HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlank, Peter & Son (2) ... "'".... ,<. ":.':r.'.','fi?~'.'~' ~. \' D:8.,D 0" ]j:':;]jIC~n01J LiBER3541 PAll440 THIS Il!DBj TURE, Hade this fit. day of June, 1953, betvJeen P:8TEH BLANK & SON, a domestic partnership, having its principal pIa ce of busine s s at 462 Sa gamore Avenue, Ba st'.'illiston, New York, party of the fir st part, and Tffifl{ OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, party of the second part, \IITNESSETH, tha t ifHEREAS, the party of the first part is willing to cede and dedicate to the Town of Southold, pursuant to law, certain roads, t. more fully identified hereinafte,r, { , ,., '.. NOli, 'THEmoBi:, the said 'party of thetirst part, sole owner of the said toads, in consideration of the sUII\ofOne ($l~()O) Dollar, and other valuableconsiderat;i.on, to it ~nhaxu;J, paidb:Y:\ the Town of Southo:;l.d,reo:efpt of which ~1s !h4i.re~ .:Ckll~)e dgtd, w -. " does hereby ded:Lc~t~, g".ant, barga1n"$~:u.,, r~~te.$e a114'con~y" .'. unto the saidToWIl of S~tbl:lld,:l.ts S\l(lcelutbzis.n4a$SiS;gri$f~-:+t:, :tor highway purposes., thefbll.<)wingde.sor:ib_4 pre~s.$s'tci be '. .':',,: ".' ,;,,;_J: .:,:,:'::,'::' .. '. ".' ),;,; ..:. ","'.:, _ known as ltGl:WTTEDltIVE", ..1r1iNOI\ ~.QftJt~LAND flil_ f "~~13 . e'.;- '.j.,. PO:r:N!r RoAD" and 1lEA!n GI~TEDRIvE". ' .. ". . '." ,', '__" . ___._:: ,',', ," ,,:,::'_' "':,:'::':',,:c. .'. :,'_' ..'''_' ,':-"._"'."",,:,'--,:"' , . _.' . "iiat~~~~~;;[;C!~~j~f:!~~~~!~t!;:'~~~!i~~~~~l~da~etng ...Pare $lJ;...~li~INNPf<1 at aC(\ll\e$t.llI~~cs.j '.ot\ill18'.;'!il~bIi..ll n..D...... ~..OL ~..... .......148. ..~...llo.a. d 922., ..6. 1. f.. ... ,e.. t ..........a.)l..lli....r.1....l..'. '.' .'.~.'.~....O$.... .~..... ....... e~.l...$.~......'. 'i~.!i;...I. '.'.....'::.1.. ...~........ ......... t~~~'(~",~~.!~i~;O;E~~~~~er.:f~l~'~~~;~~~i,~~.~:~~; ~ ;1.72.; ~::~; at. ~1~t:rJ:) o~\~.~.)lr....t. ~~;.1..:=...1.... ...~~.~.i~~.~)..~.1J.:.~t5................~.I. JJ.'i#....'t....~.e.hi... 5.0 hetto a cG'ncl'ete mODu"htlt1:;l:...,.... .......~,C!O~~O~.....~~.o 8.et t.O a concrete I119num. ent;..th.e.ne.e. (7).. .'.' ... "'. .l:1t.e"E............. 5"O..09f.~t;' thence ($1 Jl.lt1to51tlO"e....129..15' feet; tb~c. (9) ora a e.\1rn to tl;1e rieht ..h.. av.. ing.. a raai. .ullof .~5.. f. eet. ...., 1i.i;......~Il.~. _. .'. 0..1 .ita. ..f~~..... .'. t~... II onl.\r.t.lIlon~t; thenee (l~)S..2~oat"~....1'5'1,,EJ1f.~tot_ ~.d...:a..9. ry:t..e3t.~h1;g:::; (~~~. ~:2.2Bjttn3... ~....~......!tDi&~~..c.e....t. (;~.~.' ..~;:~39'1. .b. "'B. (13...)S.6. iJ 21'30...,.75 feet; ,''''..n.. nee. (11+)&... :.~. .';! l.tlI-'ltO. "W. ....93.6t fe. .t; r.n.~..~~~'..~. :.'. e. ::. '~O.13~..~..~...~. :......f.....~.!..t.. ....'.;:t!..~.. ~~. 4.~1.....~. mi. ~fo;f ).$) III.25'OO~.50".~.<<l t.e~tp a ..co~l'.~.~_~~;thenee ~9J~~;,;a o~~Iet~~~=.,~if~~r~~f,.~-i~~j~~~~ ~;ei ~ih:n:;st.np. '.21'1"33 '+3t?O"W...I03.6ltfe.~; thel!1~ (22) 1",2?020t201tlI.-11t9.:3' .!~l4,o a conerete .II1GnWllent$eton 1it:~1i 1I~\l.&:rlY 11.ne. pt theHfl;l:n '1it1,1;:.~~Qfe(23.) lillODglia1d'Sotl,therly' line 8."O,2I,O"W .-50.35.' eet t6 the pout of ~Iinning. , ~ p; I", x, " .-'-.' Parcel II-BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Parcel I, hereinabove described 807.29 teet southerly along said easterly line from the 10u~17 lineo! the Main Road being the southerly terminus of course twenty of said Parcel I as hereinabove described; from Isid point of beginning running thence (1) on a curve to the right having a radius of 25 feet a distance of 5.0~ feet; thence (2) N.~o5l'l0KE~9.57 feet; thence (3) on a curve to the right having a radius of 25 feet a dista'nce of 38.63 teet to 8 concrete monument; thence (~) S.26036'30"E.-2025.