HomeMy WebLinkAboutState of New York (2) ~ t" ~ ~I i' "CS }- M \~, ~ "I; ~ ~ <<:: LlBER 6854 PA~E 367 THIS INDENTURE ml!.de the/lAC day of .A.c.-U"~.t 1970, 103 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York between THE PBOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORX,/acting through T. W. PARKER, Commissioner of Transportation, by w. c.. Honn..::LLJ , Director - Real Property Division party of the first part, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Main Road, Southold, New York, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The People of the State of New York, pursuan~ to the provisions of Section 30 of the Highway Law, as amended, have appropriated certain property situated in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as shown and described in the project designated "Mattituck-Greenport, Parts 1 , 3, S.H. No. 8229", on Map 48 R-l, Parcel 52, by duly filing such map in the Offices of the Department of Public Works, now the Department of Transportation, the Department of State and the County Clerk of Suffolk County; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has deter- mined, pursuant to statute, that of such property heretofore appropriated, the property shown on Map lC, Parcel 74, may be sold to said party of the second part on terms beneficial to the State of New York and has agreed to convey the same on behalf of the People of the State of New York to the party of the second part by quitclaim deed; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), payment waived, the party of the first part does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises as shown and described on Map lC, Parcel 74, attach REAL ESTAl~. " STATE OF * TRANSHR TA='..i.:. ...NE WYO. RK * f .. 1 ... Oejlt. of '. - laxation D~Ct4'7 0 ::: 0 O. 0 0 * & finance P.B.109'5 * Lib 6854 'PAG'[.368 ,~~W..y and ,." :: '., ;.~.":,, Jr,'.r!,: "~L '. '.40;~":~ '~',.,-"( ''''i ,;;:"'<1', ":1":''''':' <.1. ~' . . ..,. ,'" ,,-i~> i .. ~)~'.~~\ '-'~' I j:j. ...., ..~.~~t~;<~:,:: ,-t{,~:,;,:, ,,~'~~.: '\(:-:" 'J""""" < ,'" . "c/' """'.,,';;;'."" .,,~~. tl.~~~':-:" ~ M .~ 0III:f4 ~ ~ g:, "" ~ ~ :::; # .~r 21_7J /l~(( /,vJo-7~ hereto and marked "Exhibit I", together with the appurtenances, to the extent therein set forth, to have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly authorized representative and the seal of his department to be affixed year first above written. THE By: STATE OF NEW YO~ of Transportationi PEOPLE OF THE T. W. PARKER Conunissioner By: ~.e"~ Director - Rea roperty Division STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF ALBANY ) On this /1A.. day of .Jw..t&..~....- , 1970, before me personally came \'1'.. C. HonnesfW, to me known to be the Director - Real Property Division and the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknow- ledged to me that he executed the same as su~r,=,--. .....~~ y. """'. . . ~-;... ,Y' III ~ i..i IRlit' of Transportation pursuant to and as provided by statute. ~.: ~?/~- CALVIN MORGAN NOTARY PUBUC, Stale al New Yad< . ,'-'s'<:r" in Hensselaer County .I.'l'i COIXu.ui., 'Om Expues MQ.Ich 30 19 , 1.- '- Approved as to form and manner of execution ,j.,(j Mp.'e-n,/'er /170 LOUIS J. LEFXOWITZ Attorney General State of New York RECORDED = : '. ,~ i, " \ By: DEe 14 1910 @ \0 _'-I?- (}.M, LESTER M. ALBERTSON Clerk of Suffolk County HAROLD E. BRENNAN ,I Ii , ',1 L1Blk6854 PACE369 --- M.\P NO. I~ EXH1BIT I PARCEL NO. ,. Mattltuck-Gr..nport. put_ 1 " 3, sa 8229 Sut:folk COUNTY SHEE1 lOEQ: SHEE /?>c,ff{J7.19 , A ~ I. ~~ ~ ~~ lS- " \ \~~ Vi~ ~::t ,,' <::>2! ~Q f;\' . I::>~ \:l:,~ . ~~ ~~ <il'i ~), 'i~ ~q ~~ ~,I..