HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty of Suffolk I." , .'~' if t ~\ \ \(") I I: I:. 'Jc - 2942-SXATUTOnY FORM DD. . Quitclaim Deed--Corporation. JULIUS BLUMBERG. INC.. LAW BLANK PUnISHERS 80 EXCHANGE PLACE AT BROADWAY. NEW YO~K . LlBrR fi059 f'AGC 130 t!Cbi~ 3Jnbenture, Made the day of , nineteen hundred 26th September and sixty-six ~ettueen COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a Municipal Corporation with its principal office at the Suffolk County Center, Riverhead, Long Idanel, New York, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York party of the first part, and THE TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a Municipal Corporation with its principal office in the Town Hall, Southold, Long Islud, New York, part y of the second part, _itne~~tb, that the party of the first part, in consideration of $1.00 ONE and ao/ 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the part of the second part, do hereby remise, release and quitdaim unto the part of the second part, its S.11cJ;.e..sws and assigns forever, PVllSVAN'r to Resolqtion No. 569 paued by the SUUolk county Board of SuperYiMirs onAugust-8, 1911-6, :au that piece or parcel of land situate ill the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York alld described as follows: BEGINNING at a poillt on the northerly boundary of the existing Middle Road Extension, as reconstructed in 1962, at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the laads of The Mattituck Park District, reputed owner on the east, aad the l&lids of The CO\Dl.ty of Suffolk, reputed owner on the west, said point being 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 57 + 90 :l: of the hereil1&fter described survey center line of the existing Middle Road Extension, County Road No. 27A, thence westerly along said boundary line on a curve to the left haviag a radius of 2944. 79 feet an arc distance of 215 :l: feet to a point of tangent, said point being 60.00 feet distaat northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 55 + 79.67 of said ceater line; thence still westerly along said bowaclary Une 229.67 feet to a point 60.00 feet 4liatant northerly, measured at right &ligles, from Station 53 + 50.00 of said center liae; thence northwesterly along said bo\Dl.dary Une 80 :l: feet to a point on the easterly boundary of the existing Westphalia Avenue, said point being 100.00 feet dist&Jlt northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 52 + 83 :I: of said center line; thence northerly along the last meatioaed boundary line 43 :l: feet to a point ou the division Uae betweea the l&Ilds of The Satterly Estate, reputed owner on the aorth, and the lands of The COWlty of Suffolk, reputed owner on the south; thence easterly aloag said division line 48 :l: feet to a pobd: on the high water line of Mattituck Creek, as it existed in August of 1961, said hip water line also being the division line betweea the lands under water of The Board of Trustees of The Town of Southold, reputed oWllers oa the north, &lid the lallds of The County of Suffolk, reputed owner on the south; thence easterly along said high water line as it winds aad turas a total distance of 554 :l: feet to a point on the division Une between the lands of The County of Suffolk, reputed owner on the west, &ad the laads of The Mattituck Park District, reputed owner on the east, said point being 289 :l: feet distallt northerly, measured radially, from Station 57 + 90 :l: of said center line; thellce southerly along said divisioa line 229 :l: feet to the point of beginlliag; beiag 61,169 :l: s. f. or 1.404 acres more or leu, as shoWll OIl a map entitled "Map Showing Property to be Coaveyed to the Trustees of the Town of Southold adjacent to Middle Road Extension, C. R. 27A, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York". (Cot1tillued) .L'B,ERfi059 pml32. ' '1!I:ogctfltr with the appurtenances a;d aLl the estate arwi rights of the party of the first pa;t in a;d , to said premises. 1!I:o I)abt aub to I)olb the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, its successor" and assigns forever. In .itnt~~ _fJtttof, the party of the first part has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto aflixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized oflicer the day and year first above written. In pt'efmtt of: t;'1' >". )~1~_ ~ " ; r.~~-:~":~:..' < /....,. ." 6tate of New York €ountp of Suff~lk?(' On the . -0 - day of f ss.: :';'1 - 0" '<!'. r) \, ~ .,.1'; ..t.. r. ,Y',' '1) . :".", ....'J.. . ,'}<111 ~ . ' .\., > , '.' , ' /~/~~L EVANS K. GRIFFING to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that 19 66 before me came he resides in ~.#t I~~ that he is the Presidiag Officer of the County of Suffolk, State of New York The Board of Supervisors of the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal aflixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so aflixed by order of the board of Supervisors name thereto by like order, fl::;~:2=< R L-- V '\. E COR D E D ,JnSEPH L. BLYDENBURGH N,~f3r;r ~ublic, State of New Y k N." ..'