HomeMy WebLinkAboutN Y Telephone Co 1>'- REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIJ>; FRANCIS J. YAKABOSKl PAUL J. BAISLEY SMITH, TASKER AND FINKELSTEIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 516 - 47'l" -1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNSEL ALLEN M. SMITH June 17, 1970 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York 11971 Re: Purchase of New York Telephone Co. Building at Cutchogue Dear Sir: Relative to the closing of title on the above captioned property which took place on June 5, 1970, I enclose herewith the following documents for your files: (1) Deed from the New York Telephone Company to the Town of Southold dated June 4, 1970 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 10, 1970 in Liber 6755 of deeds at page 18. (2) The Title Guarantee Company title insurance policy No. 1267387 dated June 5, 1970 in the amount of $9, 000.00 naming the Town of Southold as the insured. (3) Survey map of the premises at Cutchogue dated June 3, 1970. (4) Closing Statement. Will you please acknowledge receipt of the above listed items by signing and returning to me the copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours very truly, ~ A/~;f~-/ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures CC: Hon. Albert M. Martocchia f T1 " CLOSING STATEMENT Purchaser: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Seller: NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY - -,- Premises: Main South Highway. Cutchogue. Town of Southold Suffolk County. New York Date: June 5. 1970 At the Supervisor's Office. 16 South Street. Greenport. New York Purchase Price Paid on Contract Balance ADJUSTMENTS Credit Purchaser: (1) Southold Town Taxes 1979-70 Total Tax$478. 09 5 mos. 25 days: $212.10 (2) Stamps on Deed 9.90 PAID AS FOLLOWS (1) Certified check No. 4229 dated June 5. 1970 drawn on Valley National Bank of Long Island to order of New York Telephone Company $8.100.00 (2) Check No. 4232 dated June 5, 1970 drawn on Valley National Bank of Long Island to order of New York Telephone Company 222.00 OTHER EXPENSES OF SALE: (1) Title Guarantee Company (a) Title Policy Fee (b) Deed Recording Fee (c) Stamps on Deed $141. 00 4.55 9.90 $155.45 (2) Van Tuyl & Son - Survey 50.00 $9.000.00 900.00 $8. 100. 00 222.00 $8. 322.00 $8. 322.00 $ 205.45 ,.--- " ..............,....................-...n'Tn....................................................................................................,...".,....,."......",..... TITLE INSURANCE POLICY THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, a New York Corporation, and PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California Corporation, jointly and severally, together herein called "the Company," in consideration of the payment of its charges for the examination of title and its premium for insurance, insures the within named insured against all loss or damage not exceeding the amount of insurance stated herein and in addition the costs and expenses of defending the title, estate or interest insured, which the insured shall sustain by reason of any defect or defects of title affecting the premises described in Schedule A or affecting the interest of the insured therein as herein set forth, or by reason of unmarketability of the title of the insured to or in the premises, or by reason of liens or incumbrances affecting title at the date hereof, or by reason or any statutory lien for labor or material furnished prior to the date hereof which has now gained or which may hereafter gain priority over the interest insured hereby, or by reason of a lack of access to and from the premises, excepting all loss and damage by reason of the estates, interests, defects, objections, liens, incumbrances and other matters set forth in Schedule B, or by the conditions of this policy hereby incorporated into this contract, the loss and the amount to be ascertained in the manner provided in said conditions and to be payable upon compliance by the insured with the stipulations of said conditions, and not otherwise. Bn ~i1ne55 ~~el'eof, the companies have caused their corporate names and seals to be hereunto affixed by their duly authorized officers. PIONEER NA110KAL 'J1!f/JE IJ(~NCE COMPANr 4. .... " ~ ~c:A- By ..