HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Builders Inc r : co 'M ..... '-" ~ ~ It)\''o.... "'" ~ -, tel ;/ \ II Standard N.Y.B.T.U.. 8007 * 5.60.10M-Bargain and Sale Deed. with Covenant "-"inst Grantor's Acts-Individual or Corporation. .~, ,i "" , CONSULT V.OUR IJ "~FORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THI. ,NS. '~ENT SHOULD B~ USED BY LAWYERS ONLY' _ :r"..~, J ~ day of Filii.. I ' nineteen hundred and sixty two THIS INDENTURE, made the BElWEEN SOUTHOLD BUILDERS, INC. a corporation organized under and existing by virtue ot the stock corporation law of the State of New York, having its principal office at 22 Bayview Avenue, Manhassett, New York; and Clement W. Beoth residing at Mt. Beulah Avenue, Southold, New York party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a legally con8tituted township located within the County of SuffOlk, State of New York, having its principal office at Greenport, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and vaJ.uabJ.e consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or snccessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ArMr......1r~_.<<7,.IHr'Wr-~rt~..__..~....~1r~'IMMMI'....~..........._.....,...... l~.~1r""""'~~"'Y PARCEL ONE ALL those c.rtain streets, roads or lanes, 8ituate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and d.signated as Jennings Road and part of Booth Road, on a certain map entitle4 "Map of Oakridge HiJ.ls, .ituate at Southold, ,Town of SouthOld, Suffolk County, New York, owned and developed by Southold Builders, Inc., Southold. New York · and tiled in the offic. of the Clerk of the County of SuffoJ.k on April 30th 1962 as Map No. 3555, more particularly bounded and descrioed according to 8ai4 map as foJ.low.:- BEGINNING at a point on the .outhwe8terly side of Horton Lane di.tant 753.50 feet 80utheasterly fran the corner fonaed by the inter.e.tion ot the .outhw.sterly 8ide of Horton Lane with the .0uth....teJ:'~ s,tdeot"Sound .V~,:w ,lorenue and which point of beginning ,is, ."~,' ao.di,., t, ',' QU:(;h, ~"",8',t,~rlT, ~," '_,~~, 2, . f" e, et,along th, e" Salli" 80uthwesterly , Une, of !lor on ,J.aD,ttrQ'4' a point. wbere the .... is int'eriected or '. the .O~th, ,.:~eJ;'i." y i1id.! .Of;J., and', no!" ,Of',Clement ..Boot~;H trom .&1d '" I polnt ot.J> " nning :&'Ui'1n1ng~ the fOllowing ~ight(8) OGttrses and , distanJ'e" * , ' , " 1 (1) ~h.th'4a desre!l~12~c'~.t1ute,8 00,..conds westH765.85 ten to I all!o~tll!l.~ntJn,d:Landot Je.nnil1g~);_c . , 'c .' ,,In .Ir.r~}1_ ~S ~~e... ll?~i,nllte! 30, .econd. ~e.~, a distance of 150.:51 teet ~o~ Bald landot Jenning. to a !1lonumentJ, . ." ~\ . (3) N~th: ,48 de~ee. ~J!linute.. 00 seconds eut a df-atance c lof l50t8et.raJ.o~g land of ~~thoJ.dBuilder', Inc. toa monument;, ,(4) ~:rtb,J5 d.gre..15H~nute8 30 sec~nds west a distance ,ot li7.}.4 t,:,t ~lons land ,~J'.~:uthol~ BUilders, Inc. to land ,of Booth) ", (p), 1t~)oth 48 4.g...~ 5~!JI4.nut~~ 40 "conda eut a diStance of I 50.28 ,t...t~ong land ot Booth; ,.' ," ',' . (~) ~'u.th 35 ~egr~.s l:Sminut'.. 30 seconds eut a diatance of l5e;.'T3 fe.