HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuffolk County .-. -~ ;~ - -.',",l".e<l'J-..r;r.e1lport '"I.oalt 'Vu'('le "~.oeC)(ThUd ~~alWll); Map No. 175 . ... ..- SUPRE]\[E C01JRT, SUFFOLK COUNTY. Ia the Mat",_ of the ?etltiea of the COUNTY CF S':l?FOLK w the plII'JIOlie ti "'*'-1 t.U real PNlMlfli.. I. the a.e...tn.c:u.. )f il pel'l:klll of Rinrll.... Gl'e_pGI't Road (Mioldl. R.a8lI), C. 1\. 2.7 (aOI'll. ZaG 3 '" fe-lit e.ut of arY,. Laae to H..~ L.....) 11 tho.1 Towa of Southold. Sldfolk Cculdy. iii.... Yo:!'k. l'U. Nt>. 141464 RECEIPT AND RELElASE Re: MAP No. IT5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled Jlroceeding was duly instituted by an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly filed in th" Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 3rd day of Mel ' 19ir7 ,and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in sait proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the nal property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately prior to the ves!;ing of title as aforesaid in the said County of Suffolk 'l':"ilt' O~. ~i i'l,UT~'H}l.fD of "o"tnold, N." York owned the pareel as Map No. 175 follows: of property acquired as aforesaid and designated in said proceeding , which said parcel of property is more particularly described as ALl. tJaat..-e 01' pU'Ml 01 1M. ..... ia tM Towa of So..... .... Co. ., of 3d.... ... of New Ton. ...-. the 1"....111' I..hlll of ~_ a......1t :QA>>" (YJ-e.q. Roa4), C. 1t.... No. 11. a. ___.. MlqII No. IT5 ... ~t.. r.uowa: B EGlNmNCJ .. a .... .. tI-. .....ly 1111:1. ...~ of the ahtiai r1lCkel'. I..IeI at .. iator....... of the A&d 1111'81'1''''' wItIl .. ......1iae bot..... the 11.... tit tM E.... of .-ma. 3. :o..-ne. ..,........... ...... ..... ..... tit T.... tit SMIIa..... ,,~ ,.. ."'~I' .. the.. ., .... ,... M~I ~. 71 ... Gl". ...,.dy. ~.blI......... ,~. ..... S- 1M ! ... .". at of eM heroa-ftft ....... au..,t) ~~.,.. ., the ...1IIf.... l'...._to._tIoa., ..........-0......".... It..... Co .,..... No. rr. ..... ......t., .1.., .... a.~IId" 11M 1.... 11.... to..,... 17"-".... ~f ..Ult .......1,.. ........ at r.... _...... ..... ...... . + 17. ao of .... "'fa" 11M, .,... .4 r '1"'" lto... feet .. a ................... Uu Mtua .... I... ., T.... ., sa r 9W. ..... UiI ...... ...... - ....... the.- f.., tile E......, """1. D1l'II~_. u., nil.... ....... " " the.... ~n ,., L.d ,......... n.,I6..... I ,.. .....dy. anTr.." at.._ ~.... ..... "rd II 6 + 17. JO ., the IIlIW "1'3" 11M, ~... .....d' fI'", .... ...tn 11M 149. 81 .... .. a $" .... ....111'..... h.,.., IIlIW *,In" . ...... .... .... lilt H.d.... . u,,1'I.......... ..n..ly. mt...t........... 1r",,"~ fI'Om "nil, 6 + . at .,.... "'I'z" .... tt1J&I. 'T lIT 'Fly ..-... tJlt.e .... a. leh..1t 11 11 ~-r,. of .... ..IrU..,..... .80....... to the ,... ., -II T. II bebc 1" 981 .. f. or .. '" ,. &en ..... _ SeM. The ".A -_ ",...t .....<141 "1'2" Uu Ie a IIlIUn of. ....., Cot tl.. 1SM .... fIlM ,........ "elF! b. U ItlU," at._....f~ .... (104..... a,....... c I. T).... *- 11, .. ilia........ ... .. me III .... ...