HomeMy WebLinkAboutGendron, Rene & ors 291-Statutory Form C. Bargain and Sale n..Nt. with Covenant against Grantor--Indi I. . ~. '8 BLUMBERG. INC., LAW BLANK PU8LISHER. 8 CHANGE PI-ACE AT BROADWAY. NEW YORK LlBER6554 PAGE154 tEbts 3lnbtnturt, ,i i Made the 1 st and sixty-nine JJtt1:uttn RENE GENDRON, residing at Golden Lane, South Jamesport, New York; HAROLD T. KRONER and EMMA MAK KRONER, his wife, both residing at 37 Elwood Avenue, Hicksville, New York; JOSEPH SOWINSKI, JR., and STEPHANIE M. SO- WINSKI, his wife, both residing a~rangel Brink Road, Head of Harbor, New York, day of April nineteen hundred part ie s of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, Having an office at 16 South Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, \) part y of the second part, 'Rlitnt"ttfJ, that the part ie s of the first part, in consideration of ONE and 00/100 ($1.00) _ _ - - - -- -- -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - --- - - - -- --- - - - - - - Dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other .valuable.consideration paid by the part y of the second part do hereby grant ahd release Unto the part y of the second part, their success ors PARCEL I: and assigns forever, au those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, shown as "Vista Place" and "Glen Court" on a certain map entitled, '!Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1968, as file Map No. 5060, bounded and described as follows: ~ SEE OVER I BEGINNING at a monument on the northwesterly line of Duck Pond Road, .26. 05 f<:;et nort;.heasterly along said line from the northerly terminus of the westerly line of said Duck' Pond Road and the east- e(rly te-rminus pf the northerly line of Birch L.ane; ftom said poin,t of beginning running the following eleven courses: (1) N. 39. 00' W. - 472.0 feet; thence (2) N. 60. 42' 20" E. - 395.22 feet; thence .' (3) N. 6.00' E. '- 20.0 feet; thence (4) N. 52. 20' 40" E. - 100.0 feet; thence (5) S. 19.17' 30" E. - 105.37 feet; thence (6) S. 52. 20' 40" W. - 50.0 feet; thence (7) N. 84. 04' W. - 52.30 feet; thence (8) S. 60.42' 20" W. - 310.94 feet; thence (9) Southerly on a curve to the left, having a radius of 21. 86 feet, a distance of 38.04 feet; thence (Hl) S. 39. 00' E. - 346.54 feet; thence (11) Southeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 18.19 feet, a distance of 34.37 feet to said northwesterly line of Duck Pond. Road; :1 . .... iu:""~'l:' 'li;: ....: ::,.};'~:,: : :~~~,: ~. "',/ .:,il.)iI' ~.1 S:j'&,;~ ....i , ' . . . . . r lIBERB554 PAGE 155 THENCE along said northwesterly line, S. 330 04' W. - 77.55 feet to the point or place o~ beginning. (}\vEJ.R~lLJ,. y. ~A...1..L t1lw.ii 88Yiiili,R pl'ilt~ oFiu'J<} ~::r F.,i~,,:,......1 ......~ 10:>_..:1. .:.':f...;~;:d"a.. ')"'1"18 ~'I"IrI \Jei:ag at (\atglH~g~"~.. Tii""~'ll 9f ~911t1H~~a.. ('9''':At~~ Qf sr"Uigll~ 1119. .atLlt<;;> gf ~rQ~.~' Yspk.. B81Ul8.88. ARe. ailsgpf~~~ -=a~ f9119f"'~: / \ Duck nd Road" 330.0 feet northerly alo said wes~erly . e fro~ its intersection wi he north- wes~erly line s1jlid Duck Pond R ; from said point of be ginnin unning tw 0 ur s e s : (1) S. 60042' 20" .0 feet; thence (2) N. 27054' 50" 98.51 feet to ordinary high water k of L. Sound; THENCE alo ordinary high ter mark as measured a tie line, N. 600 42' "ErlOO. 0 feet to said esterly line of Duck Pond Roa , NCE along said westerly line, S,.190 \ '" ~. The aforementioned property is deeded t<1J the Town of Southold for the purposes of' highway dedi~ation{a.l1a ran-Pia] &... 8t!ll1d a.6.ai{..atl:~~,~ Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski have joined in the execution of this deed because they are the owners of Lot No. 12 on the aforesaid map; and in the deed from Rene Gendron to them dated September 9. 