HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnited States of America - -- - :~T- ~~-- ----. - -.--,. ~_."..- ---. ~ u-r'u .. . . . . , , \ USER 4614 PAGE 296 ~ 1BIi:D THIS IlilBN'l'UllE, BAde tbis I' day of' ~/1959, between the UNITED SD:rES OF AHEllICA., aotiDg ~ aDd through the .11lmiISTBA.'l'OR OF GEIIERAL SERVICES, under aDd. plU'SUlI11t to po1I81'S end 811.theritT oOlltaiDe4 :U1 the Federal Property' aDd. ~......trat1ve Services Act of' 1949 (63 Stat. 377) as Ill"e"detl, lUId the Surplus ProP8l'tT Act of' 1944 (58 stat. 765) as _<tI""', ., 8JId Regulations and Orders prolll1lgated thereuJlder, partT of' the first pari, Q.) .n fZ<"" aDd 'the '.IDWN of' soomaLD, Suf'f'olk CcmntT, a JIlDicipal corperat101l exist:lJ'lg 1UII:ler 1i1e laws of' the State ot ]lew York, part,y of' tbe second part (SOllle~s here:l.Jlaf'ter referred to as the -Or811.tee-), WITNESSETHI i ihat the said pe:r1;y of' the tirst part, tor aDd :U1 cOJIIliclera't1ll11 i I I of the asSllDlption by the party of' the second part of all the oltligatiOJlll aDd the 'ta1ri"g subject to certain resemt1ons, restrict1ons, cOlldit101111 end CGTenants, all as set out hereiDatter, does hereby 1'UIiee, relealse aDd I forever qui tellliJll '\1Jlto the }l8r't7 of the second part, its successors aDd assigns, v.l.1i1011t rep:resentat1on or -.nmtT, lIIpl'ess or iIIIplied, '\1Jlcler ad 8llbject to the reeervat1ons, :restrictions, conditions, covenants end e:mept1ons as hereinaf'ter set forth, the fo11oldDg described prOpertTl .All those tracts, pieces or parcels of' land situate OIl Fishers Island in the Town of Scuthold, County of SuUolk, State of' Hew York, bounded and desoribed as f'ol1Ol18I I i 1st Tract i I Beg1mliDg at the intersect10n of' the Southvester3;r line of' Jleaoh A_e with the Southeaster~ line of' Equestrian Averme, saiel point being located 618.25 feet North and .3873.92 feet West ot lJ. S. Ooast &. Geode't1o 'l'rianga'Ut101l Sta't1en -PIilJSa end from said point :r>.....h.g OIl a _ree of Scla.th la. degrees 46 m..u.tes Vest 59.7 teet; tit"'"' South ." degrees 28 IIim1tes 15 seconds Weet 11.05 teet; these last two lines beiBg along the SouthelSter~ liDe ot Jrquutrian A_; th_ South 28 d8p'ees" 19 IIl.Dates Veet 119.31 teet; thence South 46 degrees 39 IIim1tes West 82.4 teet; thAce Swth 67 de~ 13 lId..ml'te8 Vut 2723.2 f'eetJ th_ 8ft1lh 22 degrees 47 IIIimltes East 125.0 teet; tl:leDce South 67 degrees 13 IIIimltes Vest .329.2 teet; thence North 22 degrees 47 JdJmtes 1Iest 125.0 teet; thence South 67 degrees 13 IliJmtes West 785.60 teet to the EasterlT shore of' Fishers Island Scm1ld; ~e in a general Souther~ end Easter~ direct101l &l.cmg / ~'~/ --..:- l "'<>--~-::"""."'~'-" ,," ,.,'" '~.' ''''''>..". .eo,,, "'.~.""."'-_.... ._"_W':- '~.".'