HomeMy WebLinkAboutLevine, Samuel & Brown Edna (2) ,:.) t 1!'1'ttt:'/~ "'LL.\-->i-' ,',c,):.'". ,< ,-:' \\ .~~.~~t:4.~..r~;~ r':'~~0~. Y. DEED-BARGAIN AND SALE '!'un.m '55tiA (Laws of 1917, Chap. 681, Statutory Form B) TUTBLANX REGISTERED US.P....TOF"FICI<: Tuttle"J.aw Print. Publishers. 'Nul/andY!. Ihig llttbtnlurt, .M:me the /-).. ~ day of August State of New York County of } SS. Nineteen Hundred and fifty-three day A. D., 19 at o'clock M. in liber of DEEDS at page and examined. Recorded on' the of Between Clerk S.~AUEL LEVINE residing at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, and EDNA A. BRO~N residing at East Marion, Suffolk County, New York, ,I part ies of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of New York party of the second part, Witnesseth that the part ies of the first part, in consideration of Ten and OO/lOOths------------------------------------------- Dollar ($ 10.00 ) lawful money of the United States,and other good and valuable considerations paid by the party of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate near Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Sutton Place", two hundred ten (210) feet westerly along said southerly line from the westerly line of Sound Avenue, and running along land of the parties of the first part on a line at right angles to said southerly line S. 270 38' 30w E. ninety-nine and sixty-five one-hundredt s (99.65) feet to land of F. H. Tasker Estate, thence along said land of F.H.Tasker Estate three courses, as follows:- (1) S. 620 27' 10" w. 38.59 feet to a concrete monument, thence (2) N. 240 20' 00" w. 9.80 feet to a concrete monument, thence ( 3) S. 670 03' 20" .... 11. 50 feet; thence along other land of the partie of the first part on a line at right angles to said southerly line of "Sutton Place" N. 270 38' 3011 W. 88.86 feet to said southerly line; thence along said southerly line of "Sutton Place" N. 620 21' 30. E. 49.5 feet to the point of beginning. r .11 ! '~""Q" lIGEHi.J;UOtJ PAGE (it) Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part ies ,of the first part in and to said premises, . " ;.< , To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forev(lr, In Witness Whereof, the part ies of the first part ha ve hereunto set their hand s and seal s the day and year first above written, ~~~: - e J#~ ~~:t;f o~esJfroklk I ss. Ni~;t~~~s Hundred and before me, the subscriber, personally appeared SAMUEL LEVINE and EDNA Ao BROWN day of Augus t fifty-thr- ee to me personally known and known to me to be the same person s described in and who ~"u"d tho wUhiu l=t,ument, und ~'" to me that t he Y executed the same. Notary Public ...... FRANKJ.MeMANN lIOTARY l'UBtlC, State .fNew Y.rt No. 112-'7870900 SuIlo1k c.u:4.Y lJom-ro'llell IJaIlU ... It,; _ RECORDEI SEP 2 :5 1953 @ ~r~; VVIL(IAM 14. FR1 l;1,r~ pi 5.11.... c.UIIt{ r-z S--.3 JJ~~~ :2 t) t..~,~ /rl SARGAIN AND SALE Rf"n qJfi. .TUi.,'-., I...,U SAMUEL LEVINE and EDNA A. BRO\'jN TO crt't-l'" f 11 .~. . k(lJ/~;I TOWN OF SJ UTHOLD ....-' SEll ',f' 'l.fj / /It/" . 511 PJ{ 'f:? 1..~/4N J,. SUFf.L.CR/f It, F'Rv OUr c OF ' -au., " r'y "SUTTON PLACE", Greenport qj),aAeA. August /-;# ;19 53 ....y . l<Rupm / Attorneys at LJ.w lh~uthold. N. Y. .,,~:Z~~ir~~:e;.m. ~1'~~,~,ftl~1il",_X."":~.,,,,~' '\