HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New York , New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. ~ . QUIT-CLAIM NO. 260 ~f . ml1 u1t 'euple tn wllnm tlJese 'resents sllull tnme.-Cireettng: Know re, THAT PISlERS ISLAND NAVIGATION COMPANY. .. oorpor..tlon oreated and ex1atlng 1lJIller the law. ot the state at CODllllot1out, with ita priDOipal ottioe % Rioherd B. Pogh, M5 St..te Street. ln the 'l'ClII1:I and COI1I1ty ot New Loadon. st..te ot CODllllotlout. for the consideration of 0118 Dollar ..Dd otber 'Valuable consUer..tion, , received to lts full satisfaction of 'l'HE '1'OWlt OF SOUTBOLD, /l. _io1pal oorpor..tion. loc..ted in the County at Suf'tolk, St..te at .... York. i do u remise, release,and FOREVER QUI'l"CLAIM unto the said 'l.'0Ifll OF SOU'l.'l!OLD. It. sUDcenors ..nd ....iSJlll . the said 11.1... all" assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever as it. releasor, baa li-. or ought to have in or to ALL thet certain piece or whart prope!'t7 ..t the toot or State Street in the City or Jew LoIldon, ." LoDdon Colmt1 ..nd St..te or CODIIIIOtiollt, bouDded end de.oribed ... tollClWBI BEGINllIllG ..t .. point in tbe ...sterly Bide at State Stre.t 12 t..t north mil the ho. ot.. .... wallwhioh po~ i. 290.86 t..t Solltber11 troll .. _re.tom ..t the corm I' ot Bank end Stat. Street tb8DO' Southe I'll in the ....t.r11 liDs at State Stre.t. South 5'7 der;re.. .a.t aboat US, t.et to the harbor liDs, thlnc. ....t.rly along said BarboI' liDs about 122 t..t to a point 120 t..t ....t.r11 and dbtant at r1ghl; angle. trOll thI ....t liDs at Stat. stre.t. tbe_ ncrth 6'7 d.r;re.. ....t parallel to ..lid. 120 t..t distant mil _aaur.d ..t riPt ..ngle. tbB ....terly line at state Stre.t ..bClllt 225 t..t thenoe ..t r1ght engle. to the ..tore said de.oribed 11M Jlorth sa der;re.. ....t SO teet. which line produced 11'111 int.r..ot the W..t.r111ine or st..t. stre.t 19B t..t Southerly trOla ...ld .... wall, thence north S'7 degr... ..t 206 te.t. thenc. by .. our.,. to the right haTiug .. rediu. at 215 t..t 26.6 te.t to tbB plao. at begilUliag, toptbBr with.. right at ..00... to ..lid. .r;ren troll said property r.le....d. tbrClllgh" 12 t..t opening ~o state stre.t and OWl' ..nd ..oro.. landa within the 11118. at .aid St..te Stre.t. ... .hCMll end inc!1o..ted on the _p aDd plan berei_ft.r reterred to, end .ubjeot, hon.,.r, to tbe WI' tor railroad parpo... by ...14 relea.or end tor Union Depcrll purpoe.. and alao ~ .. wa1 r...rwd bJ the C1117 at .... Londo ... en approaoh to the P.rry. Sald tr..ot rele....d u ..bow is IIOre partioularly de11m..t.d aDd duoribed upon.. plan. ..p ..nd I SUl'W11odpd on tile in the Town Clerk'. ottle. or the TOIfn at Jlew Lolld.on. -.rud laDd at tbe ..Y..... . ... C.. .. IT ".a ..Ie 1 ..... - 60 .... .... 11-1800 aII4 ataaped w1th tbe .....1&1 ...1 fII _....,..A ........ fer .. "II' ~loa. r IB1IIc .... laM.... tlo lie 1l1li _., ,......1.1 _.... __ ,.. ....... 1ly t. rla.n I.laM laviption Compa~. . 'ew York oorporation, ~de.d dat.d "--1'1 II, 1110. reeorded in the 1Iew London land Reoord. on Jlt,roh lB. 1920, in Vol. 138. pap 691. (Dl'1'RRnt. uyulli S'l'dPS t1l5.20) To Have and to Hold the premises, with all the appurtenances. unto the said Town of Southo1d, it. BUoo...or. ..nd 1."1<<118. l.....ll"l:l.i ...--Ie-'- forever so that , --' ~ neither it. the R.1....or and a. signe. or them shal~ter nor 1t. 