~~).lons :L-an~ O_r~O_ll~~Ol~~~:ld.ra, Ill.. ,to a 'IIODUIIltiDtl , . " .. (7) N~th48d.gre"'86m1nute8 00 second. "ea:st .. di.tance of ! 554. 55.~t;.et"~lol1g lai4. 0'1 SOUt'hold Build.lO.; IDe.' 'to'. monument on th., ,8ouj;.hw,l'tJtri.y !Ii~ ~ot Horton LaZur; ., . (~) SGtlt,I147 d,~e._s -48 minute. 00 ..colld.ua1Ja':ct1stance of 5Q. 301'~t~!'11g .afa .dU't'hwest.rly' .ide ot H<tl'tonLane to' 'a monument and thepo1~ of ~(}finffiJ!G~'" ' . ", ifiP~i~~ain plot, piece or jlareel ot land aituate, 111ng aDCl being at So~hold, T~YD of Southold, Oount1 '~~ Suffolk and State , . .' ,'''' ..J<..'. " ! ."'J ~- '!;, : r t~5249~,Gf 37 BEGINNING at a point Dlarkedby a Dlonum.nt on the southeasterly -fiG.e .,or, Sound Vin Av'enu.edistmt 'southwesterly 480 feet 1',rGmthe intersection 01' the said southeasterly line 01' Sound View Avenue with thesouthwuterJ.yside 01' Horton Lane; from said point 01' be,ginning rfi"'",?nS1;l!e l~ll.'o.w:1:~s~.x ,( 6). oour~u and, di stances:.. (1 )Scl'!11;~1>7d;liI.gre... .~. JI11~~t.. 00 ~see.onc;s east 32S',iO het , along land, _9tCl~eptrW.Bol1than~ . ~" Kramer to a point; ,.'.. (2) Sou:t~. ;s5:c!'ire.u ;L5, minutu 30upondll, east a distance I: 01' 170..82 feet, to1.and 01' S~utl1old. Builders, Inc.,whioh point 18 I 8.1s.o. the northwes1;.erly ,teJ:'Dlihus 01' the northeasterly side of Booth i Road .as described in Parcel One above; " ., : i (3) South 48 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds west a distance I of 50~26 feet alo~~land,ofSciuthol~ Builders, Inc. to a point, whioh i point.is also, theDOrthwesterly teJ:'Dlinusof the northwesterly side 01' I Booth Road 8.sJi~.l!cribed 1,n P.al'gelOne above; ". " . : , . (4) NOI'tp. 35 degrees lIS minutes 3O'sElcondl! ...est a diltance 01' 170.45 .feet along land 01' Clament W. Booth to a monument; . . : , (5) NQ~1;h~7degrees48 minutes 00 seconds west 'a distance ot 323.96 teet along lan,ti ot OrlementW., Booth and A. Garcia to a monu- ment on the...outhealiterl'1l1.1de ;ot Sound new Avenue;' . (6) lIort;tl.4'2 degreelf '51 Dlinutes 00 seconds east a distance 01' 50.00.1'eet along the .aid southeasterly side otSoUDd '/in 'Avenue to a monlimenta.n.cl. the plaoe 01' BEGINNING. .' . . The.. abod.twQPlP'oellJ.ot d..ellcribed land compriSe 'a road 50 feet I..ide,at.p.l~ot.~t).r~ng trGmHorton Lane80uthwe.terly to lmd 01' I HeXlI':Y Jeim1!l,g1l the:Ace rromapo1,:qt therein northwesterly to the . south- I :easterJ.yslQe 01' Sound ViewAvenue. . II .1 " I Ii il Ii ii Ii Ii Ii II I I I I I of New Xork boun~ed ~dd.scI'1)e4 ~s followa:- > , I II Ii ,I I' I . . , , , ~ ;,,;,,: ........., ~'" "'J . .~' " II tm5219 !45f~ 38. ( "4'_' TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and aU the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assilns of the party of the second part forever. ,'i AND the party of the lint part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything ! whereby the said ~ have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid " AND the party ofl.the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of ., t.". the first part willreoeive tlte consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to reoeiye such consid- eration as a trust flInd to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to ~ paytpent of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for j 1 any other PU"P"se.