HomeMy WebLinkAboutSprauer, Fred J r--~--~-- " II , " q :i Ji II Ii 'I II 'I i' II ,. i i . I I I I I I' I I I , i I Ii ,I II II " II II 'I II d II L :1 I i I il 'I II II !I I I I i . THIS INDEH'I.'tJRE, made the day of April, 1968, between THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OJ' SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation, and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, and having ite principal place of business at Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, party of the first part, and rRID J. SPRAOIR residing at 35 Dickinson Avenue, East Northport, Suffolk County, New York, party of 'the second part, wtTNESSETH, that the party of the firet part in eon- sideration of One Dollar, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, his heirs, succesaore and aseigns forever, ALL of its right, title and interest in and to any and all water rightl, riparian rights, claims, easements, appurte- nenees, and any and all 1ande under water in Little Creek Channel near Nassau Point, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, in the following deecribed parcel of land: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being near Nassau Point at Peconic, in theTown of Sou tho ld, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and ducribed ae follows: BBGtNMIMG at a point marked by a concrete monument in the northerly line of Bay Avenue, where the division line of the premises being described and the land of Standley intersects the , northerly l1ne of Bay Avenue; running thence along Baid division II !I , line North 40 07' 00" West through two concrete monuments 680.36 11"""""-' -~--- ~--"~'.""'-7,-""":".""lW~'"~$",,,"=;';:;,. ....\ feet to the southerly line of a dredged channel of Little Creek as the same now exists; running thence along the said southerly line of said dredged channel as the same now exists 1) South 650 06' 40" East 303.52 feet; 2) South 730 09' 50" East 300 feet to a point in said southerly line of said dredged channel where slime is intersected by a tie line; running thence along said tie line through and along the ordinary high water mark of Hog Neck I Bay South 50 18' 40" West 441.23 feet to the northerly line of Bay Avenue; running thence along the said northerly line of Bay Avenue South 870 01' 20" \~est 473.43 feet to the monument at the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the '\ party of the first part in and to the land lying in the streets , '! :1 and roads in front of and adjoining said premiaes. ,i ii TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises! I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preJllises herein granted unto the party of the second part, his heirs, successors and assigns ii forever. i I: i: This deed is given for the purpose of correcting the , Ii :! description in the deed to Fred J. Sprauer from the Board of , " Tru.tees of the Town of Southold dated January 15, 1968, recorded! February 8, 1968, in Liber 6301, page 314. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these - 2 - ... presents to be signed by its duly authoriaed officers the day and year first above written. //-C i. ." ( 'L, . ~ ' ii _'.." I ..~. ',' f'" _'. / A 1\ {j,t'. 11)~HfL.; ,C A.'f.ItA:ti~- Alvah Goldsmith /.' 7 r;~CC.d61:i:'s: R~(;1t~;n' C(.,~::.' ( , \ /"-GJ~~g~st~;~oJ: '. - ~ohn McNulty )< '-/ ~ . J // fA J.v u't.---:';'>-' J Frank Dawson . , STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: ~ l!~X . /.\/vAl., i?n the ~ - day of I, 1968, before me personally appear~q .