._-: T , , i , I LlBER4614 PAGE297 I I the lIho1'8 ~ F:Lshers Ia1.aDd Sound ad. Block Islad 80lmd a toW distaDoe of allGut 8300 teet; thence on a COU1'IIe ot lfor1Il 1.3 degrees 20 1d.D1..... West 107 t..t; thence Nerth 76 degrees Q IdJmtes ..t 386 teet; thece Iortls 39 dep'ees 111 Id.D1tes kG .. seconds West 64.38 teet; theaoe Ior1b 39 degrees hS mlmttes 10 secnU West 226.28 teet; thence BOItth 25 degrees 36 mlmttes SO seconU Eat 32.36 teet; thence South 26 degrees 2 m:lJm:tes 30 seconds West 1.31.81 teet; t.heJIce South 77 degrees 17 m:I.m1tes West 202.32 feet; taeace North 67 degrees 36 ...tes West 31a.57 feet; theace Iforth 61 clegrees 26 m:lJmtes West 447.94 teet; thence Nortls 78 degre811 31 IIl1JIates 10 seeOlldsWest 28433 teet; tbeaee North 84 degrees 21 m:I.m1tes 15 seconds W8IIt 3!JS.39 teet; t.beDoe Nortls 47 degrees 7 m:I.m1tes 40 seCOJlds Weet 514.09 teet to the point ot beginning, the last 8 lines tollowing along the South- easterly', Southerly aJld Southwester17 line of Beach Avena.e. 2nd Tract Beg:inJlinc at a point on the Northerly: side ot lIIrl.stler ,beau, sai4 point being located 2Ol.ll teet Sou'th aDd. 5496.17 feet West ot U. S. Gout & Geodetic '.f.'101azl&ulatiCll Station "PIma aDd. trom saill.point runniDg Ilorth 25 degree8 10 m:I.m1tea West 165.9 t..t; theDce JIorth 79 degrees 3 III1m1tes West 105.9 teet; theDCe Jlorth 25 degre811 36 IIlJmtes West 37 t..t, llI01'e or less, to the more ot Silver le1 Cove; thence in a Iforthn.terq d1rection alae the shore of 'the Cove about 145 feet; theIIce Jforthe&8terly' at1'1&bt 8Dg1.es 2S.2 teet. thence Jlorthnsterq ahOu.t 360.k teet, the 1ut two lines being along the dock; thece Sou.th 47 degrees 3111inutes West 275.9 teet; thence Sou.th 111 degrees 52....* East 618.6 teet; theBee Iorth 67 d6gues 13 m:I.m1tes But 30.25 teet, this line abu.tt.1.Dg Soather17 on 'hut 11; 'tIIeBce North 111 degrees 52 IIlDates 1I8st 575.4 feet; theace Borth 47 degrees 31 m:I.m1tes East 97.86 feet; thence South lU degre811 6 m:I.m1tes Eat 489.47 teet; thence Jlorth 67 degreea 17 llliatea Bast 157.85 teet; 'thence North 53 degrees 15 IIIl.nutes Bast 89.31 feet; theace South 25 degrees 10 IlIimltes :Ballt 159.9 teet; thence Jlorth 67 degrees 13 m:lJmtes BUt 24.2 teet to the h:nt ot beginning, this last line abu.tting Sou'therq on Tract ro....,.."'It VIm the avenues, streets, roads, lanes, l'IImIIl1'B and other pned 81'8as aDd. together also w:I.'th Bnildings Numered 8, 50, 62, 101, JJl,.. 118, 126, 127, 130, 150, 161, 239, 254 aDd T365. T<luI!=.u .ALSO w:I.'th tbe appar+..m...."8S aDd III 'the estate and rights ot the party of the tust part; in and to said praises. - 2 - "'-n,w-, -'_........--.-_ ----'-"-- ."l' r. I; . . . I . . I uOOl4614 ~GE298 , 1 roGE'.lHKR II1JtJ with the riparian ri&hts, it' ~, and the right, titJ.e I and interest to the land under water immediate17 in front of and on the shores , acljoiDiDg a portion of the premises above described and under the waters of I Fishers Island Sound on the north as granted by Letters Patent recorded in the Office of the Secretary of State, .AlblulT, Hew York, in Book of Patents 44 at Page 674 insofar as the lands under water adjoin and are appll1'tenant to the above described property and as lIho1ln upon the map on .tile in the Office of the Secretary of State relating to said Patent. ~ AIm with and subject to the provisions of deed by the party of the first part to Race Po:l.nt Corporation dated ~ 1',lf.r?, conveying property' north of lihistler ATeDIle. ~.L!lU, HOIII!:VER, frem the above described property the sa1 t-water distriblltion system, the f1"esh_ter distribllt:i.on S1Stea, the electric dill- triblltion system, the