor Estate, 656.33 Bay, Willis Creek and a subdivision to be known as feet; dredged creek, in a general Golden View Estates, located THENCE along land now or northwesterly direction, the at Laurel, in the Town of formerly of R.W.Gillespie; following 19 tie line courses Southold, County of Suffolk (1) South 40 'degrees 31 and distances: (1) South 45* and State of New York and minutes 10 seconds East, 44' 55" West 110.57 feet; (2) bounded and described as 1461.53 feet;and South 84* 20' 16" West 106.66 follows: (2) South 65 degrees 31 feet; (3) North 74* 09' 00" BEGINNING at the minutes 10 seconds East, West 137.10 feet; (4) South 72* northwest corner of a 231.58 feet to the Northwester- 04' 50" West 117.94 feet; (5) subdivision known as"Laurel- ly sideof Narrow River Road; South 170 30' 28" West 43.51 wood Estates" filed in the THENCE along the feet; (6) North 50* 12' 35" Suffolk County Clerk's Office Northwesterly, Southwester- West 214.76 feet; (7) North 0* under file #5595; from said ly and Westerly sides of 47' 18" East 202.06 feet; (8) point of beginning running Narrow River Road; North 60 28' 49" West 188.01 thence S. 31* 19" Z7" E. 350.48 (1) South 22 degrees 20 feet; (9)-North 2*50'06" East feet to land now or formerly of minutes 00 seconds West, 85.03 feet; (10) North 19' 09' C.L. Rasweiler; running 255.22 feet; 16"East 82.57 feet; (11)North thence along land now or (2) South 39 degrees 12 8*09'00"West 98.08 feet; (12) formerly of C.L. Rasweiler S. minutes 30 seconds East, North 20* 35' 04" West 130.91 500 Z7' 48" W. 446.74 feet to a 516.06 feet;and feet; (13)North 0*32'55"East point; running thence along (3) South 15 degrees 44 90.96 feet; (14) North 10' 34' other land now or formerly of minutes 40 seconds West, 25" West 179.34 feet; (15) C. L. Rasweiler N. 32* 33' 40" 306.78 feet to the corner and North 18* 45' 40" West 148.64 W 2,027.61 feet to the Long point or place of feet; (16) North 19* 37' 46" Isiand Railroad; running BEGINNING. East 32.21 feet; (17)North 32* thence along land now or Containing 67.652 acres. 41' 10" West 64.91 feet; (18) formerly of the Long Island 8:15 p.m. Approval of the North 120 00' 59" West 121.78 Railroad N. 33' 42' 13" E. preliminary map of the major feet;and(19)North 490 43'14" 490.69 feet to land now or subdivision to be known as West.38.71 feet to land now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds; Bay View Ventures, Ltd., formerly of William A. and running thence along land now located at Mattituck in the Judith Macomber; or formerly of Leeds S.37'02' Town of Southold, County of THENCE along said last 12" E. 316.19 feet; thence F Suffolk and State of New York, mentioned land and along land 580 44' 53" E. 129.07 feet, bounded and described as now or formerly of Mattituck thence N. 49*54,23" E. 105.80 follows: House Movers, Inc. North It* feet; thence N. 62* 48' 53" 1 BEGINNING at a point on 54'50"West 181.00 feet; 75.24 feet; thence S.9* 33' 07' the southerly side of New THENCE still along land E.356.72 feet; thence S.57*35' Suffolk Avenue distant 110.00 now or formerly of Mattituck 47" E. 213.31 feet6st.lenfleeel feet easterly from the corner House Movers, Inc. and along E. 2 04 t� formed bKetrhe intersection of land now or formerly of 76* 59' 07" ly thence S. 25' 34' 47" E. 138.58 the sout side of New Howard B. and Mary Larsen feet; thence S. 44, 56' 47" E. Suffolk Avenue with the North 12* 40' 50" West 400.02 173,73 feet; thence N. 46' 57' easterly side of Deep Hole feet; 23" E. 18o feet to land now or Drive, said point also being THENCE still along land formerly of T. Diachun; the northeasterly corner of now or formerly of Howard B. running thence along land now land formerly of Frank and Mary Larsen and along or,formerly of Diachom S. 36* Zaleski, now or formerly of land now or formerly of Henry 56 07" E. �L,11.26 feet to Henry F., and Helen J. F. and Helen J. Frerichs subdivision of"'Laurel Park"- Frerichs and from said point North 130 25' 40" West 276.98 running thence along land oJ of beginning running feet to the southerly side of THENCE along the New Suffolk Avenue at the "Laurel Park" S. 29* 11' 07" E. 150.08 feet; running still southerly side of New Suffolk point or place of A 'A- -F FICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND WILLIAM WICKHAM NEW YORK 11952 APR 8 RECT ERIC J.BRESSLER 516-298-8353 ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM FRANKLYN A.FARRIS April 7 , 1983 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attention: Miss Susan E. Long Re : Golden View Estates Dear Susan: Enclosed are two copies of the proposed final drainage plan, one for your file and one for the Department of Planning. No restrictions are being placed on the map pertaining to the area affected by the tidal wetlands. However, the permit and the DEC regulations would prohibit any activity or construc- tion in those areas. A copy of the permit is enclosed, together with a letter extending the permit. of course, before any houses are constructed on the lots affected by tidal wetlands, permits for that construction would have to be obtained. I am enclosing a copy of this letter so you may forward it to the Devartment of Planning. Sincerely yours, �ea i AAkl:ab Encs. CES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.C. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 1195a WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J.BRESSLER ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM 516-298-8353 FRANKLYN A.FARRIS March 28, 1983 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attention: Miss Susan E. Long Re : Golden View Estates Dear Susan: Enclosed are two copies of the proposed final drainage plan, one for your file and one for the Department of Planning. No restrictions are being placed on the map pertaining to the area affected by the tidal wetlands. However, the permit and the DEC regulations would prohibit any activity or construc- tion in those areas. A copy of the permit is enclosed, together with a letter extending the permit. Of course, before any houses are constructed on the lots affected by tidal wetlands, permits for that construction would have to be obtained. I am enclosing a copy of this letter so you may forward it to the Department of Planning. Sincerely yours, Abigail A. Wickham AAW:ab Encs. PERMIT S, IGN Nom TW 3-0-81-0269 has been issued to Golden View Estates By: Abigail Wickham Main Road, P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 address: Any construction (i.e. one family dwelling) to take place on Lot 7 (as shown on survey submitted to DEC on for: 12/22/81) is to be setback a minimum of 75' from tidal wetland boundary. Septic system must be a minimum of 1013 trom Trra=flana. under the Environmental Conservation Law, E::] Article 15, (Protection of Water) Article 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) Fx x-; Article 25, (Tidal Wetlands) Article 36, (Construction in Flood Hazard Areas) New York State ��&—J—itrator Department of Environmental Conservation 3/l/82 Date Issued 95-20-1 (9/75) 3/31/83 Famerly EA-93 OF NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Building 40, SUNY--Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 AMENDMENT TO PERMIT EXTENSION OF EXPIRATION DATE RE: Permit No. 10-81-0269 March 3, 1983 Golden View Estates by Wickham Main Road P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: Your recent request to extend the above permit has been reviewed pursuant to 6NYCRR, Part 621. it has been determined that there has not been a material change in environmental oonditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regul- ations since the issuance of the existing permit, therefore, the expiration date is extended to March 31, 1984 This letter is an amendment to the original permit and as such, shall be attached thereto, and a copy posted at :�t�e Lobi sitf!� All other terms and conditions remain as written in the original permit. Very truly yours, &"T( /"- Fo4 Daniel J. Larkin Regional Pe)�mft Administrator DJL:cz Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E.RAYNOR,Jr.,Chairmn TELEPHONE JAMES WALL 765-1938 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,Jr. WILLI AM F.MULLEN,Jr. March 31, 1983 Ms . Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Ms . Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Plan- ning Board, Monday, March 28, 1983 . - RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set 7 :45 p.m. April 18 , 1983 at the Town Hall , Main Road, Southold, New York as the time picae for a public hearing on the question of the approval of the final map of the major subdivision to be known as Golden View Estates , located at Laurel . Very truly yours , HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary P T Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E.RAYNOR,Jr.,Chairmn TELEPHONE JAMES WALL 765-1938 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,Jr. WILLIAM F.MULLEN,Jr. March 18, 1983 Ms . Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Ms . Wickham: Enclosed please find correspondence from the Suffolk County Planning Commission regarding the above subdivision referral . Please note material required by that office before a review is made. Please forward the material indicated in the letter so that we may forward it to the Commission. Thank you. Very truly yours , HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E.- Long, Secretary Enc . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK MAR S' RICT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING (516) 360-5207 LER E. KOPPELMAN OIRCCTOR Of PLANNING Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Chairman March 4, 1983 Town of Southold P-lanning Board Main Road Preliminary_ Final X Southold, N.Y. 11971 Plat Name: Prop�sed Mal) - Golden View Estates Location: S/s LIRR R/W 532-'t e/of Laurel Lane�� Laurel, N.Y. Dear Mr. Raynor: Please be advised that pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the above referral will not be reviewed by the Suffolk County Planning Commission because of noncompliance with requirements for notice and maps as stipu- lated in Informational Bulletin #8 of the Suffolk County Planning Commission. The material as checked below is required before referral will be reviewed: 3 copies of final map 1 copy of preliminary map 1 copy of proposed grading plan 1 Copy of proposed road profiles final X _ 1 copy of proposed/drainage plan 1 copy of topographic map — Letter from N.Y.S.D.E.C. (Tidal Wetlands and/or Freshwater Wetlands Act) X Other Are any restrictions being placed on the map pertaining to area affected by Tidal Wetlands? Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning File: 1333-D-83-10 CGL:jk by Charles G. L nd, Chief Planner Form: SRS-76-01 Subdivision Review Section VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE.L.I..NEW YORK 261 Rod N Reel Est Co Sch 09-N-LI Sound E-H Sledieski Dist 10-N-Gorshoff E-Coraz- S-Ballard-Sledj Ales imp 2.39 A zini S-B.rczewski W-Albert. 100010521 son La 5.193 A 646.48 10005241.3 223 Sladon Robert & wf Sch - 899.64 262 Sariyiannis; Dimitris I & Dist 09-N-A Lee E-C Schimpf Wf Sch Dist 10-N-Manhanset S-Laurel Lake W_j Mulvihill Ave E-N J Lutkowski S-Jas Imp .571 A Jensen W-Wood La .405 A 1000 1214 12.2 1,039.67 100043427 267.75 225 Sound View Acres Co Sch 264 Sfaelos Realty Inc Sch Dist Dist 09-N-Sound E-R S Rubin 10-N-J Brand-Raynor E-Sound S-Oregon Rd W-N B.,ch.An. Imp 50 A Ave S-North Rd W-S Raynor 10009514 -hnp IA 2,426.77 10003,518 227 Stone Mary Sch Dist \ 280.39 ()9-N-V Todrick E-Agway Inc -265 Silley Norman & Wf Sch S'Oak PI W-Joel Nine .136 A Dist 10-N-i Mazzafero E-Corp '1000 142 112 86.48 Line S-Corwin St W-E Fiedler 228 Sunset Knolls Dev Corp Imp .143 A Sch Dist 09-N-Sunset Knolls 100048139 823.80 E-Sunset Dr S-S Sledzieski 266 Straussner Est M F Sch W'C Murphy 1.053 A - Dist 10.N.R H Heins E. 1000106838 3883 Heaney-Begley S-Spano&Wf 229 Timbrook Alsen Sch �ist W-Main St Imp .500 A z 09-N-F H Case Est E-Case,L, 100034321 191.93 S-T Polaski W-L T Horton Imp 268 Unknown Owner Sch Dun .492 A 10-N-Tuthill FIMAliftsimume. I 1000109510 593.82' or S-Mafthanset Ave W. 230 Tom's Dream ie. Sch Dist BYrnes-Ors .7SO A 09-N-New Suffolk Ave E_ 10004325 46.26 1 Tom's Dream Inc S-Peteco Rel 271 Cuss. Albert J & Wf Sch 3 W-Main Rd imp 1.180 A Dist 11-N-Volpe E.mar La Civ D 1000114121 8,021.81 Assoc S.Marlene Lacivic W. G 232 Tovar Angela Sch Dist Samuel Main Imp.290 A Sm 09-N-Main Rd E-J J Meianer 1000126612 1,208.ig IC J' S-Eastward Mar Sd W-M 272 Golden View Ests Inc Sch 31 Filla.imp .420 A Dist II-N-LIRR E-Leeds-Gidn G 1 1000115714 View S-C L Rasweiler W-C L ha 234 Tuthol 992.02 Elizabeth M Sch Rasweiler 21-900 A W Dist 09-N-Main Rd E-Geo Filli 100012732 713.15 101 S-C B Melot W-C B Melot imp 273 Golden View Ests Inc Sch 31, .500 A DW 11-N-Main Rd E-Fleisch. Dib I 1 2 D i in Mann-Ano S LIRR Wj Mc. E-1 100011566 1,570.43 Nulty 6.646 A' 235 Unknown Owner Sch Dist I W_ 09-N-James Dean E-Dean Dr '1000 1272 4 230.80 100 S-Beardslee W-Cutchogue Dr 274 Golden View Eats Inc Sch 320 .290 A - Dist 11-N-Kenneth Leeds E. Dis I, � 100011642 63.2'3 Diachun S-Laurelwd Sub W_ Still GI, 237 Zara Mahir&Wf Sch Dist Gldn View Ests 14.728 A Imp 09-N-Beier E-Trimmer S-Matt 0001273s.1 '393.11 1001 Crk W,Relyea imp 1.20 A I Graff Roy Sch Dist II-N. 321 10001061028.5 1,61I.S9 Railroad E-A Hobson Etal S-T GIO. 238 Zebroski Julius Sch Dist M C K Assoc W.j O'Connen. S-Ce 09-N-Atnold E-Zebroski.Ano Ano 4 A Auth S-Strong-Canal W-Creek 16.6 1000122628 9116 1001 A 276 Hoogkirk Elliott&Wf * Sch 322 - .1000122 4 44.3 IS7.97 Dist II-N-M J Get" E-Hor. Sch 240 Boiling Robert S to"Creek S-H Arnold W.Albo E-Fi. I h 10-N-R 0 is & Wfe Dr Imp .666 A S� Q7een St W! Village 3 Q 1000126315 '954.3 1001- St Imp 277 July Eleano 2 r A Sch Dist 323 K 10004036 1202 II-N-Henry A Pollak E-R E Dist ( 242 Costello Ami. M,;�e Bailey. S-Pec Bay Blvd W. JensC Dist I0-N-Xeue�_Aji... Anna Garvey Imp I ISO A W-Fif Hulse W-Ninth St imp .200 A laa�JLAUIP —*�_1001 7 100048127 432.03 Dist II-N-Pec Bay Blvd E-A H Dist_( 245 Geier John&Ano Sch Dist Patterson S-J Digiorglo W-A Gipt 11 10-N-North Rd E-Mun Station Brisottl Imp .230 A ,,Ship IA S-Mun Station IA W-Mun 1000128218 801.99 1.390, It lot IA Imp 11-500 A 284 Weglicki Martin Sch Dist 0015 40�'_ ' oi4�� 4 1 3,149.11 11-N-Grochowski- Ano E. �z.-,326 La Laurel Pk Sub S-Peoonic Bay Dist t 247 Greenport Tavern Corp Sch Dist 10-N-J Lacolla Est E-J W-B Sldor .640A Willia Lacolla Est S 1000145218 house -Main Rd W-J P D T D Ln S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 zY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman TELEF jERICK E. GORDON 765- :S WALL March 2 , 1983 4ETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. zGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen : Pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the followinq nroDosed final plot to the Suffolk County Planning Commis Major (Map of) (MXXNX Subdivision) Golden View Estatps Hamlet Laurel Tax Parcel Identifier No. 1000 127 9 Voterial Submitted : Minor Subdivision - Class A(3 copies ) ...&_Class B (2 copies )_ Major Subdivision (3 copies) Preliminary Map (I copy)_; Topographic Map (I copy ) Drainage Plan (I copy ) X Street Profiles (1 copy)_ X Grad-; ng Plan (1 copy) x Planning Board Res . (I copy) Other material ( specify and give number of copies) _ Waiver of Subdivision Requirements - See attached sheet Comments ; Very truly yours, Henry E . Raynor, Jr . , Chairman WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS Major (Map of) (XX= Subdivision-). Golden VieW_FZtd:tes Hamlet or Village Laure 1 Town The following items normally required as part of the subdivision applica- tion have been waived. Check, as required. Preliminary Map X Topographic Map X Drainage Plan Street Profiles Grading Plan - Lands cape Plan X Other (describe) Reason: 1) Minor Subdivision a) Not required by subdivision regulations X b) Subdivision of lot on an existing improved filed map c) Other (describe) 2) Major Subdivision a) No new drainage Structures and no changes in existing drainage proposed b) No new roads and no changes in existing roads proposed c) No major site clearing and grading proposed d) Other (describe) T- P T Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E.RAYNOR,Jr.,Chairmn TELEPHONE JAMES WALL 7654938 BENNETT ORLOWSFJ,Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,Jr. WILLIAM F.MULLEN,Jr. February 16, 1983 Ms . Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Ms. Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, February 7 , 1983 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the final maps of the major subdivision to be known as Golden View Estates to the Suffolk County Planning Commis- ion for final review. Please forward four (4) copies of the final maps and road profiles, drainage plans to our office for our referral. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary NOV LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFEBSIONAL ENGINEER INLET L^Nr EXT. GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 GRCKNPORT 7-ISS2 Nov. 290 1982 Mr. Henry E. �aynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main qoad Southold, NY 11971 Re- Subdivision entitled "Goldenliew Tstates" at Laurel Gentlemen: My estimate for the bond for the above mentioned Sub- division is as follows� Lan� clearing ls,500-00 1 8,400 cy @ t 3-001cY Rough grading 25,200.00 Fine grading 4,00- if @ $ 1.001if 4�000.00 Surfacing, 4X0 if '-% S 30.0clif 120p000.00 Curbs legular 7.6or Lf �,� q 6.00/if 45,600.00 Intep 40(' if Z) S 8.00 if 3�200.00 ,ral Recharge basin excavation 2,50C cy 11 $ 3-0()1cY 7,500-00 diking 1,5007.cy @ $ 4.00 6,000.00 fencinp(com.) 850 if a) t 16.00 13,600.00 curbs 85o if q 6.00/if 5�1(,'0-00 Catch basins 13 9 $ 900.co ea. 11.7r'0.00 Leaching pools 4 -�) t 1,800.00 ea. 7$200.00 Manholes 2 - $ 90( .00 ea. 1P800.00 Headwalls 2 9 $ 5co.00 ea. 1,000.00 Pipe 18110 1�050 if s 9 1P.00/lf 1829CO.00 Firevell 31000.00 Signs - stop 4, dead end 3, street 4 3 90.00 ea. 990.00 Seeding li acre @ t 1,800.00/acre 22700.00 Trees 80 41 $ 6o.00 ea. �41800.oc Monuments 50 @ $ 50.00 ea. 2.5oo.00 Administrative costs l3o710-00 Tncrease costs over 3 years ho.orcxo 9 34o,o o.00 .Respectifully submitted, ,taw, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TowN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR 01:VITAL SIA I ISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 22, 1982 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Henry: The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on December 21 , 1982 adopted the following resolutions: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $400,000. 00 for a performance bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision to be known as Hill Crest Estates, Section I , Orient , New York, as recommended by Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill and the Southold Town Planning Board. v/RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $340, 000. 00 for a performance bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision to be known as Golden View Estates , Laurel , New York, as recommended by Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill and the Southold Town Planning Board. Very truly yours, 1-7-�?1— Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE HENRY E.RAYNOR,Jr.,Chairmn 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI,Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,Jr. WILLJ AM F.MULLEN,Jr. December 15 , 1982 Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates Gentlemen: The following resolution was passed by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, December 13 , 1982 - RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board the bond estimate as prepared by Lawrence M. Tuthill , Town Engineer, in the amount of $340, 000 for the subdivision to be known as Golden View Estates . Attached please find copy of the bond estimate. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary Attch. cc: Abigail Wickham, Esq. 'A NOV �? LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INLET "NE EXT. or �EE NPORT, N.Y. 11944 GRERNPORT 7-1652 D;ov. 29, 1982 Mr. Henry �3. laynor, Jr. Chairman Southold Town Plannin� -,card Main "load Southold, VY 11971 le: SubiivisiGn entitled "Golden �Iiaw -statesit at Laurel Gentlem-8n- My e:ztimate -for the bond for the above mentioned sub- division is as follows- T an� claarinp 4 I 1)5-10-CO 7ouFh rrz7din,7 8,400 cy 3-OCL/cY I 2�',,2on.ro Fine �radin.� L,00- if C, 1.0olif LIOCO.00 Surfacing 4,nco if 30.rr1lf 120�00%00 Curbs �e�ula- 7�6()-- Lf 1) 6.r,)011f 45,6co.on Intec ral hor if 8.c�/lf 312no,.00 �, echar7e basin excavation 2,50r cy 77 3XVcy 7,50C.CO d ikinp- 1,5N7,cY f� L-ro 61noo.rlo 1'encinp,(com.) F�-)o if 3 16.,00 11 ,,6no.co curbs P5o 1 6.rc/l�l 5,1('0X0 Catch basins 13 9C.O.CO ea. 11,70.()0 T eachin7 nools 4 1,8CO.CO ea. I 712no.00 Manholes 2 3 90�'.00 ea. 11800.CO .ieadwalls 2 500.00 ea . 1,000.00 Pine 18,10 1,050 if A 1P.0011f 18,900.0,ro, -irewell 3,000.00 Signs - stom 4, dead end 3, street 4 3) 90.00 ea. 990-00 Seeding 1 t� acre I 1,1000.00/acr-- 2,7no.co Trees 8o �,­ 8 6o.On ea. 4,800.or Monuments 50 T 1 50.00 ea. 21500.00 Alministrative costs 13,710-00 Increase costs over 3 years 4c),0rr.C() 1 340,0 0.00 I - Resnectifully submitted, January 22v 1975 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Southold Town Highway Dept. Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Dean: Enclosed please find map of proposed subdivision in Laurel known as Laurelwood Estates. Would you please review this map and give the Planning Board your opinion on the layout of the roads. Gary Olsen is the representative of the developer and I am sure he can answer any questions you may have. Yours truly, Muriel Brushl Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosure August 269 1975 Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, Now York Dear Mr, Dean i Enclosed find sketch plan of subdivision fflAurelvood Estates, Section 2" which has been revised in accordance with recommendations made by the Planning Board. The park and playground has been relocated to eliminate one cul-de-sac. An extension of Eagle Nest Court has been provided for possible connection with North Oakwood Drive (Private Road). You had requested contours 200 feet outside the subdivision which have been provided. May I now have your comments and recommendations. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Copy to IArry Tuthill 90 00 LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFIESSIONAL ENGINEER INLET LANE EXT. GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 QRE.N�OMT 7-1652 Sept.18', 1975 M-AMOUIC)UM TO: Mr.1?2ymonci C. Dean, Southold Town Sugt. of Highways Peconic Lane Pecon!C2 N.Y. Re: Subdivision entitled 'aurelwocd E75test Sect. J1 t Laurel — 7hat catch basins included at Woodside Lane 1�xt. at junction of Wrod '-ane. 2. fh2t provisions be made drain wzter from west side of 'White vagle Drive to rech2rge basins other that valley gutters since this is -.-�e Main drive. 3. That the standard recharge basin be constru&dol. LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFESSIONAL ENGINKER INLET L^NE EXT. GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 GRKENPONT 7-1652 February 23, 1976 MWORANDITM Tho Mr. qaymand C. Dean, Suet of Highways, Southold Town I?efi Subdivision entitleal L2urelwood Patates, Section 2 T recommend the conrectirn to North Oakwood Drive to 7agle Nest Court as shown Alsins revised Aug. 7, 1975. Ibis connection would serve as an emergency exit for this Subdivision and also as an emergency exit of the Subdivision entitled Laurel Park. At aresent is a northerly exit of Laurel Park across this sub-division, which will how use the land 25 building sites. Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E.RAYNOR,Jr., Chair�n JAMES WALL TELEPHONE BENNETT ORLOWSKI,Jr. 