-.e, eI the C_~.dlr n of P1IWt.c w.. tit ~~ C. If. and \VHEREAS, the said person or persons who owned sa.id parcel. of :c,:roP(:::'~~Y prior to its acquisition as aforesaid by the County of Suffoll< d"3%Jeo:;..()90,[Ylprol:nise and settle the claim for compensation therefor at the su:" :or $ · , wh'!.ch the said County agreed to pay, ./" . ... J 000 difJW, THEREFORE, in considel'ation of the premiE:es and of the sum of $'. , lawful n'1oney of the United States, in ha;'1-d pai,d to th~~"lade:.~- signed, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersig;c:..,d hereby accepts said sunl in full compromise and settlement of any and all elairn,s inr co:n,peu3ation or damage by reason of the acquisition of said parcel of property t y "3_;:0. COt:"ty, and the ascertainment of compensation or damages by the said C"'.u:t ;3 he;:eby waived and the said County of Suffolk is hereby released frorn any other or fu;:tl-.er claim for the acquisition of said parcel of property, and the ~'::'D.de!"5:~gncd hel"'eby ratify and confirm the title to said parcel of property acquir(,d by said County as aforesaid. J::r IN WITNESS1~HEREOF, of oVU:"'1~ , 196 As an inducement to said compromise and se~':l'0r.-:1;~::~_t ~.~ 1,;; ':::-8~"1:':'en~;r:'.t~d and guarant"ed by t3:le undersigned that at the time title ta said pa::cel oj' f'l',)fe:r.ty vested in said CO'l:lty the undersigned had fee simple title t'J.er6I:o free co.: au; i:lcumbrances cr liens or claims of any nature and that TiC, assignu7,6'Lt !:".afl }.;2.3:'1. rrade of the compensation to be paid by said County for said pl:operey-, th~~t~;jIpo'm1'C"~ed thib,5'# Gay , ._' . _, ,".,"'---,J dY'/-;,'/i/i: ///'-/;-<,0>//, 'L,S.) r .~ J... /'" .c' (.,; _ // . ". \ (Supervisor (LS,) ST ATE OF ) ) as: ) COUNT.". OF On the day of , nineteen hu.:..~dred a:::\Q si:'('~y befo::-e me carr.Je to me kno~/n and k.1~.OW~'1 to me to be the ~,ndividual desc',:~:Je:j', in., ~::l~ w::..;::t f..xf;';C'.lte3., the fDregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he eX:~G-:.1ted tk:'i":'. 8anlco SOPHIE V. WASKI NOTARY PUBUC, Sfate of New Yort No. 5241G3600 f1eslding in Su:blk County I~ . CommlS.'Ji~n Expl.e:. r.!w-cb. 30, 19.MKf' Nr':'.j YOHK STATE OF ) ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 5th day of December, nineteen hundred and sixty before me personally came LESTER M. ALBERTSON ,to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Southold, New York the TOlf1'f 0)1' SOU'l'HOU) and he is H1e Supervisor of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knew the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by the order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. //;2 /~7 ~;;Xr aJ. 74~~ Notary Pu lC ounty -seven "::'''~RT w. TASK'EJt I::\l I:. Stcte of New Yorl( ;tliv ~o. 52.-39'3372~ "'imch 30, 1969 '<. " . f':' : "\ " \" ~\ '\i (-1" ~,' ~~ ~\ r--: , " "- "'" ,,., 'C . .... "'." , c, ('0,"\.' rc,' ,\J,,\~ ~, ~ c~' ~ ~" " ~ '~ ~ ~. " 0- . ~ ~,~ ~ """ \\ .~ " I~ ~ '., '\ }.,J :>" '(-."\ ~ l' pJ-..... .(, " >..:\ " ~ . r\, *'. '~ (-,,' \".. " . " " '\'\ f" ' " ~. \} 3 f' ,~ ",< ""'~ \ ,;;,.., ...p .' ~ '\, ./ (>.' " "<Jl S'- ~ f'. ;..1., i'~ ;\ " ,"'" '\ \ , ;:." "I '\ v, ~ t~j f : ,\ 1,<' \, ~~,. ;\ J ~" "'\r: