HomeMy WebLinkAboutTitle to Town Property =,;:C'--- A.b~TF:ACT OF THB TI rru: 01 THE TOWN CF SOUTHOLD tei The real property d,)scribed in this Caption DESCRIPTION OF TH3 PREMIS~S. PARCEL I: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at ;3outhold, in the Town of ....outhold, <"ounty of Suffolk and 'state of New York, bounded and described a.s follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of the Main Road at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Alice M. Thompson (which point is the southwesterly corner of the pre- mises herein described); running thence North 30 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 153.18 feet to a point marked by a stone monument; running thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the Southold Presbyterian Church to the Town of Southold 2 courses, as follows: (1) north 60 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 146.26 feet; thence (2) South 29 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 153.30 feet to said nort~ westerly line of the Main Road; running thence along said north- westerly line of the Main Road South 60 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 142.02 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, in and to the Main Road in front of and abutting said premises to the center line thereof. BEING AND INT~NDED to be the first parcel described in a con- veyance by the Rt. Rev. John Loughlin, Bishop of the City of Brooklyn, to St. Patrick's Church in the Town of Southold by deed dated February 1, 1866 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 28, 1566 in Liber 135 of Deeds at page 580. PARCEL II: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of 'southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: J I . :,j Ij I' (~ ~1 --.---..---"='."'....;., ..$(ll.liNDlGa.t a point marked by a granite mOI1W11ent set on the northwesterly line of the Main Road at the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of the Estate of Frederick K. Terry, deceased, (WhiCh point is the southeasterly corner of the premises herein des- cribed); running thence in a southwesterly direction along said north- westerly line of the Main Road, South 60 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance or 80.50 feet; running thence along land conveyed or about to De conveyed by St. Patrick's Church to the Town of bouthold 2 courses, as follows: (1) North 29 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 153.30 feet; thence (2) South 60 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 146.26 feet to a point marked by a stone monument, S 00 land of John Montgomery; running thence North 30 degrees 03 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 59.78 feet to a point marked by a granite monument, and land of Hedvig P. Terry; running thence North 60 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 225.0 feet to a point marked by a gramite monument; running thence South 29 deg- rees 56 minuteS 10 seconds East, a distance of 213.96 feet to the point or place of begiming. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, in and to the Main Road in front of and abutting said pr$Mises to the center line thereof'. --00-- HIS TOR I C A L. The premises herein under examination are situate in the Vil~ge and Town of bouthold, Suffolk County, New York. parcel I was owned in the year 1858 by one William H. Wells who conveyed same to Foster Sayre by Liber 98 cp 557 (returned herein). Parcel II consists of two parcels, the first of which was owned and deeded by Henry Huntting to The First Church, Congregation or Soeiety in Southold by Liber 160 cp 105 (returned herein), and the second of which is the parcel on Which the School District No. 5 was ereoted and was conveyed by said Henry Huntting to said The First Church, Congregation or Society in Southold by Liber 179 cp 572 (returned herein). ~ .1.-.. '.'. No.1 UILLI.AM H. ,WELLS, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York *Signs W.E. Wells to WARRANTY DEED Dated: May 8, 1858 ACk'd: May 8; 1858 Rec'd: June 1, 1858 Liber 98 page 557 Cons. $1050.00 FOSTER SAYER, of the same place CONVEYS:- Same promises by same description as in Liber 99 cp 448. Subject however to two several mortgages, one given by the said William H. Wells to Isaac Terry, Special Guardian of Wells E. Terry for two hundred dollars (cancelled L. 54 mp 70 on February 24, 1882) and one given by the said William H. Wells to Daniel T. Terry for Four Hundred Dollars (cancelled L. 54 mp 270 on May 27, 1867). The said two mortgages amounting to the sum of Six Hundred Dollars, principal forming a part of the consideration of this deed. --00-- No.2 FOSTER SAYRE, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, ELIZABETH, his wife, to WARRANTY DE1!;D Dated: July 16, 1858 Ack'd: July 16, 1858 Rec'd: July 2e, 185e Liber 99 page 448 Cons. $1200.00 GEORGE W. DICKINSON, DANIEL W. DICKINSON, of the same Place. CONVEYS:- ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate and , being in the Town of Southold in the County and State aforesaid, and bounded Southerly by the .highway, Westerly and Northerly by other lands of the said Foster Sayre, and Easterly by lands belonging to the inhabitants of School District Number Five (5) of Southold. , Being the same property, or intended so to be, that was con- veyed to trn said Foster Sayre byW'illiam H. Wells by deed, bearing date the 8th day of May 1858 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 98 of Deeds, page 557, containing half an acre strict measure. ~ I r" . _.,-,.. , I No.3 No.4 "'-""~"'""'~""'_"""~"_"""~","",~..,.,-">.'. Subject ,however to two several mortgages one given by the said William H. Wells to Isaac Terry, Special Guardian of Wells H. Terry for two hundred dollars (cancelled as above) and one given by said William H. Wetls to Daniel T. Terry for four hundred dollars, (cancelled as above) the said two mortgages amounting to the sum of six hundred dollars principal and forming a part of the consideration of this deed. --00-- GEORGE W. DICKINSON, Town of Southold, Suff. Co., N.Y. *Signs - Geo. W. Dickinson Q.. C. IEED Dated: July 23, 1~58 Ack'd: Aug. 7, lB58 Rec'd: Aug. 13, lB58 Liber 99 page 562 Cons. $900.00 to DANIEL W. DICKINSON, of the same place. CONVEYS:- All my right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand both at law and in equity and well in possession as inaxpectancy, of, in and to All that certain piece or parcel of land situato in the Town of Southold aforesaid and bounded northerly and Wdsterly by the lands of Foster Sayer, ~asterly by the lands of No.5 SehoolDis- tric:; and t he lands of David A. Jennings and Southerly by the public highway, with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. --00-- DANIEL W. ill CKl!:RSON, JOS):!;PH R. qOLDSMITR, of Southold, N.Y. ::>ub.Wit. to WILLIAM R. WI:!;LLS, JERI:!;MIAH GOLDSMITH, of the same place MORTGAGb: Dated: Sept. 23, lB58 Ack'd: Sept. 24, 1~58 Rec'd: ::>ept;. 24, 1~5B Liber 55 page 543 Amount f535 ( Foredosed) MORTGAGES:- Same pr~ ises by same description as contained in Liber 56 mp 514. ';"'J, ;....;..,..___--'-'''".~.... ,.~,.:.,>._'_,."".,,,..._",.' _'.' .. ,__ '" ",..~.._.._w.' ,..~_.. - This Grant is intended as a security ror the payment of two several sealed notes, both bearing even date herewith and both made and executed by the said Daniel W. Dickerson, one ror the sum or $385 payable to William h. Wells, or order, on demand with interest and one for the sum of '150 payable to Jeremiah Goldsmith on demand with interest, which payments if duly made will renderthis con- veyance void. And if dera~lt shall be made in the payment of the principp.l or interest above mentioned, then the said (2), and their assi gns, are hereby authorized pursuant to statue, to sell the pre- mises above granted or so much thereof as will be necessary to satist the amount then due, witn the costs and expenses allowedbt law. See Afridavits of Foreclosure Liber 06 page 472. --00-- No.5 WILUAM H. WELU>, of the Town of Southold, in the County of surrolk and State of New York, to B. & S. DEED Dated: March 20, Ack'd: March 20, Recld: Marcn 20, Liber: 112 page Cons: see below (premises and ~1.00) leol lCS6l lCS6l 1';13 ALB~ ALBERTSON, JOSEPH H. GOLDSMITh, WILLIAM Y. FITHrAN of the same place. WHEREAS the said party of the first part is &ndebted in divers oon- . siderable sums of money and is now unable to meet all his liabilities and pay all his debts in full - and Whereas he is desirous of making a fresh disposition of all his property and estato for the benefit of his creditors. CONV~YS:- All and singular the lands, tenements, hereditaments and real e state of the said William H. Wells, the party of the first part, whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be situated; And also all the personal property and estate of the said William H. Wells of What nature or kind soever, including notes, lands, mortgages, book-accounts, moneys, claims Ind .demands, and all other debts and evidences thereof, or the said party of the first part (except such p~rsonal articles and amo~t of ~ property as is exempt by law from execution). --,-, "'~~"",",,,,,,,,,,,,,".,%,,,,,,,.,,.~,,,,,.. ..,", IN TRUST to sell and dispose of all real and personal estate and to deliver all necesaary conveyances and instruments for. the purposes aforesaid and to use the proceeds in payment of debts owing by the party of the first part. --00-- No.6 DANIl>L W. DICKERSON. of the Town of Southo1.d, in the County of Sui'folk and State of New York.. to WARRANTY DEI!:D Dated: December 7, 1858 Ackld: December 7. 1858 Recla: December 8, 1858 Liher 101 page 390 Cons. i764.23 CORDELLO D. ELMER. of the same place. CON Vb.'YS : - ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land si tua te and being in the Town of Southold, in the County and State lforesaid and bounded Westerly and northerly by land of Foster Sayre, Easterly by land belonging to the'inhabitants of School District number Five of Southold, and Southerly by the highway. Containing by estimation one half acre, be the same more or less. Subject however ~o the three following mortgages, viz: one to Isaac Terry or eon for ~200 principal. one do. to Daniel T. Terry for ~400 principal, one do. to Wi~liam H. wells and Jermian Goldsmith for '385, including the interest due on said mortgages with the appurtenances and all the estate. title and interest of the sa!. d party of the first part therein. --00-- No.7 CORDELLO D. JSLMER. Signs: C .D. Elmer of Southold. Naw York to MORTGAGl!: Amount '539.50 Dated: December Ack'd: December Recld: December Liber 56 page 7. 1858 7. Itl51:1 tl, Itl51:1 514 DANIEL W'. DICKERSON. of the same place (Cut Off) PREMIS~S:- All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Town of Southold, in the county and state aforesaid and bounded No. -t; ~ i- _k';"i:;;r~".,...~;::.';;..w;,...<....,,,,,..,--..,._~A-- Westerly and Northerly by land of Foster Sayer, ~asterly by land owned by the inhabitants of SChool District number Five of the Town of ~outhold, and ~outherl. y by the highway, containing by estimation one half acre be the same more or less. This grant is intended as a security for the payment of a certain sealed note' for $53~.50 and bearing even date herewith made and executed by the said Corc1ello D. Elmer, and payable to the said Daniel W. Dickerson or order, six months after date, with into @ 6% per annum from date, which paymnnts if duly made will renderthis conveyance void. And if default shall be made in the payment of the principal or interest above meilihioned.1thOn the said (2) his heirs and assigns, are hereby authori~d pursuant to the statute, to sell the promises above granted, or so much thereof as will be necessary to satisfy the mat. then due, with the costs and expenses allowed by 18W. --00-- FORECLOSURE SAL}<; BY ADVJ!:RTISEMi>NT Dated: August 15, ltiol Recld: Februaryltl, 1662 Liber' 66 page 472 NOTICE OF MORTGAGJ!: ~ALE: By virtue of a mortgage bearing date September 2j" ltl5l:l, Daniel W. Dickerson (then) of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and state of New York conveyed to William H. Wells and Jeremiah Goldsmith of the same place certain premises described in said mort- gage as follows, to wit: "All that certain lot or parcel of land situate and ,being in the Town of ~outhold aforesaid and bounded westerly and northerl.y by lands of Foster Sayre; easterly by lands belonging to tho inhabitants of School Dist!ict number Five, and southerly by tho highway. Containing one half acre strict measure with the p-ppurtenances "Deing the lot on lh ich the Southold Inst:llute is located; said mortgage with the power of sale therein contained, . ._, _..:'__"__.C', _ __m..__._ "~,"~=",~"";:r""',,X;' ,v,......,..,.:" ",."~""'.~ "....~---"._.._~ - _.~ was recorded in the Su1'folk County Clerk's Office in Liber 55 of Mort- gages page 563 on the 24th day of September 1858 at 2 o'clock P.M. The amount due on said mortgage, at t he time of the first publication of this notice, is six huIlired and forty three dollars and th11'tr eight cents. AND WHEREAS the said William H. Wells did by a deed of assignment bearing date the 20th day of March Ul6l ass!. gn all his estate real and personal to Albert Albertson, Joseph H. Goldsmith and William Y. Fithian, for the benefit of his creditOU8, including his interest in the above. described premises; whivh said deed of assignment was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Su1'folk in Liber 112 of deeds page 1~3 on tho 20th day of March 1~61. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that said mortg~ged premises will be sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder, on the 16th day of November 1861 at 2 o'clock P.M. at the Institute on the promises in the Village of Southold, default having been made in the payment of the said money. Dated August 15th, 1~61. Albert Albertson Joseph H. Goldsmith William Y. Fithian General Assignees of William H. Wells Jeremiah Goldsmith. Affidavit of John J. Riddell sworn to Nov. 22, HJ61 says that he is proprietor of Su1'folk Weekly Times j t hat the above notice of sale was publiShed in said newspaper for twelve weeks successively at least once in each week prior to the time specified in said notice for the sale, the first publi&anion being on August 15, It6l and the last publication on November 14, 1~61. Affidavit of Oliver H. Griffin sworn to November 27, l~61 shows that on August 16, 1~61 at loasy twolve weoks prior to the time specified in said notice ho affixed a copy of the samo in a conspicuous place on the outer door of the Court House Building at Riverhead. - ",;,.\io''''~:':::'-;''O'',.."~~:",, ,._-- ,-- ". .". Arfidavit of Charles R. Dayton, County Clerk of Suffolk County sworn to November 27, 1861 shows that at least twelve weeks prior to the time specified for the sale in said notice, a copy of said notice of sale was delivered to him and that he immediately affixed the same in a book kept by him for that purpose on August 16, 1861 and also indexed the said notice against the name of the mortgagor. Affidavit of Joseph H. Goldsmtih sworn to November 30, 1861 shows that at least 28 days prior to the time specified in said nottce for the sale of the mortgaged premises he served a copy of said notice upon Daniel W. Dickerson by depositing the samo in tho Southold Post Offico properly folded and directed to said Daniel W. Dicker- son at Walton, Delaware County, N.Y. his place of residence and that at least 14 days prior to the time specified for holding such sale, he served personally a copy of said notice upon Cardello D. Elmer by handing the same to and leaving the same with said Cardello D. Elmor, and furthor that ho officiated as auctioneor at t he sale which was at public auction in the daytimo and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on November 14, 1861 at the place specinied in Baid notice of sale to wit: at the Institute on the promises in tho village of Southold, he sold said mortgaged premises to tilliam D. Cochran for the sum of $1340.00 - high bid - subject to prior mortgages amounting to $600 .00 held by James Worth which tho purchaser assumed to pay as part of the purchase money. --00-- to DEED Dated: January 20, 1863 Ackld: January 22, 1863 Recld: January 24, 1863 @ 9 A.M. Liber 120 page 217 Cons. $950. No.9 WILLIAM D. COCHRAN MD MARY M. COCHRAN, ux.' JACOB A. APPLEY CONVEYS : ALL that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in tho Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, in the County and , _'''',tlc:-c:'''''''~~''''~"';"''~';;'''~''';~'''''; " """,,,..,~, '_'_'''''T,""_'~_'.'';_'_'"'".'. - State aforesaid on which stands the Southold Institute so called and bounded westerly and northerly by land of Ira Tuthill, easterly by land belonging to the Inhabitants of School District Number Five of Southold, and southerly by the Main Highway. Containtng by estimation one half acre, bethe same more or less. Sub ject to a mortgage held by James Worth for $400. (Cancelled Liber 54 mp 270 on May 17, 1867). --00-- to WARRANTY DEED Dated: May 7, 1863 Ack'd: April 23, 1864 Rec'd: May 3, 1864 Liber 126 p age 148 Cons. Ojji15l0.00 No. 10 JACOB A. APPLEY, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, and MARY, his wife, JOHN LAUGHLIN, of the City of Brooklyn in the County of Kings. CONVEYS:- All that certain lot or parcel of land situate and ming in the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, in the County and State aforesaid on which stands the Southold Institute so called and bounied Westerly and !!o.!:the!.lZ* by land now or late of Ira Tuthill, Easterly by land belonging to the Inhabitants of School District Number Five of Southold and Southerly by the Main Highway, containing by estimation half an acre be the same more or less. *sic -should be Northerly. Subject however to a certain lien or mortgage on the said premises now or lately held by James Wcr th for four hundred dollars,* balance of principal due thereon which is to be paid by the said party of the second part as a part of the consideration above men- tioned being the same premises conveyed to the said Jacob A. Appley by Wm. D. Cochran and wife by' deed dated January 20, 1863. (*Liber 54 mp 270 Cancelled on May 17, 1867) --00-- ~""__d'"_''''''''''~_''' ....',"'~., -- - No. 11 RT. REVEREND JOHN LOUGHLIN, Bishop of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New York, to lEJID Dated: February 1, 1866 Ack'd: February 3, 1866 Recld: February 28, 1866 @ 11 A.M. Liber 135 page 580 Cons. ijjll.OO ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. CONVEYS: ALL that certain lot or parcel of land situate and bing in the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, in the County and State aforesaid on which stands the Southold Insti tute so called and bounded westerly and s2uiherly* by land now or late of Ira Tuthill, easterly by land belonging to the Inhabitants of the School District Number Five of Southold, and southerly by the Main Highway containing by estimation half an acre be the same more or less. And also all that certain lot of land si tuate in the village of Greenport. (*sic - should be northerly) --00-- I No. 12 to WARRANTY DEED Dated: June 10, 1869 Ack'd: June 10, 1869 Rec'd: June 11, 1869 @ ~ P,M. Liber 160 . page 105 Cons. 1370. HENRY HUNTTING, of the Town or Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, THE FIRST CHURCH, CONGREGATION OR SOCIETY IN SOUTHOLD, of the same place. CONVEYS:- ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate and being in the Village an d Town of Southold and County of Suffolk, aforesaid and bounded and described as followS, viz: Beginning on the North side of the main highway, or street leading through the said Village of Southold and at the ~outheast corner of the lot of land belonging to the inhabitants of School District Number Five .w::t'~.:'.'=:;:;' in said town and on which their district school house stands; thence i I II bounded Westerly by said School Lot to the Northwest corner thereof; thence bounded Southerly, partly by the said School Lot and partly by the lot of land belonging to St. Patrick's Church, whereon their church edifice stands, to the Northwest. corner thereof and to the land of Ira Tuthill; thence bounded Westerly by the said land of straight Ira Tuthill, sixty (pO) feet, on a continuous/line with the West boundary line of the aforesaid land belonging to St. Patrick's Church, thence bounded Northerly partly by the land of the said Ira Tuthill and partly by the land of Daniel Terry about Two hundred and twenty four feet and six inches, on a line parallel with the Northerly line ot the lands belonging to St. Patrick's Church, and to School Dis- trict Number Five, aforesaid; t hence bounded Easterly, partly by land of said Daniel Terry and partly by the land of j'jary Arm Rose, about Two hundred and fourteen feet; thence bounded Southerly by the said highway or street to the place of beginning, and containing by estimation, about one half of an acre, be the same more or less. --00-- No. 13 HENRY HUNTTING, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yorx, to WARRANTY DEED Dated: July 20, 1871 Ack'd: July 20, 1871 Rec'd: August 22, 1871 @ 3* P.M. Liber 179 page 572 Cons. ~731 "THE FIRST CHURCH, CONGREGATION OR SOCIETY IN SOUTH OLD ," in the town, county and state aforesaid CONVEYS:- ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate and being in the village and town of Southold, in the county of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded as follows, viz: On the South by the Main Street, or highway leading through the said village of Southo1d, ,_..-.;..,.,,~. .,....~,"-"_.._-_..:.,. -.~. ~~~~ on the West by land belonging to St. Patrick's Church of Southold, and on the North and East by the land t hat was conveyed to the said parties of the second part by the said Henry Huntting by deed bearing date the tenth day of June 1869 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 160 of Deeds, page 105. on the 11th day of June 1869. The said lot above described and hereby conveyed being or intended to be the same t hat was conveyed to the said Henry Huntting by Charles S. Tillinghast, Jonathan B. Terry and J. Albert Wells, Trustees of School District Number Five (5) in the said town of Southold, by deed recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 178 of Deeds, page 52 & c. the 25th day of April 1871 and which deed is dated the eighth day of December 1870. --00-- No. 14 = - -- ,.. '.;.,..;;;;;"~" ;,..;,;;..;....,...~:.~~. -' J':~,..,., _',",'.~.'"c.""',,,,~, - ~ THE FIRST CHURCH, CONGREGATION DR SOCIETY IN SOUTHOLD, a rel. corp. org. under the laws of the St. of N.Y., having its prine office at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, B. & S. DEED Dated: July 18, 1951 Ack'd: July 18, 1951 Roc'd: Aug. 2, 1951 @ 11:54 Liber 3246 page 516 . Cons. $10,000. U.S.r.R.S. ill.OO A.M. to TOWN OF" SOUTHOLD, a mun. corp. org. under tho laws of the St. of N.Y., having its prine offices at Southold and Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. CONVEYS:- ALL that tract or parcel of l~ld situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point marked by a grani te monument set on the northwesterly line of the Main Road at the southwesterly corner of land now or formocly of the Estate of Frederick K. Terry, deceased, (which point is the southeasterly corner of the premises herein des- cribed); running thence in a southwesterly direction along said north- westerlW line of the Main Road, South 60 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 80.50 feet; running thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by St. Patrick's Church to the Town of Southold 2 courses, as follows: ~l) North 29 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 153.30 feet; thence (2) South 60 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 146.26 feet to a point marked by a stone monument, and land of John Montgomery; running thence North 30 degrees 03 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 59.78 feet to a point marked by a granite monument, and land of Hedvig P. Terry; running thence North 60 dogrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 225.0 feet to a point marked by a granite monument; running thence South 29 deg- rees 56 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 213.96 feet to the point or place of beginning. ". '., ",'"~ ~''''''''''''' ",",,,,, TOGETHER with all the right, title and inte;r:est, if any, in and to the Nain Road in front of and abutting said promises to the center line the roof . This deed is given pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, duly made on the 14th day of June, 19.51, and entered in tho Clerk's Office on the 14th day of June, 19.51. --00-- to F. C. WAR. DEED Dated: July 22, 19.51 A6k'd: July 22, 19.51 Rec'd: Aug. 2, 19.51 @ 11:.54 Liber 3246 page .513 Cons. $.5,000.00 U.S.I.R.S. $.5.50 A.M. No. 1.5 ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH IN THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, a rel. corp. having its prine pl. of bus. at (no number) Main Street,Southold, Suffolk County, New York, THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a mun. corp. having its prine pl. of bus. at Town Hall, Southold, Suffolk County, New York. CONVEYS: - ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stato of New York, bounded ani described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on tho northwesterly line of the Main Road at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Alice M. Thompson (Which point is the southwesterly corner of the pre- mises herein described); running thence North 30 degrees 48 minutes .50 seconds West, a distance of 1.53.18 feet to a point marked by a stone monument ; running thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by tho Southold Presbyterian Church to the Town of Southold 2 courses, as follows: (1) North 60 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 146.26 feet; thence (2) South 29 degrees 1) minutes 40 seconds ~ast, a distance of 1.53.30 feet to said north- westerly line of the Main Road; running thence along said north- westerly line of the Main Road South 60 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 142.02 feet to tho point or place of beginning. .II.! 1.:1" ),,_III,1t ", ,'!(,;c..,. TOGETHER WITH all the right, title and interest, if any, in and to the Main Road in front of and abutting said premises to the center line thereof. BEING AND INThNDED to be the firs t parcel described in a con- veyance by the Rt. Rev. John Loughlin, Bishop of the City of Brooklyn, to St. Patrick's Church in the Town of Southold by deed dated February 1, 1866 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 28, 1866 in Liber 135 of Deeds at pago 580. This deed is given pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, duly made on the 21st day of July, 1951, and entered in the County Clerk's Offioe on the 24th day of July, 1951. --00-- '1/1I"""" ,:,~ ."",." '1""." -- 1"1 s-t // F',?-,,"'%,' ,....~, 5'- ~..~~""';-"'-"'" ~.-'-"--'-~ -TO 1951. ~'f{;$:;",h~~,'4~"~, ,;;;;..c..-.,-,.....\- ,~~\'t~,~I., 11_'"J.AIII!~