HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestphalia Corporation ,... .< ~~ .'''- l~tR3457 PAGE 522 IBED OF DEDICATION THIS INnBNTURB, Made this Between WESTPHALIACOftPORATION, ",,,/':;0 ~ I day of November, 1952. a domestic corporation wi.~h principal office at Love Lane. Mattituck. ~ew York, and f1!ll:1fOR1'B' POtUtBdltAtfDTRUST COIIPA:5Y~ aclOllt&rt1c banking corporation with principal office at Mattituck, New York, and ALPmlJ! Knot",I ROIIf:qi1) ....l!ItY/JiJOUISB1rOdI!f6 ,hi. s wit.. r.ddingat. R....'A....nu.. lItattituck.K_Yol'k, 'and FRAl'K E. MAGOR and ALICE: MAGOR.his wite, residing at Kings IU.ghway, Mattituck, New York, 'met , I "J :-.':: ',~' -" .,' ., " REGlRA ~reE. ~.s1<<ing at19,~oncord R&ad, 'Po~ Wa.h1~t.n. . '{I ." .', New YON. end . ,~. , , .. ',. IdIatilAtbtUO. ruU.ing _, '0" ", ''''.,: , Nn York, " , ,,'., '''~ a' 7 sal.IIl' Lan... ,port W.lhl!Dgton. . ~' . ".... ,.. , " ~ ~, ,I'; .)', " ~~ . ,;~,J', " , "\ parties of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation in the County of suffolk and State of New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH. that WHJmEA8. th.~~rtie!,..qJ.,the f"rst_p"r1; ~. willing to cede ''*'''''t''~ ,"'." '-""'l'''''''''';~'' ~ ..ti"-'~;..", ".ftI....."~,, t'. . "nd dedhal:e to.lIh."'fotln of llO\\tbollll~'pu"..ntto'law, cer1oa1Ja roads, lIlore tltlly !.4en1;iffed and de scl'lbe d hereinafter. y ,. '. r ~..[;- -. \ ~ r.........",...:.. .,J.b) ; BOW, T~~RE, the said parties of the first part, sole owners of the said roads, in consideration of the sum or One ($1.00) Dollar, and other valuable consideration, to them paid by the Town of Southold, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby dedicate, grant, bargain, sell, release and convey unto the said Town of Southold, its successors and assigns forever, ror highway purposes: "8f.~345? pl\GF.523 ALL those certain roads situate at Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, designated and identified as follows: "HARBORVIEW AVENUE" t,::' The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Harborview Avenue" begins at a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Reeve Avenue at the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of M.J. Reeve Estate and the southeasterly corner of land of the westphalia Corporation, being 778.02 feet southerly along said westerly line from a concrete monument set at its intersection with the southerly line of said Reeve Avenue; from said point of beginning running along said land now or formerly of M.J.Reeve Estate and land of Magor, 4 courses, as rollows: (1) S. 700 11' 20" W. 442.68 feet to a concrete monument; thence (2) S. 710 41' 00" W. 116.94 feet to a concrete monument; thence (3) S. 810 25' 50" W. 123.10 feet to a concrete monument; thence (4) S. 780 18' 40" W. 206.94 feet to a concrete monument and its intersection with the westerly line or a proposed highway to be known as "East Side Avenue", hereinafter described. The northerly line of said "Harborview Avenue" begins at a point on said westerly line of Reeve Avenue 50.15 feet northerly along said westerly line from said concrete monument set at the point of beginning or the above described southerly line; and runs along land of the Westphalia Corporation, 2 courses1 as follows: (1) S. 700 11' 20" w. 443.38 feet; thence (2) S. 770 26' 20" W. 393,44 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of a proposed highway to be known as "East Side Avenue", hereinafter described. The above described highway to be 50 feet or more in width. "BAST SIlE AVENUE" The westerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "East Side Avenue" begins at a concrete mon~ent set on the southerly line of Reeve Avenue, 761'.84 .teet southweste;vly along sai.d southerly line from a concrete monument set at i1(,lJ:\tersecticin with the westerly line of said Reeve Avenue, being also 253.37 feet northeasterly along ,.. ., II"'" ,~ :,:"~) 'J":" , ) . J~' , d.~ ~ " 1~ 'l;~ , l;.:. . . ~ t 111l~RM57 .524 saId southerly line from a deflection point in said line; from said point of beginning running along land of the Westphalia Cor- poration, land of Ronning and land of Rice & Haverland, 2 courses, as follows: (1) S. 00 56' 30" W. 432.68 feet to a concrete monument; thence (2) S. l3Q 11' 00" E. 271.38 feet to a concrete monument and its intersection with the southerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Harborview Avenue", hereinabove described. The easterly line of said "East Side Avenue", begins at a point on said southerly line of Reeve Avenue, 54.71 feet northeasterly along said southerly line from said concrete monument set at the point of beginning of the above described westerly line; and runs along land of the Westpha11a Corporation, 2 courses, as follows: (1) S. 00 56' 30" W. 448.70 feet; thence (2) S. 130 11' 00" E. 215.72 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Harborview Avenue", hereinabove described. The above described highway to be BO feet in width. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and right of the parties of the first part in and to said roads, it being the intention of the parties of the first part to convey their entire estate and right in the roads above described. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted premises unto the Town of Southo1d, its succesoors and assigns forever, for highway purposes, as aforesaid, as fully as if the fee title thereto had been acquired by condemnation proceedings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part have hereunto signed and sealed this instrument the day and year first above written. (Seal) C OMP ANY ,." .~'w: C'.L:i- _.' ,\'-..',........~ ,~- .....1...:. ",;' ". ... 0;-, . ....' '" ,- ~,.:.....:. ;\0..'1. '.. : 0..':. ,~,"","; , I- ;,f",c.;.'tseal) \ ~< ~~..-/~ti)'\;:"/"'" ~:'~:'~~" \ </~..~:~~~...: t I ~'?, ~_, ~':<'~',:~/v, . ~~ 1 Y ou onn ng ~~~~ A; c;,,~ Frank . Mago ~~~e~~~ o " , . . .' :'.(L~f~..' ". ~. OJ ~,~ .. ~;,,;c.. J~~,.,.J '" ~.. A ll.-. t,) .~~ ~,.~...>--, '1!:,~3:157 PAGt525 STATE OF NEW YORK ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK :2 , s..1 On the day of November, 1952, before me came stephen F. Griffing,Jr., to me known, who, being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides at westhampton Beach, New Yolk ; that he is the Vice-President of Westphalia Corporation, the cor- poration described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. /~v t:4 , L--~ STATE OF NEW YORK HELEN D. CORWIN Notary Public. State of Kew York Residing in S~lffolk County Suffolk County No. 52-0770700 Commission Epxires March 30, 1953 88. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the )-1 day of November, 1952, before me came Henry L. Fleet, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides on Honeysuckle Road, Cutchogue, New York; that he is the President of The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said cOIporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he sieped his name thereto by 1,.. ord'~~ J'. WE - LV I ~uu.. t. 'fYrnj'Li No. 52.9401&00 N~ry Public In lh. Stat. 01 'New.VviI. Oom"'~ln. In SUl(OlkCouqt; IIIlI&ion ... ,.,.... ao.l~ ,. " 11.1"", ,-,~,.- ,-- lIBER8457 PAGE 526 STATE OF NEW YORK sa. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On this.) ,,( day of November, 1952, before me personally came Alfegus Nikoloi Ronning and Emily Louise Ronning, to me personally known, and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and duly acknowledged that they executed the same. ~4 ~? 6L.{/ ,-' ) HUll E.TUTHllL No. 52.9401800 I/tIIry Public In the State of New Yorl 1l01ldlngln Suffolk County "lftImJlIlon EJopirvsMlll'Ch 30. ~ STATE OF NEW YORK S8. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On this ~~nH('day of November, 1952, before me personally came Frank E. Magor and Alice Magor, to me personally known, and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed tbe foregolng lno"_nt, ~d du1~~lad"d ~i oxa,ntad the same. . ~ Notllry Puhlic tn the Stllte of N w 'tor' Residing in Suffolk County ~ ~r Commission Expires Maroh 30, 19.... STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF '+-ll~'.tjl_s.: On thi s d i day ot: November, 1952. bet:ore me personally came Regina Rice, to me personally known, and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the t:oregoing instru- ment, and duly acknowledged that 8~ted t~ame. / .?f -L-iP , HULL E. TUTHILL STATE OF NIpORK No. 52.9401800 s s. : Notary Public in the State of New York COUNTY OF ~..iding in Suffolk County Commission Expire. Mar.h 30. l~ On this ;'~~day ot: November, 1952, before me personally came Irene Haverland, to me personally known, and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the t:oregoing instru- JAN 2 1953 i".:.z 0" ~ HI . R. FORD HU6H"S ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY she~,~ute<bt~ s~. ~pT;r ~:: ~~m~ No. 52.940]800 I~'J', , Pljl;:i.:: in the Sl3te of New YurK I.. ~. {~liig In Stlftolk County COlflill,ss:on Expires March :~O, 1954 ment, and duly acknowledged that RECORDED r ~- .> ~ r---~"._'--'-~ -, i i 1 'i i I "-- . to Co t C ... 'F' ~ '" ~ 0 ..... ... ..... :: :Ie <:) Ln ~ lL :> ac: .... ::> <:> Cl Q 'Of" x: -=:.u u c:\ 0: "" ..... -' 6U II: -' Q II: C"J Cl u... .... .... ~ a: ~ .. At " j ~n .'" , ( . t' I' f,' '-', ~.::... .::~~: ...-.. .' "_.,""~., ~_'N"~_~_~M. ~_ /15'::J... T ,.. .. ./ .1'-'"" WESTPHALIA CORPORATION, etal. , to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD c;.~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DEED OF DEDICATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~.+ /t.~y-:J., ' r if~/ /1" ':) C) \f\ ......t/t---ti-.. fP'/ {/ ~ii A.O:~i:F.l'~; ArI'ORNE!i" ~D COUlil'SELOR AT LAW 120 COURT STREET RIVERHEAD. LONG ISLAliD , .---L