\o '" L, coil:: ~.... \C!,it \I),. o '" "---<I o ,I ""'.... "'" I I . . ....... ~ , ~-\ .~ ~i i oj ;:> ~ R ~ \0 ~ r 11:.:.. i1- C'I:) ~ a ~ I~" ~il ~ ~ ' ~ J I ~ "I ~ ~f ~ ~) r~ '/.) @ '!i- , ~ \;; ~~ ~ '.. ,~ a.;:' ~. ~. \ i':: I LlBE~6854 PAGE'370 , !1 p " ,J \ ~ + " f ~ '\. '\ I ! ! . Map No. le Parcel No. 74 __..u_......._ I I I I' I' I' II II 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ II ContInued onShett No. 2 * NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MATTX!VCK-GaEtHPOa~. PTS.' 1 . S. 8.B..0. 8229. SurrOLK COUNTY lloHt '"._ . I ." L1BEf,6854 PAGE 371 ... - -iF? ./ MAP NO. lc PARCEL NO. 74 Matttt:uck-Greanport, Part. 1 & 3, s.H.RO. 8229 Suffolk COUNTY SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS Survey notuo" 111cal New York Stille Department of Tran8poniltlon DiltrictOfllceNo. 10 located 8t Babylon . New Yark. All that piece or parCIal ot. property hereinat'tAlr ~..l9'n.t.d .a Parcel No. 14, .ituate in the Town of southold. County of Suffolk, Btata ot Ne" York, a. ahown on the accompanying ..p and ducribed .._ follow. I . 'ueel Bo. '4 Beginning at the aouthwu8terly cornar ot. the property herein deacribed...id corne~ being' 32 teet ,Uetant nO.l:therly. Ia...ured radially trQnl Station 581+15 ot. 'the eant.1I:' line ..tabU..had for the - conatruction of the relocated Mattituck-Grelllnpol't. Parte 1 .nc! 3, Stat. Highway NO. 8229. under ConUact NO. FARe 58-57, thence northerly 71% fe.~ to . point on the south.rly boun~ry ot that portion ot State Hi9hway No. 9229 ..micll. was abanl!oneel to the Town ot Southold br ottieial Order No. 407, dated June 2, 1960, the laet-mentioned point being lO)~ teet dil- tant northerly, measured radially trom station 581+15 ot said center linel thence easterly, along said southerly boundary (..mich may also be r~9arded as the prelent northerl~ boundary ot the relocated State Highway NO. 9229), an overall distance ot 1,090:1: teet to a point 76% f.et distant northerly, measured at right angl.. from Station 59l+3~ ot ..id cen~er lin.; th.noe .outherly 44:1: te.t to a point 32 fe.t eli.tant northerly, lI\IlIllaur.d at right an9l'38 trom Station 591+39 ot said center line, th.nce S~ 65. 56' 06. W., 496.97 f.et to a point ot curvature lying 32 f..t diatant northerly, ....ur.d at right angles trom StatiOn 586+51.03 ot ..id center line, thence we.terly, on a curv. to the left having a radius ot 2,919.79 t.et, .n arc length ., .41.97 te.t to the point of beginning I being 134,600 square feet, or 3.090 acre., more or Ie.. and deli9nated a. a p.rt or poction of Paccel NO. 52 ot Map No. 48R-I,. aequire" for the impcovement of the eaid Hattitucko.Gceenport, Pact. 1 and 3, Stat. Highway NO. S229, under Contract No. FARC 5a-57, a copy of Which Hap Mo, 4sa-l wall. filed in the offic. of the Clerk of Suffolk County on May 5, 1959. kl!:SBRVINI3. h~_r, to the pIIople of the State of New York, the following re.trictional (1) that the Town of Southold will \1Uarantee to the 8ta~ of New Yotk. the free and uninter- rupted flow of _teX' through the .:d.tinq drainaqe ditch ..mich cX'o.... an .asterly portion of the above-ducX'1bed Parcel No. 74., and that no. alteration to, or .ub.titution tor thb dralna91 ditch, ahall be made without the prior consent of the COIlIn\i..ioner of Transportetion OX' hie authori~.d repre.entative. (2) that the above-de.cribed Parcel NO. 74 shall be conv.rted by the TOwn ot Southold uto a future road.ide rest area, and tha.t acce.. to and trOlill .aid road_ide r..t area .hall be p8Z'1l1ittad only from the abandoned portion of the old State Bl9hway No. 82:29. 'l'he ahoYe4Mntioned center line. a. ahown on the accalpanying map 11 a portion of the can.