} U"31'M3 S ~ or " \,. oJ.....-.1.;n uuolk Count r Pr." Explres March 30, 196 7' OCT 281966 @ 10- 0'1 CUI\. NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk of Suffolk County > (Po /,,, ~ Rese~ tbis space lor use 01 Recording OfJice. (',. c:: ~ is /f] ~ ,~ ~ ~ >- ~ :--J t:;: "'" ~I.J. ~ . c:; 25 :;s CJ.; ~ <-' I-.. :?:(}J""= ~ il<:iff .... f3 k. ~ ~ ~ ~ . :j7 <P~ CL-~'~ -to !.'16{, I)~d ~. ~~t,k,j,j tUb ~ ~7'~ J)ttb Datedr.n...............nnn...mn..nnnnnn..., 19___.....n.. The land ailected by the within instru- ment lies in RECORD AND RETURN TO Robert W. Tasker 425 Main Street Greenport, New York ~-l : \-; V TOWN OF SOUTH OLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD 1J /000-1/4-'T-15 OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT 1fCEt"'D "I FORMER OWNER .- S N f ..L ~IJl T"..~ ....-" W " Vl. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value RES. SEAS. ~ ~? "R LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS 2S00 2'500 IIA'7~.z (,/,,- Iz..- I ,,- ~-, ~':::"'.."" - lO\AJH T. , e."""<' ~,< <;""""h, , ...h/.'J.~ . L ,r:,o";q ~ \ ~^ _ r~,... ,t" -k T~w" t::;., """,j"""..- ,,- , I I . . , r1> :t ..::: Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Sr,n'::!: - 7~()O Woodland FRONT AGE ON ROAD 3TO'~ Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD Total lIBfR 6059 PACt 131 1 Quitclaim Deed - COU1lty of Suffelk alld Trustees of the Town of SOuthllld - COlltmued The above melltillllled survey center lillle is a portio... of the survey ceRter line of the existilllg Middle Road, C. R. 27, Middle Road ExtensioR, C. R. 27A, aRd Middle Road Extelllsioa, C. R, 27B, as recolllstructed ia 1962, aad as shoWJl ell. a map oa file ia the office of the Cammissioaer of Public Works of Suffolk Couaty. The Couaty to retaia permallleat draiaage easemeats to repair aad maiatain certailll structures aad pipe liaes as shoWJl ia Parcels "A" allld "B" oa a map ellltitled "Map Shewiag Property to be COlllveyed te the Trustees of the ToWJl of Seuthold adjacelllt to Middle Road Extelllsioll, C. R. 27A, ToWJl of Southold, Suffolk Couaty, New York", elll file in the office ef the Commissioller of Public Works of Suffolk Couaty, aad mere particularly described as follows: ALL those pieces or parcels of laad situate ia the Town of Southold, CllUllty of suffolk, State of New York, alld described as follows: pAllCEL "A" BEGINNING at a poiat oa the aortherly bouadary of the existiag Middle RGad Exteasiolll, as recoastructed ia 1962, said poiat beilllg 60,00 feet distaat Ilortherly, measured radially, from Statioll 56 + 38.00 ef the hereiaafter described ceRter liae of the existiaj Middle Road ExtensioR, CelUlty Road No. 27A, theace alollg a lille beariJl& N 77 27' 04" W, 139:l:: feet to a point oa the high water liae ef Mattituck Creak, theace nertheasterly aloag said high water Uae to a poiat Olll a liRe that is parallel to aad 15.00 feet distaat Ilortherly, measured at right angles, from the first mentioned course; theace S 770 27' 04" E, 148 * feet to a pomt OR the aortherly boundary of said existiRg road; theace westerly aloag the saii bOUlldary CIlR a curve to the left havillg a radius of 2944.79 feet aa arc dilltaace of 17 :l:: feet to the point of begiaamg; being 2,153 :l:: s. f. ..r 0.049 acre mere or less. PAacEL "B" BEGINNING at a poiat oa the northerly bouRdary of the existiag Middle Road Extensicm, as recoastructeci1 in 1962, said poiat being 81 :l:: feet distaat northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 53 + 16.00 of the hereinafter described ceRter line of the existiag Middle Road Exteasion, Couaty Road No. Z7A, theace aortherly aloag a line beariag N 190 00' 25" E, Z5.00 feet to a poiat 89.00 feet distallt northerly, mealured at right angles, from Station 53 + 40.00 of laid center line; theace N lOe 55' 34" W, 37:l:: feet te a poiRt oa the high water liae of Mattituck Creek; theace easterly along said high water line t.. a poiat on a line that il parallel to aad 15.00 feet diltaRt ealterly, measured at right aailes, from the sec..ad mentiellled ceurse; theRce S 100 55' 34" E, 48 :l:: feet te a poiat 79.00 feet dilltant northerly, measured at right anglel, frem Statiea 53 + 49.00 ef the said cellter line; theace S 3Ze 11 ' 44" E, 16.00 feet to a peiat oa the aertherly beuadary of laid exbtiag read; thence welterly aloag the lalt meatieaed bouadary of said existilllg road 37 :l:: feet to the point of begiRaiag; being 1,081 . s. f. or 0.OZ5 acre more or leiS. The above meatioRed center lines are pertioas of the center liRe Glf the existing Middle Road, C. R. 27, Middle Road Exteasioa, C. R. 27A, aa. Middle Road Extealion, C. R. 27B, as receRstructed ia 196Z, a.ad al shoWll oa a map ell file ill the office of the Commiuiolller of Public Works of Suffolk Couaty.