HomeMy WebLinkAboutFordham, Herbert & Raynor, Mabelle R FORM 56. N. Y. DEED-QUIT OLAIM J . u, u..i~x "'G'ST'''D uS'ATomc~ Made the seventeenth dayof June Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-three, 18tthfttn . ">= .... 'J HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, both residing at Greonport. in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and MABELLE R. RADBB, residing at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, part ie s of the first part, and . I f., I I i I I i TOWN OF 'SeUTROLD, a municipal. corporation with its principal places of business at Greenport and Southold in the Town . of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yerk, OOitnt_tth t that the part ies part y of the seoond part, of the first part, in oonsideration of - - - ONE - - Dollar ($ 1.00 ) lawful money of the United States, and other good am valuable consideration, paid by the part y of the seoond part, of the seoond part, do hereby remise, release, and quitolaim unto the part y its successors and assigns forever, all those cert'ain tracts or parcels ot land, situate. lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows:- PARCEL I: BEGINNING at a monument set on the northerly line of Manhan..i Avenue as now laid out at the southwesterly corner of land of Herbert Fordham IU14 the southeasterly corn'ilr of land of St. .Agnes Cemetery; and running thence through said land of Herbert Fordham, land of Mabelle R. Raynor and land of Inez Fordham, two courses, as follows: (1) South 68 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds East. a distance of 758.13 teet to a point 10.5 feet northerly from the northerly line of Man~ I. set Avenue as now laid out; running thence parallel to said norther],y line of Manhanset Avenue as now laid out and 10.5 feet northerly I therefrom, (2) South 87 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 860 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Greenport Bay; running thence in a swthwesterly direction alon6 ordinary high water mark of Geeenport Bay, a distance of 11.25 feet to the said northerly line of Manhanset Avenue as now laid out; running thence along' said northerly line of Msnhanset A.venue as now laid out. North 87 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 855 feet, more or less; continuing thence along said northerly line of Manhanset Avenue North 67 degrees 48 minutes 5Q seconds West, a distance of 760.30 feet ~ to the point or place of beginning. .' - .... . .. -. I I I ~ ,. ,~,,,,,,,,,:,"',,"~/.,o< ~ "..--....-"...... I', I i ~ i" ill l- I I' ;- , , ~.:tQ2S!,fH38NQn L/8[p,ooUl ~AGt ' :" PARCEL II t BBGINNDlG at a point on the southerly line ot Manhenset Ave.... now laid out (which point is South 87 degrees 05 minutes 00 secon__ a distance of 600.0 feet trom a monument at the most easterly det~.. point in said line as now laid out); ruzming thence South 78 degr~1If. minu'j;es 40 seconds East a distsnce of 234.37 feet toa point on 0" hi~ water mark or Greenport Ba,.; running thence in a northeasterl,-':, ' direction along l!Jaicl. ord.inary high water mlU'k of Greenport Bay a ~." ot 35.70 feet to the southerly line ot Manhanset Avenue as now laia:-'.._ running thence along said southerly line of Manhsnset Avenue North 17 degrees 05 minutes 00 second.s Weat, a distance of 244.83 teet to t.. point or place of beginning. PARCEL III: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly liM of Manhanset Aveml. .. now laid out (Which point is m.arked by a monUlllent III d is the most easterly deflection point in said southerly line); rwming thence ..l'tJa' 68 degrees 35 minutes 50 second.s West, a distance of 559.79 feet to . point on ~he easterly" line of Beach Road; running thence North 04 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of ~.53 feet along ~ easterly line of Beach Road to tho southerly line of Manhanaet Ave.... running thence along the fk>utherly line of Manhanset Avenue as nowJ,.U4 out, South 67 degrees 48 minutel!J 50 seconds East, a distance of 563i52 feet to the point or place of beginning. " PARCBL IV: , BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly bou.nclary line of tAe Incorporated Village of Greenport at the westerly line ef Beach Road u now laid out; running thence along said Village boundary, North 54 " degrees 33 ~i~...Tes 50 seeonds West a distance of 10.30 feet; runniac thence northerly on a curve to ,the left having a radius of 160 feet ... on a line concentric with the westerly line of Beach Road as IlOW la1.