- ter line eetabliahed for the illpr~nt of the Matt,1tuck-oreenport, paru I and 3, State I aiCJh_y Ro. 8229, .. eown on a _p on file 11'1 the offiOl of the Stat.. DlJpartlllnt ot !'ran_- por~at1on. ' All --iat- ~ha.. 'w ~ .orth. I hereby cettify that thl. Ia an accurate dncrJptlon and map made Crom an accurate lurvey prepared undu my direction. Oat. Autj/J,d- It ~;:dr<E . BOllweg DI,trict Engine ,Di.trlct No. 10 19~ Aoting Metropolitall * NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MATTITUCK-GJU:ENPORT. PARTS 1 AND 3 S,H. NO. 8229, SUFFOIX COUNTY Map Ro. Ie parcel No. 74 (lu1telailrl Area, 3.090;' kcre. 134,600;' sq.rt. DBSC:UPTICtt A>>D MAP or PJlQP&R'rY TO U QUITCLAIMED TO TOWH or SOtITBOLD oeeoX'iption and map ot propecty aoquired by appropriation in the name of 1tle People of the State of New. YoX'k in ree tor purpo.e. connected w1th the highway .ystalll of the State or N.W York puceuant to Section 30 of the Highway LaW. beinq a part of the property Clelineate4 and 4e.ocibad on Map NO. 48R-I, parc.l No. 52, filed in the offiCII ot the state Departlllllntof pUblic k ,~Ch. .e... m.p.rcmen~ .r ~n.por~a~ionl on March 25, 1959, an~ aleo in ~e office of ;: ~lerk of Suffolk coun~y on ~ay 5, 1959, .taLcb proper~y 1:.h. Camllliasioner of Tr...nsportat:Lon ha. oSatandnel!l may be quitclaimed, eubj.ct to the r...rvll.l::ions aot forth above, in the naIM of the p.ople ot the S~ate of N_ york to the Town of Southold, on term. beneficial to the State. The above ducriptioll and map a~e hereby offiCially approved: and said ducriptioll and the original tracing of this map are hereby officially 61ed ill the office 01 the department of transportation. 71tf'!J~ camniseioner of Tran.portation Oat..r2..ofU,f/ .:4P / .19;i. I have compared the foregoing copy 01 deacripUon and map with the ongmal thereof. lIS /lIed m the office of the department of trall.portltlon and I do hereby certify the same to be~true an::;.o~ copy of laid otlglftal ..dollh,whol,.h,,,ol ~./~~ Director, R_l Property Divislcm ______ ....... Ie ......1...'. ..-.......r,...r:....,.) r .. . /- 0 f ~ ' PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK TO . I I "_ UJ~ ( )/~ L<~ IU~ N;~ A-~ -~ ;<JI'~~ .-t~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 en r." n c:: " - QUITCLAIM DEED ""T'1(':; ..r:.. '" -, Or rT'J r r~, - c-, ~;:-)-. = 0 ," Q>:~ -'" &' OoOJ N t:J ~ c:.."rn nJ 2: ;tJ "'" 0 -< ::z: -< ", 0 w ;z: -0 => , . ~' r Robert W. Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, N. Y. 11944 .. ..i 1... ~ REGINALD C. sMITH ROBERT W. TASKER HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN FRANCIS J. YAK.A.EOSKI PAUL J. BAISLEY SMITH, TASKER AND FINKELSTEIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 420 MAIN STREET OREENPORT, N.y.llQ44 516-41",-1400 ARTHUR H.LUNDBERG COUNSEL ALLEN M. SMITH February 22, 1971 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Rest Area, Route 25 Greenport, New York Dear Albert: Enclosed herewith are maps with respect to the above mentioned matter. They should be filed with the other papers we sent you concerning this property. In order that we may have a copy for our files, would you please acknowledge receipt of the maps by signing and returning to this office the copy of the letter enclosed for this purpose. RWT:bc Enclosures Yours very truly, RO~TASKER ..-' , . SMITH, TASKER AND FINKELSTEIN ATTORNEYS AND CO'llNSELORS AT LAW REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN FRANCIS J. YAKABOSKI PAUL J. BAISLEY 42~ MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 1516 - 4?? -1400 ARTHUR H.LUNDEERG COUN!'