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,I,. WILLIAM F.MULLEN,Jr. October 27 , 1982 Mr. Lawrence Tuthill 1215 Inlet Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Golden View Estates Dear Mr. Tuthill: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, October 18, 1982 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the map of Golden View Estates to the Town Engineer for Lae preparation of a bona estimate for improvements within this subdivision. Very truly yours , HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN ,PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary cc: Abigail Wickham, Esq. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Hall , Main Road, Southold, New York in said town on the 8th day of November, 1982 on the question of the following: 7 : 30 p.m. Approval of the minor subdivision of Richard J. Cron, located near Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York more particularly bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Main Road on the westerly line of a private road known as "Maple Lane" , said point being the northeasterly corner of the premises herein described; RUNNING THENCE along saideasterly line of "Maple Lane" , two courses: 1 . South 420 00 ' East 280 . 68 feet; thence 2 . South 31' 30 ' East 110 . 20 feet to Lot 81, shown on "Map of Cleaves Point, Section III" , filed in the Suffolk County Clerk ' s Office as Map No . 4650 ; THENCE along Lots 81, 80 , 79 , 78 and 77 shown on said map, South 660 39 ' 50" West 505 . 35 feet to land now or formerly of Eralakis Apodiacos , et al ; THENCE along said land, North 210 04 ' West 225 . 29 feet to land of Likuh Realty, Inc . ; THENCE along said land two (2) courses : 1. North 66' 39 ' 50" East 50 . 00 feet; 2 . North 21' 04 ' West 150 . 0 feet to the southerly side of main Road; THENCE along said southerly line, North 660 39 ' 50" East 335 .0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Containing 3 .7 acres The Planning Board has reviewed Mr. Richard Hammel ' s letter of January 21, 1981 in regard to the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" . It was decided to end Eagles Nest Court at the east boundary line and not make an angle to the south. The area which was intended to be a road willbe held out as 'reserved for future dedication to the Town of Southold' . It is not the intention of the Planning Board that a turnaround be built at this location. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HER/mt LA. OFPICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 W\j WILLIAM WICKHAM - ERIC J. BRESSLER 516-298-8353 ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM May 18, 1982 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates - Subdivision Gentlemen: Some time ago, I submitted the final maps on the above subdivision for your approval. I enclose a copy of the proposed Covenants and Restrictions which super- sede those previously sent to you. Paragraphs 8, 9, 10 and 13 provide for dedica- tion and maintenance of streets in the common area and a Home Owner's Association and properties assessment. Since my clients are ready to proceed with the subdivision, I would appreciate your advising me if any additional information is required. Very truly yours, �,�Al__� Abigail A. Wickham AAW:mld encl. PERMIT NO. NE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CO ATION nT 10-81-0269 PERMIT UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW ARTICLE 15, (Protection of Water) ARTICLE 25, (Tidal Wetlands) ARTICLE 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) ARTICLE 36, (Construction in Flood Hazard Areas) PERMIT ISSUED TO Golden View Estates BY: Abigail Wickham Main Road, P.O. Box 1424 LOCATION OF PROJECT(Section of stream, tidal welland, dam, building) Hattituck. New York 11252 White Eagle Drive, Brush's Creek DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Any construction (i.e. One family dwelling) to take place Qn Lot 7 (as shawn an A=rpy submitted to DEC on 12/22/81). is to be setback a minimum of 75' from tidal wetland boundary. ISeptic system must be a minimum of 100' from tidal wetland. COMMUNITY NAME(City,Town, Village) TOWN Laurel Southold COUNTY FIA COMMUNITY NO. DAM NO. --FPE—P-MIT EXPIRATION DATE Suffolk I 1 1 3/31/83 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate Regional B. That the State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage Permit Administrator, a notice of intention to commence work at least 48 or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or promptly in writing of the completion of the work. improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to 2. The permitted work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized compensation shall accrue from any such damage. representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation who may 9. That if the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorized order the work suspended if the public interest so requires. is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pre- 3. As a condition of the issuance of this permit, the applicant has ac- scribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained cepted expressly, by the execution of the application, the full legal respon. by and at the expense of the owner. sibility for all damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whom. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accor. ever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and has agreed to dance with established engineering practice and in a workmanlike manner. indemnify and save harmless The State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. 11. If granted under Articles 24 or 25, the Department reserves the right to reconsider this approval at any time and after due notice and hearing to 4. Any material dredged in the prosecution of the work herein permitted continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found to shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the be just and equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the bed of the waterway or flood plain or deep holes that may have a tendency to modification of the wetland hereby authorized has not.been completed, the cause injury to navigable channels or to the banks of the waterway. applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such S. Any material to be deposited Or dumped under this permit, either time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, in remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the the waterway or on shore above high-water mark, shall be deposited or dumped site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New at the locality shown on the drawing hereto attached, and, if so prescribed York on account of any such removal or alteration. thereon, within or behind a good and substantial bulkhead or bulkheads, such as will prevent escape of the material into the waterway. 12. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant any 6. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others work herein authorind. to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights, title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a 7. That if future operations by the State of New York require an alteration party to the permit. in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or it, in the opinion 13. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, ap. of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause-unreason,ble provals, lands, easements and rights-of-way which may be required for this obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger project. the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or loss or�destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Depart. 14. If granted under Article 36, this permit is granted solely on the basis ment to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused of the requirements of Article 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law and thereby without expense.to the State; and if, upon the expiration or revocation Part 500 of 6 NYCRR(Construction in Flood Plain Areas having Special Flood of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the Hazards — Building Permits) and in no way signifies that the project will be watercourse-hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners shall, Iree from flooding. without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation,may require, remove all or 15. By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that the Detroit any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former is contingent upon strict compliance with the special conditions on the condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall reverse side. be �iade against the State of New-Yurk on account of any such removal-or alteration. 95-204(9/75) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) WEO�EONDITIONS 0 Ui 16. All fill (4,000 1 cubic yards) to be placed for recharge basin must be a tably contained at the work site so as to prevent its eroding, leaching or otherwise entering into adjacent wetlands and waterways. 17. Fill shall be stabilized immediately upon placement with rye grass or other suitable vegetation. PERMIT ISSUE DATE PER IT ADMINISTRATOR 3 3/l/82 Daniel J. Larkin - ADDRESS cc: NYSDEC Law Enforcement Region I USACE T� DECLARATION OF COVENA14TS & RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this day of 1982, bv GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. , a domestic cornoration with Principal offices at c/o Carmine Rufrano, 51-29 65th Place, Woodside, New York 11377: W T T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. is the owner in fee simnle of certain premises in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled "GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. ' a subdivision situate at Laurel, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County as Map No. on the day of 1 1982; said premises having been conveyed to GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. by deed dated April 5, 1979 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 20, 1979 at Liber 8614, Page 268; and by deed dated April 5, 1979 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 20, 1979 at Liber 8614, Page 262; and WHEREAS, Declarant is improving said premises as a Planned suburban residential community and contemplates the said Premises to be conveyed to individual purchasers; and WHEREAS, Declarant is desirous of Dlacina certain restrictions uPon said premises which shall be binding upon all Purchasers, lessees, rnortgagees of individual lots, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or other successors in interest; NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant, declares that the aforesaid land is held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: -1. Buildings. No building shall be erected, altered, Placed or permitted to remain, other than one private dwellincT for the use and occupancy of one family not to exceed two stories in height, ana a private garage for not more than two cars. A one story dwelling erected thereon, shall have a first floor area of riot less than twelve hundred (1,200) square feet and a two story dwelling shall have a first floor area of not less than nine hundred (900) square feet, not including porches, breezeways, carports or garaues. All garayes must be attached to the dwelling. No structure shall be erected on any lot until the building plans for it have been ap�roved, in writing, by the Declarant or its assignee. 2. Trailers. No mobile. type homes or trailers, tents or shacks, shall be kept, used, moved or allowed on said premises regardless of their size, with the exception of boat trailers, which may be kept in the rear of the premises. 3. Siding. No asbestos siding shall be used in the construction of any dwelling or any other structure on any lot. 4. Fences. No fences or walls or similar structure shall be built or placed upon any lot, except that split rail fences or natural hedges not more than four feet in height are permitted. 5. Annoying Activities. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor -2- I shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 6. Exterior Appearance. The exterior of all buildings on the lot must he maintained in good condition and repair so as not to become unsightly, the lawns must be kept cut short, and the nremises in aeneral must be kept neat and tidy. 7. Utility Easements. The Declarant reserves the sole right to grant franchise and consent for the installation and maintenance of any public utility in, over, upon and across any of the streets in the development, including-, without limitation, the right to lay water and gas mains, erect pole lines for the transmission of electric power and install other utilities in, over, upon and across the said streets. The Declarant does also reserve for itself and its successors in interest a perpetual easement not to exceed five (5) feet in width, along the rear and side lines of each lot in the development, for utility installation and maintenance. 6. Maintenance Charges. Each and every lot conveyed in the subdivision shall be subject to an annual charge in such amount as will be fixed by the Declarant, its successors and assigns, as shall be reasonably necessary for payment of taxes, insurance, maintenance, repair and improvement of the park and recreation areas, roads and drainage areas. Upon the organization of a propertv owner's association and assignment of Declarant's interests in these covenants to said association, the sum provided for in this paragrauh shall be determined -3- by and Payable to such association. The owner of any lot for himself, his heirs, successors, and assigns covenants that he will pay this charge to the Declarant, his successors and assigns, on the first day of January in each and every year, and further covenants that said charae shall on said date in each year become a lien on the land and shall continue to be such lien until fully paid. Such charqe shall he payable to the Declarant or his successors and assigns, and shall be devoted to the maintenance of the roads, and such other public purposes as shall from time to time be determined by the Declarant, his successors or assigns. A party by the acceptance of a deed hereby expressly vests in the Declarant, his successors and assigns, theright and power to bring all actions against the owner of the premises hereby conveyed or any part thereof for the collection of said charge and to enforce the aforesaid lien therefor. 9. Roads and Drainage. Declarant shall install road improvements, fire hydrants and drainage systems Pursuant to specifications approved by the Town of Southold. No title in any such road opened or laid out by Declarant is intended to be con- veyed to purchasers of any lots, and Declarant reserves to itself the fee of all land lying in the bed of any rocks. 10. Dedication. The Declarant reserves the right to dedicate all streets, roads, drainage areas and easements to the Town of Southold for highway and drainage purposes, or to convey the road to a property owner's association. 11. Grading. The elevation or arade of a lot shall not be changed so as to -4- imaterially affect the surface or grade of the surrounding lots. 12. Animals. No animals, livestock or Poultry shall be raised, bred or kept on ,anv lot, except dogs, cats or other household pets not kept or bred for com- mercial purposes. All pets shall be housed in the main residence only. 13. Property Owner's Association. Upon the conveyance by Declarant of a majority of the lots in the subdivision, Deolarant shall establish a not-for-profit corporation, to be known as the Golden View Estates Property owner's Association (hereinafter, "the Association") for the purpose of maintaining roads,- park and recreation areas, general planting and improvements within those roadways and areas, traffic control and all common community services of every kind required or desired within the subdivision for the general use and benefit of all lot owners. Every lot owner, in accepting a deed for a lot in the subdivision, shall be a member of and subject to the duly enacted rules, regulations and bylaws of the Association, effective ulDon its formation. Declarant shall con- vey its interest in the roads, if not yet dedicated to the Town of Southold, the drainage areas, parks and recreation areas, to the Association within six (6) months after its formation. 14. Modification and Assignment. The Declarant, his successors or assigns, whether or not owning any part of the aforesaid land, shall have the right to alter, modify or annul any of the covenants, restrictions or conditions of this declaration and shall also have the Power to assign such rights (with or without a conveyance of any title -5- to any part of the aforesaid land) by an instrument in recordable form. Should the Declarant at any time assign such right, assignees thereof shall succeed to all the rights and powers of the Declarant hereunder, whether or I not such assignees have anv title to any part of the aforesaid land. 15. Non-waiver and Severabilitv. Failure by the Declarant, his successors or assigns, or an owner, to enforce any of the provisions herein shall in no event he deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 16. Duration. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the said parties, their heirs, administrators and assigns until January 1, 1993, and said covenants and restrictions may be enforced by action for damages or injunctions or both until the first day of January, 1993. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoing Declaration has been executed by GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. , the day and year first above-written. GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, INC. by: Carru. ne Rufrano, President -6- RA( I D T LD S F0 y *Ivd Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairrom TELEPHONE _____M 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. December 8, 1981 Ms. Abigail Wickham Wickham, Wickham, & Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 RE: Golden View Estates Dear Ms . Wickham, At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday December 7 , 1981 the following action was taken: RESOLVED to grant a second and final 90 day extension for the ap- proval of the subdivision entitled Golden View Estates, with an expiration date of January 15 , 1982 . Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary pg. (2) 0 12/7/81 (On motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was 0 RESOLVED to grant a second and final 90 day extension for the, ap- pp ro roval of the subdivision entitled Golden View Estates , with an xp expiration date of January 15 , 1982 . Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski The board discussed the proposed three lot minor subdivision of Reliable Associates , located at Mattituck (property of Joseph Yaboni and Myron Hauptman) . It was the concensus of the board that Mr. William J. Clark, Esq. meet with them at the next meeting to discuss the proposed config- urations and any future plans for the remainder of this property, as the board does not understand the layout of this subdivision. The secretary was instructed to send the ZBA correspondence stating such. James W. Dawson minor subdivision - After field inspecting this property the board questioned whether the wooded area on lot #4 was located on the adjacent property. It was the concensus of the board to refer this proposal to the Council Advisory Committee for their comments and recom- mendations on the proposed layout. Jon L�r� k2witz minor subdivision - At the request of the board, Mr. Robert T!�&' wn Attorney met with the board to discuss this proposal . Mr. Raynor informed Mr. Tasker that this subdivision had received approval from the Department of Health and the ZBA had approved the four substandarc lots subject to Planning Board approval . Mr. Tasker referred to his letter dated November 12, 1981 ; once a variance has been granted, the lots in question are then conforming. When asked if the building, to be moved, should be condemned, Mr. Tasker stated it was not within Planning Board jurisdiction to question whether a building shouldbe condemned. At such time when the building is moved, it will have to meet the unsafe building law. The Building Inspector is the law enforcing officer , having the authority to serve the violator with a summons or warrant to bring jus- tice . He determines if all requirements are met. Any violations should be brought to the proper attention. He asked if the Planning Board should view such proposals before the ZBA. Mr. Raynor said this action has already been taken; in the future all applications will be sent to the Planning Board before the ZBA views it. Long Island Nurseries - The board discussed this subdivision with Mr. Robert Tasker, Town Attorney. The proposed four lots contain over three acres on each parcel. The Suffolk County Planning Department had dissapproved the map, as stated in their letter dated September 8 , 1981. The Planning Board requested that covenants and restrictions be placed on this property, which were agreeable to the applicant at an earlier meeting. A letter from the applicant, dated December 4 , 1981 suggests an alternative to having covenants and restrictions , would be for him to(- withdraw this proposal and submit a major subdivision consisting of 22 lots . Any future development would create a problem with access and problems with traffic . The board did not make a determination on this alternative. 'Aw -"'CES /Vol/ WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. 198, MAIN ROAD, P.0. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 119S2 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J. BRESSLER 516-298-83S3 ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM ALIX T.EHLERS November 12, 1981 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Golden View Estates - Subdivision Gentlemen: Pursuant to my request at your meeting of October 19, 1981, this is to confirm my request for a 90 day extension for the submission of a final map on the above subdivision. I anticipate obtaining Board of Health and D.E.C. approval in the near future, but need some additional time in which to do so. Your consideration is appreciated. Sincerely yours, Abig�il A. Wickham AAW:ab C-T em p D T LD S F y Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr., Chairman TELEPHONE rRSD 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. August 5, 1981 Mrs. Gail Wickham P. 0. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held August 3 , 1981 . RESOLVED to grant a ninety (90) day extension for the sub- division of Golden View Estates, starting from July 20, 1981. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Linda Kimmins, Secretary V ri I Planning Board -4- ugust 3 , 1981� On moticn made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself lead agency in the matter of the major subdivision of Hillcrest Estates located at Orient under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. An initial determination of non-significance has been made. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Orlowski, Latham, Mullen On motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by. Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED to set 7 : 45 p.m. , Monday August 31, 1981, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the approval of the minor sub- division of Marie Cassidy located at Arshamomaque. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Orlcwski, Latham, Mullen COn motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was) RESOLVED to grant a ninety (90) day extension in regard to I 2Gold,en View Estates commencing from July 20, 1981. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Orlowski, Latham, Mullen Brecknock Hall . Mr. Raynor stated that between now and the meeting of August 12 , on Fishers Island, he would like all the input that the board may have in regard to condominium proposals . a�!�r�ajej_McGowan. This is ZBA action. The board feels that there is i_�_adequate information to make any determination in regard to this matter. Patricia Bail�2y. This is ZBA action. This property should be reprocessed as a new subdivision. There is an undersized lot that the board feels should be brought up to an acre. 0 0 'A- C""'-ES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 WILI-IAM WICKHAM ERIC J. BRESSLER 516-298-8353 ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM July 20, 1981 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Golden View Estates, Laurel, New York Gentlemen: I have received a revision of the preliminary subdivision maps in accordance with your letter dated January 26, 1981. Since I have to review the' revised maps with the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Conservation, I would like to request a 90-day extension on submission of the final subdivision map. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Ab AAW:ab Enc. - map p TO D S Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE 0RzMSrQx0a=FMCxxx 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. February 23, 1981 Ms . Abigail Wickham, Attorney Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: The Planning Board discussed the various objections which they have received regarding the subdivision Of "Golden View Estates" . It was decided to end Eagles Nest Court at the east boundary line and not make an angle to the south. The area which was intended to be a road will be held out as 'reserved for future dedication to the Town of Southold' . It is not the intention of the Planning Board that a turnaround be built at this location. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary P. S. Howard Young was at the meeting ane was shown what the Planning Board is looking for. 9, P T 11, is D S Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE >F3ZXDN9Z)D0CF.0REKX 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was held at 9 : 30 a.m. , Wednesday, February 11 , 1981, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were: Chairman Henry E. Raynor, Jr. Member Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Member William F. Mullen, Jr. Ruth Oliva, North Fork Environmental Council (Golden View Estates . Howard Young appeared at the meeting. Due to V t the objection of area property owners it was decided that Eagles Nest C 3 Court will end at the east boundary line and not make an angle to the t a s V Ot Ou s ul outh. The area which was intended to be a road will be held out as V 0 r r eserved for future dedication to the Town of Southold' . It is not t e the intention of the Planning Board that a turnaround be built at this 1 Oc_ location. Cove Beach Estates . Richard Cron, Esq. , and Howard Young appeared at the meeting. The recommendations and comments of Lawrence M. Tuthill , Town Engineer, were reviewed by the board and Messrs . Cron and Young. A copy of this report will be forwarded to Mr. Cron. Natural drainage areas without fencing were discussed and suggestion was made that the town could be indemnified in this regard. Brecknock Hall Condominiums. Richard Lark, Esq. , Howard Young and Gus Schad appeared before the board. The proposal is for 385 units . The project will be developed in sections. Discussion has been held with the Village of Greenport Utility Superintendent and it is likely V11 that both sewer and water will be available from the village. This will increase the number of units allowed. Mr. Lark stated there is a possibility a change of zone will be sought for the nine acres by the Sound which is zoned residential with no increase in the density overall . They are also looking to reduce the size of the buffer on the east from 100 feet to 50 feet. JOHN W. HAIRRISON 35-56 rt-STREET JACKSON HEIGHTS,NEW YORK 11372 January 28, 1981 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates Proposed Subdivision Gentlemen: i am a resident and property owner residing on North Oakwood Road in Laurel, New York. I have seen a copy of the letter dated January 21, 1981 and wish to advise that I am very much in agreement with the views and facts stated by Mr. Richard L. Hammel. I am opposed to the subdivision map as it now stands. Very truly yours, 0 -3- )A�,, - I Ct Harbor Lights, Section IV. The Board reviewed the comment of Supt. of Highways Dean in which he stated that he had no objection to the roads in the new section being built to the same specifications of the roads in the old section. This would be pre-1970 road specifications of the town. The Planning Board does not agree with this and stands by the original approval of the map which included the condition that the roads be built in accordance with present highway specifications including curbs. On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Orlowski, it was RESOLVED to approve the preliminary map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" located' at Laurel, New York, said map dated September 9, 1980, subject to the following: 1. That some drainage facility be provided at the north side of Railroad Drive at the low point. 2. That since the grade on the roads Eagle Court and Eagle Nest Court are .600 and .500 respectively, the lineal feet of drainage allowed be a maximum of 1,600 lineal feet o± curb. This would dictate that a drainage pipe along the full length of Eagle Court and start between lots 34 and 35 on Eagle Court Drive. 3. In accordance with A106-34 A. and B. of the Code of the Town of Southold the names of the streets be changed so as to be substantially different to avoid confusion. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Orlowski, Latham On motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED to over-ride the conditions of the Suffolk County Planning Commission as refer to the Minor Subdivision of Helen and Dante Catullo because the dwelling on the lot referreu-to is pre-existing and the conditions do not apply. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Orlowski, Latham On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that whereas, a formal application for the approval V of a subdivision plat entitled Minor Subdivision of Dante and Helen C Catullo was submitted to the Planning Board on November 21, 1980, an application fee of $50 was paid on November 21, 1980, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the said subdivision V application and plat at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on January 5, 1981 at 7:45 p.m. , and JOHN W HARRISON 35-56 7�STREET JACKSON HEIGHTS,NEW YORK 11372 January 28, 1981 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Golden View Estates Proposed Subdivision Gentlemen: I am a resident and property owner residing on North Oakwood Road in Laurel, New York. I have seen a copy of the letter dated January 21, 1981 and wish to advise that I am very much in agreement with the views and facts stated by Mr. Richard L. Hammel. I am opposed to the subdivision map as it now stands. Very truly yours, P T D S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE FREDERICK E. GORDON 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. January 26, 1981 Ms. Abigail Wickham, Attorney Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 20, 1981. RESOLVED to approve the preliminary map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" located at Laurel, New York, said map dated September 9, 1980, subject to the following: 1. That some drainage facility be provided at the north side of Railroad Drive at the low point. 2. That since the grade on the roads Eagle Court and Eagle Nest Court are .600 and .500 respectively, the lineal feet of drainage allowed be a maximum of 1,600 lineal feet of curb. This would dictate that a drainage pipe along the full length of Eagle Court and start between lots 34 and 35 on Eagle Court Drive. 3. In accordance with Alo6-34A and B of the Code of the Town of Southold the names of the streets be changed so as to be substantially different to avoid confusion. This is probably subject to the Tidal Wetlands Act and you should check with the Department of Environmental Conservation on this. Yours truly, Muriel Tolman, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board RICHARD L. HAMMEL (13OX 48) N13RTH 13AKWE313D ROAD LAUREL, L. L, NEW YORK 11949 15163 29B-8202 January 21, 1981 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York Re: Golden View Estates proposed subdivision Gentlemen: with regard to the resubmission of this proposed subdivision, there still remain many factors and features which cause grave apprehensions to many of the homeowners in this area not alone to those in my immediate subdivision, Laurel Park Ma-o 212. First off, we are not at all pleased with the bending of a 30 foot road to parallel the last several hundred feet of our North Oakwood Road, which Is only 20 feet wide at this point. We fail to see why our private road should be appropriated as an emergency second access to the landlocked (as to main roads) Golden View Estates. The proposed map calls for, and the town has a plan, for the development of a road parallelling the railroad just south of it. By extending the Golden View portion approximately 500 feet to the west junction could be made with Laurel Lane, whereas it is approximately 2,000 feet to get from Peconic Bay Boulevard to Golden View via North Oakwood Road. Secondly, this is a proposed subdivision of some 30 parcels with no beach rights. It is inconceivable that anyone is going to drive 80 miles from the metropolitan area just to sit in a six acre park. They have bigger ones down the west end, complete with amusements. Any purchaser Is going to push through to some beach and bay, the closer to his property the stronger the urge to push. Another reason to connect with Laurel Lane, thus funnelling these propertyholders onto the public beach at the foot of Laurel Lane. We certainly do not want to facilitate using our road under the guise of an "emergency" , or even coming down Laurelwood Drive and then pouring down South Oakwood Road onto our beach. The proposed map of this subdivision Is the same one that was submitted as Laurelwood Estates, 6ection 2, in 1975. It seems to have gotten as far as the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the notice of application for permit was advertised twice in the Traveler — '�iatchman (6/3/1976 and 12/2, 9,/1976) , but no finalized map was ever filed In the County Clerk 's office. It might be well to ascertain why the filing of the subdivision was never completed. 2. Golden View Estates, Inc. owns the parcel north of the railroad in addition to the two parcels which are to comprise the proposed subdivision. This parcel, Southold Town Tax Item No. 504891 has through the years had common ownership with the larger of the two southern parcels, No. 504890. (It is parcels Nos. 504390 and 50LJ892 that are to comprise the proposed subdivision. ) There is, and has been for many years, a road or right of way which crosses the railroad tracks (in fact , predates the railroad) and leads up to the main road Route 25. This trail appears on an atlas of Suffolk County for t�e year 1909 which is Dart of the county records and is housed in the Map Room at the bounty Center. Despite what may have been told you at the December 15 , 1.980 hearing, the Long Island Rail Road is not going to arbitrarily abolish a right of way to cross of such long standing unless the owner (in this case of adjacent property on both sides of the tracks) meekly submits to the railroad appro- preating his rights to the right of way. So if the owner sincerely desires, a second access to the proposed development could be provided via the main road, and it also would be shorter than the North Oakwood route. The fact that the railroad has left the drain pipes at the location and deposited some extra crush stone would tend to support the recognition of the right to maintain the crossing. Now we come to the question of who is the true owner of the property, and how financially responsible is he or the corporation? At the time of conveyance of the three parcels in question from Laurelwood Estates, Inc. to Golden View Estates, Inc. there was filed simultaneously (Deed Liber 8614 page 251) and consecutively with the three deeds (8614/262 & 266 & 26a) a contract to reourchase the three parcels within six months for $ 131, 000. Altilough the three parcels are all different sizes, and only one had road frontage, the conveyances carried the same amount of USIR documentary stamps Indicating a transfer value of $ 35,000 each, or a total Of $ 105,000- Subsequently, Golden View paid taxes; the first half of 1979 - 80, but not the second hPlf. All three parcels were sold for delinquent taxes at the Suffolk County Tax Sale of December 10, 1980 with Suffolk County picking up the tax liens. Why let property that you propose to develops �nd invest additional money go for taxes ? If financially strapped, why not develope or sell off some of the valuable road frontage to raise funds, since none of the parcels have beach rights ? Or has the option to repurchase been exercised, and the property transferred to an undisclosed owner with unrecorded deeds in his pocket? -'Tho is the real owner of this proposed development? In summary, it is the request of the writer and those others who will signify agreement with these sentiments, that the map be altered to eliminate the junction with North Oakwood Road at its end, and that approval of the amended map be withheld until the other avenues of ingress and egress have been thouroughly explored, and the unanswered questions resolved se,tis'.actorily. We feel that not only we In the immediate location, but other suppliers, contractors, and purchasers are entitled to this protection. e t: R - cZ ' Valme! W. &Mrs.Ivi Ricte if N. Oakwood .4 kix:335 Laurel, N. Y. 11948 a/ Z.FAf IED a,—. lsa� —Iry tv t3 I&ft�L All RJUM L WXMEL LN)FAI, L L taw Von Southola TOM riftning Sois" main R"' 4 Southoido Now York Ro; "Idon Viev XGUSse proposed subdiTteloll Gentlow"I qLtj2 reowd to. the tosub4ssun of this prn--30**d subdivision, thojo still romain mmy fnqtatoi nnd fetturer to-hicb cause gravo *mrolzonsions to many of- thehomoomoors in this area not alonm to IhON* In my imsediate subidlylojes4 L4ursl Park F irst off.. -�j 9 "4& not at ^11 pleasee with the bendlog at a 30 foot road to pa"llol the l"'t teve-al hjindrod f-�it of our North Oakwood Road* -�fhjoh Is Only 20 feo�t wide at this point* 4o faj!.1 %o so* why our private road tihoald be ap-,-?rQpr1&t#d, &s an emargehey second &o4;6s* to the 11,"�ndlooXmd (as $o main pe"s) Ooldon View 'Estates. , The proposecl, mup dall$ for, &nr�. the town 12&g & 91&4,0 for 14U dsytlopasnt of a road var?'11*11U4 i1ho railroad 4ust south of St. By mxtendin,, the aolden View ois' Uon 500, rdn . uf the ,mvt imotion could be 04#0 *11b Laurel LMO* wht-"e,04 It 19 4 ,000 fpo% Ssi-go% fttm 'Posojile rAy toulevard to 4olden V1,,r.,y Via worth ()":w66d Road*` ji0sciadly, this is a pripased subdivision of some 10 ps,#o#Is with no beach rightso It is Inotlft**Iv�Kble that anyone Is. Voing to, O-IVO 80 oil-lae frou %be sotropolitsm art& jass to six im a oix so" pork. They heve higgor ones dnwn the voot end, complete with "dMe&qn%4, Any purohaeor is 'Toing So pn" throu#gj to 1601to t*-ach aud, ba:0 this oln&er to Ilia propo;4 � Us stronger this uftt, to push. Another roaaoa to eann"t vl*K Laurel %An*# "US fnanollin# these property holdors onto the public boaah at t$* MOVot ZMWt1-W** Wo C�-rtainxr do not won% %6 facilitate noing owt road under U�* guise of as. #"orSsnsy*, or *von coming doVil' Imaurolif6od Drive *4a tr.sn pouring &M .Soaft 'Oakwood Road onto our beaah. Thjj ,prdpqS6d mp of We isubdivio4on Is the Samo,ons, that was"Mut"tU4. 4W Section 28 in 1975* It s0*24 to hSVe CotSop as fjw as 'the Now York 3U%* j�'P,aartmftt of Znvirdn"at^1 04vAWi*#,ij9A, and the notice of I application .for, per*&* was &4vw'tlt*d %'JIG* in th,$ -,Travoler- ';atchman (6/3/'1916 and 12/209,0/19116)1 .16t no fIMlIzed 'aAj) W" #Ve" tiled In the CounlY Cl"*'* W100, %I night bo ',fell to *.so"rtain vhy the filing of %#to subdivision was neve,r F_ nolden view ratases, ;no, mms *I* pwocol nor" of the rallread In o4lilloh to the two PA"Ols *464 laro to comprise the proposed a4WIvIslon, Tho Pareelo jou'44014 TOWU Tax Xt#m 'No, 504691 has through the years had oamijon oy,,ynars1A# vith the largai of the two acUtharn no. p489�4 (a is parcels Yoe -104W *ad 104892 that are to oomprIS4 the propa"d s#W1Vi4Iou:) There In,, and has been for meiny y0ars; a rn" OV right of way t4ilch oroases the rallroad 'traoka (In f"t, prod*%#* the railroadt and lea,-Ja up to the nain road, 4oute "5. ,Shia "*J1 appears on A4 atlas of Suff oV� County for the year 1909 Whiah to p�xt of %h& county records 4nd In hottsed in the kiap ivio* m At *A* Odurlty lonjer, Drepito what nay have toolt told You at the Ilea ember 15 198C hearing" tile Long LOAAd RAII ltoad is not 844ft to "b1trArily Abolish a rJ41A of way to ovens of such non; AtsoidIig Unless Vto owner (11) this case of aaj,*Qent ,�)roperty on $idea of the tracks) meekly ouLmitc to the railroiLd aPpro- Oreating his rights to the right of WAW4, 66 If tho ownar cino,aroly desires, a aesond access to the proposed 4evelopuwas sould be proviled via the 2ain road,, and I't, also wo�tld be aha"a# than the Aorth O&Xwood route. The fact thaV the railr9id bas left the drain pipes at the location and dsqoalted some extra crush stafte would toad to support the rectognItion of the rig" to, Malintain the crossing. 3ow we COMOU the queation of who is the %rue owner of the property, and how financially responalble, ie ,hA or, , the rorporition? At the time of 00hVOYAnoe of the throe parcolm' In question 'tr�m Laarolwood Xq*4 " to 061dau View !�otataq;,V no. there was Mal alaulUiew I 4We 41) a A*ly 8614, pi and, conseaut4voly with the throe' deeds, (86� �162 & 266 a, oontrtot ta, repurchase the three y4rcole wilhiti' six months for 131j,00, Although the throe parcels are ^11 diff erent- sli os# And only ono 'bad :ro&A fro*Ug*,, the oonvoyino6s, aarrite. the so" , a2ount of VSXR: docum@W*&ry 4%* Indlcatlng� a %ransfer, value of 9 150000ioa4ho or, a total Of V1805005, Swbe"wently; Golden View paid Uzoaa, the first half of '1979- 80, iml not the, seaond half. All VWe* p*0roolemoro, sold for 4*-1Inqi*nt lax4a a,% the Suffolk Ctrunly Tax 3al* of December 100 IM with -�vffolk Oou^JW� Acting up 'tho %ox, lions, _proo Ay th&tLyOU Propose So invest jAdit'i a or, go for *u�oe, ? lf,,,f talallm stritqped� why no% davelope or 0411 off ,soucof the valuable r 7w ft*nt'ago U v"so fundj, since, none of She I Parcels have ,bftoh rights � or has 'the q on to repurchase Do" $zero" 1, And the property transforroglo &h ;uPdIs*I*s#4 owner with ,uArecordtd dead& in his 'pooketl '4ha is the real owner ofthia proposed 1af$V*0*rT, It Is the rowAxt 'of the writer Ant thooe �otbero who WL11 i1sa "*Mv,W I Ith than* O'entimentso that, the map Vo altered, *671OU44e Us jvfto*Io4 wI.%h'Mq1,,Sh OaMmod Road ,al -Ito andi acd that approval qf the amer4nd '40 ,be wlOhold im,141 the, other, avon4jo of Ingtiss and spross Uvo bo�sn thourovoly explored, and Us Wumav*rod qi:ostlona rosclyed Betio We riml $hat not MU yo In 's isimadiate , 1004tion� but other su�pliort, contractors, and purchasers are entilled to *hie protection. 00 Southold Town Planning, .�10ard Main Road Re : Golden View Estates Southold, N.Y. 11971 proposed subdivision Gentlemen-, A We the undersigned have seen a copy of the..letter­d a,ted- """ January 21, 1981 and we wish to state we are very much in agreement with the views and facts stated by Mr. Richard L. Hammel. We are opposed to the subdivision map as it now stands . Date Name. AdMreS3 e '4 4:z" /,I-4D Af� 0 �,OA"ft" 7f goo GEORGE J. DORMAN 469 SALEM DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA. 15243 7 7 cob— Re: Golden View Estates Proposed Subdivision Seuthold Town Planning ,Reard Main Road ' - Southold, N.Y. 11971 Gentlemen* We the undersigned have seen a copy of the letter dated January 21, 1981 and we wish to state we are very much in agreement with the views and facts stated by Mr. Richard L. Hammel. We are opposed to the subdivision map as it now stands . Date Name Address Aw, //.I 7/f 014 f S-�?- 1619 Tiffany Ridge Road Pittsburgh, Pa- 15241 January 26v 1981 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, Now York 11971 Gentlement golden View EetA—tes As residents of North Oakwood Road in Laurel for the past 48 yearst we wish to register with you our great concern over the proposed Golden View Estates Subdivision. Our opinions on the proposal are well expressed in Richard L. Hammel's letter to you of January 21v 1981. We thoroughly endorse and strongly support the positions set forth by Mr. Hammel, We respectfully request that the proposed Junction of the Golden View Estates road with North Oakwood be abolishodo and that the amended map not be approved until access to the new plan has been resolved so as to not damage or infringe on our private road and beach rights. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Very truly yourst George C. Dorman Eileen S. Dorman LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said town on the 15th day of December, 1980, on the question of the following: 8:00 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" located at Laurel in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office under file #5595; from said point of beginning1running thence S. 310 191 2711 E. 350.48 feet to land now or formerly of C. L. Rasweiler; running thence along land now or formerly of C. L. Rasweiler S. 500 27, 4811 w. 446-74 feet to a point; running thence along other land now or formerly of C. L. Rasweiler N. 320 33, 401, W. 2,027.61 feet to the Long Island Railroad; running thence along land now ur formerly of the Long Island Railroad N. 330 421 1311 E. 490.69 feet to land now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds; running thence along land now or formerly of Leeds S. 370 021 1211 E. 316.19 feet; thence N. 580 44' 53" E. 129-07 feet; thence N. 490 541 2311 E. 105.89 feet; thence N. 620 481 5311 E. 75.24 feet; thence S. 90 33' 0711 E. 356.72 feet; thence S. 570 35, 4711 E. 213-31 feet; thence S. 760 59' 0711 E. 208.04 feet; thence S. 250 341 4711 E. 138.58 feet; thence S. 440 561 4711 E. 173.73 feet; thence N. 460 571 2311 E. 180 feet to land now or formerly of T. Diachun; running thence along land now or formerly of Diachun S. 360 561 0711 E,. 141.26 feet to subdivision of "Laurel Park" ; running thence along land of "Laurel Park" S. 290 11' 0711 E. 150.08 feet; running still along land of "Laurel Park" S. 310 48' 1711 E. 262. 33 feet to a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates" ; running thence along land of "Laurelwood Estates" S. 560 28, 43" W. 318.63 feet; running thence still along land of "Laurelwood Estates" S. 560 17' 13" W. 305.56 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 36.667 acres, more or less. 8: 30 p.m. Approval of the map of the minor subdivision of Carl J. Schmid located in that portion of Fishers Island belonging to Fishers Island Corporation and known as Homesite No. 1, Block 35, Lot 5A; Homesite No. 2, Block 35, Lot 5B; Homesite No. 3, Block 35, Lot 5C; Homesite No. 4, Block 34, Lot 5. Containing 8.61 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appear at the time and place above specified. November 28, 1980 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. t CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCEv DECEMBER 4, 1980, AND FORWARD TWO AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARDt MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following on November 28, 1980: The L. I. Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times (for information only) Abigail Wickham, attorney for "Golden View Estates" Supervisor William R. Pell III 0 STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. .. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) BERNARD COSIMANO, residing at 86-23 59th Avenue, Elmhurst, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. 1 am the Secretary-Treasurer of GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, a New York corporation with principal offices at 51-29 65th Place, Woodside, New York 11377. GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES is the owner or real property at Laurel, New York, located South of Laurel Wood Estates, Section 1, and is the subdivider in the major subdivision application currently before the Planning Board of the Town of Southold. 2. The following are the officers of the corporation and also con- stitute the sole shareholders of the corporation: President: CARMINE RUFRANO 51-29 65th Place Woodside, NY 11377 Vice-President: LEWIS BOSCO 243 North 5th Street Brooklyn, NY Secretary-Treasurer: BERNARD COSIMANO 86-23 59th Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 Bernard Cosimano Sworn to before me this day of Decemb 1980 Ifotary Public oF AJ61 Wei" 31ON 1111311110d COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: IV10i AININOW STATE OF NEW YORK on Boomed 1"Na sin 0 me oleo OWN& Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, N je oleo 81MU83jo a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; 100 and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, luvo INU01111111 has been published in said Long I land Traveler-Watch- ledges 9111111111111 noise man once each wei .. .....................weeks 13 0111 Isom $Bill 8114 successively, commencing on the ...y.............................. 10 �6 . . . . ........................... ........ '19ZL8 3 ........ .................................... . . p1noo no MIN 01 AIM 331 Sworn to be-fore me this ..... ................. day of ...... . ............1 19.... 9 JOAO P0310OU1 PUN Sirplid p OAV U&TI190 JJ0 PaPPjjS adiessun jo '61 "aIssOJd vf Sol UaAIJP 0131qaA V i4atar� Pul�iic­ .... . ........ .......... _u ul 703IN03 1907 VP *QOJI 9 13nais Pun 81 u! Sz 01nou uo iuOwaAvd CLEMENTJ Tilo NOTARY P�BLIC'St t AAF'SON %0 POPP!JS BUIAIJP SIRM a e of New ya,k 14 52,9321725 vfqm v ja4v,(vpjjA rolldsoH qjj Residio'g.in Suffolk Coujuty sl guol ulOM3 It Ainfin P2 Comminion ExPites Afhrrh,30 19Z..? no 9 .10J POPIO4 S10M u0jjTW I JO 'Zt, 'U[!AU([ IQIUV(l Pv, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING (516) 360-5207 LEE E. KOPPELMAN DIRECTOR OF PLANNING December 10, 1980 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Preliminary Map of Golden View Estates S/s L.I.R.R. R/W 532'+_ e/of Laurel Lane, Laurel, N.Y. Dear Mr. Raynor: In accordance with your request the staff has examined the proposed sub- division layout for a 36.667 acre tract reputedly owned by Golden View Estates, Inc. and offer the following comments on the map for your use. According to our records the wetlands bordering Brush's Creek in the vicinity of this proposed subdivision consist of High Marsh (Salt Marsh) and Intertidal Marsh. Therefore, it is our opinion that this proposal will be subject to the Tidal Wetlands Act. Since Lots 48 and 56 are in close proximity to the railroad right-of-way it is suggested that measures be taken to help preserve the residential amenities from railroad activities. Admittedly, this branch is not used frequently but when it is these two lots will be subjected to noise, raising of dust and vibration. One means of minimizing these impacts is to require the construction of an earth berm between the railroad and the residences. As far as the general layout of the subdivision is concerned the staff is of the opinion that it will be found to be satisfactory by the Commission. Staff comments on a preliminary map do not constitute a review of the map by the Suffolk County Planning Commission. When the map has been finalized it should be referred to the Commission for review pursuant to Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning File: 1333-SR-80-26 Lind CGL:jk Charles G. Lind, Chief Planner Encl. : Map Subdivision Review Section VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, L. L. NEW YORK LAWRENCE M. TUTHILL PROFEBSIONAL ENGINEER INLET LANE EXT. GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 ORERNPORT 7-1652 lJovember 21, IP90 Mr. 7enry laynor, Chairman Sotthold Tovn -lanning Vard Ma 'n ?oad S Southold, NY 11Q71 Pet bublivisirn entitled "Golden "iew 7states, Laurel 9/901) Gentlemen: T recommend the f0loyiw chanqeq o Lhe above drawin 1. Tipt some drainare faciljcv be rrovided at nhq north sidn V Vilroad Drive at the 1w Point. 2. Thbt since the Prede on i�? �aads Oale Court and QV19 !>at Court are APO and .500 lesnectifely nhe lineal foot of drafnie allow7d be a maximuk of 1j", lineal foot of curb. This wo ,ld dictate thaL a drainage 7i-a alonE, the full lenoth of Tagle Court and statrt beneen lots V A 35 on Tagle Kurt Drive. Owsrectifully submitted, P TO D S Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr., Chairman TELEPHONE FREDERICK E. GORDON 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. November 19, 1980 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Supt. of Highways Peconic, New York Dear Mr. Dean: I am enclosing a copj of the preliminary map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates". This was formerly known as "Laurelwood Estates, Section II't. May webave your report on this map pursuant to Chapter A106-23D(2) of the Code of the Town of Southold. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. v CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary P TO D S Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE FREDERICK E. GORDON 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. November 19, 1980 Subdivision Review Section Suffolk Co. Dept. of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen: We are hereby submitting the preliminary subdivision map of "Golden View Estates" located in Laurel for your comments. This map was previously submitted to you in the name of I'Laurelwood Estates, Section III'. This proposed subdivision when in proposed final plat stage will be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter. We. therefore, acknowledge that the comments made by the staff of the Planning Department on the preliminary subdivision map are advisory only and do not constitute a review by the Suffolk County Planning Commission nor are comments made by the staff binding upon the Commission in its review of this proposed subdivision. Tax Parcel Identifier Number: 1000 - 127 - 3 - Lot 2 & 5.1 Materials submitted: Preliminary Map - 3 copies which include topographic map, drainage plan and street profiles, grading plan Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. p CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary F ULIr P TO� D S Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE FREDERICK E. GORDON 765-1938 JAMESWALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. November 19, 1980 Environmental Analysis Unit DEC, Building 40, Room 219 SUNY Stony Brook, New York 11794 Gentlemen: Enclosed find completed Environmental Assessment Form and copy of map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" . This project is unlisted and an initial determination of non-significance has been made. We wish to coordinate this action to confirm our initial determination in our role of lead agency. May we have your views on this matter. Written comments on this project will be received at this office until December 4, 1980. We shall interpret lack of response to mean there is no objection by your agency. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR9 JR. 9 CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copies to Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Suffolk County Planning Department FULA, P TO D SL Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr.. Chairman TELEPHONE FREDERICK E. GORDON 765-1938 JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. November 13, 1980 Abigail Wickham, Attorney Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held November 3, 1980. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself lead agency for the subdivision of property of Golden View Estates located at Laurel. This project is unlisted an7d an�initial determination of non-significance has been made. RESOLVED to approve the sketch map of "Preliminary Subdivision Map of Golden View Estates" dated September 9, 1980. RESOLVED to waive the condition that at least two street connections be provided in subdivisions with twenty or more lots as contained in A106-32F of the Southold Code Subdivision of Land regulations because an additional connection will be provided at the time the property to the west is subdivided in the subdivision known as "Golden View Estates" . RESOLVED to set 8:45 p.m. , November 24, 1980 at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the preliminary map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" located at Laurel. Yours truly, Muriel Tolman, Secretary LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing to Section 276 of the GIVEN that Pur5ua'�'t Southold Town Planning NOTICE IS HEREBY .11 be held by the ew YOrkt in said Town Law I public hearings " Road$ Southold, N Board at the Town Hall, Mair, 19801 on the question of the town on the 24th day of Novembert division of Katie J. :Collowing: Approval of the minor sub attituck in 7:30 P-m- on the south side of park Avenue at 14 New YOrky Dexter located old, County Of Suffolk and State of the Town Of South and bounded and described as follows: erly side of Park Avenue at a Point on the South along the southerly side of BEGINNING s measured distant westerly 496 feet a 0 westerly side of . from its intersection with th -OtLtherlY side park Avenue running thence westerly along the s X,,rratooka Road; t- running thence S, 110 0011 w. 171 f ee 9 of Park Avenue S.850 31' high water mark of Great 0011 E. 677.41 feet to the ordinary long the ordinary high water 25' thence easterly a running Peconic Bay; Peconic Bay S. 890 48' 001, E. 173.30 feet; rk mark of Great gi.65 feet to the southerly side of Pa thence N. 110 251 00" W. 6 Containing 2.668 A-venue and the Point or Place of BEGINNING. of Katie J. acres, more or less. of the minor subdivision 7:45 P-m- APP'O"l rth side of Park A-venue at Mattituck in Dexter located on the no olk and State of New Yorkt the Town Of Southold, County of Suff - and bounded and described as follows: of Park Avenue, -nt on the northerly side BEGINNING at a PO' esterly as measured along the which Point is distant 500 feet w concrete monument marking its northerly side of Park A-venue from a of jqarratooka. Road; running intersection with the westerly side ortherly side of park Avenue thence S. 850 311 0011 W. along the n e along said land 0 land of C- H- Wickham; running thenc 300 feet t courses and distances: of C. H. Wickham the following two 001, E. 300 feet to 00ii W. 251.3 feet; (2) N. 850 311 ing thence along N. 100 19, �S Inc- ; ruan land being conveyed to Sark Equitie , Legal Notice -2- Said -land So lo. 3_9, 00jr '. NOV -ber 7, -1980 Park Avenue to the point 251-30 feet to the northerly side of acresy more Or less. Or Place Of BEGINNING. con a:00 P-m- Approval ta'n'ng 1.722 Valent Of the minor subdivision Of Galileo ini located at Fishers Island in the Of Suffolk and State of New York Town of Southold, County follows: i and bounded and described as BEGINNING at a monument at an angle in the northwesterl Of Madeline Avenuey said Point being 3988 -y line which is 910 feet west feet north Of a point and Geodetic Survey of another monument marking the U. So Coast Triangulation Station "PROsir -running alone said avenue line So 83- 42 , P' and thence No 14, 31 ' 201, E. 208-71 feet to a monumen 3011 We 424.83 feet; thence t; thence along said avenue line No 03' 251 4011 E. 203.45 feet; thence So 86, 34' 201, E* 218 feet; thence No 030 25t 40" E. 100 feet; thence so 86' 34, 20" E. 217.15 feet; thence so 10. J9' 10" E- 55-55 feet; thence So 210 02 ' 5011 E. 159.65 feet to said Madeline Avenue line; thence along said avenue line so 330 14, 10" We 273.43 feet to the point 01 beginning. Containing 4.458 acres 8:15 p.m. , more or less. Radford located Approval Of the minor subdivision Of Ernest Go at East Marion in the Tow Suffolk and State Of New York, and bOunde n of SOutholdi County of follows: d and described as BEGINNING at a point Premises and the northwesterly corner of the herein described, on the southerly line at the northeasterly corner Of land now or of Main Road and Brooks Estate� a distance Of 484 feet, formerly of Walton C. More Or less, southwesterly corner Of the intersection from the westerly line Of Bay Avenue; running thence of Main Road with the line Of Main Road No 500 35 ' 201, We 98.40 feet; thence alone land Of George along the southerly road known We Smith and along the westerly terminus as Marion Lane Of a private , So 280 221 501, E. 200-32 feet, to -land Of Stuart Anderson; thence along land Of said So 560 35 ' 2011 We 50*19 feet, to land of the previously mentioned Stuart Anderson Walton C. Brooks -Estate; thence along said land of We 11 �.state No 28' 22t 501, we 659.05 jr Place Of beginning. feet to the Main Road C- Brooks and the Point Containing 1.841 acresp more or less. Legal Notice* -3- November 7, 1980 8:30 p.m. Approval of the minor subdivision of the Frank Zanowski Farm located at East Cutchogue in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marking the intersection of the westerly line of Bridge Lane and the southerly line of the Long Island Rail Road Company; running thence along the westerly line of Bridge Lane S. 420 301 2011 E. 1083.91 feet to the land of Stepnoski; running thence along said land of Stepnoski S. 470 47' 30" W. 328.76 feet; running thence along land of Rysko three courses and distances as follows: (1) N. 420 510 1011 W. 119.98 feet; (2) S. 330 47' 30" W. 368.91 feet; (3) N. 440 03' 0011 W. 1208.63 feet to land of the Long Island Rail Road Company; running thence along said land three courses and distances as follows: (1) N. 590 461 2011 E. 375- 30 feet; (2) S. 430 34, 4011 E. 1.80 feet; (3) N. 590 461 2011 E. 362.20 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 18-115 acres, more or less. 8:45 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of the subdivision to be known as "Golden View Estates" located at Laurel in the Town of Southold and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point where the southerly side of land formerly of Kopack, now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds, is inter- sected by the lands formerly of Andrews and now or formerly of Martin Weglicki; thence along said southerly side of land formerly of Kopack, now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds, the following three courses and distances: (1) N. 580 44' 5311 E. 107.11 feet to a monument; (2) N. 490 541 2311 E. 105.89 feet to a monument; (3) N. 62o 48' 5311 E. 75.24 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of M. Diachun; thence along said last mentioned land the following six courses and distances as follows: (1) S. 090 33t 07" E. 356-72 feet to a monument; (2) S. 57- 35t 4711 E. 213.31 feet to a monument; (3) S. 760 591 0711 E. 208.04 feet to a monument; (4) S. 250 34, 4711 E. 138.58 feet to a monument; (5) S. 440 561 4711 E. 173-73 feet to a monument; (6) N. 460 571 2311 E. 180 feet to land now or formerly of T. Diachun; thence S. 360 561 0711 E. along last mentioned land 141.26 feet to the southwesterly line of a Legal Notice -4- No�, ber 7, 1980 subdivision "Laurel Park" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office as File No. 212; thence southeasterly along last mentioned line the following two courses and distances: (1) S. 290 111 07" E. 150.08 feet; (2) S. 310 481 1711 E. 262- 33 feet to the north- westerly line of subdivision "Laurelwood Estates" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office as File No. 5595; thence south- westerly along last mentioned line the following two courses and distances: (1) S. 560 281 43" W. 318.62 feet to a point; (2) S. 56o 17' 13" W. 305-56 feet to land formerly of Edna Andrews and now or formerly of Martin Weglicki; thence northwesterly along last mentioned land, the following thirteen courses and distances: (1) N. 340 191 27" W. 407.25 feet; (2) N. 32- 02' 57" W. 301-92 feet; (3) N. 32o 45 , 47" W. 77-08 feet; (4) N. 220 35' 07" W. 60.o6 feet; (5) N. 24o 031 27" W. 54-37 feet; (6) N. 270 56, 07" W. 39.23 feet; (7) N. 63o 45' 17" W. 16.24 feet; (8) N. 450 15 ' 0711 W. 17- 34 feet; (9) N. 250 16' 5711 W. 89.45 feet; (10) N. 320 35' 0711 W. 86.16 feet; (11) N. 24o 141 1711 W. 141.14 feet; (12) N. 260 17' 47" W. 105-15 feet; (13) N. 310 25 ' 17" W. 116.83 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 36.667 acres, more or less. 9:00 p.m. Approval of the final map of the subdivision to be known as "Honeysuckle Hills" owned by Walter Gatz and located at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southeast corner thereof at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Reeve Avenue (sometimes called Bailey Road or Bailey Beach Road) and the westerly line of Sound View Avenue; running from said point of beginning along Reeve Avenue (sometimes called Bailey Road or Bailey Beach Road) � S. 680 18' 30" W. 777.63 feet to a right of way; thence along said right of way the following five courses and distances: (1) N. 23' 13' W. 97- 33 feet; (2) N. 11- 15, 401t W. 306.02 feet; (3) N. 190 32' 2011 E. 102.87 feet; (4) N. 120 51' 30" W. 95.81 feet; (5) N. 190 11' 30" W. 178.66 feet to land now or formerly of Lester G. Peck; thence along land now or formerly of Lester G. Peck N, 120 51' 30" W. 426.66 feet to the median high water mark of L. I. Sound; thence along the median Legal Notic* -5- November 7, 1980 high water mark of L. I. Sound N. 620 221 4011 E. 750 feet to land now or formerly of Martin Lamb; thence along land now or formerly of Martin Lamb the following two courses and distances: (1) S. 130 34' 5011 E. 497. 36 feet; and (2) N. 610 511 E. 1.03 feet to the westerly side of Sound View Avenue; thence along the westerly side of Sound View Avenue, S. 130 34' 5011 E. 762.76 feet to a monument and the point or place of BEGINNING. Containing 20.9 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. November 7, 1980 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, NOVEMBER 13, 1980� AND FORWARD SEVEN (7) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies mailed to the following on November 10, 1980: The L. I. Traveler-Watchman (hand-delivered) The Suffolk Times (information only) Gary Flanner Olsen, attorney for Dexter Abigail Wickham, attorney for Frank Zanowski Farm Golden View Estates v� Richard Lark, attorney for Walter Gatz Ernest G. Radford The London Day for Galileo Valentini Philip Matthews, attorney for Valentini Supervisor William R. Pell III LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P-0 BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J. BRESSLER ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM 5;6-298-8353 October 15, 1980 Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Golden View Estates, Laurel, New York Gentlemen: In connection with application for sketch plan approval, I enclose the following: 1) Application in duplicate; 2) COPY of Covenants and Restrictions; 3) COPY of Description; 4) Copy of Deeds; 5) Twelve (12) copies of sketch plan; 6) Short Environmental Assessment Form. Please schedule this matter for review at your earliest available meeting date. Sincerely yours, .�icrAbig 11 A. Wickham AAW:ab Enclosures 0 APPLICATrON FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be . . . �99�0!QKI..Vi.ew. AS.ta.te.s..... . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . ....... ... .. . .. ... .. .. ........ .... .. . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as f ollows: Liber . . . . . .. .. .. ....... Page 262 5, 1979 . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . On . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . Liber . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Page ... . .268 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . On 5 r. Liber . .... ........ .. .. .. .. .. . Page . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . On . .. . . ... . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . Liber . ...... .. . . .. . . ....... . . Page . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . On . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . ....... Liber . .. . . ........ .. .. .. .. . . . Page . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... On . .... ...... .. .... . . . .... as devised under the Last Will and Testament of . . . . . .... .. .. . . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . or as distributee .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .... .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. ....... . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .... .. . . . . ....... .. .... ... . . . . . . 5. The area of the land is - 3 6 -6 6:�. .. .. . acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except . . . . . . .. .. . . .. ...... .. .. .. .......... .. . ... . . . . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. ....... . . .... ... . . . . . . 7. The land is encumbered by rxq . . .. .. .. ... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .... .. .. .. ...... . .. .. ..... . . . . . . mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber . . ... .. . . . . . Page . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . in original amount of $. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . unpaid amount $. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . held by . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . address (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber . .. . . .. . . . . . Page .. . .. .. . . ... . .. . . . . . in original amount of $. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . held by . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . address (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber . . . . . . . . . . . . P�tge . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . in original amount Of $. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . unpaid amount $. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . held by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . address . .. . . 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except . . .Nq�ie. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. The land lies in the. following zoning use districts Ag?Zicu.l.tu.raj,-7Kqp.idAn.t.ia.�. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- None cept 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land OUNI� (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is 13. Water mains will be laid by . . .i4d.ivid]441 � JQt. -Owuars and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lin es and standards will be installed by clev-el-Qpser. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . I.ines.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . and �* (no) charge will be made for installing said 15. Gas mains will be installed by . .. . . *N/A. . . . . . . ­ * . .. . . . . .. .* .. . . . . .. . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, anne"x Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets oil said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by See. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed, deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "13". 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will he $... ..... . . as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at . .�.. . . . . .. . years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". DATE . . . .P�qt;Opx . ... . ..... .. .. .. 19.80. View Estates . .. .... .. . . .. ...... . .. ........... . . INIa e of '*ca t' L y .. . .. .. . . . Sig Tit ':� l4iaturan *Ie 3.g Wjckharr Attorney (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . .. . . . .�TWF.QLK . . .. . . .. .... .....I ss: On the . . . ..15th...... ... day of . . . ..QQtp)Q4�r.. .. . . . ...... 1W.O. .. ., before me personally came Abigail.A.. .WLckham. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . to me known to be the individual described in and wht, executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowlt.,dged that AI�P . . . . .. . executed the same. _ 4� y. . . . . . ... . . . t yy,M* Notary Public . . . COMMUW0 bq*u March 30. 1 IIAI�'- I STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . ss On the . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . day . .. . . . . . . . . .. . of . .. .. . . . . .. 19. . . .. .. before me personally came . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that . . . .. . . . . .. . resides at No. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .that . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . is the . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that . .. . . . . . . .. . knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpor- ation, and that . . . . . .. . . .. . signed . . . . . . . .. .. .name thereto by like order. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .... .. . . .. ....... ... . . . . .. . .. . . . Notary Public ae s: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2.- The name of the subdivision is to be ... j9R!4kqP..YieW..ES.tate.S..................... . . .. ..... . ... ....................... .................... .......................... ........................ 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber ... . .............. Page . ....?�?.. ........ ... On .-�p3Fii 5, 1979 .... ............... Liber . ...PA M... .. .. .. ..... Page ... ..?A9...... ....... On 3P3Fi1..5r. .!R7? .... Liber . ............ ........... Page .... . .......... .. ..... On . .............. ......... Liber . ............ .. ........ . Page . .. .. .. .. .......... ... On ........................ Liber . .........i............. Page . ... ... .. .. ........... On ........... ............. as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ..... ........ .......... ...... ........... or as distributee .......... . ...... ...... ................................ .... .. .... .............. .............. . ........ . 5. The area of the land is . A� A 6:Z..... . acres. 6. All taxes which are liens,on the land at the date hereof have been paid except ..49YI9.. . .. .. .. ........................................ ........ .. ................ ....................... . 7. The land is encumbered by ........... .. .. .. .. .......... :. .... ...... ................. mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber . .... .. .... . Page . .. .. .. .... .... ..... in original amount of $. . . .. .. ...... .. . unpaid amount $. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . held by ..... .............. ...... . . .. . . .. ... ......... ....... address (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ... . . .. .... . Page .. . .......... .. .. ... in original amount of $. . . .. ........ ... unpaid amount $... .. .... .. ..... held by . .......... . .... ...... .... . . ..... ..... .. .. ...... .. ... address . .. . . ... .. .. . . .. .... .. ...... .. (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber . .. ..... . . . . Page . . . . . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . in original amount Of $. . . . . ... . .. .. . . . unpaid amount $. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . held by ........... ..... . .. ... .... . ... .. . .... . .. . . .. .... . .... address 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except . ..�qne . ............ .. ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ...... ....... ... .. .... .... . . 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts . .Ag)qicul.tu.ra.17;;PP.iOA3�Aia.l. ... ... . .. .... .. .... .. ..... ............ .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . . .. ...... .. .. ...... ................ 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept .......None .... .. .. .. ... ... .. ...... ... ... .. .. .. .................................. ..... . 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land- 00J&'� (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is 13. Water mains will be laid by ...;WdAV;i%cJl44L1 . �,Qt .Qwla=5 and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will he installed by glev.e J-0par...... ........ ............ . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . and (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by *N/A and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, anne'x Schedule "C" hereto to show same. lk There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed, deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $... ....... as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at . .�.. ... . .. . years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". DATE ....qqt;qtifkKj��.. .... .. .. .... View Estates INarn e Of "r Ly Sig;i4atuan?TiW .......... Ig 1 ey (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . .. .. . .$VRl7.QLK.................. ss: On the ----15tb ..... ... day of .....OQI:pjNr............. MR ._, before me personally came Abigall.A...Wj-ckham. ................ . to me known to be the individual described in and whr, executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ....... executed the same. MOMY POft SUM of Now Yo,It .. ......... ..... NCL 62470092 Notary Public Que"fied In Suffolk Countj CM-mlsslon Expires Maroh So. I STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . .. .. .. .. . . .. ................ .. .. . ss: On the . ...... .. . . ...... . day ....... .. .... . Of ... .. ...... 19. .... .. before me personally came . . .I .. ...... .. ...... .... ...... ....... ......... .. .to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that . ...... .. .. . resides at No. ... ... .. .. .................. .. .......... ... .... .. .. . .. .. ..... ... . . . . ..... .... ..... . ........ . .... . . .. .that . ...................... .. . is the . .... ..... . .. ...... .... .. . of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that . .. . . .. . . ... knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order ot the board of directors of said corpor- ation, and that . .. .... . ... . signed . .. . . ...... .name thereto by like order. �0-;ar-�-�ublic........... .. ....... ...... ........ . COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS LAURELWOOD ESTATES Sectionn No building shall be erected. altered. placed or permitted to remain, 6ther than one private dwelling for the use and occupancy of one family -not to exceed two stories In heighte and a private garage for not more than two ears. A one story dwelling erected tbOPeono shall have a first floor area of not lose than twelve bun- dred (1,200) square foot anj a two story dwelling shall hove a first floor.area of not Is" than aine hundred (900) square fbot*' not including porches. breezeways. carporft or gaftgeav All garages must be attached tothe dwelling. Nostractaresballbe. , erected on any lot until the building- plans for it have boom approved, in writing, by the Declarant. 2. No mobile type homes or trallers shall be kept, used, moved or allowed on said premises regardless of their size, with the exception of boat trailers, which may be kept in the rear of the premisex,. 3. No asbestos siding shall be used in the construction of any dwelling or any other structure on any lot� No fences or wmIls or similar structure shall be built or placei ,q:�on any lbt except that split rail fences or natural badges not more than four feet isi height are permltted� No noxious or offensive activity shall be carriedon upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be ormay become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 6. The exterior of all buildings on the lot must,be maintained in good condition and repair so an not to become unsightly. the. lowne must be kept cut short, and the premises in general must is neat and tidy. 7. The Declarant reserves the sole right to grant franchise and consent for the installation and maintenance of any public utility in. over, upon and across any of the streets in the development, including, without limitation, the right to lay water and gas mains, erect pole lines for the transmission of electric power and install other utilities in, over. upon and across the sa4 streets. The Declarant does also reserve for himself and his successors in interest a perpetual easement not to exceed five (5) feet in width, &Long the rear and aide lines of each lot in the development, for utility installation and maintenance. -on shall be subject 8. Each and every iot conveyed in the subdivis. 4 to an annual charge n such arijoun. as will be fixed by the Declarant, his succe rssors and assigns, not, however, exceeding in any year the sua, of Lfty dollars ($50, 00) per lot. The assigns of the Declarant may include a property owner's association which n7,ay hereafter be organized. and in case such association is organ- ized, the suni provided for in this paragraph shall be payable to such association. The owner of any lot for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns covenants that he will pay this charge to the Declarant, his succe"ors and assigns, on the first day of January in each and every year, and further covenants that said charge shall on said date in each year become a lien on the larid and shall continue to be such lien until fully paid. Such charge M shall be payable to the Declarant or his successors and assigns, and shall be devoted to the maintenance of the roads, and such other public purposes as shall from time to tiale be determined by the Deciarant, his successors and.for assigns. And a party by the acceptance of a deed, hereby expressly vests in the Declarant,, his successors and assigns, the right and power to bring all actions against the owner of the premises hereby conveyed or any part thereof for the collection of said charge and to enforce the aforesaid lien therefor. 9. The Declarant reserves the rivht to dedicate all streets, roads, drainage areas and easements to the rown of Southold for highway and drainage purposes. lo. The Deciarant, his successors or assigns, whether or not owning any part of the aforesaid land. shall have the right to alter, modify or annul any of the covenants, restrictions or conditions of this declaration and shall also have the power to assign such rights (with or without a conveyance of any title to any part of the aforesaid land) ty an instru- ment in recordable form. Should the Declarant at any time assign such right, assignees thereof shall succeed to all the rights and powers of the Declarant hereunder, whether or not such assignees have any title to any part of the aforesaid land. 11. Failure by the Declarant, his successors or assigns, or an owner, to enforce any of the provisions herein shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In validation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 12. These co�enants and restrictions shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the said parties, their heirs, administrators and assigns until January 1, 1990, and said covenants and restrictions rijay be enforced by action for damages or injunctions or both until the first day of January, 19W, -2- OL A&- Al )a 0 6hat certain plot, piece or p I f land, with the buildings and imprdVnents thereon errecte�, situ* lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yorko being more particu- larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office under file # 5595; from said point of beginning running thence south 310 191 27" east 350.48 feet to land or formerly of C.L Rgswel 16r- running thence along now or former- ly of C. L. Rasweilersouth 500 271 43" west 446. 74 feet to a point; running thence along other land now or formerlyC.L.Ra7sweiler . north 320 331 42" west 2. 027. 61 feet to the Long Island Railroad; running thence along land of the Long Island Railroad north 330 421 13" east 490. 69 feet to land now or formerly of Kennith Leeds; running thence along land now or formerly of Leeds south 370 021 12" east 316. 19 feet; thence north 580 44, 53" east 129. 07 feet; thence north 490 541 23" east 105. 89 feet; thence north 62() 481 53" east 75.24 feet; thence south 90 331 07" east 356. 72 feet; thence south 570 35' 47" east 213. 31 feet; thence south 760 591 07" east 208.04 fe south 250 et; then( 341 47" east 138. 58 feet; thence south 440 561 47" east 173. 73 feet; thence north 460 571 23" east 180. 00 feet to land now or formerly of T. Dia- chun; running thence along land now or formerly of Diachun south 360 561 0711 east 141. 26 feet to subdivision of " Laurel Park"; running thence along land of Laurel Park south 290 111 07" east 150. 08 feet! ftmning still along land of "Laurel Park" south 310 481 17" east 262. 33 feet to a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates"; running thence along land of "Laurelwood Estates' south 560 282 43" west 318. 63 feet; running thence still along land of "Laurel - wood Estates" soutthC, 560 171 13" west 305. 56 feet to the point or place of beginning. DESCRIPTION FOR GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES, LAUREL, NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIROURENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM -N S 7- � (a) in or�ar -.a answer the qt;es-c:Lc::s !-- shis 5*ncz-- Vy is is assumed �h at -h--7 =--eparer -,411 use ctLrrently available L-tfa- z!:a t.-rofecr and 1;he 'a_icr ct)acs ,-* :-al. ; ik�jy -4-paczz cf tae action. is not ax--ea-zed or othei- I=,zesz:LZaztor-s be -.w.dartakem. (b) Zf ar3r question has bee= answered Tas �he p=t.lecz zwi- be si-pnifIcant a--d a c--MMJ,3cecL Zavir6rnziea7:� Assesa-.-nlc Form is =eceszarT- (c) Zf a"' questions bave beer a=swered 210 1- 4 �ikaI7 that ':hf-S Pro cit is z2a signifficac:c'. Assass=ent ... I. Wij-7- projec-. resuLt in a large physic!L ch-ange to the pro.ect site or physicaLl ly a-ta= more than 10-acres of land? Yes x 110 2. IVU-7 there be a cajor change to a--T -mique 0= unusua! !are Zorm found am =he 54-�:e? Yes — .40 *f 3- q ject alter or tame a la=�e --z -3---- --a yes x qo a i=g body of water? . . . . . . . . . . . L. WZZ project have a pateat'2127- large -4=Pac-- ca x S=ouncwacer qu,&1-it7? . . . . . . . . . . . . . yes go - 5. dity pro 4ect sjg:,i:ica=tJy effec-= !=a!--a.e ze on adjacent sites? --s .40 Tect a -Jz' entt- -ered wiII project aff --T breazemed P3.an:,- or ar'rql s-aecies? . . . . . . . . . . . Yes X *,go -ac- --a :)rajecr resu-7t ia 'a =alcr ad-arse eff . - 7* J Yes X- -No air qualliz-7? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. prcject hwre a effec�; Z-- Irisuall --Itar- aczer of zhe cc==�-rd---7 cr sca=ic 7--ews Or 74-szas x icr.cr,n I= be -4 -por-zaai: to the res go 9. 102,1- iroject adversely i=pac-- ar-T site or sz---cZ- -4 are 02' h2.stc3.-c —ca x i=por-arcz or any sia dest=:- �i as a C=----- area by a c Tes 10 10. p r-z J e c t have a -jor effac= eycist'-. Yes future recreacicnaL an .11 WE" p---Jecm resu-It traffiz prable- a.- cause a =ajcr effect to e:cjsz-'-- -=a=s-po.—.azion sysza-s? . . . . . . . . . . . . 7as X No 3.2. fdl"- projec-:; r-i-lar-17 cRuse obfec--iznable cdors, =aisa, Cr dis7z.-a7b.- X ance as a result of zhe prolecz's zZerat-40n? 13. Y!V- *ar�lecz have any '--7-acz c-.. heaz,.--� 0-- x s a fe Z; . . . . .. . . . . . . . yes ZT0 !.L,. Wiz! the df.-ec �7, :sUS4--s a 4- -Jer=�nsn-: =C===- �:r- cf more :;-"er 3 zerz:er�: heye a =a.-,Cr Yes x Cf =c=-=4z7 .--rsc . Z. Is --hers "-e Yes X Attorney AbijfilVA ickham, October 15, 1980 1 n ;WWZs2;ate Go j!'/73 PF30 16)75� standard N.Y.B.T.U. Form, 8007 11"Soln "d Salo Dead. with �Y) LIBER8614 PAGE 262 J r�' CONSULT YOUlt LAWYER BEFORE SIGHING THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTUR MINT 3 U ie XTE L L, %0 I ENTURE,made the day Of April 14"teei Seve ne ItSF PFM 16175 jr CONSULY U No EEN T LAUREL WOOD ESTATES, INC. a domestic corporation 'Wi�t r r Clp incipal offices at 628 Sth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, party of the first part,and SE GOLDEN VIEW ESTATESI INC. , a domestic corporation with I. principal offices at 'C/O Carmine Rufrano, 51- 29 65th Place, Woodside, New York, BL (a I party of the second part, WITNESSETH, a t the party of the first part,in consideration of ONE AND NO/100 - - - - - - C$l -00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - dollars, LC lawful money of the United states, and other good and valuable. considerations paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs,or succes. d gas for the party of the-second part forever, sors in assi certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate,lying and 0 ALL that 3) iX*A at Laurel, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and being V%rl�I State of New York, bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at the point where the southerly side of land formerly of )(opack, now or formerly of Kenneth Leeds is intersected by the lands _ zl fo�ierly of Andrews and now or formerly Martin Weglickj; thence along a id southerly side of land formerly of Kopack, now.or formerly of enneth -Leeds, the following three courses and distances : ci) North 58 degrees 44 minutes 53 seconds East 107.11 feet , to a monument; C2) North 49 degrees 54 minutes 23 seconds East: 10�.89 feet to a monument; (1) North 62 degrees 48 minutes 53 seconds East, 75.24 feet to a monument . , . and land now or formerly of M. Diachun; Go TAE14CB along said 'la' st mentioned land the following six (6) courses and distances: as follows: (1) South 09 degrees 33 minutes 07 seconds East, 356.72 feet to a monument; (2) South 57 degrees 35 minutes 47 seconds East, 3.31 feet to a monument; � j (3) South 76 degrees 59 minutes 07 seconds East, �08.04 feet to a monument; (4) South 25 degrees 3,4 minutes 47 seconds East, 13a,s8 feet to a monument; (5) South 44 degrees 56 minutes 47 seconds East 173.73 feet to a monument; (6) North 46 degrees 57 minutes 23 seconds Bast: ,180 feei -to land now or formerly of To Diachun; THENCE South 36 degrees 56 ,minutes 07 seconds East along last mentioned land 141.26 feet to the southwesterly line of a sub-division "Laurel Park" file in the' Suffolk Count y Clerk's office as File No. 21;; 4Z .... .... ... APR 2 01979 1 TRANSFP71 T!kX SUR couNfy LA 17 41=" .2 LIBER8614 ,fut 261'..�'­­ 'i THENCE Southeasterly along last mentioAdCline the following two (2) courses and distances: (1)' South 29 degrees 11 minutes 07 seconds'�East', JSO.08 ,feet�" , . ec st, 262.33 feet .to the (2) South 31 degrees 4'8' minutes 17 s onds Ea' northwesterly line of Su6-division "Laurelwood, Est'ates" and- filed in th; Suffolk County Clerk's offic6"as File No. S595 ' THENCE Southwesterly, along ,last mentioned line the following two (2) goprseg and distances: (1 South 56 degrees 2§ minutes 4� second!4' Westp 318.*62 feet io a point; �21 South 56 degrees 17 minutes 13 seconds West, 305: 56 feet to land formerl Edna Andrews, and now or formerly Martin Weglicki; THENCE N I o rthwesterly along 'last mentioned land, -the �ollowing thirteen C13) courses and distances: Cly No I rth 34 degrees f9 minutes 27 seconds West,'407. 25 feet; . (2) North 32 degrees 02 minutes 57 seconds West; 301.92 feet; C3) North '32 degrees 45 minutes 4� seconds, West, 77.08 feet; �4) North 22 degrees 35 minutes 07 seconds West, 60.06 feet; CS) North 24 degrees 03 minute� 27 seconds West, �54.t 7 feet; 1(6) North 27 degrees 56 minutes 07 seconds West, 39423 feet; (7) North 63 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds West, 16.24 feet; (8) North' 45 degrees 15 minutes 07 seconds,Westp 17.34 feet; (9) North -ZS degrees 16 minutes 57 seconds West, 89.45 feet; CLO) North 32 degrees 35 minutes 07 'seconds West, 86.16 feet; c1l) North 24 degrees 14 :minutes 17 seconds Vest, 141.14 feet; C12) North 26 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds West, 105.15 feet; C13) North 31 degTees 25 minutes 17 seconds West, 116. 83 feet to ,the point or place of BEGINNIN(,. The execution of this deed has been duly consented to by the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding stockholders . J ? ki U 1, -7 1A A- ` LIBER. 8614 PAcE264 TOGETHER with all rights, tide and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any stroatt, ting the above described premises to the cantet lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and'al I the estate and rights of the party of the first P art 111'and to add prendsoo. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs of successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. A AND the party offlur.first part covirkafits that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said p�emises have been incumbered in arty way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in comOiance with Section 13 of the LAcn Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive tjie consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust rovement and will apply the same first to the pay- fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the imp ment of the cost of the improvement before using any pad of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party" "be construed as if it read"parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires.IN WIT- NESS WHEREOF,the I party of the first I part his duty executed this deed the day and year first above writtea. IN P F: ,LAURF.L WOOD ESTATES , rNC�. Ry X� 4,NP :;,ILI L rd EP,8614 PAI;E265- STATE OF NIEW YORK,COUNTY OF STATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF On the day Of 19 before me On'the day Of 19 before me personally cam personally came tomeknowntobetheindLvidual describedinandwho to=&&nownto"*in&vIdua1 vdesct�in-andwho executedtheforesoinsinstrument;andacknowledgedthat exwutedtheforegoingkwuumen4smidacknowledgedthat executed the satne. executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Kings ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF as: Onthe S day' oU April 19 79, before me On the day of 19 before me personally came Martin Weglicki personally came tomeknown,who,beingbymedulysworf diddepos and the subscribing witness to the foregoing in3trumen4with saythat heresidesatNo. &TSW4� A7714J 7f, whom I am personally acquainted,who,being by meduly, sworn,did depose and say that he resides at No. that Bffepj9Wn, New York of Presidplit that he knows W d corporation described in:LauwVclexw=lseioartegoMgtmaument;that he to be the individual knows the seal Of said corporation-,that the seal affixed described in and who cKocuted the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate scal;- that it was so. that he, said subscribing witness,was present and saw affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora. execute the same;and that he.aid witness, tion,and that he'signed th �5,y, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. Re �IHCHAq ItM4 Neftry ftbile,-Steft of New YO& No.41-4622433 Q"Fifled In Q�m Counly COM065ba LIPIM Mar&3C6 11"Zo- Nargaut anb Ode Jkth SELrION 7 With Covenant Against Grantor's Acts 3 Title. No. Y- Zz rp 3-7-JE- LOT . , Laurel Wood Estates, Inc. coum OR TOWN Suffolk Please Record at Requesrof TO CITY TITLE Golden View Estates, Inc. INSURANC11 COMPANY 37 N..Y.A.N,Y.10004 Please Record and Retum t 153 R�... Brookiyn,N.Y.11201 0 1051 F,.411.A,.