'UDO...ors,!ior any oilier person under it , have any claim, right or title in or to the premises, or any part thereof, but therefrom ft 1B and they are by these - presents forever barred and excluded, I F1.her. I.land 1IaT1gat10DCOIIlpIUlylas oau..d tbt.:.t.sonte to be dgned end In Witneas WhereoJ" ] 1 J.#".~"_.lL.1:t! ....../'....Ju:fl1lI:l:lfrlTi.. eaJ...t8iI it. oor~te ..al to b. hereto ..tt1xod. by He~ L. P.rcu,oD, 1t. t'reddeDt. at F1.bers I.lalld. thiB 9th. day lIIIptof JWl8, A. D" 19 54. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of PISBERS ISLOD llAVIGATION COIIPABY Lu01 J. ,ll-n By. He:Jr:. '.rr.on (US) Harold J. BeLb!t!' Ita delen lIEW YORK STATE OF IJltI'alav;..-:.."J.I~, ~ ss. PiBher. Island, JWl8 9th, A. D. 1964. COUNTY OF ~ SUFFOLK Personally Appeared Henry L. F.rcu.on. Pr.sident ..s ..tore.aid or F1.her. I.l..1Id. JraTipt10n COIIIp&~. Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be h1. free act and de.d ot said P1Bh'r. Is1..ndllaTigation CQft. betor. _, ~. A!uaI.n (n.u.) and deed before me. ot& 1m J..ABIIAN' ~ ,I J' /'o;if'J'" .-t~ ! ,~. ' ''-;\1111 't (' N ry PIlbl1o, St..t. or)Jew York. NII~....".._ - J10. 6~OO28B~~ri"1~f1r:: lir:gtt8~BBrztYNotartl Public. -~ -. al_..._ r!lp/r~ ---~1lI';\ ~t;. ^--""..-.. 114.t . ---_.__._--.~.- --~--- !r" - - I I, . ., '. , I I ! I , I ! I! rf ~ ~ ~,q r ~t~ ~, I~ ~ I~ "i ~ ,~ ~ ~ .~ I' - _u_ _ _ u - ..,-- -"-, -~ ~ -.. +. . ~./ , i i I I I , ,[ .-.----...-....--..- ,.// - '- ,- -" - _..._..._-~_._'-----_..._- -.., . . ~ , CITY OF NEW LONDON CONNECTICUT This is to certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the instru.ent recorded in the New London LaRd Records Vol. 266, Pages 43 thru 45. , I '~ ATTEST:/'f~"-u,,-"_ ~ "7/~'~~ GRAC 'M. POtlES A, C TY Dated at New London, Connecticut, this 22nd day of February. 1977. ~~-- --~~---- - -- ---- ~-- -~ r ., , ~~ -J> ' . . .. CITY OF NEW LONDON CONNECTICUT This is to certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the instrument recorded in the New London Land Records Vol. 260, paRe 135. ATTEST:fi~~ ~ . E3 I d;RK Dated at New London, Connecticut, this 22nd day of February, 1977. -~ I r , -r -, " , , - I . , '.fo ALL PEOPLE TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: KNOW YE, Tha! THE NEW YORK, NEW HA YEN AND HARTFORD RAILROAD COMPANY, a Connecticut corporation of New Haven, Connecticut, for the consideration of one Dollar ($1.00) and other val uable considerations received to its full satisfaction of TOWN OF ~OlJTHOLD, a municipal cor- ,':; poration located in the County of SUffolk and State of New York, DOES HEREBY REMISE, RELEA E , AND QUITCLAIM unto said Town of Southold, its successors and assigns forever, free from mo - gage liens, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever as it, the said Releasor, has or ought to have in and tto aU. that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in th City and County of New London and state of Connecticut, delineated and shown within yellow lines ClI\ a certain map attached hereto and made a part hereof entitled;. "New York New Haven 1& .. i ~~ Hartford Rallroad Office of BJllineer - Real Bstate aarvef. Land in New LODdon, conn. To Be CODvefed To Town of Southold Scale 1 Inch . 