HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcBride, Frank (2) r IIf ~ '-10>- '-.I'JF I; I I I, i I I: , I; i , I' I! Ii I , ! L " I: i i' , LJ 285-Statutory Form A. Warranty Deed. wIth Full Covenanta, IndIvidual. Juuua BLUM.ERG. INC., LAW BLANK PU_LlaHJ:R. 7t BROADWAY AND t RIlCTOR ST., NEW YORK ~ o;Jj Ii''? , U;I.I.I. l1BER3923 rAIl 335 mbi~ 3Jnbenture, Made the and IiftY-five, .etWeen 13'f!:. June , nineteen hundreli day of FRANK McBRIIB and ANNA McBRIDE, his wife, both residing at Cutchogue, in the TOlin or Southold, Suffolk County, New York, part ie. of the lirst part, and TOWN (Ji' SOUTHOm, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue 01' the Laws 01' the state of New York, having its principal offices and plaeea or bu....... at Southold and at Greenport, in the Town or Southold, Surto1k County, New York, party of the second part, - - .ftne~~etfJ, that the parti.s of the lirst part, in consideration of - - - - - - - - - - TEN ($10.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dol1ars, , lawful money of the United States, anel other good and valuable consideration, paid by the party of the second part . do hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part, its succe.sors and assigns forever, ~ that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being at Cutchogue, i in the Town or Southold, County 0; Suftolk and State of New York, bounded I i , and described as follows: I .. I I BB}INNING at a point marlmd by a monument .et on the boundary line i I between land of the Town of Southo1d and land ot Leanlier B. Glover (which point is 918.21 teet northwesterly along said boU1ldary line trom MUdla , " Road) (sa1d point being the northerly corner ot land heretotore conveyed . , by Frank McBride and wite to the Town or Southold by deed dated February , 15, 1919 and recorded in the Suftolk County Clerk's Oftico on March 17, , 1919 in Libel' 976 ot deeds at page 94); running thone e elong said land , . conveyed by Frank McBride and wite to the Town ot Southold South 21 degre 48 minutes 20 .econds West a distance ot 16.84 teet; running thonce along . other land ot Frank McBride, 2 cours.., as follows: l ' , 40 m1nu~es 00 seconda West a distance ot 150.0 teet a monument; thence (2) South 21 degrees 39 minutes }.. ,:.. '. '" (1) North 56 degrees to a point marked by I 30 s~conds West a d1s- V . I I I r '.,5Q il'~ 1\11 'if~ :S1 ':i ..... "I ,I :1 I I , ,I :; i :i I, Ii II :1 :1 I :1 , I ,I ,I , II I :1 , i i 'i Ii I i i , I I I I II 1--- tance ot 286.48 teet to a point marked by a monument and land heretotoN conveyed by, Frank McBride and others to'l'own of Southold b,. deed dated April 30, 1935 and recorded in the Suftolk County Clerk's Otfice on June . 26, 1935 in Libel' 1817 ot de~ds at page,488; running thence North 55 degrees 19 minuhs 50 seconds West a distanee ot 743.03 feet to a point . marked by a monument; running thence al.ong other 1lll1d ot Frank McBride North 33 degrees 20 minutes 00 seeonds East a distance ot 279.74 teet to a point marked b,. a monument and said land ot Glover; running thence , I along said lmd ot Glover, South 56 degrees 40 minute. 00 second. East a ~, .. distance of 831.46 feet to the point ot beginning, according to survey of otto W. Van Tu,.l & Son, Surve;rora, dated May 9, 1955, a cop,. of which 18 . attached lwreto and made a part hereot, said premises containing according . to said surve,. 4.7656 acrea, ot which about 1.81 acre8 ere woodland and about 2.95 acres are cleared land. SUBJECT to a right of wa,. 