HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Savings Bank 1!fP,; dJ q~ 12tJ I rJ'~\,. ' l' 1 i' i i ... JULIUS BLUMB"RO, INC.. LAW BLANK PUBLISHIER. eo EXCHANGE PLACE AT BROADWAY, NaW YORK 295-statutol'J' Form IC. ,. ",,- Bel_ 01. Part of MortNed Preml~. IDdlvldual or Corporation. UBEP5477 PAGE530 tlCbis 3Jnbenture, da~ of ;3eptember nineteen hundred Made the 19th and sixty-three .ttwttn SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BliNK, a domestic banking corporation having its office ,and pr~ncipal place of business at Main Road, Southold, Town of Somthold, SUffolR county, New York, I ' I . r ' ~ part y of the first part, and WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIl~S, INC., a domestic corporation having its office and principal place of business at ~ Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, part y of the second part, _bttta~, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. by Indenture of Mortgage, bearing date the , I nineteen hundred and' fifty-Ijlight of the County of Suffolk I I page 383 ,on the, 16th and fifty-e:l.1ght 9th day of June; Clerk , recorded in the o/1ice of the 3026 of M ortgages,:xr1J&JfT1tiDf1 J in Liber day of June, nineteen hundred , for the consideration therein mentioned, and to secure the payment of , < I the money therein specified, did lIJortgage certain land~ and tenements, of which the lands hereinafter described are patt, unto Charles E. Ryder, residing at Orient, Town of Sout hold, Suffolk CoUnty, New York, and WHEREAS, said mortgage WaS assigned by Charles E. Ryder to Southold Savings Bank by assignment dated June 19th, 1963 and recorded in the Suf.folk County Clerk's office on JUne 26th, 1963 in Liber 4132 at. page 121 . lanll _btrta~, the party of the first part, at the request of the part y of the second part, has agreed to give up and surrender the lands hereinafter described unto the part y of the second part, and to hold and retain the residue of the mortgaged lands as security for the money remaining due on said mortgage. e~u;','q~'U'(^l'18/Ul"nOotlUlU ~;:;o~' ~18"e"J' ~II ilu\'_, tI ,,~ +fl8J 's9'80t '" ..00 Iryt 01 '8 v ~.... u ~ .... '<:;t'c'<:; - '~>f 11011 IcT oT!' 'N 'paolI NuTA punos JO , eU1T k[.req:JtlOs PIes ltTIOTe eOIWln '-luTl1l1n.r pue 'poq 1J.,t;u[J eAoqB 'peolI Me1A punos JO eun AT.rCi1nnos e4l JO pUB k[.lu:P;8M e4l le lluIUlq:lieg :8Ue1 Ul.re~ .repAlI 'AI 'liu1uu111eq JO lUTOd el.{l ol l88J 001 - 'M ..O+j IcI oIL. 's peolI M81A punos P1es JO eUII AI.rel.{l.rou el.{+ lluoIB eouel.{l 'peolI MeTA punos P1es JO epIT AI.r8l.{l.roU e4l uo lU8UlnuoUl e Ol 'leaJ T6'9+jc - ':3: ..Ot IC+j.QI'S eou8l.{l I l88J 001 - ':if ..OT 18t 00L. 'N eUH .r8leM l.{li1l.{ A.rBUTP.ro P1es ::!uoIe eou8l.{l 'PfInoS puqsI ~UO'I JO euT'~ .re'IBM l.{~T4 A.reu1P.I0 ol 'leeJ 96'~f]c - 'f-I ..OC lS<t 1 'N eouel.{+ liu1uun.r peolI M81A punos PTBS JO eU1T AT.rel.{+.Iou el.{l JO pue ~1.Ie+s8M el.{l UlO.rJ l8eJ ~9'L.+j - ':3: 1l0+j IcI oIL. 'N rpeq1.ros~P eAoqe 'peolI Me1A punos ~eu1I AI.rel.