sani tar;y sewer system, and all telephone and other co....,"i cation lines serving the propertT hereby C011T818d aDd the ~ looatecl north of Whistler Avenue now or former17 of the pertT of the first part. '1lPSERVING unto the United States of America, its successors and assigns, the rigl1t of 1JJgress and egress for the purpose of maintai"i~ repair.I..ng and retIIOT.i.ng of the storm warIIing tower ad equiplll8l1t located on the easter17 boundary of the above described preml.ses, near Prospect Road. ..........v.L.I.'fG also unto the United states of Alllerioa, its successors lIlId assigns, the right to berth in SUver Eel Cove and the right to use the docks or piers included in the above described pr&i1!l8ll, wi thout ~ charge or expense. lllSERVING allo unto the United States of .lmer:l.oa, its SUccessors and assigns, the right to use in c_ with otbers for roaclwaiY and higb.inv parpos., Whiltler A_e, T1'IUIIbull Drive, and Horth Military Road, alse k:rI01m as Ore_od Road, until such time as the S81118 are dedicated for plbl1c road and highwa;y ptU'pOsel!l. - 3 - . r:~' .....~. '-......,.. -~~._~."._- ---':~"''''~--~'--'''''-"""'''[T''''"J''"''''''''''''----'''-~-<'''''''_'_''~'~'''''''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''''-~..~., ___"'__..._____ ..._ ._____ I . .!! . I L1BER4614 PAGf299 ! ...A....mo also unw the United States ot .berioa, its nccessors and assiP. an easement for iDgress and egress to and from the prem:l.ses occupied by t.he United States ot .America in. on, over and through ~er LarIe and lIlI;l7 avenue, street, road or lane 1'W1Iling around the cove and docking area which ma;r be included in the above described premises. Subject to the fallowing. (a) Easements for the lIIlliJltenance and repair of the water. electric. telephone and other cmmnnn' cation lines and sewer l1Jles. and eas_ts tor ingress and egress tf11.' such pu.rpeS8S granted or to be granted by the party of the t1rst part to Race Point Corporation by the aforesaid deed dated ~ ",''1r.,. (b) Bld.atiDg easemeats ff11.' pu.blio reads and hiP1f8iF8. pllblie ut:l.llties. pi,..H_e. dra:I.Mge and 8e1I8r lIllIins affecting the premises. (0) T_. provisions. conditicms. covenaats and rastrieticms ccmtaiDed in instrl1llleata of record. (d) Lease 1!I1mlB (H)-3847 to Fiailers Island Telephone Co:rporation. Fishers Island. Hew York. terminating J~ 2. 1959, leasing certain properV' for colllllDnication pu.rpoS8S and tor the installation of one pair ot telephane oo:adactors, flDC88ed ill cable extending approx:l.Jlately 2,000 feet from the lIlIin gate, Fort H. G.Wr1ght. along Whistler Avenue to adlding No. 116 at said 1II1l1tar,y rase1'9'&tion. tegether 1d.th the right to lq and mintain a telephone line adjacent to South llllitar,r Bead Oll said reservation, a distance of app1'Cll%l.ately 550 feet trom said Building Jro. 116 to adlding No. 254 and :further, the right to install and maintain a telephone on the OIltaide ot wall of a,n"i"g No. 254- (8) Rights granted or to be granted to the :Race Point Corporation to use, OCCll.PT and 1II8intain Bailding F-3 and F-31 for telephone and other -..ioation puposes. and BlIildings 208 and 1'-382 tor sewage po.rposes. situated SOll.th of 1Iaistler A..