~. GOLDSMITH, DOUGLAS llDBERTSON, GEORGE SIMPSON, JOHN Me NUL'9 and FRANK DAWSON, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did , depose and say that each resides in the Town of Southold, Suffolk! I County, New York; that they comprise the members of THE BOARD OF i TRUSTIES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the munidpal corporation de- I scribed in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that theyl know the seal of said corporation; thet th* seal affixed to said ! instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by i' order of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES of said corporati"n. and that they I signed their names thereto by like order. ' /))IA.-h-~:"v Ct. 72cr--r~ MARION A. REGENT NOTARY PU8UC, Sta~e 01 New 'fON: No 5Z3233120 Suffolk Cvunty Tp.rm Expires Marr.;h .;l0_ lf6!j - 3 - r- o;U 2' ~ 0 ~ ~;; ~ a Gl - II C Z 0 !II '" ~ ;;:I :z ~ C,;. Co -< )> " . t1 :.. 0 () . U; II l! w 0 a 111 z I. I2g II i i Cot . t'f o - I t'f o . as II ~~ il ;1 Q ,.----. - /t( "- JI Ii THIS INDENTURE, made the ~-:M I i day of -J /}_o .." Ie )I, 19ikft between FRED J. SPRAUER, residing at 35 Dickinson Avenue, East Northport, Suffolk County, New York, party of the first part, andl ! THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal cor- poration, and acorporation organized under the laws of the State I ! \: II of New York, and having its principal place of business at Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, party of the second part, I I I I I Ii I: I WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part in con- sideration of One Dollar, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, its successors or assigns forever, ALL of his right, title and interest in and to any and all water rights, reparian rights, claims, easements, appurten- i i Ii 'I Ii 'I , " 'i " n ances, and any and all lands under water in Little Creek Channel near Nassau Point, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, which lies north of the northerly line of a proposed channel as described in a map entitled "Map Showing Proposed I Ii Ii li Dredging in Little Creek and Peconic Bay, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, Scale 1" = 200 feet", and approved by Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor, Town of Southold, on September 1966, and filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Work Ii I' I I il I, I, I I', of Suffolk County, New York, and as said map was modified and amended by the terms of a dredging easement executed by Fred Sprauer on July 15, 1967, a copy of same being annexed hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the land lying in the streets Ii , 0"'''''' """" ".,,. ". ,.. ",-...".- . -, -...." .,. ,.""...~'"',,."..,'-. 'r /<{ I ;1 and roads in front of and adjoining said premises. \: I' , TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and Ii Ii rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. I II " 11 Ii I' I' II TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. The party of the first part covenants that he will re- ceive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the ~ i Ii i: Ii :i Ii !, I' I: Ii " I; ; right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that he will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. I: Ii Ii f! :1 Ii Ii :1 !i :; U Ii , l! 