{+.rou e4l Uo +ueUlnuoUl e +B ~u1uu1lieg :~u1Pue1 .repA~ 'III '~UTltUT~eq JO +UTod el.{+ ol +e8J 01'18 - '/11..00 19c 088 'S eoual.{+ '+8eJ 9L.'6~ - 'Hi. ..Ot 16e 0+jL. 'S I eOU8l.{+ '+aeJ c~'9&t +S8Menp eOU8l.{l 'leeJ '1('89t 'f-I ..O+j IC~ ot8 'N eou8l.{l ! le8J '16' c8c - M ..O+j 1L.,<:; 0~8 'N eoUel.{l '+uemnuoUl B 0+ + eeJ L.o' OS I -'!II ..OC I cO 01 's eue1 s.relBf~ a8.rl.{J; JO eun AI.rels8M el.{l liuo TB eouel.{l 'euB1 s.r8+SM ee.rl.{J; JO 8s.rnoo ls.r1J el.{l JO pue AI.rel.{~.rou el.{l UlO.IJ eUTI I Ples liuOIB AI.r8l.{lnOs +eeJ +j+j'~~I 'peq1.rosep eAoqB 'euB1 s.re+eM ee.rl.{J; JO eun A i:.relseM. 8l.{l uo +U8umuoUl B 0+ lee J 1'1' 6L.e - ":3: ..O+j IL.~ ~8' s eOUal.{l ':j.UemnuoUl B 0+ leeJ IroL.t - ':3: ..O+j IC~ ot9 's eou8l.{+ '+ueUlRuoUl e 0+ +eeJ 00'9~t lsee enp eouel.{l '+ueUlnuoUl B 0+ +8eJ +j+j'O~~ - ':3: ..?t 16c 0+jL. 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Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Sea Drive at the northHesterly corner of Lot 86 as shown on "Map of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section II", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No, 3444; from said point of beginning running along said Lot 86, S. 150 30' 30" E, - 143.70 feet; thence along Lot 96 as shown on said map, S, 00 08' 10" E, - 122,18 feet to the northerly line of Plum Island Lane; thence a long sa id northerly line of Plum Island Lane, s, 740 291 30" W, 100,0 feet to Lot 98 as shown on said map; thence al ong said Lot 98, N, 10 321 40" W, - 140.14 feet; thence along Lot 84 as shown on said map, N. 150 301 30" W, - 136.0 feet to said southerly line of Nor th Soa Drive; t hence along sl'lid southerly line, two courses as follo~lS:- (1) N, 740 291 30" E, - 60.76 feet; thence (2) due East 39.24 feet to the point of beginning, i , i I , , I i I ~""'1l" I ,.:ruJ;. ..' me of: j,"\'i.HO -.',.,' .~ ~....... ()~' ~ -.i . "1"~ .' -'0..... ..~~,\. . c " 't'.. . "if.' \ ';).. , efJ) 0.... '.."i'1-~1 _ .. !.;'~ ~..J')<oIS'i"'" : ':~ rn~.1':7":-- ....... ~. ;' J' . '" ..~- ". .>'.....~" 't"":'" "1JJ: ~t .a.~ ~ " I'H'~'''' .;0::,. h"'" '"'.. .. .. "'7 ,. . ':., ..., r-' <...t ." '~i ~ . .' -~ ., ..'~.~if;:'..~.. ". ... .......',.. ~I~!"_J.^ ..... ~);_" .:J' J'.......<<-:-r ~.,. ;<f''':~ ,.' , .....:.!,~ ,rJ..~"1:&5"lt.. '"r",,~ . ; #,...".", p rl:l lti ~ r-. ~l-; .1 ~1 ~'i I I B~lNU /IN]) IN'l'j<;N])j<;]) '1'0 B~ all those certain streets, roads, avenues , or drives shown and designated as Sound View Road, North Sea Drive, Ryder Landing and Ryder Farm Lane on a certain map entitled "Map of orient-bY-1 the-Sea, Section Two, situate at Orient Point, Suffolk Co" N.Y, owned and developed by Woodhollow Properties, Inc., 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, N, y" surveyed by otto W, Van Tuyl & Son, licensed land surveyors, '" Greenport, N. Y." and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 10/6/61 as Map, No, 3444, I i i :i (Description cont'd in rider attached) .' , . " Ul?Ep.5477 PAGf533 ~olJdbtr with the lJcreditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and