~..r.-=tJ>.......,.......~...... GWi'. .....~ .,Preidem . .' "1/1 . -" ,.! '.- ....." ,.... "<, Attest. .; 0',' ..." ..... ,.................... ,~" Secretary MENBERS NEW YORK BOARn 01" TITLE UNDERWRITERS i'- .~~.r Name of Insured Policy No. 1267387 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AmOllnt of Insurance $ 9, 000 . 00 D.te of Issue 6/5/70 The est.te or interest insured by this policy is fee simple vested in the insured by means of a deed made by New York Telephone Company to the INSURED, dated 6/4/70, recorded 6/10/70. SCHEDULE B The following esttltes, interests, defects, obiections to title, liens /lond incumbrances ond other matters are excepted from the coveroge of this policy: I. Defects IlInd incumbrances arising or becoming a lien l!Ifter the dote of or any otherstrucfure or improvement, unless this policy specifically this policy, except t.lS herein provided. provides thot such titles, rights, or 8tJsements ore insured. Notwithstonding 2. Consequences of the exercise Ilnd enforcement or "ttempted enforcement 'any provisions in d this pllor"'9h"ph ~o the cohntraryi this polic~, unless of "ny government",1 WiH or police powers over the premises. otherwise excepte , insures t e or inl'ilry rig ts 0 l'iIccess tin egress belon,giflg to tlbutting owners. 3. Zoning restrictions or ordinl'ilnces imposed by any governmental body. 6. Complil'ilnce by the buildings or other erections upon the premtses or 4. Judgments ogl'ilinst the insured or estates, interests, defects, objections, their use with Federl'ill, State and Municiplll lows, regull'iltions ond ordi- liens or incumbrances crel'ilted, suffered, assumed or agreed tQi ~hy or with nanc-.. the privity of the insured. 7. Title to any perspnal property, whether the sl'ilme be attached to or used 5. Title to any property beyond the fines of the premises, ,qf title to aretls in ,connection with said premises or otherwise. within or rights or 9l'i1Sements in ony abuttingstreets"roock,"&v8~ues, Itlnes, S. Loss or damage by reeson of l'iIny "consumer credit protection," "truth ways or wl!lterways, or the right to maintain therein voufts. tunnels, rtlmps, in lending," orsimi/or" !-lIIw. A. Reserva.tion in COntract 9t'.sale dated 3/10/70, and in closing deed B. No title is insure~t9 ~ land ~ying within the lines of the adjoining street or highway. C. Survey made by Van Tuyl and Son dated 6/3/70 shows: 21) one story brickand frame building and shed. ) sidewalk as much as 0.50 feet north of part of southerly record line. No other variations. D. Rights of tenants, if any. tk SCHEDULE "8" OF THIS POLICY CONSISTS Of ~ SHEET(S). N,Y.B,T.U, "0"'" lOOE ("'1.50 ADOPTED All A ST...NO....O POUCY "Oil'" BY THE NEW YO.I( lIT...TE "'NO TlTI.E "'SSOC''''TIONI IlEVI.EDE....ECTIVE7!11.. 700.7.8e.15M , Policy No. 1267387 SCHEDULE A Tns premises in which the insured has the estate or interest covered by this policy I ALL that lot or parcel of land situate in cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of SUffolk and state of New york, described and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the southwest corner of the premises hereby conveyed and running thence North 42 degrees 15 minutes West 100 feet along the property of George A. Gould Estate to a concret monument: thence North 37 degrees 47 minutes East 50 feet along lands of Wickham Estate to another concrete monument; thence South 42 degrees 15 minutes East 100 feet along lands of Wickham Estate to another concret monument; thence South 37 degrees 47 minutes West 50 feet along the Main South Highway to the point or place of BEGINNING. db !