HomeMy WebLinkAboutState of New York '". '.... ',,' SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG 'ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. T.A.SKER PIERRE G. LUNDBERG- HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN 425 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N. Y. GREENPORT 7.1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG- COUNSl::L ]l[~=X~ September 17, 1965 Ron. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southo1d, New York Re: Grant of Land to Town of Southold Dear Sir: I enclose herewith the original Letters Patent to the Town of Southo1d for a grant of land now or formerly under the waters of Long Island Sound in the Town of Southold. The Letters Patent have been recorded in the Department of State in Book of Patents No. 78 at page 206 on September 10, 1965. For your information the grant covers lands under water at the end of Mill Road adjacent to Goldsmiths Inlet at Peconic and covers a parcel of land under water 376 feet on the West, 80 feet on the North, 419 feet on the East, and 90.91 feet on the South. The enclosed Letters Patent should be filed in your office. Yours very truly, l~Jt2cJ~~ ROBERT W. TASKER ~ RWT:MY Enclosure tEbt ~toplt of tbt j;tatt of JitW 'ork, bp tbt ~ratt of ~ob, .1'rtt anb Jnbtptnbtnt, TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: knowpe, That, pursuant to Chapter 535 of the Laws of 1945, as last amended by Chapter 39 of the Laws of 1962 and to Findings of the Deputy Commissioner of General Services dated August .~ ,1965, and upon the conditions hereinafter expressed, we have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at 16 South Street, Greenport, Long Island, County of Suffolk and State of New York, the owner of the land adjacent to the land hereinafter described, for soil erosion purposes the following described lands under water, to wit: All that parcel of land now or formerly under the waters of Long Island Sound, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present high water line of Long Island Sound; said point being north forty-one degrees, thirty- three minutes west, one hundred ninety-two feet from the intersection of the northerly line of Sound Avenue with the westerly line of Mill Lane (Mill Road); thence into the waters of Long Island Sound the following bearings and distances; north thirty-nine degrees, ten minutes west, three hundred seventy-six feet; north fifty degrees, fifty minutes east, eighty feet; south thirty-nine degrees, ten minutes east, four hundred nineteen feet to the present high water line; thence along said high water line south eighty-two degrees, five minutes west, eighty-two feet; and south fifty-three degrees, twenty-seven minutes, fourteen seconds west, nine and ninety-one hundredths feet to the point of beginning; contain~ng thirty-one thousand, six hundred five square feet; more or less. All bearings refer to the true meridian. These letters patent are issued, however, and this made and accepted upon the express condition that if at any time the land so granted shall not be used for soil erosion purposes or shall be used for any other purpose, the title thereto shall forth- with revert to The People of the State of New York. / I / I / / / I / I / / /' , III / / 1/ / ,I' 1/ / -/ / / / ;' I / // / I / // ;' // / ;' / '...... ".......... ~" ,~/". // Deputy / IN WITNESS WHEREOF, our~missioner of General Services has executed these letters-patent in our name this 2fp lfiy of s t , 19 65 By.................. .. obert D. Stone COMMISSIONER OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OF NEW YORK }. ss.: DEPARTMENT OF STATE K DEPUTY I hereby certify that the Great Seal of the State of New York was hereto affixed on the 27th day of ,. A(j8~ ' ,19 65 ........JOiiii..j~..Gh8#..':".~{.c;~;~;;.~is;;;;~...... Approved as to f':rm this /1..~y of ...~.., 1965 LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ ................................................................ Attorney General. By .~;t!~.~r0' r Assistant Attorney General~ . ..$If 4' <q ~ /Cf (. s- The People of the State of New York TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LETTERS PATENT STATE OF NEW YORK Department of State September 10, 1965 Recorded in Book of Patents No. ........'ZIL........... at page ........2.~......... JOHN P. LOMElI'ZO Secretary of State 1f1~~~~..~t~~rtt;v Misoellaneous Records Form SRP.16 (3-65> 1M (40-267) STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES ALBANY, N. Y. ..f~/~ /,y; /7?<f ~ /1. S~' /,: ~ . 7. .~. '/ ......&~5'7 ~~7~' -",/ -r;::."V t&", ~