HomeMy WebLinkAboutHill, L B & A H \, 0') I) ~, ~\co . ,C!:l ~ 0 ~.~ ~ 'L,. !' FORM 1111 N. Y. DEED-Covenant Against Grantor wilh Lien Covenant 1-- TUTBLANX REGISTERED U.S.PAT.OFFICE i TuttleLawPrint'f'ibjS~"'jl?ull(Jnd,Y/. 9' L1BERUIFf'f4A'AJ;[ , N-"( ! .w4i~ JUb#m1Wlt Ma4ethe Sixty-eight. 9'~ Nineteen Hundred and daYOf~ ., 18tthtttn L. BARRON HILL and ADELAIDE H. HILL, his wife, both residing at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, .r;~ "~Att$1~1E:(' ,. '~f.iiE ~~. .t . ~::-.. . ~.'r""o;tSf."o'.I.'A-' '.NcW;;UilK -If 11 _. ""''' ~"'" . .". ." ..... ~\lI' ... . 'Jil.::J~~t. Oem'sa.. :, ,~JN)..Ol) * . .,;,' UiMnce : . " ':!<!l~"~~'j.: ,:. :: . '. . '* part ies of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of New York, having its principal offices at Greenport and at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, part y of the second part, OOitntMtth.tl/.at the parties of the first part, in consideration of ONE and No/I00 --------------------------------------------------l)olULr ($1. 00 ) ULwful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, its and assigns forever, all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: THE southerly line of Hill Road begins at a point where the southerly line of that course of Calves Neck Road which runs North 65 degrees 00 minutes West intersects the westerly line of that course of Calves Neck Road which runs North 34 degrees 43 minutes East, said point being on the northerly line of land of A. Janson 54. 30 feet easterly along said line from the northeasterly corner of land of J. Fraas; from said point of beginning running North 65 degrees 00 minutes West, a distance of 54. 30 feet; thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes West, a distance of 284. 14 feet; thence North 68 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 487.81 feet to the westerly line of Hill Road; thence North 19 degrees 26 minutes East, a distance of 232. 60 feet; thence northeasterly on a curve tq the right having Ii radius of 79.43 feet, a distance of 167.37 feet; thence southeasterly on a curve to tl;1e 'left having a radius of 142.89 feet, a distance of fl2. 96 feet to the northerly line of Midfarm Road; thence South 65 degrees 05 minutes East, a distance of 237.94 feet; thence easterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 200.0 feet, a distance of 91. 35 feet; thence North 88 qegrees 44 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 201. 60 feet; thence easterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 150.0 feet, a distance of 115.50 feet; thence South 47 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 66.31 feet; thence' northeasterly on a' curve to the left having a radius of 35. 0 feet, a distance of 65. 06 feet to the westerly line of Calves Neck Road; thence along said westerly line of Calves Neck Road, two courses as follows: (1) South 26 degrees 22 minutes West a distance of 119.85 feet; thence C;!) South 34 degrees 43 minutes West', a d t f 23 1 is ance 0 . 6 feet to the southerly ~ '"^'.Tf" I' LiBJ~6444 I -j PAGE 92 I I II I , I line of Midfarm Road; thence northerly on a curve to the left havi~g a radius of 50 0 feet a distance of 71. 43 feet; thence North 47 degrees 08 mmutes 10 se'( nds West, a distance of 87. 71 feet; thence westerly on a curve to the left ha~ng a radius of 100.0 feet, a distance of 77.0 feet; thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 201. 60 feet; thence westerly on a curve to the right having a radius of 250. 0 feet, a -distance of 114. 19 feet; thence North 65 degrees 05 minut~s West, a distance of 237.94 feet; thence northwest- erly on a curve to the right J:1aving a radius of 192.89 feet, a distance of 85. 00 feet; thence westerly on a curve to the, left having a radius of 29.43 feet, a distance of 62. 01 feet to the easterly line of Hill Road; thence South 19 degrees 26 minutes West, a distance of 84.03 feet; thence southerly on a curve to the left having a radius of 102,95 feet, a distance of 158. 71 feet to the northerly line of Hill Road; thence South 68 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 345.03 feet; thence South 55 degrees 41 minutes East, a distance of 289. 94 feet; thence easterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 54. 27 feet, a distance of 8.4. 8.1 feet to the westerly line ,of Calves Neck Road; thence along said westerly Ime of Calve~ Neck Ro.ad, South 34 degrees:43 minutes West, a distance of 94. 94 feet to the pomt of beglnning. _ r LlBER6444 PAGE 93 <<o~l!tr with the appurtenances and aU the estate and rights of the 'i I. I' II of the second part, II ! 11 II I I part of the first part in and to said premises, mtt1!ltUtmtb ht tr.,la the premises herein granted unto the part y its successors and assigns forever. ~ the parties of the first part covenant that they luwe not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. ~ That, in Compliance with Sec. 18 of the Lien Law, the !frantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the ri!fht to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of payin!f the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before usin!f any part of the total of the same lor any other purpose. ~n emiblt~~ am~mllf. the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. :JJuJlrt5ttt!t of A?4)~ ~ $~- ( L. Barron Hill . C[;dL{M 7/ 7~ Adelaide H. Hill . r LIB R6444 PAGE 94 ~tztt~ llf~~\u !ot"'k I (ffountg of SUFFOLK 88.. of On this 9~ day of~ Nineteen Hundred and before me, the subscriber, personally appeared Sixty-eight L. BARRON HILL and ADELAIDE H. HILL to me personally known and known to me to be the same per~ons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they aekMwWA'" to ~ IJuU >My =k~ -':a j '.' ' , Notary Public ~ RF.N8.."EI.AER G; TEIlRY- JRl NOTARY PUBLIC, Slate of N;w YmK Residing in Suffolk Counfy . No. 52-3954850 My Cbftlmf8Slon Explree Marcil 30', 1 fJ6lJ C-:::'l 0_ (..CJ "' Ll_ ~I) C",] :.n <"-' '- (...j I,'J = -- N ---- ~ ex> ~ <0 ~ ~ ~I:tl ~ "- ~ :;)..... ~c0 ~i ~ ...., > ~d - ,.....,.;._.~.I7"~"::.....~.....~,~:.~f~~ i tIl dtIl E-t . , ~ ~ ~ . tIl . = 8/0 IreORD!D t$ t:t ~ III 0 ~[il Ell rn ...J 0. \J ~ <!> Z ~ 0 w ~1Ja · ~~ ocr 25 w 0 -;t: . 0: Cl ~~ .. ~ ~ J-. . 1'2 - V't,. :J . .j~ -a NORMAf4 t KLIPP' \.. '-f- ~ E-t C Clerk 01 s.;~ GllunlJt _-.:\ 8 L~ ~ '"'\ :- '- :iE