HomeMy WebLinkAboutKing, E H ,- II ~:!1!T .' f'. ...-!i "'~ ~.~ ~ ~.':.i'. . .. I (,1 ~'''(J.l f i~ ..'.. ..11 l.?. · tl!} '.'.... .l':'l '(jj, ',' ~ ,,: ... ! I' I' I I i I I i I! II il Ii II IJ :i II Ii z.B~;toryFormK. ' Release of Part of Mortgaged PreJnlsee. Individual or Corporation. I w JULlU. BLUMBERG, INC., LAW BLANK PUBLISHERS 80 EXCHANGE PLACE AT BROADWAY. NEW YORK u~~~5~77 rl'1525 tEbi~ 3Inbenture, Made the 2/.J~ day of ~ nineteen hundred and sixty-three ~ttutrn EDWIN H. KING and FRllNCES C. KING, his wife, at Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, both residing part i e s of the first part, and WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation having its office and principal place of business at 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, part y of the second part, _btttllS, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES J INC. by Indenture of Mortgage, bearing date the I nineteen hundred and fifty-seven 15th llpril Clerk day of , recorded in the office of the of t/ie County of Suffolk , in Liber 2836 of Mortgages, otJBJcIllDi:lo page 368 day of nineteen hundred , on the 22nd ilpril, and fifty-seven ,for the consideration therein mentioned"and to secure the'payme'!t of , . the money therein specified, did mortgage certain lands and tenements, of which the lands hereinafter I described are part, unto EDWIN H. KING' and FH4NCES C. KING, lRub Dbtl'taii, the part i e s of the first part, at the request of the part y of the second part, has agreed to give up and surrender the lands hereinafter described unto the part y of the second part, and to hold and retain the residue of the mortgaged lands as security for the m<>ney remaining due on said mortgage. ... I fI' !! i :i " I i i i ;1 I ! " I I " , I I :j I I ,I , I ,I 'I 'I '1 I I I i , ! ~ i " tro5477 mf526 ~tu tb~ 3Jnbenture Dttnt~~etb, that the part ies of the first part, in pursuance of said agreement, and in consideration of One ($1.00) - - - - - - - - DoIlars; lawful money of the United States and other good and valuable consideration paid by the part y of the second part, does grant, release and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, all that part of said mortgaged lands described as foIlows: ALLvthose certain pieces and parcels of land situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: I. Plum Island Lane: Beginning at a monument set on the northerly line of the Main Road 174.95 feet easterly along said line from land of Ray Tabor; running thence four courses as fQllows: (1) N. 10 02'20" E. - 435.76 feet, thence (2) S. 880 57' 40" E. - 75 feet, thence (3) across the westerly end of parkv1ew Lane, next herein described, and then along land of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. S. 10 02' 20" W. - 432.00 feet to the northerly line of said Main Road, thence (4) S. 880 55' 40" W. - 75.05 feet to the point of beginning. , II. Parkview Lane: Beginning at the northerly end of the easterly line of Plum Island Lane above described and running thence six courses asfollows: (1) S. 880 57' 40" E. - 289.79 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 60 feet the distance of 94.25 feet, thence (3) across the southerly end of Three Waters Lane, next herein de- scribed, S. 880 57' 40" E. - 50 feet, t'hence (4) on a curve to the right, having'a radius of 110 feet, the distance of 172.79 feet, thence (5) N. 880 57' 40" W. - 289.79 feet to the ea sterly line of said Plum Island Lane, thence (6) along the easterly line of Plum Island Lane N. 10 02' 20" E. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. III. Three Waters Lane: Beginning at the end of the second course, in the above described parkview Lane and running thence six courses as follows: (1) N. 10 02' 20" E. - 1324.20 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 100 feet the distanc of 151.8~.teet,tQflnCS" i" ,,~ ,....,. . ~~~ . ~~~q~~;~~2~: ~h~~~l~h~~~~:vi~:n~~e radius of 150 feet a distan e of 227.77 fee~, thence (5) S. 1 02' 20" W. - 1324.20 feet to the easterly end of the thir course in the above described parkv1ew Lane, thence (6) along said third course N. 880 57' 40" W. - 50 feet to the poin of beginning. tV. Sound View Road ~ Beginning at the westerly end of the second course, in the above de- scribed Three Waters Lane and running thence twelve courses as follows: (1) N. 850 57' 40" W. - 163.26 feet, thence (2) N. 780 30' 00" l.r. - 461.74 feet, thence I (3) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 498.16 feet, a distance of 208.67 feet, thence (4) S. 770 30' 00" W. - 420.93 feet, thence (5) S. 760 12' 40" W. - 360.41 feet, thence (6) ,N. 1 0341 00" W. - 52.35 feet, thence (7) N~ 71 12' 40" E. - 347.65 feet, thence (8) N. 770 30' 00" E. - 423.68 feet, thence I"" . , I' , i i I I! :1' tance of 2~9.61 feet, thence 00) S. 780 30' 00 " E. - 458.48 feet thence (11) S. 850 571 40" E. - l60.CDfeet, !o the northerly end of the third course of Three Waters Lane, thence (12) along said third course of Three Waters Lane S. 40 02' 20" 50 feet to the point of beginning. W. - ", U8ER5477 p~J:E528 tn:ogttbtt with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the right, title and interest of the partie S of the first part, of, in and to the same, to the intent that the lands hereby released may be discharged from said mortgage, and that the rest of the land in said mortgage specified may remain mortgaged to the part of the first part as heretofore. tn:o "abt an:b to ~oUJ the lands and premises hereby released and quitclaimed to the part of the second part, it~ succes sors and assigns, to it and dt.ffix own proper use, benefit and behoof, forever, free, clear and discharged of and from al1lien and claim under and by virtue of the indenture of mortgage aforesaid. In _itnt" DbtttOf. the part ies of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. In prtllmtt of: ,e- ;) .-t 2t/; (~f ~ & State of County of }ss.: On the day of nineteen hundred and > > before me came witness to the foregoing instrument, with sworn, did depose and say that he resides > tlJe subscribing j whom I am personal1y acquainted, who, being by me duly that he knows to be the individuals described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present, and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~ .. ~ tI) ~ f:l E-l '0 ffi ;;0 p~ O~ 0 B: 1/1 ~:o.:: (jl :0.::' ~ . u ou ~ 0 I~Z ::r: Cf) +' f-'lH :z:t'3 0 (11 l:I:l H:Z: A :;C... 0 ~&=; 0 ~ r '1 ''':f.~ t (~~- :'31 . ;'.