HomeMy WebLinkAboutMehl, Arthur 1 I ~ Q I -9 +>1 CD ;1 <>, CD cD I I!<.CCl ! FORM 555 N. Y. OEED_ BARGAIN AND SALE CLaws or 19]7, Obap.1S81, Statutory Form B ) ~UT~lANX REGI5TERW U'~P~~O-::C-E T~ TuftleLawPnnt,Publ/shers.Rld/andVl I ~~i~ ~uamtu~~ w.2J5 Made the /3> 8-.. fifty-eight iStthrttn ARTHUR MEHL, residing at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, day of May Nineteen Hundred and County of SUffolk and State of New York. part y of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with principal office and place of business at 16 South street, Greenport, Town of Southold, County of SUffolk and state of New York. part y of the second part, OOfdnt_tth, that the party of the first part, in consideration of One and 00/100------------------------------------------------Dollar (I 1.00 ) lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the part Y of the second part, do e s hereby grant and release unto the parq of the second part it,s representatives and aBsiJns foriflJer, all that tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold. County of SUffolk and state of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly line of the proposed 5).0' highway to be known a s "Griffing street". which begins at a monument on the northwesterly line of the Main Road at the southerly corner of land of Arthur Mehl where said land adjoins land of Kurczewski; from said point of beginning running along said land of Kurczewski, 3 courses, as follows: 1) N. 400 02' 40ft W.-73.5 feet to a monument; thence 2) N. 380 04' 20" W.-187.4 feet to a post; thence 3) N. 390 09' 20" W.-50.17 feet; thence at right angles to the last described course, N. 500 50' 4011 E.-50.0 feet to an iron pipe , at the westerly corner of land of Charles Schneider; thence along said land of Schneider, 2 couI"ses;, as follows: j . ~ . 1) S. 390 09' 20" E.-50.64 feet to an iron pipe; thence 2) S. 380 04' '20" E.-49.36 feet to an iron pipe at the southerly . corner of said land; thence along said land of Mehl, 2 courses asr r" " II I r - UBER4464 P;CEZiB follows: 1) s. 490 22' 50" E.-76.93 feet; thence 2) s. 510 14' E.-118.0 feet to said northwesterly line of the Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line of the Main Road, s. 380 19' 40" W.-92.00 feet to the point of beginning. f 'I' LlBER4464. -28'7. ijo~~tr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, m..1!itUt mdl ht fr.-lit the premises herein Jfranted unto the party of the second part, its representatives and assiJfns forever., for highway purposes only. 3n euit~~ am~mllf. the party of the first part has hereunto set his hand Jln1flrt5tU(t of / / . 11/~M /?t:#::~1 and seal the day and year first Move written. ('/..v'~.u ~H. Arthur Mehl r -j i 'I I i ~I il I, ;t tIBER4jV! !'AGE 238 l! Qf'U~~; .~ ~~~k odt l..s. .tf ~ On this /3' 0 day of May 1- Nineteen Hundred and fifty-eight before me, the subscriber, personally appeared ARrHUR MEHL to me personally kTWwn and known to me to be the same person in and who executed the within Instrument, and he duly acknowledJed to me that he executed the same described L2 - / ' / / /"'-C::-~:h k-z....- ---/"'./- - ~~7 RECOqnEO MAY 26 1958 :fx~Zfe~R ~ C1e1l< 01 S.lIolk c..... ~' ~ \ ~- ~ \ ~ ~ i:J WILLIAM WICKHMJ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No. :>l.4LYJUUU Qualified in Suffolk Couuty Term e-xpuu Malcb 'OJ 195>> IlL'e" '- ((DC-a NAY tF .9 ,_, A[::-" ",4,1.,.", ~.~ ,:) t:c }" S iJ ;:, ,~:,'Fir if' ~7 F F. R "'-It /\," "j i,,/ I"y co . J ~ ll\ In ~ 1ft ~ "~ VJ .!:: ~ '" i~ bl~ ~ ~ x I ~ ~ " "" ~ ~ a: 'tl -J. ~ 1 ~~ " ~ = 0 w ~ ~ ~.~ ~ z " Ell .p "- hL . < ~ ::l 0 fal ~ 0 w In ~ r., .... '- .E 0 (/) <::l ~ ~~ ~ ~ .p ~ J ~ s:.. ~ - <C ::: E-< ;:I I ~ ~ <::l '~ ~ g ';'.llI \. Illr., , f-zlo ...~... ..~.," 9t., .~ I2l ~ ;-- I , <j :,!!!o~ '\. 'i , i"'t' "" ?f ".,)." -P, '- \ ...-I (-. ~ -j .p - .p "'" .~ .~ -"'.", '~ ~