-e JI8&r the easterly' boundary of the above described premises, Bear Prospect Road. -4- -,.,.-.-:c.....~.- l'C, C" .,..."..",.,.. -""'-- ',",~_ ---'-;--"-~'-'-~-C-__'C-_ .'-'~ .l"c" : . . , ' untR4614 PAGE300 Said property transferred hereby 1188 ~ dete1'lllioed to be 81lrp1.1l8 and assiped to the General Sel"lioes Administration for disposal, pnrsuant to the previsiOns of the Federal Property' II1d ltl1lr11'j'!.strative Services .lot of 19h.9, as 8JlIeIlded, and the Surplus Property'.lot of 1944, all ammded, and applicable rules, orders and regulations. TO lU.VE AllD ro HOLD said preIIises, with the ~es, except the property and rights reserred and ccepted above, 1IlIIder and 81lbject to the reservations, restrictions, covenante and conditions lIet forth herein, unto tile llaid party of' the secOlld part, its nec.sers ad ueipe, ferever. By the acceptaace of this deed, or mr rights hereunder, the said par'\;J' of' the second part, for itself', its SIlCO_SOrs 8Dd. assipe, agrees that tile pr8l1..s c"""'I3~d hereby' are accepted nbjeet to the foDPtilDgre&.... ..tiona, restriet.1oIlS and oondi1;1ons set forth in Paragraphs 1 tbrlMgh 6 below, whieb. shall be deemed to be eovenmts l"lIJlIling with the land, except that the proT.l.sions of Paragraphs la and lb shall be ~d to be eonditions SIlbeequent, aII;1thing to the cont1'U'Y herein JlOtwithst""tt1"g. 1. ll3B BY 'DIB GllAImE a. That, ccept as provided iJl. nbparagreph (4) hereof, the above described property, hereiJl.a:tter called DtIle airport-, shall be used reI' the 11IIe md benefit at the pnblio as a pnblic airport on reuonable term and withOtlt lDIj11llt disor.l.Dd.nation and 1d. thllll1t grant or uuctse ot Im1' fIIDlullive right tor use of the aiJport within the ..."i"l of' nbsection 13 (g) (2) (C) of the SUrplus Property Jet of 1944, as "-dede b. 1hat, except as provided iJl. nbparagraph (d) hereof, tbe entire l....M,,1 area, and all stractures, iDproV8Jllmts, facUities and equ1pM11t in which UV' iJl.terest is t:ransterred shall be Ilaintained for the use and bel:lefit of the pnblic at all td.mes in pod. and serneeable oondition to US1Ire its effioient operation, prn1ded, hneftr, that neb. _intenaDce shall be requirsd all to iIIp!'O'hIII&Dts, facilities, and equiJll1lllll1t cm:t:.r dDr1JIg tbe ~der of their est:iJlated lite as deterlliDed by' the ltl1lr1metrator of the Federal A'ri.ation Agene;y or his fteeessor. In the event _terials are -,- ""'''-'.'.''-'',''''~'',-,,,, ~ --, ,-~.",.,.,.".. '"'--'~"~.--.,'-'~.--"~-'."- -...-.....,--.,...,..-.-------, .n~ :-,T ~ . . , 1 , lIBER4614 PAGE301 required to rehaI:llli tate or repair certain ot the ato~tioned iJaprov_ts. tacilities, or equipment, tb.er ma;r be pro=red by demolitiem ot other illlprove- 1llEIlts, tacili.ti8lll, or equipllEl1t come;yed hereby and located em the abo..... described premises, 1i1ich, in the opinion ot the Adllinistrator ot the Federal Aviatiem Agency or his successor, haw outliTed their use as airpGrt prop8rtT. c. That insetar as is 111 ibiD its power the Grantee shall adequ.a~ clear and protect the aerial approaches to the airport by' remoT.l.ng, 10llering, relocating, markiDg or lighting, or otherwise IIII.tigating EIld.sting a:l..rport hazards and by preventing the 8lIItabllu-t or erection ot tature airport hazards. d. i'hat none ot 'lbe propertT described abow shall be used. leued, sold or disposed of by the G:r&Iltee tar. other than airport pa.rposes without the written COMent ot the im.i..istrawr of the Federal AT.l.atiem J.