>EL ALLEN M. SMITH December 8, 1970 Hon. Albert M. Martocchia Supervisor, Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Sir: I have received a deed from the State of New York for the park area and the deed and map attached thereto have been sent to the County Clerk for recording. For your information I am enclosing a photocoPY of the deed with map attached. Yours very truly, RWT:bc Enclosure /;#UJ~ ROBERT W. TASKER I --~,.;.-.,--"" -.,' #... ""';' '.>~^ , . ...~-,...... " -_._~..-._--" :---. . -, THIS INDENTURE made the /7.,1( day of ~ , 1970, between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, acting through T. W. PARKER, Commissioner of Transportation, by \'1. C. E ;],..." , Director - Real Property Divis i 011 party of the first part, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Main Road, Southold, New York, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The People of the State of New York, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of the Highway Law, as amended, have appropriated certain property situated in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as shown and described in the project designated "Mattituck-Greenport, Parts 1 & 3, S.H. No. 8229", on Map 48 R-l, Parcel 52, by duly filing such map in the Offices of the Department of Public Works, now L~e Department of Trancportation, the Deparbnent of State and the County Clerk of Suffolk County; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has deter- mined, pursuant to statute, that of such property heretofore appropriated, the property shown on Map lC, Parcel 74, may be sold to said party of the second part on terms beneficial to the State of New York and has agreed to convey the same on behalf of the People of the State of New York to the party of the second part by quitclaim deed; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), payment waived, the party of the first part does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises as shown and described on Map lC, Parcel 74, attached ,. . ,. .. If . '--;--. I -, ;"'t::' .., r- ~ . ", ~ 7J ,:....1 /l ;J!i( . . /.),)Q~71) ~, .... hereto and marked "Exhibit r", together with the appurtenances, to the extent therein set forth, to have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly authorized representative and the seal of his department to be affixed the day and year first above written. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK By: T. W. PAHKER Commissioner of Transportation BY:~~ Director - Rea~roperty Division STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF ALBANY ) On this 11,1( day of ~ , 1970, before me personally came tv. C. EcnnOB.QU: to me known to be the Director - Heal Pr operty Division and the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknow- f.J ~. ,,:..-. '._ . ...... ~. ~ . ledged to me that he executed the same as such = . . - , . ~. . llUl illlliullr of Transportation pursuant to and as provided by statute. a;~. :'7~ - eJ\L VIN MORGAN NOT,RJ'~.Y PUBUC. State of New York . r . :n r:'.:Tlsso!aer County ...~. l;..d.k.... ..Jfl .L,j,:~4e.!l MCJ:ch 3J, lQ~..t!- Approved as to form and manner of execution ;1,0 fVc'vembt'., /17(' LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ Attorney General State of New York By: T'T"": i"'...... -.,.:"'- '.h.,:. LlJ E. BRr:nNi\N i!l?'J!!r'!.J:5.jjfJ(rI~:;Jt,~::ii:'<i-l1.:"i....'iJ,_,~.~,,~;;.~~ti;'.:':;::l;iM't~'T:tlilk\1iI.'~'\olJ;;~;.'i~I.liitl:!OiIi.l...ll.:.",,",-I~wt:.""""':i:~;C>li~,,,)1'(.:~'tiikw.."!.'vS!'~--..-":""""",,,^.