HomeMy WebLinkAboutWall, E & A " SnndarJ N.Y.B.T'v. Form 8007 lie 10-~~.~~M-Bargain wd Sat: Deed, widl COV('nal~~g<lJllH Gra[lto~~\'rs_In';'i'\iJu~~ c,," Cvr;~;~~;:,,~; _,". 'I 11 Ii THIS INDENTURE, made the day of Hal' , uiucteCll huudred aud tUt7-.1a:, Ii BElWEEN ,I I E!\W:ES'1' R. WAr.r. eri4 AlmE A. .~, h18 wUe, both re81el1Qg at P'bher. 1818114, in the, '1'own ot Southolc1, Count7 ot suttolk am Stato I I of Kow York, .f " ,i I II party of the first part, and. .. \ ~ SO[KBO~, a mun1e1pal i01'POrat$~'O~~"dllAd eziatiDi 1",' an, i ill' Ylrtue ot thOe!' W. ot tJut Stat ot Bew York, haYlq it. pr~Spa1 ottio.. at G1'O ortl" at Sou 1.. ill tlllt 'l'own ot 80l1th014, count7 of sutt'olk d 8"a. of.v O1"k, 'c' i' \ i! ~~T.i~oi;'~",;~ :t:;' ..r[I27S'~) · . dO", I ,I. I \ r . I. \. ..... / F'!. . Jawtul money of tile Umted States. ','" " I ' , paa! ji, , -~ \ ; I ,. .,' , , ~. \, ( by the party of tl1" sec;ud part, does hrChy graut afd /deasc uuto the party of the sccoud part, the heirs or successors and aSFigus (,f th~"p"rty of \~he secoud pa i~rever. tor oaclwa7 PQrpo.o., 1IJIJHIiJIitIIi(A , ~1u#tjjji6_iWI""~ #iiiH~ I, , I \\ ,'1:. " I ,'" ',,' \" . , '. '(. ,'" / , ALL h 08rt ' 111'80'-01" P i 001 ot 1~~,~.1'1l_. 17SDt1 lIAd "iD& at PO. . 1.1 d, in the '1' ot Sou'bold. 00.. id W1'on BEGI' JD at .toM monument on the B01'tbea.t.r17 l1De of I BIlIa.t.1ua .... dellllODllmOnt boing 82S.77't.et Korth ot a point I vh10b So 44 .44 t t W..t of another mOllWllODt 1Il81'~ the U.S. I Cou' ua4 G. Sun07 ,.lusl11ation Station .PROB uac1 the...o 1'0......"1 Kortlb .sr... 02 IIl1Imte. 30 o..oDcla..,,,.., 9.$ t..t a10ns .&14 Aftml. ls..~o a .'ake at the point ot begSDn1Dg of tbe herem oonftJOel t1'_t, theno. along ..lel Ayenue ls.. BOI'th 76 d8gre.. 02 III1m&t.. 30 .000114. We.t $2.02 toot, tho...o oUl1 alCdli.. .aiel Anna ls.. .ortb 31 -sre.. 18 minute. 00 oeooncla w..t 147.52 root to anothe. mona.nt at land of Gua, th.noe Korth 4S USl'Mo 11 .wwt.. 20 ...oada But 1.8,) toeiit ,IIbU Ub6 Korth"..terI7 08 ..lel Gaela land, th.... 80Qth 32 el....o. miute. 00 .000Dcl. But 137.19 tootJ tho.. Bolltb oS clepe.. a1Dutea 30 ".onU .ut S1.60 t..t to tho polat of boSJ.ft""t>\g, OOD'ht.ntl'l8 0.011 M1'O.. mon 01' 1.... .oo1'cl1Da to .U1"Y07 b7 ChtllUl1er . 'a_I'. ........ datac1 SeptallbeI' 19S5, a oOP7 of Wb10h .Ul'V07 So att_bed boroto am _618 a P'" horoof. ~ -v- 'ITOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and " :Iroads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, : I(TOGETHER with the appnrtenaoces and all the estate and rights of lbe party of the first part in and to 'rid premises, ~ !11'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or ruccessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. Ii Ii " II :, I' II , , , II , II II , , 'I ii '! II II :i Ii Ii II II II I ";AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the firs\ part baa not done or suffered anytWng Iwhereby the said premises have heen incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. IIAND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of lithe first part will recei~e the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- Ileration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply 'I . , lithe same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for Ilany other purpose. i II The word "party" shall he eonstrued as If it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so reqnires. :1 :'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above i!wrltten, II I'TN PRESENCE OF: 'I I .'e t ~; ~ ;!.j!,ilL{l ~a.W~ (ArIne A. Wall) ~.. 11 II " r il II II ( L. &. ) t~ I t ~' t l' ~, r; , ~ ': (L.S. ) .' ~-' -~"'~-~~:T'_~"'~""""""""--~~'~~'" .~. STATE O' NEW YORIl. COUNTY o. SUPFOLlt "" On the.s-el day of Mal', 19 S6, before me personally came ~5T R. WAI.d;& IIDd .Y!i A. WAIJ,,, bl. vUe, to me known to be the individual. described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that tbal' executed the same. .~8rJ'~:: .. '-)T.'P\, ,"1 '<' ~;'..i\"-l':;-,"';;:," YC,_-;. ;;) .:i~.i">::' 'iO ,;.. '~;',: _,_i ''1. ,3.../c-:k COilJ\!~ H ; to>",:'._,;;d 1.1urcn 30,J ':<5 " STATIO' NIW YORK, COUNTY O' On the day of 19 , before nle personally came to me known, who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of . the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument Is such corporate seal; that It was so affixed by order of the board of directors of hid corpora- tion. and that he signed h name thereto by like order. }~ ~~ ~~ Z ~ I-< \ \)" '- .o~ w w.. ,,'! ~~ ~t; z ~< S::" ta-< ... .5 ~ ta Z a'~ taU ~~ i:; ~\ '\:, J- - ...... := d d~) ~~ ~ t-* .J'1 . 'jJ \,~ :;: C L .c GJ('j i2 STATE O. NIW YORIl, COUNtY O. On the day of personally came to me known to be the Individual executed the foregoing instrument. executed the same. "" STATE O. HIW YORK, COUNTY OF "" 19 , before me described In and who and acknowledged that "" On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who! being by me duly sworn. did depose and say that he reSides at No. . that he knows to be the Individual described In and who executed the foregoing Instrument; that he. said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the s,lime; and that he, said wltne.., at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. l~ t u~ i il _ ~ ,., >Q.... p:: .c> 0 l.ll i !;; ti 0 ffi ll:: U" ~ ~ ~ ] J~ ~ ~ Ii ::g .9 "d ]j .~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ " ~~ .J ~ ~ o ~ ""l:l cj S~i~11 ~ O:fi l;:5 ~ !~C:l ~~ t;2 ~ij ~ ~. ~ ~ ..... ' "'" ';~j..'; '~.~. u t o " z ~ o . ,. o '" . " . e w & . ~ ~. .. 15 . 10 o I"'!~' .aH>< '" p, +" ,; t:J .i<'.... f'1 .... r!'! rJ (Oft ~'r.'i '" CJ 0 t>-t r~ ..d ~ t'I,..:. ~Od r"i +, Q e; +J U~ <>: