HomeMy WebLinkAboutGendron, Rene , I' Iii 'I: I. : i I , , q\11 I i i "'t~1 I Cr' I I ~\'\ I ."1-'1 . \! "", , lij : I~!I~ ~ 0 .1', ,,, ",' I I I: :1 Ii , " ji I, i; iI: "i: r J "!' . ;:1 :i' .Ii :ii ]; 'ii '! , ') ;1: " oi I 291-Statutory Form C. Bargain and Sale D~. with Covenant air_lost Grantor-IndlvV . JULI.~. BLUMBERG, INC., LAW BLANK PUBLISH.R. BO 'iANOE PLACE AT BROADWAY, NEW YORK U~ UBER5704 ?AG[ 329 tEbts Jnbenture, Made the 25th and' sixty-four day of November nineteen hundred .ttWttn RENE' GENDRON, residing at Fairhaven, South Jamesport, New York party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, part y of the second part. _itnt~~ttb, that the part y of the first part. in consideration of --------,-..,------ ---------------ONE and OO/lOO-------{$l.OO)____________________________Donar~ lawful money of the United States, paid by the part y of the second part doe s hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part. ( Parcell.: their successors ,apd assigns forever. '. ( !lU those ce,rtain plots, pieces or parfels pf land~ situate. lying and being at South- old, Town of Southofd, C<:>unty of Sqffolk jl-nd State c;>f New York /lhown as "Grange Road" on a certain map entitled "S,/,bdiv;ision Pla,n of South Harbor Home,s, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N.ew York" filed in the, office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on J~ly 14. 196t, as file map #4096, boundedanddesc1."i~ed as fQllpws: J I BEiGINNING at a concrete monument set pn th,e westellly line of Bayview ~oad, ~hich saidmonumept is the following courses and , d~stanc~s from ,the point of interseptionjof the ~ortherly line of ' BayWate r Avenue wit,h the westerly line of Bayview Road: ,(1) N. 10. 30' E. 218.4 ft., (2) N. 280 53' 30" E. 951.10 ft., (3) N. 260 22' 00" E. 185.59 ft. and running thence from :SMd point of beginntn.g westerly along Lots #700, :i9, 18,:lo7, 16,,15,1,4, H> an<;l along an area de~ignated as "recharge ,basin'! as ,shown 'on certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold,S~olk County, New York", filed in the office of the Clerk of Syffo1k County on July 14, 1%4 as- Map #~096. .the following cours~s and distances: (l),onja curve t~ the teft with a radius,of 14.09 ft. for a distance"of 29.81 ft.,' (2),S. 850 09' 50".w. 647. 93.ft. , '(3) S. 580 ~2' 50" W. 261.36' ft., (.i) on a curve to the left with, a :radius of 74.63 ft.. for a" ( distance of 48. 10 ft., (5) on a curNe to the right w~th a radius of 50. DO ft.; for a distance of 55.74 ft.( to a point in the northerly ~--- UBEH5704 PAGi330 l~ line of land of B. W. Stepnoski; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 50.00 ft. along the land of Rene' Gendron 72.05 ft.; thence easterly along Lot #12, along a roadway and along Lots #9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 as shown on aforesaid map, the following course& and distances: -(I) on a curve to the right with a radius of 5D. 00 ft. (o'r a,distance of 93.74 ft., (2) on a curve to the (left with a radius of 74. 63 ft. for a distance of 48. 10 ft., (3) . N. 580 12' 50" E. 273.34 ft. ,..4) (N. 850 0,9' 5P" E. 690.19 ft., I (5) on a curve to the left with a radius of 44. 37 ft. for'a distance of 45. 53 ~t. to the weaterly line of Bayview Ro"d! .thence S. 260 22' 00" W. along the westerly line of Bayview Road '108. 