&ucrT. which CODBent shall be graated o~ it tbe .&.1l1ni..istrator ot the Federal Aviation Ag8nC)" determines 'lbat the property can be 'U.sed, leuM. sold or di8poeed ot ter other than aizport po.rposes without IIaterially aDd 8dnmt~ aftecting the dEmllopment, iIIIprovement, operation, or mainten""" of the airport at which nch property is located. 2. USE BY _ GOVl!:Il1Rft a. !hat the 11m;lied States ot .berica t.b.nngh IIBT of its ap1.o1"s or agents 8hel1 at all times have the right to ..... non-excl1l.8:1;,. use of the landing area ot the airport at which tlle abO'Vll property' is located or used, without charge, p:rn1~ h01llllTer. that such use IIllIIT be llm:I.ted as ma;r be determined at IIBT tiBB by the a.m.t ..1..trator of the Federal AT.l.ation Jgency to be Decellsa17 to preTeJlt UDdne iDterte1'8llCe wiib use by oiber authorized a1rcrati;, preT.i.ded, further ibat tlle ll'rIited States sball be obligated to pIq for damages cased by sum use, or, it its use ot the land- ing - is III1betant:l.al, to contribllte a reasonable ahare of the cost ot 1I81n1>ao1..1..g and operating the lllDdLng area CClllllllBlUlU1'te with tlle use __ by it b. That dI1r!Dg azr.y national ..rgemq declared by the Presid_t of the UIIi'Mr:l States of .berica or the Congress thereof, 1ncluc1:Ulg IIBT existing national emergency, tlle Ullited states shall haw the right to mab -6- --~._-,_._-~ -l'~~' . .._..~~.-.- _.~__~_.n n' . ---... ~ ~--, --~,"C,~----~---~--- .------ -. T ~_~m__ . .-~ r ' . . , , ii. ' .. UBER 461. 4: PAGE 302 I exclusive or non-exclusive use and have exclusive or non-exclusive control and possession, lIithout charge, of the airport at which the above propert,y is lecated or ued, as it then msts, or of such portion thereof as it '1I'IIq desire; provided., hcmIver, that the United States shall be responsible for the entire cost of IIllIintaining such part of the airport as it l1l8;1ue exclusively, or over which it '1I'IIq have exclusive possession or control, during the period of such use, possession, or control and shall be obligated i . to contribtlte a reasonable share, cOllllllensurate with the use made by it, of the cm of IIllIintenaJlce of such property as it S3' use non-exclusively or over which it IIlIIiY have non-emlusive control and possession; proT.l.ded, further, that the United States 8ha1l Pill' a fair rental for ite use, control, or possesSion, exclusively or nan-emlusive1y, of lIJIi1 iIIproYeAellts to the airport made without United States aid and never O1I:lled by the United States. 