al1 the right, title and interest of the party of the first part, of, in and to the same, to the intent that the lands hereby released may be discharged from said mortgage, and that tlJe rest of the land in said mortgage specified may remain mortgaged to the part y of the first part as heretofore. , I I I I I , I I I I I Ju _itnt~~ _btrtof the part y of the first part has caused its corporate I seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly i authorized officer the day and year first above ,~itten, ' I ~o ~abt aub to ~olb the lands and premises hereby released and quitclaimed to the part y of the second part its successors and assigns, I o~ ," to it and tbixown proper use, benefit and behoof, forever, free, clear and discharged of and from al1/ien and claim under and by virtue of the indenture of mortgage aforesaid. SOIEHOLD SIIVINGS BANK BYI State of }ss.: COllnty of On the day of nineteen hundred and before me came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personal1y acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present, and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witlJeSS thereto. UUlE~1'1 ( ! r"'CE~;)'. State of }ss,: County of On the before me came day of nineteen hundred and to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. State of New York }ss.: County of Suffolk On the 19th day of 8eptember before me came JOHN H, ROSE, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that nineteen hundred and s1xty-thre~ to me known, wqo, he resides atJ:llrac Ma t ti tuck, New York,/ ,< that he is the Secretary-Treasurer of SOUTHOLD SIIVINGS BANK, the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that th't~fltpeā‚¬:d to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of ~ of said corporation; and that he signed hi s name thereto by like order. H~t?t/ ~~ l~R~ PUBLIC, S sullolk Coun\'! NQ 52.3232500' b. 30. 19u~ No. 'Ell.ni(es tAafC lenn r 1,,-0 .. (Y) , ~ !Z1 CI) rIi ~j " 1'4 ::: " 4' H f;il 0> lfj iY1 <I.l '0 '~ l4 .... .... .~ .-I CI) it< ~ ~ .. 0 ~ f@ p~ .~ ..c: " @j '5 a m +'H " ~ ~ +' 2 HW H it< p.. oj "i :::s m Ql l> 0 e ::E:+'F-iZ Il. ~ ~ 0'1 ca ~i .. CI) " Om+' f;il "l ~ :;,;, .. .. ::E: to ~ Cl 'H .. OU ~ ... tI). -I-J ~ 0 ~ 0 HZ < ,..J, .t- o .;; l>d:: F-i <IJi ... +> HH : t Cl pi ... ~ .. lD-rl 0 ""- u 0 ~ ai .. .. s:ls:lm Po ~ 1I1 ~ ~ .. ... S F-i ::E: s::: ~I A lDi " 0 ... 0: lD 0 ; +>i .. l4 0 ~ I:l:i 0 i:E: +><P lD ::;l p.; " 0 0 .. .. o -j--> en ~ CI) :;: <D: ~ ::E:'"'!(\JCl rz. Cl)i ... .. 0 .. .~ .!'l .. .. ~ ...' .. ::: po; ~ t:: .. < ~ p., .. l::a .Il ~~~ ,'.. ~ ~~r~ OED .~c e .~~.:,~ ~ ~ ~ /.....,. JAN 6 if :;~ ~ % u \.J Jiit- III IX i 0 t---.. @ / {:S-, M. " If f'j :i! :;; -:r 0- >- NORMAN E. KLIPP . " .. c.D 0- , 0 - to- Clerk of Suffolk COllntV u :J Z " . ~ :2 l>: ::o::a..::::a ... 0 .00 0 '11 '" UJ,,:(.) 1i <.::l 1.0 ,~ - 'r. ~,,: RECORD AND RETURN TO .. 0 - '''W...I ~ <..) 4..JO ~ uJ c.<> :l:ULL, ~ ~ ~I:~I u a:: ;;t:: II- .. ~( r;- Oo :II< c> ::::a ~ - ;c. <n ~ -:> ;a w J-3p ~, .j). .. t .. 'l( -1 ' ~ ~ l>: '"