& out and 10 feet westerly theretroa, a distance of 69.25 feet; runni.. thence on a line 10 feet Westerly from said westerly line as now 184<< out, North 04 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance or 267.11 feet; running thence nOl'thwesterly on a curv~ to the lett having a radius of 77 teet and on a line concentric with the southwesterly U... or Beach Road as now laid. out and 10 feet southwesterly therefrom., & distance of 106.03 teet; running thence on a line 10 feet southerly t~ the aoutherly line of Beaoh Road as now laid out, North 83 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds West, a di8tanoe or 113.47 feet; running thence northwesterly on a ourve to the right having a radius of 446 feet aa4 a line concentric with the southwesterly line or Beach Road as now 1&14 out and 10 feet southwesterly therefrom, a distance of 283.15 feet tie land of the Town of Soutbold; running theJ1ce slong said land of the ~. of Southold, North 33 degrees 10 llI4.nu1lds But, a distance of 10.15 t.., to said sout:qwesterly line ot BeaCh Roe,d as now laid out; runni:cg tlile_ in a southeasterly, easterly and southerly direction along said souu.. westerly line of Beach Road as now laid out to the point or place ot beginning. According to survey map of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated Deeeue. 22, 1952 and attached hereto and made a part hereof. '- . I I . 'if I --1 ~ ,. i"- il " " i!' ~ '. jl lIBER3801 PAGE 38H <!D~l!tr with, the appurtenances and all the estate and riJ!h,ts of the part ies of the first part in and to said premises, II II I I I I m.. I!it\ft md~ ....1t..Jb the premises herein J!ranted unto the party- of the second part, its successors and a8siJ!ns forever, for highway purposes. 3n emitnt~ at!l4mtt( the parties of the first part ha ve hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first Move written, /1'7 "1,, ;/, /1-7 //1('/ t{....\....-^--<_____ j/( , Mabelle ]u,}D'n'$tlttt of . ~ , l I n ' 'I I, , L1BEp.3801 PAGE 6VO ~t~tlt llfNltW ~"f'k ( <!rtlttut~ llf SUFFOLK , 88.. TOWN ltf SOUTHOLD. June Nineteen Hundred and ,I :1 Ii :1 1! Fifty-three, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, and. MABELIE R. RAYNOR, acknowledged to me that they =or ,- i II ,I to me personally known and known to me to be the same person s described I, Ii I' ]1 II ,I I , I I 'I II ii 'I II Ii II II II I II II II II I I Ii Ii ]1 I ,'", \ \--- \, . -., ;.,~ \ \ , ;J On this 17th day of in and who executed the within Instrument, and they severally duly IlGoRDfD 0Ec21954 1;.;,' ,'l!' ',' ,( "',' 11-" r!l CJ~~;V '/. ~....# 2 ~'-l.'_ -':. ~d --, ,'-', "':'1 . ,-i '.:-.....J U lU :,;- V) c::3 . "" 1.l'\ - ~. ~ ~I'C:J ~~ 'C:J Q .. .. olQt:l:l ~o ?;i'!i~ i:aCll AD3p:; ~:a . IO"P:; .. I!a ~gi II iiI ~~ Ja"1 ['(j \n ~ .............. IRj " It -J. ;: w Z "- o w ~ I l- (/) c '~ .. 6 o ::ct ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 8 ........ - - r~:: \....J , ,r., .. '. . FRANlt J. McMANN " NOTARY PUBLIC, Sl.to of NowT.<< No. 62.7870900 Suffolk ~l":' JlImmisti.n E!,pirO' .!larch 30,..1v.Mf" . ~ ~ 1 I J ~ " ,~ IN' ~ ~ ::: "~ . :""l ;:::: III ~ I ~ ~ X ~ ~:-: I 1."\ " ~ ~\ '!:--~ ~ Z ~~;:: o ~" ~ ~ o I'~ fIl I'~ ~ .1 o ~" U bl t:l::: ~ '" \J H!l: . ..." (J ..._. ~;.) 1-1 ....... f?i .,z.:') 1-; ~ (j f"'~ \-'-1 h1 Ul ... I. 'tJ 08 ~."J rl . ~ 0 :>t f~ ~ ",,"'.p r.c;Op i:il-PO E-f-P<r.l -< i I '- '.::l ~l - =: ::I '.::l ~ ~ "' ~ I..'l ~~ .~ ~ " . '\ ~""\o."" ~. ...... ~ ' " 'r """.,~ :~"'."'"' ;~ , \ \ ~"~C=='--~O~"::e. "._,_ __ · F ,.__._~_~, _ . . N." .. ....'" ""0",' " ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,iVlANHAN.." . =""-=="~~....., - - H. 'S~r"'",W. ';E~ . , '0 \ \ ,""P<-<., ""f~~''''' ~~. C':r''';lV''''''''''''- .-"".,"';" ! '''~''''l'~,' \ t :':~''''\e-,tt""......'j I ... ,f"l N .J\ \, \ \/\ ~ (J Il\ -- Het~b,,-...t P-orclh....,." , :\ ~, \ 'I " .\ ,,1.; \ \ ' \ : Q \ \\ t,{, \ \, . \ ' \ HtIt.. U c.....,. \ I , ; \ \ \. 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OITO )'Y, VA N -r"yL. $a SON J..:l<::Cff<$e4 SUt>vc.yor".s ~er)portf N. Y. \ E'}('14rl'n~ hlqhway h'ne~ a ----~. FroPO.$ed It ,,'" . . . '. ~,,-< ,.ji. .