\I.Y.rI.T.U. "01'1114 100E lA-LSD ADOPTED AS A ST""'OAIIID POLICY f'ORM lilY THE NEW YQIIIK STATIt AND TITLE: ASSOCIATION I IIIEVISED e",.ECTIVE 7/1/.. 700 * 7..IJ.tIJM lor' A Valuable Document crIcrLB Insurance POLIeG)( THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY HUD OFFICE 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY -0- Providing direct title services or refe"al services throughout the United States and the Territory of Guam. it "USER ff15flPAtf 18 " . . ~ "'Ial.dahl N.Y.BT.E, FOlm 8001.15]\[-L2:65-Bargain and Sale Deed, p4t"~~Dq ~t Grantor's Acts-Individual or Corporation. (single shcct) ", ~ . _ .).;.1";' CONSULT YOUR LAWYlR IlPORI SIGNING THIS INSTRUMINT.THIS INSTRUMINT SHOULD II USID IY LAWYlRS ONLY S' &11\ ' ) I ~] + ~' I ! cr:;' f' M c:;, ~r ~ fl. THIS INDENTURE, madelhe ~ - day of June ,nineteen hundred and seventy BETWEEN NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMP~Y..a ~esticcorporation, having its principal office ail40 WestUSt...~l~ity, County and State of New York, party of the first part, and TOWN OF'SOUTHOJ;.D, a.,m.unicipal corporation, To'Wn Hall, South Street, Greenplf'fll~ull~w,r(')lrk ~ party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,.piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in t!.e cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the southwest corner of the premises hereby conveyed and running thence North ~2 degrees 15 minutes West 100 feet along the property of George A. Gould Estate to a concrete monument; thence North 37 degrees ~7 minutes East 50 feet along lands of Wickham Estate to another concrete monument; thence South ~2 degrees 15 minutes East 100 feet along lands of Wickham Estate to another concrete monument; thence South 37 degrees ~7 minutes West 50 feet along the Main South Highway to the point or place of BEGINNING. 1l .... EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto Seller, its successors and assigns, however, all the right, title and interest of Seller, its successors and assigns, in and to all ducts, conduits, manholes, cables, wires, poles, fixtures, appurtenances and facilities for telephone purposes which may presently be located in, on, over, under and through the streets adjoining the premises. ALSO RESERVING unto Seller, its successors and assigns, the permanent and perpetual rights, privilege, authority, easement and right of way to place, replace, construct, reconstruct, install, operate, use, re- pair, maintain, relocate and remove such ducts, conduits, manholes, cables, wires, poles, fixtures, appurtenances and facilities for telephone purposes as Seller, its successors and assigns, may from time to time deem necessary in, on, over, under and through the streets adjoining the premises. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. _i~.l~'@.~~\~~~~~rty" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ;~ffl!~.~~EREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above ",~'-':'11'ii1t'1f,IA:.:Y';'" . ~,;:j~! _ - ~ L l! (:J I ?>;~~:~~~t~\.~!>; :~J, . ... .', ~........ 'I l!!ii}iW' ..~ ",0 - '. ~1lf~~-' (!~~;;'J' i:..: .~.,"',... 4;,,\~~~;tli~:~:\f;? , t::.;~jl4~,. <;~..;..! '~i." -' ~l:~...;>It. ~ 0 rf _:.'i "~\-~:l~\:5 ,ii/I'I*,' "i.,. "'," . 0 ! '.'. 'i,/\'J~fciri'l" ?:., ....!. - . ,.,z ',,~,..~, ~\ "' ,. ':~;~lf~. .,:.:;~~~~,~c' ,f~ ,~t;1:~.j!lj~ l-.. :1'....'. "'."j~~' ~~'~k!' t~"~~'l.'t~'>" .;'.' '~i,(~'ii: NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY By '2 :r:l-... ,R/'''t Vice President-Engineering t.P-PRJVED~^s'.lQ-~.;>;i.~-.'- j G. WALLACE BATeS V. P. & G. C" ' r STATIO' NIW YOlK, COUNTY OP On the day of personally came 19 , before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YOlK, COUNTY 0' New York: 55: On the '5~ day of June 1970 ,before me personally came W. K. MacAdam to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. R.D.#3, Holly Hill Lane ~tonah, New York ; that he:s the Vice President-Engine.ering of New York Telephone Company , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h:is name thereto by like order. SALV:.'