46 f10 to the point or place of beginning. J Parcel 2: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, together with the improve- ments thereon, situate, lying and being at Southold, ,Town of,Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yo;rk,bpunded and described as follows: , . . ., ( . ., . . ., (' . BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot #13, as shovyn(on a. certain map entitled" Subdivision Plan of South Harb<>rHomes, Southold, To,^,n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk .County on July 14, 1964 as Map #4096 and running thence from said point of beginning S. 310 47' 10" E, along aforesaid Lot #13, 84.14 ft. to the land of Rene' pendron or o~ B, W. Stepnoski; thence S. 850 03' 50" W. along the land of either of Gendron or Stepnoski 142.96 ft. to Grange Road as shown on a.foresaid map; thence east.erly along Grange Road the following cO~.lrses fLnd distances: (I) on a curve to the ,left with a radius of 50.00 ft. for a distance of 55.74 ft., (2) on a curve to the right with a radius of 74.63 ft. for a distance of 48. 10 ft., (3) N. 580 12 r 50" E. 30.00 ft. to the point at place of beginning. . The aforementioned property is deeded to the Town of Southold for the purposes of highway dedication. --.----1 , " r-~ ~ COltt1!tt with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party r ".... UBER5704 PAGE 331 of the first part in and to said premises. Co babt aRb to bolb the premises herein granted unto the part Y of the second part, their succes sors and assigns forever. aRb the said RENE' GENDRON covenant that he ha s not done or suHered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. The grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wiII hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that the grantor wiII apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvemem before using any part of the total .~ of the sllnle for any other purpose. In _ttntSS RlbtrtOff the part y of the first part ha s hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. In presenu of: ..j21:7:~~~...L.S. RENE' GENDRON ..........m.m.n....n..m..n.nno.....n....non..nonno.nnnnnono.nonL. S. ....n........n.n..nononno'non..n.nmm.nn...n..nonnononon.nnn..L. S. T ._......no..nn_nno....n__no...nn.m.nnnon.nn..m.nnnnnnno.L. s. II I"'""" ~ II h I ~ 0- - lIBER5704 PAA~a~~;c:.'D u~ &tatt of New York ~lllltp ~m)ufffi~3 Pll r liQ fss.: . Ont~~:.L.~5t~"UPpdayof November before me came C;"~~:!RliiNE' GENDRON cUe\-I'! Ii 1"011"1'['.1 ,) j I \-'l.l\ '.J' UI I nineteen hundred and sixty-four to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and wbo executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he eJtecuted the same. Notary Public, S 6tatt of (:oulltp of ~ SS.: CHARLES E. RAFFE NOTARY PUBliC, State of New YOlk. Suffolk County No. 52-3195315 Ierm Expires Mordl 30, 1962 nineteen hundred and On the day of before me came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom 1 am personally acquainted, wbo, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present, and saw eJtecute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed b name as witness thereto. .qtj , ~ .. ... <1> "'i tl . Z '" .... " 't:l ..... '1""'4 '+-I ." 0 0 Cl .s .<l " I- ~ '" &I :t '" e 'i o 2 ~ " U)U) .. 'S ..... I- o 't:l 1J"l: ~ n ~ N: .t' ~ <II - f.t; 'tl ~ ~ 1 ~ <1>: ~: ~ t-< 0 <> ..... <1>: ~ ~ >i .. U) Cl '-.J, 1 0' 'tl .S '+i ~ zi " 0 ~ .!l! ;: >- ::: '" . ~ 'tl' " ~ ~ " t:: w :t f.t ~ w " o 0 .. " l:l El u>< <:J7 z 9 0 0 ~ ::r: -cJ Cl Z t-< ~ ~ p 0 0 0 ~ U) - 0 ,1>. ~ t-< 0 Q.i Z \>- ~ Z s:: ~ ;;: ~ 0 t-< (!) cl iii Cl .. ~ o " .. II: 'l; ~ .. ~ .. " .. ~ ., :s j rf) (vj "" RECORDED ~EB~ @~~E. KLlP~' Clerk of SUffolk Countv