HomeMy WebLinkAboutStraub, H & J party of the second part, Witnesseth that the part ies of the first part, in consideration of 1: ~ -----------------One and more--------------------------------DollalS u.. '" lawfulmolley of the United States, paid by the part y of the second part, do hereby lirant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assilins forever, all THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument set at the intersection of the southerly line of Brower Road with the southwesterly line of Grand Avenue, being the northwesterly corner of land of Edelman; Running along said land of Edelman, south 110 17' 20" east 60', more or less, to the ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek; thence Southwesterly along said high water mark of Mattituck Creek, 125', more or less; thence Along other land of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, north 210 17' 20" west 140', more or less, to said southerly line of Brower Road; thence Along said southerly line of Brower Road north 780 42' 40" east 120' to the point or place of beginning. U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps Affixed $ 1&';0 \J \ '0 'S) "-.. '0- ~ ..~ 1"0 RM 58-u N. Y. DEED-Covenant Againat Grantor with Uen Covenant . 172 (LaWll of 1917, Chap. 681, Htatutory Form C, Chap. 627 I,nw~ of 19:~2) "n "7 41'!: iOL;~' -1: .... ."1 L.., J .J .. p.let . ." TUTBLANX 'lEGIETI'RED U,S,PAT.QFF,C ~ Tuttle law P~mf, Pubh:Shers, Ji'utlemd,lr. T - (fJhig 1inbtntur~~Made the _ , f L~ /'YI A- Y Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-one Between HENRY L. STRAUB and JANET H. STRAUB, his wife, both Ayrault Road, Fairport, New York (Town of Perin ton, Monroe County) day of residing at 2<'.8 part ies of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, havi ng an office at 16 South St reet, Greenport, N ew York, ($1. OO&mOrE ) ALSO ALL THAT FURTHER TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point where the boundary line between land now or formerly of Edelm and land now or formerly of Ernest E. Wilsberg and Harold W. Wilsberg intersected ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek, as found in 1950, said point being sout 110 17' 20" east 60' more or less, along said boundary line from the intersection of the southerly line of Brower Road with the southwesterly line of Grand Avenue; from said point of beginning; Running along the direct extension southerly of said boundary line, south 110 17' 20" east 129', more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Mattitllck Creek; thence Southwesterly along said high water mark of Mattituck Creek, 110', more or less: thence Along the direct extension southerly of the boundary line between said land now or formerly of the party of the first part, and land now or formerly of Smith, north 210 17' 20" west 140', more or less, to said high water mark as found in 1950; thenc Northeasterly along said high water mark as found in 1950, 125', more or less, to the point or place of beginning. Being and hereby intending to convey the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed recorded in Suffolk County dated January 1, 1963 and recorded January 10, 1964 in Liber 5481 of Deeds cp 344. Together with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the parties of the first part of, in and to the waters and the .iands under the waters of Mattituck Creek abutting the above described premises. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any st reets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof,- .,v = "'.. "" 15:; .., ...~ !!;o "" .." "" ktAl ESTATE ~ STATE Of .. ~~~~5fER TAXB~EWI.6Y~ROK: ToxuilCl1JUlU5"11 - . . ~ ,iJ .* & Finnn,. '''S.10949 . . ----.:tIt t" cc) ..~, Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part ies of the first part in and to said premises, To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the part y . of the second part, its successors and asslgnsforever. ,+J c.,:' ..:~ f- ~.r" r-_ ..... CO -:, And the part ies of the first part covenant that the Y ha ve not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have 'been incumbered in any way whatever. And That, in Compliance with Sec. 13 of the Lien Law, the grantors will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. in Witness Whereof, the parties of the first part ha ve hereunto set their hands and seal s the day and year first above writte~j" // ~n J-= 0/ /~"~ - .4i4uL/ HeW L. Str,a}1b .. I 0;/.. ,"f N. d-6 ({ I- .,Janet H. Straub '-/-' State of New York } On this I r;-- County of MONROE 88. Nineteen Hundred and before me, the subscriber, personally appeared day of 1"1..'1 Y Seventy-one HENRY L. STRAUB and JANET H. STRAUB, his wife to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and the Y duly andl acknowledged to me that the y executed the same. K?!lkv-. seve.rilllY /( 'if' (vut c.1(:; - " Q I> .;..n tf. A N r ELL ~_I'IBIC," of N. Y.,...... c-ty , .. fllII""fIn"Q,18"'Z.. :z: ~ r- 0 ~ (/) >- ::I:: ~-- I- ,"-" :z \. <>- .,",l.L-:::> .j VI :00 '\ M .JxU ~~. C'J r ;.;~.Jot: ; L ......J ~~ ....J c> .J Lr> .- -' ~ ~ :z: .. ~ = ~ ...J . ~ ~ . CJ) C> .-< .... .-< - I ~ '" ,... ~ en .. I ~ - t- . ~ ~ i J::Z Il) '" ~8 ..-< -. ~ <JJ OJ . Z ~ I' 'd 'M ... ... '\ I:l'" Ul .. ::) '\ oj ,l!j ill:;j- .-< 0 "":I . i:l I Ii OJ p. ~i "'''' g ..>: J:: ~~ . J:: OJ <xi ..-< OJ i~ tit Q H .-< .~ J~ Ii< .. HH B >., '00 ~ '" '" ~ '" oj J:: ~ :;s oj . ...:lP:: "" il~1 ... 0 .. OJ IJ ~H OJ OJ '" Q) ~ ..>: .. ~ -'i Z~4-l Ul ... '" 'M 0 ~j ojm P::""':> H ~ Eo-< .S . ~ ~ jj~i oj 0 ~ ..d:;S i"-' - 0 ~ ... ..-< lJ':) .~ <:::;, S "". \ - m~ tit e