50 Ft. October 1953", and bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point at the most westerly comer of the premises herein described, said point being distant 150 feet southeasterly from station 2666 4 96.33 of the monumented center lin of the railroad leading from New Haven to New London, measured at right angles thereto; 0 Thence North 46 30' 30" Bast in a line parallel with and distant 150 feet southeasterly fro the tangent of said center line and the tangent produced northeasterly, measured at right angles thereto, and bounding northwesterly on remaining railroad land, 374.38 feet to a point, said poin - being opposite a point on said tangent produced, 128,28 feet northeasterly from P. C. station 2669 4 42,43 of said center Une; 0 Thence North 26 03' 59" East, bounding northwesterly on remaining railroad land, 379.8 feet to a point; 0 Thence North 19 32' 25" East, bounding northwesterly on remaining railroad land, 100.0 feet to a point distant 290. 35 feet southeasterly from the intersection formed by the southeasterl line of Bank Street with the southwesterly line of State Street, as measured along said southwes terly Une of State Street; Thence in a general southeasterly direction, by a curve tothe left having a radius of 25.0 feet and bounding northeasterly on land now or formerly of Fishers Island Navigation Company 26.6 feet to a point,. the chord of said curve having a length of 25.36 feet and bearing South 190 57' 23" East; - - T! ..".' . . . . 0 . . ..p~ " Thence South 50 26' 16" East. bounding northeasterly on said land now or formerly of ... 1. Fishers Island Navigation Company. 206.0 feet to a point; 0 Thence South 19 33' 44" West. bounding southeasterly on said land of Fishers Island Navi a", tion Company, 30.0 feet to a point; 0 Thence South 70 26' 16" East, bounding northeasterly on said land now or formerly of Fishers Island Navigation Company. 227.28 feet to a point intbe combined bulkhead and pierhead line of the Thames River; Thence South 8019' 06" West, along said combined bulkhead and pierhead line. 447.17 feet to a point; 0 Thence South 57 06' 28" West, along said combined bulkhead and pierhead line. 601~ 6:Uee to a point in the division line between land herein described and land of United states of America; . 0 Thence NOrth 39 12' 30" West, along said division line, 432.94 feet to the point or place of beginning: - Containing 10.21 acres more or less. All bearings used herein are referred to a true meridian through U. S. H. L. Mark n on Central Vermont Railway wharf. The premises above described are hereby conveyed subject to existing drainage conditions. Reserving to the Releasor. its successors and assigns, the tile drain. guy pole. guy wire. ice box, and that portion of its crossing cabin with all appurtenanCeS located on said premises. , together with the right to enter said premises for the purpose of operating, maintaining, repairi \ .. ADd replacing said facilities. TO HA VB AM> TO HOLD the pr.mi.... wItIlllll tile If lU'teDUlC.., _0 the aid ReI..... tts successors and assigns forever, so that neither it, the aid Rel.asor, nor its IlUCC.ssol'lllnor any other person under it or them shall hereafter have any claim, right or title in or the premis s or any part thereof. but therefrom it is and they are by these presents forever barred and ex:clud d except as aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by G. T. Carmichael. its Secretary. hereto duly authorized, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 17th day of March. A. D. 1954. THE NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN AND HARTFORD RAILROAD COMPANY (SEAL) By G. T. Carmichael Secretary Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: G. W. Owen T. M. Parsons State of Connecticut ) County of New Haven ) SS.: March 17, 1954 , -'.v of New Haven ) . ~ ~- ~ ~..,.