HomeMy WebLinkAboutTeves, Alfred C ,..---no I , I II I. I il " I: ,i I' ,I , iil Iii Iii II I , I I L Ii Ii L III iil i'l II!i !I 1....'1 I, 1 11 II I! I :1 . II I !I I I" ii i n 1 ~ I, I I . , I II 'I Ii Ii iI 28$-Statutol'7 Form A. Warranty Deed with Full CovenantB. Indivldual. JULlU. aLU...II:RG. INC., LA.W .LANK PUaLlaHI!Q 71 BROADWAY AND t RECTOR.T., NIEW YORK ~ U.s.I.R.S ~, 5f.), . tEbi~ lnbtnturt, L1BER4256 PAG'E 53 Made the Sixth and fifty -seven, .ttWttn day of lebruan, nineteen hundred AIFRlID C. TEVES, residing at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, part y of the first part, and T<1lIN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of New York, having its principal offices at Greenport and at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, part y of the second part, - - "itnt~'ttbt that the part y of the first part, in consideration of - - - TERIm THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED ($3,200.) - - - - - DoUars, the sum or lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part do e s hereby grant and relt!ase unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, ~a' that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Horton's Point, near Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- BIOO-INNING at a cOlllOrete monument set on the northwesterly line of formerly designated as Horton Lane at the northeasterly corner of land,! or the Southold Park (Now of Town of Southold), District/and the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described; , . formerly designated as , and running along said land,6f the Southold Park District, North 56 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds West, 350 feet, more or less, to the ordi- , . nary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence northeasterly along said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, 80 feet, more or - .' ~ less, to land of Halbauer; thence along said land of Halbauer and along . land of Sara L. Hyatt, South 56 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds East, 350 feet, more or less, to said northwesterly line of Horton Lane; thence . , along said northwesterly line of Horton Lane, South 33 degrees 30 minute 20 seconds West, 80.0 feet to the point of beginning. fur i I I I I I " j I I I 'I 'I , , ;t H d , i I I I , :1 : i ,1 " , f\ I' ii u .- Ii ,I li I: d II !\ L II '. n , , n u Ii I. I. :.1 ~ ; n d !i ~ '; H d ':1 ii [i , H ti '1 Ii " Ii n i; " :i , , :l " " I i I ------ --- --- - , L1BEH4256 PAGE 64 . SUBJECT to the following covenants and restrictions: , 1. That neither the said party of the second part, nor its successors , , and assigns, shall or will manufacture or sell or cause or permit to be , manufactured or sold, 'on any portion of the premises hereby conveyed any , soods or merchandise of any kind, and will not carryon, or permit to be , , carried on, on any part of the premises, any trade or business whatso- ever, or any boarding house, or any trailer camp sites. , 2. That no dwelling costing less than $1500., and no outside toilets , or waterclosets are to be erected on said premises, nor will trailers be permitted upon said premises. 3. That sewage and/or waste water and garbage upon said premises shall be disposed of in such a manner as not to contaminate the potable , water supply upon said described premises or upon the premises adjacent thereto. , , ~~e foregoing covenants and/or restrictions are to run with the land and be binding upon the party of the second part and upon its successors and assigns forever. The said restrictions may be released or altered b~ Sara L. Hyatt at any time. t::ogetbtr with the appurtenances and alJ the estate and rights of the part y of the first part in and to said premises. t::o babe anb to bolb the premises herein granted unto the party its successors of the second part, and assigns forever. f fH --, anb the said party of the first part covenant S as follows: lIBER4256 PAGE 65 :fit~. -That the part y of the first part is and ha s good right to convey the same, seized of the said premises in fee simple, 6ttonb. -That the party of the second part sha/J quietly enjoy the said premises; ~irb. -That the said premises are free from incumbrances; jfourtfJ.-That the part y of the first part wi/J execute or procure any further necessary assur- ance of the title to said premises; jfiftfJ. -That the party of the first part wi/J forever warrant the title to said premises. 6ixtfJ. -That the grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that the grantor will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. ; Ii I In _ttne~~ _bereot, the part y of the first part has hereunto set his I I, I I, I hand and seal the day and year first above written. In pre_ente of: , ; ........~...~.......L.S. ........................................................................................L. S. I ........................................................................................L. S. _.....................................................................................L. S. I I .tattof ~untp of NEW YORK StlF-FOLK f --:: I: I I On the S lxth before me came day of rebruan, nineteen bundred and fifty - seven, AIPRlID C. ~, to me known and known to me to be tbe individual iIescribed in, and who executed, the foregoing in- :Strument, and acknowledged to me tbat he executed'tbe same. FEB 7 fJj1 @/3.. " IS!l . ALEX JAe'&iR go. 01 Su/IoIk c:..aIf j,,(l,~ :Notary Publ . MONICA G. GALLAGHER ~_o~' ROTARY l'U.dVC ,,< " "N l No. 52_1"c~(' , ~:,'''''''- 01 1 ~w York ,,_~..CO, '~c,..Jl;{ Co;.<nty 7enn l:::,pL'>2:C LLn:h 30, 1957 J:#-"~ 12(~I-_~J RECORDED .f I'~,. ",' ".--" ** of 6alltp of t"~ On the before me came day of nineteen hundred and lifty to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 6tate of Count!' of ~ 55.: On the day of nineteen hundred and fifty before me came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, wbo, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in tbat he knows to be the individual described in, and wbo executed the foregoing instrument; tbat he, said subscribing witness, Willi present, and saw execute the same; and that be, said witness, at tbe same time subscribed b name as witness tbereto. ~ ~ , [""f ::t ~ .. ) w l!l .. C"' ) ... '1j . - .~ r-l,!ll ) , .S ~~ 0 'S l-o .) &I .~ ",,>l l1: H" .~ ~ B ~ ::l ~ 1..'" t6 >t :>.. Sl! .. o;l: wH 0 (jW !-< .qrJ.:ICll l-o p...,~ . III ~ .pi w l2; = ..-.' Z I 8 (jW "l: CO! .t' ~ .. f'" . , 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ f.4I ro rd C) +> (/.l ~ ~ 'g ,"" .::l :>'r-l ) "l: S1 ~ 09 'll <J) 0 A ~ ~ i:l :><14~ l@ ltrEiO Ill; '. ~ 8~ - .. C) 0 l2; l:l U ~o r-l et ~ ... '~,!II = ~<Q, l:l "r-l CO cC ~ .!: 0 r-l Ei 'ci' .. ..... r-l .. ~ w.... ::I: w ~~ .. I:l ilrJ.:I , IS o il' .~ 1! o u ~ Ill; 'll ~ !l .. -2 II ~ .. ~ i Ill; J..INnOJ II tJ - :10 )t1J1~5dnS 3fJ:!iff X37"V is. He! Sf II L 81) ~ ~ 'iI- . -D.;?!!