HomeMy WebLinkAboutBailey, Clyde G . JldlHJ~lu J.~. 1.1>.1. U. 1'u1I11 OUU9 .lL-J~.i1.1- ,-<Ultd~'lll u~~" ""II. ..."..'l 0. 'A'jj,,,....'UI;. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. ~\ /l ,'t<.- \_C'" .: ~ r ~ I ., THIS INDENTIJRE. made the 9th day of July . UBFR5624 PAGE547 , nmeteen hundred ana sixty-four, BETWEEN CLYDE G. BAILEY, residing at Box 784, Lanoaster, ,. California, ,~ rl '" II) ~ ~~ party of the first part, and TOWIl OF SOUTHOLD, a Municipal Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the state of New York, having its princip~ offices and places of business at Southold and at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of --------------------------QNE ($l. 00) ------------------------ dollar,/- lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, f~~IA~~I/tIHIt##1I~MMW~WIl#INI>Nf./W/'t4i1Nll/#;4~tJ'~(/#tf,W ~~ ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Peconic, in the To~m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Mill Road (Which point is the southwesterly corner of land of G.M. & W.W. Worth and the northwesterly corner of the premises herein described) (and which point is South 12 degrees 46 minutes East a distance of 148.93 . feet from a point marked by an iron pipe on the easterly line of Vdll Road at the northwesterly corner of land of G.M. & W.W. Worth at a deflection point in said Road) (and which point is North 12 degrees 46 minutes West a distance of 160.00 feet from a point marked by a monument set at the northwesterly corner of land of W. L. Worth); running thence along said land of G.M.& W.W. Worth, North 77 degrees lh minutes East a distance of 167 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Peconic Inlet; running thence in a' sOU\;heasterl,.. direction alongthe-ordinary"high water mark of Peconic Inlet a distance of 60.00 feet, more or less, to land for- merly of Lillian Worth; running thence along said land formerly of Lillian Worth, South 77 degrees 14 minutes West a distance of 167.11 feet, more or less, to a point marked by a monument set on the east- erly line of Mill Road; running thence in a northerly direction along the easterly line of Mill Road, North 12 degrees 46 minutes West a distance of 60.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. This deed is given for the purpose of correcting the description contained in the dedication of said premises to the Town of Southold as a public highway by Burtis B. Bailey on March 11, 1926. I 7 ) J -) \.., \. -.- UBfR5624 PAGE548 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premiselI, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ~ri::NESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has d~UIY executed th~iS deed~the day ar:d year first above y' (Pi' () (L.S.) (C1y G. Ba ley IN PRESBNCE 01': STATE OF CALIFOJiNIA, COIDlTY OF 1.05 Rr641I/iZ/i> SS: On the 't ~ day of July, 19 , before me personally came CLYDE G. BAILEY, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. g-YJ<' ~,. ~ rf#T/7./~ Notary public. Ml Commission Expires Dec. 10, 1967 .--'. "U" ,\ t 55, (''OUN~;-f en:; e\ ~ J...c6. A ""1.eJ{l5 ~ OIl JulY 9. 1964 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary PubUc In and for j sald County and State, penonally appear.,.l ~ ! ~ 1 -<: Clyde G. Bailey known to me to be the pelSOD-whose namA subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that aecuted the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal (Seal) 't . ...."..D . ~ T'I'" ,..."~l:'n .oR ,mN1"EtP' .J iCO"A"_ ,,' \ ~\ ' . l\ ~;, \---. ' ~,,-, Cdb 8-63 ~ ~ H H <ll IX1 . A H o II1 ~ o rn JQ ~ ~ ~ a .- ItS 't:S ..... .- :: ~ o !-< ci z e f-o . o J!<I ~ o :z; ~ ~ ~ w u C\ u: ... 0 .. ~'\ z is '" " 0 lil '" ... 0 w '" :> '" 0 ... w U <( ... '" '" ;: I- w > '" w '" w '" ,./ . lI~lH ,)U,,;".:t l'l\u..., j" STATE Of NEW YORK. COUNTY Of On the day of personally came 19 , before me to me known to be the individual, , described in and. who executed the foregoing instrument; and acknowledged that executed the same. I STATE Of NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 5-5 El " .i 0 " .. :s ~ .~ ~ " ~ 01 oj3 0 .. >~p:i '0 ~ '" 1l .S t' ~ ~ ~" Ij:l U ~ .. "0 't:l oj3 u ~g'a&! ",~ '" ~Ul~ .5 "'0 ]j J...LNno:J '/ del :10 it&~Ol~.::1flS 17:>/'3 ." v - NVNUON 0/ :0/ /{t/ I ~ 1JO ~961 unty of Los Angeles 88. - ";,,",". ,,(Gene~, . .... "" ~,^', " ~, -', - ' i"': ,'J I, WILLIAM G. SHARP, County Clerk and Glerk of the SUperior Court of the State of Callfornla,for ,the Co~tY of Loa Angelea, hlch Courtb,a Court otRecord, . , ':. _ "," ....,~r:",~..',~,.;,.,_,. -"",,':'..:1:, . 'j .' BERNICE 'B;"PETE'QSON;~,'i'"" ,':'(;'>,',":,,,-,,,' having by law a aeal, ,clo hereby ce~ that ,.............~.........._-.__.......................,.............'C..u...............,..,...,....'...,._.....,.....;.................... I whoae neme 18 subecrlbed to the att:iicl1ed acknowledgment, proof or affidavit, Waa at the time of taking said aekDOWledgment, proof or affidavit, a Notary Publlo IN AND FOB LOs ANGELES OOUNTY, duly CO_oned and owom, with the principal plaee of bualn_ or employment In said CoU!lty, end WB8, as suoll, an officer of said State, duly authorized by the JaWII thereof to take and certify the aeme, as wIlD as to takelU1d certify the proof and aeknowledgment of deeds and other'instruments of writing to be recorded In said State; to take clepoaitlonaand/or affidavits, and to adnlInIalaf oa~ or affInnatlona,.1n any Qounty In this Btate, and. that fuII'faith end oredlt are and oupt to be given to 1J\a official aetsj'that the ~Cllte "f suoll officer 18 re- quired to be under aeal; that the JmP~of 1J\a official aeal 18, not required by law to be on file bl th. offics Of the 'County Clerk; I further'Csrtify that.r sm'weUacquablted With his baDdwritlng end verl!y'be)leve.thatthe,elgnat.... to the attached ~..rt1~ ~~~I;:'~~ ~~ ~r~ ~iF~ ~~""t~Il1!'r"'~r<Vpr,J'":;-,~!~"t"'~I~~.to the . .;.,' < , / ' " IN Wl~ Wll_f, I Ilave hereunto eet my baDd and annexed tha aeal '> . ,',' .. . of th. Supsrlor Court of Ple State of CalIfornia, for the County of Loa .. ,;.; r.oo Anga1e., this ....17j;h~.-i~ .._-~t.._............;.., 19......6.4.. WILLIAM: G. SHARP County Clark and Clark of the SU~i Court of the ' By......~~:.:?~<~7~puty 030HOJ3H II: "".' .-' .'-~'"",,;., J \ ~ d ~ ~ ::l ~ ~ F!. "' ~ij' .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~d jb:: ~:.t' 'l:l '" .. ~ oj:!ll~ ~ ~'l:l ....j: s ~ t ~ ~ Q'" .., t) c::; '"' ~ "'O't~", cOt) h~ ij 'l:~ ~g ~II~~ ~ ~ it4 o J:.< E"' ; j; ~ ~ b-i " 'b f ~ RECORDED OCT 1 19Mfl @J~7cJ/ftL NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk of Suffolk Counlll :-~ \ ... -=L~ Q) 1) (.l ", ~ ~ !Y' 1\ , I I.,. , ~ " '\ \' .. Slauuarul\(. L1t LU.1-orm t1UU4.9-()U-lUM-~uitclaim lJeeO-U\l.1HluUdl 0(. \,...ol}>oUllOD Villgle ~heelJ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LA\.tYERS ONLY. C':l -1 CO l.