~- ~ -~_.- "-.----------," i I together with the right to enter said premises for the purpose of operating, maintaining, repal and replacing said factUttes. ~" ----~--- . TO HAVE AND TO HOlD the Dl'emtsaa. with All thA mmurh'IlMll"-'UI_ Ufttn th.. a..lli R..l....a.... ~~ "i: .~. ~ ro-.. ro-.. ~ ~~ ~ '1 ~ ~~ , 'l i I) " .".,".," r-. ..,tz... ,~ Personally appeared G. T. Carmichael, Secretary of The. New York, New Haven and Ha 1\ ford Railroad Co~y, signer and sealer of the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the s Ii to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of said company, before me, Everett S.. Wilson Notary lubUc (bAL) My Commission expires April 1, 1959 Recorded, June 14, 1954 at 2:25 , M. , -.. . Town Clerk \ ..- ------ --.....- . RNEY LD ROBERT W. TASKER TELEPHONE TOWN ATTORNEY 477-1400 425 MAIN ST. GREENPDRT. L, I,. N, y, 11944 March 8, 1977 Hon. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Street Southo1d, New York 11971 Re: Property of the Town of Southold at New London, Connecticut (Fishers Island Ferry District Terminal) Dear Judy: I have been able to obtain certified copies of two deeds by which the Town of Southold acquired property at New London, Connecticut for Ferry District purposes. The deeds are as follows and certified copies are enclosed here- with, to wit: Deed dated March 17, 1954 from The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company to the Town of Southold, recorded in the City of New London Clerk's Office in Volume 266 at pages 43 through 45. Deed dated June 9, 1954 from Fishers Island Navigation Company to the Town of Southold, recorded in the City of New London Clerk's Office in Volume 260 at page 135. I would suggest that these be filed in your office. I am unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the original deeds but certified copies are adequate for our needs. I have today written to Chandler, Palmer and King asking that they send me prints of the map showing the properties involved. When the maps are received, I will send you a print for your records. Yours very truly, V~/)o;{~~ ROBERT W. TASKER i RWT:MY Enclosures ------ . '{. .~.. ~ . \ ... \ , \ I ORNEY LD . ReBERT W. TASKER TELEPHONE TDWN ATTDRNEY 477-14DD 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT. L. I.. N. Y. 11944 March 14, 1977 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Town of Southold Property at New London, Conn. (Fishers Island Ferry Terminal) Dear Judy: I have obtained and enclose herewith a print of Chandler & Palmer made in April, 1956, which shows the property owned by the Town of Southold at New London, Conn. This map should be filed along with the deeds to this property which I previously sent you. Yours very truly, ~Zu. ,r;l 0 /' d.d.-~ /Tlt:l.. ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:NA Enclosure 'I 1,,_ _ ,<, '"""'''''''~~'' ~I-I'_ '.' ,""..,,' .~_, ~> , ,_ "'~'l: -, " '" -.-' ,_ ' ...~. I' I"" .. ,", , ,,-- , , ,,- .. I ' ",'" ,- tr:............ ':;,!~')1'~\~1:";!~"'-.\JI~~'-~'~1r'FI':-"I-I :",_:,rr/"'~I:}'r," ':t ,",'Tl"]',~'I,;, "'ij:I"".~~""~,, __:"r-':' ~i'!'~~' .,,'" I ~i,,":':"i'" 'I .,_. --- .1!'7"".~~~';"'?""""-:-:-77":""(~,,~" ,,.,,'...... ,:...~.....".-..~-r---.,.~~...~1'.~~1~~".". 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