'I' ! Ii ji I II I II I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~~c?aJ~~u: - ~-------- STATE OF NEW YORK ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the S"j,& day of J /J N c, .1 r( Y, 196t: before me per- sonally came FRED J. SPRAUER, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ii I acknowledged that he executed th:~. re--- &~~~-<--~Q~--ti-;/-- (// RIP" Not:lfV ~ N\), ~~"? . ~1y c("nl;".i"~ ,'I ., 'c/ N.'].. "tv,v . ' Y)(f.J. - 2 - .. ,,' Co. ,.".. '.~' ;...._....""., .... ._'" ~ '.,' '" ~".' ",.""""". ,,- ...~. .., ..' . ~~- "" "\-.y- f ""'~J<n~-!/'!>~~~~~~!\I'~f' I:T ~ , ,..,.,..;.".,..... ..,"'Ij',.~,.., I I """ "'r< ,\. 'sl;' ~<f ~! < j4-!f;.;Il[ g,1\W"l~~'~~'1 (~:h .J t ",'I' ' " , Xl, .. ~ '" , BAS . .. . / . , / (y of ~'.(. ')' :0'..1)6 TllTS .,DE~.IT1fill'. made .thifJ be tl~JeCn Fred Spr auer of Cutchoguc, !":..Y. p~rty of the fi::~.::,t pa.rt, ;.\ ! ~ , r'_ .,~ and the TCWN or Southold ",'-'1 , "~;i pa=ty of the second part, ....... ". -.' . - . '.. -. ~ - WIT NE SSE T H . ,':'i ':::~J. " ','1 WlumF.AS, the 'J'OdN OF Southold is deS.:l.X'cH15 cf h9,ving :;:')~t Lei. tt,3;e Creek ,c;i tcw.te. i~l the Town of Southold inrU:T ,::'i~rc: ~J':,';j::' :_"-Jj::-h , , tlie ::';:'Jle:.:'t:\1.::~.r:g (,f \':c:::i:ain dredging oper~tifJ:':i .::C) 'he' ':":,01", ';l,."'~:~;::(i 1.;lY 'i"'{' t/:lci COutEY 01' S1!F'FOLK, . and (:!;,y- ,n' i'iEEiU'J\S, ::ide improvements to Little Creek ")1.' :',d *B"!:~~'-:t113" ~)\:~r;J:~f i ': :~2_,~~ t D " the undersi-gnedt ~/; Jt:.~c': b,~ r 7JC\\f 7':FG3RJ2r'CIf~ E, in conside'l.:'ati on of thl'~ 'b'~~"~;,>\I:j_~:~ C~-:"_ 'h ":':" ": ).r:, ~:' ti: .r\;t~"~,t: }-"j ~.__, tp..'1"" .:L,_l..{ "'. '::he pee:e,,; of the first pa!"~ does h"""",t,'1 ,... \1 ::.:~.; r). '::j~le t<'a;.""t.y ()j r '.'! l.ic"l'r:. .'.. t 10,'; rho: (,,,,, pC1.::t and the COUNTY OF SUi'.!' .:: l:i; '. r".;' +. -, (~:~.~,'::'_'l~i(:n",; ;t.:~':'_d (x::ivilcge to cnte:~~ up..::);;:, ii' .' .r <~ ':.":, :" .;, :~, r>:.: th~': :,:"; . :.:;. .....y -.-.t' 1?':r1 . '1 ,. ,ii-":)!" a~--'sh.o'i-\i:;'1 ~1:(~ fl:~3~ ;l~rt fOT'the purpose of (~.. ::~ J .~~'I-"., c' 2.:-:r(:1' G~'.l ;J. 1T,;?..p (~::d:i t_lctl ,ttM?-p sh,rn-ling P:i:"Oi"'::''-::'(~'':! D:,'."c- ':"f''; H: Little 9,~,cel;: & Peconic "T" Y 1- S " i:Je"l or... r C~:_L'I.e :i" ;l.- Bay , Town of Southold surf '.)llc County, =1" ::: 200' u, and approved by Lester H. Albertson ""j').: ~ti the office of South old , on Sept. 12, It;(; 6 and filed the Commissioner of Public Wor};:::; ,.:!f S]J.Cf(\,1Je County, Nel" Yorl':., upon the te!:"ms and conditions as set forth on the reverse, /lide hereof. :.,/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fi::["~ peer':; ;\?r: S(ct 615 hand and seal the day and year first abov~ wrlttc~. , , to' l( ,:.;g: ,1'''1;1; ,~~r;: ')j; :-. ~- , (J L "- (I., ) .-.-p ,--, ~-~2!.;LJe-:~-'~>:-~ ----------. '--------,---,-_..._~----- ~mATE c6UN1Y OF NEW YORIO 5S: OF SdH'OLK) .>: On the /5' itA day of I,/c...c Y 196? befo::e me Citt11C f'{r!{.~O 6fJl?fl<i<c:'t\. to me kno'Nn to be the ind"lT:..bctl di:c'.:!'3bed ill, and who executed the foregoing instrumen~t. f -;~nmt?"le(lSr;l' that I!:' he executed the same. / ~ Ji'i~ () _-'--." 1,,11~ w) I:';;' , c~ov. ~\~,"l. t7 _.=::~..:.::::::::~::::...._-=. [Hi. . ","0 1. "",'0 co""\1er. ':~{~ \"\J.'V.- 4,\,,r', t ~(. ~1 ),'c> "j,:"-..\C, ~\", \t\. I: \.\\I-~)1f~.).-":' "<' "\?\.\0\'r<:)(J _,:''lr:;> ~','\{1 ('i'f,F", '0-,;',," t~ . ",);"3;;" 'I'ot.,-;;, ' . \~ . ~~:...,::~ti.,::."~,~~,.::..~=.:.:=:..-::::,~.,:.:~,.".:"~~,:,:::,;,:~",::"~,"';~:.'.".:~'~~:::::~;~~':"':'~7;=:':'~'Z':.~,~~:':::::":::':~,~~~:"'~';"~"'''.'';::J;.;,"':":!~~::~~:''_,~:''::~'"G'':::~::'~;::~t~tr~_~~:.:~':'{:: i f I: I ! 