< ,'--'" -.,.. ! The word "party" shall be constn..d as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. \, :..... Ii IN WITNESS ~*QEOF, the party of the lint part bas duly executed this dee4 the day and year first above written. IN PIlESIlNCE 01': (Seal) :~t~~4 A.l bert F. art1n pr~~4:- (L.S) Clement W. BQoth , I. ,. I " I: . rr .- ~.- -, II . : );.~:~._~ .,. . ".1'.-14 ,;:.\:. f !JBEP.5249 p.~Gf ~ STATI O' NIW TOU. COUNTY O. 55. STATE O. NIW YORII. COU~ SUFFOLK 55. On the I s;- day of ~ '- 1 1962, before me personally came - Clement W. Booth to me known, to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. n ~ (J~L'~~" - rI. ~ "- LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON NOTARY PUBLIC, Stote of New York Suffolk County No. 52-1077685 Term Expin~s Mora, 30. 1ge LEFFERTS PA.INE EDSOr~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Suffolk County No. 52-J077685' Term ExplrE:s Morch 30. 196i 'd ~ e A:I< 1l>t '" . -~ ~Il: 1ii~ tIt~ 1~ .. ;:: z 1ii~ ~~ l'II= ~ . o r:l H ~ "' .. .. ~ .. III ~,d GI-P 'dO .....0 .....ril ;j ril . 'd!l: .....-P or:l ,dGl ~m 0..... ~O e o Eo< o E-< 'd ..... o :S ;j o <I) ..... o rl ll: ~ 0 " z is '" 0 u ~ .. ~ 0 ~ ~ ::> '" 0 ~ ~ u .. .. '" ~ i .. E ~ ~ ~ . . '" RECORDED (.) ..-- OC. T 18 }96~ @ 9:65'/1 M. NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk 01 Suffolk County '~-2~:~ ~/ '~~~ ~~-. ,':- .", On the day of personally came 19 . before me to me known to be the individual described in and whQ executed the foregoing instrument, and aclOlowledged that executed the same. 55. On the day of personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, heing by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. 1l.s ~ g 'Ole ~ 'd . .......... ~ ~.8 ~a 'i ..... -P a .s~&!~ t:> zii'l '0..... ~ j .~ '0 ! ~~! ~ .. = \- .!!.:s HNnO:l )l10~:lnS .:10 )lH31:! , ~:\'H"-' r C ; I ,: .:1 Z~l kY SO 6 ~I DL! ,,''In)Jrl'''\j .(~Nno::J Ji r.: . '.. -:'0 J/!,)(14"" i ";{ ..\ !!-:.~: "'!S' .J Ai ,.> lu ,.. ~ l/n) Ji '"' 19 , before me STAT! O. HIW YOu. COU O. 55. STATI O. NIW YOU. COUNTY 0.. On the ~y of . . 1962 , before me personally came Al ert F. Martin to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. 1~4 Jetterson Ave Roa1yn Heights New York that he IS the President of that he knows Southold Builderll, ~!t@~rporalion described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporalion; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- execute the same; and that he, said witness, lion, and that he signed h i &Pame thereto by like order. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~'(I~~ . C' .. I>l Bl .. I II. " O~ !~ S!~ 0'" ..0 ~" z :l ~g S >- ~ Z .. r:l o III 'd I>l .!II ~ . " :zl j . .S ~~ =~ . Po 'd .. 1Il,,'d -PO..... ~p:;.a .....r:l-P .......-ti:S Gl"O ,.;j::i~ ....r ,,\ ~: J '" <_J: 1>. ~. ~;.~.~ ~ ~ ~~ () I~ ;~ <'v " ,,,,I " II:',