�.. G.,d.�Cot,,N.Y�11530 6 G,..d S~ Wh-1-PIA-1 N.Y.10601 CITY TITLE PLEASE RETURN BY MAIL TO INSURANCE! COMPANY Daniel A. Ozzi Esq. -2 Brooklyn New York 11222 824 Manhattan Avenue 1051-Franklin Ave.. Garden City, N. Y. A530 7 < Lj 0 ce) C-1 0 C4 0 0 iy 4Y W f S,.d.rJ N.Y.B.T I I U. S.6 rl"#v4..5�11 C�l 8002 -,B4, I .,.� -, i 1 ';1 j ;I . 1, 1 �di,id..l Cwpo,.m.tu.110 llwnj CONSULT YOUR LAWYER Eiffora ' I SIGNING THIS iNSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD 01 USED 13Y LAWYERS ONLY. 38614 ?AcE266 THIUS WDENTUM made thL-:' day of Ap.ri 1 1 nineteen hundred and seventy-nine BETWUN LAUREL WOOD ESTATES ' _ INC. , a dome�tic corporation with ------T� princi I pal offices at- 6281;th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, V,.I.STATE V& r rty ty of the first part, and GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES,, INC. , a domestic corporation with principal offices at C/O Carmine Rufrano, 51-29 65th Place, Woodside, New York, DIST party of the second part VATNESSETEL that the party of the first part,in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the nd part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or pared of land, with the buildi and improvements thereart erected, situate, SE(llYing=dbEin9*61X at Laurell Town of Southngs old, County of Suffolk and ,State of New York, bounded and described as follows- SCHEDULE!A(2) PARCEL a: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side ofMain Road 0 where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land formerly harles McCarthy and now or formerly fo Plei=schman; , Tunning thence along said land now or formerly of Fleischman and land now or formerly BLK of of Kopak: (1)\ Sduth 33 degrees 151 3011 East, 143.22 feet; .(2) South . 11 degrees 12t "4011 East, 221.38 feet; (3) South 18 degrees 58, Sol, 5 a4D.0, .East 318,39 feet; C4) South 22 degrees 161 loll East, 58. 76 feet; (5) -South U . degreils 471 10" Bast, 183 . 25 feet;. C6) along the line LOTof an old ditch as it winds and turns, on a tie line of South 23 . degrees 341 00" East and on a continuation of said tie line, 3-09 .62 feet, and C7) South 23 degrees 351 4011 East, 31.58 feet; thence South 42 degrees '231 50" West, along land of the Long Island Railroad 2S4,64 feet, thence along land now or formerly of McNulty; (1) North 2S degrees 201 3011 West,' 481.42 feet and C2) North 30 degrees 20' 30" West, S74.43 feet to the southeasterly side of Main Road and thence northeasterly along theapproximate line of the southeasterly side of' Main Road on a curve to the' left having a tle line of North 25 degrees 471 5011 East and a length of 476.1 6 feet, 485 feet more or less to the point or place of BEGINNING. The execution of this de e d has been duly consented to by the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding stockholders . TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances afid all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of J, th16 Party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part cd-venants that the party of the first part has not done or suffer.ed anything whereby the saidpremises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Uw, covenants tharthe party of ,'th&first Part1will receive the consideration for this con-,eyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- er;t*i ai a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply thi,same'firit to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the tame for '7/' R,Vtther purpose. e rord,�'party­ shall be construed at�if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WMESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this writtert, deed the day and year first above 0', LAU REL 'WOOD ESTATES, INC. R y 'APR 24197 LK rAbL 4,U 1 STATil Of NEW YORK, COUNTY as' f, .- YZ k sits -6 STATI Of NIW YORK k It 44'. On the day of, 19 before '1 -4 personall da y Came me On the y of befoo'e"Te - Ily came persona IT; to me known to be the individual described in and who to me known to be the individuai '"de dri and'who. executed the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledgell that executed th.e samr-> executed the same. -At J's ;V j", At A ST^TX Of MEW YORK. COUNTY as kings sst STATI Of NnV YORK, COUNTY Of On the day of April 1979 before me On the day of 19 Wo me' sons" came personally came re, n 1 W7 sw�,rn. did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing iristrument,1wi t me known who ti rthin Vgglicki I say that he resi�es at Vy in' f, th 417PW/+UAL1J whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly, Brooklyn, New York sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No' that he is the President of Laurel Wood Estates, Inc that he knows or the T*ration described in and which,executed the foregoing instrument; that he Ao be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that -the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, to Said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by.order of the board'of'directors of said corpara- execute the same; and that he, said witness, tion, and that, I he signed It Is 04ame thereto by like order, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. 111C�HARDP. Mlt�[ N�oh,,, P.blic,shot.of Now YOE No.41-4622433 O.aliffid in Oamins,County Commission Expires Month 30. V I oppin arib *ale 38erb WiJH C6V9NANT AGAINsT GRAN 6 SECT16w A-4?7. OR'S AC'J S TiTLE No. 'BEOCK 10i Laurel W0odg§tatqs,1 _Inc, .0i'to 4 COUNTY WN (,rf A TO M-MMMEM2000 Please Record at Request of Golden, Vi, ew.,E5tatej. .14C, 1 , CITY TITLE Please Record and Return to INSURANCE COMPANY 32 5, d., Now yod.N.Y.W1104 153 A....S1.1 14.kiy.,N.Y.11201 6 G.�d Stove Whit@ Plaink H.Y.10601 CITY' . �LMTLE G-d-C11Y.N.f.11530 INSU] PLEASE RETURN BY MAIL TO COMPANY Daniel A. Ozzi Esq. 1051 Franklin Ave., Garden City, N. Y. 11530 824 Manhattan Avenue prooklyn New York 11222 V 0 0 uj 1, if C'� c ILI 'n 7 > + W 'S, +A -his, ; ;� , - 11&N44�M- 9 LIBER8614 Tti269 ,JL�drod and ,sevent THIS INDE?VItflM made the dayof ApriX! ninetei Y-Pzne BETWEEN LAUREL WOOD� ESTATES, INC. 0' a domestic, Lor0iratJoh,' with principal offices at 628 Sth Avenue��Bro'oklyrr, New,.,,York,: ,.. STAT TRANSFt of the first part. and GOLDEN VrEW ESTATES, I NC. a domest i b corporation, with principal offices at C?O Carmine Rufrano, 51-29 65th Placei Woodside, New York, 71-7 113 'n- y of the second pot DISTJ WParrNESSETK that the party of the first.part,in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, I 0 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, —lying and being 4lpMX at Laurel,, T;�� of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows : SCHEDULE AC3) SEC. BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of land of the, 1(.4-0160 Long Island Railroad, where the same is intersected by the westerly . side of land now or formerly of Kopak; running thence along said land Cl) South* 28 degrees. 231 4011 East, 316.02 feet; and (2) North BLK.- '67 degrees 191 20" -East, 22 feet; thence along 'land now or formerly of Young, now or formerly of Hammel, and now or formerly of Baum and along the line of a ditch as it winds and turns , on the following tie lines; Cl) South 19 degrees 471 3011 East, 695.16 feet; C2) South 22 degrees 221 1011 East,. 272.07 feet; (3) South 23 ' degrees LOT341 00" East, 200 feet; C4) Sout� 25 degrees 381 2011 Bast 406.23 . feet and CS) South 22 degrees 411 00"East, 283.61 feet;. -thence along land now or formerly of McNulty Cl) South 59 degrees� 061 20" West, 446.49 feet and C2) thence North 23 degrees . 551 10" West, 2027 .67 01b4_M feet to the southerly side of said land now or formerly of the Long - Island Railroad and thence North 42 degrees 231 Sol' East, along said land, 490,40 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ' The execution of this deed has been duly consented to by the, holders ' of at least two-thirds of the outstanding stockholders. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances nd all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. or suffered anything AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the imrrovement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. I The word "party" shall be:construed as if it read !"parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESE I' F0 LAUREL WOOD ESTATESP INC.., 0 1979 B y j t A a:�'r X %W UV,i 4,1 V1, a.i. tit; N)t RIF To T' 1�� 8614, STATE OP NNW YONX.COUNTY OP STATE op-.NEW YORK, COUNTY 00 S" On the day Of 19 - before me On the day,uf, Jig; before in(, personally came personally came r to me known to be the indt,�'Juai`"I'SCT'ibed in and who io me known to be the individual describ' ed' in ard who executed the foregoing instrumenf,_ and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and ackno�ioi;�'�eii�t" executed the same. executed the same. STAT11 OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Kings ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF *51 On the dayof April 1979 before me On the day of 19 1 before me personally came IWAn Wigilicki * . personally came to me known, who, I g y me J, sworn, did depose and the subs ribirig witness to the foregoinSinstrument, with say that he resides at No. 6 C7 4,k whom I cam personally acquainted, who eing by me duly — Brooklyn, New York sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No.,, that he is the President of that he knows Laurel Wood Estates, the corporation described !,-I dua I I I in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the indivi knows the seat of said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument to said instfbrrWdt IS 3b0v'cor`Pdj1ste'iseaI;t that'iA was�sod thit.4;;4tel, Wd subscribing.witpess; Ovas present and saw affixed by order at ttwooard,of directors of saWcorporq- cxecutertheisame; andjh;&� -be, said,mitness, tion, and that he Si6ed 'h tj name &reto 1'ai tfie' sime 'time subscribed h *'nathe as witn Tit, .7 A A01 i .Stl Fit itil Raw iir4. I in 0%4;ns Conaftlif 01 C alitked jkmaht 'glib "t At& WI I H COVENANT . . . SECTION MAINSF-GRAIN1,S�&s Mrs i r TITLE No. 0((_ __F LOT Laurel,ko;a tstat4i, tftc:'� COUNTY OF. TOWN uf fo lk' Tr Please Record at Request of Golden View th i6s, �Ic�. CITYOTITLE INSURANC13 COMPANY Please Record and Return to r 32 91 d..y New V.4,N.Y.IND. a 1 153 R....�11.rrl &..Ielm N.Y.11701 1051 Franklin Ay.a.. Garden City,N.Y.11530 CITY TITLE 6 G...it St., While Main,H.Y.10603 INSURANCS COMPANY PLEASE RETURN BY MAIL TP Daniel A. Ozzi Esq. 1051 Franklin Ave.. Garden City, N. Y. 11530 824 Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn NEw York 11222 0 0 a- _;o- A are �N' *604 Ij� 40 ,11; ,U 7 't Plik an— "\'T"4 ey aA Fill t r s: yo �'A 1, 4x, Form San. RS-2 SCDH SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALT14 SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH HAUPPAUGE,NEW YORK BUREAU OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS Mr. Martin 14eglicki To. 101 85th Street Brooklyn, New York 11209 This certificate is issued under the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connection with the approval of plans on . ��t�bn� '3* ' *I'9'7'7' * " * * * * for your realty subdivision known as LAURELWOOD ESTATES, SECTION -11-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans. Location ��u�lnl.d,. .To.wn. .o.f. .S.o.u.t.h.o.1.d. . .S.u.f.f.o.I.k. .C.o.u.n.ty. N.ew. .Yo.r.k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acres (approx.) . . . . . No. of Lots Size (approx.) . �R,000 square feet. Owner intends to . �ots only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Topography . Ae!��I.� .�lope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depth to Ground Water-Max; . . .2.5. Min: . . .2.0.'. . . When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading (cut or fill) *t*0* 'a*ffe*c't­d*e's*i"g'n"o'f"s*e*vi*a*g*e* *d*i's*p*o*s'a*I *f*a'c'i'1*i*t*i'e's Drainage .A.s. .a.p Rro.v,e.d. by. t.h.e. Town. o.f. S.o.u.t.h.o.l.d... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d ter S On each lot individual wells constructed in manner approved by the ffolftunt�-1)6�Aftih&ht'6f'AW th-S6i-�i�6§-Afid-fnihi�6�n'6f-100'h6Hi6htal -digtance from rakre-s.t. s.e.Kage, dispas.al. S�tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scwa2e On each lot, one 900-gallon minimum liquid capacity, approved type septic tan1f Cdrhid6feV *fd *6n�7 WpWi6idd *fypW W�dds7f '6�7b)*6& ee�s`�p6ol d�ieTo'p'l ng� `j * * o " mi.niinura Df. a(la square feet -of zrea lie.10K -thea -iAlet ;Lipe. AIL Aatunal. ar . . undisturbed medium-coarse sand and/or gravel , or in the case of unusual soil , -flh- -ex-c&va-t+cm I-T -ta iye -c&rri-ed -tor -a 'demtft unti-l- -cT 6-Fout stratz vf -v-ft-MTr Ju-nxj - Island sand and gravel is encountered and the pool is provided with a minimum W66ie7 'i� *S'p*e'c*i*(iVd V6 WpWrWie7d VIans. 1.*That the proposed facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are installed in conformity with said plans. 2. That private sewage disposal systems shall no longer be constructed or used after public sewerage facilities become available. cc Alden 14. Young, P.E. VBldg. Dept. Southold Town Dept. of State-Subdivided Land U#it WHW.SDavids'P. E. Federal Housing Administration Assistant Director of Public Health- Riverhead Ofc. Gen. Engr. Environmental Health May 11 1976 Gary Planner Olsen., Esq. Main Road MR Mattituck, Now York 11952 Re: Laurolwood Estatest Section 2 Dear Mr. Olsen: The Planning Board diseu 0sed the reeo=endations of the Suffolk County Department Of Planning and decided it would be alright for the developer to prepare his final maps, Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. 0. BOX 38 - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK 11952 - PHONE 516 298-4844 April 27, 1976 Re: Laurelwood Estates-Section 2 File # 1534 Gentlemen: Please let this confirm my receipt of a letter from the Suffolk County Planning Commission dated April 21, 1976. Please ad *f I may now have the final map prepared. Very truly yo a. APGATY FT40WEX ,PESEN GFO/clr 40p� Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Martin Weglicki 101 85th Street Brooklyn, New York 11202 COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairt,,n Lee E. Koppeltnan Director of Planning ua, Suffolk County Department of Planning N- COuntY Executive Veteram Mernoriai Highway Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 April 21, 1976 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Preliminary Map of Laurelwood Estates, Section 2 Sls Of L.I.R.R. right-of-way approximately 532 feet east of Laurel Lane, Laurel, N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham: In accordance with your request, the staff has considered the proposed subdivision of a 36.7 acre tract of land reputedly owned by Martin Weglicki and offer the following comments on it for your use and consideration. Due to the tract's proximity to Brush's Creek it will probably be sub- ject to the Provisions of the "Tidal Wetlands Act". If the creek is a fresh water body, the map will be subject to review by the New York State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation under the Provisions of the "Freshwater Wetlands Act". While the map is generally satisfactory, it is felt that consideration should be given to providing a greater separation between the railroad right- of-way and the proposed residences. The noise, raising of dust, and vibration caused by the trains using the right-of-way can seriously detract from resi- dential amenities. It would be helpful to the Commission in reviewing the final map if a statement regarding the nature of Railroad Drive is provided with the refer- ral materials. The question regarding the nature of this road has been raised since it has been noted on several proposed subdivisions adjacent to the rail- road right-of-way that a road in a similar location and of similar width has been provided. Preliminary Map of Loelwood Estates, Section 2 Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Staff comments on a preliminary map ��o not constitute a review. When this map is in the final stage of preparation, it should be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for review pursuant to Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning by_/4 Charles Chief Planner CGL:fp Subdivision Review Section Encl: Map File: 1333-SR-76-18 Marcha26, 1976 Subdivision Review Section Suffolk County Department of planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppaugel Now York 11787 Gentlemen: We are hereby submitting the preliminary map of "Laurelwood Estatesp Section 211 located in Laurel to you for your comments. This proposed plat# when in final stage, will be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1333, Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter. Weo therefore, acknowledge that the comments made by the staff of the Planning Department are advisory only and do not conatituteL the Suffolk County Planning Commission nor are the a review by by the staff binding comments made proposed map. IUpon the Commission in their review of this Material submitted: Proposed plat - 3 cO L' Grating plan, 3 �copiies Profiles - 3 c0piest Drainage plan 3 copies Topographical map -; 5�copies Comments: This p Plsit. hag Veen approve reliminery d 'by the Southold Town Planning Boards Very truly yours, Muriel Brushp Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosures 3 YOUNG 0,� YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 516-727-2303 ALDEN W. YOUNG L.'d S,�Y,, HOWARD W. YOUNG L.�d 8u�eyor March 23, 1976 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mrs. Muriel Brush Dear Mrs. Brush: At the direction of Gary F. Olsen$ Attorney at Law at Mattituck, New York, we are transmitting herewith two (2) sets of "Preliminary Subdivision Map of Laurelwood Estates, Section 2" at Laurel , Town Of Southold, New York. Very truly yours, AWY/rab Alden W. Young enc. cc Gary F. Olsen, Esq. March 22, 1976 Gary Flanner Olsent Esq. Main Road Mattituck, Now York 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: In checking over the map of "Lauralwood Estatesq Section 211 1 find that the subdivision is within 500 feet of the Town of Riverhead and also 500 feet from Brushes Crook which is an estuary of Great Peconic Bay. Therefore, Iwill need two more copies of the map of this subdivisiong latest revision Ac#dber 30t 1975 to submit to the County Planning Departi4ent, I enclose copy of Mr. Tuthill' s recommendation8j as per your request, Yours truly., Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosure january 30v 1976 Mr. Lawrence M. Tuthill Inlet Lane Extension Greenportt Now York 11944 Dear Mr. Tuthill: At the last regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held January 26t 1976 a resolution was passed granting approval of the preliminary map of "Laurelwood Estateso Section 211 subject to a secondary topography study and determination regarding extension of Eagle Nest Court along subdivision of "Laurel Park" subdivision. If you recallq Mr. Hamil was present at the public hearing on this map and complained that the topography would make it Impossible for a road to be connected here. The Planning Board explained to him that it would be for emergency egress but he said it could never be used. Would you check this situation out for us and get something to us before our next meetingo February 239 1976. Yours trulyl Muriel Brushq Secretary Southold Town Planning Board January 30, 1976 Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, New York 3-1952 Re: Laurelwood Estates, Section 2 Dear Mr. Olsen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 26, 1976, RESOLVED to approve the preliminary map of the subdivision known as I'Laurelwood Estates, Section 211 subject to a secondary topography study and determination regarding extension of Eagle Nest Court along subdivision of "Laurel Park". Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss, t�J Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a Public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, Of has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ............./I........................ weeks $tAte of No yo ded and successively, commencing on the .... ................................ dayof ...A&........................... of laid now,oi .. .../.........1�_ ....... . ..... .......... .742; 9 54"'W" W. 2 feet; S. .40 W tO" 205.97 Sworn to before me this ..... .......... day of N. 4v Wt 01thence ... ...... .... .................... 19. and now or %emerly Of Mutlecko 1034 feet to the tewy,411100 Of GT_&'Aye*, and tlualow it.42or 4 g the southeastedy si of d Avenue 534.22 to the ,loran otary PubHo ot AJNTH T. 50KEN 8:00 p.m. Appiovil of the Kltlr�V Ob�hr, ilate of Now York fminary map of s"psion as 2!*� owned by�lt� a C21id S) I sli4ated at%J�F4 town ad and' joliuiiMbed as follows- ,.,BEGfl*(JiI60 at ill* q`m*.wes(,_ r_6f:&" 40000.0 county, CWW's 00M .19' 27"B.�3AWASAit$011alad or formody Of&*,#I ibile*; . gtheae;rajong4an&u*w or erly of DoW&"& W, 48"W.40.74 feet tw a,foliat: ing dience alo"41 ot.he';t�wd, or formerly of, I .12L'33'�Q"A.2,021 . I(Wtq 9 Aw�. Southold,New York,in said town described as follows: thence S. 59 degrees 36' to" W. on the 16th day of December, BEGINNING at a point on the 2D5.97 feet; thence N. 11 degrees 1975, on the question of the southeasterly sItle of Grand 51' 10" W. along land now or LEGALNOTICE following: Avenue where the same is in- formerly of Michalecko 1034 feet Notice of Hearings 7:30 p.m. Approval of the final tersected by the westerly side of to the southeasterly side of Grand NoTICE IS HEMY GIM map of subdivision known as land now or formerly of Otto L. Avenue and thence N.42 degrees that juart We "Greton Estates" owned by Anrig; running thence along said 47'20"E.along the southeasterly pumsuant Is Peconic Homes Corporation, land (1) S. 13 degrees 42' 10" E. side of Grand Avenue 534.22 feet situated at Mattituck in the Town 452.05 feet and (2) S. 14 degrees to the point or place of BEGIN- planning a the of Southold,County of Suffolk and 23'20"E.742.65 feet; thence S.61 NING. Containing 11.798 acres, Clerk's, Office, Main Road, State of New York, bounded and degrees 54' 10" W. 299.84 feet; (continued on next page) COUNTY OF SUFFUUM, I M"or as: 8:00 PAL 'f the STATE OF NEW YORK. prelimb iry- vision ImOWo i s Estates, El Section 7V2Fby3 tuart ( . �orm;ta ' �lby Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . being duly Sworn. WegItcki situated at Laurel, Town of Southold, County Of says that b.e . . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK Suffolk and Stdj��Ne*York, bounded and described as WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said follows: xed is a printed BEGINNING at the northwest county; and that the noticc. of which the anne comar of a wbofigWoknOwn as "LaureIWODd 00tates" Med in copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times theaffWk Clerk' Office ch week, for 0.ne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . weeks under file from said once in ea point or begiordogronning thence successively commencing on the . . . . . .1 1 e-veil th. . . . . . . . . . S.31 degrees 191 27"E.350-48 feet . . . . . . . to land now or formerly of Daniel Decombpar 19 75 Hanock; running thence along day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . land now or formerly of Daniel .7. Hallock S. !5o degrees V 48" W. 446.74 feet to a point; running Sworn to before me this . . . thence along other land now or formerly of Daniel Hallock N. 32 day of e_s,6;�1/:� 19. v. j degrees 33,42"W.2,027.61 feet to the Long Island Railroad; run- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ning thence along land of the Long Island Railroad N. 33 1/X degrees 42' 13" E. 490.69 feet to land now or formerly of Kennith Lee&;running thence along land nerly of Leeds S. 37 now or fort degrees 02' 12" E. 316.19 feet; thence N. 58 degrees 44' 53" E. 12D.07 feet., thence N. 49 degrees 54,23"E.105.8D feet;thence N.62 degrees 48, 5311 E. 75.24 feet; thence S. 9 degrees 33' 07" E. 356.72 feet; thence s. 57 degrees 35,471,E.213.31 feet;thence S.76 degrees 59, o7l' E. 208.04 feet; thence S. 25 degrees 34' 47" E. 138.58 feet; thence S. 44 degrees 56147"E.173.73 feet;thence N.46 degrees 57,23,,E.190 feet to land now or formerly of T. Diachun; running thence along land now or formerly of Diachum S.36 degrees 56, 0711 E. 141-26 feet to sub division of "Laurel Park" S. 29 degrees 111 9711 E. 150.08 feet; running still along land of "Laurel Park" S. 31 degrees 48' 1711 E.262.33 feet to a subdivision known as,,IAurelwood Estates"; runring thence along land of "Laurelwood Estates" S. 56 degrees 2BI 4311 W. 318.63 feet; running thence still along land of I'Laurelwood Estates" S. 56 degiew 17' 13" W. 3D5.56 feet to the point or place of beginning. 8:3o p.m. Approval of the lttiii"` - I, _. _�,!-ion as "The Rath Lodge" owned by John E. Rath, situated at Southold, Town of Southold, C0untY Of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the easterly side of North BaYview Road and the southerly side of Pine Neck (1) N. 79 degrees 35' 2or W 3S5 Road and running thence from feet,more or less,to a Point (2) said point Of beginning N. 86 N.67 degrees 20'10"W.39D feet to degrees 06' 50" E. along the a point; (3) N.05 degrees 37,20- southerly side of Pine Neck Road W-762.40 feet to a Point; (4)N.05 442.87 feet to a monument; thence degrees 26, 40,, W 698.47 feet to S.03 degrees 53,10,,E.still along the monument at' the point or the southerly side of Pine Neck Place of beginnIN,containing an Road 8.25 feet to a monument. area Of 24.7 acres, more or less thence N. 86 degrees 06, 50" E' Any Person desiring to be heard' still along the southerly side of on the above matter should ap- Pine Neck Road 210 feet to a Pear at the time and place above Point;thence S,78 degrees 53'to" specified. E, 70 feet, more or less, to the Dated: December 8, 1975 Creek; thence S. 78 degrees 53' By ORDER OF 10"E.across said Creek i3o feet, THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ,or, or less, to a Point on the PLANNINGBOARD easterly shore of said Creek; JOHNWICKHAM thence S. 78 degrees 53, 10,, E CRAIRMA� along the land now or formerly oj lTDII-2238 Lighthouse Development Cor- poration 210 feet,more or less to the high water mark of South I old Bay; thence in a general southerly direction along said high water mark Of Southold Bay to the point where said high Water mark strikes the northerly side of North Bayview Road; thence westerly and northerly along the old North BaYview Road the Owing courses and distances: APPUCATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivisio'n plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as foilows, 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (if the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in saiv, land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be 1&0"1 d 114401M .04609M I . . . ..... . .. ... . . .... .. .. . . .. .... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ........ ........ .. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber - ..TIA4. .... . . . . .. .. . . . Page . . . . . ..4.43. . . . . . . . . . . On . . . .1211.017.1..... .. .. Liber . ..57.62. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page . . . .. . . . . . . . On . . . . . .q/15/65 . . .. .I .. . . . . . . . . . . Liber . .... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Page . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Liber . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . On . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Liber . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as devised under the Last Will and Testament of . . . . . . . or as distributee . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . I . . .. .. .. . . . 5. The area of the land is C'es. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . I . . . . . . . . . . . 7. The land is encumbered by Irs.t. 7.ortg*r mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber . . . . . . . . . . Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in original amouill of unpaid amount $.2.00.9m.se. .. . held by .Kam I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber . . . . . . . . Page . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . in original amount Of $- .45-9994Q . unpaid amount $. 62, Q00--00. . . held . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I . . . . . . . address . . . . Main .Road, Southold as.to.premises. and.more 4, (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,,Ige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in original amount Of $. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . unpaid amount $. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . held by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . address : 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except . . .4;.. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . I .. . . . . . . . . . .. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept .~ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public ilr1provements. 12. The land� (140) (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is 13. Water mains will be laid by *raw.@ . . . . . . . . and (a) (no) charge will be inade for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and sandards will be installed bv I.ines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (f) om) charge will be made for installing said 15. Gas mains will be installed by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (a) (no) charge will be made for ill-stalling said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets ill the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed bv the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, anne'x Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings Or structures oil the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets wfiich are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserie strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots sho%�ing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". ilk 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $. .. .... .. . as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at . .. .I . . . . . . years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless Othei wise shown on Schedule "F". DATE . . . 1970 . .. . . . . . . . . ..I. . ...f I.".. .. .. ......... .. ..... .. . (Name of IAP 4— (S*6ature a!�d Title) ark FIrMALM Now Y . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . . . . . . . . . . (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 'Ii. '. . t�.... . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ss On the . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . day of . . . . . . . . . . .1 197.5. .. ., before me personally came . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowkdged that . . . . .he. . . . . . . executed the same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ss: On the . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Of . . . . . . . . , 19. . . . .. before me personally came . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de, pose and say that . . . .. . . . . . . . resides at No. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .that . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . is the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that . . . . . . knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpor- ation, and that . . . . . . . . . . . . signed . . . . . . . . . . . . name thereto by like order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Notary Public --,- I � �:;;; mnn.....W1 I 1 11 11� LAURELWOCID ESTATE All that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon errected, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particu- larly bounded and describedas follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a subdivision known an "Laurelwood Estates" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Mce under file # 5595, from said point of beginning running thence south 310 191 27" east 350.48 feet to land or formerly of Daniel Hallock; running thence along now or former- ly of Daniel Hallock south 500 271 48" west 448. 74 feet to a point; running thence along other land now or formerly of Daniel Hallock north 320 331 42" west 2, 027. 61 feet to the Long Island Railroadj running thence along land of the Long IslaadIR&JIroad porth, 33.0 421 13" east 490. 69 feet to land now or tormerly of k�th Leeds, running thencealong land now or formerly of Le�da south 370 021 12" eas('316. 1� feet; thence north 580 44, 53" east 129.07 feet; thence north 49Q 541r,23" east 105. 89 feet; thence north 620 481 53"-east�Y,5. 24 feek, t)i#nc* south,�90 331 07" east 356.12 feet; thence south 570 351 47" east 213. 31 feet; thence south 760 591 07" east 208.04 feet% thenc south 2t 01 ;1 , 341 47� eaef 138. 58 f�et; �,thence south 440 561 47" east 173. 73 feet; thence north 460 57f 23" east 180. 00 feet to land now or formerly of T. Dia- chun; running thence along land now or formerly of Diachun south 360 580 07" east 141* 26 feet to subdiVi3ion of " Laurel Park"; running.thence along land of Laurel Park south 290 111 07" east 150. 08 feet! runningstinalong land of "Laurel Park" south 310 481 17'' east 262, 33 feet to a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates"; rmining thence along land of "Laurelwood Estates' south 560 281 43" west 318. 68 feett running thence still along land of "Laurel wood Estates" south : 560 171 13" west 305. 56 feet to the point or place of beginning. GARY MANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW MMN MAMTUCK. NEW YORK COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS - LAURELWOOD ESTATES Section 11 L No building shall be erected. altered, placed or permitted to Z remain,, 6ther than one private dwelling for the use and occupancy of one family not to exceed two stories in height, and a private it garage for not more then two care., A one story dwelling erected 1 11 thereon, shall have a first floor area of oat less than twelve hun- dred (1,,200) aqeare feet and a two story dwelling shall have a first floor area of not lees than mine hundred (900) square Meet, not including porches, breezeways, rarports or gatages. All garages must be attached to the dwelling� No stractwo shall be erected on any lot until the building plans for it have been approved, ia wriUng, by the Declaraat, M 2� No mobile tv �pe honips or trallers shaU be kept, used, moved or allovied or, saij premises regardless of their size. with the exceptio& of boat traileirs, which way be kept in the rear of the premises,, 3, No asbestos siding shall be used in the construction of any dwelling or &?4,y other structure on any lot, X 4. No farces ol.- wr'le or similar struch-re shall be built or placed 'Pon a" 16f Pz -ept that split rail fegi-, es ��T' agat arai hedges not more than four feet ir height are pee mitted,, 5� No noxiotse or offenaive activity #halt be --arried on upon any lot, nor shall arythirg be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood,, 61 The exterior of a1A bc,.ildings on the tot must be maintained in good condition and, repair 'so as not to be,-ome unsightly, the lawns must be. kept cut short, and the premises in general aiust be neat and tidy. 7. The Declarant reserves the sole right to grant franchise and consent for the installation and maintenance of any public utility in. over, upon and across any of the streets in the development including, without limitation, the right to lay water and gas ma�ns, erect pole lines for the transmission of electric power and install other utilities in, over. upon and across the sald streets. The Declarant does also reserve for himself and bin successors in interest a perpetual easement not to exceed five (5) feet in width, along the rear and side lLnes of each lot in the development, for Utility installation and maintenance. k4i L;ach wid every ioL conveyed ii the sao�-J smion shall be subject to an annual charge 11 SLICII ao�OUnt a6 W be Lxed by the gn 1, t, however, exceeding Deciarant, his su(,cQs.3or6 and ass, in any vear the sum of f,fty dollars ($30 pe r lot. rhe assigns of the Deci,�iraiit n,ay include a property ner s association which ii.ay thereafter be organized, and in eas uch association is organ ized, the sun, provided for in this parag ph shall be payable to such association, file owner of any lot r himself, his heirs, successors and assigns covenants Viat will pay this charge to the JEK:Iarant, his successors and assi on the first day of January in each and every year, and fu er covenants that said charge shall on said date in each year me a lien on the land and shall continue to be such lien until f y paid. Such charge shall ae payable to the Declarant or his ccessors and assigns, and shall be devoted to the i-nairitenance of roads, and such other public purposes as shall fron, time to ti,ne be teriiiined by *the Declarant, his successors and:or aSsigns. And a ty by the acceptance of a deed, hereby expressly �;ests in the Dec ant, his successors and assigns, the right and power to bring al ctions against the owner of +he Dreiiiises ht�rei�y conveyed or any p tbereof for the collection of Said charge and i(, enforce the ifure I lien therefor. 9� Fhe Lih-clarant resurvi�,i tile rLV'Ilt tJ J��d te all itreets, roads, drainage areas and easevients to tile I' of Southold for highway and drainage purposes. IU. rhe Occiaraat, ViL3 successors or assi whether or not owning any part of tne aforesaid land, Shall ha the right to alter, modify or annul any of the cuvonants, restricti(on r conditions of this declaration and shall also have the power to assign ch rights (with or without a conveyance of any title to any part of ti foresald land) bj an instru- ment in recordable forn�. Should the larant at any time assign such right., assignees thereof shall succeed all the rights and powers of th, Declztrant hereunder, whiether or nut s i assignees have any title to any part of the aforesaid land. 11. Failure by tile Oecl2rant, 103 succe6su or assigns, or an owner, to enforce any of the provisions herein 6h .in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so there-aftei-, ri validation of any one of these covenants by judguient or c.-iurt order A in no wise affect any of the other, provi3ious wl-ncti s4all re—ain �n 11 force and effect. 12. These covenants and restrLCt,OrLS Shall n with tne land hereby conveye and shall bind and inure to the Licnofit I�le said parties, their heirs, administrators and assigns until Janua 1, 19010, and said covenants aL restrictions ri,ay be enforced by action r damages or injunctions or bc until the first day of January, -2- LAURELWOOD ESTATE All that certain plot* piece, or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon errected, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York# being more particu- larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a subdivision known as "Laurelwood Estates" filed in the Suftolk County Clerk's Office under file # 5595; from said point of beginning running thence south 310 191 27" east 350. 48 feet to land or formerly of Daniel Hallock; running thence along now or former- ly of Daniel Hallock south 500 271 48" west 446. 74 feet to a point: running thence along other land now or formerly of Daniel Hallock north 320 33, 42" west 2, 027. 61 feet to the Long island Railroad; running thence along land of the Long Island Railroad north 330 421 13" east 490. 89 feet to land now or formerly of Kennith Leeds; running thence along land now or formerly of Leeds south 370 021 12" east 316. 19 feet; thence north 580 441 53" east 129. 07 test; thence north 490 541 23" east 105. 89 feet, thence north 620 48, 53" east 15. 24 feet; thence south 90 331 07" east 356. 72 feet; thence south 570 35' 47" east 213. 31 feet; thence south 760 591 07" east 208.04 feet; then( a south 250 341 47" east 138. 58 feet; thence south 440 561 47" east 173. 73 feet; thence north 460 571 23" east 180.00 feet to land now or formerly of T. Dia- chun; running thence along land now or formerly of Diachun south 360 561 07" east 141. 26 feet to subdivision of " Laurel Park"; running thence,along land of Laurel Park south 290 11' 07" east 150.08 feetj running still along land of "Laurel Park" south 310 481 17" east 262. 33 feet to a subdivision known as "Laurelvood Estates"; running thence along land of "Laurelwood Estates' south 560 281 43" west 318. 63 feet; running thence still along land of "Laurel wood Estates" south 560 170 1311 west 305. 56 feet to the point or place of beginning. GARY MANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW MMN ROAD MA�ITUCK. NEW YORK GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. 0. BOX 38 - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK 11952 - PHONE $16 298-4844 December 9. 1975 Re: Laurelwood Estates Section 2 FIle #1534 Dear Mrs. Brush: Enclosed herewith please find the application fee of 5. 00 in re the above captioned matter. Very trul ours, GFO/clr ARY ZFER ULSMN�------� Enc. Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Muriel Brush December 9, 1975 Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck�',' New York 11952 Re: Laurel;wodd Estates.. Section 2 Dear Mr. olsew In checking over the file in the above-captioned matter, I fird that I have not yet received the check in the amount: of $235 representing the filing fee nor the application In duplicate. I have sent out. the legal notice in�this matter and it is set for a public hearing on December . 16th. Please be sure that I have the above items -before that time, I should not really have set it up without all the 'above. Thanks. Yours ,tw&y. Muriel Brushl Secrei*ry Southold Town Planning Board % GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. 0. BOX 3a - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUCK, LONG 15LAND, NEWYORK 11952 PHONE 515 298-4844 December 3, 1975 Re: Laurelwood Estates File # 1534 Dear Mrs. Brush: Pursuant to your request, I arn enclosing, herewith, a copy of the descrip- tion of the Major Subdivision in re the above captioned matter. Please let this confirm that you will be scheduling this for a preliminary public hearing sometime in December of 1975. Best regards. Very truly yo s, GAirfTL4WEXQL-SE' GFO/clr Mrs.Muriel Brush:Attention Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. 0. BOX 38 - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK 11952 - PHONE 516 298-4844 November 12, 1975 Re: Laurelwood Estates-Weglicki File # 1534 Dear Mrs. Brush: Enclosed herewith please find 12 copies of the prel'rn, nap in re the above captioned matter and our application fe of I 7�5. D. I have mailed the application to Mr. Weglicki for s sign re, and as soon as it is returned, I will mail you same. . Very truly rs, t WARY FL N GFO/clr Enc. Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mrs. Brush September 22, 1975 Gary Flanner O:Lsen, Esq� 44ain Road X"'.Mattitucko Now York 11952 4, 71. .1:11 Re: Laurelwood Estates, f Section Two 'War Mra Olsen: Enclosed please fj nd recommendations of Lawrence M, "'�'�Tgthill v P. E. dated September 18, 1975 as per your ilequest. Your a truly, wx Muriel B rush SOcretary Southold Town Planning 13oard ' losure W—Y , GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. 0. BOX 36 - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK 119S2 - PHONE 516 298-4844 July 1, 1975 Re: Laurelwood Estates-Section 2 File # 1534 Gentlemen: Please let this confirm that I appeared before the Southold Town Planning Board on June 23, 1975, in re the above captioned matter. To date, I have no concrete recommendations as to the changes the Board wishes me to make with regard to the proposed major subdivision, which was submitted on January 6, 1975. 1 understand the Board has not received any recommendations from Ray Dean, Superintendent of Highways, in writing, although Mrs. Brush, Secretary to the Planning Board, indicated she has discussed the subdivi(bion with Mr. Dean, who stated he has no recommendations to make. Pursuant to the Board's request, I have checked out the ownership of Lot 16 of Laurelwood, Section 1, and it is still in the name of Martin Weglicki. I intend on appearing again before the Boar your July 7th meeting, at which time, hopefully, you ill :i have d mi eArecommendations to make so that I can authori2; Young em n g proceed with same. Very tr you GFO/rnrc Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Martin Weglicki YOUNG 'b� YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 516-727-2303 ALDEN W. YOUNG P�d�..i HOWARD W. YOUNG L.a April 4, 1975 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mrs. Brush Gentlemen : At the direction of Cary F. Olsen, Attorney at Law, we are transmitting herewith six ( 6) prints of "Sketch Plan - Man of Laurelwood Estates - Section 211 at Laurel, Town of Southold, New York. Very truly yours , TTJv/rab Howard W. Young/' (A Prc. cc Gary Olsen, 7sq. + 2 Drs. 5Y 'j GARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. 0. BOX 38 - MAIN ROAD - MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK 11952 - PHONE 516 298-4844 December 13, 1974 Re: Laurelwood Estates -Section 2 File # 1534 Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith please find six prints of the sketch plan of Laurelwood Estates, Secti n 2, ).urel' New York, as 0 a r u 1,il__� prepared by Young & Young. � e XY have had a chance to review same, please sche e this on�our calendar for discussion. Best regards. ry tru�y yours, GARY 1r_L4kNXER 16 GFO/mrc encl. Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Att: Mrs. Brush QLASER FICHE FORM 0 SUBDIVISIONS Promect Type: Mamo Status: Final Approval SCTM # : 1000 - 127.-9-1 Proiect Name: Golden View Estates/Laurelwood 11 Location: south side of LIRR, east of Laurel Lane. Laurel Hamlet: Laurel Applicant Name: Golden View Estates, Inc. Owner Name: Golden View Estates, Inc. Zone 1 : Approval Date: 6/1/1983 PLAT Signed Date: OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 2: Zone 3: C and R's : Homeowners Association R and M A-greement: Address:— SCANN",:D County Filing Date: 8/30/1984 'N - t�,Ay 17 2006 .'Inj ement FERecoords SCAN Date: ECK, J j,61 5RUSH5 I IWIN _RNISHED GRADE I I FINISHED GRADE 2 MAX IMIN I -" 2'MAX S 3 �F AR 3 AID 22 WE44 5 F MIN. I EST4TES 900 GAL AURELWOOD L SEPTIC TANK S41!GAL TORAGAI rA 41VK k ME 300 SO.FT 51DE WALL AREA I PUMP LEACHING POOL 5 GPM. SAND 8 GRAVEL COLLAR--r� HOUSE 4 PIPE 'HOF GROUND WATER GROUND WA TER IOMIN. SEPTIC 7ANK 7-YPICAI SEWAGE DISPOSAL SY57IFM LEACHIN r8MIN TOWN OF SOUCHOL --- POOL 5'MIN TOWN OF RIVERHEAD 7-YPICAL WELL DETAIL TYPICAL PLOr PLAN LOCATION MAP 5"LE=1"-6OO' THE WATER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE 37ANDARDS AND REOUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF T Dyccl?ufi "Laurel Pcrlr Saff Co File No. 212 'EI I NI5wYO, HEALTH. LS. NO.12845 Q A LLZDIN�W 5 j6-56'07T. 5 R9011'071-, 141.26' 15008, -2 6.� 33' NORTH OAKWOOD DRIVE "699, 01F HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED P ( 7) -JU1Y ff,/IPS/ AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS-0 "IFREON ACTUALLY 16 "a EX/SrANOTHEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC LOTT DEMILS ARE CORRECT" 42,332 50.FT e`:lz� 16 ci ( 6) (Z LOTS 4781650.Fr YOUNG a YOUNON-JR VCR?