HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Town Trustees-Mattitick Park District , I I I I I I I' Ii l- I '! J I, i ! I I I I I i I I 'I 294- STATUTORY FORM DU, Quitclaim Deed-Corporatioa. . .JULlU. BLUM..Ut.. INC., LAW BLANK PUBLISHER. eo EXCHANGE PLACS. AT BROADWAY, NEW YORK m;bt~ )nbtnturt~ Made tbe day 01 , nineteen bundred and aixt)'-tive }Bttb.1ttn BQA&D OF T..'dI 0'1 TBB TOWJI OJ' 1OU'I'8OLD~ a 17t'-1dq.1 00A......... of tIte... of.....en. ...... Ita pI'ID."-1 .meat 1Iahl.... .......-1., Ia the Tow. of..IdIt.ld. 8ld'feIIl c.l", .... Y.n. - -Lr-- U ...1 puty 01 tbe first part, and IlAnftf:ICX .A.. DII'I'BIC'I', a..., ta1ct CGl7a..._'IIIl.......... &ad created ....r... at,. __ of tile La.. of.... .... of Hew ..... ...... Ita offtee aad prl~....t..._ fill ..1M.. at .......... ill tile TOWll of l.iM"""ld.hffolll C__, .... 'lode. i part7 of tbe second part, .' _itnt~~ttb, tbat tbe party of tbe first part, in consideratin 01 Tea aad.o/t08 ($to. 00>>--------------------- Dollars, lawlul mo_, .f tbe United States, paid by tbe partT of tbe lecond part, dofHl bereby remise, rele... aDd quitclaim unto the part7 .1 tbe /lecond part, .. ..It........ and tul/Iigm forever, AU tW cwtaIa plot. pin. or .....1 of...... wUIa tbe bIIU~~.. ..... ITy"O\Ioa- a.aUt ~........ lIft8te. biDe'" _me at 1fatUtuIt. Ia tile To_ of ~... COIUIIt7 olluBolk UtI IleaC. 01 .... "on. 1r'PI1llf............d.. rou...: ."rlll.-a at . poiDt _ tbe ~ U. of Love LaDe at tile D.OI'tberIy eoner of Let,.. er.:.. _ "JiIIp of PJiI., I t.J of..... Clan w. "'.ril" flied III tbe laffoHf C~-v Ct."". 0iIf'tee .. ....... tlZ. ,....... poiatot lilY' ~_J., _"'lt4l.I.J.dy .., ~ 1dP...... auk of II lttt... C....k "_.w_ OIl aaid ... 1. teet. ... eII'.... to a -,.. ad aad ~ 1dP ...... .... of ........ CneIt .. t8IUIIi; ~I 1_......q aDd ...... .......-d'17 ad ... au II .1 r......,. alGltC ..ad.... ..hI' ll-rlir no feet. ... orJ.4lu. to a dlnet .....loa"1 ....teI'l7 of .. ..onr~ u.. of LMe lAM. llleMe... T" ....1'17 ...... Aid . IlL M(_ 10 teet. aore or leu. to'" poIat or.........'... III , i: , " ii i; i Ii 11 'I I .Ii 1'[ d I' ;il II "I ' ~ , 'i ': ,_.^.~..~- Q[:ogetber with the appurtenances and a11 the estate and rights 01 the party 01 the first part in and to said premises. Q[:o babe anb to bolb the premises herein granted unto the part7 01 the second part, itll ..n...IIII'. aDd assigns lorever. A.. tIIlt palJ' of tile ftqt put. III (>0 14 u.aee ..w.. SttcttGD 11 of tile Lien Law. ......b7 00" T-'- tIIat .. Jll'l17 .,Ute ftqt put will receive tile en .~.ratloe for tIU 4! J940 "1"""41' ... wiU .........npt tit .,..ve _. ......1..__ .. a U'Ut. f.... to *".tf!FlltlCl flnt fer .. pup,." ., P9.... tlte c-* 01... i'J r .~L 'In at aDd wil1.~ """'J7 ,... to .. ,.".. l...t of.. c-* ., tIIlt i lIlr eo.,.... .t-. ...... atl7 ............ tGUl .,... ."... ,. atl7 ....1' pulp.... In _itt1t~~ _beteof, the party 01 the lirst part has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto aflized. aDd these presents to be signed by its duly authorized oilicer. the day and year first above 'Written. -... IIOAa.OI' T1lU8'I'JIB8 01'''' TOWJI OF _.: tJx~. .~,,~ . 6tate of New York €aunt)? of Suffolk ~ ss.: On the day 01 19 belore me came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that he is the 01 the corporation described in, and which encuted the loregoing instrument; that he knows the seal 01 Aid corporation; that the seal ailized to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so ailized by order 01 the board 01 01 said corporation; and that he signed h name thereto by like order. Reserve this space for use of Recording Oflice. W D f T,..~Tee.S' T4 l~c'o f"\ A -rr. ? 0.."- {( , BOA_ OP ft.T... OP' 'I'D TOWIf.OI' 'OlJ'l'HOLD . TO t ~~ ! '" " ,;. (, IlATTlTVCIt PAM DIITJUCT ~tttl. "" ~~~ -~-< =~-o~ ~~C:)::O ,*.~~6 :::::;..;")Z .0 ,. ~ ~. ....(/)~::I:lI g.~~8 (J.l~_r-:,1 .P"""~~ nl\l :D8:lii ~~ Dated'.---.~.~f:h.--;?~.l..m______.....m, 19...1...._ The land aHected by the within instru- ment lies ill Town of IMatbold, Ihlfolk COWlty. New Tol'IL RECORD AND RETURN TO If fflnt i .1 ," ~ 1 I.e.) ~I ; 4"" ifJ lib S - '1'1 f ro. "'I rlP-S& II .....'1' iil'f. @ l'ft411&1 11111 11:.. II l I' J 1111. -jh t4"hU-!~ fll'~..J"'J I.. f= J ! = / i ! i - .. /