~ teet to a concrete monument; thence (5) on a curve to the right a distance of 32.18 feet; thence (6) N.52044t~"E.-93.65 feet; thence (7) on a curve to the right having a radius of 25 feet 8 distance of 39.27 feet to a concrete monument; thence (8) N.26036'30ttW.-2079.92 feet to a conorete monument; thence (9) S.~5l'10-W.-132.7l feet; thence (10) on a curve to the right having a radius of 25 feet a distance of 39.27 feet; thence (11) S.25008'50''E.-75.51 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel lII-BEGINlING at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of Parcel I as hereinabove described 1791.52 feet southerly along said easterly line from the southerly line of the Main Road and running thence (1) on a curve to the left having a radius of 25 feet a distance of 39.27 feet; thence (2) N.6~051'10"E.-103.83 teet; thence (3) on a curve to the left having a radius of 25 feet a distance of 39.91 feet to a concrete monument; thence (~) S.26036'30"E.-100.0~ feet to a concrete monument; thence (5) on a curve to the left having a radius of 25 feet a distance of 38.63 feet; thence (6) S.~o5l'10-W._ 106.39 feet; thence (7) on a curve to the left havi~ a radius of 25 feet a distance of 39.27 feet; thence (8) N.2~08t;OWW._ 100.0 feet to the point of beginning. All above highways to be 50 feet or more in width. Said described btihways being the same as those shown on a subdivision map entitled "Map of Marion Manor" made by otto W. Ian Tuyl and Son, Licensed Surveyors, date. November 25, 1952 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on the 18th day of March, 1953, as map number 2038. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and right of the parties of the first part in and to said roads, it being the intention of the party of the first part to convey its entire estate and right in the roads above described. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted premises unto the Town of Southold, its successors and assigns forever, for highway purposes, as aforesaid, as fully as if the fee title thereto had been acquired by condemnation proceedings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused ,,'.,' l',;~i.:,,~,,; ~,,> :."-. " "...~- i (;'.," ! '::'-":77~ '-'1" \': :1 '. .' , ;.;<.;..,'..'-'...:;....,;., _.~~.". ",.; .....-. r== !! 1,1 t i , '" ~.,. V" ,..",,"".,'~"" ,,_. ., _H' ~ ~, "'''_'~.r'''~~' ~ -=--~"" ',' .,""~, ',", f1emgQifl biter 'fil " '''"'''-.- ,,-,.. .." u T . i L1BER3541 PAGE 442 tL: :i.'!,::;t.rlJtw~"" to Lt. S1-,:,:{,e(JLr:.. t.~E rtnershiI 1.1CiI;"i8, " ~:.- Ill';"""":; ... -.l'"- _L..,f;.~ 131.i\:'].. '-_ 3,_ j,.p1, by f:: T & If' Bt..4N J< , one "f its ective ~~rtnerso , i }l~./iT,R 3L.AIv~ D: SON By: c7~ ~~ (1.5.) STATE OF NB.1 YaEL) County of Slfd) ss.: On this a day of ly cane PCTE~ 81.111111{ ~ , 1953, before me personal , to me known to be a partner of the partnership of PETER BLANK & SON, and known to me to be the pErson described in and ,-rho executed the foregoing insbument in the partnership name of PETER BLANK & SON, and the said PA71lA 8UAJH duly acknowledged to me that he executed the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said partnership. ub ic. r IRVING L PRICE; JR. IOTART PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK IlIIldIng In Suffolk Co. at n me of appointment , ., CGmmIision Expires March 30, 19~ RECORDED JJL 6 1953 . /:s-s-f? Ii: ","",,,. No FR. a. it .... ClIoIIr , 1 .~ , ~ J Q 1.I,l. Q a:: Q e ...., a:: 1 ;9)3 7tf ]/'" DEDICATION DEED .. PETER BL.ANK & SON to r;.~ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ..... Y' >- >- :z: ~ ~ c... .L. !.:... ::> ti ...:00 , -,;;::u - ::Eo:;"" <W-l --10 "" ..JeLl.. ..J LI.. o:! - ~ -= :31: CI) - 7" Dated: , 1953 TERRY Be KRUPSKI Attorneys at. Law Southold, 'N. Y. < €!6f-~(,i/~ C hP'ta:.