1, , f t ,,< I ~ ~ ~ ~ ,j I> " TU- TIIIS m~ftJU, .de the IS-~ cia,. .f ~~ ' 196~. between '.nil JQUJ) aI DUIftII f1I !III mill 01 -'..~. a ..telpa corp...dtion. and a ...._tion o.....t.... ...... the 1Md of the Sta&. of ... tOl'k. aM bavina ia ,n..t.,al ,laee of ..s.a.. at Main Road, Southold, Suffolk Count:)", .. Yolk. paft,. of the fU" "'I't, and :rB.!D J. SPJAUIIl, rea1dina at 35 Meldneon AftI'l\HI. ..... ..thport, Suffolk County, .... York, pal"1 of the ..... paft, Wl'l'BSSI'1'R. that the party of the fint paft in COlt" d"d.lon of One Dollar, lawful lIlOlley of the Un.1tad ltat.., .... other valuable conddedtion paid by the party of tblI .... pan does ba1:'.by remi.., rel.... and quitclaim _to the ~t1 of tile '.0* part, hi. beln, 5\1Cc...ore aDd ...1pI tOl'rler ALL of its right, title end iDtere.t in and to all,. .Dd aU water ripte, J:tl'lNlrian dlbta, .1&_. ......te. appuwt-- ance.. aM 8Ily .ad .U laDdII und.r wt.u iD Little en.k ChII",1., near ...au roint, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, SUffolk Count:)". New York, wbich lies sou th of the southel'l, l1u of a pro,.'" chaDD.l .s "scdbe. iD a .p entitl" n.p Ihowlq frepoad Dredsing in Little Creek and feconic Ja" 'l'oIm of ..thoU. Suffolk County, New 'fork, Seal. 1" · 100 f..t", aM appro"" by Le.ter K. A1.bel'taon, Superv1aor. Town of Southol', OIl Sept...1' 1966, and filed in the Office of the C1I i..loM... of lubUc of. Suffolk County, New York, and a. ..141 .. .... aodUW .... .lMf'ded by the tems of a dredaiDI ......t ~ut." b,. ,,"4 Spduer on July 15, 1.967, .. copy ot __ beillaatwlll""" bereto a'tlll made a part her4tof. 'l~..(;__ with aU right, dU. aDd int_nat: of the party of the firet part 1n aDd to cbe lad lyil:la in tbe at:nete , " ... ....... iD fremt of aM' adjoiD11l1 ..id ~a.. 'lOGin'&" with the .~.. ....u the a.Ute aad rtpt. of the P'rt}' .f the Urat: part ia aM to ..id p:' _1.... TO RAn AD 'fO -.0 the p.--1... hehiD granted U1StO the perty of the .ecO'ltd pert, bia heir., IUCCe..on .... ...ips f....-.r. 'l'be party .of the fint part C:O~4hW4U that it w111 re- ealft the eONlUeratf.on lor dd.. cemv.,..nee ftd ..111 bold th. I'lPt to reoe1.. such cOIdilctentlon a. a trust: fuad to " ."lied first for the pur,oa. of P*Y1nl the con of the iuaprof'l1l'lnt .Dd that it w111 apply the .... .';t1nt to the l'4)'8WDt of the co.t of the i.IIlprov..-t before UdDI any part of the toUl of the ... 101' II1'l7 other purpo... D W.I:mClSI UIQII,.., the party of the first part hea caus" lta COl'pOl'ate ...1 to be hel'lNftto affixed and the.. pre..nts to be a1pect by ita duly authodzed of neal's the day . nd ,.ar fir.t .bcMt wrltten. ;{} ,,{y , , J?( .on III ;ktL. MaHu t}' . 0 T~'-<~t DlwaOll " il II Ij II - 2 - " T- S"tATB (II NEW \'OIUt at.: CcltlIX't or SUJ"l'OJ.J{ On the Is-ti'day of .J {\. n. cU0'<-~1 . 1961\ before _ ,..... 'Kob€;[so'l ._11y appdrecl AUlAS GOUlIMI'tJI, DOUl'II.A8 ~~r:l -",allOl4. S1Ml'lOllt, JOID1 MeMJLn a. nA& ~, to _ kDown, whO, betaa i' by.. duly ..om, diel depoee aad ..y tUt ...h ndele. 1Q the .,... of SOUthold, SUffolk County, ... 1'oft; that tHy 4W Ir1M , tha ....1'. of thI ICMI.D OF'lIWS'l'IIS . 'l'BI '1'01II or SOu-4JiluLD, tha 1llUlUc1,.1 COrpoRt!._ de.riNd ill .... _uh eucuted the Ii I' lonao1as 1a.tnaeat; tbllt they know the ...1 of ..14 ce....,4ntlO1l; Ii that the ...1 affixed to ..id 1a.tr-i1lt U IUOh eoXPOINte ..al; i ! that it .. '0 affllled by onea: of eM DID . 'l'IlUI'I'III of ..id aad , Ccn:poINtloa,/tblt they .1ped their _. t......to by 11M 0I:cIea:. I: I I , '1Y I D-h-,~ ct :~y~ y~o-tlu':j 'P~Lc........ '-;I'\r;iC'I~l It f' ",!'11-1_'( FUSUS, ~ 'JI~ '~o2-32i~120~, ,:,lty :!lrm .Exp11lS MiHLll JU, 19~ j~01;';~{ !i h,i' , 1Ii/;,,! J')I'! " , .,.,',,' -.": f"'" ,,"~:;, L;'i .' Ij.:r,,1I '-Jn~ 1"'4,7 - 3 - ;~- .. ^ "\..--.' ;..~.,.j"'" The following are the terms and conditions upon which this ease- ment is granted, all of wHCh terms and conditions are made a part of this Easement Agreement and are incorporated herein, and which modify and amend the "MClp Showing Proposed Dredging in Little Creek and Peconic Bay": 1. The southerly line of the proposed channel as described in the liMap Showing Proposed Dredging in Little Creek and l'econic Bay" shall be moved in a northerly direction a distance of 50 feet. At that point the southerly line of said proposed channel will be distant 425 feet along said easterly line of Sprauer northerly from the intersection of the nortt-erly line of Bay Avenue with the easterly line of said Sprauer. The said southerly line of the proposed channel, as herein amended and modified, shall run in a straight line in a northwesterly direction to a'point on the westerly line of lands of said Sprauer distant 650 feet northerly from the intersection of said westerly line with the north- erly line of Bay Avenue. 2. Tho Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Land of the Town of Southold, New York, shall by quitclaim deed duly executed in form for recording convey <Ill of their right, title <lnd interest in and to <lny <lnd all meadow land owned by them or in which they claim any in- terest thereto lying south of the southerly line of the proposed channel as described hereinabove in paragraph numbered 1. 3. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold shall by quit- claim deed duly executed in form for recording convey all of their right, title and interest in and to any and all water rights, riparian rights, claims, easements, appurtenances, and any and all lands under water :in Little Creek Channel lying south of the southerly line of the proposed clwnnc'l [IS described hereinabove jn pllra;:"raph numbered 1. / ,..'-..:.....,"c..;.;__.."iul,_._~..'----"-'-'-'--""~. , ",. ~..,,'__~.;-'u:;..,__,"'..L."L,.:...: ,"",.i_j"......,~-"',,;,...__~.._u~"-~"_L.:'"~_,.....,.....~...~~~......"~'"'.~_":,..""_",~.-.,.,...............~.,._.,;..:,,,;.c:_."_,._c...:....:..:..~-~":':'''':'''';'''''';_~,--,. .._.~'"".~.-'__..,.,'"' ...............-. ---" ...- ~ .' - ..t' '[, ..; . .. ~,.- '-:",:'-::-'- . , "" EA<:;EM::"', , .~ -.... . ~ ..t'{ THIS IDliN'TURE made this ;".5. i/ day of l... ( y 196 ") betlNeen Fred 51"1' auer of Cut chog1.1c, I,: ~ y .. party of the f3.::"t part, ." l. p1,1d the TOI'IN OF South01d . party of the second part, WITNESSETH- :1 1 WrIEREAS. the ,TOdN OF Sout bold. . is dcsl=011S cf having ,.;,1 Li tt~e Creek si tua te in the Town of Southo1d .imp:r',;~":rc ;:1 ~::~ ::' .::,~}.gh the ~.1;':Jl('::'t:~J:.-Lr.:g e,f (~(:J::tain dredging operation ~:~) "he: co:\";. '::,~~,,,~::,~'d by :...j': the cou~n'Y OF Sl'F'FOLK, and (,;: ,{~:,i . 'WEEH.EAD, ;:;:-';.;1d im.:r:\rovements to ;'Ii. Little Creek ~i~' )l:~.':: b:: i,~ , ...;'+-.-' 1,' ,.,,~..,j':':~" ,..., "-j e unders;l.'gned ~l!--~l,..o:;..:I..L~'J u\;..,L,.,........ ..J.'",., t.\.., t..-l ,.., ""'J !,rcw 7'}",I3REr;C\r~E, i7! consideration 01: th.:: r':'~"~~~T.,~!Y~~:-.::" . . t. .,,:~ '~; ;:;.r:. \~. ~l'd:'::;titl::'I,I,:~..-:::, tl~(~ r;--.:;.:"t.7 of the first pa:r'~ d,:)t!~~3 h,'.~~::.~'t.'."/ r;:::-:'.~"":; 'u:::':':ti. '~:":IC ,}" P<1::t.y of t1Y: coa::(j:.1C~ p,,,::t and th.e COUNTY OF SUi'I.'Oi.f'". '::b,: ::;Ci:t. < tr. '.............., J_':.. ....