3. }mIrni!r:r.11II'IlOOS a. That no exclusive right, as defined in subsection (g) (2) (e) of section 13 of the SurplUll Property Act of 1944, as amended, for the use of the airport at which the above property is located or used shall be vested (aither directly or indirectly) in lIJIi1 pe1'l!lon or persons to tl:le exclusion of others in the same class. b. That the Grantee, by acceptalnce of this deed and the property conveyed hereby do~s hereby release the United States from lI!V aDd all l1abilit,y it IIlIIiY be under for restoration or .ther daJlages UDder 8I1T lease or other agreement covering the ue by the United States of 8I1T airport, or part thereof, owned, controlled, or operated. by the Grantee, upon which, adjacent to which, or in connection with which the above property is or was located or used; provided, that no such release shall be construed as depriving the Grantee of any r;\#lt it IIlIIiY otherwise have to receive reimbursemsnt under section 17 of the Federal Airport .lct,as -ded, fC' for the necessary rehabilitation or repair of public airports heretofore or hereafter substantially damaged by lI!V Federal agency. - 7 - -- m~,~~__ --'----:-~-~~~--"._~ _..-._---~~ _..~..-.. _..~--.--- _.---~-----,--------- . ',-:---r"" I! . . I . , I . uBER4614 PAGE303 II 4. llBSIIl:RVA'l'IOJIS AHD RIS'l'llIC'l'IOllS ! II a. That, in the event that 81J:Y of the terms, conditions, reservations, and reetrictions upon or subject tel lbich tbe above property I is conveyed are not met, observed, or cOlllp1ied w.l.th, llhether d11e to legel iDab:l.lit,. or otherwise. the title, ri&ht of possession, am all other nptll traMferred shall at tbe option of the United states revert in then msting condition 1;0 the United States upon d_d llI&de in writing by' the J~ni..trator of the Federal Aviation Agency', CiI1' his successor, at least s1.xtT (60) dql!I prior to tbe date f1xed for the reveet1Dg of such title, ri&ht of possession, cd other rights treDllferred, pro'Vided the breach shall not have been remedied within euob. s1.xtT (60) dq period. b. That tbe above property ~ be successi...:Qr traMferred ~ with approval of the lQllrl ni strater of the Federel A'Viation .lgemq, or his successor, to the extent required by' the pro'Visions of Pllragraph I (d). with proviso that srry such trensferes as!lUll8S all the obligations iJIIposed herein. c. If the construction as covenants of aDy of the feregoiDg reservations cd restrictions red ted herein as covenants or the application of the same as covenantll in an;r partieular instance is held invaLid, the partiftlar reservations or restrictions in cpeetion eball be construed iJlstead II8rSly' as conditions upol:l. the breach of 1ibich the United states 'IIIIl3' C'81'Cise its IIIption tel cause the title, interest, right of possession, and other rights traBeferred. CiI1' aDy pertion thereot, to revert to it, and tile application of neb reservations or restrictions as covenants in 81J:Y other instance and the constr\1Ction of. the reIII81nder of such reservations and restrictions as COTeJ:W1ts shall not be attected thErtlby. S. MllIE1l&L RIlES '1'he llTantee, tor itself aDd its successors cd assigne, agrees that no subsurface ri&hts to m:Lner8ls or o1:ll.er :lntereets incJnded in the property trensferred hereby' tor airport purposes lIbell be exploited in euch a W8lY as w.I.ll interfere w.I. th the efficient operation of the airpor~ - 8 - n ~.~ ,~_~~~~,!,".""",,,!,~.,,~_.. d"'''-'-.",~' _"'_~_"~'~ .~,. . .nm',~.",'...___ ",__,,, .....~.." "~P ., .. f"O'" ,.....,~~n:___,.___,...;' ."':.~~ ,.