1968, the Sowinskis acquired an interest in the street lying in front of their premises. Harold T. Kroner and Emma Ma.e:.Kroner have joined in the execution of this deed because they are the owners of Lot No. 11 on the aforesaid map: and in the deed from Rene Gendron to them dated February 6, 1969, the Kroners acquired an inter- est in the street lying in front of their premises. ~ LlBER 6554 PAGE 156 b. t!:ogttbtt with the appurtenances and a11 the estate and rights of the partie s of the first part in and to said premises. t!:o bQt lU1b to bolb the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. their successors and assigns forever. .d " anb the said parties of the first part covenant that t he y ha ve not done or suDered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. The grantor. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantor wi11 receive the consideration fOF this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first fort~ purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that the grantor will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any otber purpose. In .(tnt~~ _bereol, the part ies of the first part ha ve hereunto set their band! and seal s the day and year first above written. In presence of: ...~~~L.S. / '<?/ -r.-2~ ..._....~ooon..1:::-0_ononh_n_..n_.ononon...._ononL. S. ..~~oo.h:!.Jt~.s. -7._~mm~~ 00 on:on.oononL. S. - 11t1 M. Sowinski L.S. STATE OF NEW YORK) SSe : I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the / ~f day of April. 196'9. before me came RENE GENDRO!'!l to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. CHARLES E. RAFFE ---N- ~o-ta-~r-y--Pu-4C~'--S-U-f-fO-l-k--c-o-u-n-t-y------ NOTARY PUBLIC, Stale of New York ~KC~ Suffolk County - No. 52_3195315 Term Expires March 30,1911 \ ~- lI8ER6554 PAGE 157 6tatt of Countp of NEW YORK t III"S,SAi/ ISS,: On the /4 ~ day of April. n,ineteen hnndred and before me came HAROLD T. KRONER and EMMA MAE KRONER ' sixty-nine to me known and known to me fO be 'the individual s described in, a. nd. ... .....,.,6?i. e I ri!.ng in- strument, and acknowledged to !me that t hey executed th~_S~~~"1J&___'_____'_____~_~ N otar y Pu bUc, FRANK G.' PERROTT.c ounty I{OTARY PUBLIC, State of New yqrlt No. 52-8332325' Qualified in Suffolk County '...COmmlssJon Er.pire, March 30, 1970 " 6tatt of (:ountp of f SS.: NEW YORK )L~t-4./ I; day of before me came JOSEPH SOWINSKI, On the JR. April nineteen hnndred and sixty-nine and STEPHANIE M.SOWINSKI .... TI tr ." I _.:...____ ..._ ...L_ L__~-:~ . _...__. _ .... ....L L . YT T 'fJ IJjHloL1JJ1... 11... t . ~ I" Ltl . :, III r , .,20" -' yr f J" r ,.. 'J J"n r _L L__..._ TO ME KNOWN AND KNOWN TO ME to be the indlvidnal3 described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument; ...L_... LT, Tn." -..t'rr OLe kTrOtrr,"" lrnf 'fIn.... 1-' rnn ____....._ ...L.. ___... __-' ...L_... L_ __:.:1 ....:...____ _... ...1.:_ ____ ..:__ __.L___1L," I. ---- -- -.:...---- ...L_ ~a. and aCknOWledge:/,ine t~~~~~~~~";~~rl<sr~- .~. . ...~ Quolif:' i~~:ounty {~~ f:. _C?~ - ~~ h'" - _:~.: - _: ~ - - - -- c-nn.s;a, lO<Pir.. March 30, 191bNotary Public', CMrles Je3RRf, 'l:l' '" ~ .. l:l , :l .. .~ ~ '~ I:l 0 '~ i-o oI:l ~ ill 'i ~ '" oI:l i-o ~ = l>. oQ ~ if ~ ~ u tt l:l ~ .. 0 'l:l I:l U .~ I:l II = ~ '" :::: t:: ~ I:l '" El ~ \~ ,~ .&1 ~ l ~{ d. ~ l Fa ~~ ~.. oi .... ~ If) z 0 0 L: ' . <n >- - ,- I- e .. - er: z - ~ .!l .'- U.ltJ..=:J ] <:% '.::.100 M ::-!:3::0 ~ .. N --~~ ~~eO"DrD ~ .,"":W.J 'tl ~ "''----fO Y o::(.)u.. 1l ::E: w u.. ~ ' . \J "'"' I- .. u:> <J) on MAY 23 1969 cX~ ~ ol! !!:! LaJ ...J @ I. .O'S OM, ~ ll'-S:J ! LESTER M. ALBERTSON .I ~ ~ ..~ Clerk of Suffolk County "-.. :s ( .. ~ t //9d/ II .. ~