HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Southold Town Trustees IF- I Ii il H I! l :1 II II " JULIUS BLUM.IltIlG. INC.. LAW BLANK PUBLISHER. eo EXCHANGE PLACE. AT BROADWAY, NEW YONIt 294- STATUTORY FORM D1.), Qultddm Deed-Corporadoa. . ~bt~ 3Jnbtnturt~ lIade tbe 30th day of , Dineteen bundred November and sixty-four. JSttWttn BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, baving its principal office at Main Road, Southold, in the Town of Soutbold, Suffolk County, New York, F ... . ~...& . -, party of tbe first part, and The TOWN OF RIVERHEAD, a domestic municipal corporation, having its principal office at 220 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York, party of tbe second part, Uitntssttb, tbat tbe party of tbe first part-; ill consideratioll of ONE and NoI100 ($1. 00)-- n_" _ __. -- - - -- -- ---- DoIlar"I..ful mDsq of tbe United States, paid by tbe party of tbe second part, do es bereby remise, release aud quitclaim unto tbe part of tbe aecolld part, its successors alld assifllS forever, !All of those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Riverhead, County of Suffolk, State of New York, generally described as follows: ALL common lands, waters and lands under water, or rights or other interests therein, subject, as to lands under water, to the public right of l1ItVigaUon and to the riparian rights of adjoining upland owners, as the Town of Southold acquired and now holds by virtue of any colonial patent or charter, situate, lying and being in the Town of Riverhead, Suffolk County, and State of New York. " ~~~'1' '" i> . Q[:ogttf)tr witb tbe appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. 11:0 fJatIt aub to fJOUJ the premises berein granted uuto tbe part y of tbe second part, its successors and assigns forever. AND the party 01 the first part. in compUallce with Section 13 01 the Lien Law. hereby covenants that the party 01 the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance aDd will hold the right to receive such consideration 8S a trust fund to be applied first for tbe purpose of paying tbe cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of tbe coat of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. I In "itnt~~ _beteof, tbe party 01 tbe first part has caused its corporate seal to be bereunto "zed. and these presents to be signed by its dulyautborized oflicer a tbe day and year first above 'Written. 111 prtftlttt of: BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN ov;tJ:;!r on C9"b~1w~ Alvah B. Goldsmith d~2t/'~ Phil eiler . DalV~ ~({ . Simpson 19 before me came .tate of N_ york (:ountp of ~ ss.: On tbe day 01 to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say tbat be resides in dat be is the of de corporation described in, and which ezecuted the foregoing instrument; that be knows tbe seal of said corporation; that the seal aflized to said instrumeut is sucb corporate seal; tbat it was so "zed by order of the board of of said corporation; and tbat he signed b lUIDIe tbereto by like order. r ~ I~ r-g "'- v "1\ STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On tbis 30th day of Jfovember. 1964. before me personally appeared JOHJf F. MclWLTY. ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH. pmup WEILER, FRA.JfK S. DAWSON and GEORGE A. SIMPSON, all personally known to me, who, belDg by me duly sworn. severally said that they eacb resided in tbe TaWIl of Soutbold, County of Suffolk, State of lIfew York, and constitute a majority of all of the members of tbe Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold; that they knew tbe corporate seal of said Town of Southold; that the seal afflxed to the foregoln, iastrument was sucb corporate seal; that It was 80 affixed thereunto by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as a Trustee by Ilke order. I>l == Eo< f><. o 000 I>l~ 1>l0 ~t!! ~5 f><.oo Of><. 00 ~~ ~O lXl~ - -', I;' . 'L ~ o Eo< o ~ == ~ > ; r... o ~ o Eo< . ~ ~ ~ IitJ '1L;~ a.~ . lIfatary Public ....i ~ ... , ~ .!;J .El oS .~ ~ .. '5 ~ 'l:l .. ... ~ .. 1 .9 .!! :I " ~ ~ ti a MAnION fl. ,-;~:,.,;f NOTARY PUBLIC, Sl,l' ot 1,'d,'G', tlo, 52-3233120 Suffolk Co~n!j_ [erm fxpires March 30, 1~ e ~ h 101 II: ~ "'Ii ~ 8 = ,~ J , ] ':t- j (~ '~~\'J , 1,2 ......- . \ 4 ,~ ] ~ J 'i1'1 AA{ :~ ~ . o M '" 4J ~ 4H >, 0; I!;! .J .. ... .. l:l ,; l/l o .. ~ '<i ~ o u ~ II: ... o ~ ~ ~ o ... ~ u ~ 0, ~ ~ :<; ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ II: j r-- . -ro t.O y\. , r I-t..-SIe e'~ :- ~l va..-h 13. Go tdsm i ~ Johvt "F. mc.-~ dr-a..n 1(' Jh.w so n yh;lif We-ilev Geo r~.e.-- ~. 0') r 'SO n RECORDED OEe 2 1964 @ M. NORMAN E. KLIPP r.1.rk 01 Sllflolk C . QUnlv ---'--- 3.).-€P~ J' {:9~ '-IJ I '1 ~ of ~~ 9 .. J~ l' JI'l#^ ~ --r~