[\'~li' e. If~OE AMO Notary h.lJlic w S:r.te 01- thw York No. 52.1919098 . - Quallfi'd In Suffolk COUllly "7 My Commission tap/res March 30, 19 f/ ~ar!lain anb &ale Dub WITHOUT COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE NO. / ~ ~ '1 a 3' 7' ('J NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY K TO ~TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD FORM OF NEW YDRlIGARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS Distributed by . BOME TITLE >>IVI.ION C.ICAGO TITLE IN8URANCB COMPANY {"" r....',~ ........ "'~ " N ~ ~~y ~~ ~ '\~ ~ ~ 55: STATIO' NIW YOlK, COUNTY 0' On the day of personally came L/6ER6755 PAGE 19 55: 19 , before me to me known to be the individual desctibed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. U> RIAL ES U> STATE Of * .... TRANSFER TAX g.; '" '} .NEW YORK * 58 .,.. Oept. of ! * "" IOXGlion JUNI070 ~O 9. 9 0 * "" & Finance P.8.10945 '* STATIO' NIW YOlK, COUNTY OF 55: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; o that he, said -subscribing wi~ness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. S1tCTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN --- ~ --...l <:::> Recorded at Request of ' HOME TITLE DIVISION CHICAGO 'tITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Return by Mail to ,e.~GI!:r W. ~St:. cl!..., (S.s ~ ~rr" 'l/tSLGtf. <r r,,JlLc~-STcuJ /f..:{,s-I /I?~/.J oS" (;-.f...t:"e;,Li fJolLr; ~ Zip No. II? <f-y- A1NflO:J )fl0.... . :lOQ31~ NOS11139'\>,'w l:i3lS31 R~CORDE.D In: I "'1 Of .... JUN 10 1970 @ J-02. ~M. LESTER M. ALBERTSON Clerk of Suffolk County 81aV"" , . -~,==--".","...,--_.,-,... --",-"~--~".,,~<-,-,~,---------"-------'~'--'-'--"-'--'--.-------- - --- - N > ... f f/) -& 0 ~ +t ' ." \.,CJ.\'te~ ~pO-t .~ . - ,'" -~~ rr 4' r. ,...--- \ \<. ;;,v ___--- 53 .,-~S\d.ew"" --,I c<>y.G. '("v",p ~ J~. ""~ A I N \~ i' " ...-'~'-... -c , " ~ - !) fU\5 J; 0:;" E ~:v v _ If) i ~ ,~ ",,-,, ~ !I ",:,\ ,. C \ S0' '" .il: ~<C<'" ) ~ ~ I 's..iY-';\-" ,,,",u-:,.+<:> [',' 00'1 ",,~Y" L~€;""C~ s::,.0 "..---'" ~'E.~ .../ 1'4 3"'70~ .,' " o o o t) .j ( , I J >>/ D*' Sk~ ~ Irs-- d ~ ~,. " I ~ I t= '~' :~ -r,8 I S+-O"Y byick t h"",,," bvi fd'''q o' j ~ ~ ~ ,j \!J $. :". ;t: ,c' lD Iv .', ~ In , ' j i " : j rJ ': 'f ~l ; z ~" - i ... i o ROP.O . -<> :t ~ oS: ~ 'J 1:3 o ~ VI":: at l' :> o tt-- MAP OF LAND SU12VEYED 1=012 TOWN OF" SOUTHOLD , .' .,-...- AT C UTCWOaUE. TOWN OF SOUT~OLD. N.'i Scale: 20'. I" . . . l:!" ,""Q ~ V. tf-Ie...... I ! I i I ! I I I 1 j \ i ! I I \ I l I \ I /ITU' NP' /"~7:f87 ; GUOIY(.IH+ecd to "T"kc. Ti-fle Gl.lovO!l"lfee ! CQtttPQI1~ 4. ~V"''''1eal ..IUI-/<;; 3. 19'70. i VAN Tuv," .. SO>>. , ! ~ I ~r~' · 1.Jc.et1sed .l..OH'ol $UY oYS l$VC<rHlOov+ J f'kI.w Vovk ___~,_______~._._......-on.-""__'--"""""_" .' At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York on the 10th day of March, 1970. WHEREAS, the New York Telephone Company is the owner of lands and buildings erected thereon situate on the north side of Routh 25 at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, New York and desires to sell said premises to the Town of Southold for the sum of $9, 000.00, and WHEREAS, the Town of Southold desires to purchase said premises at the above specified price subject to the adoption of a resolution authorizing I such acquisition which resolution will be subject to a permissive referenduIY\, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute the contract with the New York Telephone Company for the purchase of said premises at the above specified price. Said contract being conditioned upon the adoption of a resolution subject to a permissive referendum authorizing such acquisition. I t-/ /~J "fill' \1 V r"Y 0 0' \ oJ I ,V:" , " \vI:,\ OJ " , --1.....~e to? (i '~ < i / RESOLUTION r~~lY)fz;j'~. 0)/0/10 ~ ~'I../'yHl.t NY T-e( (D ,a(/8 CLf (' I F ,. (/1'-- (, I' ,~,) """"--- ,.,,_._.',....L."~.,~_