~,..V'W::', .:~_ . , , . . . . . " . LlBER4614 PAGE304 6. RI<HT OF INSPliCTION ~e Grantee, tor itself' an<l its successors and assigus, I agrees that the General Services A<ininistration and the Federal Aviation II , Agmcy, or the designated represmtativeIl ot either ot th_, or their I successors :In function, sball have the r.i.ght to inspect the airport at all times. IN WI'm'e i1HJiR][)F, the party of the first part has caused this instl'l1ment to be executed in its n8llle by Walter F. Lbwney, Reglonal Ccmmissioner, Region 2, General Services AdIWrl.stration, who has hereunto af'fixed his hand and seal the d8y and year first above wri. ttll'1. UNITED STATl5 OF AKIiRICA Acting by and through the AlKINIS'lRA'lm OF GENPRAL Sl!RVICm Witnesst aH~:I'''''';l - 9 - --.- . .' . . , . , . . . . . l!BER4614 p~GE305 STATE OF NEll! YORK ~ ~ SSs COUNTY OF NEW YORK (h this If, day of ~ ' I:t:~ before me personally appeared Walter F. Downey, Rsgional Commissioner, Region 2, New York, General Services Administration, residing at 15 Overhill Lane, Flower Hill, L.I., New York. to me known and knolm to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing inrtrument and to be the Regional Commissioner, Region 2, New york. General Services Administration, du1;y delegated, empowered and authorized by the Administrator of General Services, and who acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument for and on beh:llf of the Administrator of General Services, acting for and en behalf of the Um ted States of America for the purposes and uses therein de~ribed. r;;) CL-,-~<---yG.~-<-~ PAUL F. C'RILLO MOT ARY PUBLIC. 5T A TE OF NEW YORK No. 24.5699750 Qualified i.. Kings County Cert. Fi;ed wiih the New York Co. CI.rtJ STATE OF NEW YORK ) Commission Expires March 30, 1960 ) 55: ) COUNTY OF ) on the day of , 19 , before me came . to me known. who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at . that he 15 . of . the corpora tion des- cribed in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. . QECORDED - .APR20 ~9 ~'/~ '.M. M-EX ^ e&R !ilo'" 01 5oIloIk c__ ~ - --- ..~ .~- - -- .../-.- ~ _~, I ,.,. " __', 'I,' 'I: __ "-:1,~. . ,., I i, " OR CgNV.rytFD, '.' ( " 'M.REFeK,(?J!:?) To TH.!!' ,HA$/V'''TIi::;c ME.€l?l/:i,',v " I -',. - , , -"f.<?E R;t'<!'E/U3EI) 7'0 TH" ?;/;ZU,Y;: )'7,1N!,IOIAPc.. , . 0 IJ ,tl " __ j d ' ,,, , ,~ , " !- 'I" " . ~,. ~ ~____" , i ,: :' :", -I' r f,.:;. t~ 1/ I " L~' I I' ,I .--..--- ".[ , ' _ i " ,# ,~ ,... .~~ 'I j " "if,',' 'I ",.+" '''''' ' (" , ~-~ r" ' ". I' -. , ' j .-"-- l,..- ;' . " ,j I 6' " .. ' , . --...-' 'I' ' '-" ,->' I ":, ," I I ", I I ,\, I , ~ " I ", - I ", 5 " .' '" I, J , \ 1 \.... u ,I ,;" ~ . ' I. I " ' "" I ~ , . II ",.,- " ,I. I 1,1 1 ' , ,I t, .' , , I I r I '" ,,,, f' 15 I ,-" ,{ ,/ " .' , , ,,' I" , \ ' f" 1'1 I , V", ij I't, r' t ,~ " : i ,- ~..", r", Q .1'11 , I _ _ I I ( ! I ,----"Ii I I ~ ,~' , L . I " \ ~ ~r::"t(/IPlG.) " " I I \ tll ),:. II (S;!12.3, "" 'i - IK \ Q 1. .J4,a, .' 2i.' " , \ e.G. G .j 6t.~" hi' (;In, f AI J'/'/~'W:~ti'8;4t'~' _. ) , i. ( ',: 'i, , -' .- ~ d,.......'-'~IffP /J1l1,'II/:. " ,I ;s~z.~;z(..'f;..',i/.IoI' ' A;-_ I ,',., ... wf..._J~'F'<' " _ '. 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