\ t t! '\ 0 t* n."t W a State of New York } County of SUffolk ss.:_ On the tl/J day of ~ before me came EDWIN H. KING a:<<d FRl\NCES UBffi5477 ~(jf529 nineteen hundred and sixty-three C. KING, to me known and known to me to be the individualS described in, and wllo executed, the foregoing in. strument, and acknowledged to me that the y executed the same. SUite of County of }ss.: (Mt.ifAL 2t~ Not.ry Public, SlIte of Hew V.... ."iding in Suffolk Ca. Off. Ho.._"I"11'9~' Commission Expire. MlrclI30. 19'1' On the day of before me came being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that nineteen Ilundred and to me known, who, he resides at No. that he is the of the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of of said corporation; and that he signed h name thereto by like order. r'f'li , <Ii l:I [;il -.v! .:: .,; .. fI.l .S .... .... ~ ~ . I:l '0 :s: . M .~ 0 a <II+' ~ '5 ~ ltl .< .~ .a 2 f-'lQ) Po. it ~ <II Q) . M' I:l :::O:+'F-t:Z: ~ Q C\Jj ... .. 0 l:I o <II+' [;il ol:l F-tf ... tI) ... :::0: tI) .. Cl .. ~ ~..... ... <II .... -< Q); '" ~ >.1': F-t : t Cl .<>, '" 0 c: (l)'O'i 0 ~ s, .. I':I':~>=>< Q), .. ~ 1ijF-t s::: ~ ltl ... '" ...., " o Q) 0 .. ... ~ >=><; ltl 0 0 :::0:....00 Q) )1 " <I): .. E-l .. O+,('f) F-t r.. tl)l '" c: tt: :::O:<l(C\JO 0 c: .~ -'!l :J ~ .~ ltl ",' .. .... .. t: ... -< ... c: Po. .. .. l:l Ei ~ (" o ......,l.."., ~~ .. o ~ " ~ ... o " ~ ~ .. o ... " ~ .. ~ ~ :a ~ " > .. " ~ " ~ JAN 6 ,19~ @/1.-51;:(, Ii\. NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk 01 Sullolk Countj ..",.- <..c:> - 0.. >- G., ... _,; Z ::.l:,1&..::t .00 UJ:.:::u :z:a::..: u.a..I 4-'0 x: Ut&. -v' .... - ::t <I) . 14 e. ~ f......... j..l4{ t ~/ ~ .:l- 3 f l ~.:- p. ; I ~ 4 = ~ C> It\ ,') ;J .--:) .0:; ::> '" RECORD AND RETURN TO -' 0:; ..." % .:! r II - ---,--- Dea,r~tion Cont'd. ,. .Be,inn1n, at a point on the northerly 11ne ot lorth Sea Dri.. at the .outhwesterly corner ot Loi 72 aa shown on "Map of orl.nt-~-thl-8ea, Saot1o~~~", f11ed 1n tb. 'uffolk COUDt, Clerk', otflcl a. Map No. 3~, tro. ..1d point of be- g1nn1n, runninl alon, a.ld northerly l!pe at Nortb S8. Drl.., N. 830 52' 40" W. . 100.0 teet to Lot 1* .. ahown on .ald ..p, . thence donS add Lot ..., I. 60 17' ltO" B. . lll'l\.2) t..t, then_ il.l: .lon, Lot 29 as shown ~~ "Map at Or1ent-b'-tbe~S.S.1 S.cUon :r, t11ed 1n tbe Suftolk County Clerk'. Of tic.... Me, KO. 2717, I. 780 30' 00" IE. - 100.0 teet to .dd Lot 72. tho.. alon, .ai' Lot 72, 8. 60 01' 20" 'T. - 1I.to.86 het to the point of '.1l_1nc. VI. ..,innin, .t . point on tbe loutberly line ot lor_ a.. Dr1ve at tb. northwe.t.rly corner at Lot 86 II .bown on "'p ot or1.n1l.by.tl1..Se., Seotion UK, filed in th. Suftolk Count, Cl.rk's ottioe .a Map 10. 3ltltltl trea ..1d pplnt ot be,innln, runnine alon, .aU Lot 86, S. ~ )0' 30" .. 0 1'+3.70 te.t. thene. alone Lo1; 96 as .hown on .dd "p, 8. 0 08' 10" I. . 122.18 teei to the north.rly 11n. of Pl.- Islabd LaDs, tbe... alone .aid nortilerl;t line ot Plu. Ialand Lane, 8. "0 29' 30" W. 100.0 teet to 1.01; 98 II aho. on ,aid ..p, then" III one s.14 Lot 98, I. 10 32' '+0" W. .l~.l~ t.et, th.no. aLon, Lot ~ a. .hown on .ald ..p, I. lSO 30' 30- W. . 136.0 t..t to .al. .outb.rly 11ne of lar th S.' Dri....' t b.ne. alon, .dd 'o\1l;h.rly 11n..! two coura.. al tol10wss.. (1) JI. 7lto29' 30" E. - 60.76 t.et, tb.noe (2) due Ia.t 39.24 t..t to the point of be.inn1n,. r- ~1 V'7l ..... c.." "'" 1 0..: r--. r- ~ It':l B5 CD :::;