HomeMy WebLinkAboutFordham, Herbert (2) FORM 9X N. Y. DEED--QUlT CLAIM 55 (Law!'! of 1917, Cbsp. 681. Statuwry Form D) UiJi:R3231 PAGE3?7 TUTBLANX I'IEGISTI!.IU:t y,l!;. PAT.OFI'ICI!. Tutlle Law Prrnr.Publt~ fwrs,Rut/and, W: m-hig l1nbtntur~, State of New York County of } ss. day of June Recorded on the of Made the 5th day .1. D., 19 at o'clock Jl'. in libu of DEEDS at page and examined. Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-One Between Clerk HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, residing on the north s:Lc.e of the North Road near Greenport, Suffolk County, New York part ie fUf the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with its principal places cf business at Greenport and Southold in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York party of the second part, Witnesseth that the part ie s of the first part, in consideration of - - - - - - - - - -TEN and 00/100- - - - - - - - Dollar ($10.00 ) lawful money of the United States, and other valuable considerations paid by the part y of the second part, do hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, its suee.saors and assitns fe-rever, all that tract or parcel of land situate near Greenport, in the ~own of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularl:r described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of Manhanset Avenue, said monument being the northerl:l' terminus of the westerly line of a proposed highwal to be known as We,od Lane, Inlet Lane & Bay Road, and being S. 87005'00 E.-7.39 feet frm~ a concrete monument set on said southerly line at a deflection point ire said line; and running across the northerly end of said Wood Lane, S. 87005'00"E.-50.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerlJ' line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of the easterly :L:I.ne of said Wood Lane; thence along said easterly line of Wood Lane, S. ;:~o 55'00"W.-617.63 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection ,-i the northerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Bay Road; thenc along said northerly line of Bay Road, S. 83015'10"E.-178.58 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection with the westerly line of ~. proposed highway to be known as Inlet Lane; thence along said westerly line of Inlet Lane, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N. 12029'20"E.-131.39 feet; thence (2) N. 2055'00"E.-500.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of said westerly line of Inlet Lanllj thence across the northerly end of said Inlet Lane, S. 87005'00"E.- 50.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhl~r,- set Avenue at the northerly terminus of the easterly line of said Inlet Lane; thence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane, S. 2055'00"W.- 504.20 feet; thence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane and alQng the easterly line of said Bay Road, S. 12029'20"W.-219.96 feet; theme along said easterly line of Bay Road, S. 4021'20"E.-439.06 feet to Hs intersection with the southerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, 2 courses, as follows: (1) S. 85038'40"W.-90.0 feet to its intersection with the bounde.ry line of the Village of Greenport; thence (2) along said boundary lil~ of the Village of Greenport, N. 54033'50"W.-104.l3 feet to its intel~- section with the easterly line of Beach Place; thence along said easterly line of Jileach Place, N. 402l'20"W.-23 feet, more or less, te, its intersection with the curved easterly line of Beach Road; thencll along said curved easterly line of Beach Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 220.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 91 feet, more or less, to the point of tangency of said curve with the easterly line of said Beach Road; thence along the ,extension southerly of sa:te. easterly line of Beach Road, S. 4021'20"E.-64.29 feet to its inter- section with the northerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said northerly line of said Bay Road, 2 courses, as follows: (1) S. 54033'50"E.-10l.64 feet; thence (2) N. 85038'40"E.-21.9 feet to its intersection with the westerly line of said Bay Road. 'J( ~ ir- " I lHR323'i PAGE32Jl '. -tlience ~ong sa'r'd westeJ;'lfl line. of Bay Roact. N. 4021'20tlW.-438.59 feet to its intersection .tt\ j;he~~outherly line of said Bay Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, N. 83015'10tlW.-I01.91 feet to its intersection with the extension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road; thence along said extension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road. S. 4021'20tlE.-61.76 feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency of said easterly line with the curved northeaster line of said Beach Road; thence along said curved northeasterly line of Beach Road on a curve to the left, having a radius of 137.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 188.65 feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency of said curved northeasterly line with the northerly line of said Beach Road; thence along the extension easterly of said northerly line of Beach Road. S. 83015'10tlE.-13.09 feet to a concrete monument set at the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Wood Lane; thence along said westerly line of Wood Lane. N. 2055'00" E.-6l4.28 feet to the point of beginning. ~ , :t=" j..:~~ -T..-.-.. r UBER3231 P4GE329 Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part in and to said premises, The parties of the first part covenant that they have not done or suffered any thing ,whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto F~~=~' the part y of the and assigns forever, In Witne88 Whereof, the part ie s of the first part ha ve hereunto set their lWnd>. and "a!g . the day and year first;alJ/ writte___.n. ]-11,,,,,,, of . . ,6~&4U( '14f~~ / ~~(/ State of New York 1 On this 5th Countv of SUFFOLK 88. Nineteen Hundred and . before me, the subscriber, personally appeared day of June Fifty-One HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife to me personally known and known to me to be the same person who executed the within Instrument, and they duly to me that they executed the same. ~r~~- Notary Public described in and acknowledged State of New York 1 On this County of 88. Nineteen Hundred before me, the subscriber, personally appeared HENRY BOOTH MOORE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK / daJqalbT OF SUFFOLK CO., CLERK'S No. 1378 and CifMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, 19'-' to me personally known and know,? to me to be the same person who executed the within Instrument, and he to me that he executed the same. described in and acknowledged Notary Public .,. RECORDED JUN 26 1951 j.l-.'){- ~ PM . R. FORD HUGHE~ Cll.DlK ~ SUFI'OLK COUNTY /;). ) 1..",.-/ OUIT CLAIM HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wif'e TO , \ THE TOWN OF6~UTH~LD) Qf)~, JUNE 5th, A951 , ,,/ \0 '. ,r" V TERRY Be KHU'PSKI Attorueye at La~ 8outhold. N._ X'. J :;L ')...- L .-->- ... lit C OiW E u ----- IJ// 25 ,1 42 pr{~~5i .' ! (UiU HUGfiU; r;U:RK op-"," , !.!~ CO!JI(1)' ~ - 'I' '-- ........ . , ~ - . ..' ~ - - -- -- . .- , r( '" WI . -