&R5676 PAGE547 THIS INDENTURE, made the 30th day of NovombOl'uineteen hundred and sixty-four, , BETWEEN CLYDE G. BAILEY, residing at Box 784, Lancaster, California, party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a Municipal Corporation organized antI existing under and by virtue of the Laws' of the State of New York, having its principal offices and places of business at Southo1d and at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, . INWlIWllI!=~'WJb'#J.tIiWfHJiI~;lWMl.l/JJWMMJlN;HUNlI;f#J.ilJilif ,MJ.I#IM1hId ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Peconic, in the Town of Southo1d, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set in the northeasterly side of Mill Lane distant 150 feet northwesterly when measured along the north- easterly side of Mill Lane from another iron pipe set at an angle point in said road where same runs on a bearing of North 12 degrees 46 minutes West. Said point or place of beginning being also where the southeasterly corner of the premises to be described intersects the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Ann Marie Nelson as conveyed to her by Liber 4732 cp 118; running thence North 49 de- grees 17 minutes West along the northeasterly side of Mill Lane 268 feet to the waters of Long Island Sound; thence easterly and southerly along the waters of Long Island Sound and Peconic Inlet 285 feet more or le~s to a point in said inlet which is distant 57 feet northeasterly on a line drawn at right angles to the northeasterly side of Mill Lane from the point or place of beginning; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned line 57 feet to the northeasterly side of Mill Lane at the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any .treeta and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The' word "party" shall be construed as' if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day an year first above written. 4 . · IN PRESENCIl: 0': ( ) L.S. ,,' o . ~ ~ . . . ::! ll~ : 8::J~~" -~t.j~~~ -- ~~l::!C5 . ~~-tj;!~ ~ ~ Co ~ '~i ~ . . ::; , .. l:: z :il Clo!> (fJ 'i '" S CD c.n P> ..... C1l '" ;:; .... ;:; "" a.?" '0 III ~ 5' l' >-l ..<+. {J) 5 ~ .. a. p;- z'i cr C1l C1l C1l C1l 'i .0 C1l 'i <; ....oq '0< o 'i p;- -< o .. " 'rj ~. ;:; p;- C1l ..... m .. C1l ..... ;:; \{juno:! ~IOllns jO )jJ81:! ddllll '] NVW!lON "'Ill! 6<f'!O/ ~ 't961 6<: :l3Q 030110331 ::0 C1l (') o 'i a. III ;:; a. ::0 C1l .. '" 'i ;:; >-l o r''''' ~ 11 p.. S' l5::Ul>-i " " :r ~ ~ (') ll:l 0 S'- (:Ii -::s p) 8 s- 8- .." " lil () '*' ~ g a ~ ~ -. 2- ::> cr E :a, t>:l'< ~ ~i ~ ~ 15' ill- g ~ s-g " ... 'OI.J.'11 SS.Ul!A\. SI! .WI!U 'I p.qpJ'qns .W!l .ml!s .'11 II! ISS~Ul!A\ P!'BS j~l{ l'Bl{l pue ~ awes aql alnJdX3 A\.I!S PUI! lU.s.Jd S1lA\. "S.Ul!A\. llu!qpJ'qns P!I!S "'1 11!'11 : lu.wnJ1SU! llu!oll.JOj .'11 p.lnJ.x. 0'lA\. PUI! U! p>qpJS.p (1!IlP!,.!PU! .Ill ''1 01 SA\.OU'I ''1 11!'11 '0 N II! S.P!S.J.q 11!'11 AI!S PUI! .sod.p PlP 'IlJOA\.S A(IlP .w Aq llll!.q '0'lA\. 'P.1U!l!llbJI! ^lll!uOSJ.d WI! I WO'lA\. '11!A\. 'lu.wIlJ1SU! llu!oll.Joj .'11 01 SS.ul!A\. lluNpJsqns .'11 .oreJ ^lll!uOSJ.d aw .JOj.q , 61 jO ^I!p .'11 UO :11 dO UNDO:) 'lI110A MJN dO 1I1Y1S ". ,\ " 11l1jl p.llp.(A\.oU>jJl! PUI! 0'1.... PUI! U! p.qpJs.p ".wllS .'11 p.lnJ."" 'lu"wnllSU! llu!oll.JOj "'II p"lnoa"" Il!np!"!pu! "'II >q 01 u....ou'I "w 01 "oreJ ^Ill!uosl"d "w"" AIlI!UOSJ.d jO ^I!p "Ill uO "W .JOj"q ''119 61 ",10 qUlo AO N jO ^'8p 0 f? "'II uO dO UNDO:) 'lI110A M!lN dO !I1Y1S a. SiI'IiiUlf ~ ~,~ dO UNDO:)'~ dO !I1V1S ,..,' ", -. 