-AD,N.Y ALDEN W YOUNG, NYSP a4SNG12845 Lo OCAUNHETTICHT ACTUATION 01 AmmOM HOWARD W YOUNG, N YS. L.S. NO. 458.93 THIS SURVEV 15 A VIOLATION OF '47 SECTION 7209 OF THE FEW YORK EI S"503""', 5 44F5 1 CLUCATION LAW e 173 7 N32-33'42'W COPIES Or THIS PUL111 MAI HOT MANNEE IHI OFFLOP IFCIVI�111'1 IL11c SEAL OF -10 E�d1055M PAL �11'11 FIT 11 C..1. TO TO A VAHD TOP CO'l -HIS IS 70 CERTIFY THAT 7HIS SUBDIVISION PLANHAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD ;z 7 A (5) C.LIAIIAINTFO L,nic rCD I SHALL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 8 Y RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL DATED 01 (32) 18) M HI I : "I''..I THE 1UPHY LOTS RECHARGE BASIN Lor8 "Ir,"TO THE 42,960 50 FT T 11'J'11:ILLIFF1 AFTENZY AM 6 r 6 1 T't FrSIGNEO OF IIL lt!LMFF� 11111F. CHAIRMAN, PLANNINGBOARD VT I r ItARAL1115 'I'i�"T TIACIFE.Hf T— LP 1 31 IAL kFI T1 OF � OP �U�5EQUPCT Of WOO AF,656 so FT 44,040 50.Fr TE92"IT01 E�. % I IL I 1 11 11 ITIF-,i LI IC,LC�l AN) By DATE- P, ON 'P. I LAURELWOOD DRIVE -TZ N 32-�3'4,?"W '32-33,42". 25955, 1.32-114 �11 IT NOTE1 41 161 ( 4) Hi THE LOr4INES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS F14ED cAylvorBE ALTERED w1mour PERuisslom ( 14) FROM THE PLANNING BOARD,AND LOTS MUST BE SOLD AS SHOWN ON rHE SUBDIV15ION MAP. ( 9) Lor4 NP SO 5 LorL4 0 4or 9 41,80350. PARCELS MARKED(RES;AraFA9 END STREYT9 APERESERVE0 FORPOSSIBLE FLITURE HIGHWAY 40,716 50 FT I - , FT 40,408 SO Fr DEDICArION. LOT 15 T IS 52.3"40"w. 277 58' PARK 9 RECREATION AREA 41,786 So FT Z � I Q:: 27000, N 32'33'421W 269 98 formerly Kenneth Le8d' -N, 96,161 50 FT A rEsr HOLE No YrsrHD4r NO.2 TEST AUI NO3 z 3k now or (31) ( 13) ( 3) 00 90 0.0 LOr3 %1D S&L 4orli torlo TOP SOIL 41,845 59 FT rEN, S&L N 12'33'4?"W. N 32�33'414 !2 40,500 50 FT 40,500 50 Fr 0 316.1 19000 C, 537-OR'12"E 111.5 1 CLAY MNE'Y La" 350,48' 63 56 TEST LE N 32'33'40"W 180.48' 1.000, SO NE4:r LOAN 1 30-55'1 42"W 2,000, N 32 24400' 50,61 '3979, '33'42"W '7000, 5641' A FILE NO, -5.5DI143- a9 16) CLAT 0 73 ( 18 ) QL 'SUFFOLK CO. PLANNING DEPT Lor17 LOT16 LorIO ( 12) (1 1) (2) 'k- SAND 71450, 40,850 50.FT 41,726 So Fr 40 FT. ( 19) LOT 12 SUB,D REVIEW SECTION SAND 4orn Lor2 t-M LOTI (30) LOT 19 FT, % 4 40,364 50.FT 1 40,368 SO, Fr LIj 1 40,034 SOFT 40,606 SO Fr. 4or.To 261 4 121, 1 +-MAY- 1983 0 4 45, 1 0, 193 SOFT FT I 11�11 5 0 1 .1 � $ � 't Y50 L 13.0 tq J 57.45' OPOOO, M.5 00, 92733' 4 165za' 0 111111 L-8BS1 The subdivision of this Parcel, as proposed, L;:236 OF N.32-33'42 4 JEHV.45 N.32'3342"W 47233' 0 ,-,584 9 S, has been approved bv the Suffolk County Planning 14.0. W '-�1140P W IS HI TE ......2 �11 P, N L) Commission subject to+ conditions deemed neces- 00 EAGLE 215.41 S32-33'42"E 964.78 4-199,,' sary to help preserve the natural aZ�gost IF DI?IVE N 12-33 4R"EP Ch ik ISO '8400, 18400 184 00' '000, L- 106.00 L 93.89- 52'." attributes of the AhorphlDa of r P;t .7 146 OP,� _S e 11?07, 41 Refer to letter for Condition MAP OF 0 a. LQ OWNM KD C:) (29) Q, GOL DEN VIEW FS r4 TES. INC ( 20) (22) ( 23) (25) ( 26) (21) ( 24) ( 27 128) L07-29 5yo CARMINE RUFRA NO 250 Q 51-29 65/h. PLACE GOL DEN VIEW L 5 TA TES LorZi Lor2z LOT23 Lor24 Lor25 Lor26 LOF27 T '00 40,UZ 50 FT 40,432 SO.Fr 40,292 50 F 11\ 40,112 50 FT 40,112 SO FT Lor28 41,893 So.Fr 40,132 50 FT 40,252 SO Fr 40,056 50 Fr WOODSIDE, N.Y 11377 AT LAUREL ReCZI `X#6 V450 T07AL AREA=36.667 ACRES By TOWN OFSOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTYNY 11.32-33'42"If 2027 THIS SUBDIVISION WILL APPEAR IN DISTRICT 1000 now or formerly Calvin Rosweiler ON SECTION SHEET 127 IN BLOCK 9 OF THE SCALEzy " /00' SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP. (29) INDICATES TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBERS ASSIGNE13 BY /00 50 0 /00 THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY. --ILII-. YOUNG 8 YOUNG �J ' 400 OSTRANDERAVE. RIVERHEAD, N. Y SHEET AID, I ALDENW. YOUNG, N. YS FE a L.S. NO 12645 HOW 60-367 JOB No. HOWARD W YOUNG, Al YS L.S. NO 45893 SCALE: — 50, Ro wj DA TE sEpr .9, /gap 36' 1 NOTES 70, to�E 'C"RED EL E VA TI DNS A RE Rf-FERENCED To U C&'j;., RAKED a SURVEY DATUM. S� LOC,47_10N IMP SEEDED J/4 114 1.,1 2. T074L AREA= 36.667 ACRES SC4LE� 600' — MAX, Y�e 3. TO 7AL NUMBER OF LO 7-5=30 4. LOT DIMENSIONS aARE4S c AREAFFR0,*jW.4Tr. 5 PARCEILS MAWED (RES.) A r DEAD END 57WErS,; SH 5'�._ cult DAKWOOO CAPVC ZL-FOR FA VING 8 Sr4BIL SEE RESERVED FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE H16,910A Y TOWN OF SOUMHOLD Y SPECS DEDICATION. C 6. CONTOUR LINES OUTSIDE 7HEPFRPA�E l TER OF, ESTATES RO,4DW4Y SEcTlow THIS SUBDIVISION WERE A FROXIAm rk-0 FqOA,, L V,5,6 S. CH4RT NO SC4LE LAUREL WOOD TtI 7 1#V7FGRAL CuRea surTER$7_019,'11V5T4LLEDAr jr%je ALL 111TERSECrIONS FORArl &AST101FACi, -S-u-b d-i-v-is-ior --"L Gure,1 6- - - - - - - - - of/r 11- - - - - - - - SIDE OFDRAINAdE SrRUCTIVRF a RACff �l,' Diochun suff. co, SR,406-IS 45% OR &ORE. R040 WHERE FIe-1vo; 8 ALL CONS7RUCrION.7-0. 'HE CONFORN��O 7 10 OF S0U7N0LP'H16HWAyS�pECS &DErAlkS 5.36-56"07"E. S29-1�' 7'�F. 15n YCEI rRICr No. /I- ' tt -'�5.3&48'17t SC900L 0/5'' f 2 W (A K WOOD DRI Vi- Vat& Rood) 10. s.a r4x wAp-DIsTlOOOSEC, 1� NOR7 7------- -- --------- /2 7 84 3 L 0 r a 5, �7A 5�,,A -1 t `1 r ' .s I d- - - I- - ' ____I CS-zICATCHBASIN /2. Tc= )r0p CURR SOUTHOLD a 4E�IN rowN vf'l?r EL Ev4 r4olv, All (RES) r� CA 33 14S hf.H. AiANHOL E 000 TOWN OF --A! loow T� 32 D1S7R1C7- Tha5f4ff is of 1he opini on ihiat -1he subd;visian 16, INGI'US, R'S '?5o34�17 OE A IV will be%bjeci foihe�Tod4l Wettarlds Ada 173.7 14.1 --_Y� TIAL-46RICULRIRAL of, forrpeirly 275- % — (E) of, for TOO 0 P�A 14 A M.H'B' t, 0% a NFA Al-l-, 5'A Inter IT- Tc, 31 le.- , 412 34 T N'A� 506) 5�). F ;'V: RGE,S1S1jV 4 DE - - - - - -- -- - - - - ----- -- 2 2 70' 0 LAURELWOOL? DRIVE TOP COVER '19 0 'SZ-5-6 I . . 2 1 "b i I' I I "r"" Q, — IE_-1302 I.Q A 0"E' - - - - -- - - - 16.9 ED 14��o -- - - --- - -------- - :� 1 - 41000SQ 7 ------ 14 .35 1, I bee 'f 4,P300. §Q,FT 0 14 Ito 40500 50.Fr. T11 52 21.0 Kenpoth LeedS Itki -1, 4RK 8 a'o R'E rlo/�' ;Z' /70W Or forMerly 4100dSO,F� ----------- Kopeck ILES, I 1 6 Z70 co formerly A -Ce, 1p c 16 29 STA 51-00 56 50 316.19, 2"E. 3 5.37'0,?'l .7 I I 1 1, , "I HEAD WA 4 L 8 A PRON 3] L 175" /15 a FF TC 19.69 405OQSOFr. 40500,SQ.Fr. C19'27'E, 21.0 HEADPIALL 8 AFITON E. 5 ,3IC19'R7'E, 35046' E r/0.50 L 270' a L. too Z. I ak� --- ---- _53 ------------ 55 054 0 TCz2 .93 7C.zl9.33 45'OFt8"C A'p 40000 SO.FT N Z F-16,33 00 SO.FT 7 14 F7.' ot 40i, 49 J7 ZG't IN 'e- 3, 40500 50.FT 20(",ga�7 N 405CO SO..;r _27 56 0"� 7 5U�F '�i' a, 00 SO.Fr it Q re 2 `4 40500SO.FT `4 oAL 24.9 210 270, 15- k 4- L /So' 62 /t 2 -ri ku �2 00, .21.s- 'L+l2 3 'Ez I 47 44 4 46 45 43 -3-9 .4 DET414 RECHARGE 8,4jilV SiO,70,�50,F F 40040501 FT F� T 0 4 40Sc, 1 42 40 1 1 '" - SCALE �I`Vx4O' 4 Z' 5� N Q 1VG (�ONTOUR 411VE UPLA - '9-S rEXISTING ELEVATION 0OOO-"QFT 23.1 40,20l4,54 r 41000 9Q,FT. EXIS71 LETHOI1JZ1D ,orTION, To 7M WEVEv Ps A VIOLATION OF 21-0 zt`RGPOS,50 ELEVATION IECTECI 710P OF Tre,NiW YM srAn — 7 FOLICATIOW LAW. I r COPIES OF THIS SURWY P NOT RECEIVED BY r- Q: SIRIIHOLU jowN PLANNING BOARD THE LAND SURVEYCHIS INC.SA,OR c �T WMSSW S.'SHAIL NOT 11 C.Naus. I TO 9 A VALID FILE COP,, ne -30 N32-33424 202761 ' GUARANTEES INDICATED H'k9N nl�R IUM I ONLY TO THE PoLSON IM WHO.TM SUPY11 =3 I 1 5 PREPARED,Ao�D Q1 HIS WIALF 1. H� NuE COMPANY, GOVRF'�INTAL AAN ly AND NCNG ls'�TUTI.I EL IAIIIV 7C Colvin L. Rcsweller LE NO. 1333-5R-80-?6 E10,11491 A,Q FF 4RY SUBDI' VISION I : w TO THE A5SIGNIES CF THC LLNSL� ITSTI. PUTION,GOA�Nllls As� Nor I�A��ILAIJ FFOLK .CO. PLANNING DEPT, 7. WLIIIN�NAL INSIHUI C,a S,Nv�ujsl OF effeStive I I I I'll I I To �e 4�bdir;S-r most blackthe,' BID REVIEW SECTION Nkonp-of siqhtobet�4" ihp- h;qhe5i poinf of a CeWkber 10 19%L BY: C-9.4r�ed` I Of, Of HIE, I I noiseesourc-e- ar4ih&highe5tp4o+ of 4 reczwer./ r 90LOZIV Vl� St47ES, eet I of Z - - - -L - ; I ko. STAFF COMMENn OHLY. Line. of sighf Staff c.raue.s on a preliminary subdivision 65 J� HIGHWA RE 0 WIVER A FLAUREL Troin �vn 4-SIOPC5 prdferre4 do not constitute a review of the map by the GOLDEN VIEW ESTA7-E,-, INC [k C...ty PIN.LI Commission pursuant DO CARMINE RUFRlwo) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �Se 531, Suffolk Uuny Charter. 51-29 65 rH, vLAcE 'OLK S' no. I 10114 q 4889S SUFf REVISIONS WOODSIDE, N.Y. 11377 COUNT Y,. N. Y 1A IT 119 1980 *Oirs fo b 1,5 Wdry_ wot" SET N-U 12' —6;' A C T 1 +0.08 � C.C. I-O.//= V.C-C 0.09 � v.( c- 24.14-ACT. 29,90ACT, ve'l CCA �Ve GRADE PROPOSE 01 .-Too-/M 7567- rCz22 65 6deADE DR. N g, 0 0 QU AT 14 Iso J�, Ni N 1i ,a Lo In 114 14 N - N3 N1- N NL----N a E�q cj C) 0 C) 110) �,Q, 0 0 U v) I �j 1) N N M\ Cal \ia WHI 7E EAGL�- 36 E)O 30.90 22 go 2 6-1;-4 29:96=ACT. -0.0c)zvc C. 6,eA017 D C La 50, 0 IRK �RAO—T— IN as Zf ki4 L 3 `,LR FILE NO. 1333-5R-80-Z-6 Q DEPT 1� T ac SUFFOLK CO- PLANNING I SUB,D REVIEV1 SECTION j 0 �N 0 N 0 0 0 0 10 Decem0er 1980, BY: c.q .trpd .0 P Sheet Zof STAFF COMMENTS 01MY. LrAlL," �IAD 14 41i� EXr WHITE EA67LL 01/1�`/T"- r DRI VL Staf Comments p,Kti.EKD,y Keladivisim, map do not conEtitute a revicw of the map by the Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant W 23.33 1 /9.3 S.,tim,1333, Suffolk County ChaEtm. 2 0.70 No comment5 are-onthis F— CUHS IM FT TYPE C t FRAME a GRATE -sheet.- FLOCKHAR7 TYPE 615, NO. 60680 OR FOUAL 7 TO > -018—C PRECAST TRAFFIC C-8 YV 2 PEIPING SLAR M 04 PI/ 7 qJ C 3 Tc-IL Ea UNIALItHOW2113 ALTERATION OR ADDITION To TI SURVI IS A VIOLATION OF "MON ISDI, THE NEW YORK STAR OF PRECIST 5roRAI EDUCATION F DA11IVA6E COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT 80APINO Ho� THE .a Nl�lgl CACYO I"as EMBOSSER 59AL!KAU NO :a ,at 6� IN: NJ V4: 70 BE A VALRD TRUE COPY "N NJ 11, GUARANTEES INDICAT15 HHuCN INALL RUN 0 ONLY TO THE PERSON fog W.".74' 'U"n 0 15 PREPARED,AND ON HIS SENA. 11 IN' GOVORNMENI&L A�zNCY AND In 0 0 In K, to \n TITLE COMPANY, 4 4 LIN INS INSTITUTION USIOD FLKOR4, AND *0 N 0, 10-THE ASSICHUE15 OF THE LENDEP3 NSTI- 4589,3 TUTION.GUARANTEES ARE NOT T..A,'�-Ag. E4GL E MES T COURT TO ADDIVONAL INSTIMIE.Na 01 EU11—UMTTT 14AND SUION Nf CWNIRU. /9,33 22,6S CURB IMET TYPE C.I FRAME 8 6RA 7E F TYPE 615 7-YFICAL LEACHING BASIN PREL ININAIT Y S08DI VISION AIIAP gF NO.60680 OR EOUAL PRO PC E FIN,OR. -t, 6 R A p REINF COW COVER GOLDEN VIEWCESTATE-S PRECA 5 T MANHOLE FLOCKHAR 8 *7 TC r 19..3 C.8 06 AT LAUREL rCzSa.O,V` C.13 # 8 RING PIPE I.E.N11.33 CO I.E 7OWN OF SOUTHOLD I E 194T 8 0 SUFf-OLK C(11,1147Y, 21i. Y. GR44"PRECAST PIPE cu=` VERT /-= /O� HORZ / "� 50' CONC. SLAR 2 4'0 2 SEPT. 9, 1980 OWNER. GOLDEN VIEWESTArESR INC. 5/ CARMINE RUFR,411,1 TYPICAL MANHOLE TYPICAL CA TC1 I BASIN 51-29 65 M. P1.A CE 4 4 WOUDSIDER N.Y. 11377 to In Q R) Z + + + + T YOUNG 8 YOUNG, RIVERHEAD, N.Y Al DEIV W YOUNGR &rS.P.E.&L.S./X 1W.12GmJBX HOWARV W. YOUNG, N,Y,9,L.S.NO 45893 r LOCATION MAP SCALE I" �600' 2- 4 A�PHALT hL ��ARING �UPFACF r I F INE r covu� FIN rRAL11 C, V, C R C C:K R4 --- -- -- - -- - y, T', �Dta,;ITun 5ubdjv1,qi61i 'Lourel Park ' .51-401545 atp":- TYP�CAL C L)rl 9 DETAL 2roa3 I A/OR7-/-/ OAkW0610 ORIVE r 2 MANHOL L Fir) S'A� I 60 IA � I I I / 1. , ,,, 147 NO' -IQ z ST .4 E3 2rs'or is"c.m.p TIC r I 7, 7 81.378% 1 Rio IA f 13. 7 54av It, I / S 20'r 28'OF 15"C.M.P 0.600 % OF 18%M P )RAINAGE ED 60' 7- - 1.378% ,0 54, Yi EASEMENT �A� Sp I 5. 0 C.B.NO,6 C.B. NO.5 L STA. 4+90 STA 4tgO --- ----�'EAPWALL a APRON f TC 19,15 TC - ISAS 10 50 0 4PROM - - -K98 I E z IS.15 4 1 �,A?l 74 �j F lft:rr� BOT70M FL -- / I i00 206OF Is,,C.,M.P 14.3 0.908 % U., /0 Ev V5 qj M) I'D 7 'All n1f R 3 14.44 LE 13 C.B.NO.I - j 7, MANN C.B.No.2 SATE STA. 3 00 5TA. 0-12 STA. 0-122 TC =22.82 �-JTC z22.8 1/0 j IE M29 41 0: x1l T 14 Ah- 7 0, , L 1 TC P.I& �y - 71 - - - I � , ,: 0, 1�3__ I "A" TOP Mv �ROYIDE (4) LEACHING POOLS _20 E C.B.NO.4 0 STA 1+00 6-0 DIA. X12'-O"W/SOLID > STA. 1+00 lij (ii DOME. -PROVIDE IETTPOOL -DE fAC -4�7 C.M.P W/C.1 FRAME COVER TC -21.27 DETAIL LUL I-e E CHA R",E BA IN L '7 4n' - 1710 -2IA2 /7 TC I IE ;1742 C IWOF .8. NO.a L 13.NU 19 IE 114 OF il�'C.M,P' S A 17#23 j I �i - Tr ;ig K 10-807 0/6 1) TC z�8 86 TIC =21:27 1 Pr /06370 STA. 1+00 Gi % �3 � - EXISTINO FL�'447�01V �_/-TTC 28.96 E 0.526 �i'l Pq0PnfrL. CIFIVAT10Y E, 24.96 17.27 velv. I I I _!i RECEIVED By 40,11%##ApB ,zlL vl� 119'OFIB"CIMP P197 -------- ITS` OF l,,Fp, ci� -- ----- �D v --- --- CB NO.3 '�_j�zA/A Z 1?aA 0 9A?A 1A1,4 65 P1 A Al ST it,4+62.23 TC :22.02 �i rC 22.0� i�01_ D,�:N VISW E57A TE�5 ".a. NQ 7 STA 10+52 25 18.02, 19.02 CB. NO]l Z_4 TA. 1-80 U Ssl 41. 25J 0 4BB95 24", 2-T,- 2.9 z2F- 5,9117-1-10L4C7 TC 30.53 �5 1 21 22 2, 26" 27: I IE z 26.53 Ro 14lio S090 FEEII. III' ATESKATI��.1 AlS.111., E564or/". CO Al K Y')PK STATE IL 11 1 'T-AIN3 DATE JUNE 3, 198S SCAI-,5 . J- -/00' SECTIC I 114 Al 142 /vo .8.9- 2125 'h YOehi I$ Y01J"d , lAA10 f4fRIVEYaPTS Y. A 4 47-E/\/ W. Y0411V6 , Al. Y-.5. /�e f L5 12646 F10 ,,,Q�SSE YOWATD W YOVA16 Y.5. 4.5. 458 9.3 SHEET I OF 2 P.1 �22 0 P( VcC =�010! VCC --0.13 PI 220 I I 1 1 2784 ACT= 2A 8T , I ACT= 22 101 + 1.0`12% V C = .5 VCc =+0.10 ACT� 22.10 AM EXISTING GRALF - 0 f PR POSED rRADEI +0600% P (:B. NO 3 7 z j M� r 0 > 0 --- ---- Ln w w I j c Q I m Q I a + - N I� cj n + c Tr- �r Pt 30'54 .32.42 1 31 62 VCC. 4 .07 24 77 + 50% 0.600% 0.600% 22.80 26�02 AC - 50.61 ExJ5TfNG GRADC w 1- CB,NO.11 CB P 0.11 1 PRO 'OSED GRADEi PROPOSED , RADE + 0 600% CB.N 12. + C.82% 'c; w VEXISrING GRADE CR NO. 1 �2 IT 0 > 0 1 o 'Z E- 00 IL j 10 (T W111 TF "1Z FIT P.1 1216 LINE Ro'� 2210 C +0 07 1 31 A T 19.23 > PIPE FROM Cl CATCHBASIN EXISTIM GRADE < Ld -28' '14; 'LOPE 1, MAX ... 4"CROWN- w ­:k---- --- SwPr 1:3 MAX. +0,600% Xi5l I:Ir, cVA�� "I EXI 5TlNll GRALIF FOR PAVING STABILIZAHON SEE THE --CONCCURB OLD HIGHWAY SPECS. t I TOWN OF SOUTH Ca NO.4 PROPISED GRADE CB 0.5i;G TYPICAL CB,NO. �RO D -§KqTiON oo NO SCALE 0. N oil 0 9--- - d - -- i I - - FIN GR t in 0 0 + + + + + + 6 CONC. c6 Cov FINAL ROAD 8 DRAINAGE PLAN \\7v L - , -r J� E'Z" G I /vr 0 co w, 2 SOLID DIMI: GOLDEN VIEW ESTATES 2210 '/a" REBARS C ; FRAME RATE 9)rTEND P, AS APPPOVM LAUREL DY TW- 410" 'x en" EAG4 310E OF INLET TOWN V 5OUTHOLD w SOLID RING > j IrPAVENIENT 5UPFACE 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD T PRECAST CONC PRODUCTS AS MANE SUFF CO. , N.Y EXISTINC, RADE ANDkt�l (ARL 5MI SONS, INC. OR EQUAL 40" x 8,o" 2.6 STORM DRAIN RING SCALE VERT I"= 10� HORZ I"= 50' FNIO71-E B�" DATE : JUNE 3, 1985 -229 NQ 83 CB.Na 7 Ca NO 8 9 CB.,NC 10 a, STORM DRAN RING CD 0 In 0 0" 0 C) oi TYPICAL LEACHINS BASIN pl= VC AM CB 7 P' 11114 4"L 0 C 7 '06 1 4VA C T 0 ------it _7 Jk CBJ j() II CB N 12. 1 1216 V C . -O 07 I[AjT 19 23 16, CB 0�1 TIW Lk t7 ,) "I NO S m B YOUNG a YOUNG LAND SURVEYORS RIVERHEAD , N.Y IYPICA� CATCH BASIN ALDEN W YOUNG, N,YS. PE. a L& 12845 HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.YS. LS. 45893 SHEET 2 OF 2 T 11 1 L,',44 IVY F, 7 1 1"'L ii, gtl�ple T I � �,�I,L I RO dog IYV. R.Ow se. 4,SJ�PE.44.S ,110,12845 DA TIE Illov"ah"'190 If, II 458�3, NOTE-5 will,Q. oii —6 5' 36'— 70'— rh i��.LVT Y11.11� "1 1 To BC ELEVA, ONS,46CAI S40VEYBATUAW R4XtD A _AC f', 2. rOr4i'AREA'�i !A'I!F'*7Q '14 114 L I U�M­­ JVI Pz -ION ZOC4T IWALO I,I Q, iT'l 4 LOT DIN,-Nsmm$ D '511 SCAII x 600' K__ curb M4 I),, Y , L%Q­61 I DE471CA rOff Q' I,fii P' VE 7OWN OF S0117HOLD HIGHW4 Y SPECS t'. 70 oAKV �REEK ROADMY SECTION 7 11AIIZT�AA&iz�d NO SCALE r -*SF TES Q. ALL IN770�SE"t LAIAI WOOD Rio 0 ID, LIT QEI 11 Subdivision Im-"L fyw-q,r jim le - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL CONI Lit T-Diachun Suff. Co. II No.--211 Xor)W� 5w,Mli -- - ------------- - - - - -- -- - - - P IM 11 1 , .29' 107 E TH: "Q�' 9, I, IV � 5.36-56'07 OIL 40' 11111 jj 20' RTH 04A WOOD DRIVi bod) -- ------------ 3Z �l kl�v�. _Q 9 1 ;E", I, 7 Eli. 14V 0 + A L x\ 13. k;, 7 Ei , OL'Z"" �j'_IfET:,"V" , 44,K rp�-,p,, OF SOUTHOLD IirA j -ANE T1_(4, a3 32 TO Weir C 04 F IT I— I I 16i I ZdA RIVERI 33 ,, _�qrfvu OF D 'To jd mi WN -- - ----- IE1 OF 19. &Q, ii,­� ILL I'L tj QT� lea' 14.1 0' 14 .......... �14 1 �'a 3.7 F, ly 7 272 forniel A tA U, -4 pow, jjIIE1 IT ' 12 "L ]� ---- ---- rj�j� 'I I (A i - 0 31 -7 ; 4 r-F L C IdOif 6 34 Ef 44600 So. f�r' Af PE 1fut,,jMS1 J, .0� L4URELWOOD DRIVE IT 2 70' a �lr_i `TI 7 :7 IT, ",� I I L I" �T - -------- ID- - - I I 1;�z 50 lift 41000so T E ' 7 40500 SO.FT 52 -PANK L9 j(- fki A 4j000"SQ.Ft ---------- 9, AA�-A 2 J., r Ij 7 CO. 7 f Q� SM 5+00 --Z6- 29 TIC 19.65 # 1�0 Ef L -7 V 13,51, 42000SO (31 /.E. I /ss, 4050P so.Fr. 40500,SO.FT of 3 11 13-7 , , 1 1. 2fLO HEADWALI 9 APi QI AI",I I ki, 9 50 EI — florToAr r 350.48� 5.31019'27"E. V- 270' ------- C/?,;v S '-11"'T'. I.; , 1, 1 40' STA 5 5-3 AI If p Q'i, D Tr;, J. 54 4O70O.5Q,FT. QI ­ 1, E�l ��Lfik - 41400 SQ.Fr 55 '1,) N N 49 37 28 27 Amp 40ki 401 Fr Q, -9 40500 so,Fr 40.�00_! 'Q4 ILI 0 4 24.9 T pl, 4 fGI ess 2 70' 4 01 ED gs, — , 1� I'll 1 1 DELOI =4- `7 1 1 1, 1, 1 I-Tc- Lk Q 162 IT f , " I TRY Vi 7Y1II,.lI] E - k ET -1 ML kill, if"I 6f RECHAH66 Irf'T'i, EI l:� 2 "w" 44 4 TIN6, qOIV, 40?lIblff 41� 46 1 45 / T6 26-- 42 41 40 39 Wr 43 40040,50FT al, EX15711A T­ 1W 4004o5oFr F7, _4004050F7 N 400005OFT 2$.1 4020(1 r d" 7T ij 4 41 25. t IQi E 112 FF '1�6700SOF7 25 41000 siI N 21.0 11 FLQEJ�i MI S t MIN ii., L I kl�,`V'Ax 31", 'EfiF, � r I "u� � I ., a .9 11 L � 'i V ' J ' i'' 220. HI ji �I,iiD,4'4 T' Vq i�I f Q IV.32-33'1 202761 1 1 giii, FR P ' MA '14 1, Dairiiell HolioCk REIM - PTI, Yff, q;,kkj�.ty 01 IT LEj LINALT]ORITED ALTERATION ED.Aili L. To SUFFOLK CO. PLANNING DEPT TZ 1.1,E, D I,�O,,EIHDIH To SUB,D EVIE1,1 SECTION HECTIEQN 7209 Of THE Tiff lai ITIN I v DOOI..L1w 0 fil AT' In I OPIES Of TH15 I�Al HOT ILI 'HE, #*wEl' 1,974_LBY: 44. U;J ;I1 LILLE'U'Ll"EILl IIIIIIIII"A' TIA I W�6 I — '' , 1"L",,, ��_ rlIL" , � r�',Ifr�jr, I I I % !�TT A I."I' ',,i' L .4,2 E TO BE A V�LID r-U �.11 J40 J&vAwds A814 IZArION SEE 7HE FOR FAVING 8 ST _T 4 Q'4 GUARANTEED 4TI I I oll p .... 'HE aHWEY OWNER SLI a, I, 'DIDI ONE'TO 111. L s!", 1, LL,I, I, Q I ITI 1EIIALY o ILI MA R TIN WEG4 CKI 7-CWN (X, _,5100;W DEEP ElO "t .1 TITLE CELII III Li,V-D4�IEFEAL AGILLI Alb 'ANI, sot, i Q 'D'i-vir Of L!0 'Op b, tlO _F L, DELI IIIIII�111111 LIEIID KEITH,�`i /w - I srREET Q­ S,I CO"'niLy C.E,L��I Elf poii...t to LEII TE FOL,K�F "�110 BROOKLYN, At. Y 112&9 4i T­ SHDQDn 1331, L TLITITCDI� 5UF iff-11c CLITILL,y Chairt 10 ADDII LE'LlUi 1 11 1 44" 1 111 1 1 7,IR7,5' Oe r 30, /.9 75 T "Ri L 11 IT d: ILI, 14 E, H 25.4 -p �,J 4233 ::A�T 1$ -2-5- 30�AC7. L 22.56 S, � +0.08 = c C. 22: 6s,- Ac 0.09 = V. c. V,C,( 2 9.96 7 - 00 v "":N �,1;L IU 61 ve, ivlcl va va, �w 61 EC C.8 9 E FL-22 6- TE 19 AS IT N No k4ii Nfl QU Fo U9 !j- Al D N - ill - 13 0 IR, c) C) NEI FA\ QQ S11 WHI TE EA GL E 2 9.96qA CT SKI IF r, 1111-A 0 E E, IF G AD& LE, ,,,�D GRADC t FLA I OLLIve q IU CF Uj R A OLz- n.14, 1 IP r, -.z In :j, SEE Fir) IN PIPE Hr� TO P) NHI -1 -�; FEE It in CO 0 F.0 o% 'Ir FIE,'r 01HIFf- EAGLE DRIVE EE �... A DRIVZ- LANE EX7. L 0.70 CURB INLET TYPE Cf.FRAME a GRATR FLOCKHART TYPE 615, No. 60860 OR EOIJ44 -T— i C.8.* 2 '4 "q�p0seP GRALIE SO a.q,# PRECAST TRAFFIC 71;R,7, RECITING SLAR Ek -T- C I SEE 9 19.BEE PIPF 7 EI, PRECIST STORU-- ED UN 14i RINGS B'O DIA T N N DRAINA6E -- L---- � - -- -------- -, N N! N - -Il 1�1 t') + I 0 '1 —-1 -- - - --- — --- - —-- — --- NJ 0 0 4. + 0 In FEE, LIT a N FIT, 14- 4) -JE CI EAGLE NEST COURT 22,6S 1933 EE*,� CURB INLET TYPE C 1, FRAME 8 6RA TE PROP C.11 FRAMES COVER FLOCKHAFT TYPE 615 0.60880 OR EQUAL CRAD& —,,F1(4 OR rYFIC4L LEACH I ING SASIN PRELIMIN.41?Ysua9lVISION, 114,4P OF REINF CGW. COVER E— LIN 4 .1 FE.M.,;I C.O.0 6 -0.4 0.7. OF N,,,, LAURELW000 ES 7 A TES PRECA57 MANHOLE GAADI FILE NO. 13315 -SP.-74p-(s SEMON 2 /.H.19.0-5, 1 8,*7 a PING r� 19 .,S IS, U, 1SIJFvELK GO. FUMING DEPT PIPE Ar LAURRX ' I A NJ SECTION UP E.INS.E, TOWN OF SOUrHOLD Wib I PIPE 1974 BY: 4-r- LiL4 19 Xg XW"C,-UE1V7-BLOCKS UN UNIFORICED ALTERATION M ADOETTER �t 01,0 ,sq� suFFoi-K- couN r OR 4"PRECAST U, TO*11 SHRIII IS A �ICLAIHIN.1 Y, /V Y, 19 1�76�Lj conc fe0mg HUCAI 1.11 1AII 0461 F�,PCFN 71PA OF NEE HOW NOTER STAFF CONC SLAB STA7 COW1,717-NIT, UTly- SCALE VERT 1,0 HOR.7, -1 COP IS OF ThIS SURVEY MAP NOT SEATUA3 4""y ILlbai,iIi'm I I'o 01 sOff THE�AND SWIVIYEER 5 NFUF SEAL 09 OWIVER AUG. 15, 19,75 1�'It A kL'1�11111IEII. EF ,p It, "HE T E E, I I LLU mar, by LIAO I. CiES"E'liAl 11"L 11.1 IF CFEET'ITIRLEE I - _YPIC4L N.4 NHOL E- s.ff.11, C...1-/ I-Buralt to MAR TIN WEGL If CKI OCr 30, 1975 7 GUARANTEES EEF�AUE� HEREON LEALL RUN /0/-85 M STREE ICE IRADLI I ve I& 1--EEET No A, IL 4� - 111-7 MICAL CA TCH &,4 sllv Ly 0 a 0 S,IEjjNN 1'131, LE�f,Y� C,NE�j C,,a;[C,. ON T. 11,i IIIE't4 FLER 11�­11 THE INlyff, to LE 014 1115 TO ALE PEE THE BROOKL 4 rN, /V. Y. 1209 + + 0 i 15 PIGPIELED, A T' + + t 4 TITLE LCI 1 'E4 ""It ANO It ON 11 1 ILI I EEj i1U TO 1112 A211ZI�Lli 11 FFIE IN.111. LICIN .........,IF.,NEAN...RAIRL, ';,7 -i EAGL E COURT I AUSEFFMIMI FISHHUNONS LEAR"WIP! ,;,I Owli YOUNG YOUNO, RfVEAIH,�AD, N, 04DEIV WE E�, iYOWARD W. YqW6 J�" t:4; 9-6847 2 IN A ....... 11117� P"Q, A PM 071 'NG VW �U400 0,M#M -RAVE. u .oi�,xvArwN.'YOUN61; NIKS.,PE,8 4�S. NO.IR,945 L 6 w"WA,-z' 'lI' HMMOV YOUNG, N.YSi' S; N . 45 vw, K RUSVql -I I! fI'4 OAKWVD I ;V, I — eREEK e: �I Q IN lon-W - -- - - ------- ESTA rES L REL WOO& f; A _j Sutdivision --"L 66f - - - - -- ------- --- ----- - - - - ---- - - -- - - - r.-Diachun -212r 114, Suff. Cd File ------------ NO,- 529-fi'07't. Y N 5-36-56167T. 141,26 IVORrHO4KWOODDI?IVF(t9-lvolefiWd)' 2.' 250' .7 'Y - ----- fZz -- ---- ------ sourHOLD rowtv OF V� ION R. OF RIVERHEAV f t JI TO f.f., -4 (J) _,w fS 4,p56 e 6 D 275' al T or rul I,j f - -- - - - 27 31 4i25osoFr,,, 9 4 40500�FQIFT ,/ 13 RECH�ROE� ��IAI LA�Z-)RE4 WOOD DRIVE 't 3 1 1 ------ fk,"Ill 1 43 ----- - ;Z 74D _,­',"I� 11 U"I", j,�,� , , �- I , I-- 1,-L , 206' --- Jz% c 'N'� �Ir N �A - -- ----- ---- 30 41000so rr st 1.9 f -�i 4P300. �Q.Pr ''1 1 40500 So.Fr PARK L9 '1 52 ""',"A..... cr) F ""U', REM A r/o&," 4WO&SCAr 'q --------------- I A A Rii Ril 'C " qp-, Q� --AG 29 1 510 ' 1 Mj� 142000 SQ..Fr Owa'50,FT 5, 7s 405OPso.pr ., I . I , 11) 4 '27"E. 3901 48 f. , g,fl I J'. 1 114l J, 2 7,0' �-40' 0 53 ----- - 54 f ll^j ii. .11N 414005 40iOO S0.1k 49 37 28 27 P.FF 40J900SaFr 400005OFT 38 1, U, 'If SQ.jrr M 40500$0,rr 4166C 270, top z:7. L J'I .1 f 4j J V� v8,2 1,92; Zoo- 1AV sm JI Lil'i I qt 46 44 3 41 3 1 , 1, 1 4,10 "70050,FT' 40040SOFr ------WCINOSUfT 4 405(2.-Fr 4004050rT 400005OFr, 4020e�SOFr 56.F.7'.- A N�s v,N Lj.,,r_1L F'��fili �j IA .6 1 p Do 'iet Hallock n M. if 'If L,4,L 'j. I t c jl i jI 141 ,L L 1 1, " , I I 1 .1 1 ,,:i, I I I If If v f4 '94NIVER ofivaAl �N IV.. y, REWI!,510*F., Y14f,1R75 ",1 7,eg 75 'ERG, VAR-R VC, IVY; 11 Pv� I'l 4 I'Kll� 11�lf4jl� C- �T t 17 .11. D, 24.19 26,50 Y,1,71', �l I, At "u, Jc WMI SEEN I N A�k, v IT, "o.sod 0., Tp 1,4 Y" EL IVII'll P� I SN, SRI it 4- m *aIll N" I �m 'It INS Do. In `4 :,�o Wl qi�pi M� IN rN 14 1 , OW, td E S� Q Y, PAY, I "j, F� 15 r 5,1 "�4' Q11 N "'L t�' "' i I. l�,-; L I' " 'I" 'IY ER'l 44 LV,L WHITE EAGLE 0F1 VE !,V�,I, (q 2 7.C50 27-46 0. 3.1 S3 2 2.L36) 76.so -31.7�' -11L Y� 'p,,,00 6RA I E (SRADF Sa AC Lu R -lo 5- �oo% .500 .,,r,ARr; GRADE rc Y f RIP z zi "A i', 1 Q SI Qj IF IF "I R�- GO IN v IN 13 N, .,o Pl100D,51Z--,Z L A NE EX T R CL WHIFE EAGLE DRIVE RAILA"OAD DRIVE p 2 S6 Ia Y-r T i 7 RADS RAO'Ka ED IRA Af T S,k t N RY N, _F' + Efl, I& So EAGLE COUF T 4 EAGLE NE5T COUFT SKETCH PLAN"'MAP-14F; �F LAURELWOOD � .. SCCROM 2 �I ',R Ar LAURIEZS,,� - 'vl,�' �, 7*OWIV OF 5001 , SUFFOLK-' coulvm** SCALE ' Vf 10 WORZ'V A SPI 5q,'31 IHILTHRORD.ALTERATION OR ADIRMICIP1 TO THIS SURVEY 15 A VIOLATION OF SECTION 72D9 OF THE"M YORK 9AU AUG. 15 EDUCATION LAW. NI 41AIREIG III,W. 'z. 1.,11.1 .IS THE"NO 11.17S.'RIE" S'A C IRRICESED'CA'V"IALL NOT I CLR�,' TO R A VALID TRUE COPY. I rl. US GUARI INIS INDICATED HERPORN II.LI J111 TO THE'INCH I.'EFIROFS FINE 'I'lly 0111A Al'I'd", I�"I" I L I, 1� I IS PRErA.,D, A�1) ON HHS BEIUAV TO THE 1LE COMPAHY. GOVLENHINTAL AGENCY AND ENDING INSIULTION LISTIT MILLION, AND TO THE AISIGHIFI-1 11" LINING ILRD H T TE.N. DISK,"IS Al�. ;tC TU AD'.'.' �l I l4r". It, la�l