16.5 teet w1deto~he party ot the first , ) part along the northeasterly line ~ the pr,em~~es, the northeasterl,. line, of said right of wa,. being the northeasterl,. boundary line ot the premises and the southwesterly line of said rigl1t of wa,. being parallel to and 16.5 teet southwesterly theretrom, said right of way extending trom the southeasterly corner of the premises northwesterly along said nortlw~terl~ I line to the northwesterly corner of the premises above described. ' . ) ~oJetfJet witb tbe appurtenances and aU tbe estate and rigbts of tbe part i.. of tbe first part in and I to said premises. t:o babe anb to bolb tbe premises berell. granted unto the part t its sqpc!.s~Ol'S of the second part. and aSs!gJ;.s i~rever. ~. . ~ ". .", , << < 'I \1 <, 'I I I ! I '1 , - .' t" ------T-- 923 -n"" 003 1'Iiri~~IU ( !Anb the lOIid parti.. of the first part covenant as fol1ows: . . ~itt:t. -That the part ie8 of the first part are seized of the said premises in fee simple, and have good right to convey the same, 6econb. -That the part7 of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; ~irb. -That the said premises are free from incumbrances; .1'ourtb.-That the parti.. of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assur- ance of the title to said premises; ~iftb. -That the partieS of the first part will forever warrant the title to said premises. 6ixtb. -That the grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that the grantor will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. 1ft _itnt" _btttOf. the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand. and seal. the day and year first above written. ,. In presenu of: .;[i~...lilfid~~..........L. S. """~~c~!f~....................L.S.. ..................:..............................................__.....................L. S. ;, ........................................................................................L. S. 6tate of <<;ountp of ~ 1111.: NEW YORK SUFFOLK <J'\., i~ ~ day of June, nineteen hundred and fifty -five, On the ,I before me came FRANK McBRIIB and .ANNA HcBRIIB, to me known and kJiawn to'me to be the lndiVidrial. 'd strument, and acknowledged to me that the y eJrecut ." .,;' _ I."'S . ..., MIll, S\IlI fI ... M '" II. 12-2871110 'In ... 1IInl11. ,. . 1,li'" I' I i. I Iii Ie I ~ i i II II I. !i I. I i II il If II Ii II ~\ ! I " , I \,1 "~I ,In I \r) \:).. ....... I I I, I .tate of c:oantp of On the before me came f"~ day of nineteen hundred and fifty . to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 6tate of €ount!' of On the f...: day of , before me came witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom 1 sworn, did depose and say that he resides in nineteen hundred and fifty the subscribing am personalIy acquaimed, who, being by me duly that he knows to be the individual described in, and who . executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, ",as present, and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~ ~ ~ It: IQ :I ! Il:. I o .p B ~ o <<l J:j :>. ~~ ~~ fi~ \1'4 ..; '" ... "': M! ;1 i ... .. l:l , ::I .. ... l!l .. ...... . &::r-'l.lll 0 H" . .~ 0 ,.. l-o I>:l o/l:>< '5.ao enH '~~I>l ~p.,+" "0:' bli;<<lZ '5f4: tl>Cll' l>,~ ~o!l >,~ ,.. 1:1 ", Cl <l) 0 ]gt'" ~~~~ ~ I) ~ "~Cl~~ g .. 1:4 I) oe.....(J1 ~.S u ~ &:: ...lIl .!! .'" 1"'4 '" .::: 0 ~ ~ ~ El<<l en>....::; o <+ t.. s::<+~ <+0" ::rti<< o f-'<Dll' !:lo'< . ,. r;l =..Cl . .. 'C CIil !11:"'1:'l . .. M .. .:, .; ill o .. ." .; .. o " .. Ill: 't .. !l .. ~ .. " ~ ." :s i Ill: ~~.. ~ "C Q ~ ~ (JC " . r!l ~ 1:4 tp - . ~ t-- W\ (Y) ~~-~ .- c.c:: b0- It... .:e .....;::,. ~QQ :JE,-Jco "'<t::iJc -- .... __n-:-Mr-, ""',~"""""~"'lII!'1~::~':::~"":'''''''C' _..'V._ .",...,~, .~",'~~'.~. "'~-f' ~'~W\W_"_,,",,,~'''''}~''.,,,,","~~:'~''~'~~~1c. . ~.~"-~ - ~ --~....- - .~ .J. ... 0.. 1 ,. Y. ).! ;;:.. Me By,de. , ~., /. F " /f.4.~ 'oo'e. .1 5SS.".!> 1 ."T.... !" " ..,. . - 111 t1I :I'd) ~ q ! " '~ q) /1\ ," :-It- , 't' a 1\1 0 Ii ~ ~ - , 111 t') i, 8 :~ -~ - . .,g !II . iii ~ III t , ..~ '!l>'!> $0 . ""eo\ "'-.. 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