~~__ ). Contract of Sale M:ac.h, This agreement is made at Town of Southold, New York, on deAl.lary .3., 1997 by the Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce, a not-for-profit corporation of the State of New York, called Seller, and Town of Southold, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal offices at Main Road, Southold, New York, called Purchaser. 1. Seller is the owner of a single-story structure used as a tourist information booth located in the Town of Southold, situated at the north side of NY Route 25, west of the Village of Greenport, shown on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 45, Block 2, Lot 11, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, which real property is presently owned by Purchaser. 2. Seller agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to purchase the above-described single story tourist information booth structure, together with fumishings, for the sum of one dollar and other sufficient consideration, and on the terms and conditions set forth below. 3. The structure shall be conveyed in an as-is condition, without any warranties as to hab;tability. In witness, the parties have executed this instrument on the day and year written above. \-.: "'-.\) C-<-\tv~ J W. Cochran, Supervisor ~~IfEM'$ President, Chamber of Commerce COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) sS.: STATE OF NEW YORK ) /Yb/l t"\ On this 5 day of den\,l8F'!, 1997, before me personally came JEAN W. COCHRAN, to me known, who being by me duly swom, did depose and say that she resides at Boisseau Avenue, Southold, New York, and that she is the Supervisor of the Town of Southold, the municipal corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that she knows the seal of said Town; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such Town seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and that she signed her name thereto by like order. f:,~K~ ""Notary Public ';1.[':, ;!-) ~. ':"'~:;:;" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) :';L.:.<;:; ~' "'-'_'..;;;,: ';.~, ; _:: \l~\V VOf~( .. -'h.. _,~::_,:~:, ~ :'-': j';~~~ ;~:~~-~ \::~ ~}'~: ~~' :.:,'; ~:'l L;;;:Y'dJ11 ss.: !I1CtIC h On this .~ day of Jel'll:lBry, 1997, before me personally came Rudy Bruer, Jr., to me known, who being by me duly swom, did depose and say that he is the President of the Southold-Greenport Chamber of Commerce, the not-for-profit corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. U<--;;t;/t-d:J\ , l1 <;t'lL;"-C Notary Pv blic eliZABETH A. FINNE NOTARY PUBLIC. Stole of .. 'I'llIt No. 4653666 . SuII.. c...., T.... EJlpl... N... 30, I9q 1 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK _<z;:::.-z::z::.c.=:- (~.~-'1>UfFOL.t;;"'c_ "~ " <:<!;.., :::> -~. .:Q _ :..c:.: " '" ' ." ': '.~ ;;J:!.: ~, 4r. · '<' ',' ~ ~O./ + i<~~~)' ""- .- /'. ~~-" Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS lVlANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 18. 1997: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a Contract of Sale between the Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Southold, whereby the Town agrees to purchase the tourist information booth located on the north side of NYS Route 25, Greenport, N. Y., all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. ~~/df~ r~~~~r. ~rry. ~ Southold Town Clerk March 19, 1997 ~ f- '" '" J: '" (;'. 0 " ~ '" '" J: ~ ~ 0 ~ '(j z o~ >- Z'" f- ~~ Z " ..( 0 .,,~ u ~ 2 \ . , H . t ~ ... 10-< H CO ~E rq" " . .; . " . " " . . ; " , , 0 . . " ? . , ,T,' , " " . 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I~ " I .; .;% %. ~" I " . ,,~ -~ JWL ...M..I~:'l!.; ,J.&J:i lIL - THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Quitclaim Deed . for park area '..~ (Wect-G'reent",)r1) S. Wentworth Horton Mem. 11/17/70 , 4: - I /1 ~ Park i /