~.L...:;.',.'" ~~~~:~:\:~:lrien:: a::~~d p::ivilege ,to enter UP':l;:~ 1.:[\ -::: rn:~~~':.'::,~::,;'--~~, (',,:.:' tht:~ p.~.ttY' ~~f -1;'1: F:.,::: c~_~~ -\~~t ~o~. t'he' puPpo~o c~. '.~~(:"_' J... _'.". ,_'... J.~ '__.. ........ _ __I,;; _ ..- :.~ .~~'I. ;., C ~.C.:~~ie 1 e.rJ....shO'i.'v:i1 (C~ n. n:c-..:,? \~::-i.ti tIed -"i'.1ap shO't"l.:lng P:i."oP'::'~':i::.~\:! n~,:,:,.,,':g.j~'i,I_; ,~"r: Little Cteek & Peconic Bay ':''> ~\~t'T Yorl:r Scale =In = , Town of Southold Suff oIl<: County. 200' It, and approved by Lester II. Albertson $upel'"viso:r., TCH,1J!1 of '.\'" Southo1d , on Sept. 12, 19() 6 ".!1.d filed 5:h the office of the Commissioner of Public Worlq; c"f SlJff',.lJc County, ! New YOde., upon the terms and conditions as set forth on the reVerSE), ,side hereof. Lf'-I WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the f"i:i:-r::t p;:;1..r':; ~J~'.~; s(-~t h/\ hand :md E;c;',1 the day and year first above \,'l'.:ttC:J:. ( (JVR-f(.) ,--.p "1 ~LJ k:Y!.::;'_Q,~~ - ~ =>-- $:tATB OF NEW YORK) 1\.' I ' SS~ CQUN1Y OF StlFFOLK) . On the /0" '&4 day of t/c.....c Y 196/ befo::c me G'.me o C/)t?,q"e..R. to me known to be the ind"v::.dtul d(osGc':ibed in, who c:wcut ed the f orcgoing instrument. . f" -;~-:-t'1tHPW1.C cgc5 that he exe~uted the same~ i G~"'. "" / (--;-' ~~-----C---t."''' -~:: . ".' '~" 1'~~~~c~~~~~~ cc.,,____,=___.'.:::_._. / 1"\f'..}'~ ~\~~ r:0(. $, <,{,\C;:\,.,\tl ,,:.._\,'\.Q.,;~\:.\~. ~ "P\'.\; \?J\ . .'.\\~':~ . ('j ~(i'b\'- \~1;\\' ~o't-;\ ;:0.__' ~ '.;:J\\ ~ t"\O:,~\\\\':'<;. ,S'll. _..----,._-_._.-._......_,.~ -.-'-.-.,---. ----- ''":f- - '-~ -- * .. . . ~ , .:'r '~ y_ 'r .- . . The following are the terms ap4. conditions upon which this ease- ment is granted, all of wHCh terl~~nd conditions are made a part of this Easement Agreement: and are in'c'Orporated herein, and which modify and amend the "Map Showing Proposed Dredging in Little Creek and Peconic Bay": 1. The southerly line of the proposed channel as described in the "Map Showing Proposed Dredging in Little Creek and Peconic Bay" shall be moved in a northerly direction a distance of 50 feet. At that point the southerly line of said proposed channel will be distant 425 feet along said easterly line of Sprauer northerly from the intersection of the nortterly line of Bay Avenue with the easterly line of said Sprauer. The said southerly line of the proposed channel, as herein amended and modified, shall nm in a straight line in a northwesterly direction to a, point on the westerly line of lands of said Sprauer distant 650 feet northerly from the intersection of said westerly line with the north- erly line of Bay Avenue. 2, The Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Land of the Town of Southold, New York, shall by quitclaim deed duly executed in form for recording convey all of their right, title and interest in and to any and all meadow land owned by them or in vlhich they claim any in- terest thereto lying south of the southerly line of the proposed channel as described hereinabove in paragraph numbered 1. 3. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold shall by quit- claim deed duly executed in form for recording convey all of their right, title and interest in and to any and all water rights, riparian rights, claims, easements, appurtenances, and any and all lands under water in Little Creek Channel lying south of the southerly line of the proposed channel as described hereinabove in paragraph numbered 1. :'.,i, "", '"",,,..J,L~,~:,.,,,,,,."","~"i~~'I,'t,. ''''" _~" ',,,,,,,;, "_'...,b.,,;,"";',.,,;,