HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlank, Peter & Son r II ",,~r~..~.):S i':r~l"~ ~i ~~W~~:~~- rPJt~~~'cr';;'l~'" CLAIM l Laws-of 1\117, ('hap. MI, Statutory FOrm D ) TUTBLANX REGISTERED US PAT OFFICE Tuttle Law Pnnt, Pubhshers.1i'uf!andlll ~l!i ~ ~uattutUttlt Made tht /7 tJ;, day of June, Nineteen Hundred and fifty three. i8tltltfttU PETER l;LAliK & SON, a domestic partnership, having its princip8l [,la<:e of business at 462 Sagamore Avenue, East Williston, New York I part y of the first part, and TO'.ITl OF 30UTHOLD, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and Sta t,~ of He't! York, part y of the second part, OOlit.....tth ~ that the part y of the first part, in consideration of - - - - - - - - - - - -One- _ _ _ ..Dollar ($ loCO ) lawful money of the United States, paid by the part y of the second part, do eshel'eby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, its succ'~ssors and assigns forever, tiH/, for highway purposes, all those tr<icts or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at ,2ast Narion, :~n the Tmm of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Parcel I-North by Lot No. 64 as shown on a subdivision map entitled "Hap of Harion HanoI''' made by otto'!. Van Tuyl and Son, Licensed Surveyors, dated November 25, 1952 and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on the 18th day of Harch, 1953, as map number 2038, 98.22 feet; East by unknown ovmer, 50.00 feet; South by Lot No. 65 on said map, 97.14 feet and '~est by HanoI' Road, 50.02 feet. Parcel II-North by Lot No. 73 on said map, 100.00 feet; Eeet by::;ardiners Bay Co., 50.02 feet; Soth by Lot Ne. 74 on said map, 100.03 feet aDd ';vest by East Gillette Drive. Parcel III-North by Lot No.6 on said map, 100.0 feet; Ea st bJ Cleclves Point Hoa d, 50.n feet; South by LctB Nos. 4 and 5 on said map 100.n feet and west by Blue Foint Company Inc. 50.0 feet. Y r " L1BER3541 PAGE437 Parcel IV-North by Lot No. 16 on said map, 100.0 feet; East by Gillette Drive, 50.0 feet; South by Lot No. 15 on said map, 100.0 feet and clest by Czerepowicz, 50.0 feet. Percel V-North b:r Lot No. 26 on said map 95.0 feet; East by Gillette Drive, 50.00 feet; South by Lot No. 25 on said map 100.0 feet and West by Czerepowic z, 50.0 feet. I mentioned I Being five of the six parcels designated "RESERVED" on'dore suMi vision map. Reserving, however, to the party of the first part, their he:lts, successors and assigns, the right of ingress and . gmss over said parcels to adjoining lends of the party of the first part. -..,:t, .o>."f , r II 0r::;1l~ P'Q , U8ERUr~; .i::_"_ PAGE xtX, (!Jl1l!yi~tr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part y of the first part in and to said premises, m.. ~ ltUt "00 ht .,..la the premises herein granted unto the part y of the selJOnd part, its Sl1ccessors and assigns forever. ,3$u ~itnt~~ OOl~trttlf. the part y of the first part ha s caused this instrument to be signed in the partnership name -k9~-aet- - -- - - - - - - ~Jl,Il- -.and. ~",L. __ tb&..d4y.. .u.n.d....yea,r-lb:8f...alJm;(l...:wri;t~. "PETER B,uANK & SON", by PETER BLI\.NK, one of its active partners. 11lt J'rtselttt of PETER BLANK & SON fly: ~ 4J(a.v1 ____ ~1!~t~ alf~~w !ll.1l1dt l (!!'ttUlltg of Suffolk ~ 88.. ttf LlBER3541 PAGE439 On this /(~ day of June Nineteen Hundred and fifty three before me, the subscriber, personally appeared PETER BLANK, to me known to be a partner of the partnership of PETER BLANK & SON, 4lJ-~~~1f-~ and known to me to be the same person described in the partnership name of PETER BL.ANK & SON, in and who executed the within Instrument,/andt he said PETER BLANK duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same said partnership. c RECORDED IRVING L.I'RIOll JR. PUBLIC, w,n Of MEW ~O~K MOTAKT . I Intmllll Residing in SUffo\~ Co. at rtme. hep~ 1165 - . '" 0ciIDJRlIII011 Explr.. MilO .., JUL 6 1953 @ /;SS" f M:. WILLIAM H. FRY Clotk 01 Sullolk c:....tr f'r\ t""l Lr-. >- >- .. ~ :z:: c:: l- e: r Z 0-. _L1.:_:::. Lj I/) :i~:ia ~ III -:::r' ~-"t'"' ~ <.J (:;. - -- ;~,-::<.: u <4 Li.! --' UJ - --'0 a:: c.c ...Juu.. ...J u.. ''= :::> -. V) ~ I !IIII <'1 . J ~ '" lr\ . ~ '" O"J ~ "~ CIJ .~ <:l "" III ~ ~ N '~ iii ~ I ~ ~ i: I :z; A , ~ :I: ... & >-l I :! / l-- ~~~ ~ ;..t 0 (t ~, ~ \3'-. l~ f. z ~ z c;:j 5 , 0 ~ r\\ , ~ ~~ 0 I I) , 1,/1 ~~ :1 = Q) w '0 ,.-~ tJ) . z "" Pl >:: lil ~l oil .-t I >-l "" ::l ... 0 ''l (;-' f!tO ;:Q .~ .. I 0 t:l ~ ~ w D:: ... '- I:t:< ~ ~ ::s \ll r:;1 0 .. 0 ~ E-< 0 il VJ '- U ~"" ~ .... (f.I I i'i1 E-< . 1'1 '::l iii I<i ' '~ ,I ~4 Q:: ~ ~ ~ '.1 ..... -d ~l ~ .~~\. <:01 - ~ ~ I. l:: ~ I,II 11,1 ::I .!:: " '::l "- ." S "- ~ I