11 "T~:mn,TTrrV') '" ~. "W "lOj.q , 61 ;.. ., .. c: m '" < m ... :c ;;; '" " )> n m C5 '" c '" m c, ~ ,'17 .", '-) ......... (",' C);;' ~ 0 ", '/, ,":'\~ ~ "" .' , ;'; ,..;- /'...v:::-.. ;0 ( \_'~:' <,";" ~ p; ,,).' '\-..:~. ') g (. ,() :'/'~ 51 '~':.C1' CO \,' i!i y"')" ,"-1" .. ,'i> ~ ~ (~ 'O.~ ,'r; . ". '", ~..j ~ a. g. 1=1' ~ ~ 1-3 ~ o "il (J) o ~ IS t". 1::;1' .' Q ~ t>:J Q >-i ~ Z p~ '" . d ~ H t" .~ .. \ ,. " . J"pJO "'1!1 ^q 01"1"'11 "oreu 'I p"ull!S "'I 11!'11 PUI! 'UO!1 ' -l!lOdJOJ P!I!S jO SJOp"J!P jO pll!oq .ql jO J"pJO Aq p:lx!lJ1! OS SEM. l! :J:eql : ('Bas 3ltUodJO;l q:ms S! lU~WnJJsu! Pres: OJ p.x!lJ1! I""s "'II 11!'11 : uO!lI!JodJOJ Pres jO II!.s "'II SA\.ou'I ''1 11!'11: lu"wnJ1SU! llu!oll"lOj "'II p"lnJ."" qJ!'1A\. pu.. U! p>qpJs.p uO!lI!JodioJ "'II ' '. "'II S! "q jO' 11!'11 'ON II! S"P!S'" "'I ll!ql AI!S .. PUI! "sod"p PIP 'UJOA\.S ^Inp "w Aq llu!"q 'oqA\. 'UA\.OU'I "m 01 "ureJ Alll!UOSJad "w "lOjaq , 61 jO Al!p "ql UO dO ll"DO:) 'lI110A },\!IN ~O !lJ.Y1S , \. ~ I _':~,,\,:, :.\ '. ~ I , , .:;.. .':' ,. uu U U iJ )... 9961 'C~ AI~r "'J!dK~'O"!"IWW!iJ AW 1I3~lrr~~6NI1l\' ' '," ,1.'_-' "'_,,"_'." ,'., ..' '," ~. . ... ' (~':-r~~~~rfd'~.i~~~k ...,'~J ."~' " . ~ ,,;., " 1, H ,." , 1 " ..~ " ^ c.:., . '. '; ~ .:. ',' r, .'. _ .,',~';.;p .~ld~alCQ" eq 'lu"wiU1SU! \lIU!oll~"Oj; ~in'. p"lnJ."" Il!np!"!pu! "'II "'I' 01' uA\.au'I "w 01 liS m .., CJl 0') oJ 11!'11 p"llp.IA\.ou>P1! pu.. 0'lA\. PUI! U! p"qpJS"p ~ .... C.11 ~ 'oX) 'x:!I'IIVS: . {) :!IaX'ID " , \ j ( i i' '", '1 \ " / . ,- '," STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ 58. County of Kern I, Vera Ii. Gibson, County Clerk of the County of Kern and ex Officio Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for said County, the same being a Court of Record, having by law a seal, do hereby certify thaL_______m______m.'m______mfJ..1NQBf_._J.A__.6_E.RlIEK______..-.---------..--.-.------- before whom the foregoing, was taken and who subscribed h.~!.__... name to the certificate of the proof or acknowledgment of the annexed instrument was, at the time of taking such proof, ac- knowledgment or aiYidavit, a Notary Public in and for the said County and residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn and authorized by the laws of said State to take and certify affidavits an<!. the acknowledgment or proof of deeds or other written instruments to be recorded In said ,,'" State; arid further, that I am well acquainted with the handWrIting of such Notary Public and verily believe the signature attached to the said certificate of proof, aClmo\IVl~ent or aiYldavit Is h.~_L__ genuine signature. I further certify that the instrument Is .~~'~Fd acknowledged according to the laWs of the State of California. , 'li 't.r-;':";' ,.',,' .....",,'. '"...;;.'.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mY_j..,#~~li:'lal\';~)"~ effice~ Ii,'" I ,<< ,,' f"",,:, .5''', , Bakersfield, California. ....._m_J?!\S;~!!I.~.!\r....??mi...____..m.._' 19...9!f .;.;: ~'-; ":'-;";'_,'~.;:'c~(,;, ': > ..' ~',~ ~- ~'f,':-~f.:'-: '_~.;d'~~'?'. - .." ; ~/. ...__nO_dUO__...___ _ ,'\ . _~;Z2_'~~_,: ._..;_.-~..___ .~..___u...... '.:K;,. GIBS0N," .';:> ... ... J'." '~...__ '00- " COUll,ty Clerk ~d'..,., Iclo -C1~~!t .ot @uPerlor Court . "~.r.-'..,"" tJ. (SEAL).'if l. y.' ~...._.....................-_._..........:.;::,;.:~:~::~~~......__..............., Dcl'wl.1 .~: FORM No. 13 CERTIFICATE NOTARY ,'00 G.Ot.WINGATE'S